sparse matrix algorithms

Sparse Matrix Algorithms CS 524 – High-Performance Computing

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Sparse Matrix Algorithms. CS 524 – High-Performance Computing. Sparse Matrices. Sparse matrices have the majority of their elements equal to zero - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Sparse Matrix Algorithms

CS 524 – High-Performance Computing

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CS 524 (Wi 2003/04)- Asim Karim @ LUMS 2

Sparse Matrices

Sparse matrices have the majority of their elements equal to zero More significantly, a matrix is considered sparse if a

computation involving it can utilize the number and location of its nonzero elements to reduce the run time over the same computation on a dense matrix of the same size.

The finite difference and finite element methods for solving partial differential equations arising from mathematical models of continuous domain require sparse matrix algorithms.

For many problems, it is not necessary to explicitly assemble the sparse matrices. Rather, operations are done using specialized data structures.

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Storage Schemes for Sparse Matrices

Store only the nonzero elements and their locations in the matrix Saves memory, as storage used can be much less than n2 May improve performance Several storage schemes and data structures are available.

Some may be better than others for a given algorithm.

Common storage schemes Coordinate format Compressed sparse row format (CSR format) Diagonal storage format Ellpack-Itpack format Jagged-diagonal format

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Coordinate Format

VAL is q x 1 array of nonzero elements (in any order) I is q x 1 array of ith coordinate of element J is q x 1 array of jth coordinate of element

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Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) Format

VAL is q x 1 array of nonzero elements stored in the order of their rows (however, within a row they can be stored in any order)

J is q x 1 array of the column number of each nonzero element

I is n x 1 array that points to the first entry of the ith row in VAL and J

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Diagonal Storage Format

VAL is n x d array of nonzero elements in diagonals; d = # of diagonals (order of diagonals in VAL is not important)

OFFSET is d x 1 array of offset of diagonal from principal diagonal

Banded format: Uses VAL and parameters for thickness of band and its lower (or upper) limit.

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Ellpack-Itpack Format

VAL is n x m array of nonzero elements in rows; m = max. # of nonzero elements in a row

J is n x m array of column number of corresponding entry in VAL. A indicator value is used to indicate the end of a row

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Jagged-Diagonal Format (1)

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Jagged-Diagonal Format (2)

Rows in matrix are ordered in decreasing number of nonzero elements

VAL is q x 1 array of nonzero elements in each row in increasing column order. That is, the first nonzero element in each row is stored contiguously, then the second, and so on.

J is q x 1 array of column number of corresponding entries in VAL

I is m x 1 array of pointers to beginning of each jagged diagonal

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Vector Inner Product – p <= n

y = xTx; x is a n x 1 vector and y is a scalar Data partitioning: Each processor has n/p elements of x Communication: global reduction sum of y (scalar) Computation: n/p multiplications + additions Parallel run time: Tp = 2tcn/p + (ts + tw)

Algorithm is cost-optimal, as sequential and parallel cost is O(n) when p = O(n)

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Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication

y = Ax, where A is sparse n x n matrix; x and y are vectors of dimension n

Sparse MVM algorithms depend on the structure of the sparse matrix and the storage scheme used

In many MVMs arising in science and engineering (e.g. from FDM solution of PDEs) the matrix has a block-tridiagonal structure

Other common sparse matrix structures include banded sparse matrices and general unstructured matrices

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Block-Tridiagonal Matrix

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Striped Partitioning – p <= n (1)

Data partitioning: Each processor has n/p rows of A and n/p elements of x

Three components of the multiplication Multiplication of principal diagonal. This requires no

communication. Multiplication of adjacent off-diagonals. These require exchange

of border elements of vector x Multiplication of outer block diagonals. These require

communication of vector x depending on n and p

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Striped Partitioning – p <= n (2)

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Striped Partitioning – p <= n (3)

Communication Exchange of border elements of vector x When p ≤ √n, exchange of √n elements of vector x between

neighboring processors When p > √n, Pi exchanges n/p elements of vector x with

processors with index i ± p/√n

Computation: Except for the first and last √n rows, there are 5 nonzero elements. Thus, at most 5 multiplications + additions are needed per row

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Striped Partitioning – p <= n (4)

Parallel run time when p ≤ √n Tp = 10tcn/p + 2[ts + tw√n]

Parallel run time when p > √n Tp = 10tcn/p + 2[ts + tw] + 2[ts + twn/p]

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Partitioning the Grid (1)

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Partitioning the Grid (2)

Data partitioning: Each processor has √(n/p) x √(n/p) rows of matrix A and √(n/p) x √(n/p) elements of vector x corresponding to the grid points

Communication: Exchange of vector elements corresponding to the √(n/p) grid points with neighbors

Parallel run time: Tp = 10tcn/p + 4[ts + tw√(n/p)]

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Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems

Popular methods for solving sparse linear systems, Ax = b Generates a sequence of approximations to vector x that

converges to the solution of the system Characteristics

Number of iterations required is problem data dependent Each iteration requires a matrix-vector multiplication Generally faster than direct methods Appropriate for sparse coefficient matrices

Methods Jacobi iterative Gauss-Seidel and SOR Conjugate gradient and preconditioned CG

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Jacobi Iterative Method

Simple iterative procedure that is guaranteed to converge for diagonally dominated systems

xk(i) = A-1(i,i)[b(i) – ΣA(i,j)xk-1(j)]


xk(i) = rk-1(i)/A(i,i) + xk-1(i)

rk-1 is the residual at the k-1 iteration

rk-1 = b(i) – ΣA(i,j)xk-1(j)

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Finite Difference Discretization

i = 0

i = 1

i = 2

i = 3

i = N+1

j = 0

j = 1

j = 2

j = 3

j = N+1

i = 1 i = 4

j = 1

j = 4

1 2 3 4

13 14 15 16

Linearized order of unknowns in a 2-D gridOnly internal grid points are unknown

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Jacobi Iterative Method – Sequential

for (iter = 0; iter < maxiter; iter++) { for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) { xnew[i][j] = b[i][j] - odiag*(xold[i-1][j] + xold[i+1]

[j] + xold[i][j-1] + xold[i][j+1]); xnew[i][j] = xnew[i][j]/diag; } } for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) resid[i][j] = b[i][j] - diag*xnew[i][j] \ - odiag*(xnew[i-1][j]+xnew[i+1][j]+xnew[i][j-

1]+xnew[i][j+1]); } for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) xold[i][j] = xnew[i][j]; } }

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Conjugate Gradient Method

Powerful iterative method for systems in which A is symmetric positive definite, i.e, xTAx > 0 for any nonzero vector x

Formulates the problem as a minimization problem Solution of the system is found by minimizing q(x) =

(1/2)xTAx – xTb

Iteration xk = xk-1 + αkpk

rk = rk-1 – αkApk

p1 = r0 = b; pk+1 = rk + ||rk||2pk/||rk-1||2

αk = ||rk-1||2/(pk)TApk

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CG Method – Sequential (1)

for (iter = 1; iter <= maxiter; iter++) {// Form v = Ap for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) v[i][j] = odiag*(p[i-1][j] + p[i+1][j] + p[i]

[j-1] + p[i][j+1]) + diag*p[i][j]; }// Form (r dot r), (v dot p) and a rdotr = 0.0; pdotv = 0.0; for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) { rdotr = rdotr + r[i][j]*r[i][j]; pdotv = pdotv + p[i][j]*v[i][j]; } } a = rdotr/pdotv;

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CG Method – Sequential (2)// Update x and compute new residual rnew for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) { x[i][j] = x[i][j] + a*p[i][j]; rnew[i][j] = r[i][j] - a*v[i][j]; }}// Compute new residual and g rndotrn = 0.0; for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) rndotrn = rndotrn + rnew[i][j]*rnew[i][j]; } rhonew = sqrt(rndotrn); g = rndotrn/rdotr;// Compute new search direction p, and move rnew into r for (i = 1; i <= N; i++) { for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) { p[i][j] = rnew[i][j] + g*p[i][j]; r[i][j] = rnew[i][j]; }}