sp& iowa state news - chronicling...

v x ^ *ft » T * I *5J*$F W " J '•••.-: A '. u:'" •'«•". .J** .- ? •• ,'\.' ••••• -..J 'SP& "* v ,;^ }*"' •<&** - V -•( J 'S W&m'WW' ^ * «*"' " * :f \ . V , * J" 19#. 1* > ^ >VW*'0 ;• ^_«Tr-v.r,.» , , j .. J .'V OTTUMWA UUUK1KK, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1915 Iowa State News JURY IS CAUSE OF i sure mm KEOKUK COURT HAS MOST COMPLEXING LEM8 IN HISTORY. ONE OF PROB- Keokuk, May 18.— A jury in the dls- frict court here has snarled «P " e ikeln of law In a most unusual fashion IOWA SUPREME COURT DECISIONS , Des Moines, May 18.—The supreme court Monday rendered the following decisions: Charles Steinfort vs. Samuel and Henry L. Langhout, appellants, Sioux district, affirmed. D. R. Riley, appellant vs. Interstate Business Men's asociation, Linn dis- trict, affirmed. Earl W. Canady vs. Ida M. Bayslng- er, appellant et al, Linn district, af- firmed. American Express Co. vs. Des "":... SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS OR. W. B. SMALL 18 PRESIDENT; DD. BROCKMAN IS ON COM- MITTEE. ikeln or law m a u , "i V noi iUW1U0B "»<•»»»•*•• ind has created a situation that local district, reversed. _ . «•«an nAr/IVO M • it . J^l - Waterloo, May 18.— W. B. Small of Waterloo heads the state medicdl so- American Hxpress vju. IB. •">- ciety for the ensuing fiscal year and J. Moines National bank, appellant, Polk P. Herrick of Ottumwa will succeed him next year at the meeting in Daven* IDU UCLB l_l rai-ou » jourt officials declare has never before been encountered in court. The jury, according to agreement, was to return a sealed verdict. The | Town of Hedrlck vs. Fred Lanz, ap- port. nellant Keokuk district, reversed. Election of officers' marked the most ' 1— important feature of the concluding * « aooiori veraici mo isetsion of the sixty-fourth annual con- Jurors' would then all separate until TWO BABES ESCAPE 1 ^ tio " in ****** here for three days. i stated time. Under this agreement - the jurors returned a sealed verdict and came into court this morning. When Judge Hamilton was handed the verdict and it was opened it was A. R. JACKSOK DIES SUDDENLY Albia, May 18—A. R. Jackson, who had returned home from Chicago last week where he had been on account of his health, was found dead Monday by his nurse. The funeral arrange- ments will be made later. SLOGAN FOR SHELDON. Sheldon, May 18.—A prize of $10 is to be awarded by the Sheldon Commer- cial club to the person suggesting the best slogan for the city's use. STANDPIPE CAN'T STAND. Atlantic. May 18. Judge Rockefel- low has ruled that the standplpe at- Harlan must be removed. AGENCY. urday, Mrs, Mary Allen, Mary Hynes, Sarah Moore, R. M. Clapp, Ed Mun- sell, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Montgomery, J. W. Rltcher, Rev. R. G. Nye, A. An- derson. ^ , . .. Mrs. John Mathews entertained the Ladies' Union Aid last Thursday. Jas. Worrall's condition remains poorly. Miss Fern Cook of Albta, was a Sun- day visitor at the Elliott Bates home. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Money were Lockman visitors over Sunday. ELDON Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orr of Marshall- town visited last week with Mrs. Orr's mother, Mrs. C. Hollenbeck, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKay returned home Tuesday from a visit with his 4 parents at Columbus Junction. 1 , Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Baker left for 4 |Des Moines Tuesday evening. Mr. Sunday, May 23. Rev. M. D. Cox will Baker will attend federal court as a deliver a memorial sermon in the M. K. j uror church at 11 o'clock. All members or Eld In the Stephen drug BELKNAP. ed a position store. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Albaugh, Mrs. F. . Tomnkins . L a % y , M .r as Biisi s s. s -m, w " e °"° mW * ~ " Mr M a"d T il5'. cTv M.rtm of Bloom-> The Mlssionarv society of the Con« field were entertained Sunday by Mrs.- grTgatl^af church Was entertained on T. H. Brewster and daughter Mrs. Ray*. Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Charles «. cole. t,,. ,, a ^ Tennant, Mrs. Win, Lewis, Mrs. Anna Mr.andMrs Jr M^ JJerlln# and Davis and Mrs Blanche Kltterman. daughter Mr®. R. Kruior drove sun j After devotional exercises a short pro- day ciwle Munn gram was given. The attendance was Mr. Eberllne "sister, Mrs. Clssie Munn iAiiM mnnv Ki>inf nresent froin the of Sherman Chape], also ftt the A# J- different church societies. Refresh- Carson home, and home by way of Mrs mentiTwere served In the basement of C. F. Eberllne's where another short th« church v,s,t waB m ade - , Ch... Oti of AIM. "P«»t Thureday In ^"VlSS' vvii DAOJCiO " ~ ~ ^ mw miMr Officers were named as follows: ' DEATH AT SAME TIME President-elect J. F. Herrick. Ot- tumwa. Mason City. May 18.— Two babies, President W. B. Small, Waterloo, each less than 2 years old in opposite First vice president J. E. Luckey, ends of the city, narrowly escaped Vinton. death when lightning struck their par- Second vice president ents' homes within same hour. tiot, Dubuque. Eva Vokavich, daughter of Peter Vo- Secretary J. w. Osborn, round that it was not signed. The at- torneys for the plaintiff wanted the jury instructed to retire again, sign the the court it was ruled that t Infant was within three feet of the srrrr rr ^ —- - H. B. Gra- Des court then set aside the verdict. The cue "was that of Lydia McCann v*. L. C. Karll. Plaintiff claimed $10, *000 damages as a result of a horse be- kng frightened by defendant's auto, and an accident resulting therefrom. The jury's verdict was that plaintiff should get $300, but pay costs. s The court talked to the jurors fol- lowing their discharge, telling them of "•the necessity of observing the court's ^instructions. IOWANS WILL HEAD "BILLY" SUNDAY Chicago. May 18.—Thursday, July 8 has been officially designated as "Iowa Day" at the Fifth World's Christian Endeavor convention which meets in this city July 7 to 12, 1915. More than one thousand Christian Endeavers from Iowa are expected to attend. This celebration, which will be ad- dressed by "Billy" Sunday, the noted evangelist, Dr. Francis E. Clark, founder of the Christian Endeavor movement, and Daniel A. Poling, sec- retary of the Flying Squadron of America. Special trains from Iowa points are being planned by transportation man- ager P. M. Rich of Hubbard, Iowa, It is expected that the Iowa delegates will rfcacb Chicago Wednesday even- ing, July 7. in time for the opening address of the convention by President Woodrow Wilson. GROCERY CLERK IS et BITTEN BY TARANTULA years between New Orleans and St Louis on the Mississippi, by way of ex Des Moines, May 18. —Fred Benson, ah employe in the Albert Balzer gro- cerv Btore at Thirteenth and Forest, was painfully bitten by a tarantula. As he was cutting bananas from a bunch the spider, which is said to be a par- ticularly live and active specimen for one found in this climate, leaped at him and bit him on the finger. It Jump- ed from his hand back into the fruit and was later shaken out and killed. It measured three inches across. A doctor was summoned immediately and the boy is said to be suffering no in- convenience aside from the severe pain. i DONATE BLEACHERS.' - Ames, May 18.— The Turner Im- provement company of Des Moines, contractors, building the new 131,000 concrete bleachers on State field, an- nounces that it has decided to contrib- ute one of the .twenty $1,650 sections of the bleachers if the athletic council will complete the entire job of con- struction this spring. The first ten sections of the bleachers were financ- ed out of athletic council funds. The classes, class play funds, the Ames Commercial club, the faculty and other sources have contributed to the gener- al construction fund. tered the house. The 16 months' old son of Frank Al- len was knocked down by lightning that split the chimney roof to cellar Treasurer Thomas F. Duhigg, Des Moines. Councilors First district. John T. Walker of Fort Madison; eleventh dis- trict, G. C. Morehead of Ida Grove. Delegate American Medical J. C. RockafelloW, Des Moines Alternate F. M. Tombaugh, Bur- LllCll 0|S111 * " J m and tore holes in the wall above and ungton. below the window at which he was j Medico-legal D. S. Fairchild, Clin- standing. iton. During the same storm lightning J Committee on constitution and by- struck a gas meter in Miller flats, set-. lawe D. C. Brockman of Ottumwa, ting fire to the building. Prompt cut- Max Emmert of Atlantic, E. Horni- tlng off of the gas prevented much brook of Cherokee. damage. Public policy and legislation Tho- •••-' : : m a s F . D u h i g g o f D e s M o i n e s , B . L . SAYS IOWA IS BEST Eiker of Leon, W. S. Conkling of Des STATE FOR LEMONS - w. w. Pe.,«,„ Logan. May 18. —Herman Bluedorn a retired farmer of Logan, but former O. I emeu ------ Publication F. W. Porterfield of ly a steamboat man running for seven Waterloo w L Bierring of Des wAftva KafwAAn ' Maw (irlMnfl ftnd bl * * _ i inches in circumferences when acci dentally knocked from the tree last Sunday. The lemon shows what Iowa soil will produce. The tree blossomed last June and no other lemon was permit- ted to grow on the tree. SOUTH ENGLISH RECEIVES CONVERTS South English. May 18. —A reception for the eighty new converts, th9 result of the Gospel Teams' work from ad- joining towns was held at the opera house, the crowd being estimated at 400. The Sigourney and Webster Gos- pel TeAms were here. Also Rev. Pike of Grand View, a former M. E. pastor, who gave a short talk. Readings were given by Misses Wine. Noffsinger, Stoner and Miller. Miss Pauline Bas* sarear delighted the audience by sing- ing several solos. Later the large au- dience were served with ice cream, cake and coffee. «/, MYSTERIOUS DISEASE KILLS. Iowa City, May 18. —Dr. F. H P. Ed- wards, deputy state veterinarian was called to Union Valley to the farm of William Burnett, to investigate a strange malady among Burnett's oat- He. The animals became blind sud- HARNESS IN LUSITANIA. Clinton, May 18.—Sixteen big cases of Clinton made harness lie at the bot- tom of the sea in the hold of the Lusi- tania. They are a part of a shipment of ar- tillery furnishings sent out by the Clin- ton Saddlery oompany, and were ship- ped in accordance with a second con- tract received by the local firm from the English army. ATTACK STILL A MYSTERY. Iowa Falls. May 18—The attack made on Miss Clara Mark northwest of this city last week remains shroud- ed in mystery and the identity of her assailant will probably never be known. The tank, stave which was left on the bed proved to be one of three that had been left on another farm belonging to the girl's father. FARMER COMMITS SUICIDE. Estherville, May 18— Peter Kline, a well-to-do farmer, committed suicide at his home near this city by drinking carbolic acid. He has been in poor health for several years. !le. The animals became blind sud- wnHe^Herkef 11 was 8 aa/ed^to- will reach Rock Island at 11 a. m. and lenly, rushed through wire fences, etc. P®" 10 *™'L"® 1 ^onen^d the fishing et °P flfteen minutes; will arrive in ind fell dead. Four calves thus died,l da ^ vi! n(1 Davenport. Ia.. at 11:30 a. m. and stop And others seem likely to meet the ?®® 80 "a^ y n g i°£ ^«1p flSat br tried to thlrt - v minutes; arrive in Iowa City, same fate. The veterinarian decided | the >' 8a * 1 ?n lt h«0S thJS Ia " at 1:30 p " m " and remain fiftee ? that excessive eating of the new green I j} eC *h in«i ^«nk Ortfer hov^ rescued mlnute8: arrive 111 Maren S°- Ia - at sirass caused the curious poisoning and ^ ept ^ rescued 9#1K n m 9tw1 rpmn| n minutes: . , , «__ HerLcer dul ueu, fatal attacks. CLARGE AT GRINNELL. Grinnell, May 18.—Governor Clarke has accepted an invitation to speak at Herker but Denny went down. GIRLS PLAN HIKE ai 0 p. ra. * uu u„ Fort Dodge. May 18.—Twelve girls, at whlch time it members of the Vagabond Hiking club j 0Urney. «ocUH fnr npHnmptpra fnr nhrist- &as acceptea an nvitauon to speaK at ~~ -~ - pedometers for Christ- Grinnell on May 19. He will attend the n. la£ veaare olannln- f annual banquet of the Manufacturers association. "Greater Iowa" will prob- ably be the topic selected to talk on by the governor. mas presents last year, are planning for -a hike from Fort Dodge to Okoboji in the near future. The details of the MAY BUILD LIBRARY. Logan, May 18.—Qualified electors of Logan will vote upon the proposi-1 ! the girls set their lips firmly and in- sist, "we're going." VOTE FOR $25,000 SCHOOL. —„— . . . Attica, May 18. —Attica voted c or tion of erecting a city library here. ! bonds t0 the amount of $25,000 for the The central thought of the promoters erect ion of a consolidated school build- Is to give access to a carefully Select- .- Winslow post, Qy A. R.. and ail old soldiers are requested to attend tion day and will be observed Sunday. May 30. In the afternoon Con S re ® 8 * man Ramseyer of Bloomfleld. will o e " liver the address on that day. William Connelly of T>fs Moines, Is _ * -i ...uli Vilu norf>nta Eldon concert band gave its regu- lar Wednesday evening concert at the band stand. W. H. Stauffer was a Des Moines visitor last week, attending federal court as juror . The Ladies' Aid society of the M Miss Fern Rlnlker of Des Moines spent last week here with her parents. Mr and Mrs Joe Wagner of Ba- Wiliiam Connellv of T)<?s Moines, is The Ladies' Aid society of the M. tavla " visited a few days this week at spending a few days with his paren jj- church held Its monthly social the Joe Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Connelly. with Mrs. George Myers Friday after- Mrs. Clyde Mowery entertained the Miss Anna Lawson who has been a _ missionary to India for tw0 " ty ""'"? | M " H * Flint and Mrs H. C years is back on a vacation and visited | Mrs. H. A. Flint ana Mrs. Y ceil o in wciv i\ wu n » » « . her sister, Mrs. W. B. Nye over night last week while on her way to cago. She will return this week ana visit friends for a timt' near heie. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Allen of North Vass were hostesses to the Four-M club Wednesday afternoon at the Vass home. P. E. O. society held its regular Mr. and Mrs. C. v. Alien of r tn meetJng Monday afternoon with Mrs Henderson, 111., visited over Sunday at ,™ e ® un * J the Fred Miller home. ^ The c w B M 0f the Christian There wa^a frost here Sunday night i church met Friday afternoon with but did no damage to fruit or vegeta- bles. Mrs. Johnson of Mt. Pleasant was an over Sunday visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Ross Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Harlin of Ot- tumwa was an over Sunday visitor at the C. F. Wheaton home. Alumni of the Agency high school will meet in the town hall Saturday night. , . . Web Clements leaves Wednesday for the San Francisco exposition visiting many places of Interest enroute. WEST POINT. •T of Des Mo'nes, C. P. Frantz of Burlington, C. J. Saunders of Fort Dodge Moines. Other Louis on the Mississippi, oy » other officials are appointive periment has produced on a 1 through the president, whose decisions lemon tree, a lemon that weighed four- wm bjJ made &t , at0r date teen ounces and measured 12 by 12.o , JACOB MESSLER DIES AT CHARITON Chariton, May 18.—Jacob Messier was born In Germany on June 4, 1843, and departed this life at his home in Chariton on Sunday night, May 16. He came with his parents to America at the age of 16 years and settled on a farm in Marion county, Iowa, where he resided until 1870, then removed to Cloud where he lived until 1910, when he located on a farm in Lincoln town- ship, this county, where he lived until he came to Chariton two years ago. He was married on his farm in Marlon county on August 28. 1865, to Miss Sarah Beckman of Cincinnati, Ohio. To them were born nine children, one of whom, Jacob, died In infancy. Those and Mrs. Lloyd Bagder passed away in October, 1912. Those living are Mrs. Kate Willis of Lacona, Mrs. Louisa Nussbaum of Oakley, Mrs. Stella Rouse of Lucas. Mrs. Lola Selby of Des Moines, John W. Messier, Mrs. Jennie Badger and Mrs. Elizabeth Preston of Charlton. He is also sur- vived by nineteen grandchildren. When quite young Mr. Messier was converted and united with the Luther- an church and later placed his mem- bership with the M. E. denomination at Union chapel. Funeral services were held this forenoon at 11 o'clock at the family home, conducted by Rev. Theodore H. Azman, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Chari- ton cemetery. j, ——— -r Mr. ana ivno. juuu x. nun jcvuiucu Mrs. Margaret Estes of Houghton. home this week from a visit with friend adhere. Thursday. relatives in Omaha and other cities. visited with friends^here Thursday. Miss I.eona Schierbrock of Burling- ton arrived Thursday for a visit with her mother here. Alphons and Stacy Culligan of Mt. Pleasant were over Sunday visitors with their parents here. Mrs. J. M. Cale very pleasantly en Mrs. Cora Stevens of Denver, Colo., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Myra Mrs. J. iVL. uaie very «•- AbeffK tertained the Ladies' Aid socj^y .Miss Jessie Overturff has returned to YOUNG BOY DROWNED. Des Moines, May 18. Denny. a Btop" of one'houV wilf be macle. It aged 8, was drowned and his boy com- . .. . . . THE LIBERTY BELL IN IOWA JULY 7 Philadelphia. Pa., May 18.—The Lib- erty bell will start July 5 for San Francisco, where it will be exhibited at the Panama-Pacific exposition. It will arrive in Gary, Ind.. at 4:25 p. m. July 6, where a stop of fifteen minutes will be made. It will reach the Pennsylvania sta- tion in Chicago at 5:30 the same after- noon. They stay in Chicago will be until 12:05 a. m. Wednesday, July 7, when it departs over the Rock Island. Peoria will be reached at 7 a. m. and a number of friends at her homo Frl day afternoon. A two course lunch eon was served and all enjoyed a pleas- ant afternoon. B. K. Burus of Arbelia, Mo., arrived Saturday for a visit with his brother, Al Burus. Mr. Burus was a former resident here and is always glad to re- turn to West Point for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Younk of Ft. Madison were guests Sunday at the Wm. Younk home. Miss Josephine Jansen has returned from an extended stay at Burlington. Miss Erma Kuemeyer of Fort Madi- son is a guest at the Wm. Cale home east of town. Fredonia Harnagel who Is attending high school at Fort Madison, arrived Saturday for a visit with her parents. The marriage bans of Stephen Peitz of West Point, and Miss Anna Stueker- puergen of Houghton, have been pub- lished. The marriage will take place at St. John's church at Houghton Tues- day, May 25) The city cemetery is receiving a good cleaning up this week and will be in readiness for Decoration day. One of the most pleasing musical affairs of the season was the pupils' recital of St. Mary's music studio which was given at St. Aloysins hall last Thursday evening. Twenty num- bers were given and each performer did their work well. The work of the pupils reflect much credit upon the teacher, Sister Fidelia whose pupils they have been the past year. A large audience was present and enjoyed each number rendered. Mrs. Frank Cit^e and children of Ft. Madison who visited several days at the John Rump home have returned home. Miss Anna Eitineyer of Ft. Madison is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Pogge. Mrs. Al Harmeyer was hostess to., the Amity club at her home Friday evening. The evening was pleasantly spent at progressive euchrue, Mrs. Jos. Jansen and Mrs. Gus Lohman win- ning the honors. Refreshments were served. Twelve new seats have been placed In the park-which adds very much to Its neat appearance. Lou Van Hynlng and family are visi- tors to Ft. Madison today. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Waltz and baby of Lowell were over Sunday visitors at the Frank Kiesner home south of town. _:45 p. m. and remain fifteen minutes; arrive in Grinnell, Ia., at 3:50 p. m. and stop ten minutes; arrive in Des Moines at 6 p. m. and make a five hour stop, will resume its BILL BOARD FIGHT ON. Clear Lake. May 18.—When Stanfield in the near future. The details of the grog attempted to erect a 150 foot bill trip have not yet been worked out but v. oard near t he lake shore, property ed reference library to aid In the edu- cation of the boys and girls. p KILLED BY LIGHTNING. •gr Fort Dodge. May 18.—Frightened horses dragging a corn planter from board near the lake shore, property owners immediately enjoined the work- men. The Progress club and Commer- cial club are endeavoring to act as in- termediaries between the parties. BOLT STRIKES COURT HOUSE. ing to be built here in the summer. The j Estherville, May 18. —'The Emmet vote was 105 for and 65 against. Wo-'county court house was struck by men were allowed to vote for the first: lightning during a storm. The bo\t time in Attica I B P Ht the A a 8P ole and t0re a ho, ° time in A 'about a foot square in the side of the K. C's GET LODGE ROOMS. ^upalo, breaking all the windows in the Sheldon. May 18.—The Knights of upper section norses urttgBiiiB l - UL u V7, ,y j i > j which William Cahall, a thirty year; Columbus of Sheldon have just signed old farmer, was missing, alarmed' a lease with Mrs. Gannon for lodge neighbors of Cahail and led to the dls-1 rooms over one of the furniturei stores, covery of his charred and lifeless j The space occupied will be 50x110 feet body. He had been stricken down by [and when the apartments are complet- llehtning in a sudden storm, while at ed there will be provided one of the work in the field. Cahail leaves a finest lod g e „^ oom8 ,,\ n , thl ®t _P°^| 0 ^,„° f wife and three little children. I the state. " The interior of the court house was not damaged. < VOTE TO CONSOLIDATE. Renwick, May 18.— Vernon township decided to consolidate their schools at , . uuui 0 n. an election by a vote or 40 to 11. The They will be strictly mod-1 bond election will be held soon. ,< AVERY. Mrs. Harlan Taylor. The Bay View club met with Mrs. J. O. Murphy Wednesday afternoon. Mrs C. Stanton acted as leader. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hammond re- turned home Wednesday from Wash- ington. Iowa, where Mrs. Hammond was- taking treatment. H. L. Hammond attended grand lodge, A. O. U. W., in Dea Moines this week as delegate from No. 291. Mrs. Wm. Bmlth and daughter re- turned home from Pella, where they have been visiting relatives the past Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hull returned BLAKESBURG. -4 her home near Ottumwa after a two weeks stay with her sister, Mrs Alva Huff. Mrs. E. Doty returned Tuesday from Cedar Rapids where she visited her daughter. Mrs. John Oswald. Mrs. Bruce McAlister went to Dia- mond, Wyo., this week on business. Billy Barnes has returned from a few weeks stay in South Dakota. M. B. Abernathy who was Injured while running a road grader near Al- lcrton has almost completely recov- ered. HILLSBORO T 4 Mrs. Sarah Campbell and Mrs. G. E. Adkinson returned the first of the week from a few days stay in Bloom- field. Mrs. Herman Miller and son, Charles, of Bettendorf are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dick. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Earley were over Sunday visitors in Oskaloosa The Wesleyan Girls lGee club en- Mr an<j Mrs c T McConnell i tertained a large crowd at the opera Mr and Mrs. Homer Rickey were house Saturday evening* t ».r«in uttenHin? the r Eddyville visiting his brother Theo Ott. Mrs. Phillip Hargescheimer was called to Rooaevelt, Minn., this week by the serious illness of her mother Mrs. J. McGlothlen. Mrs. W. H. May Is opending th«. week in Pella visiting relatives. Mrs. C. Batuman of Toledo. O., Is the guest of her aunt Mrs. Lucy Laf- flf erty. LIBERTYVILLE. Mrs. Clyde Mowery entertained the Rebekah Embroidery club at her home Friday afternoon. Refreshments were served and a pleasant afternoon spent, Mrs. Carl Riggs will entertain May ^8. George Heffner and son of Table Grove, 111., visited last week at the S. C. Laughlin home. Mrs. Irvin Glotfelty and Miss Daisy Sherlck will be hostess to the Big Sisters class of the M. E. church at the home of the former Saturday, May 29, from 2 to 6 p. m. Dr. and Mrs. S. K. Davis have re- turned home from Waterloo where they attended the state medical con- vention. Miss Martha Fulton left last week for Thomas, Okla., for a month's visit with her father. Miss Goldie Anderson visited last week with her sisters in Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Shreves motor- ed to Monmouth, 111., Saturday and spent Sunday. ALBIA. Frldaj Mrs. A. G. Anderson and children of Bloomfleld and Mrs. A. R. Van Griff of Selma were guests Sunday al the J. R. Hart home. Mrs. Milo Foster and Miss Xeit Swinney spent Tuesday night at Florli with their sister Mrs. Frankle Har- ward. Mrs. Harward expects to leav« soon for Centerville-for surgical treat- ment. Mrs. Maria McConnell of Florlq wai the guest last week of Mrs. C. F. : Eber- line and is spending this week at th* home of her son J. C. McConnell an4 wife. Mrs. Hannah Leech of BloomfleH was the guest Saturday of Mrs. T. H Brewster while on her way to Fairfield . All Interested in the Children's Daj services at the M. E. church are re- quested to meet Saturday afternoon May 29 at the church to arrange the- program. Please remember the date. Mrs. Jane Putman and daughter Mrs. T. D. Munn were guests Friday at the Wm. Putman home at Drakesville. Miss Myrtle Caldwell of Bloomfleld. spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Lela Krusor. The address of C. W. Ramseyer at the Christian church was much en- joyed by a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCormlck are shopping in Ottumwa this afternoon. r KEOSAUQUA Miss Vera McCullough, daugthter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCullough, of this place, was recently appointed by Superintendent Meredith as deputy county superintendent. Miss McCul- Mrs. Jane Eystrom is seriously ill at '°ufch has been a teacher in the her home in Fairfield. * county, and for some time ,has as- Clyde Morley purchased a new Bulck sisted Miss Meredith in the office, car last week. Mrs. Jessie Davis of Lebanon, whQ has been at Graham hospital, Keokuk, for the past month, where she re- ^ celved survlcal treatment, was able Charles H. Allison, age 30. Lovilia, to return to Keosauqua Thursday and Miss Mary E. Montgomery, age evening and is now at the home of 19, Whiteburg, got married licenses her sister, Mrs. Allen Van Ankin. May 13, 1915. S. V. Whitaker went to Ames the Mrs. Emma Young Taft of Creston, first of the week, where he expects was a guest of Mrs. A. R. Barnes the erect a business house thi3 fluni- la st of the week. mer. He was accompanied by John Mrs. Margaret Baker s spending . p . £ „thpr« v-ho the week-at Excelsior Springs. ^min, Joe race, and otheis, a. ho John Barnick, a boy of 11 years in will do the cement woik. March, was drowned today about l Friends here of former Superin- o'clock at Fraker. His family had just tendent David Williams and family, moved out to Fraker this morning and now Df Winterset, are grieved to there was a small pond on the right of j earn 0f the serious condition of their the house about ° n ®"^ a Jf TP' 1 ® only son, Ellis, who resides at Iowa the house. He and another boy went ja j n *y,G honnitfll af ihaf to the pond and were on a raft and L'ty. He is in ine nospuai at inat some were swimming, just as the raft Place where he was operated on for was getting close to the shore, he start- tumor which was pressing upon the ed to step from the raft to the shore optic nerve, affecting the eyesight and it over turned and he was drowned. and also the hearing. Just how seri- Mlss Tillle Halden who has been a QUS t kj 3 may ^ i8 not ygt j inown 4i ^ S L 0 i^ ia ^H n «m^wn ^ The Ruthean society was entpr- e MissTli, Borger and Helen Gutch tained Wednesday, afternoon at the : spent Saturday in Knoxville. home of Mrs. F. A. Pearson. About H. C. Jobusch of Hiteman was in sixty ladles were present. Albia yesterday and went to Avery for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Strickling have a visit with relatives. been entertaining Mrs. Jennie .Kin- T. J. Jewell who has been visiting hade of Knoxville, Iowa, and Mrs. his daughters lri Albia returned to his Arth Kinkade of Huron 8- T)i> lne home In Cherokee, ORla. . nart wp. k Mrs. Sam Anderson has returned Pa^t wees. from Allerton where she inspected the Mrs. H. H. Dlsbrow is visiting her Pythian Sisters' temple of that place. son, Will, and daughter. Mis. Robert Mrs. Calvla Manning who has been Sloan, in Ottumwa. guest of her son, Edwin and wife, John Leming and £ j :j guest has returned to her home in Ottumwa. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McConnell and ,„r. and Mrs. Homer Rickey were in Lovilia yesterday attending the fun- Mrs. Leta Earley is visiting her eral of Chas. Young. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ranson and son meets Thurs- Fred, of Burlington, are guests at the uncle in Keokuk. The Somerset club w" wn. m Aaxr ovoninir ot the C C Watts home home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wilson Mr/ p A Blarkford vkited he- Mrs. Blandie Anderson came down ciif/r Mrs Liwfe Parish in Stock- ,rom Des Moines last night and will ^rt' ^neBdaf ir atUnd^ th. visit relative, and friend. In Alt»a Ladles' Aid society. Mr. and Mrs. Jones of near Mount Pleasant visited at the W. J. Brown home Sunday. Mrs. Libbie Moxley Is moving to the property recently purchased from T. E. White and W. J. Buffington and family are moving to the Boley resi- dence vacated by Mrs. Moxley. The R. N. A. will celebrate Its an- niversary with a picnic in the Harlan grove. B. R. Boley and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blackford spent Sunday in Mount Pleasant. J. E. Miller is the owner of a new automobile. A hard rain is badly needed in this neighborhood. Mrs. Belle Swink of Bonaparte vis- ited relatives In town the first of the week. Miss Elsie Watts accompanied her home for a short visit. Mrs. W. J. Brown entertained her Sunday school class Wednesday even- b. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoaglln, C. F. Mrs. Ed Munsell of Hynes, visited with friends at Avery last week. Mrs. Roy Bomhoff and Mrs. Mont- gomery visited at the Ed Munsel home ln ®' at Hynes last week. "--• _ ^ - . %r- _ . Mr. and Mrs. Harve Forsythe enter- Hoaglln, and Mi. and Mrs. f. A. tained the following at dinner last Blackford drose to Mt. Pleasant Mon- Sunday: Mrs. J. Wilke of Dallas City, day. 111., Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ritcher and The convict worker from Fort children, Harold and Mae Isabelle, Mr. Ma<lj80ii who have been clearing tim- ™. d , Mr l s ' J- Warr and daughter ^ north of town were taken to near Winfred, Misses Leona and Maude " p....... _ few dftva aEO to Appleman, and Prof. Oscar Johnson. Mount Pleasant a rew days ago 10 The Frank Allen bungalow is being work on the road. erected and will make an up to date dwelling. Contractor Roberts is doing the work. . . Merl Miller is having his residence Chas. Fisher of Marsnalltown, spent repainted. Quite a number are paint- Sunday In Eddyville visiting his mottl- ing their residences and adding various er, Mrs. Lida Fisher. i... , . . mU. A llan EDDYVILLE. for some time. Mrs. Rachel Milllagan has returned from Ottumwa, where she accom- panied her daughter, who was on her way to Georgia, where she will make her future home. Mr. Ward of Melrose brought to the county auditor's office a litter of five young wolves, for which he was paid $20 $4 each. J. W. Reddish is in Oskaloosa this Miss Grace Harper visited in Avery this week. A. L. Hinton was In Des Moines the first of the week. Mrs. Oscar Roper visited in Bux- ton this week. Mrs. Albert Caldwell has returned to her home in Ottumwa. Dr. J. T. Avery made a profes- sional visit to Hiteman yesterday. Thos. H. Zook made a business trip to Waterloo this week. A. Oswald made a business trip to Des Moines this week. Mrs. Bertha Loeb and daughter, Cora, are visiting relatives in Webster City. Mrs. Bert Anderson of Des Moines is a guest at the S. N. Anderson home this w6elt ^ Mrs. George Cooper and Miss Jessie Moore were Ottumwa visitors the first of the week. John Leming and wife of Fairfield visited here the first of the week with the families of B.- S. Ream and W. H. Leming. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Vance have gone to Biggsville, 111., to visit their daughter, Mrs. Margaret Rankin. Captain W. A. Duckworth and wife have returned from Des Moines and are now housekeeping in their old home. FARMINGTON. improvements to their properties here. The Allen property on North FMfth The community was shocked to learn street was sold at auction Saturday, of the death of Axel Lager last Thurs- Wm. Albaugh purchased the property day morning in No. 9 mine, by a fall Miss Bessie Brown of Harlan, visit* of slate. Mr. Lager was an industrious friends in Eddyville this week. Miss and striving to do his best for his fam- Brown will begin meetings at Chllll- 11 y and self. He leavea, a widow and cothe this week. three children, and a host of friends Claire and Mi ... . to mourn his sad death. Funeral serv- loosa were guests Sunday of their ices were held at the home and inter- grandmother, Mrs. M. J. Criswell. ment made in the Cuba cemfetery. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. S. c. Brown left Brown of Batavia had charge of the day morning for Corning to make their !«»•».. Thatf rhrnnirn in tnftir services. Mrs. Vic Stark underwent an opera- tion at the Miner's hospital Saturday. Rev. Brown of Batavia was in Avery Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Cosgrove and Babe who have beeh visiting with the lady's par- ents at Ottumwa the past week, re- turned to Avery Saturday. Alta Crabill who is teaching at Chil- lieothe. visited at the parental J. P. Crabill home Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. C. Wilke of Dallas City 111., visited with her son J. W. Ritcher and family the past week. The following were Albia goers Sat- j home. They drove through In their car, expecting to make the trip in two days. Mrs. Fin Bickford was called to Pella Saturday by the illness of her little granddaughter. Mrs. Wm. Fais of Spencer is the guest this week of Mrs. Wm. Schaffer and other friends. Dan Chord of Oskaloosa spent Sun- day in Eddyville visiting at the home of his nephew, Geo. Chord. t Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen and baby of Valley Junction were calling on friends In Eddyville Saturday. Mr. Wharton, of Fremont h*s accept- A ' 0 ..... v ^ U Mi 'i M. + —4 Miss Inez Bolce Is visiting friends in Ottumwa. Mrs. Clyde Meredith and Mrs. Wilson of Bonaparte were Farmington visitors Wednesday. S. R. French returned Friday from Marshalltown where he spent the win- ter at the Soldiers' home. Miss Vera McCullough of Keosauqua conducted the recent Normal training teachers' examination. Miss Mabel Roberts of St. Louis is the guest of her sister. Miss Gladys Roberts. Harry Alfrey who for several years has been foreman of concerts construc- tion on the Rock Island railroad, has been promoted to scale inspector for the same road with headquarters at Cedar Rapids. Miss Cullie Chalfont was a Croton visitor Wednesday. Mrs. E. L. Shreve pleasantly enter- tained the Kensington club on Thurs- day evening. Mrs. E. L. Brown of Holly, Colo., was an out of town guest and a two course luncheon was served. L. L. Bickmore returned to Kansas' City Wednesday after a few days' visit with his wife at this place. You can keep the sun off you by holding an umbrella over your head, but you won't earn a very "fat" living working with only one hand. Better risk getting a sweat tip. Dr .D.E. Graham Hours—9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. m. Ennls Office Bldfl., Ottumwa, Iowa. When In Ottumwa Eat at The Iowa Cafe Five doors west of the Courier. ——i Equipment and Experienced Men enable us to do your upholstering and repairing of furniture, as it should done. Don't trust your work to inexperienced men. H.W.Su«chting Co 128 W. Second. New Phone <67-1 DR. HANSELL EYE, EAR, N08| AND THROAT SPECIALIST Glasses Fitted ang Furnished. Office over Woo' worth 5c and 10 8tore. Hum Vc. <

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Iowa State News JURY IS CAUSE OF i sure mm






Keokuk, May 18.— A jury in the dls-frict court here has snarled «P "e

ikeln of law In a most unusual fashion


Des Moines, May 18.—The supreme court Monday rendered the following decisions:

Charles Steinfort vs. Samuel and Henry L. Langhout, appellants, Sioux district, affirmed.

D. R. Riley, appellant vs. Interstate Business Men's asociation, Linn dis­trict, affirmed.

Earl W. Canady vs. Ida M. Bayslng-er, appellant et al, Linn district, af­firmed.

American Express Co. vs. Des





ikeln or law m a u , "i V ,«noi iUW1U0B "»<•»»»•*•• ind has created a situation that local district, reversed. _ . «•«an nAr/IVO M • it . J^l -

Waterloo, May 18.— W. B. Small of Waterloo heads the state medicdl so-

American Hxpress vju. IB. •">- ciety for the ensuing fiscal year and J. Moines National bank, appellant, Polk P. Herrick of Ottumwa will succeed

him next year at the meeting in Daven* IDU UCLB l_l rai-ou » jourt officials declare has never before been encountered in court.

The jury, according to agreement, was to return a sealed verdict. The |

Town of Hedrlck vs. Fred Lanz, ap- port. nellant Keokuk district, reversed. Election of officers' marked the most

' 1— important feature of the concluding * « aooiori veraici mo — isetsion of the sixty-fourth annual con-

Jurors' would then all separate until TWO BABES ESCAPE 1 ^tio" in ****** here for three days.

i stated time. Under this agreement -the jurors returned a sealed verdict and came into court this morning.

When Judge Hamilton was handed the verdict and it was opened it was


Albia, May 18—A. R. Jackson, who had returned home from Chicago last week where he had been on account of his health, was found dead Monday by his nurse. The funeral arrange­ments will be made later.

SLOGAN FOR SHELDON. Sheldon, May 18.—A prize of $10 is

to be awarded by the Sheldon Commer­cial club to the person suggesting the best slogan for the city's use.

STANDPIPE CAN'T STAND. Atlantic. May 18. — Judge Rockefel-

low has ruled that the standplpe at-Harlan must be removed.


urday, Mrs, Mary Allen, Mary Hynes, Sarah Moore, R. M. Clapp, Ed Mun-sell, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Montgomery, J. W. Rltcher, Rev. R. G. Nye, A. An­derson. ^ , . ..

Mrs. John Mathews entertained the Ladies' Union Aid last Thursday.

Jas. Worrall's condition remains poorly. „

Miss Fern Cook of Albta, was a Sun­day visitor at the Elliott Bates home.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Money were Lockman visitors over Sunday.


Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Orr of Marshall-town visited last week with Mrs. Orr's mother, Mrs. C. Hollenbeck, and other relatives.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McKay returned home Tuesday from a visit with his

4 parents at Columbus Junction. 1 , Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Baker left for 4 |Des Moines Tuesday evening. Mr.

Sunday, May 23. Rev. M. D. Cox will Baker will attend federal court as a deliver a memorial sermon in the M. K. juror church at 11 o'clock. All members or Eld

In the Stephen drug BELKNAP. ed a position

store. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Albaugh, Mrs. F. . Tomnkins

.L„a%y,M.r as Biisi s s. s -m, w"e °"°mW* ~ " MrMa"dTil5'. cTv M.rtm of Bloom->

The Mlssionarv society of the Con« field were entertained Sunday by Mrs.-grTgatl^af church Was entertained on T. H. Brewster and daughter Mrs. Ray*. Thursday afternoon by Mrs. Charles «. cole. t,,. ,, a ^ Tennant, Mrs. Win, Lewis, Mrs. Anna Mr.andMrs Jr M^ JJerlln# and Davis and Mrs Blanche Kltterman. daughter Mr®. R. Kruior drove sun j After devotional exercises a short pro- day ciwle Munn gram was given. The attendance was Mr. Eberllne "sister, Mrs. Clssie Munn iAiiM mnnv Ki>inf nresent froin the of Sherman Chape], also ftt the A# J-different church societies. Refresh- Carson home, and home by way of Mrs mentiTwere served In the basement of C. F. Eberllne's where another short th« church v,s,t waB made- ,

Ch... Oti of AIM. "P«»t Thureday In ^"VlSS'

v v i i D A O J C i O " — ~ ~ ^ mw miMr Officers were named as follows:

' DEATH AT SAME TIME President-elect — J. F. Herrick. Ot-tumwa.

Mason City. May 18.— Two babies, President — W. B. Small, Waterloo, each less than 2 years old in opposite First vice president — J. E. Luckey, ends of the city, narrowly escaped Vinton. death when lightning struck their par- Second vice president ents' homes within same hour. tiot, Dubuque.

Eva Vokavich, daughter of Peter Vo- Secretary — J. w. Osborn,

round that it was not signed. The at­torneys for the plaintiff wanted the jury instructed to retire again, sign the

the court it was ruled that t Infant was within three feet of the

srrrr rr ̂ —- - •

H. B. Gra-


court then set aside the verdict. The cue "was that of Lydia McCann

v*. L. C. Karll. Plaintiff claimed $10, *000 damages as a result of a horse be-kng frightened by defendant's auto, and an accident resulting therefrom. The jury's verdict was that plaintiff should get $300, but pay costs.

s The court talked to the jurors fol­lowing their discharge, telling them of

"•the necessity of observing the court's ^instructions.


Chicago. May 18.—Thursday, July 8 has been officially designated as "Iowa Day" at the Fifth World's Christian Endeavor convention which meets in this city July 7 to 12, 1915. More than one thousand Christian Endeavers from Iowa are expected to attend. This celebration, which will be ad­dressed by "Billy" Sunday, the noted evangelist, Dr. Francis E. Clark, founder of the Christian Endeavor movement, and Daniel A. Poling, sec­retary of the Flying Squadron of America.

Special trains from Iowa points are being planned by transportation man­ager P. M. Rich of Hubbard, Iowa, It is expected that the Iowa delegates will rfcacb Chicago Wednesday even­ing, July 7. in time for the opening address of the convention by President Woodrow Wilson.


years between New Orleans and St Louis on the Mississippi, by way of ex

Des Moines, May 18. —Fred Benson, ah employe in the Albert Balzer gro-cerv Btore at Thirteenth and Forest, was painfully bitten by a tarantula. As he was cutting bananas from a bunch the spider, which is said to be a par­ticularly live and active specimen for one found in this climate, leaped at him and bit him on the finger. It Jump­ed from his hand back into the fruit and was later shaken out and killed. It measured three inches across. A doctor was summoned immediately and the boy is said to be suffering no in­convenience aside from the severe pain.

i DONATE BLEACHERS.' - Ames, May 18.— The Turner Im­provement company of Des Moines, contractors, building the new 131,000 concrete bleachers on State field, an­nounces that it has decided to contrib­ute one of the .twenty $1,650 sections of the bleachers if the athletic council will complete the entire job of con­struction this spring. The first ten sections of the bleachers were financ­ed out of athletic council funds. The classes, class play funds, the Ames Commercial club, the faculty and other sources have contributed to the gener­al construction fund.

tered the house. The 16 months' old son of Frank Al­

len was knocked down by lightning that split the chimney roof to cellar

Treasurer — Thomas F. Duhigg, Des Moines.

Councilors — First district. John T. Walker of Fort Madison; eleventh dis­trict, G. C. Morehead of Ida Grove.

Delegate American Medical — J. C. RockafelloW, Des Moines

Alternate — F. M. Tombaugh, Bur-LllCll 0|S111 * " J m and tore holes in the wall above and ungton. below the window at which he was j Medico-legal — D. S. Fairchild, Clin-standing. iton.

During the same storm lightning J Committee on constitution and by-struck a gas meter in Miller flats, set-. lawe — D. C. Brockman of Ottumwa, ting fire to the building. Prompt cut- Max Emmert of Atlantic, E. Horni-tlng off of the gas prevented much brook of Cherokee. damage. Public policy and legislation — Tho-

• •••-' • : — : m a s F . D u h i g g o f D e s M o i n e s , B . L . SAYS IOWA IS BEST Eiker of Leon, W. S. Conkling of Des

STATE FOR LEMONS - w. w. Pe.,«,„

Logan. May 18. —Herman Bluedorn a retired farmer of Logan, but former O. I emeu ------ Publication — F. W. Porterfield of ly a steamboat man running for seven Waterloo w L Bierring of Des wAftva KafwAAn ' Maw (irlMnfl ftnd bl * * _ i

inches in circumferences when acci dentally knocked from the tree last Sunday.

The lemon shows what Iowa soil will produce. The tree blossomed last June and no other lemon was permit­ted to grow on the tree.


South English. May 18. —A reception for the eighty new converts, th9 result of the Gospel Teams' work from ad­joining towns was held at the opera house, the crowd being estimated at 400. The Sigourney and Webster Gos­pel TeAms were here. Also Rev. Pike of Grand View, a former M. E. pastor, who gave a short talk. Readings were given by Misses Wine. Noffsinger, Stoner and Miller. Miss Pauline Bas* sarear delighted the audience by sing­ing several solos. Later the large au­dience were served with ice cream, cake and coffee.

«/, MYSTERIOUS DISEASE KILLS. Iowa City, May 18. —Dr. F. H P. Ed­

wards, deputy state veterinarian was called to Union Valley to the farm of William Burnett, to investigate a strange malady among Burnett's oat-He. The animals became blind sud-

HARNESS IN LUSITANIA. Clinton, May 18.—Sixteen big cases

of Clinton made harness lie at the bot­tom of the sea in the hold of the Lusi-tania.

They are a part of a shipment of ar­tillery furnishings sent out by the Clin­ton Saddlery oompany, and were ship­ped in accordance with a second con­tract received by the local firm from the English army.

ATTACK STILL A MYSTERY. Iowa Falls. May 18—The attack

made on Miss Clara Mark northwest of this city last week remains shroud­ed in mystery and the identity of her assailant will probably never be known. The tank, stave which was left on the bed proved to be one of three that had been left on another farm belonging to the girl's father.

FARMER COMMITS SUICIDE. Estherville, May 18— Peter Kline, a

well-to-do farmer, committed suicide at his home near this city by drinking carbolic acid. He has been in poor health for several years.

!le. The animals became blind sud- wnHe^Herkef11 was8 aa/ed^to- will reach Rock Island at 11 a. m. and lenly, rushed through wire fences, etc. P®"10*™'L"®1^onen^d the fishing et°P flfteen minutes; will arrive in ind fell dead. Four calves thus died,lda^ vi!n(1 w£ Davenport. Ia.. at 11:30 a. m. and stop And others seem likely to meet the ?®®80"a^y

ngi°£ ^«1p flSat br tried to thlrt-v minutes; arrive in Iowa City,

same fate. The veterinarian decided | the>' 8a* 1?nlt

h«0S thJS Ia" at 1:30 p" m" and remain fiftee? that excessive eating of the new green I j}eC*h in«i ^«nk Ortfer hov^ rescued mlnute8: arrive 111 MarenS°- Ia- at

sirass caused the curious poisoning and ^ept^ rescued 9#1K n m 9tw1 rpmn|n minutes: . , , «__ HerLcer dul ueu, fatal attacks.

CLARGE AT GRINNELL. Grinnell, May 18.—Governor Clarke

has accepted an invitation to speak at

Herker but Denny went down.

GIRLS PLAN HIKE ai 0 p. ra. *uu u„ Fort Dodge. May 18.—Twelve girls, at whlch time it

members of the Vagabond Hiking club j0Urney. «ocUH fnr npHnmptpra fnr nhrist-&as acceptea an nvitauon to speaK at ~~ -~ - pedometers for Christ-

Grinnell on May 19. He will attend the n. la£ vea„ are olannln-

f annual banquet of the Manufacturers association. "Greater Iowa" will prob­ably be the topic selected to talk on by the governor.

mas presents last year, are planning for -a hike from Fort Dodge to Okoboji in the near future. The details of the

MAY BUILD LIBRARY. Logan, May 18.—Qualified electors

of Logan will vote upon the proposi-1

! the girls set their lips firmly and in­sist, "we're going."

VOTE FOR $25,000 SCHOOL. —„— — . . . Attica, May 18. —Attica voted cor

tion of erecting a city library here. !bonds t0 the amount of $25,000 for the The central thought of the promoters erection of a consolidated school build-Is to give access to a carefully Select- • .-

Winslow post, Qy A. R.. and ail old soldiers are requested to attend tion day and will be observed Sunday. May 30. In the afternoon ConSre®8* man Ramseyer of Bloomfleld. will oe" liver the address on that day.

William Connelly of T>fs Moines, Is _ * -i ...uli Vilu norf>nta

Eldon concert band gave its regu­lar Wednesday evening concert at the band stand.

W. H. Stauffer was a Des Moines visitor last week, attending federal court as juror .

The Ladies' Aid society of the M

Miss Fern Rlnlker of Des Moines spent last week here with her parents.

Mr and Mrs Joe Wagner of Ba-Wiliiam Connellv of T)<?s Moines, is The Ladies' Aid society of the M. tavla" visited a few days this week at

spending a few days with his paren jj- church held Its monthly social the Joe Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Connelly. with Mrs. George Myers Friday after- Mrs. Clyde Mowery entertained the

Miss Anna Lawson who has been a _ missionary to India for tw0"ty""'"? | M " H * Flint and Mrs H. C years is back on a vacation and visited | Mrs. H. A. Flint ana Mrs. Y ceil o in wciv i\ wu n » » « . her sister, Mrs. W. B. Nye over night last week while on her way to cago. She will return this week ana visit friends for a timt' near heie.

Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Allen of North

Vass were hostesses to the Four-M club Wednesday afternoon at the Vass home.

P. E. O. society held its regular Mr. and Mrs. C. v. Alien of N°rtn meetJng Monday afternoon with Mrs

Henderson, 111., visited over Sunday at ,™e®un* J the Fred Miller home. ^ The c w B M 0f the Christian

There wa^a frost here Sunday night i church met Friday afternoon with but did no damage to fruit or vegeta­bles.

Mrs. Johnson of Mt. Pleasant was an over Sunday visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Ross Anderson.

Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Harlin of Ot­tumwa was an over Sunday visitor at the C. F. Wheaton home.

Alumni of the Agency high school will meet in the town hall Saturday night. , . .

Web Clements leaves Wednesday for the San Francisco exposition visiting many places of Interest enroute.


— of Des Mo'nes, C. P. Frantz of Burlington, C. J. Saunders of Fort Dodge

Moines. Other Louis on the Mississippi, oy » other officials are appointive

periment has produced on a 1 through the president, whose decisions lemon tree, a lemon that weighed four- wm bjJ made &t ,at0r date

teen ounces and measured 12 by 12.o ,


Chariton, May 18.—Jacob Messier was born In Germany on June 4, 1843, and departed this life at his home in Chariton on Sunday night, May 16. He came with his parents to America at the age of 16 years and settled on a farm in Marion county, Iowa, where he resided until 1870, then removed to Cloud where he lived until 1910, when he located on a farm in Lincoln town­ship, this county, where he lived until he came to Chariton two years ago. He was married on his farm in Marlon county on August 28. 1865, to Miss Sarah Beckman of Cincinnati, Ohio. To them were born nine children, one of whom, Jacob, died In infancy. Those and Mrs. Lloyd Bagder passed away in October, 1912. Those living are Mrs. Kate Willis of Lacona, Mrs. Louisa Nussbaum of Oakley, Mrs. Stella Rouse of Lucas. Mrs. Lola Selby of Des Moines, John W. Messier, Mrs. Jennie Badger and Mrs. Elizabeth Preston of Charlton. He is also sur­vived by nineteen grandchildren. When quite young Mr. Messier was converted and united with the Luther­an church and later placed his mem­bership with the M. E. denomination at Union chapel. Funeral services were held this forenoon at 11 o'clock at the family home, conducted by Rev. Theodore H. Azman, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Chari­ton cemetery.

j, — ——— -r Mr. ana ivno. juuu x . nun jcvuiucu Mrs. Margaret Estes of Houghton. home this week from a visit with

friend adhere. Thursday. relatives in Omaha and other cities. visited with friends^here Thursday. Miss I.eona Schierbrock of Burling­

ton arrived Thursday for a visit with her mother here.

Alphons and Stacy Culligan of Mt. Pleasant were over Sunday visitors with their parents here.

Mrs. J. M. Cale very pleasantly en

Mrs. Cora Stevens of Denver, Colo., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Myra

Mrs. J. iVL. uaie very «•- AbeffK tertained the Ladies' Aid socj^y .Miss Jessie Overturff has returned to


Des Moines, May 18. Denny. a Btop" of one'houV wilf be macle. It aged 8, was drowned and his boy com- . .. . . .


Philadelphia. Pa., May 18.—The Lib­erty bell will start July 5 for San Francisco, where it will be exhibited at the Panama-Pacific exposition. It will arrive in Gary, Ind.. at 4:25 p. m. July 6, where a stop of fifteen minutes will be made.

It will reach the Pennsylvania sta­tion in Chicago at 5:30 the same after­noon. They stay in Chicago will be until 12:05 a. m. Wednesday, July 7, when it departs over the Rock Island.

Peoria will be reached at 7 a. m. and

a number of friends at her homo Frl day afternoon. A two course lunch eon was served and all enjoyed a pleas­ant afternoon.

B. K. Burus of Arbelia, Mo., arrived Saturday for a visit with his brother, Al Burus. Mr. Burus was a former resident here and is always glad to re­turn to West Point for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Younk of Ft. Madison were guests Sunday at the Wm. Younk home.

Miss Josephine Jansen has returned from an extended stay at Burlington.

Miss Erma Kuemeyer of Fort Madi­son is a guest at the Wm. Cale home east of town.

Fredonia Harnagel who Is attending high school at Fort Madison, arrived Saturday for a visit with her parents.

The marriage bans of Stephen Peitz of West Point, and Miss Anna Stueker-puergen of Houghton, have been pub­lished. The marriage will take place at St. John's church at Houghton Tues­day, May 25)

The city cemetery is receiving a good cleaning up this week and will be in readiness for Decoration day.

One of the most pleasing musical affairs of the season was the pupils' recital of St. Mary's music studio which was given at St. Aloysins hall last Thursday evening. Twenty num­bers were given and each performer did their work well. The work of the pupils reflect much credit upon the teacher, Sister Fidelia whose pupils they have been the past year. A large audience was present and enjoyed each number rendered.

Mrs. Frank Cit^e and children of Ft. Madison who visited several days at the John Rump home have returned home.

Miss Anna Eitineyer of Ft. Madison is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Pogge.

Mrs. Al Harmeyer was hostess to., the Amity club at her home Friday evening. The evening was pleasantly spent at progressive euchrue, Mrs. Jos. Jansen and Mrs. Gus Lohman win­ning the honors. Refreshments were served.

Twelve new seats have been placed In the park-which adds very much to Its neat appearance.

Lou Van Hynlng and family are visi­tors to Ft. Madison today.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Waltz and baby of Lowell were over Sunday visitors at the Frank Kiesner home south of town.

_:45 p. m. and remain fifteen minutes; arrive in Grinnell, Ia., at 3:50 p. m. and stop ten minutes; arrive in Des Moines at 6 p. m. and make a five hour stop,

will resume its

BILL BOARD FIGHT ON. Clear Lake. May 18.—When Stanfield

in the near future. The details of the grog attempted to erect a 150 foot bill trip have not yet been worked out but v.oard near the lake shore, property

ed reference library to aid In the edu­cation of the boys and girls.

p KILLED BY LIGHTNING. •gr Fort Dodge. May 18.—Frightened

horses dragging a corn planter from

board near the lake shore, property owners immediately enjoined the work­men. The Progress club and Commer­cial club are endeavoring to act as in­termediaries between the parties.


ing to be built here in the summer. The j Estherville, May 18. —'The Emmet vote was 105 for and 65 against. Wo-'county court house was struck by men were allowed to vote for the first: lightning during a storm. The bo\t time in Attica I BPHt the Aa8Pole and t0re a ho,° time in A 'about a foot square in the side of the

K. C's GET LODGE ROOMS. ^upalo, breaking all the windows in the Sheldon. May 18.—The Knights of upper section norses urttgBiiiB l-UL u V7, ,y j i > j

which William Cahall, a thirty year; Columbus of Sheldon have just signed old farmer, was missing, alarmed'a lease with Mrs. Gannon for lodge neighbors of Cahail and led to the dls-1 rooms over one of the furniturei stores, covery of his charred and lifeless j The space occupied will be 50x110 feet body. He had been stricken down by [and when the apartments are complet-llehtning in a sudden storm, while at ed there will be provided one of the work in the field. Cahail leaves a finest lodge„^oom8,,\n,thl®t_P°^|0^,„°f

wife and three little children. I the state. "

The interior of the court house was not damaged. <

VOTE TO CONSOLIDATE. Renwick, May 18.— Vernon township

decided to consolidate their schools at , .uuui0 n. an election by a vote or 40 to 11. The They will be strictly mod-1 bond election will be held soon. ,<


Mrs. Harlan Taylor. The Bay View club met with Mrs.

J. O. Murphy Wednesday afternoon. Mrs C. Stanton acted as leader.

Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Hammond re­turned home Wednesday from Wash­ington. Iowa, where Mrs. Hammond was- taking treatment.

H. L. Hammond attended grand lodge, A. O. U. W., in Dea Moines this week as delegate from No. 291.

Mrs. Wm. Bmlth and daughter re­turned home from Pella, where they have been visiting relatives the past

Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hull returned


her home near Ottumwa after a two weeks stay with her sister, Mrs Alva Huff.

Mrs. E. Doty returned Tuesday from Cedar Rapids where she visited her daughter. Mrs. John Oswald.

Mrs. Bruce McAlister went to Dia­mond, Wyo., this week on business.

Billy Barnes has returned from a few weeks stay in South Dakota.

M. B. Abernathy who was Injured while running a road grader near Al-lcrton has almost completely recov­ered.


T 4 Mrs. Sarah Campbell and Mrs. G.

E. Adkinson returned the first of the week from a few days stay in Bloom-field.

Mrs. Herman Miller and son, Charles, of Bettendorf are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Dick.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Earley were over Sunday visitors in Oskaloosa

The Wesleyan Girls lGee club en- Mr an<j Mrs c T McConnell i tertained a large crowd at the opera Mr and Mrs. Homer Rickey were house Saturday evening* t ».r«in uttenHin? the r

Eddyville visiting his brother Theo Ott.

Mrs. Phillip Hargescheimer was called to Rooaevelt, Minn., this week by the serious illness of her mother Mrs. J. McGlothlen.

Mrs. W. H. May Is opending th«. week in Pella visiting relatives.

Mrs. C. Batuman of Toledo. O., Is the guest of her aunt Mrs. Lucy Laf-flf erty.


Mrs. Clyde Mowery entertained the Rebekah Embroidery club at her home Friday afternoon. Refreshments were served and a pleasant afternoon spent, Mrs. Carl Riggs will entertain May ^8.

George Heffner and son of Table Grove, 111., visited last week at the S. C. Laughlin home.

Mrs. Irvin Glotfelty and Miss Daisy Sherlck will be hostess to the Big Sisters class of the M. E. church at the home of the former Saturday, May 29, from 2 to 6 p. m.

Dr. and Mrs. S. K. Davis have re­turned home from Waterloo where they attended the state medical con­vention.

Miss Martha Fulton left last week for Thomas, Okla., for a month's visit with her father.

Miss Goldie Anderson visited last week with her sisters in Mt. Pleasant.

Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Shreves motor­ed to Monmouth, 111., Saturday and spent Sunday.



Mrs. A. G. Anderson and children of Bloomfleld and Mrs. A. R. Van D« Griff of Selma were guests Sunday al the J. R. Hart home.

Mrs. Milo Foster and Miss Xeit • Swinney spent Tuesday night at Florli with their sister Mrs. Frankle Har-ward. Mrs. Harward expects to leav« soon for Centerville-for surgical treat­ment.

Mrs. Maria McConnell of Florlq wai the guest last week of Mrs. C. F.: Eber­line and is spending this week at th* home of her son J. C. McConnell an4 wife.

Mrs. Hannah Leech of BloomfleH was the guest Saturday of Mrs. T. H Brewster while on her way to Fairfield .

All Interested in the Children's Daj services at the M. E. church are re­quested to meet Saturday afternoon May 29 at the church to arrange the-program. Please remember the date.

Mrs. Jane Putman and daughter Mrs. T. D. Munn were guests Friday at the Wm. Putman home at Drakesville.

Miss Myrtle Caldwell of Bloomfleld. spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Lela Krusor.

The address of C. W. Ramseyer at the Christian church was much en­joyed by a large crowd.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCormlck are shopping in Ottumwa this afternoon.


Miss Vera McCullough, daugthter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McCullough, of this place, was recently appointed by Superintendent Meredith as deputy county superintendent. Miss McCul-

Mrs. Jane Eystrom is seriously ill at '°ufch has been a teacher in the her home in Fairfield. * county, and for some time ,has as-

Clyde Morley purchased a new Bulck sisted Miss Meredith in the office, car last week. Mrs. Jessie Davis of Lebanon, whQ

has been at Graham hospital, Keokuk, for the past month, where she re-

^ celved survlcal treatment, was able Charles H. Allison, age 30. Lovilia, to return to Keosauqua Thursday

and Miss Mary E. Montgomery, age evening and is now at the home of 19, Whiteburg, got married licenses her sister, Mrs. Allen Van Ankin. May 13, 1915. S. V. Whitaker went to Ames the

Mrs. Emma Young Taft of Creston, first of the week, where he expects was a guest of Mrs. A. R. Barnes the erect a business house thi3 fluni-last of the week. mer. He was accompanied by John

Mrs. Margaret Baker s spending . p . £ „thpr« v-ho the week-at Excelsior Springs. ^min, Joe race, and otheis, a. ho

John Barnick, a boy of 11 years in will do the cement woik. March, was drowned today about l Friends here of former Superin-o'clock at Fraker. His family had just tendent David Williams and family, moved out to Fraker this morning and now Df Winterset, are grieved to there was a small pond on the right of jearn 0f the serious condition of their the house about °n®"^aJf TP'1® only son, Ellis, who resides at Iowa the house. He and another boy went u« ja jn *y,G honnitfll af ihaf to the pond and were on a raft and L'ty. He is in ine nospuai at inat some were swimming, just as the raft Place where he was operated on for was getting close to the shore, he start- tumor which was pressing upon the ed to step from the raft to the shore optic nerve, affecting the eyesight and it over turned and he was drowned. and also the hearing. Just how seri-

Mlss Tillle Halden who has been a QUS tkj3 may ^ i8 not ygt jinown 4i

^SL0i^ia^Hn«m^wn ^ The Ruthean society was entpr-eMissTli, Borger and Helen Gutch tained Wednesday, afternoon at the :

spent Saturday in Knoxville. home of Mrs. F. A. Pearson. About H. C. Jobusch of Hiteman was in sixty ladles were present.

Albia yesterday and went to Avery for Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Strickling have a visit with relatives. been entertaining Mrs. Jennie .Kin-

T. J. Jewell who has been visiting hade of Knoxville, Iowa, and Mrs. his daughters lri Albia returned to his Arth Kinkade of Huron 8- T)i> lne home In Cherokee, ORla. . nart wp.k

Mrs. Sam Anderson has returned Pa^t wees. from Allerton where she inspected the Mrs. H. H. Dlsbrow is visiting her Pythian Sisters' temple of that place. son, Will, and daughter. Mis. Robert

Mrs. Calvla Manning who has been Sloan, in Ottumwa. guest of her son, Edwin and wife, John Leming and

£ j :j

„ guest — — — has returned to her home in Ottumwa.

Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McConnell and ,„r. and Mrs. Homer Rickey were in Lovilia yesterday attending the fun-

Mrs. Leta Earley is visiting her eral of Chas. Young. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ranson and son

meets Thurs- Fred, of Burlington, are guests at the uncle in Keokuk.

The Somerset club — w" wn.m Aaxr ovoninir ot the C C Watts home home of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Wilson

Mr/ p A Blarkford vkited he- Mrs. Blandie Anderson came down ciif/r Mrs Liwfe Parish in Stock- ,rom Des Moines last night and will ^rt' ^neBdaf ir atUnd^ th. visit relative, and friend. In Alt»a Ladles' Aid society.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones of near Mount Pleasant visited at the W. J. Brown home Sunday.

Mrs. Libbie Moxley Is moving to the property recently purchased from T. E. White and W. J. Buffington and family are moving to the Boley resi­dence vacated by Mrs. Moxley.

The R. N. A. will celebrate Its an­niversary with a picnic in the Harlan grove.

B. R. Boley and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blackford spent Sunday in Mount Pleasant.

J. E. Miller is the owner of a new automobile.

A hard rain is badly needed in this neighborhood.

Mrs. Belle Swink of Bonaparte vis­ited relatives In town the first of the week. Miss Elsie Watts accompanied her home for a short visit.

Mrs. W. J. Brown entertained her Sunday school class Wednesday even-

b. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hoaglln, C. F.

Mrs. Ed Munsell of Hynes, visited with friends at Avery last week.

Mrs. Roy Bomhoff and Mrs. Mont-gomery visited at the Ed Munsel home ln®' at Hynes last week. "--• _ ^ - . %r- _ .

Mr. and Mrs. Harve Forsythe enter- Hoaglln, and Mi. and Mrs. f. A. tained the following at dinner last Blackford drose to Mt. Pleasant Mon-Sunday: Mrs. J. Wilke of Dallas City, day. 111., Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ritcher and The convict worker from Fort children, Harold and Mae Isabelle, Mr. Ma<lj80ii who have been clearing tim-™.d ,Mrls' J- Warr and daughter ^ north of town were taken to near Winfred, Misses Leona and Maude " p....... _ few dftva aEO to Appleman, and Prof. Oscar Johnson. Mount Pleasant a rew days ago 10

The Frank Allen bungalow is being work on the road. erected and will make an up to date dwelling. Contractor Roberts is doing the work. . „ „ . •

Merl Miller is having his residence Chas. Fisher of Marsnalltown, spent repainted. Quite a number are paint- Sunday In Eddyville visiting his mottl­ing their residences and adding various er, Mrs. Lida Fisher.

i... , . . mU. A llan


for some time. Mrs. Rachel Milllagan has returned

from Ottumwa, where she accom­panied her daughter, who was on her way to Georgia, where she will make her future home.

Mr. Ward of Melrose brought to the county auditor's office a litter of five young wolves, for which he was paid $20 — $4 each.

J. W. Reddish is in Oskaloosa this

Miss Grace Harper visited in Avery this week.

A. L. Hinton was In Des Moines the first of the week.

Mrs. Oscar Roper visited in Bux­ton this week.

Mrs. Albert Caldwell has returned to her home in Ottumwa.

Dr. J. T. Avery made a profes­sional visit to Hiteman yesterday.

Thos. H. Zook made a business trip to Waterloo this week.

A. Oswald made a business trip to Des Moines this week.

Mrs. Bertha Loeb and daughter, Cora, are visiting relatives in Webster City.

Mrs. Bert Anderson of Des Moines is a guest at the S. N. Anderson home this w6elt ^

Mrs. George Cooper and Miss Jessie Moore were Ottumwa visitors the first of the week.

John Leming and wife of Fairfield visited here the first of the week with the families of B.- S. Ream and W. H. Leming.

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Vance have gone to Biggsville, 111., to visit their daughter, Mrs. Margaret Rankin.

Captain W. A. Duckworth and wife have returned from Des Moines and are now housekeeping in their old home.


improvements to their properties here. The Allen property on North FMfth The community was shocked to learn street was sold at auction Saturday,

of the death of Axel Lager last Thurs- Wm. Albaugh purchased the property day morning in No. 9 mine, by a fall Miss Bessie Brown of Harlan, visit* of slate. Mr. Lager was an industrious friends in Eddyville this week. Miss and striving to do his best for his fam- Brown will begin meetings at Chllll-11 y and self. He leavea, a widow and cothe this week. three children, and a host of friends Claire and Mi ... . to mourn his sad death. Funeral serv- loosa were guests Sunday of their ices were held at the home and inter- grandmother, Mrs. M. J. Criswell. ment made in the Cuba cemfetery. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. S. c. Brown left Brown of Batavia had charge of the day morning for Corning to make their

!«»•».. Thatf rhrnnirn in tnftir services. Mrs. Vic Stark underwent an opera­

tion at the Miner's hospital Saturday. Rev. Brown of Batavia was in Avery

Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Cosgrove and Babe who

have beeh visiting with the lady's par­ents at Ottumwa the past week, re­turned to Avery Saturday.

Alta Crabill who is teaching at Chil-lieothe. visited at the parental J. P. Crabill home Saturday and Sunday.

Mrs. C. Wilke of Dallas City 111., visited with her son J. W. Ritcher and family the past week.

The following were Albia goers Sat- j

home. They drove through In their car, expecting to make the trip in two days.

Mrs. Fin Bickford was called to Pella Saturday by the illness of her little granddaughter.

Mrs. Wm. Fais of Spencer is the guest this week of Mrs. Wm. Schaffer and other friends.

Dan Chord of Oskaloosa spent Sun­day in Eddyville visiting at the home of his nephew, Geo. Chord. t

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allen and baby of Valley Junction were calling on friends In Eddyville Saturday.

Mr. Wharton, of Fremont h*s accept-A ' 0

..... v ^ U


'i M.


„ —4 Miss Inez Bolce Is visiting friends

in Ottumwa. Mrs. Clyde Meredith and Mrs. Wilson

of Bonaparte were Farmington visitors Wednesday.

S. R. French returned Friday from Marshalltown where he spent the win­ter at the Soldiers' home.

Miss Vera McCullough of Keosauqua conducted the recent Normal training teachers' examination.

Miss Mabel Roberts of St. Louis is the guest of her sister. Miss Gladys Roberts.

Harry Alfrey who for several years has been foreman of concerts construc­tion on the Rock Island railroad, has been promoted to scale inspector for the same road with headquarters at Cedar Rapids.

Miss Cullie Chalfont was a Croton visitor Wednesday.

Mrs. E. L. Shreve pleasantly enter­tained the Kensington club on Thurs­day evening. Mrs. E. L. Brown of Holly, Colo., was an out of town guest and a two course luncheon was served.

L. L. Bickmore returned to Kansas' City Wednesday after a few days' visit with his wife at this place.

You can keep the sun off you by holding an umbrella over your head, but you won't earn a very "fat" living working with only one hand. Better risk getting a sweat tip.

Dr.D.E. Graham Hours—9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. m.

Ennls Office Bldfl., Ottumwa, Iowa.

When In Ottumwa

Eat at The I o w a C a f e

Five doors west of the Courier. ——i

Equipment and Experienced Men

enable us to do your upholstering

and repairing of furniture, as it

should b« done. Don't trust your

work to inexperienced men.

H.W.Su«chting Co 128 W. Second. New Phone <67-1



Glasses Fitted ang Furnished.

Office over Woo' worth 5c and 10



Vc. <