spatial variability of particulate matter (pm2.5) in the ambient air on

Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM 2.5 ) in the Ambient Air on the Campus of the University of Manchester A dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of MSc Environmental Monitoring Modelling and Reconstruction in the Faculty of Humanities. 2014 Jorge B. Cevallos School of Environment, Education and Development

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Page 1: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

in the Ambient Air on the Campus of the

University of Manchester

A dissertation submitted to the University of Manchester for the degree of MSc

Environmental Monitoring Modelling and Reconstruction in the Faculty of Humanities.


Jorge B. Cevallos

School of Environment, Education and Development

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Table of Contents

List of Illustrations .............................................................................................................................. 3

List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................... 3

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................. 5

Declaration .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Intellectual Property Statement ........................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 7

1.1. Background .................................................................................................................................. 7

1.2. Scope of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 2: Academic Context ......................................................................................................... 10

2.1. Characteristics of Particulate Matter .......................................................................................... 10

2.1.1. Characterization of Particulate Matter According to its Dimension ....................................... 10

2.2. Chemical Composition and Sources of Ambient Particulate Matter (PM2.5) ............................. 11

2.3. Factors Affecting PM2.5 Concentrations .................................................................................... 12

2.3.1. Traffic ..................................................................................................................................... 12

2.3.2.Meteorological Factors Affecting PM2.5 Concentrations ......................................................... 14

2.4. Methods to estimate PM2.5 ......................................................................................................... 16

2.4.1. Fixed Monitoring Stations ...................................................................................................... 17

2.4.2. Mobile Monitoring .................................................................................................................. 17

2.5. Human Exposure to Particulate Matter in Urban Environments................................................ 19

2.5.1. Human Exposure at Bus Stops and Street Intersections ......................................................... 20

2.6. Health Risks of Prolonged Exposure to PM2.5 ........................................................................... 21

2.7. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 21

Chapter 3: Research Questions ....................................................................................................... 22

Chapter 4: Methodology ................................................................................................................. 23

4.1. Monitoring Location .................................................................................................................. 23

4.2. Monitoring Equipment and Data Collection .............................................................................. 23

4.3. Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 24

Chapter 5: Results ........................................................................................................................... 26

5.1. Spatial Distribution of Ambient PM2.5 Concentrations at the University of Manchester .......... 26

5.1.1. PM2.5 concentrations on Oxford Road and Sackville Street .................................................... 27

5.1.2. Human Exposure to PM2.5 at Seven Bus Stops on Oxford Road ............................................ 28

5.1.3. Typical Pedestrian Exposure to PM2.5 along the Monitoring Route ....................................... 30

5.2. Temporal Variability of PM2.5 Concentrations .......................................................................... 31

5.2.1. Weekday-to-weekend PM2.5 Variability ................................................................................. 31

5.3. Factors Impacting PM2.5 Concentrations on the Campus of the University of Manchester ....... 34

5.3.1. Traffic ..................................................................................................................................... 34

5.3.2. Wind speed.............................................................................................................................. 35

5.3.3. Temperature ............................................................................................................................ 35

5.3.4. Relative Humidity ................................................................................................................... 36

5.3.5. Correlation between Incoming Buses and PM2.5 Concentrations at Bus Stops ....................... 37

Chapter 6: Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 38

6.1. Spatial distribution of ambient PM2.5 concentrations at the University of Manchester ............. 38

6.2. What is the temporal variability of PM2.5 concentrations at the University of Manchester? ..... 38

Chapter 7: Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 41

References ........................................................................................................................................ 42

Word Count


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List of Illustrations

Figure 1: Map displaying the area of the campus of the University of Manchester ..................... 9

Figure 2: Dimensions of PM10 and PM2.5 as compared to a human hair. .................................... 10

Figure 3: Mean chemical composition of atmospheric particles. ............................................... 11

Figure 4: Relationship between PM2.5 concentrations and traffic counts. ................................... 13

Figure 5: Vertical flow patterns in urban canyons. ..................................................................... 16

Figure 6: Location of the monitoring stations of the Automated Urban and Rural Network. .... 17

Figure 7: AEROFLEX bicycle (A) and van (B). ........................................................................ 18

Figure 8: Background PM2.5 concentrations in the study area. ................................................... 20

Figure 9: Typical bus stop design on Oxford Road, Manchester. ............................................... 21

Figure 10: Electron micrograph of a fine particle. ...................................................................... 21

Figure 11: Location of the monitoring sites. ............................................................................... 23

Figure 12: (A) Monitoring technique, (B) EPAM-5000 monitor and (C) anemometer. ............. 24

Figure 13: Distribution of PM2.5 levels on the campus of the University of Manchester. ........... 26

Figure 14: A) Site S.02 on Oxford Road. B) Site S.18 on Sackville Street.. .............................. 27

Figure 15: Mean PM2.5 concentrations for each monitoring site. ................................................ 28

Figure 16: Mean concentrations of PM2.5 at seven bus stops on Oxford Road. .......................... 29

Figure 17: Total number of exposed people to PM2.5 at seven bus stops. ................................... 29

Figure 18: Site S.04 -bus stop located in front of the City Labs Building. ................................. 30

Figure 19: Pedestrian exposure to PM2.5 along the monitoring route. ......................................... 30

Figure 20: Mean PM2.5 concentrations for all monitoring sites. .................................................. 31

Figure 21: Mean concentrations of PM2.5 for each day of the week. .......................................... 32

Figure 22: Mean PM2.5 concentrations for each monitoring site and day of the week ................ 33

Figure 23: Correlation between traffic counts and PM2.5 concentrations. ................................... 34

Figure 24: Correlation between wind speed and PM2.5 concentrations. ...................................... 35

Figure 25: Correlation between temperature and PM2.5 concentrations. ..................................... 36

Figure 26: Correlation between temperature and PM2.5 concentrations. ..................................... 36

Figure 27: Correlation between incoming buses and average PM2.5 concentrations. ................. 37

Figure 28: Average PM2.5 concentrations on Oxford Road and Sackville Street........................ 38

Figure 29: Correlation between variuos factors and PM2.5 concentrations. ................................ 39

List of Tables

Table 1: Natural and anthropogenic sources of ambient PM2.5 ................................................... 12

Table 2: Instrumentation for mobile monitoring of particulate matter. ...................................... 19

Table 3: Air Quality Index (AQI) for 24-hour fine particle concentrations. ............................... 21

Table 4: Summary of the obtained data ...................................................................................... 27

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Ambient PM2.5 concentrations were monitored at 21 sites on the campus of the

University of Manchester during the month of June 2014. Concentrations were found to

vary spatially and temporarily. The evaluation of the spatial variability of PM2.5

concentrations showed average values ranging from 11.27 µg m-3

to 25.72 µg m

-3. The

temporal fluctuation of PM2.5 concentrations ranged from 4.54 µg m-3

to 34.71 µg m-3


Human exposure to PM2.5 at bus stops, street intersections and along Oxford Road and

Sackville Street was measured and found to occur within the limits recommended by

national and international air quality regulations. PM2.5 levels were more strongly

correlated with relative humidity and general traffic counts. This study is presented as a

preliminary evaluation of the spatial variability, temporal fluctuation and factors

governing the concentrations of ambient fine particulate matter on the campus of the

University of Manchester.

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I would like to first thank God for the great opportunity of studying at the University of

Manchester. I also wish to thank Sarah Lindley, the Supervisor of my dissertation, for

her support and patience in providing me with the necessary advice throughout the

preparation of this document. I would like to express my gratitude to the Government of

Ecuador for their financial support for the acquisition of the particulate matter

monitoring equipment (without their help, this study would not have been possible).

More intimately, I wish to thank my wife Luisita Vélez for always encouraging me to

do my best throughout the course of my education abroad. Finally, my gratitude also

goes to my mother Silvia Bravo, sister María Zambrano, and all my siblings who in

many ways supported me while I was away from home.

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university or other institute of learning.

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Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on the Campus of the University of Manchester.

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Background

Airborne particulate matter (PM) is constituted by a colloid of solid or liquid particles

that can be classified according to their physical form and chemical composition. PM2.5

is the term used to describe fine particles whose dimensions are ≤2.5 microns (µm) in

diameter (Durant et al., 2014). PM2.5 can be comprised of organic or inorganic particles

depending on the source of emission (e.g. pollen, sawmilling processes, motor vehicles

and forest fires) (Ediagbonya et al., 2013; Kurth et al., 2014 and Shen et al., 2014).

Links between human exposure to PM2.5 and insidious health effects have been

consistently demonstrated by epidemiological studies (Colburn and Johnson, 2003; Nel,

2005 and Dominici et al., 2006). Prolonged human exposure to high PM2.5

concentrations can cause deleterious consequences to the respiratory and cardiovascular

systems (Pope et al., 2002). The ease with which these fine particles can reach the lungs

and heart may result in health disorders such as emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, lung

cancer and coronary artery disease (Ghio, 2014 and Rohr et al., 2014).

In the European Union, Directive (2008/50/EC) establishes standards for Member States

in relation to PM2.5 and other air pollutants. The Automated Urban and Rural Network

(AURN) is the major stationary monitoring network in the UK used for verifying

compliance of this Directive and other ambient air quality regulations (Chen et al.,

2008). This fixed monitoring network has the advantage of providing a good indication

of the temporal variability of ambient PM2.5 levels at the monitoring site. However, as

indicated by Van Poppel et al. (2013), stationary monitoring networks are incapable of

capturing the complete evolution of airborne particles, especially in polymorphic urban

environments with insufficient density of monitoring stations. Thus, large uncertainties

are expected in the estimation of PM2.5 concentrations for areas in-between monitoring

stations (Reyes and Serre, 2014). In contrast, mobile monitoring campaigns can be more

suitable to understand the spatial distribution patterns of PM2.5 concentrations and to

produce more accurate exposure estimates in cities with variegated structural and

topographical characteristics (Peters et al., 2013).

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The majority of PM2.5 studies have generally used data originated from stationary

monitoring networks (e.g. Blanchard et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2014 and Zhao et al.,

2014). However, with the increasing availability of relatively inexpensive portable

monitoring equipment, mobile monitoring is now becoming more abundant in the

literature. Despite this, most of the existing mobile monitoring studies are focused on

the understanding of the spatial distribution of PM2.5 levels without placing an

appropriate emphasis on specific human exposure locations (Weijers et al., 2004;

Wallace et al., 2009 and Tunno et al., 2012). Moreover, as indicated by Reyes and Serre

(2014), stationary and mobile monitoring can be unified to create a more robust

methodology, which considers human exposure estimates in urban environments

through the evaluation of both the spatial and temporal variability of ambient PM2.5


Therefore, in view of the scarcity of mobile monitoring studies providing an indication

of ambient PM2.5 concentrations at street locations with a large number of people, the

principal objective of this research is to evaluate the spatial and temporal variability of

PM2.5 concentrations using bus stops and street intersections as monitoring sites along

two major roads on the campus of the University of Manchester. In addition to PM2.5

monitoring, the obtained particle concentration values were correlated with traffic

counts and meteorological variables collected in situ and from a weather station.

Finally, monitoring is here presented with a different approach by integrating the

advantages of the stationary and mobile monitoring methodologies in order to produce a

more precise estimate of PM2.5 concentrations in an urban environment.

1.2. Scope of the Study

Due to time constraints and lack of personnel, this research work was restricted to

Oxford Road and Sackville Street —two important streets on the campus of the

University of Manchester (Figure 1). This area was selected due to the prominent

outdoor human exposure to PM2.5 occurring along the two streets. The physical

incapability of one person to perform multiple monitoring activities simultaneously

restrained the collection of in-situ meteorological variables to temperature and wind

speed. However, other data from the Whitworth Meteorological Observatory were also

used in the analyses. PM2.5 data were collected in the form of particle concentrations,

with no inclusion of chemically speciated data or details of the physical characteristics

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of the measured particles. Data collection took place in the month of June 2014 during

the summer break of the University of Manchester.

Figure 1: Map displaying the area of the campus of the University of Manchester (red contour). Oxford Road and Sackville Street are highlighted in darker blue lines. Source: Open Street Map, 2014.


100 m

Oxford Road

Sackville Street

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Chapter 2: Academic Context

2.1. Characteristics of Particulate Matter

Airborne particles are chemically an extremely diversified class of substances in the

atmosphere (Lee, 1972; Kelly, 2012 and Kurth et al., 2014). Despite this, they do have a

number of physical properties in common (e.g. dimension, surface area, and mass), and

for this reason are normally categorized with a distinct nomenclature, generally referred

to as particulate matter (PM) (AQEG, 2012). The concept of particulate matter may be

improperly allocated only to the solid phase. However, this distinction is difficult to

make in practice. Thus, it is more suitable to define PM as any dispersed matter, solid or

liquid, in which the individual particles are larger than single molecules (about 0.002

µm in diameter), but smaller than approximately 100 µm (Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts,


2.1.1. Characterization of Particulate Matter According to its Dimension

Initial attempts to quantify atmospheric particles in terms of their size were based on

gravimetric fractionation. For instance, in a study conducted by Lee (1972) using the

NASN cascade impactor, it was found that PM measured in urban air in the United

States and Great Britain was considerably uniform and composed of particles with

diameters less than 1 µm in size. In contrast, modern light scattering instruments (for

example, see APS 3321 Particle Sizer® and the Electrostatic Classifier Model 3080, TSI

Incorporated, 2014) are used today to classify PM according to its size. See Figure 2 for

the illustration of two common PM size categories.

Figure 2: Dimensions of PM10 and PM2.5 as compared to a human hair. Source: Adapted from U.S. EPA (2014).

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The most common dimension categories that particulate matter has been

correspondingly classified into are PM10 (≤10 µm in diameter); Fine Particles/PM2.5

(≤2.5 µm in diameter); PM1 (≤1.0 µm in diameter) and Ultrafine Particles/UFPs (≤0.1

µm in diameter) (Kurth et al., 2014). Larger particles, also known as coarse particles

(≥2.5 ≤100 µm), have a little contribution to particle number estimation (actual amount

of particles in the air), but they substantially contribute to the main proportion of total

particle mass (mass of the particles expressed in µg or mg). The opposite occurs with

fine particles (≤2.5 µm).

2.2. Chemical Composition and Sources of Ambient Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

The chemical constituents forming ambient PM2.5 in urban environments is largely

dependent on its origin (localized or regional), meteorological conditions, long-range

transport effects and chemical reactions in the atmosphere. For instance, black carbon is

associated with localized sources such as road traffic, industrial emissions and domestic

(solid fuel and oil) combustion (Saarikoski et al., 2008). Sillanpa¨a et al. (2005) show

that the major components in PM2.5, at six urban locations in Europe, were

carbonaceous compounds (elemental carbon + organic matter), sea salt and secondary

inorganic ions. Carbonaceous compounds are among the most abundant components

found in atmospheric PM2.5 in urban environments. Ammonium sulphate, sodium

chloride, ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, potassium, calcium and iron also make a

significant contribution to PM2.5 in urban zones (Yin and Harrison, 2008) (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Mean chemical composition of atmospheric particles (PM10, PM2.5, PM1 and PM2.5-10) from three sites in the United Kingdom: Bristol Road site (BROS), Birmingham City Centre site (BCCS) and Churchill Pumping Station site (CPSS). Bars representing PM2.5 have been highlighted in bold. Source: Reproduced from Yin and Harrison (2008).

PM10 PM2.5 PM1 PM2.5-10 PM10 PM2.5-10 PM2.5 PM1 PM10 PM2.5 PM1 PM2.5-10


Iron-rich Dust




Calcium Salts






ss C





n (










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In addition to localized emissions, regional sources can contribute to a substantial

fragment of the total mass of urban particulate matter. Examples of some natural

regional sources are volcanic dust, desert dust and vegetation pollen (Table 2.1). In a

study by Abdeen et al. (2014) conducted at three populated locations in Palestine,

Jordan and Israel, it was found that total PM2.5 mass was highly impacted by

contributions of sulphate and crustal components from dust storms originated in

regional desert areas. Thus, atmospheric PM2.5 in urban environments is a combination

of particles coming from localized and regional emission sources.

Table 1: Natural and anthropogenic sources of ambient PM2.5. Source: Extracted from European Environmental Agency, 2012.

Natural Regional Sources Anthropogenic Localized Sources

Soil erosion Motor vehicle exhaust

Sea salt particles Domestic biomass combustion (especially in winter)

Desert dust Industrial incinerators/boilers

Volcanic dust Restaurant cooking

Wild-land fires Power generation

Pollen Mining processes

Spores Cement plants

Livestock Sawmilling processes

2.3. Factors Affecting PM2.5 Concentrations

The most direct indicator of high concentrations of PM2.5 in urban locations is the

omnipresence of pollutant sources. It can be argued that a street filled with a great

number of fossil-fuel-powered vehicles is more likely to have higher PM2.5

concentrations than a rural site with few or no emission sources (Merbitz et al., 2012).

For instance, in the UK, rural annual average concentrations of PM2.5 range from 3.5 µg


to 10 µg m-3

(SNIFFER, 2011), and increase in cities by 100 % at the kerbside (1

meter from the kerb) of roads with a high density of traffic (Laxen et al., 2001). Apart

from traffic, there are other factors that can vary spatially and temporarily, and as a

consequence, can influence the levels of particulate matter in the atmosphere. The

following is a selection of the most influential factors affecting ambient PM2.5

concentrations in urban environments:

2.3.1. Traffic

Traffic is one of the major emission sources of PM2.5 in urban environments (Lee et al.,

2011). In the UK, road traffic accounts for a significant contribution to the existing

background PM2.5 concentrations (approximately 30-50% of total mass) (AQEG, 2012).

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Traffic-related emissions of PM2.5 can occur in two main ways. The first type of

emission is constituted by particles derived from the internal fossil fuel combustion (Ye

et al., 2003). The second type of emission is composed of non-exhaust particles that can

be originated from various physical processes such as tyre abrasion of the road surface,

tyre and break wear, and blowing of dust particles with the wind turbulence caused by

the vehicle’s motion (Wahlin et al., 2006; Apeagyei et al., 2011 and Lawrence et al.,

2013). Non-exhaust emissions are more difficult to be traced, and as a consequence

have been, to some extent, overlooked in the majority of air quality studies and

regulations (Pant and Harrison, 2013). In most air pollution studies, traffic is often

qualitatively and quantitatively categorized. For instance, Freiman et al. (2006) classify

traffic into five different categories: Private, Diesel, Truck, Bus and Motorcycle. Of this

group, private vehicles have been the major contributor to total traffic counts in most of

these studies, and for this reason, are also the greatest source of PM2.5 emissions.

The effect of traffic contributions to PM2.5 concentrations can be determined through

various methods. For example, Reponen et al. (2003) evaluate the variability in PM2.5

concentrations on roads as a function of the distance from traffic. In this way, it can be

possible to produce a lateral exposure gradient along a road. Other studies (e.g. Zhang

and Batterman, 2010 and Tunno et al., 2012) have used traffic counts to examine the

correlation between particulate matter levels and traffic density for a particular street or

highway (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Example of the relationship between PM2.5

concentrations and general traffic counts at a major highway in Detroit, Michigan during the summer season. Source: Redrawn from Zhang and Batterman (2010).





-4 0 2 4 6 8

Traffic counts (1000 vph)



d P


.5 µ

g m


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2.3.2. Meteorological Factors Affecting PM2.5 Concentrations

Variability in mass concentration of atmospheric particles can be dominated by a

number of meteorological factors such as temperature, wind speed and direction,

amount of precipitation, and the height of the atmospheric boundary (Pohjola et al.,

2000 and Pu et al., 2011). Studies have showed that in addition to local transport

emission characteristics, local meteorological conditions are also a driving factor

affecting PM2.5 levels in urban environments (Tai et al., 2010). Wind Speed

The literature suggests that stagnant days (days with stable meteorological conditions)

with low wind speed (<8 m s-1

) are accounted for higher PM2.5 concentrations. For

example, Tai et al. (2010) found that, on average, concentrations became

2.6 μg m−3

higher on days with minor wind speed in the United States. Pohjola et al.

(2004) also indicate that low-wind speed conditions are associated with higher

concentrations of particulate matter. Contrastingly, Vallius (2005) argues that high

pollutant levels may result from intense wind flows blowing natural dust provoking

concentrations to rise, sometimes at sites located hundreds or even thousands of

kilometres from the emission sources. Therefore, the correlation between wind speed

and PM2.5 concentrations is not always positive or negative, but depends on other factors

such as wind direction and proximity to emission sources. Wind Direction

Wind direction, in combination with wind speed, can affect the spread and transmission

of pollutants in urban environments. As remarked by Hitchins et al. (2000), wind

direction is an important factor impacting pollutant concentrations in urban settings.

Jones et al. (2010) indicate that wind flow patterns can significantly affect the spatial

distribution of airborne particles. However, in considering wind direction as a variable

affecting air pollution, the emission sources in relation to such direction should also be

taken into account. Temperature

Concentrations of organic and semi-volatile nitrate particles can vary with the amount

of oxidants present, which is dependent on photolysis rates, and consequently, cloud

cover (Dawson et al., 2007). A positive correlation was reported between average

values of PM2.5 concentrations and atmospheric temperatures in a study by Tai et al.,

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(2012) using data from about 1000 fixed monitoring stations in the United States.

However, when the temperature drops as a consequence of an atmospheric inversion,

higher particulate matter concentrations have been reported (Chen et al., 2012). Absolute and Relative Humidity

Dawson et al. (2007) concluded that absolute humidity had the largest impact on

ammonium nitrate aerosol concentrations of all the other meteorological variables

considered in a modelling case study for Eastern United States. The effects of increased

absolute humidity were an increase in aerosol concentrations. Similarly, Galindo et al.

(2011) state that a rise in relative humidity facilitates the fractionation of nitrate to the

aerosol phase enlarging average PM2.5 concentrations during the summer and fall

seasons. In their study, mean PM2.5 concentrations were 13.82% higher during the

summer with a mean relative humidity value of 64% than during the winter with 59%.

2.3.3. Urban Morphology

Air circulation at street level is dissimilar from that which occurs at higher altitudes

where physical barriers are essentially non-existent. Previous studies suggest that the

physical configuration within the urban canopy layer substantially affects the physics of

urban microenvironments (Oke, 1988). There are a variety of aspects in urbanism that

can affect the distribution of particulate matter (De Nicola et al., 2013). For instance,

man-made structures, vegetation, physical geometry, anthropogenic activity and

industrial operations are all factors involved in the formation and spatial dispersion of

contaminants at street level (Edussuriya et al., 2011). Street Canyons

Street canyons are places where the street is lined by buildings on both sides creating a

microenvironment resembling a natural canyon (Oke, 1988) (Figure 5). The dispersion

of pollutants in a street canyon is generally determined by the rate at which the air is

perpendicularly exchanged with the above roof-level atmosphere and laterally with the

adjoining streets (Vardoulakis et al., 2003).

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Figure 5: Vertical flow patterns in urban canyons for various aspect ratios. Source: Redrawn from Oke (1988).

There are three major dispersion conditions that can be identified in street canyons: a)

low wind conditions, b) vertical or near-vertical flow and c) parallel or near-parallel

wind flow. Figure 5 illustrates some vertical flow patterns in urban canyons for various

aspect ratios. For long canyons without contiguous streets, studies (see Vardoulakis et

al., 2003) have reported that an increase in pollutant concentrations is more likely to

occur when wind flows are parallel to the street axis. Research suggests that even when

the traffic density decreases at street canyons, the levels of particulate matter can remain

larger than the urban background (Dos Santos-Juusela et al., 2013). Thus, the wind

circulation patterns in street canyons may lead to higher concentrations of pollutants

and increased risk of human exposure with serious health consequences (Michaels and

Kleinman, 2000).

2.4. Methods to estimate PM2.5

PM2.5 can be estimated through in-situ monitoring techniques or by means of

computational methods. Monitoring can be either fixed (Blanchard et al., 2014) or

mobile (Weijers et al., 2004). Some examples of computational methods are land use

regression, chemical transport models, satellite data and a variety of geospatial

approaches (e.g. kriging interpolation) (Reyes, 2014).

Isolated roughness flow

Wake interface flow Skimming flow

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2.4.1. Fixed Monitoring Stations

Fixed monitoring stations are the most common method to estimate PM2.5

concentrations in countries with air pollution control programs (Figure 6). They have

the advantage of capturing the temporal variability of PM2.5 and other air pollutants, and

can be used in rural or urban locations (AQEG, 2012). Data from fixed monitoring

stations can be geospatially analysed to provide estimates of concentrations in between

stations (Reyes, 2014). The accuracy of such estimates is largely determined by the

density of the monitoring network, which must be capable of capturing the geospatial

changes in the variables influencing PM2.5 levels (Van Poppel et al., 2013).

2.4.2. Mobile Monitoring

Mobile monitoring can provide a solution to evaluate the spatial variability of

particulate matter in a wide range of sizes, with a reduced number of instruments and in

a restrained timeframe (Van Poppel et al., 2013). It is especially useful for air quality

mapping in places with no existing fixed monitoring stations, or for hot spot

identification and assessment of human exposure locations as a complement to

stationary networks. Mobile monitoring can use a variety of techniques. For instance,

traditional mobile studies have been conducted in vans or other type of motor vehicles

Figure 6: Location of the monitoring stations of the Automated Urban and Rural Network in 2010. The colours (blue, green and red) differentiate the type of PM2.5 monitor used at each station. The pictures of the instruments only symbolize the brand, not the specific model. Source: Redrawn and adapted from AQEG (2012).

Partisol FDMS BAM

100 Km

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equipped with modern air quality monitors and GPS logging system (Figure 7). All

instruments are generally synchronized to simultaneously record geographical

coordinates and particle concentration measurements (Wallace et al., 2009 and Tunno et

al., 2012).

Other mobile studies have used bicycles especially assembled for air pollution

monitoring. For example, Elen et al. (2012) carried out a mobile monitoring study in

Belgium using the AEROFLEX bicycle with which it was possible to assess people's

real life exposure to particulate matter and other air pollutants by identifying hot spots

within the city of Antwerp, Belgium (Figure 2.7).

Figure 7: AEROFLEX bicycle (A) and van (B) used for mobile PM2.5 monitoring studies. Source: Elen et al. (2012) and Wallace et al. (2009) respectively.

Mobile monitoring of PM2.5 can also be performed on foot (Gulliver and Briggs, 2004

and Dionisio et al., 2010). The principal advantages of monitoring on foot are that

measurements can be taken at pedestrian speed and at the normal height of an exposed

individual. However, the research scope (area to be monitored) and the dimensions and

weight of the monitoring instruments can be a constraint for on-foot monitoring. Table

2.2 shows some of the most widely used particulate matter monitors used in mobile

monitoring studies.



Page 19: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Table 2: Instrumentation for mobile monitoring of particulate matter. Source: Extracted and adapted from Elen et al. (2012).

Study Instrumentation Sampling

Rate (s)

Westerdahl et al.

(2005, 2007) EcoChem PAH analyser, model PAS 2000 2

Kaur et al. (2007) High-Flow Personal Sampler (HFPS) variable

Greaves et al. (2008) SIDEPAK™ AM510 Personal Monitor variable

Wallace et al. (2009)

and Adams et al.


DustTrak model 8520 monitors (TSI Inc.,

Shoreview, MN, USA). GRIMM model 1.107 1

Dionisio et al. (2010) DustTrak model 8520 monitors (TSI Inc.,

Shoreview, MN, USA) 60

Vogel et al. (2011) GRIMM OPC, GRIMM Nano-Check 6

Tunno et al. (2012)

Hazdust monitor (Model EPAM-5000,


Devices Corporation (EDC) 1

2.5. Human Exposure to Particulate Matter in Urban Environments

Pedestrians are an important group being exposed to particulate matter in cities

(Gulliver and Briggs, 2004). Their exposure can be governed by different factors such

as walking speed, direction and side preference (adjacent to or distant from traffic

emissions) (Greaves et al., 2008). Other groups affected by air pollution are bus

commuters and cyclists. For example, in Manchester, England, research by Gee and

Raper (1999) showed that a commuter on bus route 85 was exposed to mean PM2.5

concentrations of 338 µg m-3

, and cyclists to concentrations of approximately 54 µg m-3


However, with the application of national emission controls to meet air quality

standards, those values have decreased over the last decade.

Expected annual background PM2.5 concentration data for the UK are available from the

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) from 2011 up to 2030. In

Figure 8, it can be observed that on the campus of the University of Manchester, the

average background PM2.5 levels expected for 2014 range from 8 µg m-3

to 10 µg m-3


Additionally, a report by the Manchester City Council (2011) shows that by 2009 and

2010, the average concentrations of PM2.5 at Piccadilly Station were 12 µg m-3

and 18

µg m-3

respectively. These updated values are considerably below the National Air

Quality Strategy objective of 25 µg m-3

(Defra, 2007). However, since particulate matter

concentrations are not generally homogeneous even within a same urban area, different

(higher or lower) values may be obtained from monitoring at different locations.

Page 20: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


2.5.1. Human Exposure at Bus Stops and Street Intersections

Human exposure to fine particulate matter can also occur while waiting at bus stops

(Dales et al., 2007) and street intersections (traffic light change) (Slavin, 2013). In a

study by Hess et al. (2010) carried out in Buffalo, New York, it was found that

concentrations of particulate matter inside bus stops were 18% greater than those

outside, mainly due to the contribution of a number of factors including cigarette smoke

and incoming bus emissions. The bus stop design (open or enclosed) and the type of

buses (electric, hybrid, fossil-fuel-powered, etc.) can reduce or exacerbate the

concentrations of pollutants at these microenvironments. Likewise, street intersections

can be characterized by high concentrations of particulate matter owing to the emissions

originated from idling vehicles at both intersecting streets (He et al., 2009). Yet, studies

concerning pollutant exposure at bus stops and street intersections remain severely

limited (Dales et al., 2007 and Kaur et al., 2005). Figure 9 shows the type of design that

is characteristic of most bus stops on Oxford Road, Manchester.

100 m

Figure 8: Background PM2.5 concentrations expected for 2014 in the study area. Source: Defra, 2014.

Page 21: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


2.6. Health Risks of Prolonged Exposure to PM2.5

There is a broad consensus that particulate matter can provoke deleterious consequences

to human health (Kaiser, 2000; Colburn and Johnson, 2003 and Nel, 2005). According

to the United Nations, 500,000 people are estimated to be killed by PM each year (UN,

1994). Epidemiological studies confirm a constant increase in respiratory and

cardiovascular morbidity and mortality from exposure to fine particulate matter (Nel,

2005). Fine and ultrafine particles (see Figure 10) have been considered as the most

toxic category of particulate matter largely due to their size, which facilitates their

intrusion into the lungs and heart. The most common diseases caused by prolonged

exposure to PM2.5 are emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, lung cancer and coronary artery

disease (Ghio, 2014 and Rohr et al., 2014). Directive (2008/50/EC) provides the

legislative framework for regulating atmospheric PM2.5 concentrations in the UK and

other Member States of the European Union. The recommended annual PM2.5

concentration values that a person can be exposed to are 25 µg m-3

for an averaging

period of 1 year. This standard is consistent with the American Environmental

Protection (EPA) limits and thresholds presented in Table 2.3.

Table 3: Air Quality Index (AQI) for 24-hour fine particle concentration (PM2.5). Source: EPA, 2012.

AQI Category Index


Revised Breakpoints

(µg m-3

, 24-hour average)

Good 0-50 0.0-12.0

Moderate 51-100 12.1-35.4

Unhealthy for

Sensitive Groups 101-150 35.5-55.4

Unhealthy 151-200 55.5-150.4

Very Unhealthy 201-300 150.5-250.4

Hazardous 301-400 250.5-350.4

401-500 350.5-500

Figure 9: Typical bus stop design on Oxford Road, Manchester. Source: Author’s own image.

Figure 10: Electron micrograph of a fine particle probably composed of polar organic compounds and inorganic salts. Source: Nel (2005).

Page 22: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Chapter 3: Research Questions

1. What is the spatial distribution of ambient PM2.5 concentrations on the campus

of the University of Manchester?

From the analysis to the projected average background PM2.5 concentrations for 2014

(obtained from Defra) for the study area, it is hypothesized that atmospheric PM2.5

levels will be higher on the north of the campus of the University of Manchester (refer

to Figure 8: on page 20). However, monthly PM2.5 concentrations may be different from

annual average values as a consequence of the meteorological conditions of the

prevailing season. For this reason, evidence of the spatial variability of ambient PM2.5

concentrations during the month of June 2014 (summer) will be presented in the form of

average values for each monitoring site covering the entire period of the study.

2. What is the temporal variability of PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the

University of Manchester?

In addition to varying spatially, PM2.5 concentrations can also change temporally. These

variations can be evaluated on an hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis. For

the purpose of this study, the variability in PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the

University of Manchester will be evaluated from one monitoring day to another for all

days of the month of June 2014.

3. What are the most influential factors impacting PM2.5 concentrations during

the summer season on the campus of the University of Manchester?

Meteorological factors, for example temperature, wind speed and humidity can exert an

influence upon PM2.5 concentrations in urban environments (Pohjola et al., 2000).

Similarly, traffic conditions, which can vary in time (weekdays vs. weekends) can

influence the spatial ambient PM2.5 concentration patterns (Lee et al., 2011). Evidence

of the influence of the above-mentioned factors on ambient PM2.5 levels on the campus

of the University of Manchester will be presented in the form of statistical correlation


Page 23: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Chapter 4: Methodology

4.1. Monitoring Location

Ambient PM2.5 concentrations were monitored on the campus of the University of

Manchester along Oxford Road and Sackville Street (Figure 11). An additional site at

Whitworth Park was selected with the purpose of evaluating the effect of trees on

atmospheric PM2.5 levels. A total of 21 monitoring sites were considered, of which 14

sites were located at the major street intersections on Oxford Road and Sackville Street,

and 7 sites corresponded to the existing bus stops on the right-hand side of Oxford Road

following the monitoring trajectory in Figure 11.

4.2. Monitoring Equipment and Data Collection

Following the methodology of Tunno et al. (2012), a light scattering nephelometer, the

Hazdust monitor (Model EPAM-5000, Environmental Devices Corporation (EDC),

Plaistow, NH 03865) was used for daily measurements of PM2.5 concentrations at 21

sites on the campus of the University of Manchester (Figure 12). Temperature and wind

speed were measured with the handheld LAC-EA3000 anemometer. Humidity data

S.01 S.03 S.02

S.04 S.05


S.07 S.08

S.09 S.10









S.19 S.20


100 m

Oxford Road

Sackville Street

Whitworth Park

Figure 11: Map showing the location of the monitoring sites on the campus of the University of Manchester. The arrows on the map show the monitoring trajectory employed in this study. Source: Open Street Map, 2014.

Page 24: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


were obtained from the Whitworth Meteorological Observatory. Additionally, a

qualitative description (sunny, rainy, cloudy, etc.) of the weather conditions for each

monitoring day was recorded for facilitating the interpretation of the obtained

meteorological data. Incoming bus counts were taken at each bus stop during the

complete monitoring period. However, general traffic was counted only during the final

monitoring week. Walking was the only means of transport while monitoring PM2.5

concentrations (Dionisio et al., 2010) and meteorological variables. All variables were

simultaneously measured during each monitoring run.

The Hazdust monitor has a sampling rate of 1 second; however, PM2.5 measurements

were taken for two minutes to make the data recording process more manageable.

Monitoring was done from 4.00 to 6.00 pm (afternoon traffic peak hours) and each run

lasted for approximately 90 minutes, including the return time. The monitoring

campaign was performed during all the days of June 2014. For safety concerns,

monitoring was performed facing incoming traffic, and the monitoring trajectory was

from South to North. In order to avoid inconveniences (being interrogated or causing

discomfort), the Hazdust monitor was placed inside a backpack. Thus, monitoring was

carried out in a discrete manner (Figure 12).

4.3. Data Analysis

For the spatial and temporal PM2.5 concentration analysis, raw values were pre-

processed by averaging the concentrations obtained during the two-minute period at

each monitoring site. The resulting values were then incorporated onto an Excel-2010

spreadsheet for further analysis. Average PM2.5 concentration values were calculated

taking into consideration the location (spatial analysis) and the monitoring campaign

duration (temporal analysis) (Elen et al., 2012). Boxplots were used for illustrating the

PM2.5 concentration data through their quartiles. Maps showing the study location and

Figure 12: (A) Monitoring technique, (B) HAZ-DUST EPAM-5000 monitor and (C) LAC-EA3000 anemometer. Source: Author’s own images.




Page 25: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


PM2.5 concentrations were downloaded from the internet and processed on Adobe

Illustrator CS6. For the evaluation of the factors affecting PM2.5 concentrations,

incoming buses and general traffic were considered as a spatial rather than a temporal

variable. In contrast, all meteorological variables were evaluated as factors changing

from one monitoring day to another. Simple linear regression analysis was performed

on Excel 2010 for evaluating the relationship of each considered factor and PM2.5


Page 26: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Chapter 5: Results

5.1. Spatial Distribution of Ambient PM2.5 Concentrations on the Campus of the

University of Manchester

The campus of the University of Manchester lies on two areas; one centred on Oxford

Road (south) and the other on Sackville Street (north). Ambient PM2.5 concentrations

were varied along these two areas (Table 5.1, Figure 13 and 14). The highest mean

PM2.5 concentration (25.72 µg m-3

) was obtained at site S.02 (bus stop near Hathersage

Road) on Oxford Road. The lowest mean PM2.5 level (11.26 µg m-3

) corresponded to

site S.18 (intersection, Service Road) on Sackville Street. Results show that the average

PM2.5 concentrations are higher on the south than on the north of the campus of the

University of Manchester (Figure 13).

Figure 13: Map showing the distribution of PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the University of Manchester. Each coloured circle represents the mean PM2.5 values obtained from June 1

st to June 30

th, 2014. Source: Bing Maps,


11.1-12.0 12.1-13.0 13.1-14.0 14.1-15.0 15.1-16.0 16.1-17.0 17.1-18.0 18.1-19.0 19.1-20.0 20.1-21.0 21.1-22.0 22.1-23.0 23.1-24.0 24.1-25.0 25.1-26.0

PM2.5 (µg m-3


100 m

Lowest value

Highest value

Page 27: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Figure 14: A) Site S.02 (Bus stop near Hathersage Road) on Oxford Road. B) Site S.18 (Intersection, Service Road) on Sackville Street. Source: Google Earth, 2014.

5.1.1. PM2.5 Concentrations on Oxford Road and Sackville Street

On Oxford Road, with the exception of site S.01 located in the middle of Whitworth

Park, the first six monitoring locations were characterized by relatively high PM2.5

concentrations ranging from 21.45 µg m-3

(site S.03) to 25.72 µg m

-3 (site S.02) (Figure

15). It can be hypothesized that PM2.5 concentrations at site S.01 have been diminished

by the removal of the ambient particulate matter by the existing trees, which form a

natural barrier that improves the air quality at Whitworth Park. This effect has been

widely documented in the literature (Beckett et al., 1998 and Nowak et al., 2013). PM2.5

levels at sites beginning from S.07 to S.17 ranged from 13.29 µg m-3

(site S.11) to 17.18

µg m-3

(site S.13). In the case of Sackville Street, PM2.5 concentrations ranged from

Table 4: Summary of the obtained data. Values are expressed in averages.


Name References

Location PM2.5

µg m-3



m/s T


(%) Traffic

counts/min N W

S.01 Whitworth Park 53.458828 -2.22957 17.19 1.58 23.66 60.93 0

S.02 Bus stop (near Hathersage Road) 53.458696 -2.22726 25.72 2.46 23.30 60.99 24

S.03 Intersection (Hathersage Road) 53.459163 -2.22741 21.45 5.06 23.29 60.84 24

S.04 Bus stop (City Labs) 53.461905 -2.22892 22.65 2.46 22.56 61.24 15

S.05 Intersection (Nelson Street) 53.462295 -2.22931 22.01 4.35 22.43 61.47 16

S.06 Intersection (Grafton Street) 53.462931 -2.22991 22.14 3.37 22.29 61.48 15

S.07 Bus stop (across From RBS) 53.463952 -2.23111 16.28 3.08 21.45 61.67 12

S.08 Intersection (Ackers Street) 53.464107 -2.23131 14.22 5.05 21.81 61.67 12

S.09 Bus stop (across From Student's Union) 53.464522 -2.23178 15.29 2.36 22.12 61.67 13

S.10 Intersection (Dover Street) 53.464893 -2.23222 15.65 2.66 22.18 61.47 12

S.11 Intersection (Brunswick Street) 53.465571 -2.23292 13.29 3.94 22.23 61.44 12

S.12 Bus stop (across From Waterloo Place) 53.467324 -2.23444 16.29 1.75 21.81 61.87 11

S.13 Bus stop (Saint Peter's Chaplaincy) 53.467604 -2.23476 17.18 1.55 21.95 62.41 12

S.14 Intersection (Booth Street) 53.468328 -2.23526 14.74 3.70 22.18 62.74 17

S.15 Bus stop (Manchester Aquatics Centre) 53.469684 -2.23645 13.66 1.03 21.99 62.92 13

S.16 Intersection (Grosvenor Street) 53.470104 -2.23688 15.09 2.74 22.29 62.78 15

S.17 Intersection (Sidney Street) 53.47109 -2.23776 16.43 2.30 22.31 62.54 10

S.18 Intersection (Service Road) 53.473644 -2.23401 11.27 5.88 21.57 62.32 3

S.19 Intersection (Altrincham Street) 53.474868 -2.23484 12.61 2.06 21.54 61.89 3

S.20 Intersection (Granby Row) 53.47536 -2.23513 11.96 2.38 21.51 61.79 4

S.21 Intersection (Whitworth Street) 53.476197 -2.23562 13.21 3.57 21.37 61.86 14

Site S.02

Site S.18


Page 28: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


11.27 µg m-3

(site S.18) to 13.21 µg m-3

(site S.21) (Figure 15). PM2.5 concentration

variability is also evident within the same monitoring site. For example, some sites were

characterized by maximum values above 50 µg m-3

(S.02, S.04, S.05, S.06 and S.07),

and in all sites, there were minimum concentration values below 5 µg m-3

(Figure 15).

In general, there is a declining trendline defining average PM2.5 concentrations from site

S.02 to S.21.

Figure 15: Mean PM2.5 concentrations for each monitoring site on the campus of the University of Manchester from June 1

st to June 30

th, 2014.

5.1.2. Human Exposure to PM2.5 at Seven Bus Stops on Oxford Road

Of the seven monitored bus stops, the one located near the intersection of Oxford and

Hathersage Roads obtained the highest PM2.5 concentrations with an average value of

25.72 µg m-3

(Figure 16). The lowest concentrations were obtained at the bus stop in

front of the Manchester Aquatics Centre with a mean PM2.5 concentration value of 13.66

µg m-3

. Despite having similarities in their basic design, there were differences in the

dimensions of some of the bus stops considered in this study. For example, bus stop

S.04 is the largest in comparison to all the other monitored bus stops (Figure 16). Bus

stop dimension and design are variables that in contribution with localized emissions

and meteorological factors can play a substantial role in the levels of particulate matter

inside these microenvironments (Hess et al., 2010). However, details concerning bus

stop design are outside the scope of this study. PM2.5 concentrations inside bus stops

follow the same general pattern of relatively high concentrations on the south and low

concentrations on the north of the campus of the University of Manchester.














S.01 S.02 S.03 S.04 S.05 S.06 S.07 S.08 S.09 S.10 S.11 S.12 S.13 S.14 S.15 S.16 S.17 S.18 S.19 S.20 S.21






Monitoring sites South North

Page 29: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Figure 16: Boxplot showing the mean concentrations of PM2.5 at seven bus stops on Oxford Road from June 1st

to June 30

th, 2014. Number of Exposed People

The bus stop with the greatest number of exposed individuals is the one located in front

of the City Labs Building (S.04) (Figure 17 and 18). In total, 213 people were counted

in the two-minute monitoring period during the thirty days of the month of June 2014.

In contrast, the lowest number of exposed people was recorded at bus stop S.09 located

across from the University of Manchester Student’s Union building. The number of

exposed individuals at each bus stop is largely dependent on the annual schedule of the

academic activities at the University of Manchester and other educational institutions

adjacent to the study area. In particular, bus stop S.09 was severely affected by the

significant absence of students due to the start of the summer break at the University of

Manchester. In fact, it can be hypothesized that if this research had been performed in a

different month with regular academic activities, S.09 might have been the bus stop

with the largest number of exposed individuals of all the seven bus stops considered in

this study.

Figure 17: Total number of exposed people to PM2.5 at seven bus stops on Oxford Road from June 1st

to June 30th

, 2014.








S.02 S.04 S.07 S.09 S.12 S.13 S.15






Bus stops South North



93 90 95

137 142







S.02 S.04 S.07 S.09 S.12 S.13 S.15



r o

f e



d p



Bus stops

Page 30: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Figure 18: Site S.04 corresponding to the bus stop located in front of the City Labs Building. Source: Google Earth, 2014.

5.1.3. Typical Pedestrian Exposure to PM2.5 along the Monitoring Route

With the aim of evaluating the typical exposure of a pedestrian using the walking route

employed in this monitoring study, data are presented in Figure 19 illustrating the range

of PM2.5 concentrations that an individual can be exposed to at afternoon rush hours

(4.00 to 6.00 pm). The data corresponds to a regular sunny day. A total of six relatively

high PM2.5 concentrations ranging from 30 µg m-3

to 40 µg m-3

were recorded near sites

S.02, S.04, S.11, S.13, S.14 and S.17 (Figure 19). These higher PM2.5 concentrations

can be attributed to traffic contribution due to the fact that no other immediate sources

were observed. In general, most of the data reflect low PM2.5 concentrations fluctuating

from 5 µg m-3

to 20 µg m-3


Figure 19: Pedestrian exposure to PM2.5 along the monitoring route. These values correspond to Thursday June 5th

. 2014. The arrows in the graph show the approximate location of each monitoring site (S.01 -first left arrow to S.21-last right arrow).











16:19:12 16:33:36 16:48:00 17:02:24 17:16:48 17:31:12 17:45:36 18:00:00







Site S.04

Page 31: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


5.2. Temporal Variability of PM2.5 Concentrations

PM2.5 concentrations varied temporarily from mean values of 4.54 µg m-3

(June 12th


2014) to 34.71 µg m-3

(June 2nd

, 2014) (Figure 20). Measurements taken on June 2nd

were affected by light precipitation that lasted for the complete monitoring period. Thus,

relative humidity was also high during the same time interval (78% to 100%). Previous

research suggests that high relative humidity has a positive impact on atmospheric

PM2.5 by increasing its concentration as a result of the chemical reactions occurring in

the atmosphere during high humidity events (Galindo et al., 2011). In contrast, the

lowest average PM2.5 concentrations were recorded during a sunny day with

temperatures of approximately 27 °C. June 9th

was the day with the greatest degree

of variability in the PM2.5 concentrations recorded at the 21 sites with minimum and

maximum values fluctuating from 3.83 µg m-3

to 45.75 µg m-3


Figure 20: Mean PM2.5 concentrations for all monitoring sites on the campus of the University of Manchester from June 1

st to June 30

th, 2014.

5.2.1. Weekday-to-weekend PM2.5 Variability

On average, the highest PM2.5 concentrations were recorded on Mondays, whereas the

lowest levels correspond to Tuesdays (Figure 21). Most of the variability in mean PM2.5

concentrations occurred from Monday to Thursday with mean values ranging from

14.98 µg m-3

to 20.76 µg m-3

. From Friday to Sunday, the variability was minor and

only fluctuated from 15.06 µg m-3

to 15.83 µg m-3

. These results indicate that PM2.5

levels on the campus of the University of Manchester remain relatively stable during the










. 1


. 2


. 3


. 4


. 5


. 6


. 7


. 8


. 9


. 10


. 11


. 12


. 13


. 14


. 15


. 16


. 17


. 18


. 19


. 20


. 21


. 22


. 23


. 24


. 25


. 26


. 27


. 28


. 29


. 30






Monitoring days

Page 32: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Figure 21: Boxplot showing the mean concentrations of PM2.5 for each day of the week from June 1st

to June 30th

, 2014.

By examining the temporal variability of PM2.5 at each monitoring site, it can be

observed that most variation occurs at the first seven sites (S.01-S.07) (Figure 22 on the

next page). For example, Mondays are the days with the largest PM2.5 levels, whereas

the rest of the days appear to be substantially consistent. From sites S.08 to S.21, the

temporal variability of PM2.5 levels is more equally distributed among the other days of

the week. In general, PM2.5 concentrations in the ambient air of the campus of the

University of Manchester are higher on Mondays, decrease during the rest of the week

and finally stabilize on the weekends. For the first seven sites, the PM2.5 variability

responds positively to traffic conditions as it has been found in previous studies (Zhang

and Batterman, 2010).










Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat.






Monitoring days

Page 33: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Figure 22: Mean PM2.5 concentrations for each monitoring site and day of the week from June 1st

to June 30th

, 2014.

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40






















PM2.5 (µg m-3)




g s



Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday

Tuesday Monday Sunday

Page 34: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


5.3. Factors Impacting PM2.5 Concentrations on the Campus of the University of


As it has been observed, PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the University of

Manchester have varied both spatially and temporarily. However, despite the fact that

all the examined factors influencing ambient PM2.5 levels can also vary in terms of

space and time, traffic was here considered as a spatial rather than a temporal factor.

This is because traffic counts were taken during the final monitoring week and not for

the entire duration of the study. In contrast, all other factors (wind speed, temperature

and relative humidity) were considered as temporal variables. Due to this consideration,

the maximum and minimum average PM2.5 concentrations presented in the following

evaluation of the factors affecting PM2.5 concentrations are not the same as those

presented in the PM2.5 spatial distribution analysis on page 27.

5.3.1. Traffic

The correlation analysis between traffic and PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the

University of Manchester shows a positive trend in the relationship between both

variables (Figure 23). Traffic counts at sites beginning from S.02 to S.06 are higher than

at the majority of the other sites, with the exception of sites S.14 and S.16. This

characteristic is also evident in the PM2.5 concentrations at the first above-mentioned

locations. However, the low R2 value of 0.26 indicates that the relationship between

traffic and PM2.5 concentrations is not satisfactorily robust. Traffic counts proved to be a

difficult factor to measure due to the lack of a research assistant and the relatively short

period of time (2 minutes) allocated for the counts at each site. It can be hypothesized

that with more precise traffic counts carried out for a longer period of time, this

correlation could become stronger.

y = 0.3306x + 13.273 R² = 0.2636









0 5 10 15 20 25 30






Traffc counts (vpm)

Line 1:1

Figure 23: Correlation between traffic counts and PM2.5 concentrations in the ambient air on the campus of the University of Manchester.

Page 35: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


5.3.2. Wind speed

PM2.5 concentrations and wind speed have a negative correlation suggesting that as

wind speed increases, PM2.5 concentrations decrease and vice versa (Figure 24). Wind

speed measurements were taken at each site and no wind data from a meteorological

station were used. Repeating wind speed and direction patterns were observed at a few

sites as a consequence of the existing physical geometry surrounding the monitoring

location. For example, at site 18 (highest average wind speed, 5.88 m/s), wind speed

often appeared to be particularly higher when compared to the other sites, and at this

location, wind always flowed from the Northeast until it reached Faraday building. In

contrast, wind speed inside Whitworth Park (lowest average wind speed, 1.58 m/s) was

often low, most probably due to the surrounding trees in all directions of the monitoring

location. The days with the lowest and highest average wind speed values were June


(0.73m/s) and June 5th

(5.28 m/s) respectively. Finally, in order to attenuate the

effects of wind direction on PM2.5 concentrations, the particulate matter monitor was

always pointed at a different direction from the wind flow.

5.3.3. Temperature

From the correlation analysis, it can be observed that PM2.5 concentrations respond

negatively to temperature values (Figure 25). Most of the PM2.5 concentrations

including the lowest (4.54 µg m-3

) occur within the 20 °C to 27 °C. However, the largest

PM2.5 concentration (34.71 µg m-3

) took place during a day with an average temperature

of 16 °C. This correlation analysis suggests that on sunny and bright days, PM2.5

concentrations on the campus of the University of Manchester were lower than they

were on cloudy days with lower temperatures. These results contribute to the existing

y = -2.1149x + 22.965 R² = 0.1341










0 1 2 3 4 5 6






Wind speed (m/s)

Figure 24: Correlation between wind speed and PM2.5 concentrations in the ambient air on the campus of the University of Manchester.

Line 1:1

Page 36: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


literature (e.g. Tai et al., 2010 and Tran and Mölders, 2011) suggesting a negative

correlation between temperature and atmospheric PM2.5 concentrations.

5.3.4. Relative Humidity

From all the evaluated factors, relative humidity had the strongest correlation with

PM2.5 concentrations with an R2

value of 0.32 (Figure 26). In fact, the highest seven

mean PM2.5 concentration values were obtained during either cloudy or rainy days with

relative humidity values above 50 %. Other studies (see DeGaetano and Doherty 2004

and Galindo et al., 2011) have also found that during high relative humidity conditions,

ambient PM2.5 concentrations increase as a result of the formation of wet droplets when

dry inorganic particles absorb water from the atmosphere.

y = -1.0177x + 39.161 R² = 0.2355










0 5 10 15 20 25 30






Temperature °C

Line 1:1

Figure 25: Correlation between temperature and PM2.5 concentrations in the ambient air on the campus of the University of Manchester.

y = 0.2404x + 1.9937 R² = 0.3289










0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100






Relative humidity (%)

Line 1:1

Figure 26: Correlation between temperature and PM2.5 concentrations in the ambient air on the campus of the University of Manchester. The dotted-line square encloses the days with the highest PM2.5 concentrations (2

nd, 7

th, 15

th, 19



, 25th

and 26th

of June 2014).

Page 37: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Though the results indicate a relatively high correlation (in comparison with the other

factors) between PM2.5 levels and relative humidity, this relationship lacks the sufficient

strength so that PM2.5 levels can be entirely attributed to relative humidity conditions.

However, in a modest way, it can be argued that during the summer season, relative

humidity is the most influential meteorological factor affecting ambient PM2.5

concentrations on the campus of the University of Manchester.

5.3.5. Correlation between Incoming Buses and PM2.5 Concentrations at Bus Stops

Incoming buses and PM2.5 concentrations are remarkably correlated (R2: 0.52) at the

seven monitored bus stops on Oxford Road (Figure 27). The results show that bus stops

with a greater number of incoming buses have larger PM2.5 concentrations than those

with fewer buses stopping during the monitoring activity. Bus stop S.02 had the largest

number (60 in total) of incoming buses during the monitoring period, and as it has been

previously mentioned, also the highest PM2.5 concentrations. The lowest number of

incoming buses (21 in total) was obtained at bus stop S.12 (across From Waterloo

Place). Stagecoach was the most predominant bus company operating on the monitoring

route followed by Megabus, and with fewer occurrences, Quids in and Oxford Road

Link. Previous studies have shown that exhaust emissions from incoming buses can

increase the PM2.5 concentrations in these microenvironments (Hess et al., 2010).

y = 0.2506x + 9.0254 R² = 0.5286








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70






Total number of incoming buses

Line 1:1

Figure 27: Scatter plot showing the correlation between total number of incoming buses and average PM2.5 concentrations at seven bus stops on Oxford Road from June 1

st to June 30

th, 2014.

Page 38: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Chapter 6: Discussion

6.1. Spatial Distribution of Ambient PM2.5 Concentrations on the Campus of the

University of Manchester

Average PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the University of Manchester varied

spatially among the 21 selected monitoring sites during the month of June 2014. The

range of variation is 11.27 µg m-3

to 25.72 µg m

-3. During the monitoring period, the

annual 25 µg m-3

PM2.5 standard established by

Directive (2008/50/EC) was only

exceeded by the highest mean concentration obtained at site S.02. In general, by

comparing the average concentrations obtained at all sites, it can be observed that none

of them can be considered as hazardous to human health, but fall into the category of

good as recommended by Directive (2008/50/EC) and the American EPA standards

(Figure 28). However, it is important to bear in mind that national and international

PM2.5 recommended values are based on annual averages obtained from hourly mean

concentrations, whereas the results presented through this research are based on two-

minute average values during one month of the year.

This research confirms that PM2.5 concentrations on Oxford Road have decreased over

the last decade in comparison to the results obtained by Gee and Raper (1999) of PM2.5

concentrations ranging from 54 µg m-3

(cyclist’s exposure) to 338 µg m-3


commuter’s exposure) in the same area. The results also show that in terms of ambient

PM2.5 levels, during June of 2014, the university campus was safer on Sackville Street

than on Oxford Road. This is contradictory to the initial hypothesis, which stated that



Oxford Road Sackville Street







Directive (2008/50/EC) recommendation

Figure 28: Average PM2.5 concentrations on Oxford Road and Sackville Street from June 1

st to June 30

th, 2014.

Page 39: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


PM2.5 concentrations would be higher on Sackville Street than on Oxford Road.

Nonetheless, it is important to consider that this is only a one-month research work and

that space-related variables (e.g. traffic) on Sackville Street may change significantly

and be more influential during the rest of the year leading to more ambient particulate

matter concentrations.

6.2. Temporal Variability of PM2.5 Concentrations on the Campus of the University

of Manchester

Ambient PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the University of Manchester varied

temporarily during the monitoring period. In fact, the range of variation (4.54 µg m-3


34.71 µg m-3

) is larger temporally than spatially. This finding confirms that PM2.5 on the

campus of the University of Manchester is more sensitive to time-related factors than to

spatial variables. The highest and lowest average concentrations corresponded to

Monday and Tuesday respectively, and not to the weekend, as it could have been

expected. The subsequent analysis of the time-related factors considered in this study

provided an illustration of the possible causes of the temporal variation in PM2.5

concentrations. Finally, the assessment of the temporal variability of PM2.5

concentrations was, to some extent, limited by the scope of this study, which had a

stronger emphasis on the spatial distribution of the PM2.5 concentrations on the campus

of the University of Manchester.

6.3. Factors Impacting PM2.5 Concentrations during the Summer Season on the

Campus of the University of Manchester

The statistical analysis of the correlation between the variables considered in this study

and PM2.5 concentrations showed that relative humidity is the factor exerting the








0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70






Total number of incoming buses

Line 1:1

Figure 29: Correlation between A) General traffic: R2: 0.26, B)

wind speed: R2: 0.13, C) Temperature: R

2: 0.23, D) Relative

humidity: R2: 0.32, E) Incoming buses: R

2: 0.52, and average

PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the University of Manchester.





Page 40: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


strongest influence (R2: 0.32) on PM2.5 levels on the campus of the University of

Manchester (Figure 29). Traffic was also found to be an important factor (R2: 0.26) in

determining the levels of PM2.5 on the university campus. However, general traffic

counts were restrained by the relative short time allocated for each monitoring site and

the physical limitation of the person involved in this study to perform simultaneous

monitoring activities. In contrast, incoming bus counts, which were done more

exhaustively, proved to be a determinant factor (R2: 0.52) governing PM2.5

concentrations at the seven evaluated bus stops.

Page 41: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on


Chapter 7: Conclusions

The integration of mobile and fixed monitoring techniques provided a preliminary

illustration of the spatial and temporal variability of ambient PM2.5 concentrations on

the campus of the University of Manchester. The results showed that in June of 2014,

PM2.5 concentrations occurred within the limits established by national air quality

legislation. However, the average PM2.5 concentrations obtained in this study are based

on a two-minute monitoring period, whereas the limit values recommended by Directive

(2008/50/EC) are expressed as annual average values obtained from hourly

measurements. For this reason, our results are not intended to be entirely comparable to

the values recommended by Directive (2008/50/EC) and international standards such as

the EPA Air Quality Index (AQI). Much research is still needed for a better

understanding of the spatial and temporal variability of PM2.5 concentrations on the

campus of the University of Manchester.

The initial hypothesis stating that PM2.5 concentrations would be higher on the north of

the campus of the University of Manchester was refuted by the obtained results

evidencing that the north area of the campus had indeed the lowest levels of fine

particulate matter according to the results. The collection of data was limited to the

month of June of 2014, and for this reason, the results presented in this study are only

representative for the summer season. This study does not provide any suggestion or

argument that PM2.5 levels will remain constant throughout the other seasons of the


Ambient PM2.5 concentrations were found to be more dependent on relative humidity

than on the other evaluated factors. However, inside bus stops, incoming traffic was the

dominant factor influencing the PM2.5 concentrations. No monitoring sites were located

inside an urban canyon, thus this was not a factor to be considered in this study. It is

recommended that more studies be done in relation to the spatial variability of PM2.5

concentrations at the remaining streets that were not considered in this research work.

The temporal variation of PM2.5 concentrations must also be more thoroughly evaluated

in order to understand the evolution of ambient PM2.5 levels during the different seasons

of the year. This will also provide a more comprehensive identification of the main

factors affecting PM2.5 concentrations on the campus of the University of Manchester.

Page 42: Spatial Variability of Particulate Matter (PM2.5) in the Ambient Air on



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