sorensen coverage sample_the_used_men

Title: The Used Man Author: Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller. Sub By: Format:Screenplay Sub To: Date Draft: Publisher/ Year: Genre: Comedy Pages:104 Sub-Genre: Futuristic comedy Criteria: Location: California Elements: Analyst: Thomas Sorensen Coverage Date:4/20/2013 ______________________________________________________________________________ Log line: A futuristic comedy featuring a world where men are bought and sold by women. ______________________________________________________________________________ Comment Log Line: A very well done comedy about characters finding who they are. Excellent Good Fair Poor Script: Consider Idea X Writer: Consider Story line X Characterization X Dialogue X

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Page 1: Sorensen coverage sample_the_used_men

Title: The Used Man

Author: Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller.

Sub By: Format:Screenplay

Sub To: Date Draft:

Publisher/ Year:

Genre: Comedy Pages:104

Sub-Genre: Futuristic comedy


Location: California


Analyst: Thomas Sorensen

Coverage Date:4/20/2013


Log line: A futuristic comedy featuring a world where men are bought and sold by women.


Comment Log Line: A very well done comedy about characters finding who they are.

Excellent Good Fair Poor

Script: Consider Idea X

Writer: Consider Story line X

Characterization X

Dialogue X

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A business women gets out of a luxury car with a very fit man and they walk to a deep valley and hold each other. A NARRATOR voice over tells us that this man is the David 710BL built of the hard working women.

ANGELA OCHOA, a classy women, and BEN 100D wearing an awkward suit enter a car in the Sand Fernando Valley as MEN watch them from house windows.

Angela drives a car down a highway in Futuristic Los Angeles. Only women are driving cars. She is taking Ben to be sold to another women but Ben does not like it.

Angela takes Ben into 'MANCO', the man dealership. We enter the store and see that there are a whole selection of identical David models and that Angela is trading in the old model Ben for a new David. Men are being bought, sold, and traded for different models like cars by women. SAM the saleswomen takes Ben to be appraised. Ben sees another Ben model, BEN 2, and he is crying for he was also traded in unwillingly.

Ben is sent to sleep in a dormitory filled with other models and they will later try their luck on the show floor to find another woman. A very suave cowboy Esq Model JAKE 3000STL tells Ben about the wild west in the past when men were free and there is a place now where men are free but Ben doesn’t believe him. Ben 2 is still crying and runs by. Ben and Jake follow him to the Roof where Ben 2 attempts to climb a man display and jump off killing himself. They try to talk Ben2 out of it. Guards come and stop it all.

Ben, Jake, and other models sit in a cafeteria eating breakfast preparing themselves for the show floor. Jake says that he is too smart and has been with several women and Ben says he has only been with one. Jake says they need to stick together.

Friends, nice MICHELLE DARLING and sassy KELLY REDONDO, enter the show floor looking at all the men for sale. Michelle likes Ben. Jake and Ben discuss that they are now friends. They discuss whether women keep their men or ship them off to work in the uranium mines when they are done. Kelly Buys Jake and Michelle buys Ben. They go home.

Kelly shows Jake her house and says they will sleep in separate rooms and gives Jake old cloths from BOB who is now longer with her.

Michelle and Ben watch tv and all of the characters from sports shows, cop shows, and sitcoms are women and stereotyped gender roles are reversed with men wearing aprons and cooking. Michelle awkwardly leaves been to go to sleep.

Kelly tests Jake out in the bedroom.

Ben asks Michelle if he can sleep in the bed with her. Michelle nervously reads the Manuel on Ben.

Kelly goes to work as a cop and leaves Jake at home. Ben and Jake go to visit a man that lives down the street and get to know their neighbors.

Michelle meets with a client at a Sperm bank and discusses with a woman about the women having a child.

Ben and Jake meet a fat swedish imported man neighbor OLAF. Olaf mentions that he is not lazy like Bob and Ben wonders who Bob is.

Kelly while out on patrol with her partner, attempt to pull over a van and get in a car chase. The van crashes and 30 or more illegal men get out and scatter in all directions. Kelly is mildly hit by a car and most of the illegals get away. She mentions that they wont make it past the toxic zone. Later Kelly and Jake decide to go out.

Kelly, Jake, Ben, and Michelle go out to a honky tonk bar. Kelly kisses Jake but Michelle is to nervous to kiss Ben. Another women hits on Jake and Kelly fights her. Later Jake can not preform sexually for Kelly and he freaks out thinking he will be taken back. Kelly says she will take him to the same psychiatrist Bob went to.

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Michelle thinks about having a child. Kelly takes Jake to talk to DR.GARNER. Dr. Garner offers Jake pills to make sex better for him and to make him happy. Michelle’s boss SHERRI confronts Michelle about a baby composite image she made at work. Sherri says that if they wanted women to breed indiscriminately then they would not have made men sterile.

Olaf comes to visit Ben. He tells Ben that his woman beats him. Olaf has found a map to an area where it is all free men and no women. He says that Kelly's old man Bob ran away to there and now he wants to.

Ben and Michelle go out to eat and She lets him order and it is very out of the ordinary. Ben and Michelle get sexual. Ben burns an old photo of him and his previous owner Angela. Ben sees that Jake is happy cleaning.

Jake is creepy happy. Olaf is hiding in Ben's back yard and we see that his woman is hurt and there is an ambulance. Ben breaks into Olaf's house and takes the Map.

Jake is grilling burgers at a gathering with Ben, Michelle, Kelly, and other friends. Ben sees that Jake is being drugged and he gets angry. Kelly yells at Ben and Michelle defends him. Ben wonders if there is anything they can do about abused men. Ben wants Jake to run away with him. Olaf gets away. Jake does not want to leave so Ben kidnaps him and takes Michelle's car. Jake begins to yell and a woman calls 911. Ben drives past a police checkpoint and the cops pursue them. They drive all the way to the end of a highway and it turns to dirt road where the illegals ran to. An old car approaches them and a tough 1970s style man named GARY gets out and tells them to get in his car, he is taking them to Mantopia. The police are again on their tail. Gary tells them that they have polluted most of the plains with toxins and that men live there now. Gary takes the drug concoction out of Jake.

Michelle is pregnant and her company thinks that she stole from them. Jake is now back to his rugged self. They enter a armed and guarded slum estate that the men live in just outside the toxic zone. Gary shows Jake and Ben to there new home in “Eastwood State”. Jake is happy and finds a gun case. Ben is not sure how he feels knowing he wont see women again and he sees a picture of an old family.

Michelle is told that Ben Sperm got her pregnant and that she will have to give up the baby and that it might be a boy this is bad.

Jake, Ben, and Gary attend a sporting event that really is just a huge fight. Ben is not sure if he likes the place but jake is enjoying it.

The men watch Dirty Harry and boo when a women is on screen.

Ben is told that he is going to meet with the BIG BEN. It is a Ben that is around 60 years old. He shows our Ben a video of the ORIGINAL BEN. The video says that he was part of the genetic research that allowed to breed men. Women took over and allowed no sons and fathers. They just grow men. But Original Ben set into the codes of Bens that generation 100 would be fertile and make more sons and bring back families. Big Ben thinks it is up to Ben to save everyone.

Gary lends Ben his car and Ben and Jake go back for Michelle. She was fired and she decides to go with Ben and Jake back to Eastwood and Make a family. Jake sees that Kelly has spotted them. He bursts into her house and finds a David. David shoots Jake in the Stomach. They drive away and stop at a scenic overpass. Jake finds a 65 Mustang and sits in it and smokes a cig with Ben. Jake is dieing. Ben goes with Michelle back to Eastwood.

Big Ben welcomes them. Cut to a while later and there are multiple more Bens there with wifes and there are sons and daughters. They are rebuilding and repopulating.


I think that this is a really great story. I thought that It was very entertaining and thought provoking. It had a very original concept. It was a flip of the stereotypical gender roles of American society. It had many great jokes that kept you entertained and really made you think about what women have gone though over time. It is a futuristic society run by women.

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I think that there is a great structure to the story. We open up on a man being traded in and we learn his world and delima. We then enter into the relationship of him and his new women. Then we have the issue of how other men are treated and we learn of an area free of women. They then enter this world and find new issues and then look for answers. It is a fairly fast paced story and follows a nice traditional structure. I thought the twist that Ben can get women pregnant was nice. It brings up the plot whole of how his old woman never was pregnant but it is not glaring.

I thought that the characters were very well-drawn. They are men that are bought and sold and we feel for them. They feel like normal men and are easy to relate to and we get pulled into their story. I feel that they are flawed enough but have enough promise that they are very compelling. I think they are believable because even if their traits are ever cliché it is still believable because they are programmed.

I believe that the dialogue is very believable. It feels like a nervous and bold characters conversation.

I thought that the story arc was very satisfying. We learn who these characters are and their world and then we throw the women into the mix and then there is the problem of abuse. We then learn of a new world far away and then they get there and then we learn of new problems and ideas. All of the questions are answered and it seems like a promising ending.

I feel that the story arcs are also very satisfying. Jake learns the value of relationships and friends and grows to like more people and Ben learns what it is to be free and who he really is and that he is not just a programed man. They became free and could be whoever they wanted to be.

I would say that the audience is males 17-24 that are already into comedies.