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  • soldier sYsTeMsSupporting Small Unit Operations

  • Harris FalconFighter soldier systems provide mission-specific support for dismounted forces at the tactical edge

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    Packaged sYsTeMs

    Soldiers and marines perform many different tasks at the squad and small unit level, but have similar requirements for intra-squad connectivity. Our modular approach to soldier systems provides four different configurations of integrated communications and ancillary capabilities, for the right equipment at the right time.

    A one size fits all soldier system could burden some soldiers with equipment they dont need or leave others without the specialized tools required for performing their jobs. Harris Corporations new, simplified approach to systems procurement uses pre-engineered system configurations that provide fast, cost-effective solutions to the warfighters most critical operational needs, such as mission-specific support for scouts, snipers, team leaders, and other dismounted soldiers.

    Harris offers these soldier systems as part of its comprehensive family of preconfigured packaged systems. Each system is fully integrated and includes all equipment, cables, software, and manuals, with training and installation available. Every system has undergone extensive testing and can be relied upon to meet its objectives.

    This executive summary describes the family of FalconFighter soldier systems and outlines the advantages of our packaged systems approach:

    l Low Risk Field proven and comprehensively tested systems provide existing, cost-effective solutions

    l Fast Delivery Complete systems can be delivered in a matter of months to meet urgent operational needs

    l Simplified Procurement Systems can be purchased as off-the-shelf items, eliminating long system definition and development phases

    l Phased Implementation Packaged systems form building blocks that enable the incremental acquisition of capability

    l Flexibility Packaged systems are readily customized and can be integrated by in-country partners

    All this from Harris, a company with over 50 years of large-scale international communications systems experience, the most comprehensive range of tactical communications products, and world-class systems engineering and integration capabilities.

    a simpler approach to soldier systems procurement

    contact Harris now to discuss your soldier systems needs:

  • Warfighters must execute a wide variety of missions on a day-to-day basis. In asymmetric warfare scenarios, they are often required to find and engage an enemy, while also conducting stability and support operations (SASO). Mission performance can be enhanced with task-specific communications support.

    Soldiers and marines routinely interact with civilians in asymmetric warfare and SASO. For example, a soldier might be assigned to interview a village elder to obtain human intelligence or build a relationship. Or a small unit leader may need to engage an adversary who is hiding in and attacking from a village, while avoiding friendly and civilian casualties during the operation. In either case, having the right tools in the soldier system kit can improve the mission outcome.

    Sniper teams can safely engage threats in situations where a standard force-on-force confrontation could lead to civilian casualties; however, accidentally involving an innocent civilian could jeopardize months of positive interactions. Accurate identification of the threat is critical. If the information were available, remote analysts could compare images or video of the target against a threat database and review the latest intelligence reports to determine if the threat is likely to be in the area of interest.

    In order for this collected data or video be of value, there must be a communication channel that delivers it to higher echelons and also enables commanders orders to be flowed down to the

    team members. In addition to inter-echelon communications, real-time communications between members of a squad increase the likelihood of mission success and help ensure troop safety.

    Intra-squad communications, moreover, should not create an additional burden or distraction for the soldier or marine, who needs to be able to focus on his surroundings. And the communications system must provide reliable intra-squad connectivity, whether the squad members are in fighting positions, performing house-to-house searches, or simply walking down the street.

    Harris FalconFighter systems and accessories are assembled into cost-effective mission modules to solve these and other problems faced by soldiers, marines, and small teams. Tactical video kits allow a soldier on a human intelligence mission to record video of interactions with civilians, as well as transmit that information and still images back to higher echelons. With a scope adapter, a similar kit enables a sniper team to send video to higher echelons for confirmation of the targets identity.

    To minimize the burden on the warfighter, Harris has designed a simple FalconFighter ensemble that provides robust communications between team members, regardless of their posture or location. The radio can be easily keyed while the soldier continues to observe his surroundings. The headset not only minimizes the probability of detection due to very low emitted noise, but also provides hearing protection.

    THe oPeraTioNal cHalleNge

    keeping soldiers connected and productive requires a complement of specialized capabilities

  • 3Harris understands the squad or team leaders role as the gateway to higher echelon support and communications networks. Data and position location information (PLI) from the individual team members flow through him to the next level of command. A specialized, highly integrated FalconFighter configuration has been developed that fully networks the leader with his team and simultaneously with adjacent leaders and the platoon leader.

    The following pages provide more detail on how the modular Harris soldier systems support soldiers and marines at the edge with specialized capabilities for their diverse missions and challenges.

    The Harris FalconFighter systems provide:l Real-Time Intelligence HUMINT missions are directly

    supported by recording video and audio of interviews and forwarding that information to intelligence analysts in real time or at the end of the day.

    l Enhanced Command and Control Every person in a squad or small team is interconnected to ensure coordinated execution of missions and reliable forwarding of PLI data.

    l Increased Mission Success Providing the tools needed for mission-specific requirements increases the probability the mission will succeed and enhances troop safety.

    l Low Impact Solutions Systems are designed and integrated to minimize distractions to the soldier, using equipment with downscaled size and weight.

    FalconFighter allows the soldier to concentrate on the mission

  • The FalconFighter soldier solutions use the advanced wideband communications capabilities of the new Falcon III tactical radio products including the RF-7800S Secure Personal Radio and the RF-7800M-HH multiband networking handheld radio. Video solutions for HUMINT and sniper missions also utilize the RF-7400E-VP Tactical Video Processor for the capture, storage, and encoding of the analog video.

    The four FalconFighter kits can be utilized together or independently, and can be further customized for specific

    applications. The scenario below illustrates the functionality of the modules as they might be used during a typical reconnaissance mission within a civilian environment.

    A squad is assigned the HUMINT task of searching a village for known suspects. One soldier is given the videographer kit for capturing video and streaming it to the team leader. Other squad members are outfitted with the dismount soldier system, enabling them to communicate with each other and the team leader with a wireless, rifle-mounted push-to-talk switch and a tactical headset. The squad leader is equipped with the networked soldier system,

    soluTioN overview

    Providing custom solutions for the warfighter that optimize mission success

  • 5which allows him to communicate with the team over the SPR and also to communicate with and bridge data to his command network on the RF-7800M-HH radio.

    As the soldiers move through the village, they are able to clearly communicate their status and pertinent details about their locale. The body-worn dipole antennas are easy to maneuver with and provide greater range than standard rubber duck antennas, ensuring team connectivity even in built-up areas. While the search advances, the videographer and squad leader are interviewing the townspeople. These interactions are captured in the Tactical Video Processor for subsequent briefing to analysts at the Forward Operating Base.

    At a critical point in an interview, the squad leader feels that the information being presented is of real-time importance. The videographer begins to stream video and audio to the team leader, who retransmits it over the longer-range, networked RF-7800M-HH to the platoon leader. The information is routed from the platoon vehicle to the forward base over the RF-7800M manpack radio, which supplies greater bandwidth and increased throughput.

    When the team captures a picture of a villager who is acting suspiciously, it is immediately transmitted back to base. Analysts there confirm that the person is indeed a threat and should be apprehended, but not before the suspect runs into a nearby shop and takes several hostages. To protect the other civilians and their property, the platoon leader dispatches a sniper team to eliminate the threat.

    Automatic PLI data supports the teams ability to conduct the mission without fear of friendly fire mishaps, since the position of all the deployed squad members is known. This information is transmitted by the FalconFighter equipment and displayed on the Harris FalconCommand situational awareness application running on a rugged laptop and on the SPR Leader Radio display modules.

    Video from the sniper scope is provided directly to the platoon leader and back to the local base, where it is viewed on Harris Falcon C2View. The identity of the threat is confirmed to the sniper, and the threat is eliminated without collateral damage. Sniper team video is also available on the TVP for later analysis and training.

    key Features:l Modularity FalconFighter kits are assembled from

    standard Harris products, for plug-and play efficiency and interoperability.

    l IP-Based Communications Data and video are directly formatted into IP packets for ease of dissemination across multiple radio networks.

    l Customized Off-the-Shelf Availability This equipment is available today and can be readily customized for mission-specific needs.

    l Designed as Personnel-Borne Systems Designed for minimal size, weight, and power to alleviate the burden on soldiers at the edge.

  • A modular approach helps the Warfighter adapt to changing roles and missions

    Tactical reconnaissance soldier systemThis Soldier System configuration provides a soldier or marine with the capability to perform tactical reconnaissance missions using a helmet-mounted video camera. The RF-7400E-IK Day & Night Helmet-Mounted Bullet Camera provides color imaging during the day and automatically switches to black and white (B&W) mode during low-light or nighttime conditions. The compact RF-7400E-VP Tactical Video Processor is body-worn and enables the videographer to store and process full motion video for transmission in real time back to higher command authorities

    including tactical command centers and combat vehicle operations. The RF-7800S SPR Team Radio provides simultaneous video streaming and squad voice communications, as well as automatic reporting of position location information. A rugged laptop with RF-7400E-CV Falcon C2View Video Management Application software permits the video to be received and displayed remotely. Video can be stored for archival purposes on the laptop and accessed later as required.

    sYsTeM descriPTioN

    rF-7600P-su201 Tactical reconnaissance soldier system equipmentSTAnDARD COnFIguRATIOn:

    l Two RF-7800S SPR Team Radiosone for the deployed soldier and one for the remote commander

    l RF-7400E-VP Tactical Video Processor

    l RF-7400E-IK001 Helmet-Mounted Camera

    l Rugged PC with RF-7400E-CV001 Falcon C2View Video Management Application and RF-5410FC FalconCommand Battle Management System

    l Ancillaries


    l Covert Ops Kit (see page 7)

    l Additional RF-7800S radios to equip the entire squad

    The Harris Soldier System is available in four modular configurations which can easily be modified to meet individual customer needs.

  • 7sniper soldier systemThis system enhances the capability of deployed snipers to conduct their missions effectively and with full command authority involvement. The Sniper/Spotter Camera Attachment is designed to record what a soldier sees through the riflescope or spotter scope in real time. The RF-7400E-VP Tactical Video Processor digitizes the analog video and sends it to command authority

    using the RF-7800M-HH Multiband Networking Handheld (MBNH) radio. This radio, through the use of the Harris Adaptive Networking Wideband Waveform (ANW2), provides a robust IP transport capability for video transfer, enabling the sniper to be deployed well away from command authority while remaining in contact.

    rF-7600P-su211 sniper soldier system equipmentSTAnDARD COnFIguRATIOn:

    l Two RF-7800M-HH Multiband Networking Handheld Radiosone for the sniper and one for the remote commander

    l RF-7400E-VP Tactical Video Processor

    l Sniper/Spotter Camera Attachment

    l Rugged PC with RF-7400E-CV001 Falcon C2View Video Management Application

    l Ancillaries


    l Covert Ops Kit with covert pouch, flat patch antenna, and covert headset and holster

    Supports covert missions in tactical and urban environments

    Allows the user to wear the radio under clothing to maintain a low profile

    l RF-7800M-MP manpack radio for the command team

    Provides extended C2 range

  • sYsTeM descriPTioN

    Future dismount soldier systemThis Soldier System configuration provides the future warfighter with the tools to operate effectively and remain in contact in a dismounted operation. The RF-7800S SPR Team Radio offers intuitive voice and data communications for every soldier in the team. The module supports automatic position tracking and reporting of each soldier to higher command authority. A Wireless PTT provides for cable-free control of the radio. The RF-3162-

    AT001 is a soldier-worn, 30 to 512 MHz lightweight dipole antenna that delivers significantly increased range over traditional rubber duck and mini-blade antennas. A specially designed vest permits cabling and equipment to be efficiently managed and worn, and the headset includes hearing protection for the benefit of the soldier and his mission.

    FalconFighter modules provide features and functionality needed for tomorrows soldiers

    rF-7600P-su001 Future dismount soldier system equipmentSTAnDARD COnFIguRATIOn:

    l RF-7800S SPR Team Radio

    l Wireless PTT (mountable on weapon)

    l RF-3162-AT001 body-worn dipole antenna

    l FalconFighter Vest

    l Headset (includes hearing protection)

    l Ancillaries


    l Covert Ops Kit

    l RF-7400E-VP Tactical Video Processor

    l RF-7400E-IK001 Video Camera

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    Fully Networked soldier systemThis FalconFighter configuration provides squad and team leaders with a comprehensive toolset for efficient operation and connectivity with subordinate, adjacent, and higher-level forces. In addition to providing voice and data communications, the RF-7800S SPR Leader Radio includes an embedded computer within its compact form factor. Automatic position tracking and reporting are supported, and the local display allows team leaders

    to quickly visualize their teams positions. A wireless PTT that can be mounted on a weapon provides cable-free control of the radio, and a soldier-worn dipole antenna provides increased range in challenging environments. The system includes the same vest and headset featured in the Future Dismount Soldier System. The secondary radio options allow team leaders to seamlessly bridge into upper echelon networks.

    rF-7600P-su011 Fully Networked soldier system equipmentSTAnDARD COnFIguRATIOn:

    l RF-7800S SPR Leader Radio with Display Module and RF-5410FC FalconCommand Battle Management System

    l FalconFighter Vest

    l FalconFighter Soldier Power System

    l RF-3162-AT001 body-worn dipole antenna

    l Wireless PTT

    l RF-7800M-HH Multiband Networking Handheld Radio

    l Ancillaries


    l Covert Ops Kit

    l Secondary Radio Bridging Options

    RF-7800M-MP Multiband Networking Manpack Radio

    RF-7800V-HH VHF Handheld Radio

  • eNaBliNg TecHNologies

    advanced wideband tactical radios providesimultaneous voice, video, and situational awareness

    secure Personal radio Soldiers using the RF-7800S Secure Personal Radio (SPR) will take advantage of the most advanced personal team radio in the world.

    The SPR Team Radio is designed specifically to provide secure, conferenced voice; wideband data; and situational awareness communications at the soldier and marine level. Much more than a standard push-to-talk voice radio, the RF-7800S provides key benefits in a package that weighs only 300 grams. Its small size and light weight allow the warfighter to focus on the mission, not his equipment load.

    The Leader Radio augments the powerful Team Radio capabilities with the addition of an embedded processing module, enabling dedicated command application functionality in a lightweight, soldier-friendly package. (An example of a command application is the Harris FalconCommand application described below.)

    Tactical video ProcessorThe RF-7400E-VP Tactical Video Processor (TVP) is a lightweight, body-worn unit that enables soldiers at the squad and platoon levels to process, store, and stream full-motion video back to tactical command centers or combat vehicles. Unlike other video processors and recorders, the TVP provides these two capabilities from a single, compact package. Users have full control over the video output (frame rate and resolution) and most importantly, they can stream video over Falcon III radios, including both the RF-7800M and the RF-7800S.

    The TVP receives an analog video feed from a camera and then digitizes and converts the stream to an advanced video compression standard. This enables the drastic reduction of bandwidth and storage requirements while maintaining image quality. The TVP will simultaneously stream and record video when connected to an analog video camera. No additional software is required to configure TVP settings; all programming is performed from a web browser while the TVP is connected through a USB portal.

    Falconcommand applicationFalconCommand allows leaders to share vital battlefield intelligence with their soldiers during mission planning and as the mission unfolds. By equipping each member of the infantry command staff with up-to-date intelligence, plans, and situational awareness, information superiority over the enemy is achieved, ensuring mission success.

    Compatible with military or civilian GPS, the system provides dynamically updated navigational information via radio communications. Real-time troop position updates for both friendly and enemy forcesalong with sensor data and statusprovide a user-defined common operational picture of the battlefield.

    Under the team leaders control, soldiers automatically receive target acquisition, identification, and target hand-off functions. Audible alerts can be generated to warn when key points or No- Go zones are approached. FalconCommand also automatically transmits No-Fire or danger zones and Man Down alerts to help account for every soldier.

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    A breakthrough technology that enables dismounted soldiers to stream full-motion video, the Tactical Video Processor is a lightweight, body-worn unit that also stores video data

    The SPR Leader Radio is the first soldier radio with an embedded computer and is a modular upgrade to the Team Radio

    FalconCommand is a Windows and Windows CE based application that enables

    optimal planning of infantry missions and maintains a common operational picture for

    all infantry command staff


    secure Personal radio (sPr) Team radio rF-7800s-Tr

    Embedded gPS Receiver Enhances soldier safety by automatically transmitting encrypted position information Team Leader can observe the team member locations using FalconCommand Video can be accurately geo-referenced for later retrieval and analysis

    256 kbps High-Speed Digital Waveform Provides the necessary bandwidth for transmitting real-time video to the next level Allows secure, conferenced voice for up to three simultaneous users, and simultaneous voice, data, and position data for up to six nets on any one frequency

    secure Personal radio (sPr) leader radio rF-7800s-lr

    Seamless Voice and Data Integration with upper-Echelon networks

    Open, standardized TCP/IP based connectivity into existing networks Audio/data retransmission capability together with a common user interface for multiple radios in the Leaders network

    Situational Awareness at the Point of Command

    The wrist-mounted display makes full use of the embedded processing capability, providing access to the powerful functionality offered by the FalconCommand C3 application, as well as other mission software packages as they become available

    Tactical video Processor (TvP) rF-7400e-vP

    Lightweight, Low-Profile Design Provides both video processing and recording capabilities in a small package, making it ideal for squad- and platoon-level combat teams

    Video Compression Advanced video compression algorithms help reduce bandwidth and storage requirements by 50% while maintaining image quality

    Falconcommand rF-5410Fc

    Sharing of Visual Information Ability to display graphics on the screen locally and share graphics across the network Compatible with Falcon II/III radios, third party radios, and many other BMS systems

    Support for Different Mission Types Reconfigurable design allows tailoring for the unique requirements of Special Operations Forces (SOF), military tactical units, emergency management agencies, and other teams and applications

    Mission Planning Creation of a tactical plan that is not simply a drawing; the plan retains all object attributes and reasoning behind the plan

    Terrain & Mobility Analysis Provides point, area, and linear analysis; line-of-sight overlays; mobility corridors; intervisibility diagrams; route planning; and key terrain identification

  • service oFFeriNg

    after-sales service supports mission-critical systems worldwide

    Harris has earned a worldwide reputation as the low-risk vendor of choice for tactical radios and systems, with 99 percent of our international program customers reporting that Harris meets or exceeds their expectations. Our responsive program management team and customer service organization will deliver and support highly capable FalconFighter-based soldier systems configured to meet your needs.

    An agile manufacturing process enables Harris to modify production to meet customer demands. With one of the highest-volume defense communications manufacturing facilities in the world, we have the commitment and capability to deliver on our promises.

    Unlike many other companies, Harris has boots on the ground experience, supporting our products from initial fielding to obsolescence. In fact, we are currently servicing systems that have been deployed for more than 20 years, underscoring our absolute commitment to customer satisfaction. Our customers rate Harris an average of two times higher than our nearest competitor.

    As a proven provider of advanced radio, sensor, and integrated systems to customers in over 120 countries, Harris has extensive experience in providing logistics and sustainment support throughout the world. We have developed highly successful processes for fielding, maintaining, supporting, repairing, and upgrading our equipment, no matter where it is deployed.

    Many of our product and technical service representatives have prior military experience, and establish a close, personal bond with our customers. Our comprehensive service offering includes classic telephone and email support as well as web-based services. The Harris Premier website ( provides customized access to:

    l Computer-based training courses and manuals

    l Frequently asked questions

    l Application notes

    l Purchase of accessories and ancillaries

    Customers also can use the website to:

    l Download and track software upgrades

    l Receive warranty and maintenance support, including RMA numbers and returned goods status

    System training is another important consideration. Harris trains approximately 5,000 students per year on the installation, operation, and maintenance of its equipment and systems. This process occurs in our company classrooms, at customer locations, and in the field. Our students (our customers) consistently rate the training they receive as meeting or exceeding their expectations.

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    The Harris soldier system systems provide economic benefits throughout their entire life cycles:

    Low Risk Our customer knowledge, program management, technical expertise, and world-class customer support serve to reduce fielding risk.

    High Performance The open architecture design capitalizes on technology refresh of components, maximizing the value of customers investments over an extended time period.

    System Sustainment and Supportability Sustainment issues are reduced by the use of rugged military equipment (with existing training and ILS packages) and the availability of Harris field service representatives.

    life-cycle costs are reduced by:l Use of common equipment and software applications

    l 24/7 support capabilities

    l Available in-country training and training material

    l Common equipment interfaces and programming

    l Availability of installation and maintenance by in-country partners

    l Availability of extended warranties beyond the standard 12 months

    l Low-cost upgrade paths

  • ProveN PerForMaNce

    Harris rFcd supplies tactical and public safety radio products in over 120 countries worldwide

    Millions of people and hundreds of government agencies throughout the world rely on assured communications solutions from Harris to deliver critical information to the right place at the right time. They know there is too much riding on the outcome to risk anything less. What sets Harris apart is our depth of expertise, breadth of experience, and focus on providing the most advanced products, systems, and services that meet or exceed the requirements of our customers.

    Harris is one of the only companies in the world specializing in advanced technology for capturing, aggregating, distributing, and analyzing the full range of wireless communications including voice, data, video, and imaging. We use this unique capability

    to provide systems and networks for customers in defense, intelligence, government, public safety, healthcare, and energy markets.

    Harris RF Communications Division (RFCD) is the leading supplier of tactical, secure voice and data communications products, systems, and networks to military, government, and commercial organizations worldwide. More than 50 years of international experience is leveraged into the design and deployment of Harris RFCDs packaged C4ISR system solutions.

    The FalconFighter Soldier Systems are the latest examples of Harris responding to the needs of its customers.

    I firmly believe that Harris RF communications really listens to their customer base and lives by the creed: the customer is king. i truly feel that sense of partnership with Harris, and ive been dealing with Harris for years now. l NATO Staff Member

    Harris has internationally acclaimed products which have left everyone else in the dust. l International Customer

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    Corporate HeadquartersRFCD Headquarters and ManufacturingRFCD HubsRFCD OfficesRFCD PartnersTactical CustomersPublic Safety CustomersTactical and Public Safety Customers

    always connected. Never alone.

    our proven solutions provide:l Voice, data, and video where its needed, when its needed

    l Cost effectiveness throughout the life cycle of the system

    No long, costly development cycle

    Unsurpassed in-country support during and after delivery

    l Scalability and growth options

    l Configurable solution sets

    l On-time delivery of quality systems

  • as your partner, Harris is committed to your success

    THe Harris diFFereNce

    Harris Corporation welcomes the opportunity to discuss our customizable FalconFighter Soldier Systems in more detail, and how they can be applied to enable your missions and applications.

    We believe that our packaged systems provide a significant value to you, our customer, in the following ways:

    l The systems are available now, eliminating long and expensive development and procurement cycles

    l The use of the latest wideband Falcon III tactical radios supports new operational capabilities that have not been previously possible

    l Falcon III software-defined radio technology uses open architectures and standard interfaces, allowing the system to incorporate new capabilities and stave off obsolescence

    l Pre-engineered system designs emphasize commonality of equipment and resources to reduce life-cycle sustainment costs such as training, sparing, and maintenance

    l Our systems engineers and in-country partners can readily customize the solution, as required

    l The systems are supported by our world-class customer service organization that operates in every part of the world and is second to none

    With approximately $6 billion (USD) in annual revenue, Harris is an international communications and information technology company serving government and commercial markets worldwide. We are confident that our packaged C4ISR system solutions represent the best value with the lowest schedule, cost, and technical risks for meeting your complex operational challenges.

    our solutions leverage: l Falcon III wideband radio technology

    l Harris advanced edge device technology

    l Open standards and interfaces

    l Focused program teams

    l Over 50 years experience providing state-of-the-art military systems

    l Product service teams that deploy to our customer

    l Nearly 7,000 engineers and scientists throughout the corporation

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    customizable FalconFighter solutions enable mission success

  • RF Communications Division | 1680 University Avenue | Rochester, NY USA 14610 | 1-800-4-HARRIS | Telephone 585-244-5830

    This information was approved for publishing per the ITAR as Basic Marketing Information of Defense Articles or per the EAR as Advertising Printed Matter.

    Specifications are subject to change without notice. 2013 Harris Corporation 1/13 ES-123A