some pharmacology points to remember

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  • 7/31/2019 Some Pharmacology Points to Remember


    Some pharmacology points to remember


    1 Tensilon test Edrophonium test for myasthenia gravis

    2 Drug associated with hemorrhagic stroke as SE Phenylpropanolamine

    3 DOC for ADHD Methylphenidate

    4 Floppy Iris syndrome SE of Tamsulosin

    5 Most cardioselective Betablocker Nebivolol

    6 Longest acting Betablocker Nadolol

    7 Shortest acting Betablocker Esmolol

    8 Pulmonary, Cardiac and retroperitoneal fibrosis SE of Methysergide

    9 DOC for Bartter syndrome Indomethacin

    10 Niacin induced flushing prevented by Aspirin

    11 Only analgesic causing pain Indomethacin causing headache

    12 Recombinat urate oxidase used in GOUT Rasburicase

    13 Recombinant BNP used in refractory CHF Nesiritide

    14 The only insulin preparation that is acidic Glargine

    15 Ankle edema & livedo reticularis SE Amantidine

    16 DOC infantile spasms Vigabatrin

    17 DOC for Intravenous reginonal anaesthesia Prilocaine

    18 Only local anaesthetic with vasoconstrictor action Cocaine

    19 MC SE of lithium therapy Tremors

    20 Only tetracycline which can be given in renal failure Doxycycline

    21 Fanconi syndrome SE of outdated tetracycline

    22 CCR-5 receptor antagonist used in HIV Maraviroc

    23 Fulvestrant Pure estrogen antagonist

    24 Anti seizure drug causing renal stones Topiramate

    25 NSAID causing agranulocytosis Phenylbutazone

    SE - Side Effect

    DOC - Drug of choice

    MC - Most common