somebody that i used to know

Somebody that I use d to know

Upload: becca19

Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Somebody that i used to know



Page 2: Somebody that i used to know

The beginning two shots of the video are of Goyte, he isn’t wearing clothes, and this is made very clear as the camera pans up his body. This shows vulnerability both emotionally and physically.

Page 3: Somebody that i used to know

There is suddenly a line which appears as if some one’s drawing it, more lines are added this then demonstrates chaos, this could be linked with his life. The lines are all going in different directions, this could state that he is lost and confused. Its also very hard to follow.

Page 4: Somebody that i used to know

The background then starts to get filled in, this could also show that he is fading out of the girls life as he is becoming obsolete. The colours shown are very dull, this could represent his dull life

Page 5: Somebody that i used to know

In this shot there is an arrow which points to his heart, could suggest he is very vulnerable. It also adds element of malice. Its also grey, this could represent sadness. He is also beginning to get faded in, this could show he is beginning to lose identity.

Page 6: Somebody that i used to know

I think this shot is very important because it emphasises how he is fading into the background, it also reflects his emotions. It shows he has a lack of identity and that he doesn’t really know who he is anymore. This is a close up shot, and his eyes stand out. His eyes are green this could represent jealousy.

Page 7: Somebody that i used to know

When the girl sings, Goyte shows a lack of emotions, he looks down, this could signify that either he is shameful, and realises that he has done something wrong, or it could show he isnt really bothered and not really paying any attention to what she is saying.

Page 8: Somebody that i used to know

This shot is very clever in my opinion, the colours used could all have different meanings. When the girl appears camera pans out, and shows the contrast in colours. The grey above his head could represent a grey cloud, this could mean that a storm is about to appear, it also emphasises the dullness of his life. There are also a lot of delicate pinks used, this is also the colour of skin which could represent protection. In contrast the girl uses quite harsh colours greens and browns. This represent nature this could show that the two belong together. The orange could represent deceit and distrust of the girl, this flows straight from the grey

Page 9: Somebody that i used to know

In this shot, the girl is painted in fully apart from her face, this could represent that her face will be the last thing that he can properly remember

Page 10: Somebody that i used to know

Towards the end the girl now becomes a lot more recognisable, this could represent that she has power over him. She doesn’t seem to blend in anymore with the background, in my opinion this could mean two different things, either she no longer feels she can connect with him, or she is able to move on.