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Page 1: South Bend, IN South Bend Civic Playbill rev.pdf · South Bend Civic Theatre Wilson Theatre Full Season Sponsors Villing & Company Alfred and

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Wilso n The atreSo uth Be nd Civic The atre

So uth Be nd , IN

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Page 2: South Bend, IN South Bend Civic Playbill rev.pdf · South Bend Civic Theatre Wilson Theatre Full Season Sponsors Villing & Company Alfred and

S o uth Be nd Civic The atreWilso n The atre

Full Season Sponsors

Villing & Co mpany Alfre d and Martha Cho itzProduction Sponsors

Ind iana Mic hig an Po we r S o uth Be nd Cho c o late Co mpanyPRES ENTS

Music and Lyrics by





Directed byCarys Kresny

Musical DirectorGeo ffrey CarterChoreographers

Anya Kresny and Falynn Sheppard

There will be one 15-minute intermission

R o al d D ah l ' s Wi l l y Wo n ka JR .

Is p re se n te d th ro u g h sp e c i al arran g e me n t wi th M u s i c Th e atre In te rn at i o n al (M TI) .Al l au th o ri ze d p e rfo rman ce mate ri al s are al so su p p l i e d b y M TI.

421 We s t 54th Stre e t, N e w Yo rk , N Y 10 0 19Ph o n e : 212-541-46 8 4 Fax: 212-39 7-46 8 4

www.M TISh o ws .co m

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Good Family Theater: Always Edgy The original publisher of Roald Dahl’s book, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (fromwhich today’s mus ical was adapted) said of the text “this book (is ) in bad tas te(because) books should not be aimed at both children and adults .” I could notdisagree more s trongly. The bes t children's s tories appeal equally well to both adultsand kids and any s tory that bores an adult will likely bore a child. As any teacher willtell you, children are the mos t demanding audience, so s tories targeted to them mus tbe well crafted, exciting and, in some way, dangerous . Talk with the kids and adults who accompanied you to the theater today about someof the great s tories that you enjoyed as a child (and likely s till enjoy today). Was thereany danger in these tales? I suspect that in these s tories the children are always atrisk and the protective figure of the parent was marginaliz ed or absent. The childrenfaced an uncertain future, and were forced to rely on their own wits . Maybe theydiscover abilities and s trength that they did not know that they possessed. In Willy Wonka JR. , we are introduced to the biz arre chocolate maker of the title and toa group of poorly behaved children who run afoul of the whimsical but dangerousmachines in his factory. It is this element of danger that both frightens and intrigues uswhether we are 8 or 88. Enjoy talking with your fellow theater goers about the parts ofthe s tory that delight and scare you. Theater is at its bes t when it lets us share ourwonderment and our fears . Enjoy, Mark Abram-CopenhaverArtistic DirectorSouth Bend Civic Theatre

SBCT Wishe s to thank Eve ntSys for the ir he lp on Willy Wonka JR.

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Page 3: South Bend, IN South Bend Civic Playbill rev.pdf · South Bend Civic Theatre Wilson Theatre Full Season Sponsors Villing & Company Alfred and


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Prologue : Wonka's Fact ory

Pure Imag inatio n Will ie Wo nka

Go ld e n Ag e o f Cho co late Wo nka, Oo mp a-Lo o mp asSce ne I: T he Bucke t ShackSce ne II: Out side t he Bucke t Shack

The Cand y Man The Cand y Man and Cand y kid sSce ne III: T he Bucke t ShackSce ne IV: Out side t he Bucke t Shack

I Eat Mo re Aug ustus G lo o p , Mrs. G lo o p ,Phine o us

Sce ne V: T he GloopsSce ne VI: Ve ruca

Think Po sitive Charlie , Mr. Bucke tSce ne VII: T he Bucke t ShackSce ne VIII: Viole t Radio St at ionSce ne IX: Home of Mike Te ave e

I Se e It All On TV Mike Te ave e , Mrs. Te ave e ,Phine o us

Sce ne X: T he Bucke t Shack

Che e r Up Charlie Grand p a Jo e , Mr. Bucke tSce ne XI: Two We e ks Lat e r - Snowy St re e t s

Think Po sitive (re p rise ) Charlie

I've Go t a Go ld e n Ticke t CharlieSce ne XII: Out side Wonka's Fact ory

At the Gate s Will ie Wo nka

In This Ro o m Wo nka, Child re n, Pare ntsSce ne XIII: T he Chocolat e Sme lt ing Room

Oo mp a-Lo o mp a 1 Oo mp a-Lo o mp asSce ne XIV: Pink Candy Boat

The re 's No Kno wing Will ie Wo nkaSce ne XV: T he Inve nt ing Room

Che w It Vio le t

Oo mp a-Lo o mp a 2 Oo mp a-Lo o mp asSce ne XVI: T he Fizzy Lif t ing Room

Flying Charlie , Grand p a Jo e

Burp ing So ng Charlie , Grand p a Jo eSce ne XVII: T he Nut Room

I Want it No w Ve ruca

Oo mp a-Lo o mp a 3 Oo mp a-Lo o mp as


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Page 4: South Bend, IN South Bend Civic Playbill rev.pdf · South Bend Civic Theatre Wilson Theatre Full Season Sponsors Villing & Company Alfred and

Sce ne XVIII: T he Choco- Vision Room

Oo mp a-Lo o mp a 4 Oo mp a-Lo o mp asSce ne XIX: End of t he Tour

Finale Wo nka, Charlie , Co mp any


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Copyr ight © 2015 P layb i l l On l ine Inc. Al l m arks us ed by perm is s ion.

Page 5: South Bend, IN South Bend Civic Playbill rev.pdf · South Bend Civic Theatre Wilson Theatre Full Season Sponsors Villing & Company Alfred and


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Copyr ight © 2015 P layb i l l On l ine Inc. Al l m arks us ed by perm is s ion.

Page 6: South Bend, IN South Bend Civic Playbill rev.pdf · South Bend Civic Theatre Wilson Theatre Full Season Sponsors Villing & Company Alfred and

Cre w Me mbe rs Dire cto r Carys Kre sny

Assistant Dire cto r Clare Co ste llo

Music Dire cto r Ge o ffre y Carte r

Assistant Music Dire cto r And re ' Sp athe lf-Sand e rs

Cho re o g rap he rs Anya Kre sny Falynn She p p ard

Sce nic De sig n Jace e Ro hlck

Pro d uctio n Stag e Manag e r Baile y Hase ltine

Lig hting De sig n Matt David so n

Co stume s Amb e r Klinke r

Pro p s Ang e la Le achman

Pro je ctio ns Gavin Co ll ie r

Stag e Manag e r Michae l Po rte r

Assistant Stag e Manag e r AJ Rid e no ur

Stag e Cre w Eva Co ll ie rKad e n Van Ho o kJulian Wald ing

Vo lunte e r Maste r Carp e nte rs Sam Jo ne s Fre d Kie fe r

He ad Wrang le r Dwayne Wald ing

Pro d uctio n Pho to g rap hy Jo n G ilchris t


Scenic Construction and Painting - Bill Po nko , Kathy Po nko , J im Cho inacky, AnneCho inacky, Lind a Lind a Thacke r, Sand i Co urtie r, Nancy Mo lnar, Vale rie Pil law, De anieKo p e c, Art Ko p e c, Mad iso n Ko p e c, Emma Ko p e c, Julie All iso n, Brad e n All iso n, Be tsy

Fle sh, Bil l Fle sh, Chris ta Hil l, Kate Barro n, Lucy Barro n, Marg are t Ke lle y, Gre ataNe ub aue r, Kathle e n Ne ub aue r, G ini She p le y, Siô n She p le y, Amy Co ll ie r, Gavin Co ll ie r,Ava Co ll ie r, Miche lle Van Ho o k, Kad e n Van Ho o k, Cale b Van Ho o k, AJ Jo hnso n, Ho p e

Jo hnso n, Rhys Hamle t, Anya Kre sny Dance and Scenic Captains - Ab b y Bald win, Hannah Bald win, Bro d ie Bud zinski, Mo lly

Burnham, Mad iso nn Jackso n, Ab ig ail Jo hnso n, Jo hn Van Paris , Sara Wald ingCharlie Lifters- Ian Bake r, Bro d ie Bud zinski, Ad d iso n Clark, Mad iso n Jackso n, Ab b e y

Bald win, Ab ig ail Jo hnso n, Jarynn Samp so n, O livia VanHe e sb e keGrandpa Lifters - Lucas Bo ling , Alana Mad e ra, Jo nathan Ne re nb e rg , Sara Wald ing ,

Hannah Bald win, Lucy Barro n, Mo lly Burnham, JC Mo o nfrank, Siô n She p le yCane Lifters - Kya Wallin , Anna Ke lle y

Squirrels - Bro d ie Bud zinski, Che lse y Pil lo w , Aaro n Fe d e rico , Isaac Ho wkCostume Construction - Se la Pre ciad o , Lib b y Tab e rski, Issab e lla Re mp e l, O livia

Bud zinski, Tris tan Co x, Lace y Hamme tt, Laine y Po p o vic, De b b y Po p o vic, Ho no raWhitmo re , Ale x De ne e n, Sp e cial Thanks - Me lissa Bialko

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Copyr ight © 2015 P layb i l l On l ine Inc. Al l m arks us ed by perm is s ion.