solaris bio celluar analysis anatomystery

A Look At Your Health SOLARIS BIO-CELLULAR ANALYSIS SOLARIS provides individualized results recommend customized, effective protocols to achieve balance and optimal health. What is SOLARIS? SOLARIS is an innovative, in-office, laboratory testing instrument. SOLARIS provides a biochemical picture of a your health. SOLARIS is certified for accuracy. Protocols are based on solid biology, chemistry, and medical standards that stand up to the highest level of scrutiny and inspection, including that of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. HOW DOES SOLARIS WORK? WHAT DOES SOLARIS TEST? SOLARIS tests the biochemical and electrical balance of the body. It analyzes numerous indicators to assess the overall health of your body’s systems. Assessments include: ALKALINE RESERVE: pH balance - yeast, viruses, bacteria and cancer live in an acid environment. What does your environment look like? OXIDATIVE STRESS: Burning fuel for energy creates smoke. How is your antioxidant status? ELECTROLYTES: Fuel for your cells. Do your cells have enough fuel to function optimally? CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM: How efficiently is your body using sugar and carbohydrates? PROTEIN METABOLISM: Is your body using food properly? How is your digestion? CELLULAR RESPIRATION: How efficiently is your body making energy? HYDRATION: Our bodies are 70% water. Are you getting enough water? LIVER STRESS/TOXICITY: You are what you don’t eliminate. How are you eliminating? KIDNEY STRESS: Is your body filtering and cleaning your fluids to keep you healthy? ADRENAL STRESS: How does your body handle physical, chemical, and emotional stress? ANABOLIC OR CATABOLIC PROCESSES: Is your body breaking down faster than it repairs? SOLARIS uses saliva and urine samples for testing. Salivary fluid provides an overall picture of the body’s internal cellular health. Analyzing saliva shows what’s happening within the cells on a day-to-day basis. Urine represents what’s being excreted by the body, or what is, or is not, being properly filtered. By comparing what’s inside the cells, via saliva, with what’s being excreted by the cells, via urine, one can clearly see how nutrients and other elements are moving throughout the body, and the effect of that activity – or lack of it – on the body’s systems. allowing your practitioner to

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Post on 18-Nov-2014



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Page 1: Solaris Bio Celluar Analysis Anatomystery

A Look At Your Health


SOLARIS provides individualized results

recommend customized, effective protocols to achieve balance and optimal health.

What is SOLARIS?

SOLARIS is an innovative, in-office, laboratory testing instrument. SOLARIS provides a biochemical picture of a your health. SOLARIS is certified for accuracy. Protocols are based on solid biology, chemistry, and medical standards that stand up to the highest level of scrutiny and inspection, including that of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.


WHAT DOES SOLARIS TEST?SOLARIS tests the biochemical and electrical balance of the body. It analyzes numerous indicators to assess the overall health of your body’s systems. Assessments include:

ALKALINE RESERVE: pH balance - yeast, viruses, bacteria and cancer live in an acid environment. What does your environment look like?

OXIDATIVE STRESS: Burning fuel for energy creates smoke. How is your antioxidant status?

ELECTROLYTES: Fuel for your cells. Do your cells have enough fuel to function optimally?

CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM: How efficiently is your body using sugar and carbohydrates?

PROTEIN METABOLISM: Is your body using food properly? How is your digestion?

CELLULAR RESPIRATION: How efficiently is your body making energy?

HYDRATION: Our bodies are 70% water. Are you getting enough water?

LIVER STRESS/TOXICITY: You are what you don’t eliminate. How are you eliminating?

KIDNEY STRESS: Is your body filtering and cleaning your fluids to keep you healthy?

ADRENAL STRESS: How does your body handle physical, chemical, and emotional stress?

ANABOLIC OR CATABOLIC PROCESSES: Is your body breaking down faster than it repairs?

SOLARIS uses saliva and urine samples for testing. Salivary fluid provides an overall picture of the body’s internal cellular health. Analyzing saliva shows what’s happening within the cells on a day-to-day basis.

Urine represents what’s being excreted by the body, or what is, or is not, being properly filtered. By comparing what’s inside the cells, via saliva, with what’s being excreted by the cells, via urine, one can clearly see how nutrients and other elements are moving throughout the body, and the effect of that activity – or lack of it – on the body’s systems.

allowing your practitioner to

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grade supplements, dietary programs, and exercise - to restore the body to vitality. The move toward balance and health requires understanding and direction. SOLARIS helps provide that direction.



The second report provides detailed indications and corrections relating to the results. This gives you a comprehensive picture of the “why” behind

I wish you the best on your journey to optimal health!




Test Date: 07/06/2005

Test ID: 46

Print Date: 02/05/2007 09:35 PM

Patient Results

pH ORP mEq. Nitr. Amm. Brix

Saliva Value 6.4 22.82 51.53 250

Optimum 6.4−6.5 19−25 18−30 24−44

Urine Value 6.4 22.82 257.65 40 7.3

Optimum 6.3−6.5 20−26 68−92 225−345 3−5

Low Optimal High

ph Level 6

Oxidative Stress 23

Electrolyte Balance 52

Sugar Metabolism 7

Protein Metabolism 40

Inflamation 250

Digestion 13

Hydration 52

Toxicity 286

Liver Activity 286

Kidney Activity 340

Adrenal Activity 258

Anabolic Catabolic

Anabolic / Catabolic 6


The first report displays your numeric results side-by-side with the recommended optimal levels in an easy-to-read, color-coded graph. This enables you to see how far you need to go to reach your goals. It will help you to quickly note improvement in follow up testing sessions.

The report also provides nutritional recommendations, so you can immediately correct and implement

The report allows you to focus on your key areas of concern in order to accelerate the wellness process.


SOLARIS creates two reports that assess your biochemcial and electrical condition.

If you are interested in SOLARIS testing, please call Olivier Elgue at 732-673-3519

Check out my website at

Email my office at [email protected]

the practitioners instructions for fast, effective results.

your practitioners recommendations.

SOLARIS targets key imbalances that affect how your body feels and functions. Once your practitioner analyzes the results, they will create a customized treatment plan - combining nutrition, pharmaceutical

Practitioner: Anatomystery

Technician: Anatomystery

Patient Name: Anatomystery

City/State/Zip: Anatomystery