sonali ojha -- deep listening method

What is deep listening? Deep listening occurs when your mind is quiet. Your thoughts are flowing rather than crowding your mind with distractions, interpretations, judgments, conclusions, or assumptions. Your mind is open, curious, interested -- as though you were hearing this person for the first time. Deep listening applies not only to communication with another, but also to listening to ourselves and to life in general. The goal of deep listening is to hear beyond the words of the other person and yourself, to the essence of what the words and feelings are pointing to. Your mind and heart are joined in union -- you are listening wholeheartedly.” To be able to listen one has to develop inner silence. Joe Bailey:

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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What is deep listening? “Deep listening occurs when your mind is quiet. Your thoughts are flowing rather than crowding your mind with distractions, interpretations, judgments, conclusions, or assumptions.

Your mind is open, curious, interested -- as though you were hearing this person for the first time. Deep listening applies not only to communication with another, but also to listening to ourselves and to life in general.

The goal of deep listening is to hear beyond the words of the other person and yourself, to the essence of what the words and feelings are pointing to. Your mind and heart are joined in union -- you are listening wholeheartedly.” 

To be able to listen one has to develop inner silence. Joe Bailey:

Wisdom circle

Wisdom circle

The Wisdom Circle is a way to bring people together so

that their natural ability to hear each other,

appreciate each other and take care of each other is unchained and freed.

A group of people sitting in a Wisdom Circle, dialogue in shared exploration of

their circumstances, their problems, their strengths and the possibility of a different

kind of future.

Recognizing oneself in all others establishes the knowledge of how we are

all connected and a part of a whole. 

It is a way for collaborative learning and for building mutual understanding.

It is a space free of judgment and stigma.

An opportunity for people come together to understand the multidimensional nature

of every situation

A coming together to renew their social bonds with each other such that there is mutual respect and shared responsibility.

i) The opening and closing of a Wisdom Circle are marked by a ritual of some kind such as silence, a poem, a song, etc.

This invites participants to be present with one another in a different way than in an ordinary meeting.

Key elements

ii) The Talking Piece an aspect of the Native American Circle tradition is an object that is passed from one person to the next to facilitate and share speaking time.

The object can be a stone, a smiley ball, a treasure box - anything that links and connects to the theme of the dialogue that is about to take place.

The talking piece always moves clockwise – in the direction of the sun. No one speaks without the talking piece. When one has the talking piece she may speak, or pass it without speaking. Everything in the Circle is an invitation and silence deserves respect. The talking piece goes around and around until all have had their say.

Dreamweaver: The Facilitator

The facilitator of the Wisdom Circle is known as the Dreamweaver.

He or she is the one who the links the dialogues from different time frames –

the past, the present and

the future.

Values of the Dreamweaver:

• Bearing witness requires simply listening with an open heart -to hear, understand and acknowledge

• Nurture silence

• Encourage gently and yet acknowledge the need to be silent

• Allow tears without the need to stop them

• Be open and be willing to be surprised

• Keep confidentiality of what you hear in the circle

• Build the values that will guide the Wisdom Circle along with the participants

Rules: Having one person speak at a time, allows for deep

listening and holding respect of each individual.

Speaking and listening from the heart facilitates rich and engaging dialogues.

Listening with compassion and looking for the wisdom that is being revealed by each individual is the true essence of the circle experience.

Encouraging and welcoming diverse points of view allows for the creation of a space that free of judgment and allows for consensus to emerge.

Listening with discernment instead of judgment is the core value of the Wisdom Circle process.

Sharing leadership and resources is the basis of coming together as equals engaged in the same quests.

Deciding together how decisions will be made ensure that each person feels a sense of belonging and solidarity.

Working toward a consensus assures whole and complete ownership of any outcome.

Offering experience instead of advice is a way of acknowledging that each individual is on a personal search in life and that life is simply about evolution.

Silence speaks. Allow silence and accept it. Something will automatically emerge. Trust it.

Deciding together what is to be held in confidence ensures that personal stories can remain personal.

Speaking from your own experience and beliefs rather than speaking for others allows for genuine engagement and participation.

Acknowledge that everyone has something to offer.

Opening and closing the circle by hearing each voice helps each individual come full circle with the dialogue that was going on.

All are teachers, and all are learners. From the beginning this is wholly clear.