solemnity of mary, the holy mother of god

SOLEMNITY OF MARY, THE HOLY MOTHER OF GOD JANUARY 1, 2017 Sunday, January 1st Mary, the Holy Mother of God; The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord; World Day of Prayer for Peace; New Years Day 8:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 10:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 12:00PM SPANISH MASS, Church 7:00PM ADORATION, Chapel Monday, January 2nd Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen OFFICE CLOSED 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM COMMUNION SERVICE, Chapel Tuesday, January 3rd The Most Holy Name of Jesus 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Lair Family, Chapel 10:30AM MASS, Special Intention, Ephrata Retire- ment Home 6:00PM RICA (in Spanish), Parish Office Wednesday, January 4th St. Elizabeth Ann Seton 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Special Intention, Chapel 10:30AM MASS, Special Intention, Soap Lake Retire- ment Home 12:00PM ADORATION, Chapel (12pm - 4pm) 6:20PM Religious Education (grades 1-8) & Confir- mation I & II, School Gym 6:30PM RCIA (in English), Parish Office Thursday, January 5th St. John Neumann 8:40AM ROSARY, School 9:00AM MASS, Special Intention, School 10:00AM BAPTISM, Grace Belino, School Friday, January 6th St. André Bessette; First Friday 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Geneva Hermann, Chapel Saturday, January 7th St. Raymond of Penyafort; First Saturday 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Special Intention, Chapel 11:00AM BAPTISM, Church 2:00PM BAPTISM, Church 4:00PM CONFESSIONS, Church 5:30PM BILINGUAL VIGIL MASS, Church 7:00AM SPANISH VIGIL MASS, Church Sunday, January 8th 8:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 10:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 12:00PM SPANISH MASS, Church 7:00PM ADORATION, Chapel THE BLESSING WE RECEIVE The blessing we experience in Christ Jesus is pro- claimed in Numbers as the special blessing for the people of Israel. They and we are to be blessed by the invocation of Gods loving kindness, the shining glory of Gods face turned toward us in love, not away from us in anger. We are blessed by Gods own peace! Our wish and our hope are fulfilled in this blessing, which is made visible in the coming of Jesus. In Jesus, the image of the invisible God, Gods face is shown to us and Gods presence is made known to us in faithful and loving kindness. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart. — Luke 2:19

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Sunday, January 1st

Mary, the Holy Mother of God; The Octave Day of the Nativity of the Lord; World Day of Prayer for

Peace; New Year’s Day 8:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 10:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 12:00PM SPANISH MASS, Church 7:00PM ADORATION, Chapel

Monday, January 2nd Ss. Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen


Tuesday, January 3rd The Most Holy Name of Jesus

8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Lair Family, Chapel 10:30AM MASS, Special Intention, Ephrata Retire- ment Home 6:00PM RICA (in Spanish), Parish Office

Wednesday, January 4th St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Special Intention, Chapel 10:30AM MASS, Special Intention, Soap Lake Retire- ment Home 12:00PM ADORATION, Chapel (12pm - 4pm) 6:20PM Religious Education (grades 1-8) & Confir- mation I & II, School Gym 6:30PM RCIA (in English), Parish Office

Thursday, January 5th

St. John Neumann 8:40AM ROSARY, School 9:00AM MASS, Special Intention, School 10:00AM BAPTISM, Grace Belino, School

Friday, January 6th St. André Bessette; First Friday

8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Geneva Hermann, Chapel

Saturday, January 7th

St. Raymond of Penyafort; First Saturday 8:40AM ROSARY, Chapel 9:00AM MASS, Special Intention, Chapel 11:00AM BAPTISM, Church 2:00PM BAPTISM, Church 4:00PM CONFESSIONS, Church 5:30PM BILINGUAL VIGIL MASS, Church 7:00AM SPANISH VIGIL MASS, Church

Sunday, January 8th 8:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 10:00AM ENGLISH MASS, Church 12:00PM SPANISH MASS, Church 7:00PM ADORATION, Chapel


The blessing we experience in Christ Jesus is pro-claimed in Numbers as the special blessing for the people of Israel. They and we are to be blessed by the invocation of God’s loving kindness, the shining glory of God’s face turned toward us in love, not away from us in anger. We are blessed by God’s own peace!

Our wish and our hope are fulfilled in this blessing, which is made visible in the coming of Jesus. In Jesus, the image of the invisible God, God’s face is shown to us and God’s presence is made known to us in faithful and loving kindness. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart.

— Luke 2:19


December 25, 2016 - $5,139.91

Needed - $4,100.00

YTD Received - $104,255.86

Budgeted - $102,500.00

Thank You To The Homebound Ministry Team!

Thank you ladies for going out every week and tak-ing Communion to those who are unable to make it

to Mass. God bless you this year and always!

PRAYER FOR PEACE Ephesians 1:3-10 God's Plan To Bring All Into One Our hopes for peace rest on solid ground. God has cho-

sen us, has redeemed us, forgiven our sins and drawn us into the plan he was pleased to decree in Christ, "to

bring all things into one in him, in the heavens and on the earth."


CHARITIES Last weekend, on Christmas Day and Christmas Eve the collections were given to benefit Catholic

Charities within our Diocese. We collected $5,139.91 to help families needy families within the Diocese of Yakima. You will note that the

“Year To Date” amount will not change for our tally of Sacrificial Giving, as

these funds will go towards the many worthy programs of Catholic Charities. Thank you for giving so generously!

Thank you Eucharistic Ministers & Lectors! Thank you for giving of your time and talent to further the Kingdom of Heaven and for faithfully continuing to serve in the Mass. Your ministry is very important!

God bless you!

Thank you Parish & Finance Council Members! Thank you to all the members of Parish and Finance Council who help keep this Parish going! We appreciate your leadership and commit-

ment, month after month. May the Lord richly bless you!

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION We are back from Christmas Vaca-tion! All classes will resume this


Thank you to all who serve as teachers for Religious Education, RCIA and Baptism classes! We

thank you for your generosity and faith to spread the Good News.

THANK YOU CHOIRS Thank you for providing music for our Liturgy every weekend. The music adds so much to the Holy experience of attend-ing Mass. Thank you for sharing your


Ministry 5:30pm Vigil Mass 8:00am Mass 10:00am Mass 12:00pm Mass 7:00pm Vigil Mass

Greeters Volunteer G & R Couture M. Mizner Volunteer Volunteer

Usher M. Donovan J. Holman D. Stadelman Volunteer Volunteer

1st Reading P. Moreno C. Brush M. Yager J. Reyes Volunteer

2nd Reading Raquel Rodriguez M. Miller J. Stadelman V. Galicia Volunteer

E. Minister C. Cervantes D. Russo J. Bafus A. Heredia Volunteer

E. Minister T. Spiess M. Rohlman V. Dietrich Ma. Heredia Volunteer

E. Minister Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer Volunteer

Altar Server D. Orozco B. Belino I. Ahrend L. Carrillo Volunteer

Altar Server N. Navarro Volunteer M. Stoaks J. Reyes Volunteer

Prayer Chain If you would like to place someone on the prayer chain, please call Grace Nelson at 754-4209 or email [email protected] or call the Parish Office with your intentions.


COLLECTION ENVELOPES Please come to the Parish Office to pick up your 2017 envelopes or if you are inter-esting in having envelopes for the first time this year, contact the Parish Office

please. Thank you!

2017 Calendars

Please take a calendar on your way out of Mass this weekend,

compliments of El Agave Mexican restaurants. They have been our Calendar sponsors for the past

two years. As always, please only take one per family.

Happy New Year!

THANK YOU ALTAR SERVERS Father Mauricio has a Christmas gift for you! He really appreciates your

faithful commitment assisting in the Masses. God bless you!

Thank you maintenance helpers & everyone else

who helps out around the Church & the Parish! We

could not do it without you. May the Lord richly bless

you this year!

YLI LADIES ARE THANKFUL TO MANY Thank you to all who help with the Funeral Reception Ministry! YLI is grateful not only for the many food donors but also the workers who help in serving at each funeral reception. Also, if you have provided food, please don’t forget to pick up your dishes from

the Parish Center.


Domingo, Enero 1 Santa María, Madre de Dios; Octava de Navidad; Año Nuevo; Jornada Mundial de Oración por la

Paz 8:00AM MISA EN INGLES, Iglesia 10:00AM MISA EN INGLES, Iglesia 12:00PM MISA EN ESPAN OL, Iglesia 7:00PM ADORACIO N, Capilla

Lunes, Enero 2 Santos Basilio Magno y Gregorio Nacianceno


Martes, Enero 3 El Santísimo Nombre de Jesús

8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Familia Lair, Capilla 10:30AM MISA, Intencio n Especial, Asilo de Ancia- nos de Ephrata 6:00PM RICA (en Espan ol), Oficina Parroquial

Miércoles, Enero 4 Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton

8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Intencio n Especial, Capilla 10:30AM MISA, Intencio n Especial, Asilo de Ancia- nos de Soap Lake 12:00PM ADORACIO N(12pm—4pm), Capilla 6:20PM Educacio n Religiosa (grados 1-8) y Confir- macio n I y II, Gimnasio Escolar 6:30PM RCIA (en Ingles), Oficina Parroquial

Jueves, Enero 5 San Juan Neumann

8:40AM ROSARIO, Escuela 9:00AM MISA, Intencio n Especial, Escuela 10:00AM BAUTISMO, Grace Belino, Escuela

Viernes, Enero 6

San André Bessette; Primer viernes 8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Geneva Hermann, Capilla

Sábado, Enero 7

San Raimundo de Peñafort; Primer sábado 8:40AM ROSARIO, Capilla 9:00AM MISA, Intencio n Especial, Capilla 11:00AM BAUTISMO, Iglesia 2:00PM BAUTISMO, Iglesia 4:00PM CONFESIONES, Iglesia 5:30PM MISA DE VIGILIA EN INGLES, Iglesia 7:00AM MISA DE VIGILIA EN ESPAN OL, Iglesia Domingo, Enero 8 8:00AM MISA EN INGLES, Iglesia 10:00AM MISA EN INGLES, Iglesia 12:00PM MISA EN ESPAN OL, Iglesia 7:00PM ADORACIO N, Capilla


La bendicio n que experimentamos en Cristo Jesu s es proclamada en Nu meros como una bendicio n especial para el pueblo de Israel. Ellos y nosotros seremos bendecidos por la invocacio n de la misericordia de Dios, la gloria res-plandeciente de su rostro que nos mira con amor y no se aleja de nosotros con ira. ¡Hemos sido bendecidos por la paz de Dios!

Nuestro deseo y nuestra esperanza se cumplen en esta bendicio n, que se hace visible en la venida de Jesu s. En Je-su s, la imagen del Dios invisible, se nos muestra su rostro y su presencia se nos da a conocer en la bondad amorosa y fiel. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


La luz brilla en la tinieblas, y las tinieblas no la recibieron.

— Juan 1:5


25 de diciembre, 2016 – $5139.91

Necesitado - $4,100.00

YTD Recibido - $104,255.86

Presupuestado - $102,500.00

Cadena de Oración Si le gustarí a poner a alguien en la cadena de oracio n pueden hablar a la oficina parroquial para establecer sus intenciones al 754-3640.

GRACIAS COROS Gracias por su ayuda con la mu sica en la liturgia. La mu sica an ade mucho a la experiencia de asistir a la Misa. ¡Gracias por compartir tu talento!

EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA ¡Todas las clases se reu nen de nue-

vo esta semana!

¡GRACIAS MAESTROS! ¡Gracias a todos los que sirven

como maestros para las clases de Educacio n Religiosa, RICA y Bau-tismos! Les damos las gracias por su generosidad y fe para promover

la Buena Nueva.


El fin de semana pasado, el dí a de Navidad y la ví spe-ra de Navidad, las colecciones se dieron para benefi-ciar a las Caridades Cato licas dentro de nuestra Dio -cesis. Recaudamos $ 5,139.91 para ayudar a familias

necesitadas dentro de la Dio cesis de Ya-kima. Usted notara que la cantidad del "YTD Recibido" no cambiara para nues-tro recuento de Nuestra Ofrenda, ya que estos fondos se destinara n a los muchos programas dignos de Caridades Cato licas.

¡Gracias por dar tan generosamente!

ORACIÓN POR LA PAZ Efesios 1: 3-10 El Plan De Dios Para Traer Todo

En Uno Dios nos ha escogido, nos ha redimido, ha perdonado

nuestros pecados y nos ha traído al plan que se ha pro-puesto decretar en Cristo, "para traer todas las cosas en

una en él, en los cielos y en la tierra".

Ministerio 5:30pm Misa 8:00am Misa 10:00am Misa 12:00pm Misa 7:00pm Misa

Bienvenida Voluntario G & R Couture M. Mizner Voluntario Voluntario

Colecta M. Donovan J. Holman D. Stadelman Voluntario Voluntario

1 Lector P. Moreno C. Brush M. Yager J. Reyes Voluntario

2 Lector Raquel Rodriguez M. Miller J. Stadelman V. Galicia Voluntario

Ministro E. C. Cervantes D. Russo J. Bafus A. Heredia Voluntario

Ministro E. T. Spiess M. Rohlman V. Dietrich Ma. Heredia Voluntario

Ministro E. Voluntario Voluntario Voluntario Voluntario Voluntario

Acólito D. Orozco B. Belino I. Ahrend L. Carrillo Voluntario

Acólito N. Navarro Voluntario M. Stoaks J. Reyes Voluntario

¡Gracias y miembros de Consejos! ¡Gracias a todos los miem-bros del Consejo Parroquial y Financiero que ayudan a mantener esta Parroquia seguir en marcha! Apreciamos su liderazgo y compromiso,

mes tras mes. ¡Que el Sen or los bendiga!

¡Gracias a los Ministros y Lectores Eucarísticos! Gracias por dar de tu tiempo y talento para promover el

Reino de Dios y por continuar fielmente sirviendo en la Misa. ¡Tu ministerio es muy importante! ¡Que Dios te


¡Gracias a los ayudantes de mantenimiento ya todos los

demás que ayudan alrededor de la Iglesia y la Parroquia! No podríamos hacerlo sin ti. ¡Que el Señor los bendiga

mucho este año!

¡Gracias al Equipo del Ministerio de Homebound!

Gracias damas, por salir cada semana y llevar la co-munio n a aquellos enfermos y moribundos que no pueden llegar a la Misa. Dios te bendiga este an o y


SOBRES DE LA COLECTA ¡Por favor, busquen sus cajas de

sobres de la coleccio n 2017 salien-do de la Misa hoy! Gracias por dar siempre generosamente al Sen or.

GRACIAS ACOLITOS! ¡El Padre Mauricio tiene un regalo de Navidad para ti! Realmente aprecia su

fiel compromiso de ayudar en las Misas. ¡Dios te bendiga!

Calendarios 2017

Por favor, tome un calendario sa-liendo de la Misa este fin de semana, elogios de restaurantes mexicanos de El Agave. Han sido nuestros pa-trocinadores del Calendario durante los u ltimos dos an os. Como siempre, por favor solo tome uno por familia.

Feliz Año Nuevo!

LAS SEÑORAS YLI DAN LAS GRACIAS A MUCHOS ¡Gracias a todos los que ayudan con el Ministerio de Recepcio n Funeral! YLI esta agradecido no so lo por los muchos donantes de alimentos, sino tambie n por los trabajadores que ayudan a servir en cada recepcio n fu nebre. Adema s, si ha proporcionado comida, no olvide recoger sus platos del Centro Parroquial.