sonnet 18


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Post on 18-Dec-2015




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  • SONNET 18

  • What is the main theme of Sonnet 18?


  • According to the poet, a summers day is _______________________

    hot and short

  • Why does the poet compare his beloved to a summers day?

    A summers day is beautiful/lovely

  • What does eye of heaven refer to?


  • What will cause the fair in line 7 to decline?

    chance/natures changing course

  • What does summer symbolize in the poem?


  • Why is his beloved more lovely and more temperate than a summers day?

    A summers day is too short and sometimes too hot.

  • What does darling buds refer to?

    delicate buds

  • Why is summer considered a lease?

    It is short last for only about three months.

  • What are the weaknesses of summer?

    too hot or too short

  • What are the strengths of eternal summer?

    It is not subjected by weather conditions, untouched by passing of time and its beauty is everlasting.

  • Quote the line from the poem that tells us that beauty can fade.

    And every fair from fair sometimes decline.

  • What does this in line 14 refer to?

    the sonnet

  • Who is the poet addressing in this poem?

    his beloved

  • Do you think the poets beloved is young or old? Give ONE reason.

    Young because summer is a season of youthfulness and freshness

  • What does more temperate in line 2 mean?

    More perfect and balanced in harmony and beauty.

  • What will the rough winds do to the darling buds of May (line 3)?

    shake off the young flowers or buds.

  • Why is his gold complexion often dimmed?

    block by the clouds

  • What will cause the fair to decline (line 7)?

    chance/natures changing course

  • According to the poet, why will human beauty fade?

    Human beings will grow old and eventually die.

  • What is natures changing course (line 8)?

    The changes that happen to us as we grow older.

  • What is deaths shade (line 11)?

    The dark shadow of death

  • What does eternal summer in line 9 refer to?

    The beloveds beauty and youthfulness.

  • Why is death so boastful?

    Everyone has to die one day.

  • How will the poet make the beloveds beauty last forever?

    by penning the poem, Sonnet 18.

  • What is the message the poem is trying to convey?

    Although everyone will die one day, the poets beloved will live forever through the sonnet.

  • What are lines 1 and 2 about?

    They are about the poet talking to his beloved and asking if he should compare her to a summers day.

  • Do you think the poet is being objective or is he exaggerating a little? Give a reason.

    He is exaggerating to emphasize the beauty of his beloved.

  • What is the feeling in the first stanza?

    Praising his beloved

  • Why do you think the beloved does not seem to have any flaws or weaknesses?

    The poet wants to show that his beloved is perfect.

  • Why does the poet describe the sun as the eye of heaven?

    can see the whole world

  • Why is the eye of heaven itself not perfect?

    It is sometimes dim or hot

  • What does his gold complexion dimmed refer to?

    It refers to the clouds covering the sun.

  • What weaknesses are further suggested in lines 5 and 6 about summer?

    sometimes too hot or dimmed

  • How does his beloved compare to these weaknesses?

    His beloved is far more superior

  • What does the poet say will happen to beautiful things?

    fade away or die

  • Do you think the beauty of nature will last forever?

    No, because it will fade.

  • 38.What does untrimmed mean?

    It means unchecked. Nothing can stop time from passing or old age from catching up.

  • Why does the poet begin the third quatrain with But?

    He wants to signal a change or development in thought.

  • According to the poet, what does the beloved have that summer does not have?

    everlasting beauty

  • What does Nor shall death brag thou wandrest in his shade (line 11) mean?

    Death cannot claim his beloved.

  • What does shade mean?

    shadow or grave

  • What does When in eternal lines to time thou growst in line 12 mean?

    One grows older with the passing of time.

  • How can the beloveds beauty be eternal when the beloved, too, will grow old one day?

    By putting it in words.

  • What TWO things does eternal lines in line 12 refer to?

    i.Everyone will grow old one dayii.The poets sonnet

  • Who does men refer to?

    all men

  • What does eyes can see refer to?

    People who read the sonnet

  • Why does the poet repeat the word this in the last line?

    To emphasize the power of his sonnet

  • So long as men can breathe (line13) means ______________________

    as long as there are people

  • What do the last two lines (line 13 and 14) mean?

    As long as people read the poem, they will remember his beloveds beauty.