spanish language presentation

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  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Spanish Language

    Part I

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    How many people speak

    Spanish at present? More than 300 million - which includes the

    Spanish speaking people in Spain in 18 Latin

    American countries, in Puerto Rico, and in

    the United States.

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Romance Languages

    The word romance designates languages

    that have their origin in the Latin Vulgate or

    were spoken in the ancient empire of Rome.

    Other romance languages include French,

    Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian, Catalan, and


  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Comparing Romance Languages

    Comparing grammar, vocabulary andpronunciation:

    Portuguese and Italian are the most similar toSpanish. Native/fluent speakers dont havedifficulty in reading and comprehending forthe most part.

    French is the most difficult due topronunciation.

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Latin American Spanish


    Spain Spanish

    The difference is more or less like the

    difference between North American Spanish

    and British English.


  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Spanish colonization

    There were regional dialects in Spain in the

    days of colonization of America and the

    colonists are responsible, in part, for the

    Spanish that is spoken in Hispanic

    American now. It is believed that 60% of the

    colonists in the beginning years of America

    came from Spain. There is also somevocabulary influence from the Native


  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Examples of Vocab.

    From the West Indies: canoa, maiz, canibal,

    tabaco, yuca, huracan.

    From the language of Mexico: cacao, chocolate,

    tiza, tomate

    From the language of Peru: alpaca, condor y


  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Spanish Language - II

    On comparing Spanish, French and German

    three of the most common languages taught in

    schools today.

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Spanish is easy?

    Easy is not the correct term.actually, less

    difficult would be more appropriate. No

    language is easy to learn. Like a musical

    instrument, all languages are more or less

    difficult to master.

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Easy Spanish - II

    In general, Spanish is easier than French and

    German. Pronunciation and spelling is less

    difficult than French and German for the

    majority of the people. On the other hand,

    Spanish verbs are more complicated than

    French or German verbs and Spanish pronouns

    are more difficult than German ones.

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Vocabulary comparison

    Difficulty of vocabulary in Spanish and French

    are similar because they are both romance

    languages. But, if you compare Spanish with

    German, you will find that the concrete words

    are easier in German and the abstract words are

    easier in Spanish.

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Why the difference?

    English is a Germanic language. Vocabulary

    that describes the daily life has a Germanic base.

    On the other hand, abstract vocabulary, that

    describes concepts and emotions are from Latin

    or French.

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation



    German concrete vocab:

    die hand, der arm, der finger.


    el mano, el brazo, el dedo

    Spanish abstract vocab:

    la paciencia, la idolatria, la justification

    vs.der geduld, der gotzendienst, die rechtfertigung

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    1st year vocab

    German vocabulary is easier than Spanish during

    the first year because most of the vocabulary is

    concrete. However, after thatSpanish is easier

    because of the abstract vocabulary.

  • 8/2/2019 Spanish Language Presentation


    Bible Translation

    German Bible: Historical narratives, with a lot

    of concrete nouns, easier in German

    Spanish Bible: The epistles, with much more

    abstract concepts, would be easier in Spanish