southwest missouri workforce investment board - …...2019/03/04  · odle management group, llc...

COVER PAGE Proposal For: One Stop Operator To: Workforce Investment Board Southwest Missouri Proposer Information Legal Name: Odle Management Group, LLC Address: Lisa Odle, President & CEO 9937 East Bell Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260 480-922-1027 Date This Proposal Was Prepared: March 1, 2019 Prepared By: Pamela Hunnicutt, Corporate Program Manager 33777 New Hope Road Tecumseh, OK 74873 405-613-6653 Proposers Federal Tax Identification Number: 27-0093730 Total Budget of This Proposal: $ $78,163.44

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Page 1: Southwest Missouri Workforce Investment Board - …...2019/03/04  · Odle Management Group, LLC (ODLE) and the Workforce Service Division (WFS) has extensive previous and current


Proposal For: One Stop Operator

To: Workforce Investment Board Southwest Missouri

Proposer Information

Legal Name: Odle Management Group, LLC

Address: Lisa Odle, President & CEO

9937 East Bell Road

Scottsdale, AZ 85260


Date This Proposal Was Prepared: March 1, 2019

Prepared By: Pamela Hunnicutt, Corporate Program Manager

33777 New Hope Road

Tecumseh, OK 74873


Proposers Federal Tax Identification Number: 27-0093730

Total Budget of This Proposal: $ $78,163.44

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Table of Contents Previous WIOA or Related Experience: Describe all experience related to the WIA, WIOA, or other federal or state programs and legislation. ..................................................................................................... 2

Qualifications of Proposed One Stop Operator: Provide the qualifications including knowledge, skills and abilities of the person who will perform the duties of the OSO. ............................................................ 6

Staff Management: Explain any qualifications you have regarding supervision, hiring, performance evaluations of employees. ............................................................................................................................. 7

Compliance/Quality Assurance Experience: Detail all experience relating to monitoring, auditing, reviewing of federal, state, or local laws and regulations. ............................................................................ 8

Customer Service Vision: Outline of how to improve integration and collaboration for business, job seeker and youth services. ............................................................................................................................. 9

Read and complete Complaint and Grievance form. .................................................................................. 10

Provide the following documents related to your company/organization as a whole: Organizational Chart, Voluntary Self-Identification form used for current employees, Staffing analysis as it relates to minority and non-minority groups. ............................................................................................................................ 10

Provide copies of your company/organization policies covering the following areas: Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Accommodations (disability and religious). .................................................. 10

Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Fiscal Management Questions .................................................................................................................... 13

Budget ......................................................................................................................................................... 16

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Previous WIOA or Related Experience: Describe all experience related to the WIA, WIOA, or other federal or state programs and legislation. Odle Management Group, LLC (ODLE) is a for-profit Woman-Owned, Minority Business and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. In June 2015, ODLE created a Workforce Services Division housed at the corporate office in Scottsdale, Arizona and in the field in Oklahoma.

Odle Management Group, LLC (ODLE) and the Workforce Service Division (WFS) has extensive previous and current experience in delivering Job Corps, WIA, and WIOA Department of Labor, Employment and Training services. Our corporation was founded by Lisa S. Odle on May 25, 2004.

ODLE’s Workforce Initiative is led by Corporate Program Manager, Pamela Hunnicutt. Ms. Hunnicutt has over 18 years of direct experience in workforce development within the state of Oklahoma. Her career began as a Career Manager. She has also held positions as a Youth Coordinator, Compliance Monitor and Executive Director of a Local Board. She has a complete knowledge of the history, evolution, industries, and landscape of Workforce Development. She also has a heart for those we serve and a dedication to the staff who work for ODLE providing needs-based services to our customers. We currently manage seven (7) Title I and One Stop Operator (OSO) contracts in four (4) of Oklahoma’s Workforce areas and manage One Stop Operations in Northwest Tennessee and Kansas Local Area I.

Northeast Oklahoma Eastern Oklahoma Southern Oklahoma Title I & One Stop Operations Title I & One Stop Operations One Stop Operations Western Oklahoma Northwest Tennessee Kansas Local Are I Title I & One Stop Operations One Stop Operations One Stop Operations

The One Stop Operator delivery system is a new concept under WIOA. Our corporate staff has been involved in piloting and implementing compliant One Stop Operations in the state of Oklahoma since 2014. Through these experiences, we have learned what works and what doesn’t work under the WIOA.

The One Stop concept was piloted under WIA in 2014 by our Corporate Program Manager in her former position as LWIB Director in Oklahoma. The One Stop model worked well for the small workforce area. The Board’s fiscal agent provided payroll for program staff and a separate RFP was issued and a contract implemented for a One Stop Operator (OSO). The OSO provided system oversight, managed programs, assured performance was met and supervised staff.

With the changes in WIOA, the methods for the One Stop Operator must be non-partial and the One Stop Operator must not have loyalties to any one partner agency in the system. One Stop Operators also cannot have any direct programmatic duties and cannot supervise staff. Therefore, changes had to be made to the initial implementation of the piloted Operator project.

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The model has evolved into a highly-functioning position that serves as the coordinator of the workforce system in the local area.

Our One Stop Operator contracts are each measured by the elements most valued by the Boards. Some of our measures are listed below. We are a flexible entity who designs services, measures, and procedures to meet the needs of the Board and their customers.

Examples of OSO Contract Measures Partner Meetings Presentations to Community New Efficiencies Center Visits Cross Trainings Customer Satisfaction Business contacts Convene Core Managers

We are willing to negotiate the best measures to meet all standards expected by the WIB.

One Stop Operations Experience

ODLE has been providing and expanding One Stop Operations under WIOA since 2016. We have six (6) One Stop Operator contracts in three (3) states. One Stop Operators have various job duties in each contract according to the Board’s vision. We have developed standard procedure for our OSO contracts while maintaining flexibility to individually serve each Board.

Promising Practices

Weekly Updates

Our weekly updates are a favorite among our partners. One Stop Operator sends updates through email to all partners. They are brief and spotlight upcoming events and activities. OSO sends updates on Fridays for the following week.

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System Newsletter

Our Operators put together a quarterly newsletter to reflect the system news and events. The newsletters spotlight participant, partners, businesses and activities of the area.

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Universal Referral Form Our referral form was developed for referrals to American Job Centers and for staff to refer customers to partner services and other social service agencies. OSO tracks the referrals for reporting purposes.

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As a newly provider of Workforce Services, our main accomplishment is the growth and recognition of our Workforce Services Division over the past two years. ODLE’s model for One Stop Operations is successful in all areas. Our philosophy for One Stop Operation is grounded in system improvement through promotion, communication, and collaboration. We promote the OSO to identify with the Workforce area, not our agency so they will be seen as an advocate for all partners. The Operator is the liaison for the Board and becomes the face of Workforce Development in the area.

Our services are based on our company’s mission and core values. ODLE’s mission is “Maximum Performance Drives Success.” Our core values are:

ODLE is performance focused. By being dedicated to our customers and providing them exceptional services, ODLE believes performance will always be met.

Qualifications of Proposed One Stop Operator: Provide the qualifications including knowledge, skills and abilities of the person who will perform the duties of the OSO. ODLE fully intends to hire incumbent staff for the One Stop Operator position. We will seek an individual who has strong relationships with the businesses and agencies in the local area. The qualified candidate must be a self-starter with excellent interpersonal and communication skills. We will work with the Workforce Board and core partners to identify the most appropriate individual for the position. The key qualifications required for our One-Stop Operator are: Competencies Required: • Ability to maintain compliance with 678.625. (NPRM Part II Department of Labor Employment

and Training Administration 20 CFR Parts 676, 677, and 678)

• Ability to comply with city, state, and federal regulations

• Self-motivated and displays excellent organizational skills

• Ability to negotiate and coordinate multiple partner activities

• Ability to prepare contract compliance reports for management review

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Education and Experience Requirements: • Bachelor's degree in education, business, or related field or equivalent experience in project


• Government contract experience preferred

• Computer proficiency

• Demonstrated management skills and strong interpersonal capabilities

Staff Management: Explain any qualifications you have regarding supervision, hiring, performance evaluations of employees. Pamela Hunnicutt has been managing our Workforce Contracts for over two years. She has built her reputation on her passion for Workforce Development Service. She has been a leader in building a skilled workforce in Oklahoma for 18 years. Currently she serves as the Corporate Program Manager for Odle Managements Workforce Services Division and provides oversight to the Oklahoma WIOA Title 1 operations in Northeast, Eastern, Western and Southern Oklahoma, Kansas Local Area I and Northwest Tennessee. Her experience from all perspectives of the Workforce system drives her passion for excellence in Workforce Development. She hones her HR skills with her membership of SHRM and her local SHRM Chapter.

Ms. Hunnicutt earned her Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma.

ODLE believes in developing and motivating staff. ODLE staff are empowered to do their job, and they are positively supported in all aspects of their duties.

Our organizational chart shows the support structure of our Workforce Services (WFS). Workforce Human Resource activities are supported by Elsa Schwenker, Vice President, Human Resources and Liz Rice, Human Resource Assistant.

Elsa Schwenker is the Executive Director of Human Resources for Odle Management Group. She has over 16 years of experience in human resources management. The gamut of Human Resources functions includes recruitment and selection, staff training and development, employee benefits and payroll, employee relations, Affirmative Action Compliance including the development of policies and procedures relative to Human Resources in support of corporate and existing contracts. Ms. Schwenker is a graduate of Montclair State University in Upper Montclair, New Jersey and is a member of the Society for Human Resources Management. After earning her degree in English Education from Calumet College of St. Joseph in Whiting, Indiana, Liz Rice began her career as an English teacher at a newly-opened Junior High School in the Chicago suburbs. Not long after, taught Business English and Communications at Triton College in Elk Grove, Illinois. Eventually, she entered the business world via Sears Roebuck and Co’s corporate office in Sears Tower, Chicago. Ms. Rice moved to Arizona in 2006 and joined Odle Management in 2013. With her history as an educator and trainer, she was drawn to ODLE’s mission to serve disadvantaged youth through Job Corps. She resides in Scottsdale, AZ.

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The Human Resource team advertises open positions on the Job Board at, on, and through our American Job Centers. The Corporate Human Resources Department provides support in the form of consultation and assistance for any question/issue for any ODLE department/division.

Once interviews are conducted and decisions are made locally, corporate HR receives an Approval to Hire and initiates an offer letter, background checks and pre-employment testing. ODLE utilizes a 3rd party company (InfoMart) for Background/Pre-employment Testing. New Hire paperwork and orientation is completed locally and sent to corporate for processing.

In the event that ODLE must terminate a staff member, ODLE Corporate Program Manager assist Supervisor with documentation of progressive disciplinary action and assures the termination is necessary. The documents are then forwarded to Corporate Human Resources to make the final decision. The Corporate Human Resources Department and in turn, the President and CEO, must be consulted and are the approving body for all disciplinary and termination actions.

All Performance Appraisals are conducted initially upon six month of hire and on the anniversary of the contract (Annual). 100% review, evaluation and appraisals are conducted by the local supervisor with consultation with CPM. All reviews are forwarded to and reviewed by Corporate Human Resources.

The Corporate Human Resources Department provides consultation/assistance with ADA/Discrimination/Sexual Harassment/Legal-Compliance issues with access to external legal and compliance organizations as needed.

Compliance/Quality Assurance Experience: Detail all experience relating to monitoring, auditing, reviewing of federal, state, or local laws and regulations. ODLE’s background of providing over 14 years of successful business and government-contracting operations, speaks to their commitment to quality. We welcome monitoring of our programs on a regular basis by federal, state and local entities.

The procedure for maintaining high quality program services is multiple lines of review. All Odle Management Group’s staff will be knowledgeable in processes and comply with the Board’s policies and procedures. The following is the foundation for ODLE’s Quality Assurance process:

• All customers receiving services are eligible under WIOA • Case files comply with Board’s policies • Individual Training Accounts are appropriate for the Labor Market • Work Based Training is appropriate for customer’s needs according to their individual plan • Supportive services are necessary and allowable • Funds are not over or under obligated or expended • Core measures are met • Contract performance is met

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ODLE has a rigorous internal QA process with 100% reviews by staff supervisors at three points in participation:

• Enrollment (eligibility) • Prior to expending WIOA funds (ITA, WEX) • Prior to exit

Vickie Kinsey serves as our Data Integrity Specialist. Ms. Kinsey is the former State Director of Experience Works Title V, Older Worker programs in Oklahoma.

ODLE’s Data Integrity Specialist conducts WIOA Core Measure monitoring at the corporate level quarterly.

Customer Service Vision: Outline of how to improve integration and collaboration for business, job seeker and youth services.

ODLE understands the shift in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act from the Job Seeker to the business as our main focus. Instead of beginning with our product—the job seeker, and trying to sell to our customer—the business, we are serving our businesses as our main customers and building quality, skilled workers. For many in workforce development this is a hard change of mindset. We put the job (based on the area’s needs) first in the focus of building a plan for the job seeker. This concept is especially important with our young adults.

Collaboration is key in any environment, but critical in the steps of success in a truly integrated workforce system. ODLE invites all factions to the table in order to accomplish the goals and objectives in creating pathways to wealth generation, sustainability, and performance standards. This means we lead the way in fostering an environment where all partners’ voices are valued, and each stakeholder is meaningfully engaged to respond to the vison, priorities and standards established by the local board.

Through collaborative partnerships formed by a network of organizations such as One-Stop partners, community agencies, faith-based organizations, and economic development agencies, we are dedicated to taking the lead to ensure that each system partner is apprised of the priorities of the local board and aligned to respond to these priorities. Adult Education, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment Security Commission and WIOA Title I are the drivers of the integrated Workforce System. The One-Stop Operator will work with the core partners to engage other mandatory partners in aligning and building a comprehensive system for businesses and job seekers. To accomplish this, the Operator will perform outreach in the local communities to both employers and agencies. In addition to outreach services, the Operator will assure that business services are delivered in a professional and customer centered manner. The Operator will work equitably with each partner to uphold the purpose of the workforce system. System promotions and material will be developed to reflect the services of all partners.

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The Operator will host a meeting of the One Stop partners each quarter or as needed. Partners will include all agencies who have an interest in the employment and economic development of the workforce area. The purpose of the meeting is a sharing of information and services and to join forces to improve the workforce system. The Partners meeting will be a working group and will handle the task of system development and continuous improvement. The quarterly meetings will also provide valid and updated information to all partners. Operator will organize a presentation that will be of interest to all partners. The meetings will include a section for partners to tell about their programs and services. Ideas and issues gathered from the Partners Meetings will be reported to the Workforce Board by the Operator.

In addition to the required convening of all partners, ODLE proposes a regular schedule of meetings with core partner managers to form a workgroup for system improvement. The purpose of the meeting is to provide the Workforce with a communicative system that works toward continuous improvement, referral processes, common intake, and collaborative partnerships. This meeting will serve as a mechanism to keep core partners on the “same page” for a truly integrated system.

Read and complete Complaint and Grievance form. Please see Attachment A

Provide the following documents related to your company/organization as a whole: Organizational Chart, Voluntary Self-Identification form used for current employees, Staffing analysis as it relates to minority and non-minority groups.

• Organization Charts – Attachment B ODLE Structure, Attachment C Workforce Services Structure • Voluntary Self Identification - Attachment D • Corporate Human Resources conducts analysis’ via EEO-1 and AAP reporting as needed.

Provide copies of your company/organization policies covering the following areas: Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, Accommodations (disability and religious). ODLE Management conducts New Hire, Annual and Periodic (as needed) education and training in all areas mandated by Federal and Local statutes, to include; EEOC (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964/Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967/Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990). Company policies are proprietary and meet compliance standards.

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Risk Assessment Assertion Response Evaluation/Risk Management/Staff 1. What is the turnover percentage of key management? Identify changes in management, administration, and program during the past three years.

We have had to fill 2 managers position in our contracts in the past 2 1/2 years. One Manager moved out of state and one was terminated for cause.

2. Has any member of the Board, Executives, or Management been placed under investigation or been party to an investigation/ indictment in the past three years?


3. What has been the percentage of staff turnover in the past three years?

Workforce Services = 7/50 = 14%

4. What are the minimum qualifications for Youth program staff members?

ODLE values education. Our Career Manager positions prefer the following:

• Bachelor degree in the Social Service field or

• Two (2) years’ experience working in the social services industry

5. Are background checks completed on all employees?


6. Is there regular training offered to staff, including professional development? If so, what is the frequency?

Our Managers develop staff through structured conference calls on a weekly basis and hold in person group staff development monthly.

7. Are participants utilized in the office setting? If so, do they sign confidentiality statements?

Yes. We believe in promoting our participants throughout the Workforce System and often fill open positions with participants. All employees and Work Experience Positions sign our Confidentiality agreement.

Administrative/Program 8. Does the organization have written monitoring policies and procedures?

QA Procedure Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

9. Is there a monitoring schedule?

Schedules are developed for each area

10. Are there written monitoring reports? If so, when are they submitted?

We compile all corrections on a master file. Reports can be pulled from the master file at any time.

11. Are written reports reviewed? Who is responsible for signing off on the reports?

QA files are monitored by our Data Integrity Specialist. All files are maintained

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electronically on Dropbox. No sign off is required by ODLE.

12. How are policies and procedures communicated to staff?

Staff are trained on ODLE policies and procedures at contract implementation. New procedures are addressed in weekly and monthly staff development.

13. Do monitoring policies and procedures include action taken on findings and non-compliance?

Yes. All findings and corrections are recorded. Trends are addressed through staff development and corrective action plans as needed.

14. Is there an EEO/Affirmative Action Plan?


Program Services in Other Areas 15. Are all 14 elements being offered and what percentage are being utilized?

All 14 elements are made available and provided either directly or indirectly through community partner agencies. Referrals are made for elements such as Guidance and Counseling, Adult mentoring, Alternative secondary school offerings and Apprenticeships. Guidance and counseling are used rarely, usually for substance abuse and Adult mentoring is not often utilized. 12/14 = 85.7%

16. Are the in-school/out-of-school percentages being met?

Yes. ODLE focuses our services toward OSY. Our average for all contracts is 96% OSY.

17. Is the Work Experience percentage being met?

We are currently falling short in two of our contracts on our work experience numbers. We have developed corrective actions and established individual goals for each Career Manager and feel confident we will meet the levels prior to the end of the Program Year.

18. Are there any participants who meet the 5% rule? If so, what is the percentage?


19. Percentage of participants placed into training.

NE 56/87 = 64.36% Eastern 221/315 = 70.15% Western 147/204 = 72.05%

20. Are there specialized programs? If so, are they offered to all participants?

Programs are available to the universal customer.

Performance in Other Areas 21. Are there outstanding monitoring issues?

No. Monitoring findings are a priority to every member of ODLE’s Workforce Team. We address all findings immediately.

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22. Are there monitoring issuesthat tend to be continuousproblems?

Yes, in NE we have had problems with this in the past. With the hiring of a new Manager our issues are being cleared and intense “retraining” is being provided. We are beginning to see cleaner files with fewer write-up in monitoring. Case note entry in real time has been a continuous issue.

23. Have there been anydisallowed costs in the past threeyears? If so, please describe.

We have had a non-reimbursable cost after a change in state policy on PELL recipients. The cost was for $1,083.00. This is on a contract we have the pass-through of client dollars.

24. Has there been anycorrective/performanceimprovement plans in the pastthree years? If so, what is thestatus of the plan?

In the Northeast area as mentioned above. Both the Northeast and Eastern areas are on a CAP for Work Experience expenditures.

25. Are negotiated measures beingmet?

We are meeting core measures in all contracts.

26. Are program enrollments ontarget with goals?

This is part of our CAP in the 2 areas mentioned above.

Fiscal Management Questions

Answer the following questions regarding your fiscal management system.

1. Do you have a copy of/access to the WIOA Law, Federal Regulations andsubsequent amendments?


2. Does your accounting system provide you with adequate information to prepare amonthly financial report? (Such report must be derived from a balance sheet andincome and expense statements).


3. Does your accounting system provide control and accountability over all fundsreceived, property and other assets?


4. Can your accounting system provide for financial reports on an accrual basis? YES

5. Does your accounting system provide for identification of receipt andexpenditure of funds separately for each funding source?

Allocated to each funding stream by staff hours at the end of each month.

6. Are your accounting records maintained in such a manner as to facilitate thetracking of funds to source documentation of the unit transaction?


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7. Does your accounting system have the capability to develop procedures for determining the allowability and allocability of costs in accordance with the provisions of WIOA regulations?


There was no #8 in RFP 9. Has the bank in which you would deposit State and Federal funds insured the account(s) or put up collateral or both, which is equal to the largest sum of money which would be in such bank account(s) at any one point in time during the contract period?


10. Do you make monthly reconciliation of your bank accounts?


11. Are these reconciliations made by the same person who performs the record keeping for receipts, deposits and disbursement and transactions?


12. Do you record daily your cash receipts and disbursement transactions?


13. Are there individuals or positions in your organization which have, as one of their duties, the receipt, distribution or handling of money covered under bond?


14. Is there a person who is responsible for the recording of all financial transactions?


15. Does your organization have an Equal Opportunity (EO) Policy? YES 16. Does your organization have any legal judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings, lawsuits, or other legal proceedings pending against the organization, its owners, or principles?


17. Does your organization have a Complaint or Grievance process? YES Attachment E

18. Is there a person who is responsible for the receipt of all purchased goods?


a. Does this person immediately assign, upon receipt, an inventory number to the required items


b. Does this person perform an inventory audit at least once a year? YES c. Do you maintain records on all property acquisition, disposition and transfer?


19. Do you have written procedures and internal controls established for the procurement of goods and services?


20. Is a competitive bid process incorporated in your purchasing procedures for acquisition of subcontractors, major goods and services, equipment and office space?


21. Is documentation (i.e., timesheets, etc.) properly kept in support of each payroll disbursement?


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22. Are records maintained to support authorized leave (sick, etc.)?


23. Is proper documentation maintained to support travel disbursement? (Please provide a copy of travel disbursement policy)

YES Attachment F

24. Has a formal audit of your organization’s financial records been conducted within the past year?

YES Attachment G

25. Is your accounting system bound by any outside agency (city, county, etc.)?


26. Do you have an indirect cost plan with current approval by a cognizant agency?

YES Attachment H

27. Is your organization funded by more than one source?


28. Does your organization have a written lease for all rented or leased properties?


30. Does your most recent audit have unresolved audit findings?


29. Does your organization have written accounting procedures? (If yes, please provide a copy.)

YES Attachment I

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OPERATING COSTS We have listed Operating Expenses for staff salaries and fringe, travel, training, supplies, and telephone expenses. All Operating Expenses are negotiable. INDIRECT COST RATE Our indirect cost rate established by the Department of Labor is 7.04%. The amount is charged on actual expenditure for personnel and operating expenses. The rate is a cost of services provided by corporate personnel in support of the local project staff. PROFIT MARGIN Odle Management Group, LLC is a for profit corporation. Accordingly, the contract contains a provision for which profit can be earned. The achievement of profit is based on target objectives being met as described in the contract. The amount of profit is allocated to the respective funding streams based on the same formula as all other operating costs.

Budget InformationProposer Name: Odle Management Group

Budget Period: 07/01/19-06/30/20

Detail Budget Item Basis for Determining the Amount Total Costs

STAFFING $ 47,756.76 One Stop Operator (1) 12 months @ $3,979.73 $ 47,756.76 FRINGE $ 12,932.53 Staff Travel Mileage 9803.92 x $.51 = $5,000 $ 5,000.00

Staff TrainingTraining $200 per month x 12 months = $2,400 $ 2,400.00

Telephone/Communication $60 monthly x 12 = $800 $ 800.00 Program Management Support Staff Indirect Cost Rate 7.04% of Total $ 4,849.81

Profit (Performance Based) Profit paid quarterly on performance $ 4,424.35 TOTAL CONTRACT $ 78,163.44

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A – Complaint and Grievance Notice

B – Odle Management Group Corporate Organization Chart

C – ODLE Workforce Services Organization Chart with Proposed area

D – Voluntary AA and Veteran Status Form

E – ODLE Grievance Procedures

F – Travel Policy

G – Independent Auditor’s Report

H – Indirect Cost Rate

I – General Procurement

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DWD-EO-15 (12-2017) Page 1 of 3

It is against the law for this recipient of Federal financial assistance to discriminate on the following bases: Against any individual in the United States, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions, sex stereotyping, transgender status, and gender identity), national origin (including limited English proficiency), age, disability, or political affiliation or belief, or, against any beneficiary of, applicant to, or participant in programs financially assisted under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, on the basis of the individual’s citizenship status or participation in any WIOA Title I-financially assisted program or activity.

The recipient must not discriminate in any of the following areas

Deciding who will be admitted, or have access, to any WIOA Title I-financially assisted program or activity;

Providing opportunities in, or treating any person with regard to, such a program or activity; or

Making employment decisions in the administration of, or in connection with, such a program or activity.

Recipients of federal financial assistance must take reasonable steps to ensure that communications withindividuals with disabilities are as effective as communications with others. This means that, upon request and at no cost to the individual, recipients are required to provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services to qualified individuals with disabilities.

What To Do If You Believe You Have Experienced Discrimination

If you think that you have been subjected to discrimination under a WIOA Title I-financially assisted program or activity, you may file a complaint within 180 days from the date of the alleged violation with either:

Danielle SmithState WIOA Equal Opportunity Officer

421 E. Dunklin P.O Box 1087Jefferson City, MO 65101

Telephone: (573) 751-2428 or Fax: (573)751-4088Email: [email protected]

Email: [email protected]

The Director, Civil Rights Center (CRC),U.S. Department of Labor,

200 Constitution Avenue NW.,Room N-4123, Washington, DC 20210

orelectronically as directed on the CRC Web site at

If you file your complaint with the recipient, you must wait either until the recipient issues a written Notice of Final Action, or until 90 days have passed (whichever is sooner), before filing with the Civil Rights Center (see address above). If the recipient does not give you a written Notice of Final Action within 90 days of the day on which you filed your complaint, you may file a complaint with the CRC before receiving that Notice. However, you must file your CRC complaint within 30 days of the 90-day deadline (in other words, within 120 days after the day on which you filed your complaint with the recipient). If the recipient does give you a written Notice of Final Action on your complaint, but you are dissatisfied with the decision or resolution, you may file a complaint with the CRC. You must file your CRC complaint within 30 days of the date on which you received the Notice of Final Action.

Missouri Division of Workforce Development is an equal opportunity employer/program.Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Missouri Relay Services are available at 711.

Missouri Division of Workforce DevelopmentEqual Opportunity Is the Law Notice

Attachment A

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DWD-EO-15 (12-2017) Page 2 of 3

WIOA regulations require each state to establish a procedure for grievances and program complaints received from participants being served by the workforce system. To seek a formal resolution, you must first file your complaint locally. This process is intended to allow for a resolution of the issue at the most local level. You must start the process by submitting your complaint within your local workforce system, either through your local One-Stop Job Center or local workforce development board. You have up to one year to file a grievance. DWD encourages informal resolution prior to the filing of a written complaint. If the complainant is not satisfied with the attempt at informal resolution, he or she should be encouraged to complete a General WIOA Complaint Form.

The complainant should be allowed sufficient time and technical assistance to provide a complete and clearly written explanation on his or her complaint form. If the complainant is unable to write, staff may transcribe his or her words onto the form; staff shall take care not to alter the language of the complainant. When a written complaint is received, the employee taking the complaint should review it immediately to ensure completeness. Care should be taken to assure the following information has been provided, especially if the complaint is not received on the General WIOA Complaint Form.

The grievance should include the following:1. Full name, telephone number and address of the person making the complaint;2. Full name and address of the respondent; and3. Statement of the facts (including dates) that constitutes the alleged violation(s)4. A statement of how you would like the matter to be resolved (e.g. if the agency finds in your favor what you

would like to see happen or to receive);5. Any applicant, employee, participant, service provider, program recipient, or other interested party may file a

complaint alleging a violation of local WIOA programs, agreements or Local Workforce Development Board policies and activities.

You may file your grievance with the Local Workforce Board Grievance Officer at






Within 60 calendar days of filing your grievance, WIOA requires the local area to provide a formal hearing, if the issue is not resolved informally prior to the hearing. If you find the local hearing decision unsatisfactory, or if the local area does not respond to you in the allotted 60 days, you will have the opportunity to file a request for review by the State. At the State level, WIOA requires an opportunity for an informal resolution and hearing to be completed within 60 calendar days of the filing. If the State does not respond within the 60 days, or either party wants to appeal, WIOA allows for a formal appeal to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Federal appeals must be made within 60 calendar days of the receipt of the decision being appealed. DOL will make a final decision no later than 120 days after receiving a formal appeal. DOL will only investigate grievances and complaints arising through the established procedures. WIOA does not allow for federal intervention until the formal procedure has been followed.

Retaliation: No DWD employee, recipient or sub-recipient may discharge, intimidate, retaliate, threaten, coerce or discriminate against any individual because the individual has filed a discrimination complaint or otherwise participated in the investigation of a discrimination complaint.

Missouri Division of Workforce DevelopmentWIOA Grievance Procedure Notice


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DWD-EO-15 (12-2017) Page 3 of 3

I acknowledge receipt of copies of the following Notice of Rights:1. Equal Opportunity Is the Law Notice2. WIOA Grievance Procedure Notice

I have read these Equal Opportunity and WIOA Programs Notices and understand that I have a right to file discrimination or programmatic complaints if I feel that my rights were violated by a WIOA Title I financially assisted program or activity.

This information was provided in the following language/format English Spanish Other Language (Specify)

Alternate Format (Specify)

Participant Name Print Name Signature

Recipient Organization Name Print Name/Title Signature

Applicant for Employment Print Name Signature

Employee Print Name Signature

[Staff instruction: Indicate the correct line by checking one box below,appropriate to the individual, before presenting for a signature]

Participant means an individual who has been determined to be eligible to participate in, and who is receiving any aid, benefit, service, or training under, a program or activity financially assisted in whole or in part under Title I of WIOA. This includes participants in WIOA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth programs, National Dislocated Worker Grant participants, Trade Adjustment Assistance participants, and any other program for which a hard-copy participant file is required. The individual or individuals intended by Congress to receive aid, benefits, services, or training from a recipient.

For additional information about Missouri Division of Workforce Development services, contact a Missouri Job Center near you. Locations and additional information are available at or (888) 728-JOBS (5627).

Missouri Division of Workforce Development is an equal opportunity employer/program.Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Missouri Relay Services are available at 711.

Employee means a covered employee, of a recipient, included in the Unemployment Insurance (UI) wage records of that recipient.

Applicant for employment means a person or persons who make(s) an application for employment with a recipient of federal financial assistance under WIOA Title I.

Recipient means an entity that receives financial assistance under Title I of WIOA. ‘‘Recipient’’ includes, but is not limited to: State-level agencies that administer, or are financed in whole or in part with, WIOA Title I funds; State Workforce Agencies; State and Local Workforce Development Boards; Local Workforce Development Area grant recipients; One-stop operators; Service providers, including eligible training providers; On-the-Job Training employers; and other National Program recipients.


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Attachment B

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Attachment C

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Attachment D

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Restricted Data

”This data furnished shall not be disclosed outside the Board and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than to evaluate the process. This restriction does not limit the Board's right to use information contained in the data if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction is contained on all pages of this document


WFS - Workforce Services Division Effective Date: 01 July 2016


Serial No. Page 1 of 1


Corporate Approval Lisa S. OdleDate: July 1, 2016


To provide a Standard Operating Procedure to advise staff that they have the right to file a complaint ofdiscrimination in accordance with the grievance procedure as outlined in Paragraph C below.


It is the Company’s continued responsibility to provide Equal Opportunity for all staff. The Companysubscribes to the proposition that no staff shall be discriminated against based on race, color, sex, religion,national origin, age, disability, citizenship, political affiliation, or belief.


1. The immediate supervisor of the staff complainant will endeavor to resolve the issues of the complaint.If this is not successful, the complaint automatically goes to the second step after five working days.(The words "complaint" and "grievance" are used interchangeably.)

2. The supervisor, working with the EO Coordinator (ODLE Corporate Human Resources) will endeavorto resolve the issues of the complaint. If the EO Coordinator cannot resolve the issues of thecomplaint within ten (10) working days, a hearing may be requested. When complaints aresuccessfully resolved, the EO Coordinator will send a complete report to the President/CEO of OdleManagement.

3. Steps 1 and 2 provide an opportunity for an informal resolution of the complaint. When informalresolution has failed, the complainant shall be offered an opportunity to request an impartial hearingbefore the EO Committee.

A hearing, when requested, shall normally be held within 30 days after the filing of a complaint.A recommended decision by the EO Committee to the Odle Management President will be madewithin 50 days of the filing of the complaint, and a final written decision by the President made within60 days of the filing of the complaint.

Attachment E

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Attachment F

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Attachment G

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Attachent H

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ODLE MANAGEMENT GROUP Effective Date: 1 July 2014


Serial No. 5.6R1

Page 1 of 35


Corporate Approval

Date Contracting Officer Approval

Regional Office Approval

Date Date

A. PURPOSE To provide an Operating Procedure which establishes the manner for acquiring materials, supplies, and contracted services at prices, arrangements, quantities and quality established in the best interests of the students, Odle Management, the Center and the U.S. Government as required for the conduct of Corporate and Job Coprs programs.

To establish a standard procedure for the purchase of expendable and non-expendable property in compliance with applicable federal laws, rules, regulations, and contracts.


1. Procurement is conducted to obtain what is required, when needed, at the lowest practical price, always considering economic quality and advantages of competition. Procurement practices are consistent with applicable customer contract terms, applicable Center and U.S. Government procurement policy directives and will follow the best commercial and industrial practices and ethics "common among good businessmen" and as set forth in the Federal Acquistion Regulation 52.203-13 “Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct”(Apr 2010) and the Odle Management ‘Standards of Conduct’. All Odle Management employees will receive annual training on Business Ethics. Procedures will routinely provide for economical operation and for protection against favoritism, fraud, collusion, and conflict of interest. To ensure management control, the following standards must be adhered to: No officer, employee, or agent may:

a. Solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value, other than token items, from suppliers or potential suppliers, including subcontractors under the center contract.

b. Participate in the selection, award, or administration of a procurement under the center contract where, to the individuals knowledge, any of the following has a financial or other substantive interest in any organization which may be considered for award, unless there is no other satisfactory source and a full written disclosure is made to the Contracting Officer prior to the award:

The officer, employee, or agent;

Any member of his or her immediate or extended family.

His or her partner.

A person or organization that employs, or is about to employ any of the above.

Any violation of the above may result in any of the following:



Civil action to recover monetary damages.

It is not a conflict of interest, or contrary to the standards of conduct governing the procuring of supplies, for a Center to obtain equipment, supplies, or services from the Center contractor if such services or supplies are provided to the center at the center contractor's cost and these costs are lower than other sources, or the center contractor has obtained the Regional Office's approval. Such

Attachment I

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center/contractor transactions commonly arise in the sharing or using of computer, copying, or printing equipment or services. Procurement files will be properly documented to permit subsequent audit as to the conformance with policy and procedures, individual responsibility, and justification for decisions and approvals.

2. Only authorized procurement personnel may make commitments, written or oral, in a procurement matter which can be reasonably interpreted as establishing a liability for Odle Management and in some instances the Center. Authorized personnel will consist of the Buyer, F&A Director, Center Director and corporate President and Vice President.

3. Provision will be made for emergency purchases (i.e. plumbing, electrical, HVAC and other maintenance or security needs,during times when authorized procurement personnel are not on Center, including after hours and weekends) by having qualified contractors identified and hourly rates quoted for such work as would typically be needed. These services would be included on a blanket purchase order.

4. All subcontracting is to be accomplished in accordance with the subcontract clauses of the prime Government Contract or Odle Management and the prime Government Contract.

5. Procurement activities are conducted with the fullest possible compliance and assurance to the government that small business, minority business enterprises and veteran owned businesses will have an equitable opportunity to complete by arranging solicitations, time for the preparation of bids, quantities, specifications, and delivery schedules so as to facilitate the participation of these enterprises.

Reference: Policy and Requirements Handbook (PRH)- 5.6, "Procurement & Property Management" PRH Appendix 505, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)

C. PROCEDURES When a need for goods or services is identified on the Job Corps Center, at an OA/CTS contract or at the Corporate office, a determination must be made as to the vehicle to use to make the purchase and ensure it meets all federal and corporate requirements.

1. Petty Cash 2. Check Request 3. Purchase Order Request 4. Purchase Order 5. Blanket Purchase Order

1. Petty Cash

Petty Cash requests are for small items of less than $100, that are needed relatively quickly, that might not be identified until seen, or that the exact amount may not be known. Examples of these items might be a special screw for a maintenance project or a condiment needed in the preparation of lunch.

a. Obtain a Petty Cash form (Attachment A) b. Complete in its entirety c. Get all necessary signature approvals d. Take to Finance office e. Get cash and sales tax exemption form f. Purchase Item(s) g. Take item to warehouse to be received h. Take receipt and any remaining cash to finance to be reconciled.

Entire transaction must be completed within 5 days or monies advanced will be deducted from employee’s paycheck.

2. Check Request.

A check request is used when a vendor cannot be located that will accept a purchase order, or the purchase is made off center and the vendor requires payment at the time services are rendered. Examples of when a check request might be used is for the payment of drivers license fees or for recreation trips. Generally checks will not be issued to employees, but should be made out to the vendor.

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a. Obtain a Check Request form (Attachment B) b. Complete in its entirety c. Get all necessary signature approvals d. Take to Finance office for them to prepare check e. Pick up check and tax exemp form f. Purchase Item(s) or service(s) g. Take item to warehouse to be received h. Take receipt and any cash refund to finance to be reconciled.

Entire transaction must be completed within 5 days or monies advanced will be deducted from paycheck.

3. Purchase Request Procedure

a. The Purchase Request Form (PR) (Attachment C) is the internal document that details the type of service or materials to be purchased, and is the document for initiating such purchases. The Purchase Request is the authorizing document for the buyer to obtain prices or to solicit bids. With this form, the requestor identifies the item or service needed by doing market research and carefully analyzing what the intended outcome or objective is. Justification must be provided by giving a detailed explanation of why the particular item or service is needed. PRs are submitted for approval not to exceed the limits listed (in c.) below. Any staff member can submit a request to the licensed employee designated for their department.

b. Purchase Request forms (Attachment C) are completed as follows:

1) Requested by: Originator's full name.

2) Account Code: Purchase Requests will be assigned the appropriate accounting classification by the requestor, who will consult with Finance if there are any concerns as to which budget classification to use.

3) Suggested Vendor: This area should be completed to assist the Purchasing Department. Any vendors/sources which were contacted by the requestor in doing market research and obtaining price estimates MUST be listed showing the person contacted. Additionally, if prices were obtained by the requestor, prices must be forwarded to the buyer to ensure the correct items and prices are utilized. The buyer is in no way committed to purchasing from the suggested vendor unless after doing her/his own market research and value analysis it is determined that the suggested vendor offers the best value for the price. Sole source requests will not be accepted.

4) Date Originated: Calendar date Purchase Request was prepared.

5) Date required: Final date when the materials must arrive in order for proper functioning of the department. ASAP is not acceptable.

6) Item No: Number each item sequentially.

7) Description of Materials, Supplies, or Services: Be specific. Attach all market research including papers, drawings, or pamphlets, if necessary to show specifics. List size, color, construction, materials, weight, brand, catalog number, and catalog used as appropriate to describe item. Requestors should be familiar with Job Corps Program Instruction Notice No. 06-31, Green Procurement Program, to ensure environmental concerns and requirements are addressed.

8) Estimated Price: Estimate a price from prior experience, a source publication or by contacting an outside source by phone.

9) Estimated Price x Quantity Total

10) Sum of Estimated Extensions

11) Obtain necessary approvals

c. Purchase Requests must be approved by the appropriate Director or Manager of the area initiating the request, the F&A Director, and if in excess of $10,000, the Center Director, and if in excess of $25,000, the Odle Management President or Vice President and DOL Contracting Officer. More

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restrictive limits may be put in place by the Center Director. All Health Services subcontracts require approval of the DOL Contracting Officer.

d. Certain types of purchases require either additional documentation or specific notation. These are detailed in the following paragraphs:

1) Equipment with an item cost of over $200 may be purchased only after receiving approval of the DOL Regional Office. The Buyer or other approved finance personnel, must prepare ETA Form 3-41B, “Property Requirements List for On-going or Renewal Contracts”, which when signed and returned by the Regional Office, authorizes the Center to proceed with the purchasing procedure. All equipment purchases for the Center require an ETA Form 3-41B, but only require DOL approval is required if over $200. Equipment purchases shall be handled strictly by Purchasing.

2) Construction or Maintenance contracts should have clear, concise Statements of Work (SOW) included. Construction or maintenance contracts over $2,000 require many more contract clauses, terms and conditions added to the formal solicitation and incorporated into the resulting Purchase Order. Among these are the Davis Bacon Act, the Service Contract Act (Must notify DOL Contracting Officer before getting bids), the Copeland Act, Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, Labor Standards Act, Materials and Workmanship, Green Purchasing Act. Copies of Insurance Policies must be obtained and kept in PO File. (Far 52.228-7) An SF1413, Statement and Acknowlegement must be fully completed and signed by both parties. Subcontractor is required to furnish weekly paysheets to the buyer. See Construction Bid Package (Addendum 1).

4. Purchase Order Procedures

a. Buyers Market Research

(1) Market research (see FAR10.001) is an essential element of building an effective strategy for the acquisition of commercial items and establishes the foundation for the Center’s description of need (see Part 11), the solicitation, and resulting purchase order. (2) The description of need must contain sufficient detail for potential offerors of commercial items to know which commercial products or services may be suitable. Generally, for acquisitions in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold, the Center’s statement of need for a commercial item will describe the type of product or service to be acquired and explain how the Center intends to use the product or service in terms of function to be performed, performance requirement or essential physical characteristics. Describing the Center’s needs in these terms allows offerors to propose methods that will best meet the needs of the Government. (3) Follow the procedures in Subpart 11.2 regarding the identification and availability of specifications, standards and commercial item descriptions. (4) Follow standards established by DOL for electronic and information technology equipment, and also consult with the Job Corps Data Center on any telephone line or equipment requirements. (5) The buyer will also at this point determine what warrantees, certifications and insurance will be required. See FAR 28.3 for a detailed discussion on insurance requirements. In general if a commercial item is being purchased from a store, no insurance is required. If a contractor is coming on the Center to perform a service (i.e. medical, repair, maintenance or construction), insurance is generally required. If required, a General Liability policy written on the comprehensive form of policy should have coverage of at least $500,000 per occurrence (Far 28.307-2). (6) Buyer is required to the maximum extent practicable, to purchase commercial items or nondevelopmental items as components of items supplied to the Center (FAR 12.101(c)).

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b. After conducting sufficient market research to determine exactly what will fulfill the Center’s needs (not wants), the buyer will write out a detailed description of the item to be procured and make a determination of where to locate prospective vendors.

c. Vendor Selection

Purchases from Government Supply Sources will be done in conformance with FAR 8.4 and 51.103. The selection of the vendor that will supply the materials or services needed will be made from the sources listed below:

Federal Government Excess: Ordering from this source is done on Standard Form 122, "Transfer Order Excess Personal Property".

GSA Self-Service Store: This store is often located in the nearest Federal Building.

GSA Stores Stocks: Procedures for ordering from this source are detailed in FPMR 101-26.2, “FEDSTRIP Operating Guide”, and supplemented in the “GSA Federal Supply Schedule Program Guide”. Ordering from this “Standard Requisition Document.”

GSA Supply Schedule: Federal Supply Service Schedules for numerous commodities may be ordered from GSA (8FFs), Building 41, Denver Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225, using Standards Form 457. These schedules list companies having one year contracts to supply goods and services to Federal agencies at fixed prices. The companies listed must be contacted individually for price lists of information. Purchases from these companies will be made using the Center’s Purchase Order, with the GSA contract number of the company clearly shown on the PO. A copy of the Center’s “Letter of Authority to use GSA Sources” will be attached to the vendor’s copy of the PO. Remember, you are still required to get three bids on GSA supply items. For more information or assistance regarding the Federal Supply Schedule Program, review the following website: Additionally, for on-line training courses regarding the Schedules Program, review the following website:

Other Government Sources: These include the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), the Veterans Administration (VA), the Health Services Administration (HAS), Federal Prison Industries, National Industries for the Blind and the Department of Agriculture.

(a) Contractors placing orders under Federal Supply Schedules shall follow the terms of the applicable schedule and authorization and include with each order—

(1) A copy of the authorization (unless a copy was previously furnished to the Federal Supply Schedule contractor); and (2) The following statement: This order is placed under written authorization from ______ dated ______. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this order and those of your Federal Supply Schedule contract, the latter will govern.

(b) Contractors placing orders for Government stock shall— (1) Comply with the requirements of the contracting officer’s authorization, using FEDSTRIP or MILSTRIP procedures, as appropriate; (2) Use only the Government activity address code obtained by the contracting officer in accordance with 51.102(e) along with the contractor’s assigned access code, when ordering from GSA Customer Supply Centers. (3) Order only those items required in the performance of their contracts.

Commercial Sources: These sources are any sources not listed above.

d. Vendor lists of small businesses must be maintained for each category and cross-referenced with commonly purchased items. Utilization of small and disadvantaged businesses must be tracked in the corporate computer system to facilitate reporting to the government.

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e. Vendor selection will be made by using the following procedural steps that are based on the estimated value of the Purchase Request: (See 48 CFR 1-13.106-1)


Procurement Value Quotation Required

$ 100 through $3,000 Quotations may be verbal or on-line and without written confirmation. Documentation will consist of the bid abstract and checklist (Attachment E) showing the vendors' name, phone numbers, websites and contact persons. In all cases, small businesses will be a primary consideration in selecting a vendor.

$ 3,000 through $25,000

Minimum of three quotations-which must be written. The Buyer will prepare an "Invitation to Bid" that will include a clear, accurate, and complete description of the item(s) to be bid, and will assemble related documents (whether attached or incorporated by reference) to be furnished to prospective bidders. Documentation will consist of written Requests for Quotation (Attachment D), a bid abstract and checklist (Attachment E) showing vendor's names, contact name and phone number, list of bids with pricing, as well as all written quotes and the winning vendor’s Representations & Certifications. In all cases, small businesses will be a primary consideration in selecting a vendor.

Over $25,000 Minimum of three quotations -which must be written. Documentation will consist of written RFQs listing in detail the items requested. Formally advertise the subcontract in FedBizOpps. Refer to FAR 5.206 ‘Notices of Subcontracting Opportunites’ as to the procedures for transmitting to the Government Point of Entry (GPE) to seek competition for subcontracts, to increase participation by qualified HUBZone small business, small, small disadvantaged, women-owned small business, veteran owned small business and service disabled veteran owned small business concerns, and to meet extablished subcontracting plan goals. The Buyer may also publicize the "Invitation to Bid" by direct mailing to prospective bidders (particularly small businesses), posting in public places, advertising in local and regional newspapers and any other means as may be reasonable and appropriate, allowing sufficient time for response prior to a present deadline stated in the invitation. This requirement may be waived by the Contracting Officer if they feel a delay may hinder the performance of the Center facility. In all cases, small businesses will be a primary consideration in soliciting and selecting a vendor. SBA lists will be regularly checked with each procurement. After the bids have been received, they will be publicly opened and the contract will be awarded to the responsible bidder, whose bid conforms to the invitation and is most advantageous to the government, considering both price and other factors. A bid abstract and checklist (Attachment E) showing vendor's names, contact name and phone number, list of bids with pricing, as well as all written quotes and the winning vendor’s Representations & Certifications. Special attention should be given to the degree of price competition obtained—the number of bids received and the number received from small disadvantaged business. Buyer shall evaluated vendor’s responsibility, including using the Excluded Parties List System. If sub-contractor is not well known, check references and make an informed determination of ability to perform contract. See FAR 10.0002

For contracts subject to the Service Contract Act, the DOL Contracting Officer must be notified before getting bids.

Completing the Purchase

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Following the approval of the Purchase Request and the selection of the vendor, the Buyer will select the method for completing the purchase. These are as follows:

1) Purchase Order

a) The buyer will vet the selected vendor through use of the to ensure eligibility for receiving federal contracts before proceeding with PO processing.

b) The PO form is a formal document that financially obligates the Center to buy the materials or services stated. When the "acceptance" copy is signed and returned by the vendor or when goods or services are delivered and received, indicating a commitment by the vendor, the PO becomes a legal contract between the Center and the vendor.

c) PO signature authority is shown below. In the absence of the designated signer, the next highest designated signer will approve the PO. Each Center Director may set more restrictive limits.

Title Limit Buyer $ 0 to $2,000 F&A Director $ 2,000 to $10,000 Center Director $ 10,000 to $25,000 OMG President or Vice President Over $25,000

d) POs will be used and logged numerically on computer generated lists. All information will be completed on the PO prior to signature.

e) The PO will clearly state the name and title of the person authorized to sign it.

f) The Center Director will approve all BPAs, leases and medical sub-contracts under $25,000. If over $25,000 the Odle Management Vice President or President will approve the PO.

g) After the PO has been approved, the vendor will be sent a copy along with the appropriate terms and conditions.(see attachment G) Requestors, approvers and the receiving department will also be notified and receive a copy of the PO via email.

h) Purchases over certain dollar limits may require additional clauses, verbage or certification. (see attachment G)

Over $2,000 ......... Davis Bacon Act FAR 22.403, 22.406-5, 52.222-6, and 52.222-11 Over $2,500 ......... Service Contract Act FAR 22.10, 52.222-41, and Prime Contract Sec H.3 Over $25,000 ....... DOL Approval Over $30,000 ....... Subcontractor must certify that they are not debarred or owe the government. Over $100,000 ..... Subcontractors Sales to Government Over $150,000 ..... Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions. Over $650,000 ..... CASB Applicable Over $700,000 ..... CAS Insert the clause at FAR 52.230-3, Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices, in negotiated contracts when the contract amount is over $700,000, and the offeror certifies it is eligible for and elects to use modified CAS coverage (see 48 CFR 9903.201-2 (FAR Appendix)). Contact the Corporate office for further guidance.

i) Vendors will be asked to submit certification of Small Business classification to put in PO file. FAR 19.102 Size standards states: (a)(1) The SBA establishes small business size standards on an industry-by-industry basis. (See 13 CFR Part 121). Small business size standards matched to industry NAICS codes are published by the Small Business Administration and are available at

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j) If the materials being requisitioned are not “green”, DOL form ‘DOL Non-Green Purchase Justification’ must be completed and attached to the Purchasing copy of the PO. See JCPI 06-31.

k) Obtain insurance certificate, if appropriate, and verify and document its adequacy. Insurance is not needed when purchasing commercial items from vendors. Generally, insurance will be required when sub-contractors are coming onto the center to perform a service such as medical, repairs, construction or other services. The required insurance amounts are included in Attachment G - Standard Terms and Conditions, Item 11.

l) Insert No Conflict of Interest documents into purchasing files over $3,000.

m) After the PO has been issued, and all the goods or services have been rendered or received and paid for, the PO will be closed out by ensuring the appropriate pre-issue documentation is in the file along with performance documentation in the form of receivers and completion certificates, and also copies of payment invoices and checks. Files shall be maintained through the life of the prime contract until final payment, plus three years. (FAR 52.215-2) See Attachment H.

n) Purchasing, Receiving and Accounts Payable will meet regularly (usually weekly) to examine open purchase orders and discuss their status. POs that have been open past their due date will be contacted by the Buyer. POs for which an Invoice has been received but the service or goods have not been delivered will be investigated by receiving and the Buyer as appropriate to ensure that Invoices are paid for promptly when the order has been filled. Accounts Payable will follow up on orders that have been received but no invoice has been processed to ensure timely payment of all invoices.

2) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) Procedures

a) The Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) is a simplified method of filling anticipated repetitive needs for materials or services. They are designed to reduce administrative costs by

eliminating the need for issuing POs for individual small purchases. b) A BPA should be initiated when there is a wide variety of items in a broad class of goods that

are generally purchased but the exact items, quantities, and delivery requirements are not known in advance.

c) BPAs should be made with firms from which numerous individual purchases will likely be made in a given period, especially if past experience has shown that those firms are dependable and consistently lower in prices than other firms dealing in the same type of items. BPAs for items of the same type should be placed concurrently with more than one supplier. BPAs will be reviewed every six months and market tested yearly.

d) A BPA shall contain the following information:

1)) Description of Agreement: A statement that the supplier shall furnish supplies or services described in general terms during a specified period of time and within an aggregate amount.

2)) Extent of Obligation: A statement that the company is obligated only to the extent of authorized purchases actually made under the BPA.

3)) Pricing: A statement that the prices offered to the company shall be as low as, or lower than, the prices charged the supplier's most favored customer for comparable quantities under similar terms and conditions. If a discount is available, it should be specifically mentioned.

4)) Purchase Limitation: A statement specifying the dollar limitation of each purchase and a maximum monthly dollar limitation.

5)) Notice of Individuals Authorized to Purchase ("call") under BPA and the Maximum Dollar Limit of Each Individual.

6)) Delivery Tickets: A requirement that all shipments under the BPA be accompanied by delivery tickets or sales slips that show at the minimum:

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Name of supplier. BPA number. Call number. Date of purchases. Itemization of purchases. Quantity, unit price, and extension of each item. Date of delivery.

7)) Invoices: A statement that describes the method of invoicing for purchases received, such as:

A monthly summary invoice for all purchases made during the billing period, detailing the delivery tickets covered.

Individual invoices to be accumulated and paid monthly.

8)) Maximum Dollar Limit: A statement that specifies a "not to Exceed $ " limit for the term of the BPA. This will also establish the level of authority needed to approve the BPA.

9)) Termination Date and Period Covered: A statement that establishes the duration of the BPA and its expiration date which will incorporate the following limitations:

No BPA shall be in effect beyond the final day of the current contract with DOL. No BPA shall exceed the “not to exceed $ " limit.

10)) Cancellation Clause: A statement that the BPA can be cancelled by the company with thirty (30) days' notice.

e) All calls placed under a BPA will be recorded on a BPA log and include the following:

Call number (number consecutively for the duration of the BPA). Purchase Order number. Date of purchase. Total price of purchase. Declining encumbered balance.

f) The selection of the vendor with which a BPA is established will be accomplished in compliance with the policy previously stated in this OP.

3) Emergency Purchases:

An emergency is defined as a condition that poses an immediate threat to the health, safety, and security of Center staff or students, or which could impede continuous reasonable operation. In an emergency, the goal is to obtain whatever supplies or services are needed to alleviate the emergency and to protect Government property. Care must be taken to ensure that an inconvenience is not elevated into an emergency. See B.3 of this Policy.

The Buyer will provide whatever assistance as necessary to expedite purchasing needed materials or services, and will ensure that necessary documentation is obtained as soon as is practical. The buyer will certify that the selection of the particular supplies, equipment, or services were technically justified and that the price competition obtained or its absence is properly justified (FAR 44.202) The buyer will get bids for the items procured after the fact and compare them to what was paid during the emergency. The vendor used during the emergency will be encouraged to reimburse the Center for any excessive charges. Purchasing files will be notated. The buyer will document the details of the emergengy and also document why specific items were purchased and why the specific vendor was selected. In most cases, a Blanket Purchase Order will be in place to cover the necessary emergency purchase of supplies or services. The Center Director will notifiy DOL if necessary.

5. Change Orders

A change order is the document that officially alters the PO to which it pertains.

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a. A Change Order Amendment must be prepared if any of the following conditions exist:

1) Change in Quantity: If the quantity ordered must be increased or the quantity delivered is higher and retained by the Center.

2) Change in Unit Price: If the unit price at the time of delivery (unrelated to discounts) is higher or lower than the price in the original PO and is legitimately documented by the supplier.

3) Change in Items Ordered: If an item or items are substituted that have not been ordered are delivered and retained by the Center; if items delivered are replacement for items ordered; or if some or all of the items ordered cannot be delivered and must be cancelled.

4) Discounts and Shipping Charges: If the invoice includes quantity discounts or shipping charges not included in the PO.

b. A Change Order need not be prepared if there is a typographical error on the Purchasing Order or if there is an extension error, or if the shipping and handling costs on the invoice are less than plus/minus 25% of those stated on the PO. A Change Order need not be prepared for value differences of $10.00 or less.

c. Each Change Order will be signed in accordance with the guidelines below:

1) A Change Order less than $200.00 or 25% of order amount, whichever is lower, will be signed by the Buyer.

2) A Change Order between $200.00 and $500.00, or in excess of 25%, up to $500.00 will be signed by the Finance and Administration Director.

3) Any Change Order in excess of $500.00 will be signed by the Center Director.

4) Change Orders will be distributed in the same manner as the PO.

5) Any second or subsequent Change Order on a single PO will always be signed by the Finance and Administration Director.

6. Receiving Procedures

The Logistics Department will submit to the Purchasing Department and the Accounting Department, a receiving report when a PO has been shipped partial and/or complete. Specific details of the receiving procedure are in the Center's Receiving Procedures.

7. Invoicing Procedure

Invoices will be processed only by the Accounting Department.

8. Documentation/Filing System

The Purchasing Department will maintain separate files for open POs, closed POs, Blanket Purchase Agreements and Leases.

a. POs will be filed alphabetically by vendor for each contract year. The file will contain a copy of the PO or PR, price quotes or bid information, references to PRLs, copy of receiving documents, Change Orders and invoices. See Purchase Order File Checklist, Attachment H.

b. Blanket Purchase Agreements will be filed alphabetically by vendor name. The file will contain a copy of the PO establishing the BPA and copies of each PR, receiving document pertaining to each call number.

c. Excess Property acquisitions will be filed numerically by the number of the PO, and include the PR and any screening documents.

d. Records will be retained as directed in FAR 4.7 and FAR 52.215-2.

9. Definitions

a. "Bid" refers to an oral or written price offer by a vendor or supplier as the result of formal advertising (See 48CFR1-2.1).

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b. "BPA" refers to the Blanket Purchase Agreement which is a purchase order that establishes a controlled account with selected vendors which limits the types and costs of supplies and services being ordered; the frequency of delivery; the maximum order amount per delivery, or per month, and the termination date of the BA. (see 48CFR1, Part 13.201).

c. "Call Order" refers to the number given to a vendor authorizing purchases when being made under a BPA and identifies the individual purchase.

d. "Change Order" refers to a document that officially alters a PO, BPA or contract.

e. "Commercial Source" refers to a source of supply outside of the agencies of the Federal Government.

f. "Contract or Agreement" refers to a mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish the supplies or services (including construction) and the Buyer to pay for them. (see 48CFR1, Part 2.1).

g. "Emergency Purchases" are those purchases immediately necessary to maintain a continuity in the Contract to provide the required services under that contract.

h. "Equipment", also known as Government Furnished Property (GFP), Movable Durable Property(MDP) and Non-expendable property refers to: Furniture, regardless of cost. Other property having a unit acquisition cost of $200 or more. Tools and equipment carrying a manufacturer’s serial number. Tool ‘sets’ and ‘kits’ regardless of cost. All property identified as Sentitive items. Those items of property, regardless of value, which can

be appropriated for personal use or has the potential to be readily converted to cash.

i. "Excess Property" refers to personal property under GSA control determined to be unnecessary to the current needs of various federal agencies.

j. “Expendable Property” refers to supplies and materials that lose identity during contract performance.

k. "FAR" refers to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (48CFR1).

l. "Federal Source" refers to:

Federal Government excess.

GSA Self-Service stores.

GSA Stores stock.

Defense Logistics Agency.

Veterans Administration.

Public Health Service.

Federal Supply Schedules.

Federal Supply Service Consolidated Purchase Program.

Federal Prison Industries, Inc.

National Industries for the Blind (see ETH 359, Chapter IV, and 48CFR1, Part 8.4).

m. "Formal Advertising" refers to that method of contracting, involving use of:

Public advertising and notice. Public opening of bids. Public award of contract.

n. "GSA" refers to the General Services Administration

o. "Invoice" refers to the document by which the vendor bills for the supplies or services rendered.

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p. “Micro Purchase” refers to any purchase less than $3,000.

q. "Negotiation" refers to the process of discussion and agreement conducted between a vendor, an offeror (Purchaser) which determines mutually acceptable conditions for a sale of contract. (See 48CFR 1-2.1)

r. "Oral Bid" refers to solicitation by telephone within a limited time frame.

s. "Perishable goods" are those items that must be used within a limited time frame and typically must be used or refrigerated or frozen to avoid spoilage.

t. "Personal Property" refers to expendable or non-expendable property, but not real property (land or facility).

u. "Petty Cash" refers to the payment for small purchases from a cash fund maintained in the Center Accounting Office.

v. "Property Requirements List” (PRL) refers to a numerical list of equipment that is submitted by the Center for approval by the Job Corps Regional Office prior to or after the start of the Contract.

w. "Purchase Order" refers to the Center Purchase Order that is the document that formally obligates the Center to buy the materials or services ordered.

x. "Purchase Request" refers to an internal document that initiates a request for materials and/or services (Attachments A & B).

y. "Real Property" refers to equipment not affixed to or an integrated part of a building or wall

z. "Receiving Document" refers to an internal form which documents receipt of the items purchased.

aa. "Small Minority Business" refers as follows:

“Minority” refers to business principally owned by ethnic minorities (those other than Caucasian) (see 41CFR1-1-,701).

“Small” refers to businesses that meet the size standards for its industry as established by the Small Business Administration (see 48CFR1-19.102).

ab. "Small Purchase" refers to those purchases of supplies and services in which the aggregate amount of a single transaction, from a single commercial source, does not exceed $25,000. (See 48CFR1-13, 101.1)

ac. "Sole Source" refers to materials or services being available from one source exclusively.

ad. "Solicitation" refers to an oral or written invitation to bid.

ae. "Vendor" refers to the supplier of goods and/or services.

af. "Written Quotations" refer to a vendor's non-binding, competitive price quotes (Attachment D).

10. Attachments

A Petty Cash Request B Check Request C Purchase Request D Request for Quotation E Bid Abstract Checklist F Purchase Order G Standard Terms and Conditions H PO File Checklist

11. Addendum 1

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Odle Management Group, LLC

PETTY CASH REQUEST Requester Name: (payable to)

Request Date:

Amount Requested $

Required Date:

Purchase Justification (be specific)

Requester Signature Date Manager/Supervisor Approval Date

F&A Manager Approval Date Center Director Approval Date

*** Please Note ***

Authority is hereby granted to deduct the amount advanced to me from my payroll check if I do not return receipts and reconcile with the accounting department within FIVE (5) business days after receipt. Cash Amount Received $ __________________ Received by: _________________________________ Date: __________________

For Accounting Use Only Finance Manager Signature:

Account Code:

Receipt Return Date Receipts Total $

Cash Returned Total $

Total Receipts & Cash $

Reconciled by:

Total Cash & Receipts $

Receipts not returned within 5 Days – close petty cash voucher and include with other “closed” vouchers on next reconciliation/replenishment. The account will be AR Employee Receivable. Notify HR of payroll deduction for the full amount of the petty cash advance. When the miscellaneous deduction appears on the ADP payroll reports a journal will be made to DR Cash/CR AR Employee Receivable.

OMG FORM ‐ Attachment A – COP 5.7R4(1) 

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Odle Management Group, LLC


Requester Name: (payable to) Request Date:

Amount Requested: $ Required Date:

Purchase Justification (be specific)

Requester Signature Date Manager/Supervisor Signature Date

F&A Manager Approval Date Center Director Approval Date

*** Please Note ***

Authority is hereby grated to deduct the amount advanced to me from my payroll check if I do not return receipts and reconcile with the accounting department within FIVE (5) days after receipt.

Cash Amount Received $ _________________ Received by: _____________________________ Date: ________________

For Accounting Use Only

Finance Manager Signature: Account Code:

GP Entry Date GP Entry By: (signature) Reconciliation Journal Entry DR Acct. CR Acct. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Reconciliation Date Reconciled By:

Journal Entry Date Journal Entered By:



Omg Form – Attachment B COP 5.7R4(1) 

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Odle Management Group, LLC Purchase Request Whitney M. Young Job Corps Center

8460 Shelbyville Road

Simpsonville KY 40067

Phone 502-722-8862 Fax 866-343-7659

Suggested vendor: [Contact Name] [Vendor name][Street Address] [City, State, Zip] [Phone][Fax]

Pur. Req. Date Requisitioner Department Date Needed Project / Account # 22-__ __-_______

Quantity Unit Vendor Catalog # Description Unit Price Total  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐  $                           ‐ 

Purchase Justification (REQUIRED): SubTotal ‐$   

Sales Tax $                   00.00

Shpg & Handling ‐$   

Other ‐$   

Total ‐$   

Purchasing Considerations: ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________

1. Is this Product "Green" ? Requestor Date____________________________________________________ 2. Is this an item of Equipment? Has a PRL been approved? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Department Manager Date

3. Please attach any additional items that will more clearly identify your needs (drawings, plans, catalog name and item no., etc)__ ____________________________________________ Send all correspondance to: F&A Director Date

Buyer ____________________________________________ 8460 Shelbyville Road Center Director Date

Simpsonville, KY 40067 Phone: 502-722-3600 FAX 866-343-7659 ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Corporate Approval Date

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Non-Construction This is not a Purchase Order

From: Odle Management Group Buyer Information: ______________Job Corps Center Name: _____________________________ E-Mail: _____________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Fax: To: ____________________________ Quotes will be Accepted Until: ____________________________ Date and Time:________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ Delivery or Service is Required On or Before ___________________. This order if awarded will be based on Price and Best Value to the Government. Quotes must be submitted to the Buyer no later than the date and time above. Faxed and Emailed quotes are acceptable. Item # Quantity Unit Stock or

Catalogue # Description (Name, Size, Grade, Color, Catalogue, Reference

Unit Price Total

Special Instructions. ______________________________________________________________ Delivery Date FOB ______________________________________________________________ Quote Good Through Date ______________________________________________________________ DUNS No. EMAIL Address Phone ______________________________________________________________ Vendor Signature Title Date PO Terms and Conditions Attached.

Subtotal Estimated Freight Total Amount

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Purchase Request No.: RFQ/RFP No.:

Description of Item(s) being Purchased: Recommended Bidder:

BID TABULATION Bidder #1 Bidder #2 Bidder #3



Delivery Time



Taxes: Taxable

Tax Exempt

Freight/Transportation Charges


Socio-economic Status: (Check Appropriate Status for each Bidder)




Legend: Socio-economic Codes: (L) Large (S) Small (D) Disadvantaged (SDVO) Service Disabled Veteran-Owned (WO) Woman-Owned (VO) Veteran Owned (HZ) Hub Zone

SOURCE SELECTION BASIS Are items on this PR available from Government Sources?

Are items on the PR available from a Small or Disadvantaged Business? If answer is YES to any of the above questions, justify why the above source is not being used.





Select one of the following:

Competitive – Award to Low Bidder Competitive – Competition Attempted, One Responsive Bid Received*

Competitive – Best Value* GSA (3 Quotes)/FSS/DLA*

Competitive – Ability to Meet Schedule* Competitive – Other (See Comments)*

Sole Source

A Sole Source Justification form approved on _____________is in the file.

*Provide Written Source Selection Justification


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A competitive quote is sufficient for justifying a price as reasonable if more than one response is received. A written price analysis is required when only one response is received, or if the purchase is sole source and over $3000.


Competitive – Comparison of proposed prices received in response to the RFQ/RFP (At least 2 responsive bids received)

Order placed against a competitively awarded blanket purchase order

Comparison of prior offers and prices with current offers for the same or similar items (must be within 120 calendar days)*

Use of parametric estimating methods/application of rough yardsticks (such as dollars per pound or per horsepower, or other units) to highlight significant inconsistencies that warrant additional pricing inquiry – This would include a Buyer’s personal knowledge of this area of the market place*

Comparison with competitive published price lists, published market prices of commodities or similar indexes and discount or rebate arrangements that provide evidence that the product is a commercial item offered to the general public*

Comparison with pricing in GAS/FSS*

Prices set by law or regulation (utilities, etc.)*

Other basis that can be reasonably explained*

*Provide Written Price Analysis



Certification: Price has been determined to be fair and reasonable based upon the above price analysis and justifications. Buyer’s Signature: __________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________  

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ODLE MANAGEMENT GROUP, LLC Whitney M. Young Job Corps Center 8460 Shelbyville Road Simpsonville, KY 40067 Phone 502 -722 -8862 Fax 866 -343 -7659


To: [Name ] [Company Name ] [Street Address ] [City, ST ZIP Code ] [Phone ]

Ship To: Whitney M. Young Job Corps Center 8460 Shelbyville Road Simpsonville, KY 40067 502 -722 -8862 Ext 209-3600









1. Please send two copies of your invoice. 2. Enter this order in accordance with the prices, terms,

delivery method, and specifications listed above. 3. Please notify us immediately if you are unable to ship

as specified. Send all correspondence to : Buyer 8460 Shelbyville Road Simpsonville, KY 40067 Phone 502 -722 - 8862 Fax 866 -343 -7659

________________________________________________ Buyer Date ________________________________________________ Authorized By Title Date ________________________________________________ Order Accepted By Vendor Title Date

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OLDE MANAGEMENT GROUP TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR SUBCONTRACTS/PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED UNDER FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CONTRACT 1. DEFINITIONS As used throughout this document, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated below: A. The terms “Government, “Federal”, “Federal Government”, and “United States” mean United States of America. B. The term “prime contract” means the contract issued by the Government under which the subcontract is executed by Odle Management Group. C. The term “contract” means the purchase order or subcontract to which the terms and conditions are attached. D. The term “OMG” and/or “Buyer” means Odle Management Group. E. The term “Contractor” and/or “Seller” means the individual, partnership, corporation, or association contracting with OMG hereunder

to furnish the article(s) and/or service(s) described in the contract. 2. CONTRACT The provisions of this contract constitute the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties hereto and supersede all previous communications, representations, or agreements, whether oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof; and no agreement or understanding varying or extending the terms and conditions of this contract will be binding unless in writing and signed by an authorized OMG representative. If any term in Seller’s agreements or documents is contrary to the terms of this contract, this contract is controlling. This shall become a binding contract on the terms and conditions set forth herein, when it is accepted by Contractor, wither by acknowledgement or commencement of performance. This contract shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Arizona. Contractor agrees at all times to comply with all applicable state, federal, and local laws. 3. WAGE COMPARABILITY As appropriate and required, Contractor shall pay Davis-Bacon and/or Service Contract Act prevailing wages and ensure that their subcontractors follow those provisions. 4. MATERIAL The material called for in the contract shall be packed in accordance with standard commercial practices unless otherwise stated in the contract. 5. ADMINISTRATION AND LIAISON All inquiries, including technical inquiries and correspondence regarding all orders, will be directed to the attention of cognizant Buyer of the Procurement Office. OMG will not be bound by any agreements or changes to any part of any contract made as a result of inquiries and liaison between Contractor and OMG personnel, other than authorized Procurement Office personnel. 6. INVOICES AND PAYMENT Contractor shall prepare at the time of shipment full and complete invoices of the goods sold and shall deliver of the said invoice by mail or otherwise to OMG. Contractor shall be paid in accordance with the terms of the contract, upon the submission of said invoices at the prices stipulated in the contract for material delivered and accepted, or services rendered and accepted. For purposes of discounts the effective date of the invoice shall be construed to be the date of receipt of the goods and actual acceptance at OMG (or such other destination as designated in the contract schedule) or the date of receipt by OMG of Contractor’s acceptable invoice, whichever occurs later. 7. DELIVERIES, OVERAGES AND EXTRAS Deliveries are to be made both in quantities and at the time and method specified in the contract or modification thereof. OMG will have no liability for payment for material or items delivered to OMG, which are in excess of quantity specified in the delivery schedules, unless such excess is agreed upon by OMG in writing by an authorized Procurement representative. Except as otherwise provided in the contract, no payment for extras shall be made unless such extras and the price therefore have been authorized in writing by an authorized OMG representative. 8. WARRANTY Contractor expressly warrants that all materials and work covered by the contract will conform to the specifications, drawings, sample or other description furnished or specified by OMG, and will merchantable, of good material and workmanship, and free from defect. Contractor expressly warrants that all the material covered by the contract, which is the product of Contractor or is in accordance with Contractor’s specifications will be fit and sufficient for the purpose intended. The foregoing warranties are in addition to all other warranties, whether expressed or implied. The provisions of this clause shall not limit or affect the rights of OMG under the clause hereof entitled “INSPECTION”. All warranties shall run to OMG and its customers. 9. INSPECTION AND TITLE PASSAGE A. Final inspection and acceptance of items delivered thereunder shall be made after delivery at the OMG designated point, not

withstanding any prior payment or inspection. B. Title to all supplies and/or work provided under the contract shall vest in OMG, or the Government, as applicable at the F.O.B. point

referenced elsewhere in the contract or on separate shipping instructions, provided, however, that in the event the supplies and/or work are subsequently rejected by OMG for reasons other than loss or damage caused in transit, title will be divested from OMG or the Government and will revert immediately to Contractor.

10. TAXES Contractor agrees that, unless otherwise indicated in the contract, (a) the prices therein do not include any state or local sales, use or other tax from which an exemption is available for purposes of the contract under Public Law 99-496, and (b) the prices herein include all other applicable federal, state, and local taxes in effect at the date of this contract. In the event it shall ever be determined that any tax included in the prices therein was not required to be paid by Contractor, Contractor agrees to notify OMG and to make prompt application for the refund thereof, to take all proper steps to procure the refund and when received to pay the same OMG. It is agreed

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that Contractor will be treated as an independent individual contractor and not as an employee of OMG for federal tax purposes. 11. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION A. Insurance: If Contractor enters upon the premises occupied by or under control of OMG or any of its customers, in the course of performance hereunder, other than routine deliveries or meetings and unless superseded elsewhere in the contract with higher limits or requirements, Contractor shall maintain and provide proof of (1) worker’s compensation insurance protecting OMG from bodily injury and/or occupational disease claims not less than $500,000; (2) general liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and an aggregate of $1,000,000; (3) where appropriate, Comprehensive Business Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and an aggregate of $1,000,000; (4) where appropriate, Professional Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of $1,000,000 for each occurrence and an aggregate of $3,000,000. B. Indemnification: Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless OMG and its officers, directors, employees, agents, shareholders, partners, joint ventures, affiliates, successors and assigns from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, claims demands, suits, losses, expenses, damages, fines, judgments, settlements and penalties, including, with limitation, costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees incident thereto, arising out of or based upon contract damages, property damage or bodily injury (including death at any time resulting therefrom) to any person, including Contractor’s employees, affiliates, or agents, occasioned by or in connection with (1) Contractor’s performance of (or failure to perform) the contract duties hereunder; (2) a violation of any laws or any negligent act or omission by Contractor or its affiliates, subcontractors, agents or employees during the performance of the contract duties hereunder, or (3) a breach of this Agreement by Contractor or any of its affiliates, subcontractors, agents, or employees. The aforesaid obligation of indemnity shall be construed so as to extend to all legal, defense and investigation costs, as well as all other reasonable costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by the party indemnified, from and after the time at which the party indemnified received notification (whether verbal or written) that a claim or demand is to be made or may be made. Contractor’s obligation under this section does not extend to any liability caused by the sole negligence of OMG. 12. TRAFFIC ROUTING Contractor is to adhere strictly to OMG’s shipping instructions. Any losses or additional expenses accruing to OMG from deviation from OMG’s shipping instructions contained herein shall be charged to Contractor. 13. PROOF OF SHIPMENT Upon request, if shipment by a third party is required, Contractor shall forward to OMG, with invoice, the express receipt or bill of lading, signed by the carrier, evidencing the fact that shipment was made. 14. DOCUMENTATION Documentation, if required, is included in the unit price and will be supplied under OMG’s specified format at no additional cost to OMG. 15. LICENSE No licenses, expressed or implied, under any patents are granted by either party to the other. 16. ANTI-KICKBACK PROCEDURES Contractor will comply with the Anti-Kickback Act of 1986 (41 U.S.C. 51-58) which prohibits any person from: A. Providing or attempting to provide or offering to provide any kickback; B. Soliciting, accepting, or attempting to accept any kickback; or C. Including, directly or indirectly, the amount of any kickback in the contract price charged by a prime contractor to the United States

or in the contract price charged by a subcontractor to a prime contractor or higher tier subcontractor. 17. CONTRACT WORK HOURS AND SAFETY STANDARDS ACT-OVERTIME COMPENSATION This contract is subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act-Overtime Compensation as set forth in 41 CFR Part 52-222.4A which is incorporated by reference. 18. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION This contract is subject to the Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action requirements set forth in 41 CFR Part 60-1(a) (women and minorities), 41 CFR Part 60-250.5(a) (covered veterans) and 41 CFR Part 60-741.5(a) (individuals with disabilities). 19. TITLE TO DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS OMG shall at all times have title to all drawings and specifications furnished by OMG to Contractor and intended for use in connection with the contract. Contractor shall use such drawings and specifications only in connection with the contract and shall not disclose such drawings and specifications to any person, firm or corporation other than Contractor’s employees, subcontractors or Government inspectors. Contractor shall, upon OMG’s request or upon completion of the contract, promptly return all drawings and specifications to OMG. 20. ASSIGNMENT Contractor shall not delegate any duties, nor assign any rights or claims under the contract, or for breach thereof, without prior consent of OMG, and any such attempted delegation or assignment shall be voided. All claims for moneys due or to become due from OMG shall be subject to deduction by OMG for any set off or counterclaim arising out of this or any other of OMG’s orders with Contractor, whether such set off or counterclaim arose before or after such assignment by Contractor. 21. CHANGES A. OMG may at any time, by a written order, and without notice to the sureties, if any, make changes within the general scope of this

contract, in any one or more of the following: (1) drawings, designs, or specifications, where supplies to be furnished are to be specially manufactured in accordance therewith; (2) method of shipment or packing; (3) place of delivery; and (4) number of items to be delivered.

B. If any such change causes an increase or decrease in the estimated cost of, or the time required for, the performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether changed or not changed by any contract, an equitable adjustment shall be made: (1) in the price or delivery schedule, or both; and (2) in such other provisions of the contract as may be affected, and the contract shall be modified in writing accordingly. Any claim by Contractor for adjustment under this clause must be asserted within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt by Contractor of the notification of change; provided, however, that the Buyer, if he/she decides that the facts justify such action, may receive and act upon any such claim asserted at any time prior to final payment under this contract.

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22. NOTICE OF DELAYS AND LABOR DISPUTES Whenever Contractor encounters any difficulty which is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of this contract (including actual or potential labor disputes), Contractor shall immediately give notice thereof in writing to OMG, stating all relevant information with respect thereto. Such notice shall not in any way constitute a basis for an extension of the delivery schedule or be construed as a waiver to OMG of any rights or remedies to which it is entitled by law or pursuant to provisions of this contract. Failure to give such notice, however, may be grounds for denial of any request for an extension of the delivery schedule because of such delay. 23. AGENCY The relationship created by this agreement between the parties is that of vendor and vendee and neither party, nor any of its representatives, agents, or employees, have right of authority to assume or create any obligation of any kind addressed to or intended for the other, nor to bind the other in any respect whatsoever. Each party hereby indemnifies the other and agrees to hold it harmless from and against all claims, suits, expenses, damages, losses and liability arising out of any breach of this subparagraph by such party or its representatives, agents or employees. 24. DEFAULT In the event either party shall be in breach or default of any of the terms, conditions, or covenants of this agreement, and such breach or default continue for a period of thirty (30) days after the giving of written notice by the other party hereto, then in addition to all other rights and remedies of law or equity or otherwise, the other party hereto shall have the right to cancel this agreement without any charge or liability whatsoever, except as to payment for material already received and accepted by OMG. 25. ATTORNEYS FEES If it shall become necessary for either party to engage attorneys to institute legal action for the purposes of enforcing its rights hereunder, the party prevailing in such litigation shall be entitled to receive all of its fees and expenses from the losing party. 26. FORCE MAJEURE Neither party shall be held responsible for any delay or failure in performance of any part of this agreement to the extent such delay or failure is caused by fire, flood, explosion, war, strike, embargo government requirements, civil or military authority, act of God, act or omission of carriers or other similar causes beyond its control (“Force Majeure Conditions”). If any Force Majeure Condition occurs, the party delayed or unable to perform shall give immediate notice to the other party, and the party affected by the other’s delay or inability to perform may elect to: A. Terminate this agreement or the part of it relating to material not already shipped; or B. Suspend this agreement for the duration of the Force Majeure Condition, buy or sell elsewhere material to be bought or sold under

this agreement and deduct from any commitment the quantity bought or sold or for which commitments have been made elsewhere; or

C. Resume performance under this agreement once the Force Majeure Condition ceases with appropriate schedule extension. Unless written notice is given within thirty (30) days after the affected party is notified of the Force Majeure Condition, paragraph B shall be deemed selected. 27. WAIVER Either party’s failure to enforce any of the terms or conditions hereof, or to exercise any remedy hereunder, shall not constitute a waiver of said terms or conditions or of such party’s right to exercise said remedies during the remaining term of the agreement. 28. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE OMG or the Government, through any authorized representatives, has the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect or otherwise evaluate the work performed or being performed and/or material delivered hereunder and the premises in which it is being performed, assembled or manufactured. If any inspection or evaluation is made by OMG or the Government on the premises of Contractor or its subcontractors, Contractor shall provide and shall require its subcontractors to provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of OMG or the Government representatives in the performance of their duties. All inspections and evaluations shall be performed in such a manner as to not unduly delay Contractor’s work. 29. INFORMATION CONCERNING ENROLLEES/PARTICIPANTS OR ACTIVITIES It is agreed that any information concerning enrollees/participants and/or activities of OMG facilities or programs will be privileged and confidential and Contractor shall not make public statements with regard to such information without prior written approval of OMG. 30. DUPLICATION OF EFFORT Contractor hereby certifies that costs for work to be performed under this contract and any subcontract hereunder are not duplicative of any charged against any other Government contract, subcontract, or other OMG or Government source. Contractor agrees to advise OMG in writing of any other Government contract or subcontract it has performed, or is performing, which involves work directly related to the purpose of this contract. 31. STUDIES/EVALUATIONS Contractor agrees that all studies, evaluations, proposals and data produced or developed in the performance of this contract for which reimbursement is appropriate hereunder shall become the property of OMG. This provision does not preclude Contractor from seeking copyright of materials, other than those described above, such as teaching material and curricula. 32. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS OMG, the Comptroller General of the United States or a duly authorized representative from OMG and/or the General Accounting Office shall, until three (3) years after final payment under this contract or for any shorter period specified in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Subpart 4.7, Contractor records retention, have access to and the right to examine any of Contractor’s directly pertinent books, documents, papers, or other records involving transactions related to this contract. 33. TERMINATION DUE TO LOSS OF GOVERNMENT FUNDING OMG has the right to cancel this contract, upon thirty (30) days written notice, should the government agency no longer provide funding for this contract. 34. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT OMG may terminate this contract for any reason upon giving of thirty (30) days written notice to the party of such termination. 35. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION (FAR) CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998) Contractor is responsible for the adherence of applicable FAR clauses pertaining to the contract or purchase order. Numbers and titles of FAR clauses listed below according to contract dollar thresholds. The full text of FAR clauses can be found at

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52.202-1 (Nov-13) Definitions 52.203-3 (Apr-84) Gratuities 52.203-3 (Apr-84) Covenant Against Contingent Fees 52.203-6 (Dec-10) Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government 52.203-7 (Oct-10) Anti-Kickback Procedures 52.203-8 (Jan-97) Cancellation, Recission and Recovery of Funds for Illegal or Improper Activity 52.203-10 (Jan-97) Price or Fee Adjustment for Illegal or Improper Activity 52.203-12 (Oct-12) Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions 52.203-13 (Apr-10) Contractor Code of Business Ethics and Conduct 52.203-15 (Jun-10) Whistleblower Protections Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 52.209-6 (Dec-10) Protecting the Government’s Interest when Subcontracting with Contractor’s Debarred, Suspended or

Proposed for Debarment. 52.215-2 (Oct-10) Audit and Records-Negotiation/Alternate II Apr-98 52.215-8 (Oct-97) Order of Precedence-Uniform Contract Data 52.215-14 (Oct-11) Integrity of Unit Prices 52.215-15 (Oct-11) Pension Adjustment and Asset Reversions 52.216-7 (Jun-11) Allowable Cost and Payment 52.219-8 (Jan-11) Utilization of Small Business Concerns 52.219-14 (Nov-11) Limitations on Subcontracting 52.222.21 (Feb-99) Prohibition of Segregated Facilities 52.222-26 (Mar-07) Equal Opportunity 52.222-35 (Sep-10) Equal Opportunity for Veterans 52.222-36 (Oct-10) Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities 52.222.40 (Dec-10) Notification of Employee Rights Under the NLRA 52.222.50 (Feb-09) Combating Trafficking in Persons 52.222-51 (Nov-07) Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Act to Contracts for Maintenance, Calibration, or

Repair of Certain Equipment – Requirements 52.222-53 (Feb-09) Exemption from Application of the Service Contract Act to Contracts for Certain Services –

Requirements 52.222-54 (Jul-12) Employment Eligibility Verification 52.223-3 (Jan-97) Hazardous Material Identification and Material Safety Data/Alternative I (Jul-95) 52.223-12 (May-95) Refrigeration Equipment and Air Conditioners 52.223-15 (Dec-07) Energy Efficiency in Energy-Consuming Products 52.223-16 (Dec-07) IEEE 1680 Standard for the Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products 52.224-2 (Apr-84) Privacy Act 52.225-1 (Feb-09) Buy American Act-Supplies 52.225-13 (Jun-08) Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases 52.227-1 (Dec-07) Authorization and Consent 52.227-2 (Dec-07) Notice and Assistance Regarding Patent and Copyright Infringement

52.227-14 (Dec-07) Rights in Data-General 52.237-7 (Jan-97) Indemnification and Medical Liability Insurance 52.244-6 (Dec-10) Subcontracts for Commercial Items

For purchases greater than $2,500 52.222-41 (Nov-07) Service Contract Act of 1965, as Amended For purchases greater than $10,000, all of the above plus 52.222.40 (Dec-10) Notification of Employee Rights Under the NLRA For purchases greater than $25,000, all of the above plus For purchases greater than $150,000, all of the above plus

52.203-12 (Oct-10) Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions

For purchases greater than $650,000, all of the above plus 52.219-9 (Jul-13) Small Business Subcontracting Plan (if construction contract, threshold is $1.5 million) For purchases greater than $700,000, all of the above plus 52-230-2 (May-14) Cost Accounting Standards 52.230-3 (May-14) Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices 52.230-6 (Jun-10) Administration of Cost Accounting Practices See Construction Bid Package for Additional Terms and Clauses Related to Construction Contracts.

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File Checklist


1. Approved Purchase Request from BP 7. Vendor confirmation of PO (fax or email) 2. Approved PRL, if required 8. Successful Quote, including Reps & Certs 3. Vendor’s quote or verbal confirmation 9. Bid Abstract 4. PO Snapshot 10. Certificate of Insurance, if required 5. Non-conflict of Interest Cert. 11. Service/Cons. PO & SCA/DBA rates, if req’d. 6. Standard Terms and Conditions 12. Purchase Order, signed by appropriate level 13. Receiving/Purchase Order Checklist 14. Invoices 15. Payment Check Copies

Item # and Remarks: ____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________


1. Approved PRL, if required 9. SAM / EPLS for Successful Quote 2. Sole Source Justification, if required 10. Successful Quote, including Reps & Certs 3. Statement of Work, if required 11. Bid Abstract 4. Written Request for Quote 12. Vendor confirmation of PO (Fax or email) 5. Unsuccessful Quote 13. Certificate of Insurance, if required 6. PO Snapshot 14. Service/Cons. PO & SCA/DBA rates, if req’d. 7. Construction Bid Package 15. Original Purchase Order, signed by

appropriate level

8. Non-conflict of Interest 16. Receiving/Purchase Order Checklist 9. Standard Terms and Conditions 17. Invoices 18. Payment Check Copies

Item # and Remarks: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


1. Approved manual PR for increased funding 7. Change Order, signed by appropriate level

Item # and Remarks: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Name & Signature of Buyer: ______________________________________________________ Name & Signature of Finance & Administration Manager _______________________________

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1. Approved Purchase Request from BP 5. Vendor confirmation of PO (Fax or email) 2. Approved PRL, if required 6. Certificate of Insurance, if required 3. Vendor’s quote or verbal confirmation 7. Service/Cons. PO & SCA/DBA rates, if required 4. PO Snapshot 8. Purchase Order, signed by appropriate level 9. Receiving Reports 10. Invoices 11. Payment Check Copies

Item # and Remarks: ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 



1. Approved PRL, if required 8. SAM / EPLS for Successful Quote 2. Sole Source Justification, if required 9. Successful Quote, including Reps & Certs 3. Statement of Work, if required 10. Bid Abstract 4. Written Request for Quote 11. Vendor confirmation of PO (Fax or email) 5. Unsuccessful Quotes 12. Certificate of Insurance, if required 6. PO Snapshot 13. Contract Terms & Conditions 7. Construction Bid Package 14. Service/Cons. PO & SCA/DBA rates, if required 15. Non-Conflict of Interest Certification 16. Original Purchase Order, signed by appropriate level 17. Receiving Reports 18. Invoices 19. Payment Check Copies  

Item # and Remarks: ____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 

POST-AWARD DOCUMENTATION (filed on right side, chronologically after PO)


1. Approved manual PR of For increased funding 8. Change Order, signed by appropriate level  

Item # and Remarks: ____________________________________________________________________________ 



Name & Signature of employee assembling file: ______________________________________________________ 

Name & Signature of Buyer: ______________________________________________________________________ 

Name & Signature of Reviewer (over $3,000): _______________________________________________________ 

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Project Title: NAICS Code: Date: Project Location: Owner: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (DOL) Facility Operator: Odle Management Group, LLC 9937 E. Bell Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Pre-bid Conference: MANDATORY Bids are due: @ 1PM EST Submit bid to: _____ Job Corps Center, Attn: ___________, Buyer, at Building _____. Contract type: Fixed price, single lump sum contract Estimated Price Range: $_______ To $________ Contract Documents: This Construction Bid Package (CBP) contains the Construction Statement of Work

(SOW), Contractual Requirements and may include Drawings and/or specifications describing the work.


1. Bid: Bid shall be submitted on the Odle Management Bid Form and must be signed by an authorized official of the company making offer. In addition, submit with your Bid (a) three references for projects of comparable scope. The references shall include the company name, phone number, contact person, address, description and size of the project and date the work was performed (b) a breakdown of the major components of the work if the bid is greater than $25,000.

2. Bid Submission: Deliver bid to Buyer, prior to the time stated in the Invitation to Bid. Bids maybe delivered by hand, Fed Ex, Express Mail, UPS, Fax, Email, and USPS.

3. Bid Guaranty: Each bidder shall provide bid guaranty in the amount of 20% of base bid when the bid is greater than $25K. Bid guarantee is not required for bids under $25,000. Bid guaranty shall be in the form of a bid bond (SF24 or AIA A310, or similar), cashier’s check or money order made payable to Odle Management Group/Facility Name. Submit the bid guaranty with the bid. Bid guaranty will be returned to bidders when the contract is awarded or solicitation cancelled.

4. Performance and Payment Bonds: If the base bid is greater than $25K Performance and Payment Bonds are required. Surety Company shall have an A- rating. Upon receipt of the “Intent to Award” letter the bidder shall deliver bonds within ten (10) business days.

5. Facility Inspection: Mandatory prior to submitting a bid. Virtual site inspections are not acceptable. 6. Davis Bacon Act: Comply with the attached Davis Bacon Wage Decision. If base bid is greater than $2,000,

See the Construction Statement of Work, Section 1: Contractual Requirements, paragraph B: Davis Bacon Act. If sole-proprietor with no employees, submit with bid, a written statement of sole proprietorship.

7. Acceptance of Bid: The bid shall be evaluated upon best value and and awarded to the most responsive bidder. Odle Management shall be the sole judge as to the most responsive bid. Odle Management reserves the right to waive any irregularity or technicality in bids received. The Buyer shall send Intent to Award letter to the successful bidder. The formal agreement shall be executed on Odle Management’s purchase order form.

8. First-Tier Subcontractor Information: Reference Section 1, paragraph C. FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (

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Proposal of (Contractor Name): Date: To: Odle Management/________ Job Corps Center ___________________________________ In compliance with your Construction Statement of Work, dated December 12, 2012, the undersigned hereby proposes to provide all labor (in compliance with the attached Davis-Bacon Act Wage Decision, if base bid is greater than $2,000) materials, supervision, tools, equipment, and transportation and to perform all work for the completion of:

________________(DEF #_____) Base Bid: For the following sums: (show amounts in both written form and figures. Completion of the Project as Specified

______________________________________________________ Dollars ($______________________)

The undersigned acknowledge receipt of Addenda (Indicate Addendum Number(s) received) ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The bid guaranty attached in the sum of Dollars ($ ) being at least 20% of the base bid when the bid is greater than $25K, shall be forfeited to you in the event we fail to execute the contract after award.

The undersigned shall honor our bid for forty five (45) days after the bid date. Upon written notice of bid acceptance we will enter into formal agreement with Odle Managment/_______________ Job Corps Center.

If the base bid is greater than $25K the undersigned is prepared to furnish Performance and Payment Bonds in the required amount with (indicate name of surety company) ________________________________ as surety, subject to your approval.

The undersigned, if awarded a contract for all or part of the work, agrees to place orders promptly for all materials required; to prosecute the work diligently to the full extent allowed by conditions within our control; and to complete the work of the contract within ___ (XXXXXXX) consecutive calendar days after written Notice to Proceed. The undersigned further agrees to pay Odle Management/_______ Job Corps Center not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages for breach of contract, the sum of $200.00 (Two hundred dollars) per consecutive calendar day thereafter that the work remains incomplete or unsatisfactory. Witness (Seal if Corporation) Name: _______________________________ Title _____________________________________ DUNs#: Tax ID#: Business Address _______________________________________________________________ Phone#: ____________________ Fax#: ____________________ Email: ______________________________

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SECTION 1: Contractual Requirements

A. Codes and Standards 1. The contractor shall in accomplishing the project, defined in this statement of work, comply with

applicable building codes, ordinances, and regulations which are enforced by City, County, State or Federal agencies.

B. Davis-Bacon Act (DBA)

1. This project is subject to the provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act for construction work on a federal facility when the base bid is greater than $2,000. Accordingly, the contractor and subcontractors shall be required to comply with the attached DBA Wage Decision for the type of work being performed. The DBA provides that all workers employed by contractor and subcontractors in any construction, alteration or repair, including painting and decorating, buildings, and works which are federally funded, shall be paid prevailing wages and receive fringe benefits at rates not less than those on similar construction in accordance with the Wage Decision. A copy of the Wage Decision is attached.

2. The Contractor shall display in a prominent and accessible place the “Employee Rights under the Davis Bacon Act” poster (bilingual) and Wage Determination informing all workers of their rights under DBA.

3. The contractor shall provide proof of compliance with the Wage Decision via weekly certified payroll report submitted to the Buyer with payment request.

4. The Contractor must provide a written statement to the buyer if contractor is a sole-proprietor and has no employees, and therefore has no DBA obligation.

C. FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (

1. When applicable, construction contracts with a value of $25,000 or more, including any subsequent contract modifications are subject to the provisions of FFATA (Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006), per FAR 52.204-10 Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards. Reported information will be made public via the FFATA Sub-award Reporting System (

2. Prior to the effective date of the contract, the contractor shall provide the Buyer with the “First-Tier Subcontractor Information form. A copy of the First-Tier Subcontractor Information form is attached.

D. Required Insurance

1. Prior to the effective date of the contract, the Contractor shall provide the Buyer with proof of insurance via certificate of insurance (ACORD 25-S) and deliver same to Odle Management Group, operator of the _______ Job Corps Center. Such certificate shall identify the contract between Odle Management and the Contractor and contain provisions that insurance coverage afforded under the policy shall not be canceled, terminated or materially altered until at least thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to Odle Managment.

2. Without limiting any liability or any other obligations of the Contractor, the Contractor shall provide and maintain and cause its subcontractors to provide and maintain insurance coverage with forms and insurers acceptable to Odle Management, until all obligations under the contract are satisfied, as follows:

3. Workers’ Compensation insurance to cover obligations imposed by Federal and State statutes having jurisdiction of its employees engaged in the performance of this contract, and Employers’ Liability insurance with a minimum limit of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000). Evidence of qualified self-insured status shall also suffice for this section.

4. Commercial General Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000) each occurrence and an aggregate of three million dollars ($3,000,000). The policy shall include coverage for bodily injury, personal injury, broad form property damage, blanket contractual, contractor’s protective, products and complete operations.

5. Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance with a minimum combined single limit of one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each occurrence; and an aggregate of one million dollars (1,000,000), coverage applying to “Any Auto”. Contractors who are unable to meet this requirement should provide a detailed statement as to their current coverage for further consideration.

6. The policies required shall name Odle Management/_______ Job Corps Center, its agents, officials and employees as additional insured and shall specify that the insurance afforded the Contractor shall be primary insurance and that any insurance coverage carried by Odle Management or its employees shall

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be excess coverage except as provided by state law, and not contributory insurance to that provided by the Contractor.

7. Failure on the part of the Contractor to provide and maintain the required liability insurance and provide proof thereof to Odle Management within thirty (30) days following commencement of a new policy period, shall constitute a material breach of the contract upon which Odle Management may immediately terminate this contract.

E. Indemnification 1. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Odle Management and its officers, directors,

employees, agents, partners, successors and assigns from and against any and all liabilities, obligations, claims, demands, suits, losses, expenses, damages, fines, judgments, settlements and penalties, including, without limitation, costs, expenses and attorney’s fees incident thereto, arising out of or based upon contract damages, property damage or bodily injury (including death at any time resulting therefrom) to any person including Subcontractor’s employees, affiliates, or agents, occasioned by or in connection with (1) Subcontractor’s performance of (or failure to perform) the contract duties hereunder; (2) a violation of any laws or any negligent act or omission by Subcontractor or its affiliates, subcontractors, agents or employees during the performance of the contract duties hereunder; or (3) a breach of this Agreement by contractor or any of its affiliates, subcontractors, agents, or employees. The aforesaid obligation of indemnity shall be construed so as to extend to all legal, defense and investigation costs, as well as all other reasonable costs, expenses and liabilities incurred by the party indemnified, from and after the time at which the party indemnified received notification (whether verbal or written) that a claim or demand is to be made or may be made. Contractor’s obligation under this section does not extend to any liability caused by the sole negligence of Odle Management. The Contractor's liability shall not be limited by any provisions or limits of insurance set forth in the contract. Odle Managmement shall reasonably notify the Contractor of any claim for which it may be liable under this paragraph

F. Resolution of Disputes

1. In the event either party commences legal action to enforce any term of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such action will be entitled to recover its costs and attorneys fees incurred in such action from the other party. Default any payments due under this agreement will incur interest, 18% per annum.

G. Performance and Payment Bonds

1. The contractor shall provide bonds covering performance of the contract and payment of obligations arising hereunder if the base bid is greater than $25,000. The bonds must be obtained through an A- rated Surety Company (Subject to Odle Management/ Facility Name approval) and authorized to do business in the state where the work of this contract is performed. (Subject to Odle Management/Facility) The A- rating can be obtained through the A.M. Best website (

2. The performance and payment bonds shall each be in an amount equal to 100 percent of the contract price. Bonds shall be executed on AIA A-311, AIA A-312 respectively or federal standard forms SF25 and SF25A, respectively or similar. The cost of the bond shall be included in the contract sum. Increases to the original contract sum (change orders) shall include performance and payment bonds and associated costs.

H. Mandatory Facility Inspection

1. Prior to submitting the bid, it is mandatory that bidders examine the CBP and visit the facility to make field measurements, evaluations, etc. to become familiar with existing conditions under which the work will be performed. Virtual inspection via internet is not acceptable.

2. Additional time or payments will not be approved for conditions arising during construction that were apparent prior to submission of the bid. Unforeseen conditions arising during construction that were not apparent prior to the bid submission shall be brought to the immediate attention of the Buyer.

3. Contractors unable to attend the pre-bid conference may contact the Buyer to schedule an alternate time to inspect the facility.

I. Drawings and Specifications

1. The SOW may contain material specifications and/or drawings relevant to the work. Odle Management makes no assurance to the Contractor as to the accuracy of any drawings or completeness of the specifications.

2. For clarification of any part of the SOW, address questions to the Buyer. The Contractor shall be responsible for all incidental work not specified but required by building codes or professional practice for the complete and correct installation of the work. No allowance will be made for failure of the Contractor or subcontractors to correctly interpret and clearly understand the intent of the SOW and their

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responsibility to perform the work in full. 3. The contractor shall not acquire building permits.

J. Facility Operating Hours 1. The Facility shall remain in operation throughout the construction. Any anticipated disruption to Facility

operation shall have prior approval from the Buyer. Contractor access to the construction site shall be limited to the following standard work day schedule unless coordinated with the Center’s facility Maintenance Department. Access to the site will not be permitted on weekends without prior approval of the Buyer.

K. Supervision

1. The Contractor shall provide a qualified job superintendent, job foreman, or lead man who is authorized to act for the contractor and will be at the construction site daily to oversee and direct the work. The contractor and its employees shall conduct themselves in a professional manner and abide by the following facility rules and regulations:

a. Contractor employees are required to sign-in and sign-out individually at security location b. Observe facility and security regulations c. Shall not use the food services facilities unless authorized d. Shall not fraternize with students or staff e. Shall not consume or transport alcohol, drugs or firearms onto the facility f. Shall not smoke unless in designated areas

2. Odle Management/______ Job Corps Center reserves the right to direct the removal from the premises any contractors’ employee or sub-contractor for conduct in violation of facility regulations.

3. Employees/subcontractors must show valid driver’s license and proof of auto insurance at the security location before their vehicles will be permitted on the facility.

L. Notice to Proceed

1. Upon receipt of written “Notice to Proceed” (NTP) from the Buyer, the contractor shall begin the work within fourteen (14) days from date of notice.

2. A pre-construction meeting shall be scheduled at the __________ Job Corps Center.

M. Construction Schedule & Schedule of Values 1. For projects where progress payments will be made the contractor shall submit a detailed schedule of the

work to be performed and the schedule of values to the Buyer at the pre-construction meeting.

N. Protection and Safety 1. The contractor shall maintain a clean and safe work area. 2. The contractor shall cordon off the construction site with fencing, caution tape, etc. that is appropriate to

secure the work area from unauthorized or accidental entry. 3. The contractor shall provide required personal protective equipment (PPE) for construction workers,

students and Odle Management staff entering the construction site. The contractor shall protect existing facilities and finishes from damage and promptly repair damages at no additional cost to the contract.

4. The contractor shall be responsible for all equipment and materials brought onto the Facility. The Facility is not responsible for damage or loss of contractor’s equipment and materials.

5. The contractor shall submit to the Buyer, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all construction materials of a hazardous nature.

O. Temporary Facilities and Staging Area

1. Temporary construction office/storage facilities shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Coordinate with the Facility for location of a staging area and vehicle parking. Electricity will be made available by the Facility. Connection to existing power shall be by the contractor.

P. Collection and Disposal of Waste 1. The contractor shall, at the end of the work day, properly store and secure hazardous and other materials.

Construction debris shall be collected daily by the contractor. Disposal shall be off the Facility, in accordance with applicable law. The contractor shall be responsible for all fees, permits, etc., required for construction waste management and disposal. Copies of Certificates of Disposal of hazardous materials must be submitted to the Buyer.

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Q. Project Coordination/Progress Meeting 1. The Buyer, Contractor and designated staff shall hold weekly or bi-weekly meetings for the purpose of

coordinating project activities such as administrative issues, submittals, Change Order (CO) requests, proposals, resolve conflicts, update schedules, review progress and payment applications.

R. Changes in the Work

1. When a question arises during the work, the Contractor shall submit in writing a Request for Information (RFI) to the Buyer. The answer or solution to the RFI will be discussed in the Progress Meeting.

2. Minor changes in the work, recommended by the Buyer or Contractor that do not involve a change to the Contract Sum or the Performance time shall be made after written instruction from the Buyer authorizing the Contractor to proceed with the agreed upon changes.

3. When changes in the work involve adjustment to the Contract Sum or the Performance time, or both, the Contractor shall submit to the Buyer in writing a Request for Change (RFC) with the following:

a. The RFC shall include a statement outlining the reason for the change, i.e. unforeseen conditions, product substitution, value engineering, etc. and a complete description of the change.

b. Include a list of quantities of products to be purchased and unit costs. Indicate the amount of trade discounts, if any.

c. Show equipment rental costs, delivery charges, applicable taxes, other fees. d. If product or system substitution is being requested provide complete supporting data from both

specified product/system and proposed substitute product/system. e. Include a statement indicating the effect the proposed change will have on the Contract

performance time and construction schedule. f. Show the total cost of the proposed change. In such change order proposals that increase the

contract sum, profit and overhead shall be computed as follows: 1) The Contractor’s combined profit and overhead on work performed by his own crews

shall not exceed 20% of the total direct costs. 2) The Contractor’s commission (mark-up) on work performed by his subcontractors shall

not exceed 10% of the direct total costs. 3) Subcontractor profit and overhead shall not exceed 20% of total direct costs

g. When the Buyer and the Contractor agree to the change request as proposed or as modified, the Contractor will submit a contract modification/change order (CO) for the Contractor’s signature, the Center Director’s signature, or Vice President. Contract modifications shall be executed as a CO on AIA Document G 701 or equivalent.

h. The Contractor is responsible to keep the work progressing on schedule. Requests for changes in the work shall not be considered as instruction to delay or stop work. Work on the requested change shall not be performed until after the Change Order (CO) has been executed.

S. Progress Payments to Contractor

1. Submit applications to the Buyer monthly as the work proceeds or at intervals of percentage completion. 2. Use American Institute of Architects (AIA) form or similar form for payment application. Equivalent forms

include Government form SF1443 and continuation sheets. 3. Schedule of Values

a. Prior to the first application for payment, the Contractor shall submit the Schedule of Values as a basis for the Buyer to compute the value of the work completed to date for approval of the progress payment.

b. The Schedule shall list the installed value of the component parts of the construction work in sufficient detail for the Buyer to accurately verify the value of work in place.

c. For payment requests that include stored materials, breakdown the value: (1) the cost of the materials, delivered and off loaded, with taxes paid (if any) and (2) the total installed value. To receive payment for stored materials, materials must be stored in a bonded warehouse. Contractor shall provide purchase orders and bonded storage documentation with payment request.

d. Break down the value of major component parts into sub-values for each major product or construction trade operation.

e. For the various components listed on the Schedule, the value of each shall include a directly proportional amount of the Contractor’s overhead and profit.

4. Retainage, when applicable a. The Buyer shall retain ten percent (10%) of the requested progress payment amount until

substantial completion and acceptance of the installed work. b. When the work is substantially completed, the Buyer shall retain only an amount considered

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adequate to complete or correct any unfinished and/or unacceptable items noted on the final punch list.

T. Substantial Completion

1. When the work is substantially complete, the Contractor shall notify the Buyer in writing requesting inspection of the work. A substantial completion inspection shall be conducted by the Buyer and the Contractor to develop a punch list consisting of items that are incomplete, that do not meet the specifications, or are not of acceptable workmanship. When the Facility accepts the project as substantially complete, the Facility will take occupancy and the Contractor will issue the Substantial Completion Certificate. The date of substantial completion stops the performance time clock and establishes the date of commencement of Contractor’s and manufacturer’s warranties and guarantees. The Contractor shall submit their written Guarantee of Workmanship for the period of one (1) year, unless otherwise specified.

2. The contractor shall provide the Buyer at the substantial completion, two complete operation and maintenance manuals (O&M) including manufacturer’s product data sheets for all equipment supplied, detailed parts lists and equipment maintenance requirements. In addition, submit certificates of manufacturer’s warranties and guarantees for equipment and materials installed as part of the project.

3. The Contractor shall provide a Substantial Completion Pay Request. The pay request will include the remaining dollar value of the contract, plus retainage, less liquidated damages if accessed, and less the amount agreed upon for correcting the punch list items.

U. Final Inspection and Acceptance – Contract Closeout

1. When the Contractor has completed all of the work on the punch list, they shall notify the Buyer for a final inspection. If the work is accepted, the Contractor shall submit to the Buyer: a. Contractor’s “Notice of Final Completion” b. Contractor’s Final Pay Request c. Davis Bacon Weekly Certified Payroll Report (final certified payroll reports submitted with final

pay request) d. Surety Company’s “Consent of Surety to Final Payment (only applies when payment and

performance bonds are part of the contract) e. Contractor’s “Certificate of Release of Liens” f. Contractor’s “Certificate of Payment of Debts and Claims” g. Contractor’s 1-year Guarantee of Workmanship h. 2-complete sets of O&M manuals for installed equipment and product data sheets

V. Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)

The contractor shall be required to adhere to the FAR Clause(s) applicable to this project. The section and title of the applicable clause(s) is listed below.





a. All Construction Contracts: 52.204-9 (Jan-11) Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel (Sep-07) 52.211-12 (Sep-00) Liquidated Damages 52.219-8 (Jan-11) Utilization of Small Business Concerns (May-04) 52.222-4 (Jul-05) Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (Jul-05) 52.222-7 (Feb-88) Withholding of Funds 52.222-11 (Jul-05) Subcontracts (Labor Standards) (Jul-05) 52.222-21 (Feb-99) Prohibition of Segregated Facilities (Feb-99) 52.222-26 (Mar-07) Equal Opportunity (Mar-07) 52.222-50 (Feb-09) Combating Trafficking in Persons (Feb-09) 52.223-15 (Dec-07) Energy Efficiency in Energy-consuming Products (Dec-07) 52.224-01 (Apr-84) Privacy Act Notification 52.225-13 (Jun-08) Restrictions on Certain Foreign Purchases (Jun-08)

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52.228-15 (Oct-10) Performance and Payment Bonds – Construction 52.232-8 (Feb-02) Discounts for Prompt Payment 52.232-13 (Apr-84) Notice of Progress Payments

52.232-16 (Apr-12) Progress Payments 52.232-18 (Apr-84) Availability of Funds 52.232-27 (Oct-08) Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts 52.233-3 (Aug-96) Protest after Award

52.236-5 (Apr-84) Material and Workmanship 52.236-7 (Nov-91) Permits and Responsibilities

52.236-9 (Apr-84) Protection of Existing Vegetation, Structures, Equipment, Utilities and Improvements

52.243-1 (Aug-81) Changes-Fixed-Price 52.243-3 (Aug-87) Changes-Time and Material or Labor Hours 52.243-4 (Jun-07) Changes

b. For all Construction Contracts in excess of $2,000 (include all of the above): 52.222-6 (Jul-05) Davis-Bacon Act 52.222-8 (Jun-10) Payrolls and Basic Records

52.222-9 (Jul-05) Apprentices and Trainees 52.222-10 (Feb-88) Compliance with Copeland Act Requirements 52.222-13 (Feb-88) Compliance with Davis-Bacon and Related Act Regulations 52.222-12 (Feb-88) Contract Termination-Debarment

52.222-14 (Feb-88) Disputes Concerning Labor Standards 52.222-15 (Feb-88) Certification of Eligibility

c. For all Construction Contracts greater than $10,000 (include all of the above): 52.222-22 (Feb-99) Previous Contracts and Compliance Reports 52.222-27 (Feb-99) Affirmative Action Compliance Requirements for Construction 52.222-36 (Oct-10) Affirmative Action for Workers with Disabilities (Jun-98)

c. For all Construction Contracts greater than $25,000 (include all of the above):

52.204-10 (Aug-12) Reporting Executive Compensation and First-Tier Subcontract Awards

d. For all Construction Contracts greater than $30,000 (include all of the above):

52.209-6 (Dec-10) Protecting the Government’s Interest When Subcontracting with Contractor Debarred, Suspended, or Proposed for Debarment

e. For all Construction Contracts greater than $100,000 (include all of the above):

52.203-6 (Sep-06) Restrictions on Subcontractor Sales to the Government 52.203-7 (Oct-10) Anti-kickback Procedures 52.203-12 (Oct-10) Limitation on Payments to Influence Certain Federal Transactions

52.209-5 (Apr-10) Certificate Regarding Debarment, Suspension 52.215-02 (Oct-10) Audit and Records – Negotiation (Jun-99) 52.215-12 (Oct-10) Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data 52.215-13 (Oct-10) Subcontractor Cost or Pricing Data-Modifications 52.222-2 (Jul-90) Payment of Overtime Premiums 52.222-35 (Sep-10) Affirmative Action for Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the

Vietnam Era (Sep-06) 52.222-37 (Sep-10) Employment Reports on Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the

Vietnam Era (Sep-06) 52.227-1 (Dec-07) Authorization and Consent (Dec-07) 52.236-2 (Apr-84) Differing Site Conditions

52.236-3 (Apr-84) Site Investigation and Conditions Affecting the Work 52.236-6 (Apr-84) Superintendence by the Contractor

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52.236-8 (Apr-84) Other Contracts 52.236-10 (Apr-84) Operation and Storage Areas

52.236-11 (Apr-84) Use and Possession prior to Completion 52.236-12 (Apr-84) Cleaning Up 52.236-13 (Nov-91) Accident Prevention Schedule for Construction

g. For all Construction Contracts greater than $650,000 (include all of the above): 52.203-2 (Apr-85) Certificate of Independent Price Determination 52.215-11 (Aug-11) Price Reduction for Defective Cost and Pricing Data 52.219-9 (Jan-11) Small Business Subcontracting Plan (Apr-08) 52.230-3 (May-12) Disclosure and Consistency of Cost Accounting Practices 52.230-6 (Jun-10) Administration of Cost Accounting Standards

The Contractor shall display in a prominent and accessible place the “Employee Rights under the Davis Bacon Act” poster (bilingual) and Wage Determination informing all workers of their rights under DBA.

Additional forms and Sample Guide for completing forms. First Tier Subcontractor Information

SF 1413 Statement and Acknowledgment Labor Standards Certification WH-347 Labor Payroll Form

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W. FAR 52.204-10 First-Tier Subcontractor Information

Information required if award is $25,000 and over This form implements section 2 of the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109‐282), as amended by section 6202 of the Government Funding Transparency Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110‐252), which requires contractors to report subcontract award data and the total compensation of the five most highly compensated executives of the contractor and subcontractor. The public may view first‐tier subcontract award data at  


Buyer's responsibility:     Prime Contract 


NAICS Code  Description of Award  Sub award Number Amount of Sub award 

Sub award Date 

6‐digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 

found in contract 

A description of the products or services (including construction) being provided under the subcontract, including the overall 

purpose and expected outcomes or results of the subcontract. 

Prime contractor's identifying number (PO number) 

Anticipated total over the life of award 

Date award signed. Format: MM/DD/YYYY 

                           Subcontractor's Information           

DUNS Number  Name of Subcontractor DUNS Number of Parent Company  Name of Parent Company 

Subcontractor's Data Universal Number System 

Name of company Parent Company's Data Universal 

Number System Name of subcontractor's parent company 

                        Subcontractor's Physical Address  

Street Address 2  City  

State  Zip Code + 4 

Congressional District  Country 

Street address  Additional line for street 

address City  

2‐digit code 

Zip code plus 4 (no dashes)  2‐digit code  2‐digit code 


Place of Performance  

Street Address 2  City  

State  Zip Code + 4 

Congressional District  Country 

Street address  Additional line for street 

address City  

2‐digit code 

Zip code plus 4 (no dashes)  2‐digit code  2‐digit code 


Subcontractor's Indication of Reporting Applicability 

"Yes"  or "No"     

If a subcontractor in the previous tax year had gross income from all sources under $300,000, enter "No" because the Contractor does not need to report awards to that subcontractor. If over $300,000, enter "Yes" because the Contractor does need to report awards to that subcontractor. 

             Subcontractor's Indication of Reporting Highly 

Compensated Officers (Public will not have access to this information)  Officer's Name 

Officer's Compensatio

If in the preceding fiscal year, received 80%+ and $25M annual gross revenue from federal contracts, "Yes" and give names & compensation for the five most highly compensated 

individuals for the calendar year;  if not, "No" 

#1       #2       #3       #4       

"Yes"  or "No"     #5                    I certify that I have checked the appropriate categories for myself or my company.    ______________________________________ ____________________________  Signature of authorized company representative Date      ______________________________________ ____________________________  Printed Name     Title      

SECTION II. STATEMENT OF WORK _____________________ (DEF #8xxxx)

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