sorted case list

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  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    JANUARY 2013

    1. G.R. No. 173559. January 7, 2013

    Leticia Diona, rep. by her attorney-in-fact, Marcelina Diona Vs. Romeo A.

    Balangue, Sonny A. Balangue, Reynalo A. Balangue, an !steban A.

    Balangue, "r.#. G.R. No. 172590. January 7, 2013

    Mary Louise R. Anerson Vs. !nri$ue %o&. G.R. No. 199324. January 7, 2013

    !'ecuti(e Secretary, et al. Vs. )orerunner Multi Resources, *nc.+. G.R. No. 188768. January 7, 2013

    ML aset *nustries, *nc. Vs. B/* )amily Sa(ings Ban, *nc.0. G.R. No. 193960. January 7, 2013

    arlo Angelo Dabalos y San Dieo Vs. Regional rial 2ourt, Branch 03, Angeles

    2ity, etc., et al.4. G.R. No. 188056. January 8, 2013

    Spouses Augusto . Dacuao an 5felia R. Dacuao Vs. Secretary of "ustice

    Raul M. on6ales of the Department of "ustice7. G.R. No. 170770. January 9, 2013

    Vitaliano 8. Aguirre ** an )iel 8. Aguirre ** an )iel 8. Aguirre Vs. )9B:,

    *nc., 8athaniel D. Bocobo, /riscila Bocobo an Antonio De Villa;. G.R. No. 183035. January 9, 2013

    5ptima Realty 2orporation Vs. %ert6 /hil., !'clusi(e, *nc.3. G.R. No. 185595. January 9, 2013

    Ma. 2arminia 2. 2aleron .G.R. No. 155113. January 9, 2013/hilippine Ban of 2ommunications Vs. /riisons Realty 2orporation, et al.11.G.R. No. 170022. January 9, 2013

    Republic of the /hilippines Vs. 2esar !ncelan1#.G.R. No. 170498. January 9, 2013

    Metropolitan Ban ? rust 2ompany Vs. Absolute Management 2orporation1&.G.R. Nos. 179003 & 195816. January 9, 2013

    Antonio L an, "r. Vs. @oshitsugu Matsuura an 2arolina anutcoAntonio L.

    an, "r. Vs. "ulie 5 2ua1+.G.R. No. 182976. January 14, 2013

    Manila !lectric 2ompany

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    17.G.R. No. 197507. January 14, 2013

    Ri(ulet Agro-*nustrial 2orporation Vs. Anthony /arungao, et al.1;.G.R. No. 179382. January 14, 2013

    Spouses Benamin 2. Mamaril an Sonia /. Mamaril Vs. he Boy Scout of the

    /hilippines, et al.

    13.G.R. No. 192986. January 15, 2013A(ocates for ruth in Lening, *nc. ? !uaro B. 5laguer Vs. Bango Sentral

    Monetary Boar, Represente by its 2hairman, o(ernor Armano M.

    atangco, "r., etc.#>.G.R. No. 160138/G.R. No. 160192. January 16, 2013

    Automoti(e !ngine Rebuilers, *nc.

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    &0.G.R. No. 174436. January 23, 2013

    "uanita !rmitaHo, represente by her Attorney-in-fact, *sabelo !rmitaHo Vs.

    Lailanie M. /aglas&4.G.R. No. 181218. January 28, 2013

    Republic of the /hilippines, represente by the Department of /ublic Eors

    an %ighays Vs. %eirs of Spouses /ero Bautista an Valentina Malabanan&7.G.R. No. 169005. January 28, 2013

    Einston ). arcia, in his capacity as /resient an eneral Manager of the

    S*S Vs. 2ourt of Appeals an Ruy 2. esoro&;.G.R. No. 202423. January 28, 2013

    2hester Cyco, et al. Vs. Vicente Lo&3.G.R. No. 188635. January 29, 2013

    Brena L. 8a6areth, Regional Director, Department of Science an

    echnology, etc. Vs. he %on. Reynalo A. Villar, %on. "uanito . !spino, "r., et

    al.+>.G.R. No. 198501. January 30, 2013

    estrel Shipping 2o., *nc.2apt. Amaor /. Ser(illon an Atlantic Manning Lt.Vs. )rancisco D. Munar

    +1.G.R. No. 167158. January 30, 2013

    Virginia "uy Dy an abriel Dy Vs. /hilippine Baning 2orporation+#.G.R. No. 173520. January 30, 2013

    8ational /oer 2orporation Vs. Spouses Roolfo Iabala an Lilia Baylon+&.G.R. No. 178312. January 30, 2013

    Lan Ban of the /hilippines Vs. %eirs of Spouses "ora Rigor Soriano an

    Magin Soriano++.G.R. No. 192532. January 30, 2013

    Spouses Ricaro an !lena ole6 Vs. Spouses 2arlos an Amelita 8a(arro

    +0.G.R. No. 172852. January 30, 20132ity of 2ebu Vs. Apolinio M. Deamo, "r.

    +4.G.R. No. 181738. January 30, 2013

    eneral Milling 2orporation Vs. Violeta L. Viaar+7.G.R. No. 171677. January 30, 2013

    /hilippine 8ational Ban, substitute by ranche 1 .G.R. No. 194352. January 30, 2013Ma'icare /2*B 2igna %ealthcare

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    0&.G.R. No. 186069. January 30, 2013

    "esus L. 2abahug an 2oronacion M. 2abahug Vs. 8ational /oer 2orporation

    FERUARY 2013

    0+.G.R. No. 179096. F!"ruary 6, 2013

    "oseph oyano, "r., as aministrator of the !state of "oseph oyano, Sr. Vs.

    Cnite 2oconut /lanters Ban, Mango A(enue Branch00.G.R. No. 187474. F!"ruary 6, 2013

    o(ernment Ser(ice *nsurance System Vs. Marilou Alcara604.G.R. No. 172044. F!"ruary 6, 2013

    2a(ite Apparel, *nc., et al. Vs. Michelle Mar$ue607.G.R. No. 163037. F!"ruary 6, 2013

    /hilippine Long Distance elephone 2ompany, *nc. Vs. !astern elecom

    /hilippines0;.G.R. Nos. 195198 & G.R. No. 197098. F!"ruary 11, 2013

    Loreli L*m /o Vs. Department of the "ustice, et al.Antonio ng 2hiu Vs. 2ourt of

    Appeals, et al.03.G.R. No. 197003. F!"ruary 11, 2013

    8erie 2. Serrano Vs. Ambassaor %otel, *nc. an @olana 2han4>.G.R. No. 191740. F!"ruary 11, 2013

    Susana R. Sy Vs. /hilippine ransmarine 2arriers, *nc., anor SS2 Ship

    Management /te., Lt41.G.R. No. 194578. F!"ruary 13, 2013

    /hilip Sigri A. )ortun Vs. /rima "esusa B. 9uinsayas, et al.4#.G.R. No. 197299. F!"ruary 13, 2013

    5Fce of the 5mbusman Vs. Rorigo V. Mapoy an Don !mmanuel R.

    Regalario4&.G.R. No. 188659. F!"ruary 13, 2013

    %eirs of Manuel %. Ria, et al. Vs. regorio Araneta Cni(ersity )ounation4+.G.R. No. 151334. F!"ruary 13, 2013

    2arolina .G.R. No. 157086. F!"ruary 18, 2013

    Lepanto 2onsoliate Mining 2ompany Vs. he Lepanto 2apata6 Cnion
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    71.G.R. No. 159823. F!"ruary 18, 2013

    eooro A. Reyes Vs. !ttore Rossi7#.G.R. Nos. 164662 & 165787. F!"ruary 18, 2013

    Ma. Loures 2. De "esus Vs. %on. Raul . A$uino, et al.Supersonic Ser(ices,

    *nc. Vs. Ma. Loures D. De "esus

    7&.G.R. No. 169677. F!"ruary 18, 2013Metropolitan Ban an rust 2ompany, as successor-in-interest of Asian Ban

    2orporation Vs. %on. !ilberto . Sano(al, et al.7+.G.R. No. 175002. F!"ruary 18, 2013

    /epsi-2ola /roucts /hilippines, *nc. Vs. Anecito Molon, et al.70.G.R. No. 158649. F!"ruary 18, 2013

    Sps. 9uirino V. Dela 2ru6 ? loria Dela 2ru6 Vs. /lanters /roucts, *nc.74.G.R. No. 204528. F!"ruary 19, 2013

    Secretary Leila M. De Lima, Director 8onnatus R. Roas an Deputy Director

    Reynalo 5. !smerala Vs. Magtanggol B. atula77.G.R. No. 191644. F!"ruary 19, 2013

    Dennis A.B. )una Vs. Acting Secretary of "ustice Alberto 2. Agra, etc., et al.7;.G.R. Nos. 187919/G.R. No. 187979/G.R. No. 188030. F!"ruary 20,


    Rafael %. al(e6 an atherine L. uy Vs. Asia Cnite BanAsia Cnite Ban

    Vs. ilbert, et al.ilbert uy, et al. Vs. Asia Cntie Ban73.G.R. No. 180325. F!"ruary 20, 2013

    5. Ventanilla !nterprises 2orporation Vs. Aelina S. an an SheriJ Reynante

    . Velas$ue6, /resiing "uge;>.G.R. No. 174385. F!"ruary 20, 2013

    Republic of the /hilippines Vs. %on. Ramon S. 2aguiao, etc., et al.;1.G.R. No. 179965. F!"ruary 20, 2013

    8icolas /. Diego Vs. Roolfo /. Diego an !uaro /. Diego;#.G.R. No. 195032. F!"ruary 20, 2013

    *sabelo A. Bra6a Vs. he %onorable Saniganbayan

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    ;7.G.R. No. 178347. F!"ruary 25, 2013

    Sal(acion Villanue(a, et al. Vs. /alaan 2ouncil for Sustainable De(elopment,

    etc., et al.;;.G.R. No. 173489. F!"ruary 25, 2013

    Alilem 2reit 2ooperati(e, *nc. no non as Alilem Multipurpose

    2ooperati(e, *nc. Vs. Sal(aor M. Baniola, "r.;3.G.R. No. 173987. F!"ruary 25, 2013

    /ailla Mercao, Iulueta Mercao, et al. Vs. Spouses Agueo !spina an

    Loures !spina3>.G.R. No. 184681. F!"ruary 25, 2013

    erry A. Salapuin Vs. he 2ourt of Appeals, o(. "um Abar, an 8or-

    Rhama ". *nanan31.G.R. No. 168703. F!"ruary 26, 2013

    Ramon . 8a6areno Vs. Maers )ilipinas 2reing *nc. ? !lite Shipping AS3#.G.R. No. 177116. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    Asian erminals, *nc. Vs. Simon !nterprises, *nc.

    3&.G.R. No. 188363. F!"ruary 27, 2013Allie Baning 2orporation Vs. Ban of the /hilippine *slans

    3+.G.R. No. 193804. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    Spouses 8ilo Ramos an !liaora Ramos Vs. Raul 5bispo an )ar !ast Ban

    an rust 2o.30.Dissenting 5pinion

    #.J. $!r!no34.G.R. No. 183102. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    Macario Dia6 2arpio Vs. 2ourt of Appeals, spouses elacio . loria an

    Marcelina /re 5ria37.G.R. No. 175369. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    egimenta 2hemical /hils.Vi(ian Rose arcia Vs. court of Appeals, et al.3;.G.R. No. 175492. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    2arlos L. 5cta(io Vs. /hilippine Long Distrance elephone 2ompany33.G.R. No. 192826. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    /hilippine /la6a %olings, *nc. Vs. Ma. )lora M. !piscope1>>. G.R. No. 201167. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    otesco /roperties, *nc.,1>1. G.R. No. 154083. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    5Fce of the 5mbusman Vs. Samson . De Leon1>#. G.R. No. 180882. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    he Baguio Regreening Mo(ement, *nc. represente by Atty. !rolfo V.

    Balaaia, et al. Vs. Atty. Brain Masengm, in his capacity as Regional %earing5Fcer, 82*/-2AR, et al.

    1>&. G.R. No. 184487. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    %on. Meel Arnalo B. Belen, in his oFcial capacity as /resiing "uge of the

    Regional rial 2ourt, Br. &4, +th "uicial Region, 2alamba 2ity Vs. "osef Albert

    S. 2omilang
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    1>+. G.R. Nos. 195825/195871. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    Spouses Alfonso an Maria Angeles 2usi Vs. Lilia V. Domingo Ramona Li6a L.

    De Vera Vs. Lilia V. Domingo, et al.1>0. G.R. No. 182431. F!"ruary 27, 2013

    Lan Ban of the /hilippines Vs. !sther Anson Ri(era, Antonio . Anson an

    2esar . Anson

    %AR# 2013

    1>4. G.R. No. 184023. %ar'( 4, 2013

    Lorna 2astigaor Vs. Danilo M. 8icolas1>7. G.R. 200727. %ar'( 4, 2013

    *rene Villamar-sano(al Vs. "ose 2ailipan, et al.1>;. G.R. No. 190147. %ar'( 5, 2013

    2i(il Ser(ice 2ommission Vs. /ililla Eater District1>3. G.R. No. 168613 & G.R. No. 185571. %ar'( 5, 2013

    Atty. Ma. Rosario Manalang-Demigillo Vs. rae an *n(estment De(elopment

    of the /hil. . G.R. No. 182249. %ar'( 5, 2013

    rae an *n(estment De(elopment 2orporation of the /hilippines Vs. 2i(il

    Ser(ice 2ommission111. G.R. No. 199501. %ar'( 6, 2013

    Republic of the /hilippines rep. by the Regional !'ecuti(e Director, D!8R,

    Region *** Vs. %eirs of !nri$ue 5ribello, "r., et al.11#. G.R. No. 181096. %ar'( 6, 2013

    Reno R. on6ales, et al. Vs. 2amarines Sur ** !lectric 2ooperati(e, *nc., as

    represente by Antonio Bora, et al.11&. G.R. No. 182449. %ar'( 6, 2013

    Republic of the /hilippines Vs. Martin . 8g11+. G.R. No. 182378. %ar'( 6, 2013

    Mercy Va. De Ro'as, represente by Arlene 2. Ro'as-2ru6, in her capacity as

    substitute appelant-petitioner Vs. 5ur Lays )ounation, *nc.110. G.R. No. 173297. %ar'( 6, 2013

    Stronghol *nsurance 2ompany, *nc. Vs. omas 2uenca, et al.114. G.R. No. 191531. %ar'( 6, 2013

    Republic of the /hilippines rep. by the /hilippine !conomic Ione Authority Vs.

    %eirs of 2ecillio an Moises 2ui6on117. G.R. No. 169211. %ar'( 6, 2013

    Star o

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    113. G.R. No. 176944. %ar'( 6, 2013

    Ret. Lt. en. "acinto 2. Ligot, et al. Vs. Republic of the /hilippines represente

    by the Anti-Money Launering 2ouncil1#>. G.R. No. 181598. %ar'( 6, 2013

    5Fce of the 5mbusman Vs. Arnel A. Bernaro

    1#1. G.R. No. 202205. %ar'( 6, 2013)orest %ills olf ? 2ountry 2lub Vs. Verte' Sales an raing, *nc.1##. G.R. No. 173622. %ar'( 11, 2013

    Robern De(elopment 2orporation, et al. Vs. /eoples Lanless Association

    represente by )loria Ramos, et al.1#&. G.R. No. 200667. %ar'( 11, 2013

    Rural Ban of Sta. Barbara

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    1&4. G.R. No. 194104. %ar'( 13, 2013

    8o(ateni Lan 2orporation Vs. /hilippine 8ational Ban an he Register of

    Dees of Manila 2ity1&7. G.R. No. 178125. %ar'( 18, 2013

    he 5rchar ol an 2ountry 2lub Vs. Amelia R. )rancisco

    1&;. G.R. No. 180681. %ar'( 18, 2013Rolano I. iga6 Vs. 5Fce of the 5mbusman1&3. G.R. No. 205250. %ar'( 18, 2013

    Lorraine D. Barra Vs. 2i(il Ser(ice 2ommission1+>. G.R. No. 204123. %ar'( 19, 2013

    Maria loures B. Locsin Vs. %ouse of Representati(es !lectoral ribunal an

    Moni$ue @a6min Maria 9. Lagameo1+1. G.R. No. 202202. %ar'( 19, 2013

    Sil(erio R. agolino Vs. %ouse of Representati(es !lectoral ribunal an Lucy

    Marie orres-ome61+#. Dissenting 5pinion

    J. )!onar*o+! #as-ro,J. A"a*1+&. G.R. No. 176422. %ar'( 20, 2013

    Maria Meno6a, et al. Vs. "ulia /olicarpio, et al.1++. G.R. No. 188956. %ar'( 20, 2013

    Arme )orces of the /hil. Retirement an Separation BeneGts System Vs.

    Republic of the /hilippines1+0. G.R. No. 191567. %ar'( 20, 2013

    Marie 2allo-2laria Vs. /hilip Ronal /. !steban an eoora Alyn !steban1+4. G.R. No. 174844. %ar'( 20, 2013

    Ve(encia !chin /abalan, et al. Vs. he %eirs of Simeon A.B. Maamo, Sr.1+7. G.R. No. 181458. %ar'( 20, 2013

    Republic of the /hilippines Vs. rinia Dia6-!nri$ue6, et al.1+;. G.R. No. 188986. %ar'( 20, 2013

    alileo A. Maglasang Vs. 8orthestern Cni(ersity, *nc.1+3. G.R. No. 174240. %ar'( 20, 2013

    Spouses Lehner an Luy Martires Vs. Menelia 2hua10>. G.R. No. 180321. %ar'( 20, 2013

    !itha /alan Vs. !lenita Dinglasan an )elisimo Dinglasan101. G.R. Nos. 194490+91G.R. Nos. 194518 & 194524. %ar'( 20,


    ransocean Ship Management

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    AR) 2013

    10+. G.R. No. 176985. Ar 1, 2013

    Ricaro !. Vergara, "r. Vs. 2oca-2ola Bottlers /hilippines, *nc.100. G.R. No. 184333. Ar 1, 2013

    Si'to 8. 2hu Vs. Mach Asia raing 2orporation104. G.R. No. 197353. Ar 1, 2013

    Ale'aner B. BaHares Vs. abaco Eomens ransport Ser(ice 2ooperati(e

    . G.R. No. 197937. Ar 3, 2013

    )ilm De(elopment 2ouncil of the /hilippines Vs. SM /rime %olings, *nc.141. G.R. No. 157445. Ar 3, 2013

    Segunina A. al(e6 Vs. Sps. %onorio 2. Montano an Susana /. Montano, et

    al.14#. G.R. No. 179665. Ar 3, 2013

    Soli Builers, *nc. an Meina )oos *nustries, *nc. Vs. 2hina Baning

    2orporation14&. G.R. No. 165838. Ar 3, 2013

    8emesio )ira6a, Sr., Vs. Sps. 2lauio an !ufrecena Cgay14+. G.R. No. 195317. Ar 3, 2013

    Sps. Eeltchie Raymun an !mily Raymuno Vs. Lan Ban of the

    /hilippines., substitute by Asset Asia /aciGc

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    171. G.R. No. 198682. Ar 10, 2013

    )rancisco 2. Aalim Vs. !rnesto aninas, et al.17#. G.R. No. 178952. Ar 10, 2013

    %eirs of La6aro allaro, et al. Vs. /orferio Soliman, et al.17&. G.R. No. 181182. Ar 10, 2013

    Boaral Business Ventures, *nc. Vs. !l(ira A. Villareal . G.R. No. 191696. Ar 10, 2013

    Rogelio Dantis Vs. "ulio Maghinang, "r.

    1;1. G.R. No. 204700. Ar 10, 2013!aglerige De(elopment 2orporation, Marcelo 8. 8a(al an 2rispin *. 5ben

    Vs. 2ameron ran(ille & Asset Management, *nc.1;#. G.R. No. 158361. Ar 10, 2013

    *nternational %otel 2orporation Vs. )rancisco B. "oa$uin, "r., et al.1;&. G.R. No. 187678 . Ar 10, 2013

    Spouses *gnacio ). "uico an Alice /. "uico Vs. 2hina Baning 2orporation1;+. 2oncurring 5pinion

    #.J. $!r!no1;0. G.R. No. 174788. Ar 11, 2013

    he Special Auit eam, 2ommission on Auit Vs. 2ourt of Appeals an

    o(ernment Ser(ice *nsurance System1;4. G.R. No. 187317. Ar 11, 2013

    2arlito 2. !ncinas Vs. /51 Alfreo /. Agustin, "r., an /o1 "oel S. 2aubang1;7. G.R. No. 171298. Ar 15, 2013

    Spouses 5scar an helma 2acayorin Vs. Arme )orces an /olice Mutual

    BeneGt Association, *nc.
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    1;;. G.R. No. 175428. Ar 15, 2013

    Ricaro 2hu, "r. an Dy o !ng Vs. Melania 2aparas an Spouses Ruel an

    %ermenegila /ere61;3. G.R. No. 179011. Ar 15, 2013

    Rey 2astigaor 2aterilla Vs. Mario an Margie Lauron

    13>. G.R. No. 198783. Ar 15, 2013Royal /lant orers Cnion Vs. 2oca-2ola Bottlers /hilippines, *nc.131. G.R. No. 200173. Ar 15, 2013

    Sps. !smeralo D. Vallio an Arsenia M. Vallio, rep. by Atty. Sergio 2.

    Sumayo Vs. Sps. !lmer /ono an "uliet /ono, et al.13#. G.R. No. 191805/G.R. No. 193160. Ar 16, 2013

    *n the Matter of the /etition for the Erit of Amparo an %abeas Data in )a(or

    of 8oriel Rorigue6 8oriel Rorigue6 Vs. loria Macapagal Arroyo, et al.13&. G.R. No. 194994. Ar 16, 2013

    !mmanuel A. De 2astro Vs. !merson S. 2arlos13+. G.R. No. 204637. Ar 16, 2013

    Liayay Vin6ons-2hato Vs. %ouse of Representati(es !lectoral ribunal an!lmer !. /anotes

    130. G.R. No. 179018. Ar 17, 2013

    /aglaum Management ? De(elopment 2orp. an %ealth Mareting

    echnologies, *nc. Vs. Cnion Ban of the /hilippines, 8otary /ublic "ohn Doe,

    an Register of Dees of 2ebu 2ity an 2ebu /ro(ince ". ing ? Sons. 2o.,

    *nc., *nter(enor134. G.R. No. 191667. Ar 17, 2013

    Lan Ban of the /hilippines Vs. !uaro M. 2acayurin137. G.R. No. 180843. Ar 17, 2013

    Apolonio arcia, in substituion of his ecease mother, Moesta arcia, an

    2ristina Salamat Vs. Dominga Robles Va e 2aparas13;. G.R. No. 171555. Ar 17, 2013

    !(angeline Ri(era-2alingasan an !. Rical !nterprises Vs. Eilfreo Ri(era,

    substutute by Ma. Lyia S. Ri(era, )reia Leah an Eilfreo S. Ri(era, "r.133. G.R. No. 181973. Ar 17, 2013

    Amelia A$uino, et al. Vs. /hilippine /orts Authority#>>. G.R. No. 183858. Ar 17, 2013

    %oly rinity Realty an De(elopment 2orporation Vs. Spouses 2arlos Abacan

    an !li6abeth Abacan#>1. G.R. Nos. 184079/184490. Ar 17, 2013

    Spouses Armano Sil(erio, Sr. an Remeios Sil(erio Vs. Spouses Ricaro an

    !(elyn MarceloSpouses !(elyn an Ricaro Marcelo Vs. Spouses ArmanoSil(eri, Sr. an Remeios Si(erio

    #>#. Separate an 2oncurring 5pinion

    #.J. $!r!no#>&. G.R. No. 187232. Ar 17, 2013

    Ienaia D. Meno6a Vs. %MS 2reit 2orporation, et al.
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    #>+. G.R. No. 187677. Ar 17, 2013

    Republic of the /hilippines, represente by the Department fo the /ublic

    Eors an %ighays 0. G.R. No. 185518. Ar 17, 2013

    Spouses )eli' 2hingoe an Rosita 2hingoe Vs. Spouses )austino 2hingoe

    an loria 2hingoe

    JUNE 2013

    #>4. G.R. No. 201701. Jun! 3, 2013

    Cnile(er /hilippines, *nc. Vs. Maria Ruby M. Ri(era#>7. G.R. No. 171692. Jun! 3, 2013

    Sps. DelGn 5. umibay an Aurora . umibay-ecease race "ulie Ann

    umibay Manuel, Legal representati(e Vs. Sps. Mel(in A. Lope6 an Roena

    ay . Visitacion#>;. G.R. No. 182963. Jun! 3, 2013

    Spouses Deo Agner an Maricon Agner Vs. B/* )amily Sa(ings Ban, *nc.#>3. G.R. No. 177103. Jun! 3, 2013

    5riental Shipmanagement 2o., *nc., et al. Vs. Rainerio 8. 8a6al#1>. G.R. No. 179643. Jun! 3, 2013

    !rnesto L. 8ati(ia Vs. )ernano Mariano, et al.#11. G.R. No. 198755. Jun! 5, 2013

    Albert /at-5g, Sr. Vs. 2i(il Ser(ice 2ommission#1#. G.R. No. 192893. Jun! 5, 2013

    Manila !lectric 2ompany Vs. %eirs of Spouses Dionisio Deloy an /ra'ees

    Martonito, represente by /olicarpio Deloy#1&. G.R. No. 193453. Jun! 5, 2013

    Spouses Rubin an /ortia %oas Vs. /hilippine Amanah Ban an Ramon ue#1+. G.R. Nos. 175542 & 183205. Jun! 5, 2013

    reen Acres %olings, *nc. Vs. Victoria /. 2abral, et al.Victoria /. 2abral Vs.

    /ro(incial Auicator "oseph 8oel 2. Longboan5Fce of the Agrarian Reform

    Auicatorreen Acres %olings, *nc., Spouses !nri$ue . Moraga an

    Victoria Soriano an )ilcon Reay Mi'e, *nc.#10. G.R. Nos. 187587 & 187654. Jun! 5, 2013

    8agaaisang Maralita ng Sitio Masigasig, *nc. Vs. Military Shrine Ser(ices-

    /hilippine Veterans AJairs 5Fce, Department of 8ational DefenseEestern

    Bicutan Lot 5ners Association, *nc. represente by its Boar of Directors Vs.

    Military Shrine Ser(ices-/hilippine Veterans AJairs 5Fce, Department of

    8ational Defense#14. G.R. No. 179492. Jun! 5, 2013

    R/, represente by Abusama M. Ali, 5Fcer-in-2harge, Department of

    Agriculture-Regional )iel Cnit N**

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    #1;. G.R. No. 172334. Jun! 5, 2013

    Dr. Ienaia /. /ia Vs. %on. Margarito /. er(acio, "r., et al.#13. G.R. No. 182855. Jun! 5, 2013

    Mr. Ale'aner OLe'O Aonis, represente by 2enter for Meia )reeom an


  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    #&+. G.R. No. 173829. Jun! 10, 2013

    Valbueco, *nc. Vs. /ro(ince of Bataan, etc.#&0. G.R. No. 200094. Jun! 10, 2013

    Benigno M. Vigilla, Alfonso M. Bognot, et al. Vs. /hilippine 2ollege of

    2riminology, *nc. anor regory Alan ). Bautista

    #&4. G.R. No. 187722. Jun! 10, 2013Surigao Del 8orte !lectric 2ooperati(e, *nc. anor Danny I. !scalante Vs.

    eoGlo on6agaSeparate 2oncurring 5pinion

    J. ron#&7. G.R. Nos. 187896+97. Jun! 10, 2013

    Armano /. 2ostes Vs. 5Fce of the 5mbusman

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    #01. G.R. No. 194062. Jun! 17, 2013

    Republic as 2orporation, et al. Vs. /etron 2orporation, et al.#0#. G.R. No. 191877/G.R. No. 192287. Jun! 18, 2013

    /hilippine Amusement an aming 2orporation

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    Separate 2oncurring 5pinion

    J. A"a*#47. G.R. No. 196049. Jun! 26, 2013

    Minoru )uii Vs. Maria /a6 alela Marinay, et al.#4;. G.R. No. 194362. Jun! 26, 2013

    /hilippine %ammonia Ship Agency, *nc. . G.R. No. 182295. Jun! 26, 2013

    7 2orporation Vs. !ie Albarico#71. G.R. No. 199650. Jun! 26, 2013

    " /lus Asia De(elopment 2orporation Vs. Ctility Assurance 2orporation#7#. G.R. No. 186475. Jun! 26, 2013

    /oseion *nternational Maritime Ser(ices, *nc.

    #7&. G.R. No. 199354. Jun! 26, 2013Eilson . o Vs. B/* )inance 2orporation#7+. G.R. No. 160982. Jun! 26, 2013

    Manila "ocey 2lub, *nc. Vs. Aimee raano#70. G.R. No. 186014. Jun! 26, 2013

    Ali Aang Vs. Municipality of *sulan, Sultan uarat /ro(ince, represente by

    its Municipal Mayor an Municipal Vice Mayor an Municipal

    2ouncilorsagagaas#74. G.R. No. 185891. Jun! 26, 2013

    2athay /aciGc Airays Vs. "uanita Reyes, et al.#77. G.R. No. 179736. Jun! 26, 2013

    Spouses Bill an Victoria %ing Vs. Ale'aner 2hoachuy, Sr. an Allan2hoachuy

    #7;. G.R. No. 201251. Jun! 26, 2013

    *nter-5rient Maritime, *nc. anor anoil 2arriers, Lt. Vs. 2ristina 2ana(a#73. G.R. No. 180476. Jun! 26, 2013

    Raymun 2oerias, as represente by his Attorney-*n-)act, Marlon M.

    2oerias Vs. !state of "uan 2hioco, represente by its aministrator Dr. Raul

    R. 2arag

    JU)Y 2013

    #;>. G.R. No. 196529. Juy 1, 2013

    Eilliam . o Vs. Alberto . Looyuo, substitute by his legal heirs eresita 2.

    Looyuo, et al.#;1. G.R. No. 177050. Juy 1, 2013

    2arlos Lim, et al. Vs. De(elopment Ban of the /hilippines#;#. G.R. No. 189316. Juy 1, 2013

    /hilippine 8ational Ban Vs. Sps. Bernar an 2resencia MaraHon
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    #;&. G.R. No. 192394. Juy 3, 2013

    Roy D. /asos Vs. /hilippine 8ational 2onstruction 2orporation#;+. G.R. No. 201061. Juy 3, 2013

    Sally o-Bangayan Vs. Benamin Bangayan, "r.#;0. G.R. No. 172206. Juy 3, 2013

    5Fce of the 5mbusman Vs. !rnesto M. De 2ha(e6, Rolano L. Lontoc, Sr., etal.#;4. G.R. No. 186366. Juy 3, 2013

    %eirs of "ose )enano Vs. Reynalo De Belen#;7. G.R. No. 185734. Juy 3, 2013

    Alfreo 2. Lim, "r. Vs. Spouses ito S. La6aro an 2armen . La6aro#;;. G.R. No. 181277. Juy 3, 2013

    Seish Match /hilippines *nc. Vs. he reasurer of the 2ity of Manila#;3. G.R. No. 198240. Juy 3, 2013

    Luisa 8a(arro Marcos Vs. he %eirs of the late Dr. Anres 8a(arro, "r., namelyK

    8onita 8a(arro, et al.

    #3>. G.R. No. 199932. Juy 3, 20132amilo A. !sguerra Vs. Cnite /hilippines Lines, *nc., et al.#31. G.R. No. 188711. Juy 3, 2013

    an Brothers 2orporation of Basilan 2ity through its onermanager, Mauro ).

    an Vs. !na R. !scuero#3#. G.R. No. 159213. Juy 3, 2013

    Vector Shipping 2orporation, et al. Vs. American %ome Assurance 2o., et al.#3&. G.R. No. 198534. Juy 3, 2013

    "enny ). /ecson Vs. Robinsons Supermaret 2orporation, "oy aia, Roena

    Sarte an Ruby Ale'#3+. G.R. Nos. 184622/184712+14/186066/186590. Juy 3, 2013

    /hilippine 5(erseas elecommunuications 2orporation

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    #33. G.R. No. 203241. Juy 10, 2013

    Ri6al 2ommercial Baning 2orporation Vs. )eerico A. Serra&>>. G.R. No. 201979. Juy 10, 2013

    ila 2. )ernane6, et al. Vs. 8eGel StaJ Solutions, *nc., et al.&>1. G.R. No. 179256. Juy 10, 2013

    )irst /hilippine *nustrial 2orporation Vs. Ra$uel M. 2alimbas an Luisa /.Mahilom&>#. G.R. No. 195481. Juy 10, 2013

    5riental /etroleum an Minerals 2orporation Vs. uscan Realty, *nc.&>&. G.R. No. 189686. Juy 10, 2013

    Cni(ersal Robina 2orporation an Lance @. oongei Vs. Eilfreo I. 2astillo&>+. G.R. No. 191247. Juy 10, 2013

    )rancisco L. Rosario, "r. Vs. Lellani De u6man, Arleen De u6man, et al.&>0. G.R. No. 191411/G.R. No. 191871. Juy 15, 2013

    Rafael L. 2osculluela Vs. Saniganbayan, et al.!in 8. 8acionales, et al. Vs.

    Saniganbayan, et al.

    &>4. G.R. No. 173587. Juy 15, 2013Iuellig /harma 2orporation Vs. Alice M. Sibal, et al.&>7. G.R. No. 192306. Juy 15, 2013

    "essie . Martine6 Vs. 2entral /angasinan !lectric 2ooperati(e, *nc.

    ;. G.R. No. 199114. Juy 16, 2013

    Rosalina Dimapilis-Balo6, in her capacity as then Aministrator of the

    /hilippine 5(erseas !mployment Am. 3. G.R. No. 189028. Juy 16, 2013

    8ational Artist for Literature Virgilio Almario, et al. Vs. he !'ecuti(eSecretary, et al.

    &1>. G.R. No. 161921. Juy 17, 2013

    "oyce V. Ariente Vs. Spouses "a(ier an Ma. heresa /astoGe&11. G.R. No. 176111. Juy 17, 2013

    2arolina B. "ose Vs. /urita Suare6&1#. G.R. No. 196741. Juy 17, 2013

    /hilippine ourism Authority

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    Dissenting 5pinion

    J. ron

    &14. G.R. No. 179146. Juy 23, 2013

    %oly 2hil 2atholic School Vs. %on. /atricia Sto. omas, etc., et al.

    2oncurring 5pinion

    J. ron

    &17. G.R. No. 185740. Juy 23, 2013

    he /ro(incial o(ernment of 2amarines 8orte etc. Vs. Beatri6 5. on6ale6

    2oncurring an Dissenting 5pinion

    J. ! #as-o

    &1;. G.R. No. 179786. Juy 24, 2013

    "osielen Lara 2han Vs. "ohnny . 2han

    2oncurring 5pinion

    J. )!on!n

    &13. G.R. No. 206505. Juy 24, 2013

    "ereme . Villanue(a, Sr. Vs. Baliag 8a(igation, *nc., et al.

    >. G.R. No. 188046. Juy 24, 2013

    Lan Ban of the /hilippines Vs. American Rubber 2orporation

    . G.R. Nos. 181163/181262/181319. Juy 24, 2013

    Asian erminals, *nc. Vs. /hilam *nsurance 2o., *nc.

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    . G.R. No. 179607. Juy 24, 2013

    2irila Manota, for herself an in behalf of her chilren, 2laire, et al. Vs.

    A(antgare Shipping 2orporation, et al.

    . G.R. No. 185160. Juy 24, 2013

    /olymer Rubber 2orporation an "oseph Ang Vs. Bayolo Salamuning

    . G.R. No. 192896. Juy 24, 2013

    Dream Village 8eighborhoo Association, *nc., represente by its *ncumbent

    /resient reg Seriego Vs. Bases 2on(ersion De(elopment Authority

    . G.R. No. 188767. Juy 24, 2013

    Sps. Argo(an an )loria aeitano Vs. San Miguel 2orporation

    &&>. G.R. No. 173226. Juy 29, 2013

    Lan Ban of the /hilippines Vs. Manuel 5. allego, "r., et al.

    &&1. G.R. No. 186509. Juy 29, 2013/hilman Marine Agency, *nc., et al. Vs. Armano S. 2abanban

    &. G.R. No. 186610. Juy 29, 2013

    /olice Senior Superintenent Dimapinto Macaaib Vs. he /hilippine

    8ational /olice Directorate for /ersonnel an Recors Management

    &&&. G.R. No. 175844. Juy 29, 2013

    Ban of the /hilippine *slans Vs. Sarabia Manor %otel 2orporation

    &&+. G.R. No. 203585. Juy 29, 2013

    Mila 2abo(ere antano an Roseller 2abo(ere Vs. Dominila !spina-

    2abo(ere, !(e 2abo(ere-@u, )e 2abo(ere-Labraor, an "osephine !.


    &&0. G.R. No. 159371. Juy 29, 2013

    D.M. 2onsuni 2orporation Vs. 2ourt of Appeals an Rogelio /. Bello

    &&4. G.R. No. 165386. Juy 29, 2013

    8ational /oer 2orporation Vs. Sps. Sal(aor an 8enita 2ru6, et al.

    &&7. G.R. No. 175666. Juy 29, 2013

    Manila Baners Life *nsurance 2orporation Vs. 2resencia /. Aban

    &&;. G.R. No. 182280. Juy 29, 2013

    eresa 2. Aguilar, et al. Vs. Michael ". 5/allic

    &&3. G.R. No. 189121. Juy 31, 2013

    Amelia arcia-9ui6on, et al. Vs. Ma. Loures Belen, for an in behalf of Maria

    Loures !lise 9uia6on
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    &+>. G.R. No. 200895. Juy 31, 2013

    Rolano M. Meniola Vs. 2ommer6 raing *ntl., *nc.

    &+1. G.R. No. 194709. Juy 31, 2013

    Minette Baptista, et al. Vs. Rosario Villanue(a, et al.

    &+#. G.R. No. 172504. Juy 31, 2013

    Donna 2. 8agtalon Vs. Cnite 2oconut /lanters Ban

    &+&. G.R. No. 174978. Juy 31, 2013

    Sally @oshi6ai Vs. "oy raining 2enter of Aurora, *nc.

    &++. G.R. No. 189570. Juy 31, 2013

    %eirs of Santiago 8isperos, et al. Vs. Marissa 8isperos-Ducusin

    &+0. G.R. No. 170677. Juy 31, 2013

    VSD Realty ? De(elopment 2orporation Vs. Cniie Sales, *nc. an Dolores

    Baello eaa

    &+4. G.R. No. 183608. Juy 31, 2013

    )austino . 2hingoe an loria 2hingoe Vs. R/, represente by the Bureau

    of 2ustoms

    &+7. G.R. No. 165014. Juy 31, 2013

    %eirs of Aleanra DelGn, namely, Leopolo DelGn, et al. Vs. A(elina Rabaon

    &+;. G.R. No. 197725. Juy 31, 2013

    Mar Anthony !steban . G.R. No. 192685/G.R. No. 199115. Juy 31, 2013

    5scar R. Ampil Vs. %on. 5Fce of the 5mbusman, et al.5scar R. Ampil Vs.

    /olicarpio L. !spenesin

    &01. G.R. No. 191025. Juy 31, 2013

    Rhoora /rieto Vs. Alpai De(elopment 2orporation

    &0#. G.R. No. 147257. Juy 31, 2013

    Spouses "esus Dycoco an "oela !. Dycoco Vs. 2ourt of Appeals, et al.

    AUGU$ 2013

    &0&. G.R. No. 181359. Auus- 5, 2013

    $ous!s #!!!n'o #. $a"-sana, Jr. an* %a. Rosaro %. $a"-sana
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    s. Juan-o F. %u!r-!u, r!r!s!n-!* "y (s a--orn!y+n+a'-,

    ono A. %u!r-!u, Jr.&0+. G.R. No. 191424. Auus- 7, 2013

    A!o . as, on (s "!(a an* on "!(a o -(! $(ar!(o*!rs or

    Euro'r!*- #oun-y an: s. (! %on!-ary oar* o -(! an:o

    $!n-ra n nas a*n -(! (n! !oos- nsuran'!#orora-on

    &00. G.R. No. 168137. Auus- 7, 2013

    $!'r!-ary o -(! !ar-!n- o Fnan'! s. #our- o a; A!as an*

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    &71. G.R. No. 198457. Auus- 13, 2013

    Fo!na G. !os $an-os, Jos!a A. a'a-os, N!an! A. An-ono an*

    %aur!!n A. !n s. #osson on Au*-, r!r!s!n-!* "y -s

    #osson!rs&7#. G.R. No. 184536. Auus- 14, 2013

    %asayu: as!a=a s. )!a F. Gron&7&. G.R. No. 187214. Auus- 14, 2013

    $ano( Fu-on (s., n'. an* E**! Jos! s. Eanu! !rnar*o an*

    $au! a(oy&7+. $!ara-! #on'urrn Dnon

    J. #aro&70. G.R. No. 155943. Auus- 19, 2013

    ar !!o!n- #orora-on s. #our- o A!as&74. G.R. No. 175977. Auaus- 19, 2013

    a*? ansayan . A"*ura(an s. D'! o -(! D"u*san or

    %n*anao an* Guaau*n A. $!n*a*

    &77. G.R. No. 199890. Auus- 19, 2013J!ro! %. aa"ay s. #o'a #oa o--!rs (s., n'.

    &7;. G.R. No. 186613. Auus- 27, 2013

    Ros!n*o R. #ora!s, n (s 'aa'-y as %un'a %ayor o Na'aran,

    )auna, an* r. Ro*oo R. An!!s, n (s 'aa'-y as %un'a

    A*ns-ra-or o Na'aran, )auna s. R!u"' o -(! (n!s,

    r!r!s!n-!* "y -(! #osson on Au*-, as r!r!s!n-!* "y

    ro'a $-a-! Au*-or o )auna %a;o ). An*a&73. G.R. No. 199199. Auus- 27, 2013

    %ar'rs . oo-, #(aran o -(! aon Ayansan %a:a"ayan+

    $orsoon s. on. Raon a?!, n (s 'aa'-y as -(! $!'r!-ary o

    -(! !ar-!n- o Enron!n- an* Na-ura R!sour'!s, !- a.&;>. G.R. No. 179001. Auus- 28, 2013

    %R n*us-r!s, %arou R. uro> an* )!a "a s. %a?!n

    #oa"o-&;1. G.R. No. 188595. Auus- 28, 2013

    $!a o=!r $(n En-!rrs!s, n'., !- a. s. N!n-a . $aa>ar, n

    "!(a o *!'!as!* Aran*o ). $aa>ar&;#. G.R. No. 196723/G.R. No. 196728. Auus- 28, 2013

    Asan #ons-ru'-on an* !!o!n- #orora-on s. $u-oo

    #orora-on/$u-oo #orora-on s. Asa #ons-ru'-on an*

    !!o!n- #orora-on

    &;&. G.R. No. 200222. Auus- 28, 2013n-!ra-!* %r'o!!'-ron's, n'. s. A*ons A. ona

    &;+. G.R. No. 188514. Auus- 28, 2013

    %ara )our*!s . #as-!s an* $(aar #!n-+%an*anas s. $au*

    Ara"an Arn!s&;0. G.R. No. 178031. Auus- 28, 2013

    rna %. !n>on s. Rura an: o u!nas-a, n'., r!r!s!n-!*

    "y )our*!s-a E. ara?!s
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    &;4. G.R. No. 172293. Auus- 28, 2013

    Ara'! J. #a"r!ra, !- a. s. An!a G. Fran's'o, !- a.&;7. G.R. No. 180418. Auus- 28, 2013

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s r!r!s!n-!* "y -y(! r!s*!n-a

    #osson on Goo* Go!rn!n- s. )u> R!y!s a:una=a, !- a.

    &;;. Na-(an! onon s. Ra* %o!rs an* For=ar*!rs #o., n'.,!- a.&;3. G.R. No. 170942. Auus- 28, 2013

    #osans an: Bnos G$$ Fay an:C s. $s. ano an* Es-r!a

    #as-rano&3>. G.R. No. 202651. Auus- 28, 2013

    )u'!na . Raos s. #-y o #!"u, !- a.&31. G.R. No. 193078. Auus- 28, 2013

    . $-a. R-a & #o., n'. an* Ar!n! $-a. R-a , Jr.&37. G.R. No. 160316. $!-!"!r 2, 2013

    Rosan*a un>aan, Ran*a un>aan an* Ran!r un>aan s.

    %'(a! Gaa! J. a-a an* Ru"!n a-a&3;. G.R. No. 182571. $!-!"!r 2, 2013

    )aya Esu!rra, !- a. s. o' (n!s, n'.&33. G.R. No. 179987. $!-!"!r 3, 2013

    !rs o %aro %aa"anan Br!r!s!n-!* "y $ay A. %aa"ananC s.

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s+>>. $!ara-! Dnon

    J. ron+>1. #on'urrn an* ss!n-n Dnon

    J. )!on!n+>#. G.R. No. 170388. $!-!"!r 4, 2013

    #o!o *! $an-so Rosaro an* $r. !na*a $. %oa*a, D s.

    Eanu! Ro?o
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    +>&. G.R. No. 166836. $!-!"!r 4, 2013

    $an %u! ro!r-!s, n'. s. $!'r!-ary o Jus-'!, !- a.+>+. G.R. No. 189874. $!-!"!r 4, 2013

    Ro*uo a'ur>a an* !a-r> )asaa, !- a. s. A--y. #asro N.

    aaron, Jr.

    +>0. G.R. No. 198444/G.R. No. 198469+70. $!-!"!r 4, 2013#-"an:, N.A. an* -(! #-rou ra-! an: s. Es-!r . an'o+

    Ga"a*on, !- a./#aro ) s. Es-!r . an'o+Ga"a*on, !- a.+>4. G.R. No. 182371. $!-!"!r 4, 2013

    !rs o %!!n'o Yu, !- a. s. onora"! #our- o A!as, !- a.+>7. G.R. No. 198075. $!-!"!r 4, 2013

    ;. G.R. No. 167484. $!-!"!r 9, 2013

    !rnan*o orra, Jo(n a'(!o, !- a. s. #A, 2n* an* 19-( sons

    an* a=aan (n! #oany+>3. G.R. No. 184732. $!-!"!r 9, 2013

    #ora>on $. #ru> un*!r -(! na! an* s-y!, a #ora>on #on*oor-ory s. %ana n-!rna-ona Aror- Au-(or-y

    +1>. G.R. No. 183952. $!-!"!r 9, 2013

    #>arna . %aar s

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    )us U. ara*a, r!r!s!n-!* "y Enr. )!onar*o A. ara*a o G!n-!

    n*us-r!s+#>. G.R. No. 197522. $!-!"!r 11, 2013

    Es!o . Auar s. !ar-!n- o Jus-'!, !- a.+#1. G.R. No. 196200. $!-!"!r 11, 2013

    Ern!s-o y s. on. Gna %. "a-+aaos, n (!r 'aa'-y asr!s*n Ju*! o -(! R#, ran'( 64, %a:a- #-y, an* Dr; %!-ro

    )!asn an* Fnan'! #orora-on+##. G.R. No. 180284. $!-!"!r 11, 2013

    Nar'so $aas s. Anna"!! %a-usa!+#&. G.R. No. 180064. $!-!"!r 16, 2013

    Jos! U. ua an* !n?an an"!n U. ua s. #-"an:, N.A.+#+. G.R. Nos. 171594+96. $!-!"!r 18, 2013

    Asa r!=!ry, n'. s. unay na a:a:asa n a %anaa=a sa

    Asa B%AC+#0. G.R. Nos. 187308 an* 187517. $!-!"!r 18, 2013

    ara aayas s. Ro!o aayas, !- a.+#4. G.R. Nos. 174665 an* 175221. $!-!"!r 18, 2013

    (n! R!'aa-on Au-(or-y Bor!ry :no=n as -(! u"'

    Es-a-!s Au-(or-y s. Roao, n'./Roao, n'. s. (n!

    R!'aa-on Au-(or-y+#7. G.R. No. 171633. $!-!"!r 18, 2013

    Juan-o '-or #. R!ua s. Ern!o $. %a:s, !-'., !- a.+#;. G.R. No. 184011. $!-!"!r 18, 2013

    R!yna*o ayan %oya s. Frs- $o* Ru""!r n*us-r!s, n'.+#3. G.R. No. 170018. $!-!"!r 23, 2013

    !ar-!n- o Araran R!or, r!r!s!n-!* "y D#+$!'r!-ary

    Nass!r #. anan*aan s. (! #our- o A!as an* asanAr'u-ura ra*n #orora-on

    +&>. G.R. No. 167174. $!-!"!r 23, 2013

    $ous!s #ar!-o an* An-ona A*o!r s. (! #our- o A!as,

    $usana A(orro, !- a.+&1. G.R. No. 202370. $!-!"!r 23, 2013

    Juan $!a $aas, Jr. E*!n !na Aua+. G.R. No. 171206. $!-!"!r 23, 2013

    !rs o -(! a-! $s. Faano %aasan an* $au* A*a>a+

    %aasan, na!y, Ds'ar A. %aasan, !- a. s. %ana an:n

    #orora-on, no= su"s--u-!* "y Frs- $o!rr!n Ass!- %ana!!n-

    B$+A%#C+&&. .%. No. 2540. $!-!"!r 24, 2013

    n R! !--on -o sn n -(! ro o a--orn!ys+&+. G.R. No. 204603. $!-!"!r 24, 2013

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s r!r!s!n-!* "y -(! E;!'u-! $!'r!-ary,

    !- a. s. !rno arry Rou!, !- a.
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    +&0. G.R. No. 201787. $!-!"!r 25, 2013

    Ana-a . no'!n'on, su"s--u-n or Raon no'!n'on B*!'!as!*C

    s. os'o *! $an Jos!+&4. G.R. No. 202158. $!-!"!r 25, 2013

    Er' Aar!> B*!'!as!*C s"us--u-!* "y E>a"!-( Aar!>+#asar!?os

    s. Go*!n r o', n'., !- a.+&7. G.R. No. 187378. $!-!"!r 30, 2013

    Raon-o D. A'aa', !- a. s. %!ua*!s . A>'una, Jr., !- a.+&;. G.R. No. 180427. $!-!"!r 30, 2013

    #rsan-a Gu*o+Enru!> s. A'a . '-orno, !- a.

    D#DER 2013+&3. G.R. No. 169234. D'-o"!r 2, 2013

    #a Jo(n ay !!o!n- #orora-on s. #!n-ra oar* o

    Ass!ss!n- A!as, !-'., !- a.++>. #on'urrn Dnon

    J. #aro++1. G.R. No. 200740. D'-o"!r 2, 2013

    )an* ransro-a-on Fran'(sn an* R!ua-ory oar*, !- a. s.

    $-ron(o* nsuran'! #oany, n'.++#. G.R. No. 190016. D'-o"!r 2, 2013

    Fr!*!r': !n-ura, !- a. s. !rs o $s. Eus-a'o . En*aya an*

    rn*a* ). En*aya, na!y, -us ). En*aya, !- a.++&. G.R. No. 181508. D'-o"!r 2, 2013

    Ds'ar #ons-an-no, !- a. s. !rs o !*ro #ons-an-no, Jr., r!. "y

    Asun'on )aun*anu+++. G.R. No. 202920. D'-o"!r 2, 2013

    R'(ar* #(ua s. (! E;!'u-! Ju*!, %!r-oo-an ra #our-,%ana

    ++0. G.R. No. 188385. D'-o"!r 2, 2013

    !n-o E. )or!n>o s. Go!rn!n- $!r'! nsuran'! $ys-! BG$$C

    an* !ar-!n- o E*u'a-on B!E*C$!ara-! #on'urrn Dnon

    J. ron++4. G.R. No. 183110. D'-o"!r 7, 2013

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s s. A>u'!na $aa!*ra a-uas++7. G.R. No. 169588. D'-o"!r 7, 2013

    Ja*!=! ar:n $ys-!s #orora-on, r!r!s!n-!* "y -s ana!r

    an* au-(or>!* r!r!s!n-a-! Nora an s. on. Ju*! N!son F.)*ua, $r., r!s*n Ju*!, %#, ran'( 3, auo #-y, !- a.

    ++;. G.R. No. 184517/G.R. No. 186641. D'-o"!r 8, 2013

    $%E an: n'., A"!ar*o . $ason, Da $ason an* Aur!o

    aKor, Jr. s. !r!rn . ! Gu>an, E*uar*o %. Aus-n, Jr.,

    E'!ro Gasar, R'ar*o Gasar, Jr., Eu!a Ros!-!, F*! Esr-u,

    $!on Esr-u, Jr., an* )"!ra-o %ano"a/$%E an: n'., A"!ar*o

    . $ason, Da $ason an* Aur!o aKor, Jr. s. E'!ro Gasar,
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    R'ar*o Gasar, Jr., Eu!a Ros!-!, F*! Esr-u, $!on Esr-u,

    Jr., an* )"!ra-o %ano"a++3. G.R. No. 190814. D'-o"!r 9, 2013

    %'(!! )ana ro=n+Aran!-a, !- a. s. Juan na'o Aran!-a+0>. G.R. No. 198699. D'-o"!r 9, 2013

    R!;! A. orosa s. #o'a+#oa o--!rs (s., n'.+01. G.R. No. 197028. D'-o"!r 9, 2013

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s s. #ar!n '-ora !on-!,

    r!r!s!n-!* "y (!r A--y+n+a'-, an! #. '-ora, Jr.+0#. G.R. No. 178008/G.R. No. 178042. D'-o"!r 9, 2013

    $an F!rnan*o R!aa ra*n, n'. s. #ar (n!s, n'./#ar

    (n!s, n'. s. $an F!rnan*o R!aa ra*n, n'.+0&. G.R. No. 174004. D'-o"!r 9, 2013

    ro G. #aa-ao s. Gu!ro Aon-!, !- a.+0+. G.R. No. 181852. D'-o"!r 9, 2013

    Er' . #(uan'o s. )!a'y #onso*a-!* ans, n'.

    +00. G.R. No. 197842. D'-o"!r 9, 2013Ja! . A*ano an* )!as o=!rs 300, n'. s. A"!r-o )asaa an*

    )our*!s )asaa+04. Ar!*o Rouo A. usu!o s. D'! o -(! D"u*san

    B%n*anaoC an* Rosa $. usu!o+07. G.R. No. 170598. D'-o"!r 9, 2013

    Far Eas- an: an* rus- #oany s. Ro"!r- %ar #(an-! a.:.a.

    Ro"!r- %ar G. #(an+0;. G.R. No. 162802. D'-o"!r 9, 2013

    E*s %anua'-urn, n'. s. !a-('(!': n-!rna-ona n'.+03. #on'urrn Dnon

    J. )!on!n+4>. G.R. No. 190650. D'-o"!r 14, 2013

    An-ono Ja!s, !- a. s. Eur! R!a-y !!o!n- #orora-on+41. G.R. No. 198780. D'-o"!r 16, 2013

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s s. )"!r-y . A"os+4#. G.R. No. 201199. D'-o"!r 16, 2013

    $-!! #orora-on o -(! (n!s s. %ar! nsuar nsuran'!

    #orora-on, !- a.+4&. G.R. No. 193000. D'-o"!r 16, 2013

    $s. F!! an* E!yn $ar!n-o, !- a. s. $s. Ro*oo an*

    #ar!-a %asno

    +4+. G.R. No. 189827. D'-o"!r 16, 2013G!rs Asso'a-on, n'., !- a. s. Go!rn!n- $!r'! nsuran'!

    $ys-!+40. G.R. No. 196573. D'-o"!r 16, 2013

    'o-orno Dna*o s. Nar'sa Rana+44. G.R. No. 198261. D'-o"!r 16, 2013

    !'(anoa uay '(!> )a=y!rs, !- a. s. A--y. )!ny D. %a-orr!
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    +47. G.R. No. 191594. D'-o"!r 16, 2013

    a* A. Rayun*o s. Ga!n R!a-y an* %nn #orora-on+4;. G.R. No. 178034/G.R. No. 178117/G.R. No. 186984+85. D'-o"!r

    17, 2013

    An*r!= Ja!s %'urn! s. Euao Gan>on, EG+%ana!rs, n'. an*

    E. Gan>on, n'.+43. G.R. No. 174321. D'-o"!r 22, 2013

    Roan*o Gan>on s. F!rnan*o Aros+7>. G.R. No. 175365. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    #an**o $. G!na, Jr. s. an:=s!, n'. !- a.+71. G.R. No. 187899. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    Ro"!r- a Jos!, !- a. s. #!!rna R. An!!s, !- a.+7#. G.R. No. 203786. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    Au!s Rosa s. a"a'o )a $u!r-! #orora-on+7&. G.R. No. 184369. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    !rs o For!n-no uo, na!y !n?an . uo, !- a. s.

    !!o!n- an: o -(! (n!s+auan ran'(, !- a.+7+. G.R. No. 196036. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    E>a"!-( %. Gau s. $!on !?!ro, !- a.+70. G.R. No. 175822. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    #aorna #o-(n, n'. an* %'(!! $. Y"an!> s. $(r!y G.

    unon!s+74. G.R. No. 202932. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    E*"!r-o U. !n-ura, Jr. s. $s. auno an* Ean!n! A"u*a+77. G.R. No. 174626. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s s. )us %u! D. A"o->+7;. G.R. No. 186332. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    an-!rs !!o!n- an: s. $s. Ern!s-o )o!> an* For!n-na)o!>, su"s--u-!* "y Jos!( Hr!* Jo!n, !- a.

    +73. G.R. No. 171136. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s s. )y*a #a'o ! !nsuan, r!r!s!n-!*

    "y #au*a #. Aru!o+;>. G.R. No. 179990. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    R!u"' o -(! (n!s s. os*a*a ). G!'>y:+;1. G.R. No. 198660. D'-o"!r 23, 2013

    n n ua s. $ous!s !n-o )o un on an* #aron! $o:

    #(n !n

    NDE%ER 2013

    +;#. G.R. Nos. 172222/G.R. No. 174493/G.R. No. 184636. No!"!r

    11, 2013

    '-or Ar'a s. (! on. $an*an"ayan an* ar"ara Ann! #.

    %aos+;&. G.R. No. 181416. No!"!r 11, 2013

    %!*'a a>a %a:a- #on*onu #orora-on s. Ro"!r- . #u!n
  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    +;+. G.R. No. 171428. No!"!r 11, 2013

    A!?an*ro . an:!( s. !!o!n- an: o -(! (n!s, !- a.+;0. G.R. No. 199067. No!"!r 11, 2013

    Nssan Ga!ry+Dr-as s. ur@'a-on F. F!!+;4. G.R. No. 187854. No!"!r 12, 2013

    Ray !-!r D. o s. (n! Aus!!n- an* Gan #orora-on+;7. G.R. No. 181983. No!"!r 13, 2013

    #onso*a-!* n*us-ra Gas!s, n'. s. Aa"an %!*'a #!n-!r+;;. G.R. No. 182314. No!"!r 13, 2013

    rna Y. Go'(an, F!; Y. Go'(an, !- a. s. #(ar!s %an'ao+;3. G.R. No. 176702. No!"!r 13, 2013

    D'! o -(! D"u*san s. %ar'!no A. !'(a!>+3>. G.R. No. 170904. No!"!r 13, 2013

    an Rura an:, n'., !- a. s. !r!sa *! Gu>an, !- a.+31. G.R. No. 173183. No!"!r 18, 2013

    $y'aor! !n-ur!s #orora-on, !- a. s. %!-roo-an an: an*

    rus- #oany+3#. G.R. No. 179181. No!"!r 18, 2013

    Roan #a-(o' Ar'("s(o o %ana s. #r!s!n'a $-a. !r!sa

    Raos asss-!* "y (!r (us"an*, on'ano Fran's'o+3&. G.R. No. 184083. No!"!r 19, 2013

    Ha #. aan s. D'! o -(! D"u*san !-'., !- a.+3+. A.%. No. 14155+R!-. No!"!r 19, 2013

    R! A'a-on or surors( !nson "!n!@-s un*!r r!u"' a'-

    9946 o %rs. a'-a A. Gru"a, $urn sous! o -(! a-! %anu!

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    0>1. G.R. No. 194307. No!"!r 20, 2013

    r:!ns-o': Dr-(oa!* G"( an* #o. +. G.R. No. 171937. No!"!r 25, 2013

    #!ra J. #aanasan, r!r!s!n-!* "y !o*ora J. #aanasan as

    A--orn!y+n+a'- s. $ous!s ro oor-o an* E!yn #. oor-o0>0. G.R. No. 200289/G.R. No. 200314. No!"!r 25, 2013

    H!s-=n* #orora-on s. U# G!n!ra nsuran'! #o., n'. an*

    Asan !rna, n'./Dr!n- Fr!(- n-!rna-ona n'. s. U#

    G!n!ra nsuran'! #o., n'. an* Asan !rnas, n'.0>4. G.R. No. 186433. No!"!r 27, 2013

    Nu''o $a!ro, !- a. s. Aonso G. uya-0>7. G.R. No. 171464/G.R. No. 199341. No!"!r 27, 2013

    $ous!s Es!o R. aus-s-a an* E!ra-r> #. aus-s-a s. $ous!s

    %a Jaan*on an* An-ono Jaan*on an* %ana #r!*- #orora-on0>;. G.R. No. 197592 & G.R. No. 202623. No!"!r 27, 2013

    (! ron'! o A:an s. Jo*y

  • 7/25/2019 Sorted Case List


    017. G.R. No. 194538. No!"!r 27, 2013

    %or!-o %raosa an* a !rsons 'an r(-s an* n-!r!s- un*!r

    ( s. #ar! !!o!n-, n'.01;.

    E#E%ER 2013

    013. G.R. No. 200265. !'!"!r 2, 2013

    )aura F. arauya s. $s. Aa Es'ur!+#ru'o an* E!-!ro

    #ru'o an* -(! R!s-!r o !!*s o $orsoon0#>. G.R. No. 188267. !'!"!r 2, 2013

    auo #!n-ra Un!rs-y s. na'o Ga!n-!0#1. G.R. No. 168979. !'!"!r 2, 2013

    R!"!''a a'ana+#on-r!ras, !- a. s. Roa Ha-!r0##. G.R. No. 175356. !'!"!r 3, 2013

    %ana %!ora ar:, n'., !- a. s. $!'r!-ary o -(! !ar-!n- o

    $o'a H!ar! an* !!o!n-, !-!n-n Dnon

    J. #aro#on'urrn Dnon

    J. !as'o, Jr.,J. !rsan#on'urrn an* ss!n-n Dnon

    J. )!on!n0#&. G.R. No. 192383. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    sa"!o #. !a #ru> s. )u'a #. !a #ru>0#+. G.R. No. 187661. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    %o*!s-o $an'(!> s. An*r!= $an'(!>0#0. G.R. No. 194169. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    Ro!o R. Arauo s. D'! o -(! D"u*san, !- a.0#4. G.R. No. 204076. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    J!"s!ns %ar-!, n'., !- a. s. E!no A. ao0#7. G.R. No. 203186. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    Ma!r #. Raos s. Fay $ans an:, n'. an*/or Aonso ).

    $a'!*o, Jr.0#;. G.R. No. 189145. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    D-u !!o!n- an: s. $ous!s !nno . Jo!anos an*

    )our*!s R. Jo!anos0#3. G.R. No. 177921. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    %!-ro #on'as- $-!! #or., $ous!s Jos! $. y'(ao an* u D( Yan,

    !- a. s. A!* an: #orora-on0&>. G.R. No. 181986. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    E>a*! $. #o s. )u*oo . %uo>, Jr.0&1. G.R. No. 182356. !'!"!r 4, 2013

    ra. )!a A. !a )ana s. R!"!''a on, *on "usn!ss un*!r -(!

    na! an* s-y! o on:ay ra*n