some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · pitch intervals, measured in...

Memory & Cognition 1991, 19, 8-20 Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition MARl RIESS JONES and JACQUELINE T. RALSTON Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Two experiments were carried out to investigate the roles ofjoint accent structure and familiarity in delayed recognition of relatively long tonal melodies. Melodic themes of target melodies were defined by correlating contour-related pitch accents with temporal accents (accent coupling) dur- ing an initial familiarization phase. Later, subjects gave recognition responses to key-transposed versions of the target melodies as well as to decoys with same and different contour accent pat- terns. In Experiment 1, all to-be-recognized melodies occurred both in an original rhythm, which preserved accent coupling, and in a new rhythm, which did not. Listeners were best at distin- guishing targets from different decoys, especially in the original rhythm. In Experiment 2, the familiarity of target tunes and the rhythmic similarity in recognition were varied. Similar rhythms preserved accent coupling, whereas dissimilar rhythms did not. Listeners were most adept in distinguishing familiar targets from different decoys (Experiment 2A), particularly when they appeared in novel but similar rhythms. However, in similar rhythm conditions, listeners also frequently mistook same decoys for targets. With less familiar targets (Experiment 2B), these effects were attenuated, and performance showed general effects of pitch contour. In this article, we will examine the average listener's ability to recognize melodic themes and variations in music as a function of rhythmic context. The issue of mem- ory for melody is not unrelated to memory for other kinds of material, such as ballads, poems, and TV jingles (see, e.g., Wallace & Rubin, in press). All have some claim to establishing in listeners a dynamic structure that in- fluences later recognition. In the present research, we have explored certain relationships between the form of an original event and that of its dynamic reinstatement. In musical compositions, composers commonly an- nounce a melodic theme and follow it with several varia- tions, thereby evoking different levels of recognition in listeners. Indeed, whereas a psychologist may wonder what degrades melodic recognizability, composers seem to know this intuitively and capitalize on it to evoke differ- ent degrees of thematic clarity. Their techniques yield vari- ations that are based on rearrangements of both melodic (tonal) and rhythmic (temporal) elements of the original event. In the present research, we rely on simple defini- tions of melodic and rhythmic parameters to explore their impact on melody recognition. Our general goal is to in- This research was supported by Grant BNS-8204811 from the Na- tional Science Foundation awarded to Mati Riess Jones. The authors thank Konnie Toth for data collection and preliminary analyses, as well as Susan Holleran, Caroline Palmer, Caroline Monahan, and an anony- mous reviewer, for helpful comments on earlier versions of the article. Special thanks are due to Mitch Pratt, who conducted a portion of this work as part of a Master's degree requirement. Correspondence con- cerning this article should be addressed to Mati Riess Jones, Depart- ment of Psychology, 142 Townshend Hall, Ohio State University, 1885 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1222. Copyright 1991 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 8 vestigate ways in which different combinations of melodic and rhythmic accent patterns evoke a recognition response of some earlier theme. Background In tonal music, a melody is a particular serial arrange- ment of pitch intervals that also establishes a sense of key. Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen- cies.' Variations of a melody often involve systematic changes of these intervals or of the pitches themselves. For instance, a uniform change of all pitches to higher or lower frequencies that preserves both a melody's serial order and its pitch interval properties is a variation in which the theme is easily recognized (see, e.g., Burbidge & Jones, 1982; Dowling & Harwood, 1986). Even some serial rearrangements of pitches that preserve relatively few adjacent pitch intervals still move listeners to "hear" the original theme, presumably because these rearrange- ments capture attention-getting aspects of the original melody. One such variation that will be of interest is that which preserves a melody's contour, namely its "ups" and "downs" in pitch (Dowling, 1978; Dowling & Fujitani, 1971; Dyson & Watkins, 1984; Edworthy, 1985; Jones, Summerell, & Marshburn, 1987; Watkins, 1985). At least with short unfamiliar sequences, invari- ances in pitch contour have a pronounced influence on melody recognition, particularly after brief retention in- tervals (Bartlett & Dowling, 1980; Dowling & Bartlett, 1981; Dowling & Harwood, 1986). One reason why pitch contour has such powerful effects may be that contour itself offers salient accents that are based on directional pitch changes (Boltz & Jones, 1986; Thomassen, 1982).

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Page 1: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies

Memory & Cognition1991, 19, 8-20

Some influences of accent structureon melody recognition

MARl RIESS JONES and JACQUELINE T. RALSTONOhio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Two experiments were carried out to investigate the roles ofjoint accent structure and familiarityin delayed recognition of relatively long tonal melodies. Melodic themes of target melodies weredefined by correlating contour-related pitch accents with temporal accents (accent coupling) dur­ing an initial familiarization phase. Later, subjects gave recognition responses to key-transposedversions of the target melodies as well as to decoys with same and different contour accent pat­terns. In Experiment 1, all to-be-recognized melodies occurred both in an original rhythm, whichpreserved accent coupling, and in a new rhythm, which did not. Listeners were best at distin­guishing targets from different decoys, especially in the original rhythm. In Experiment 2, thefamiliarity of target tunes and the rhythmic similarity in recognition were varied. Similar rhythmspreserved accent coupling, whereas dissimilar rhythms did not. Listeners were most adept indistinguishing familiar targets from different decoys (Experiment 2A), particularly when theyappeared in novel but similar rhythms. However, in similar rhythm conditions, listeners alsofrequently mistook same decoys for targets. With less familiar targets (Experiment 2B), theseeffects were attenuated, and performance showed general effects of pitch contour.

In this article, we will examine the average listener'sability to recognize melodic themes and variations inmusic as a function of rhythmic context. The issue of mem­ory for melody is not unrelated to memory for other kindsof material, such as ballads, poems, and TV jingles (see,e.g., Wallace & Rubin, in press). All have some claimto establishing in listeners a dynamic structure that in­fluences later recognition. In the present research, we haveexplored certain relationships between the form of anoriginal event and that of its dynamic reinstatement.

In musical compositions, composers commonly an­nounce a melodic theme and follow it with several varia­tions, thereby evoking different levels of recognition inlisteners. Indeed, whereas a psychologist may wonderwhat degrades melodic recognizability, composers seemto know this intuitively and capitalize on it to evoke differ­ent degrees of thematic clarity. Their techniques yield vari­ations that are based on rearrangements of both melodic(tonal) and rhythmic (temporal) elements of the originalevent. In the present research, we rely on simple defini­tions of melodic and rhythmic parameters to explore theirimpact on melody recognition. Our general goal is to in-

This research was supported by Grant BNS-8204811 from the Na­tional Science Foundation awarded to Mati Riess Jones. The authorsthank Konnie Toth for data collection and preliminary analyses, as wellas Susan Holleran, Caroline Palmer, Caroline Monahan, and an anony­mous reviewer, for helpful comments on earlier versions of the article.Special thanks are due to Mitch Pratt, who conducted a portion of thiswork as part of a Master's degree requirement. Correspondence con­cerning this article should be addressed to Mati Riess Jones, Depart­ment of Psychology, 142 Townshend Hall, Ohio State University, 1885Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1222.

Copyright 1991 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 8

vestigate ways in which different combinations of melodicand rhythmic accent patterns evoke a recognition responseof some earlier theme.

BackgroundIn tonal music, a melody is a particular serial arrange­

ment of pitch intervals that also establishes a sense of key.Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones,ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen­cies.' Variations of a melody often involve systematicchanges of these intervals or of the pitches themselves.For instance, a uniform change of all pitches to higheror lower frequencies that preserves both a melody's serialorder and its pitch interval properties is a variation inwhich the theme is easily recognized (see, e.g., Burbidge& Jones, 1982; Dowling & Harwood, 1986). Even someserial rearrangements of pitches that preserve relativelyfew adjacent pitch intervals still move listeners to "hear"the original theme, presumably because these rearrange­ments capture attention-getting aspects of the originalmelody. One such variation that will be of interest isthat which preserves a melody's contour, namely its"ups" and "downs" in pitch (Dowling, 1978; Dowling& Fujitani, 1971; Dyson & Watkins, 1984; Edworthy,1985; Jones, Summerell, & Marshburn, 1987; Watkins,1985). At least with short unfamiliar sequences, invari­ances in pitch contour have a pronounced influence onmelody recognition, particularly after brief retention in­tervals (Bartlett & Dowling, 1980; Dowling & Bartlett,1981; Dowling & Harwood, 1986). One reason why pitchcontour has such powerful effects may be that contouritself offers salient accents that are based on directionalpitch changes (Boltz & Jones, 1986; Thomassen, 1982).

Page 2: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies

The fact that any melody is a temporal arrangement ofpitches underscores that its structure depends fundamen­tally on relationships of pitches in time. Relative timingrefers to the time of one event, taken with reference tothe time of another, and it is variously expressed (e.g.,as ordinal, interval, or ratio time relations) (Jones, 1976).Relative timing among different pitches is an integral partof a melody's structure, in which timed pitches can oc­cupy adjacent or nonadjacent serial locations. The factthat a melody's pitch contour can be psychologically com­pelling attests to the import of time relations among non­adjacent events, because usually the pitches that mark con­tour changes are nonadjacent events.

This raises the possibility that people attend selectivelyin time to nonadjacent events (Jones, 1976). For instance,pitches at contour change points may attract more atten­tion and ultimately form a more memorable, higher ordermelodic theme for listeners. If so, time relations amongthese pitches should govern "when" people attend, andhence "what" they remember (Jones & Boltz, 1989).

In the present analysis, it is assumed that pitch contourcontributes to a psychologically salient accent pattern. Atleast some recent work on pitch accenting questions thisassumption (Deliege, 1987). However, in this and in re­lated work that casts doubt on the general salience of pitchrelationships, relatively short and/or isochronous tuneshave been employed (see, e.g., Monahan & Carterette,1985). Since pitch accents are often associated with non­adjacent events, it is possible that their influence will bemore evident in longer tunes. Relatively long, rhythmi­cally patterned tonal melodies were the stimuli in thepresent delayed recognition task. We varied the extent towhich a to-be-recognized tune preserved certain time re­lations among contour-related pitch accents of previouslypresented melodies. In recognition, these time relationshipswere preserved among all pitches of a melody, amongonly certain nonadjacent accented pitches, or amongneither adjacent nor nonadjacent pitches. In an attemptto influence listeners' attention to these pitch accent points,we also varied the rhythm in which to-be-recognizedmelodies occurred, so that the pitch theme carried by non­adjacent notes was either selectively highlighted tem­porally or not.

The design is identical to that of Jones et al. (1987).In recognition, listeners attempted to differentiate pre­viously presented targets from decoys with same anddifferent contours. Each target melody and its associateddecoys occurred either in an original rhythm (one as­sociated with it in an earlier familiarization phase) or ina new rhythm. Using this procedure, Jones et al. foundthat listeners had difficulty recognizing targets in the newrhythm, and tended to mistake the decoys that shared thetarget's pitch contour for targets, especially when theyappeared in the target's original rhythm. Although thesefindings are consistent with the idea that contour andrhythm jointly influence memory for melody, they do notspecifically address how this happens. In the presentresearch, different melodies and rhythms were used topursue this issue.


A construct that guided selection of melodies andrhythms in the present research is joint accent structure,which Jones (1987) proposed guides dynamic attendingto auditory events in many different tasks (see, e.g., Boltz& Jones, 1986; Jones, Boltz, & Kidd, 1982; Martin, 1972;Monahan & Carterette, 1985; Yeston, 1976). Ajoint ac­cent structure is an accent/time hierarchy in which dif­ferentially weighted pitch and time accents are linkedtogether by nested time relations (Jones, 1976). Relationalproperties of the joint accent structure determine, in part,expectancies about the pitch and time values of forthcom­ing events in a tune (Jones, 1976, 1981, 1982). Here weassume that: (I) pitch (e.g., melodic) and time (e.g.,rhythmic) structures each contribute distinctive accentsto this combined pattern, and co-occurring, namely cou­pled, accents receive more accent weight; (2) a melodictheme is specified primarily by time relationships amongaccented pitches of different weights; and (3) pitches thatreceive stronger accent weights reflect higher level proper­ties of a joint accent structure, and because of their promi­nence in pitch or in time or both, they are more attention­getting and hence more likely to establish the theme.

If people rely on such accent structures to selectivelyattend to a higher order melodic line, we can ask, "Whatchanges in joint accent structure degrade listeners' abil­ity to recognize a target melody?" and, relatediy, "Whatchanges in joint accent structure continue to supportthematic clarity?"

The Experimental RationaleTo address such questions, the experimental rationale

involved manipulations of two aspects of joint accentstructure in order to assess their impact on theme recog­nition. These aspects involved: (I) time relations amongcertain pitch accents; and (2) temporal phasing of pitchand time accents (accent coupling). Manipulations of theseproperties are illustrated with examples of recognitiontunes in Figure 1.

Time relations among pitches in various target and de­coy melodies were varied across the central segments ofvarious recognition tunes with special attention to pitchesmarking contour changes. Essentially, we tampered withpitch placements in the middle of each tune by systemati­cally varying the signed interval time values that obtainedbetween onsets of central pitches and ones in the surround­ing context. Consider, for example, the target melodydepicted in Figures la and Id; its contour peaks aremarked with key-related pitches denoted musically as Gs,G4,~, C4 , F4 , and B3 . Such pitches are termed contour­pitch accents, and they can differ in prominence or weight. 2

The most prominent contour-pitch accent is Gs, whichestablishes its time relation to the opening tonic (C4) byvirtue of its placement at the seventh serial location. Boththe accent weight and the relative time value (e.g., withrespect to the opening tonic) of such a pitch enter intohierarchical properties of this tune's joint accent struc­ture and thus contribute to its thematic character. Similar­ities and differences among targets and decoys in thepresent research play on this idea. Thus, compare this tar-

Page 3: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies



Original Rhythm



rrr rJJ


New Rhythm

JjoJ JJ; ~


ail J;s; I~

.J{.T ~

j -J-G4 --

.............................~.J \-C4

~~\,T~ \- '\.........................................................& v--

Time (~unit =260ms)

Figure 1. Target, _ (5), and difJennt (D) decoy melodies in both the original (a, b, c) and new rhythms (d, e, I).Circled notes are pitch-eontour accents that are coupled with temporal accents (i.e., longer notes); these coupled ac­cents occur in the original, but not in the new, rhythm (Experiment 1).

get to a decoy with the same pitch contour shown inFigures lb and Ie. Although this decoy manifests numer­ous changes in the serial locations of pitches in its centralportion, it nonetheless has the same contour as the tar­get. In fact, most of the same contour-pitch accents occurat the same serial locations. This is most evident for theprominent contour-pitch accent, Gs, which has the sametime interval relation with the opening tonic in both tunes.By contrast, a decoy with a pitch contour that is differentfrom the target's is shown in Figures lc and If. It hasmore changes in the serial loci of its central pitches be­cause some contour-pitch accents have also been shifted.Thus, the global pitch peak, marked by Gs, is temporallyshifted farther from the opening segment than it is in theother two tunes. 3 In other respects, the two decoys sharemany features (see the Method section).

In sum, relatively long tonal melodies, which open andclose with similar key-specific information (in this caseC major) and which offer a higher order melodic line ofcontour-pitch accents, are systematically manipulatedwith respect to their relative time properties. The hypothe-

sis of interest maintains that if listeners rely on time rela­tions among these sorts of pitch accents to selectively trackthis theme, then same decoys should be mistaken fortargets more often than different decoys.

To pursue this further, rhythm was manipulated so thatin some cases it highlighted nonadjacent events associatedwith the higher order melodic line, whereas in other casesit did not. Given a joint accent structure analysis, it ispossible to devise rhythmic contexts that add prominenceto contour-pitch accents by correlating them with tem­poral accents; this was done with target melodies in thefirst phase of the experiments reported here. Each of threerhythmic figures was tailored to a target melody such thatits time accents (e.g., lengthened durations) tended tocoincide with the melody's contour-pitch accents. Therhythms were three simple and predictable durational pat­terns, each combining long (L) and short (S) durationswith the L tone durations taken as temporally accentedones. They differed from one another only with respectto placement of the temporal accent (L) within succes­sive three-tone groups, each group being identically punc-

Page 4: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies

tuated by a pause (i.e., SSL pause SSL ... , SLS pauseSLS ... , LSS pause LSS ... ). Thus, whenever a time ac­cent coincides with a pitch accent, accent coupling results(Jones & Boltz, 1989). Coupled accents are assumed tohave more attention-getting weight. particularly with un­trained listeners (Monahan, Kendall, & Carterette, 1987).In familiarization, all target melodies had several coupledaccents by virtue of the rhythm assigned to them.

In recognition, rhythm was explicitly manipulated sothat all tunes appeared both in their original (or a simi­lar) rhythm, and so preserved accent coupling, and in anew (or dissimilar) rhythm where accent coupling did notoccur. Figures la. Ib, and Ic show accent coupling intargets, same decoys, and different decoys with the origi­nal rhythm (e.g .. SLS); circled tones from the centralsegments of various melodies indicate weightier accentsdue to couplings with this rhythm. The same melodiesappear in a new rhythm (SSL) in Figures Id, Ie, and If.Note that temporal accents are phase-shifted relative tocontour-pitch accents, resulting in a decoupling of thesetwo kinds of accents. In the original rhythm, certaincontour-pitch accents that participate in the target melody'stheme are highlighted (coupled) whether or not they ap­pear in the same serial location as in the target (same vs.different decoy). Similarly, in the new rhythm, pitch andtime accents are decoupled in all melodies regardless ofserial location of the relevant pitches.

Two contrasting hypotheses speak to rhythmic manipu­lations. One assumes that rhythm affects memory formelody simply by virtue of placement of pauses. Pausessegment each tune and can thus determine which lowerorder melodic groups are encoded as chunks (see, e.g.,Deutsch, 1980; Dowling, 1973; Handel. 1984. 1989).However, in the present research, rhythm is manipulatedin fairly constrained ways, and differential segmenting dueto pause placements is precluded because the serial lociof pauses are identical for all rhythms. Thus, if melodiccodes based on pause structure in familiarization do governlater melody recognition, a pause-segmentation hypothesispredicts that changing a melody's rhythm will have littlesystematic effect on recognition performance.

An alternative hypothesis, derived from a joint accentstructure approach, holds that rhythmic highlightingboosts the accent weights of certain pitches and thus guidespeople's attending to the same thematic information bothin familiarization and in recognition (Jones, 1987). If so,then rhythms that shift the relative locations of length­ened durations (temporal accents) within pause-basedgroups affect temporally selective attending because theylower accent weights. In the present context, if a newrhythm decouples pitch and time accents, it will decreasethe likelihood of attending to theme-bearing, but non­adjacent, pitches. In contrast to the pause-segmentationaccount, this interpretation predicts that these rhythmicshifts will lower melodic discriminability.

Both the pause-segmentation hypothesis and the jointaccent structure interpretation imply that melody percep­tion depends on rhythm. However, evidence for inter­actions of melody with rhythm is mixed, with some report-


ing significant interactions (e.g., Boltz & Jones. 1986;Deutsch, 1980; Jones et al.. 1987) and others not (e.g.,Palmer & Krumhansl. 1987a, 1987b). Typically. multi­ple effects of rhythm on melodic structure have not beencontrolled, and general conclusions are therefore difficult.Because the present design represents an attempt to con­trol some of these effects (e.g .. pause placements), it shedssome light on this complex issue.


Listeners were instructed to learn three different targetmelodies in Phase I. a familiarization session. They wereexplicitly told to attend to the melody and ignore itsrhythm. Furthermore. they were given no indication ofa forthcoming recognition test of the tunes. In recogni­tion (Phase 2), listeners were warned that melodies couldappear in a new rhythm and were again advised to ignorerhythm and concentrate only on the melody. While thesame rhythms were used in both familiarization and recog­nition phases, in recognition these durational patternscould be paired either with their original melodies anddecoys (original rhythm) or re-paired with different melo­dies (new rhythm). In this way, a confounding factor ofrhythmic novelty associated with rhythmic shifts in thenew rhythm condition could be ruled out.


Twenty freshmen and sophomores from an introductory psychol­ogy course at Ohio State University participated in the experimentin return for course credit. All had 2-5 years of formal musicaltraining. They were tested in groups of I to 4.

DesignTwo phases, a learning or familiarization phase (Phase I) and

a recognition phase (Phase 2), were used. Only Phase 2 data wereanalyzed. Recognition accuracy was assessed using a 3x2 x2 mixedfactorial design, for which three levels of melody (target, same,different) were crossed with two levels of rhythm (original, new).Counterbalance order (two levels) was the only between-subjectsvariable. The primary dependent variable was a nonparametric signaldetection measure of sensitivity, Ag • The Ag metric required col­lapsing this design into two levels of melody (target vs. same andtarget vs. different), creating 2x2x2 mixed factorial design forAg and its related bias measure (8).

Stimulus MaterialsNine melodies formed three melodic sets, with each set based

on a target and two decoys (same, different). All melodies wereconstructed of 18 square-wave tones of equivalent intensities. Theywere combined with different rhythms. Below, we outline melodic(pitch) sequences (targets, decoys); rhythms; and pairings of melo­dies with rhythms. The melodies in Sets I, 2, and 3 are listed inthe Appendix.

Melodies: Targets. Target melodies were constructed in two mu­sical keys: F major (familiarization) and C major (recognition). Toreinforce these tonalities, each target melody began and ended onits keynote pitch (i.e.• either F or C). opened with prominent tonalrelations (e.g., involving notes of the tonic triad), and closed withthe final tonic resolving through a leading tone (i.e., E and B, respec­tively, in the keys of F and C; see Butler & Brown, 1984). Thethree target melodies differed from one another in terms of both

Page 5: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies


Figure 2. Three different durational patterns used in Experiment 1:LSS, SLS, and SSL. All contain six SOAs of260 msec (S) per higherorder period (1,560 msec) and a pauseduration (rest) ofS20 II»leC (L).

interval and contour-pitch relationships. Respectively, they con­tained four, six, and eight contour changes, plus distinctive open­ing segments. Figures la and Id illustrate one of these; others ap­pear in the Appendix.

Melodies: Decoys. For each target melody in a set of three melo­dies, two decoys were constructed in the key of C major for therecognition phase. These were: a same contour decoy and a differ­ent contour decoy. In each melody set, same and different de­coys always shared the following properties with their target: (I) thesame tones, with the serial locations of some changed; over the threemelody sets, the number of location changes of pitches that werenot at coupled accent locations were equated for same and differ­ent decoys (a total of 10 changes each), although within each melodyset, same and different decoys differed, respectively: five and twochanges (Set I); two and four changes (Set 2); three and fourchanges (Set 3); (2) the same number of contour changes; (3) thesame initial six and final three tones and their orderings (to estab­lish the same key); (4) similar, but not identical, pitch intervals:the averages of median pitch intervals were 3, 3, and 2.66 ST fortargets, same, and different decoys, respectively; (5) a majorityof the same pitches marking contour accents (Le., theme-bearingpitches); and (6) identical coupled (Le., contour-pitch plus time)accents in target, same, and different melodies: G4, C4, and Gs(Set 1); G), C4, and Cs (Set 2); C4 and Es (Set 3).

Decoys differed from their respective targets with regard to whencentral pitches of various weights occurred relative to the melody'sopening notes. With the opening tonic (serial Location 1) as a tem­poral referent, time intervals associated with particular pitches atcoupled accent points are identical for targets and same decoys butnot for different decoys. Constraints on target and decoy construc­tion resulted in same and different decoys differing in the total num­ber of serial location changes: a total of 11 for same decoys and16 for different decoys.

Rhythms. Three different recurrent durational patterns were used.All consisted of four durations, where each interval could be short(S) or long (L). Each rhythm divided the I8-tone pitch sequenceinto successive three-tone phrases because the fourth time intervalwas always a long pause. The other three intervals determined tone

ProcedureThe entire experiment consisted of two phases: a familiarization

phase (Phase 1) and a recognition phase (Phase 2).Phase 1: Familiarization. Recorded instructions stressed a dis­

tinction between melody (as a pitch sequence) and rhythm (as a dura­tional pattern). Listeners were urged to ignore the rhythm anddifferentiate the three target instances on the basis of the melodiesonly. They were not informed about the recognition phase.

Each Phase 1 trial was initiated by a warning tone (3250 Hz),followed after 2 sec by a target melody and then a 5-sec responseinterval. Over the 27 trials, each target appeared nine times. Oneach trial, the listener had to identify the target melody (using oneof three letters: A, B, or C) and give a confidence rating of hisor her choice (I = most confident; 7 = least confident).

Melodies appeared with different pitch and time transpositions(applied uniformly to the whole sequence). These ensured thatlisteners would respond to melodic and rhythmic invariants thatdifferentiated the targets. Such transformations commonly accom­pany recurrences ofa given theme in music: a pitch shift up or downone octave; and a ratio time transformation that sped or slowed themelody by 2/3 or 4/3, respectively. Targets were subjected to both,one, or none of these transformations. Over the 27 trials, melodieswere presented randomly, in one of two counterbalance orders, withthe constraint that no more than two instances of a given targetmelody occur consecutively.

The Phase I session ended with three "hum" trials, during whichthe subjects covertly hummed each target after its untransformedpresentation and then rated their confidence in the accuracy of theirreproduction. If anyone in a group indicated low confidence, thisprocedure was repeated. A 15-min break followed, during whichthe subjects performed an unrelated task.

Phase 2: Recognition. In recognition, the subjects were told viarecorded instructions that they would hear the earlier melodies plusnew ones. The instructions cautioned that they attend only to thepitch sequence and ignore rhythm, because sometimes melodieswould occur in a new rhythm.

durations as shown in Figure 2: SSL, SLS, and LSS. The long du­ration refers to an SOA (520 msec) that was always twice the lengthof the shorter duration SOA (260 msec). All SOAs included alO-msec off time between adjacent tones. The pause or musical restbetween recurrences of each rhythm was always 520 msec, yield­ing a constant higher order time period of 1,560 msec for each three­note phrase (plus pause); this structure was used for all three rhythms.

Melody-rhythm pairings. In Phase 1, each rhythm was pairedwith a different target melody following preliminary assumptionsabout accents and tonality. Pairings also relied on judgments of anindependent group of four expert listeners asked to rate the tuneswith respect to accents (contour and temporal) and tonality (key).Phase 1 pairings were designed to maximize the correlation ofcontour-pitch accents with temporal accents; they contained twoor three coupled time and pitch accents within the distinctive cen­tral core of nine tones (no more than five throughout). All werejudged to be in the same key.

In Phase 2, each target melody appeared in two rhythms: the origi­nal rhythm and a new rhythm. In the original rhythm, each targetmelody and its respective decoys were paired with the same rhythmthat accompanied targets during familiarization; in the new rhythmcondition, the three Phase I rhythms were re-paired with differenttarget melodies and their corresponding decoys in order to phaseshift pitch and time accents. Additional constraints of re-pairingfor the new rhythm were: (I) A new melody-rhythm combinationshould not change the sense of key (preliminary ratings of expertsguided these selections); (2) the new rhythm should reflect a changeof two of the four durations within a group; and (3) duration andlocus of the pause within the melodic string remained unchanged.Thus, the new rhythm mappings were: SSL pause --+ LSS pause;SLS pause --+ SSL pause; LSS pause --+ SLS pause.

5 6

5 6

5 6

1560 ms1560 ms




Page 6: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies


Table 1Mean A, and Bias Scores for Experiment 1


For all dependent measures, analyses involving thepresentation order of stimuli showed this counterbalancevariable to be nonsignificant. Thus all of the presentedresults have been collapsed across this factor.

Sensitivity/AccuracyVariations in melodic structure systematically affected

discriminability. The subjects more often confused samedecoys with targets than they did different decoys. Ta­ble I presents mean Ag values as a function of melodiccondition (targetsame and target:different) as well asrhythm (original vs. new). The Ag metric is based on com­paring performance of targets (signals) with a set of de­coys (noise). When the set involved same decoys as noise,the mean Ag was .719, whereas when different decoys sup­plied noise, the mean Ag was .835 [F(l,18) = 16.25,MSe = 16.620, P < .001].

In this session, each trial was signaled by a I-sec, high-pitchedwarning tone, followed after 2 sec by a pattern. The listener had5 sec to indicate whether the melody was "old" (i.e., a target) or"new" (i.e., any decoy) and to register a confidence rating on thesame 7-point rating scale as before.

All melodies occurred in the key of C major; none was trans­formed in pitch or tempo. In a total of 48 trials, the subjects received24 targets and 24 decoys equally often in both rhythms. Four repe­titions of each of the three target melodies appeared in each of thetwo rhythmic conditions (i.e., 12 targets per rhythmic condition).The same and different decoys each accounted for 6 trials in eachrhythmic condition (two repetitions per melodic instance). Melo­dies were presented randomly, with the constraint that no melodicor temporal instance recur over more than 2 consecutive trials.

Scoring. Recognition was analyzed in terms of A, and bias (B)scores. The A, score involves a nonparametric ROC score basedon computation of the trapezoidal rule (Bamber, 1975; Pollack.Norman, & Galanter, 1964) adapted by Davison and Jagacinski(1977). The A, score estimates unbiased recognition accuracy (sen­sitivity) in the two-<:hoice case, for which an A, value of 1.00 reflectsperfect discrimination and a value of .50 reflects random guess­ing. The bias measure roughly estimates the median confidence levelscore when the 7-point scale is converted to a 15-point scale rangingfrom I (sure-old) to 14 (sure-new); a score of 7.00 represents nobias. Both A, and B scores were generated by randomly dividingthe target trials into halves, and comparing a subject's response andconfidence rating on the targets to the same and different decoysacross each rhythmic condition. This analysis essentially collapsesthe trilevel melody factor into two levels, subsequently referred toas target:same and target:different. Supporting analyses involve ac­curacy scores, namely hit rates (proportion correct to targets) andcorrect rejections (proportion correct to decoys; note that the falsealarm rate is simply 1 - the proportion correct to decoys).
















Table 2Mean Proportion Correct for Experiment 1

BiasA bias score of 7 reflects unbiased judgments, while

B scores larger than 7 indicate bias for saying "new."Table I shows mean B scores as a function of the melodyand rhythm conditions.

Rhythm biases judgments. People tend to judge any mel­ody (target or decoy) to be familiar (i.e., "old" with meanB ::: 5.70) when it appears in the original rhythm. Simi­larly if it appears in the new rhythm, they are more likelyto judge a melody "new" [mean B = 8.45; F(1,18) =21. 75, MSe = 6.96, P < .0005]. This finding is not sur­prising. It suggests that changes in accuracy arise partlyfrom the biasing influence of rhythm.

Rhythmic shifts also affected performance. Althoughpause segmentation is the same for original and newrhythms, subjects were better at discriminating melodiesin the former. As measured by Ag , recognition was signif­icantly better in the original rhythm than in the new rhythm[mean Ag = .850 vs..704; FO,18) = 14.43, MSe =29.556, p < .0025].

Melody recognition is also differentially affected byrhythm, as is evidenced by a significant interaction ofmelody with rhythm (F(l,18) = 4.48, MSe = 17.77,P < .05]. Disproportionately poor performance occurredwhen the subjects had to discriminate targets from samedecoys in a new rhythm (mean Ag = .615 vs..794,.823, and .877 in the other conditions). Poor discrimina­bility can come from either low target recognition ac­curacy or from errors to same decoys or both. The ac­curacy data (Table 2) suggest that the culprit here is poortarget identification levels in the new rhythm. Error ratesto same decoys (i.e .• 1 - proportion correct; namely,false alarms) are identical in the two rhythms. Takentogether, these findings tell us two things: (l) The newrhythm renders a melodic theme less attention-getting andthus increases identification errors in the target melody;and (2) the original rhythm makes discrimination of tar­gets from same and from different decoys roughly simi­lar. a fact that argues against the possibility that differentdecoys are inherently more discriminable from targetsthan same decoys because they contain distinctive inter­val differences.

An interaction of melody with rhythm in proportion cor­rect scores is also significant [F(2,36) = 25.30, MSe =

.0148, p < .0001]. Although accuracy is lower with samedecoys than with different decoys in both rhythms, posthoc analyses (Tukey's HSD) show that these differenceswere significant only in the new rhythm. We will returnto this point.




A, Bias

.850 5.70

.704 8.45.877 5.80.794 9.15.835 7.48

Target ys.Different Decoy

A, Bias

Target Ys.Same Decoy

A, Bias


.823 5.60

.615 7.75

.719 6.68



Page 7: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies

Table 3Rhythmic Shift Mappings for Experiment 2

about the effect of rhythmic highlighting on long-termmemory for melodies. The first question concerns effectsof rhythmic similarity when listeners confront melodiesin novel rhythms. The second explores the degree to whichrhythmic similarity effects, if present, depend on thelistener's familiarity with the target melodies in their origi­nal rhythms.

The term rhythmic similarity refers to the extent towhich a new rhythm shares relevant temporal propertiesof the melody's original rhythm. For example, if accentcoupling contributes to the superiority of the originalrhythm in Experiment I, then similar rhythms thatpreserve such aspects of familiar joint accent structureshould also enhance melodic discriminability in Ex­periment 2.

We explore this by manipulating rhythmic similarity interms of the way a rhythm fits with a melody as suggestedby a joint accent structure analysis. Similarity dependshere on the number and the kind of tone durations changedby a rhythmic shift (from Phase 1 to Phase 2). A new setof Phase 2 rhythms was used to realize these criteria inExperiment 2. Although distinctly different from thePhase 1 rhythms, when paired with Phase 1 melodies,these rhythms provided different degrees of similarity.Table 3 shows two different similarity mappings ofPhase 1 and Phase 2 rhythms: similar and dissimilarrhythmic shifts. A similar rhythm involves changing twotime intervals per pause-defined group, including thepause; a dissimilar rhythm involves changing all inter­vals in each pause-defined group. For example, the shiftof LSS long pause ... to LLS short pause ... is a similarrhythm shift, whereas changing it to SLL short pause a dissimilar rhythm shift. In addition, similar rhythmconditions do not phase shift pitch and time accents,whereas dissimilar rhythm conditions do. Consequently,similar rhythm conditions preserve accent coupling anddissimilar rhythm conditions do not (see Table 3). In thisway, rhythmic similarity is not defined independently ofwhat a rhythm does to a melody and its pitch accents;rather, it is assessed in terms ofcommonalities ofpitch/timeaccent patterns. These constraints permit relevant com­parisons of performance in the similar and dissimilarrhythm conditions to that in the original and new rhythmconditions, respectively, of Experiment 1.

The similarity manipulation captures certain compos­ing techniques whereby listeners are made to experience



Clearly, both melodic and rhythmic structure affectdelayed melody recognition. LIsteners' memories of rela­tively long, rhythmically patterned tunes are systemati­cally influenced by the melodic variations associated withthe two kinds of decoys used, thus substantiating the in­fluence of contour timing information on melodic dis­crimination. Furthermore, even when warned to ignorerhythm, listeners cannot do this. Shifts in rhythm signifi­cantly lower listeners' abilities to distinguish targets fromdecoys, despite the fact that pause structure is held con­stant. Although these findings are consistent with a jointaccent structure analysis, they do not conclusively estab­lish that accent coupling, which is preserved only by theoriginal rhythm, is responsible for these effects. This issueis pursued in Experiment 2.

The fmding that average listeners are more often fooledby same than by different decoys extends previous find­ings regarding effects of contour, which were basedon shorter melodies and briefer retention periods (e.g.,Dowling & Fujitani, 1971; Monahan et al., 1987). Here,contour changes are reinforced by tonally significantpitches and thus effectively instantiate a memorable theme,which, for these listeners, lasts over a substantial reten­tion interval.

It is interesting that differences among same and different decoys are more marked in the new rhythm thanin the original one. In fact, in the original rhythm, sameand different decoys are roughly equivalent in discrimi­nability, which requires an explanation. Because themat­ically relevant pitches are presumably weighted more inthe original rhythm, one might expect that listeners wouldtake same decoys to be targets more often in this con­dition. In fact, such a finding did obtain in Jones et al.(1987), where listeners made disproportionately morefalse alarms to same than to different decoys in the origi­nal rhythm. Why didn't preserving the original rhythmboost error rates to same decoys in the present case? Oneexplanation involves the fact that in the present study,rhythms with accent coupling were used, whereas in theJones et al. experiments, they were not. It is possible thatthis highlighting serves more to facilitate discriminationof differences between a decoy and its target than to en­hance their similarities. Another explanation also concernsthe rhythms used. Jones et al. employed rhythms in whichdurational patterns were more heterogeneous as a set thanthose in the present research. Thus, re-pairing of rhythmsin that study could have heightened the influence of anysingle distinctive rhythm on melody perception. If so,listeners in the Jones et al. study might have been moreconfused by same decoys when they appeared in the tar­get's original rhythm as opposed to a very dissimilar one.We pursued the idea of rhythmic similarity in Ex­periment 2.

Similar Rhythm ConditionPhase 1S S L*-------------­S L* SL* S S

Dissimilar Rhythm Condition

Phase 2L* S L'S L* L'L* L' S


In Experiment 2, we relied on the same design andstrategy as in Experiment 1 to pursue two questions

~~l ~~2

S S L*-------------- L* L' SS L* S L* S L'L*S S S L*L'

*Primary temporal accent. 'Secondary temporal accent.

Page 8: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies

different degrees of thematic reminiscence, depending onthe rhythm in which some melody or its variation recurswithin a larger composition. We anticipate, therefore, thatboth kinds of rhythmic shifts in Experiment 2 will lowera listener's discrimination of target melodies relative toits original rhythm. However, the similar rhythm shiftspreserve higher order aspects of a tune's joint accent struc­ture such as its accent coupling properties, and since theseare assumed to be more prominent in guiding attendingand remembering, the similar rhythm condition shouldyield better target recognition than the dissimilar rhythmcondition, much as the original rhythm did in Experi­ment 1. Thus, the similarity manipulations allow us toconsider what changes in a joint accent structure tend topreserve target recognition and what ones do not.

Relatedly, we can also determine whether the generalcontext provided by new rhythms affects listeners'responses to thematic variations instantiated by same de­coys. Data from Experiment 1 suggest that same decoysare not significantly more confusing than different decoyswhen both appear in the target's original rhythm. How­ever, novel rhythms may encourage listeners to focuslargely on higher order properties of the joint accent struc­ture; if so, same decoys may be more often mistaken fortargets in the similar rhythm conditions than in dissimi­lar conditions. While both similar and dissimilar rhythmconditions introduce joint accent structure changes, theformer preserves important higher level relations involv­ing coupled accents.

Finally, in Experiment 2, we also looked at perceptuallearning. Listeners' familiarity with targets in their origi­nal rhythm was systematically varied across two separatestudies (Experiments 2A and 2B). Common sense led tothe expectation that performance should be better withmore Phase 1 training. However, we were also interestedin discovering whether differential effects of rhythm ormelody variables would appear. That is, do people im­mediately respond to certain properties of a joint accentstructure associated with more prominent accents (i.e.,coupled accents)? If so, they should display dispropor­tionately high performance in similar rhythm conditionseven with relatively unfamiliar tunes.

MethodThe method of Experiment 2 was identical to that of Experi­

ment 1, with the following exceptions:


new rhythms based on combinations of two L durations and oneS tone duration, plus a pause of S duration. Phase I consisted of27 trials.

Experiment 28: Low familiarity. This study was identical toExperiment 2A. with the exception that fewer familiarization trialswere used. In Phase I. participants heard only one presentation ofeach target melody in its rhythm and then received the "hum" trials.They received no melody-identification training trials. This studywas conducted approximately 6 months after Experiment 2A hadbeen completed.

Stimulus MaterialsPhase 2 rhythms are presented in Table 3. The SOAs for the two

L durations remained 520 msec with 10 msec off time; the Stoneduration and pause were 260 msec. Loci of temporal accents weredetermined both by conventional analyses of primary and second­ary accents and on the basis of judges' ratings of these rhythms,both in monotone and target melody contexts. Although ratings weresomewhat variable, the locations selected generally qualified aseither primary or secondary temporal accents.

The mapping rules used to define similar and dissimilar rhythmconditions, given Phase I rhythms, are shown in Table 3. Theyobserved the following criteria: similar rhythm conditions-dlangedtwo durations per recurrent rhythmic group (one tone and the pause),while preserving identical serial locations of temporal accents inboth Phase 1 and Phase 2 rhythms. In two of the three similarrhythms, this involved primary accents; in the third, a secondaryaccent was involved (a mapping involving two durational changes,which always preserves the temporal accent, was not possible withthis rhythmic set); dissimilar rhythm conditions--over all four du­rations (per group), reverse L duration and S durations. A by-productof this was that the resulting Phase 2 rhythms always phase shiftedthe serial location of the primary temporal accent of the Phase Irhythm by a time constant. As in Experiment I, both mappingspreserved serial locations of pauses (musical rests) within melodies.


The results of Experiments 2A and 2B, collapsed overcounterbalance order (a nonsignificant variable), arepresented in Tables 4 and 5. Initially, these data will bediscussed separately, because they arise from experimentsconducted 6 months apart. Subsequently, the performancewith familiar tunes (2A) will be compared with the per­formance with unfamiliar ones (2B).

Table 4Mean A, and Bias Scores as a Function of

Target Familiarity in Experiment 2


High Familiarity: Experiment 2A

.713 5.56 .834 6.66 .773

.649 7.19 .778 8.16 .713

.681 6.37806 7.41

Low Familiarity: Experiment 2B

.714 6.04 .733 7.27

.665 5.58 .756 9.31

.689 5.81 .744 8.29

SubjectsOhio State University freshmen and sophomores were assigned

randomly to two counterbalance orders in each of two experiments.In Experiment 2A, 16 subjects served in each order (N = 32); inExperiment 2B, 13 subjects served in each order (N = 26).

DesignThe design for each experiment was identical to that of Experi­

ment I, provided that the rhythm variable is taken to be the rhyth­mic similarity manipulation.

Experiment 2A: High familiarity. This study was identical toExperiment 1, with the exception that the 48 Phase 2 trials involved




Target vs.Same Decoy

Ag Bias

Target vs.Different Decoy

Ag Bias







Page 9: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies


Table 5Mean Proportion Correct as a Function of

Target Familiarity in Experiment 2


Same DifferentRhythm Target Decoy Decoy Means

High Familiarity: Experiment 2ASimilar .810 .594 .786 .730Dissimilar .627 .667 .818 .704Means .718 .630 .802

Low Familiarity: Experiment 28

Similar .686 .587 .702 .658Dissimilar .606 .535 .830 .657Means .646 .561 .766

Experiment 2A: High FamiliarityThe recognition perfonnance of listeners with substan­

tial familiarity with the target tunes is summarized in Ta­bles 4 (mean Ag and B) and 5 (mean proportion correct).

Sensitivitylaccuracy. Relative to Experiment 1, novelrhythms did reduce the listeners' abilities to discriminatemelodies somewhat. However, melodic structure had com­parable effects in both experiments. Listeners were poorerat distinguishing targets from same decoys than fromdifferent decoys [Ag values of .681 vs..806; F(1,30) =16.86, MSe = 29.787,p < .0005]. Rhythmic similarityalso had a significant effect on perfonnance; shifting melo­dies to a similar rhythm produced better discriminabilitythan shifting them to a dissimilar one (see Table 4)[F(1,30) = 14.38, MSe = 7.879,p < .001]. Neverthe­less, in both rhythms, the listeners were significantlyabove chance levels in distinguishing targets from decoys(i.e., chance Ag is .50).

Perhaps the most important finding is that the interactionof rhythm with melody observed for discriminabilityscores in Experiment 1 disappeared in this study. A com­parison of Tables 1 and 4 explains why. Although thelisteners were best with similar rhythms, relative to Ex­periment 1 levels they were somewhat poorer in distin­guishing targets from same decoys in rhythms with ac­cent coupling (i.e., similar vs. original rhythms). Thislack of interaction in Ag is more in line with the resultsof Jones et al. (1987).

Failure to find the interaction of Ag scores as in Ex­periment 1 derives from two sources, as substantiated byaccuracy scores in Table 5. First, as anticipated, whensame decoys appeared in novel, but similar, rhythms,they indeed fooled people more than in novel, but dis­similar, rhythms. As predicted, error rates to decoys inthis study were highest to same decoys in the similarrhythm condition. The same decoys were significantlymore confusing than different decoys not only in the dis­similar rhythm condition but, in contrast to Experiment 1,also in the similar rhythm condition (Tukey HSD = .156,P < .01). The second contributing factor was mentionedabove: Target identification accuracy in similar rhythmconditions was slightly poorer than in the original rhythmof Experiment I. Thus, while discriminability scores do

not show an interaction of melody with rhythm, accuracyscores do [F(2,60) = 9.92, MSe = .0313, p < .0005].Contributing to this effect is the fact that although correctidentifications of same decoys rose in the dissimilarrhythm condition, target identification accuracy droppedin these rhythms.

Finally, accuracy measures reflect a combination of bi­asing influences and discriminability. In Experiment 2A,some of the changes in accuracy levels as a function ofrhythm arose from its biasing potential.

Bias. Table 4 shows mean B scores as a function ofchanges in melody and rhythm. The bias findings repli­cate those of Experiment I, in that rhythm has the primaryinfluence on perfonnance. Melodies appearing in simi­lar rhythms tend to evoke "old" responses, and those indissimilar rhythms to evoke "new" responses [F(1,30) =9.56, MSe = 8.18, p < .005]. The most unbiased per­fonnance levels involved the set of targets and differentdecoys in the similar rhythm condition and the set of tar­gets and same decoys in the dissimilar rhythm condition.

Experiment 2B: Low FamiliarityThe perfonnance of listeners who had less familiarity

with target tunes also is summarized in Tables 4 (meanAg and B scores) and 5 (mean proportion correct scores).

SensitivityIaccuracy. The pattern of Ag scores withless familiar tunes bears some resemblance to that foundwith familiar ones, but the effects of melody and rhythmare more modest with no statistically significant impact(Table 4). Two aspects of these null findings deservecomment: (1) Listeners are not disproportionately betterin the similar rhythm conditions; and (2) they are rela­tively poor overall in differentiating different decoysfrom targets.

Supplementing these findings, the accuracy scores indi­cate that the listeners did, in fact, err more often with samethan with different decoys in both rhythms [F(2,48) =11.47, MSe = .048, P < .0001]. However, rhythmcontinued to have no overall effects on accuracy (the meanproportions correct for similar and dissimilar rhythmconditions were roughly equivalent). With less familiartunes, similar rhythms actually produce an improvementin listeners' chances of spotting same decoys relativeto dissimilar rhythms; accuracy levels to same decoyswere near chance in the dissimilar rhythm condition.However, similar rhythm conditions also decreased thelisteners' chances of spotting different decoys as such rela­tive to the dissimilar rhythm conditions. A significantinteraction of rhythm with melody resulted [F(2,48) =7.72, MSe = .022, p < .002]. These error rates appearto reflect a combination of biasing influences of contour­pitch accent structure and rhythm.

Bias. In contrast to listeners familiar with targets, theselisteners were biased by differences in melodic structure[F(1,24) = 25.26, MSe = 6.33, P < .0001]. The samedecoys evoked more "old" judgments than did the different decoys. The mean bias for the target:same set wasB = 5.81, whereas that for the target:different set wasmuch higher (B = 8.29). Also in contrast with Experi-

Page 10: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies

ment 2A, rhythm only modulated these effects, makingthem most evident in the dissimilar rhythm conditions;it had no overall influence. This interaction of melody andrhythm is significant [F(1,24) = 5.12, MS. = 7.94, p <.05]. Post hoc comparisons indicated that the differencewithin the dissimilar rhythm condition was significant(Tukey HSD = 2.09, p < .05). Thus, the bias measuresfleshed out effects of rhythm and melody on accuracyscores that were considered earlier.

Experiment 2A versus 28: Familiarity EffectsListeners who were more familiar with target tunes were

not substantially better overall in differentiating them fromdecoys in recognition. The main effect for the familiarityeffect on Ag scores was nonsignificant (F = I. 18,p < .28). Furthermore, as a variable in the combined Ag

analysis, familiarity did not significantly qualify the ef­fects of either rhythm or melody. Not surprisingly,although both melody and rhythm had significant effectsin this combined analysis [F(1,54) = 16.89, MS. =27.614,p < .0001, for melody; F(I,54) = 7.25, MS. =10.443, p < .01 for rhythm], neither interacted withfamiliarity level (Experiment 2A vs. 2B). In fact, thelisteners with different degrees of target familiarity werevirtually identical in their abilities to distinguish samedecoys from targets in similar rhythms (mean Ag scoresof .714 vs..713). This finding, together with the fact thata combined analysis yielded no significant interaction ofrhythm or melody with familiarity, suggests that some im­mediate advantages accrue to preserving rhythmic andpitch-contour similarities. Nevertheless, on the average,these early differences are slight compared with those ob­served with familiar tunes.

Where do these two groups of listeners differ, if theydo? Overall accuracy improves significantly with familiar­ity (from proportion correct of .658 to .717) [F( 1,54) =5.77, MS. =.0528,p < .02]. The most striking changearises from improvements in target recognition in simi­lar rhythm conditions, and this contributes to a signifi­cant three-way interaction of familiarity level with melodyand rhythm [F(2,108) = 4.56, MS. = .027, p < .025}.The accuracy and bias scores in both combined andseparate analyses suggest that listeners who are lessfamiliar with target melodies are more biased overall bymelodic differences among to-be-recognized tunes and thatthey come to rely more heavily on rhythm with familiar­ity. Although large initial effects of rhythm were not evi­dent, rhythm did exert some early influences on thelisteners' sensitivity to pitch contour. Furthermore, theseeffects seemed to intensify with the listeners' experience.This was evident in the listeners' relative performance ontargets and same decoys as a function of familiarity;Error rates declined with targets in the similar rhythmcondition, whereas they did not with same decoys. In fact,improvement with same decoys as a function of familiar­ity occurred largely with the dissimilar rhythm conditions,in which proportions correct climbed to .667 from .535.This pattern of findings suggests that there is an immedi-


ate sensitivity to pitch contour information that can per­sist if it is rhythmically reinforced.

DiscussionPeople learn to extract from relatively long melodies

enough information about their pitch structure to recog­nize them in novel rhythms, especially if these rhythmsshare certain temporal properties with their originalrhythms. This experiment sheds light on three aspects ofthis phenomenon. Two concern the way rhythmic similar­ity affects recognition of targets and decoys, respectively.The third is related to listeners' differential use of rhythmwith perceptual learning (familiarity).

People recognize targets best when these tunes reappearin similar rhythms. While they are less adept with novelrhythms than when such tunes appear in their originalrhythm, people nonetheless correctly recognize. targetsaround 80% of the time (relative to 86% in the originalrhythm). Thus, certain rhythmic shifts can support rela­tively high levels of theme recognition. Undoubtedly, akey element in this effect is the novel rhythm's accentcoupling potential.

Design constraints in Experiment 2 meant that the simi­lar rhythm conditions preserved not only a rhythm's ac­cent coupling potential but also more tone duration pair­ings than did dissimilar rhythm conditions. However, anexplanation of the rhythmic similarity effect based strictlyon the number of durational changes cannot suffice. Thereis evidence that the kind of temporal change (coupled vs.uncoupled) matters. First, differences in target accuracydue to differences in the number of durational changeswere modest when accent coupling was held constant(similar rhythm vs. the original rhythm in Experiment 1).Second, across all rhythm conditions (Experiments 1 and2A), performance should have declined with increases inthe number of durational changes associated with a shiftif this was critical; this did not happen. Thus, we con­clude that an important component of rhythmic similar­ity effects on theme recognition involves accent coupling.In the context of novel rhythms, the time patterns that con­tinue to temporally highlight a familiar theme are mostlikely to evoke a recognition response.

One general influence of placing melodies in novelrhythms may be that it encourages listeners to rely moreon temporal relationships among prominent accents withina joint accent structure. If so, we might expect responsesto decoys to show systematic effects of rhythmic similar­ity manipulations. They do. Rhythmic similarity not onlysupports better target recognition but it also boosts thechances that listeners will mistake a same decoy for atarget. This finding confirms that of Jones et al. (1987).It is also consistent with a joint accent structure accountof rhythmic similarity in music, which implies that theeffective similarity of a durational pattern depends on theway in which it fits with a melodic one, given the contextin which both are experienced.

The fmdings of Experiment 2A are consistent with thoseof Experiment I, in that listeners are better at differen-

Page 11: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies


tiating targets from different decoys (as opposed to samedecoys) in both rhythms. However, these trends are notso evident with less familiar melodies (Experiment 2B).Consequently, one might conclude that contour-pitch ma­nipulations have minimal impact on listeners' memories oflittle-heard tunes, a conclusion consistent with other fmd­ings involving relatively long retention periods (Dowling& Fujitani, 1971; Edworthy, 1985). However, in thepresent case, such a conclusion is premature.

In previous work, pitch contour has not been system­atically manipulated as it has here, nor have rhythm andfamiliarity been manipulated jointly in long-term reten­tion tasks. In the present case, there is evidence that thesepitch contours are remembered for substantial time in­tervals. For example, listeners are better at differentiat­ing little-heard targets from different decoys than fromsame decoys in the dissimilar rhythm conditions (meanAg is .665 with same decoys and .756 with different de­coys). Although the overall interaction of melody withrhythm was not significant in this case, the difference isa sizable one that is buttressed by error rate analyses. Er­ror rates indicate that these listeners judged the samedecoys to be targets over 41% of the time in similarrhythm conditions and over 46% of the time in the dis­similar rhythm conditions; corresponding error rates todifferent decoys were substantially lower, hovering around30% and 17% respectively! Thus, even after long reten­tion intervals, a greater proportion of errors with lessfamiliar tunes is due to contour-related confusions thanis the case with familiar tunes. Although it is true thatthese errors indicate a biasing influence of higher ordermelodic structure, it is significant that this bias is specificto the melodic variation involved and that it persists overlong time periods.

Nevertheless, a word of caution is appropriate in draw­ing conclusions about contour effects from such designs,because there is always the possibility that listenersrespond to some distinctive pitch interval change(s) in onetype of decoy (same or different). However, at least datafrom Experiment 1 indicate that under optimal conditions(original rhythm), the same and different decoys are notvastly different in discrirninability, as might be expectedif listeners relied solely on some distinctive interval differ­ence to differentiate targets from decoys.

Finally, what about differential effects of rhythm on per­ceptual learning? Disproportionate benefits due to thesimilar rhythm condition are not evident early in learn­ing. Instead, rhythm has a more limited early influence.However, rhythm and accent coupling clearly contributeto initial biases and ultimately help to shape perceptuallearning. One scenario is that perceptual learning involvesan early and crude responsiveness to highlighted pitch ac­cents, and that with experience listeners abstract higherorder time relations among these pitches. In this way, ac­cent coupling may facilitate learning about' 'when" theme­bearing information occurs. Ifthis interpretation is correct,recognition error rates for targets and different decoys inthe similar rhythm conditions should decline with prac-

tice, because in these cases listeners can reliably detectdifferentiating melodic information at attended-to seriallocations. This is the case. This interpretation also im­plies that if target identification depends on abstractionof temporal relationships among highlighted contour-pitchaccents, then error rates to same decoys in the similarrhythm will not decline with familiarization training. Andthey do not.


Listeners' sense of a familiar melodic theme after a sub­stantial delay depends heavily upon the way a new rhythmhighlights a melody's contour-related pitches. Particularlywith fairly familiar tunes, reinstatement of rhythmic high­lighting of some thematic information makes it more iden­tifiable in both targets and decoys.

Perhaps these findings are not surprising. Intuitively,the same decoys represent lawful variations of the tar­get melody's theme. But it is useful to discover that, de­pending on the rhythmic context, listeners mistake samedecoys for targets over 40% of the time and, moreover,that these error rates do not decline as listeners becomemore familiar with the target. Together with findings ofJones et al. (1987), these data extend Dowling's (1978)hypothesis in showing that not only is contour-related in­formation abstracted early in learning, but it is retainedover substantial time periods.

As it was manipulated here, rhythm influenced not onlythe recognizability of a target melody but also the extentto which different variations of it (decoys) fooled listeners.Together, these findings imply that a pause-based encod­ing account of rhythm is too simple. With pause struc­ture held constant, listeners are better at discriminatingfamiliar targets from decoys when both appear in rhythmsidentical or similar to the original rhythm of the target.Performance depended on the serial loci of temporal ac­cents within pause-based groups.

All novel rhythms take some toll on melody recogni­tion; even changing a few durations within a pause-basedgroup can hurt. Thus, target accuracy in Experiment 2is somewhat poorer in the similar rhythm conditions thanin the original rhythms (Experiment 1), even though pausesegmentation and accent coupling are preserved in both.One reason stems from the fact that rearranging any du­ration within a rhythmic figure inevitably affects relativetiming among all pitch accents (e.g., those from pitchskips etc.), not simply those involving contour change.The present design only manipulated the relative timingof pitch accents related to pitch contour; however, rhyth­mic shifts that modify timing of other pitch accents in atarget should also lower its recognizability (Boltz & Jones,1986; Monahan et al., 1987).

These data also speak to the perceptual independenceof melody and rhythm. Since absence of interactions isoften taken as evidence for independence, it is clear thatthere is no simple solution to this issue. Evidence can beadduced for both independence (Experiment 2) and lack

Page 12: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies

of it (Experiment 1), even with regard to the same de­pendent measure (Ag). Furthermore, on another level, itis also evident that in these tasks listeners who were ex­plicitly instructed to ignore rhythm and pay attention onlyto pitch changes simply could not do this. The main effectof rhythm on recognition of melodies with identical pausepunctuations, as indexed by all dependent measures, tellsus how difficult it is for average listeners to focus on me­lodic information independently of rhythm. Perhaps themost plausible approach is one that maintains that presenceor absence of interactions depends both on the way me­lodic and rhythmic structures fit together to determine ajoint accent structure and on how listeners abstract anduse its relational properties within some larger context.

Finally, these findings have been interpreted in termsof the way temporal context, summarized by joint accentstructure, guides attending. With practice, coupled accentswithin an accent-time hierarchy come to command attend­ing to temporal loci of nonadjacent events (Jones, 1985,1987; Jones & Boltz, 1989). Others also address temporalcontext effects, but do so with clock models where vari­ous accents are assumed to occur with fixed time periods(e.g., Povel & Essens, 1985; Monahan et aI., 1987).

However an alternative, noncontextual, account ofrhythmic influences is possible. It argues that coupling"works" because temporal accents offer more time toprocess pitch information (Idson & Massaro, 1976; Povel& Okkerman, 1981). Although this may be part of thestory, it is unlikely to be the whole story, because all timeintervals associated with pitches are above thresholds sug­gested for improvements in pitch recognition with time(i.e., 70-250 msec).


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Page 13: Some influences of accent structure on melody recognition · Pitch intervals, measured in logarithmic units (semitones, ST), are the pitch distances between successive frequen cies


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I. A musical key in tonal Western music refers to a diatonic set ofseven pitches that conforms to constraints on successive pitch intervalsof the form 2ST, 2ST, 1ST, 2ST, 2ST, 2ST, 1ST, where ST refers toa semitone pitch interval. The semitone is the smallest pitch divisionof the octave in Western music; it is logarithmically defined as a con­stant ratio between two frequencies of 1.059... according to equal tem­perament tuning. Melodic structure in tonal music builds on special dia­tonic relationships; among these are ones involving the psychologicalanchoring function of the keynote or tonic (e.g., the tonic is C in theC major scale, which consists of C 0 E F GAB C').

2. Some have used the term pitch inflection to refer to accents as­sociated with pitch contour (Monahan et al., 1987). Their use differsfrom the present definition of contour-pitch accents in two ways:(I) They imply an interval-plus-pitch direction change; and (2) they donot conceive of differential accent weights as a function of local versusglobal pitch peaks.

3. If central pitches themselves are taken as the referent for estab­lishing interval time relations among the contour-pitch accents, thensome different decoys actually change the temporal order of these ac­cents as they appear in their targets. However, the general rationale in­volved changing the relative time of prominent central pitches relativeto the fixed openings segment. This is most accurately formalized asa ±.1.tchange between two tone onsets. In terms of a joint accent struc­ture analysis, each pitch is assigned an accent weight, which in turndefines its level in an accent/time hierarchy. More prominent centralpitches contribute to heavier accent weights, which are, in turn, cor­related with longer time intervals in this analysis (Jones, 1976, 1987).Thus, changing the serial location of any pitch can also modify relativetime properties of an accent/time hierarchy (Jones, 1990).


Same decoy:

Different decoy:


Same decoy:

Different decoy:


Same decoy:

Different decoy:

AppendixStimuli Used in All Experiments

Melody Set I++ = ++ ++- --+ --+ +-+

C4E4G4 G4CsEs FsGsCs B4G4A4 E4C4D4 F4B3C4++ = ++ ++- --+ --+ +-+

C4E4G4 G4CsEs FsGsCs B4G4A4 E4C4D4 F4B3C4++ = ++ --+ ++- --+ +-+

C4E4G4 G4CsEs B4G4CS FsGsA4 E4C4D4 F4B3C4

Phase I Rhythm: SLSExperiment I rhythms, Phase 2 Experiment 2 rhythms, Phase 2Original: SLS Similar rhythm: SLLNew: SSL Dissimilar rhythm: LSL

Melody Set 2++=-+---+-++++--+

C4E4G4 G4E4G4 D4A3G3 C4B3C4 A4B4Cs F4B3C4++=-+---+-++++--+

C4E4G4 G4E4G4 D4B3G3 C4A3C4 A4B4Cs F4B3C4++=-++++--++--+-+

C4E4G4 G4E4G4 A4B4Cs C4B3C4 D4A3G3 F4B3C4

Phase 1 Rhythm: SSLExperiment 1 rhythms Experiment 2 rhythms, Phase 2Original: SSL Similar rhythm: LSLNew: LSS Dissimilar rhythm: LLS

Melody Set 3++ =-- -+++----- -++

C4E4G4 G4E4D4 C4G4CS EsDsB4 F4~D4 G3B3C4++ =-- -+++----- -++

C4E4G4 G4E4D4 C4F4B4 EsDsCs G4~D4 G3B3C4++ =-- -++ +++ +-- -++

C4E4G4 G4E4D4 C4F4G4 B4CsDs Es~D4 G3B3C4

Phase I Rhythm: LSSExperiment I rhythms Experiment 2 rhythms, Phase 2Original: LSS Similar rhythm: LLSNew: SLS Dissimilar rhythm: SLL

(Manuscript received June 15, 1989;revision accepted for publication May 8, 1990.)