soil & tillage research 65 (2002) 61–75

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  • 8/14/2019 Soil & Tillage Research 65 (2002) 6175


    Possibilities for modelling the effect of compressionon mechanical and physical properties

    of various Dutch soil types

    U.D. Perdok*, B. Kroesbergen, W.B. HoogmoedWageningen University, Soil Technology Group, P.O. Box 43, 6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands

    Received 18 October 2000; received in revised form 28 September 2001; accepted 31 October 2001


    The state of compactness of the arable soil layer changes during the growing season as a result of tillage and traction. The aim

    of this study was to assess and predict some soil mechanical and physical properties governing machine performance and crop

    response. The following mechanical properties were studied: compressibility, workability and cone index, CI, the latter as

    indicator of load-bearing capacity or root penetration resistance. Compressibility of the soil could be described as a semi-log

    function of pressure versus air volume and moisture content, with texture-specific coefficients for three representative soils, in

    the range of 635% air content. The wet workability limit for 16 Dutch soils was reached when the compaction process turned

    from dry into wet at 408 kPa of pressure. Soil rebound after pressure release was taken into account and quantified. Semi-

    log relations were found for CI versus porosity and moisture. Other physical properties were also studied and it was found thatthe nature of the pFcurve of three representative soils (for seven levels of bulk density) was highly affected by the initial seven

    pressuremoisture combinations. The effectivity of the pore system, indicating the effect of tortuosity and discontinuity on

    the oxygen diffusion rate, turned out to be proportional to air content in the range of 625%. Critical machine and plant related

    limits for aeration and mechanical resistance, CI, are available from the literature. Aeration is associated with minimum values

    for air volume and oxygen diffusion rate, respectively. Using this information, CI was associated with minimum values for load-

    bearing capacity and maximum values for root penetration.

    The applicability of the comprehensive laboratory approach is found in farming practices and evaluations of land management

    systems. On the operational level, machine performance can be predicted more accurately under fluctuating soil conditions.

    Also, the effects of modified equipment can be quantified more accurately in the case of unchanged field conditions. The same

    holds true for the prediction of crop response, as it is influenced by aeration and mechanical limits for plant growth. It was

    concluded that the approach of predicting the mechanical behaviour of soil, followed by the pF-derived determination of

    physical properties, will do justice to the dynamic character of the soil structure related input parameters in the present and futuremodels and simulations for machine performance, crop production and soil conservation. # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All

    rights reserved.

    Keywords: Compaction; Cone resistance; Workability; Load-bearing capacity; pF curve; Aeration; The Netherlands

    1. Introduction

    Field management and crop growing are highly

    dependent on the ever changing soil properties and

    Soil & Tillage Research 65 (2002) 6175

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 31-317-48-2966;fax: 31-317-48-4819.E-mail address: [email protected] (U.D. Perdok).

    0167-1987/02/$ see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.PII: S 0 1 6 7 - 1 9 8 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 2 7 7 - X

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    qualities of the arable layer. After all, during the

    agricultural production cycle, soil loosening by tillage

    is alternated with soil compaction by transport and

    traction devices. Machinesoil relations are governedby mechanical properties such as workability and

    load-bearing capacity (for wheeled equipment)

    throughout the entire growing season. On the other

    hand, with respect to the growing environment for

    plant production, the state of compactness of the tilth

    resulting from tillage and traffic determines the value

    of physical properties regarding water supply and

    aeration. So, it is obvious that the evaluation of soil

    structure and land management should be based on

    complete machinesoilplant relations.

    Tillage, traction and transport activities exert forces

    on the arable soil layer. Soil compaction by wheeled

    equipment can be estimated by analytical methods.

    OSullivan et al. (1999) presented an easy-to-use

    spreadsheet for that purpose. These machine-induced

    compaction processes can in general also be simulated

    in the laboratory by a uniaxial test procedure at

    constant speed, as described by Dawidowski and

    Lerink (1990), Lerink (1994) and Smith et al.

    (1997). This approach differs from the one reported

    by Hakansson and Lipiec (2000), who introduced a

    degree of compactness, relative to a reference bulk

    density resulting from a prolonged pressure of 200 kPaunder standardized moisture conditions.

    Modelling and simulation of the above machine

    and plant related processes is increasingly being used

    for better understanding and predicting the entire

    system. However, these models require an accurate

    description of the soil input parameters and coeffi-


    In the study presented here, a laboratory approach

    was taken by testing a number of relevant mechanical

    properties, followed by measuring and predicting a

    number of physical properties derived from pFcurves. The objective was to present the above soil

    data as equations or graphs as functions of compres-

    sion in order to facilitate a more realistic simulation

    of the whole sequence of machinesoilplant


    As far as mechanical properties were concerned,

    there was concentration on three major items, namely

    compressibility, workability and penetration resis-

    tance, CI, as an indicator for wheel load-bearing

    capacity and for plant root penetration resistance.

    These items were studied using the uniaxial test


    At the start of the uniaxial test, the matrix of loose

    soil consists of a three-phase system of solid parti-cles, water and air. Pressure is applied, causing the

    volume to reduce, at first affecting the air fraction but

    ultimately also affecting the water component. If

    only the air is removed, the soil aggregates and

    derived properties remain largely intact. At the end

    of the rapid compaction process in the test, almost all

    the air has gone, with roughly a mere 6% remaining

    entrapped (Koolen and Kuipers, 1983). From that

    point onwards, the wet compaction process of knead-

    ing starts because the entrapped air exerts tri-axial

    pressure on the soil.

    Workability and timing are clearly very important

    for efficient field management and farming profit-

    ability. Perdok and Kroesbergen (1996) already

    proved the usefulness of such a compressibility test

    for detecting the wet workability limit during second-

    ary tillage. After compression, some soil rebound will

    always occur. In the tests, this phenomenon was taken

    into account.

    For soil and field management during the agricul-

    tural production cycle, there must also be a range of

    optimal structural soil strengths causing the soil to be

    sufficiently loose to be penetrated by plant root sys-tems, yet stable enough for manipulation by tillage

    tools and firm enough for field traffic. Cone penetra-

    tion resistance is a widely accepted indicator of soil

    strength and should therefore be quantifiable and

    predictable (Perdok and Kroesbergen, 1999). Criteria

    for upper and lower critical mechanical limits for

    vegetation and vehicles are available from literature,

    e.g. Boone (1988) and Dwyer et al. (1976).

    As far as physical properties were concerned, the

    study concentrated on how the shape of the pF curve

    was modified, as a result of the use of farm machinery.In models for prediction of soil water behaviour at

    regional and national scale (functional models; Con-

    nolly, 1998), the required pF curves are generally

    based on broad relationships with easy-to-obtain soil

    survey data such as soil texture classes as used in soil

    maps (Wosten et al., 2001). More elaborate models

    used on field and plot scale (mechanistic models;

    Connolly, 1998) need pF curves which are also a

    function of soil structure and density. Thus, a link

    should be established between typical densities

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    associated with machinery use, and the density effect

    on pF curves as they are used in the calculation of

    water retention and aeration status.

    Airless soil is a poor growing medium for plants.Threshold levels of the volume and rate of diffusion of

    air in the soil were determined by Boone and Veen

    (1994). It was for this reason that relevant pF curves

    were determined for various soil densities and com-

    pression histories, i.e., various initial combinations of

    pressure and moisture.

    These curves can be used as benchmarks for the

    mechanical resistance and aeration limits that must be

    respected to ensure unimpaired plant growth and

    efficient vehicle performance and as such will provide

    information on actual and potential plant growing

    and soil working conditions. Not only crop growth

    models and machine performance models can benefit

    from the above approach where dynamic instead

    of static mechanical and physical properties are used

    as soil input parameters. The same holds true for

    models on soil erosion and soil crusting as e.g. stated

    by Hoogmoed (1999) in a study on tillage for soil and

    water conservation.

    So, the overall objective here was to supply devel-

    opers and users of the models with adequate soil

    structure related input parameters, including their

    variation in time due to soil management activitiesand soil mechanical interventions.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Soil types and preparation

    Compressibility and workability tests were carried

    out on 16 soils from The Netherlands (their texture

    ranging from light to heavy, see Table 1). Compressi-

    bility, cone index (CI) and pF were determined in

    three soils: sand, loam and clay (Table 2). The sandy

    soil was frictional, with a relatively high organic matter

    content, and some cohesive and elastic binding forces.

    Loam and clay were cohesive soils of fluvial origin,

    with a relatively lowangleof internal friction,especially

    at high moisture contents.

    All the tests were carried out on prepared soil

    samples consisting of aggregates of 2.03.4 mm,

    Table 1

    Wet workability limits of 16 Dutch soils, according to three tests procedures: Atterberg lower plastic limit, permeability test and compressiontest

    Origin and soil types Clay content,

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    achieved by careful crumbling and sieving dry soil,

    moistening to pF 2 and then drying or moistening to

    seven moisture levels to a precision of 1.01.5% mass

    of water to mass of dry soil.

    2.2. Compression

    To assess the compression and workability of the

    soil, 100 cm3 steel cylinders of 50 mm diameter and

    51 mm height were used. An electrically driven and

    computer controlled Zwick pressure device com-

    pressed 80 g of soil at a speed of 40 mm/min, to a

    maximum of 1 MPa for compaction, and 408 kPa for

    workability. Force and displacement were measured at

    intervals of 0.02 mm of displacement.

    Load and sinkage were monitored and converted

    into pressure versus air volume curves. Pistonwall

    friction turned out to be negligible because of thefavourable height-to-diameter ratio, ranging from 1 to

    0.5 (Perdok and Kroesbergen, 1996). Sand particles

    occasionally became trapped between the piston and

    the cylinder wall, causing aberrations. These peaks in

    load were excluded from the analysis.

    2.3. Rebound

    For soil rebound, soil samples with a range of seven

    different moisture contents were compressed at five

    increasing pressure levels, ranging from 10 to1000 kPa, on a logarithmic scale. Piston position

    and sample height were recorded under pressure,

    and after pressure release, respectively. The difference

    in height, i.e. soil rebound, was expressed as a per-

    centage of final height under pressure.

    2.4. Cone penetration

    For each of the three soil types, seven soil samples

    of different moisture contents were compressed in

    order to reach seven different density levels, yielding

    a total of 49 samples per soil type for penetration

    tests. The cone penetration resistance was measured

    in at least four replicates by monitoring the strength

    during penetration in identical 100 cm3 confined

    samples (51 mm high), using a narrow cone, 2 mm

    in diameter with a tip angle of 308, at a speed of

    40 mm/min. Readings from the top and bottom

    10 mm were excluded from the calculation of the

    average values because of possible initial and end

    effects in front of the small cone. Lateral cone effects

    were not encountered, thanks to the relatively large

    distance to the sides of at least five times the cone


    2.5. Retention curves

    On a series of samples similar to those for the CImeasurements pF curves were determined, based on

    six suction values in the range of pF1.02.7 (1.0, 1.3,

    1.7, 2.0, 2.3 and 2.7).

    2.6. Oxygen diffusion

    The sample rings used for the determination of

    diffusion rate were 75.7 mm in diameter and 50 mm

    in height. A range of seven densities was created at one

    moisture level, approximately 2% below the wet

    workability gravimetric moisture content limit. Next,these samples were exposed to the same six pFvalues

    as mentioned above. The diffusion rate was deter-

    mined by standard procedures based on replacement

    of pure nitrogen by atmospheric oxygen (Boone et al.,

    1994). For this purpose, the top of each soil sample

    was connected to a closed chamber filled with pure

    nitrogen. Eventually, after the base had been exposed

    to the atmosphere containing 21% O2, equilibrium

    was reached. The increasing O2 content in the cham-

    ber was monitored by an electrode. Because sample

    Table 2

    Granular composition and wet workability limit of sand, loam and clay

    Particle density




    Organic matter

    (g kg



    Particle size distribution (g kg) Workability

    limit (%, w/w)50 mm

    Sand 2.59 36 40 70 890 18.2

    Loam 2.68 16 130 290 580 17.2

    Clay 2.69 23 360 470 170 21.7

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    and chamber dimensions were known, the O2 diffu-

    sion rate could be calculated.

    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. Compressibility

    The pressuremoistureair volume diagrams were

    determined for the three soils. The diagram for loam

    soil is presented in Fig. 1. The loading process of the

    initially very loose soil samples was accurately

    described by the following equation:

    logp a0 a1Fa wa2 a3Fa (1)

    a0a3 are soil coefficients, see Table 3, for sand, loam

    and clay. The log(pressure), p, was inversely related to

    air volumeFa and gravimetric water content w (Fig. 2).

    In general, the above mathematical model fits well for

    all soil types, light to heavy, as encountered in earlier

    compression and workability studies, e.g., Sohne

    (1952) and Tijink (1988). If iso-moisture lines are

    fully parallel, a3 was zero. If, as happened in a few

    exceptional cases, these lines are not exactly straight,

    then curve fitting was slightly improved by using a

    binomial function. In general, however, Eq. (1) fits the

    data fairly well, within a range from 6 to 35% of airvolume. After all the free air has been removed, only

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    situation intrinsic air permeability and diffusion rate

    are very low.

    3.2. Workability test

    A workability test was developed by Perdok and

    Hendrikse (1982), based on the pressurepermeability

    relation. The soils tested turned out to be workable if

    air permeability remained at least 1 mm2

    after a pres-sure of 408 kPa (4 bar) was released. It was found that

    the associated moisture content seemed to supply the

    correct and minimum level of mechanical stability

    required in order to call a soil workable. Table 1

    shows these moisture contents, together with the

    conventional Atterberg lower plastic consistency limit

    per soil type. The situation of 1 mm2 permeability after

    408 kPa of pressure was always accompanied by

    approximately 10% of air volume. Table 1 also shows

    the moisture level associated with the inflection

    point found in the compression curves of Fig. 1,

    i.e., 6% air left under 408 kPa pressure. Fig. 3 showsthat the moisture contents associated with the perme-

    ability test on the one hand and with the compression

    test on the other hand, correlate very well with

    Fig. 2. Pressureair content relations for loam at various moisture contents in the range from 6 to 25%.

    Fig. 3. Relation between moisture contents according to permeability test and compression test for the wet workability limit of 16 Dutch soils.

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    r2 0:965 allowing the conclusion that this is asuitable alternative test for a wet workability limit.

    As mentioned above, the respective associated air

    volumes were about 10% after release of 408 kPaand about 6% entrapped air under 408 kPa. This

    implies that under these pressure conditions the max-

    imum soil rebound (or swelling), is approximately 4%,

    due to air volume expansion.

    3.3. Rebound or swelling

    Compressibility was derived from loadsinkage

    curves. After pressure release, the sample will rebound

    or swell. An accurate estimation of rebound of the soil

    matrix is needed if further measurements are to be

    made on samples. Fig. 4 shows that rebound (R, %)

    was roughly related to pressurep and moisture level w,

    according to the following equation:

    R a0 a1 logp wa2 a3 logp (2)

    a0a3 are soil coefficients summarized in Table 3.

    Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively, give a good estima-

    tion of the air and pore volume of the soil sample

    during the loading and after the rebound (swelling)

    process. High pressure and moisture levels yield max-

    imum rebound levels of about 3% for all three soil

    types.Rebound or swelling is generally associated with

    the pre-compaction stress of initially loose soil. If there

    is re-loading beyond this stress, further compaction

    will occur along the virgin compression line; see, for

    example, Vermeulen and Perdok (1994) and Lebert


    3.4. Cone index

    CI (MPa) could only be determined after piston

    removal causing pressure release and soil rebound.

    The CI data for sand, loam and clay are shown in

    Fig. 5. CI is a semi-logarithmic and inverse function of

    porosity (F) and moisture content w, according tothe following equation:

    log CI a0 a1F wa2 a3F (3)

    The soil coefficients (a0a3) relevant for sand, loam

    and clay, are also summarized in Table 3. The above

    equation fits very well for all three soil types. The

    character of these laboratory curves coincides with

    that of field soils, as reported by Boone et al. (1980).

    As stated before (Boone and Veen, 1994), for

    unhampered crop growth, CI should be interpreted

    in view of the lower critical mechanical limit (LCML)

    and upper critical mechanical limit (UCML) (1.5 and

    3.0 MPa, respectively). Below 1.5 MPa, plant growth

    is hardly affected, and beyond 3.0 MPa plant growth is

    almost impossible. For good vehicle performance, a

    minimum load-bearing capacity is required. As statedby Dwyer et al. (1976) the aim should be at least

    0.5 MPa, dependent on wheel equipment, inflation

    pressure, etc.

    Fig. 4. Pressurerebound relations for loam at various moisture contents. Rebound in % of final height under pressure.

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    Fig. 5. CIporosity relations for sand (a), loam (b) and clay (c) at various moisture contents.

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    3.5. pF curves

    In the field, weather and soil moisture conditions

    will fluctuate in the short term. For this purpose, pFcurves were determined. The pF curve resulting from

    a specific pore size distribution is therefore not only

    density related, but also dependent on the initial

    compaction process, and thus can be regarded as

    the product of pedo-transfer functions. For this reason

    seven densities per soil type were used at seven

    moisture contents. This meant, there were 49 pF

    curves per soil type. As an example, some of those

    curves for sand, loam and clay are presented in Fig. 6

    for one intermediate density of approximately 49%


    Dry compression conditions resulted in high mois-

    ture retention levels at low pF ranges and lowerretention levels at high pF range compared to wet

    compression conditions. As far as the effect of actual

    variations in density are concerned (not shown), it was

    found that at pFvalues lower than 2.0, the more loose

    the soil, the wetter it was. At pF> 2:5, the role of soil

    structure, and thus density is minimal. For this reason,

    only the range of pF values that could be determined

    by suction equipment (up to pF 2.7) was tested and

    presented here. Note that plant-available water is

    Fig. 6. pFcurves for sand (a), loam (b) and clay (c) at one intermediate level of density (47, 49 and 51% porosity, respectively) resulting from

    different moisture contents at compression.

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    accounted for from pF 2.0, field capacity, to pF 4.2,

    wilting point. Low pFvalues, i.e., pF1.0, near satura-

    tion, to pF 2 should be avoided because of expected

    aeration problems.

    3.6. Aeration and diffusion

    Air volumes during compression were calculated

    from sinkage data and constant gravimetric moisturecontent. Under field conditions, the weather condi-

    tions and soil moisture status fluctuate, so that air

    volume, air permeability and gaseous diffusion rate

    will also change over time.

    The oxygen diffusion rate in air is defined by

    D0 2:08 105 m2 s1 at 20 8C. Theoretically,

    the oxygen diffusion rate in soil, Dst, with air-filled

    porosity Fa, would amount to D0Fa (m2 s1). In

    practice, the diffusion rate is lower, due to the tortu-

    osity and discontinuity of the air-filled pore system. To

    take account of this, the effectivity factor (E) of the

    pore system was introduced 0 < E< 1:

    Dsa D0FaE (4)

    With a known D0 and a measured Dsa and Fa, Ecould

    be derived. Fig. 7 shows the linear relationship of E

    Fig. 6. (Continued).

    Fig. 7. Effectivity of the pore system for O2 diffusion related to air content, for sand, loam and clay, and the LCAL and UCAL.

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    and Fa, expressed as

    E a bFa (5)

    where a and b are coefficients, presented in Table 4,

    together with the associated r2 values.

    The above linear functions for sand, loam and clay

    are valid for air volumes less than 25%. The two

    lowest pF values were omitted for all three soils in

    order to get rid of scatter in this unrealistic low p F

    range. Sand depicted the lowest r2, due to deviating

    values for pF 1.7 (not shown).

    The upper critical aeration limit (UCAL) and lower

    critical aeration limit (LCAL) expressed as Ds 3 107 and 1:5 108 m2 s1, respectively, are alsopresented in Fig. 7. Aeration problems for plant

    growth will not at all occur at diffusion rates beyondthe UCAL, but are very serious below the LCAL.

    In Table 4, air volumes related to these limits are

    presented. Loam and clay required roughly 78% of

    air for the LCAL and about 14% for the UCAL. Sand

    needed approximately 9 and 16%, respectively. The

    work of Boone (1988) confirms this observation.

    Hakansson and Lipiec (2000) used a critical limit

    of 10% air-filled porosity for all soil types, but for

    an adequate description of the true oxygen stress of

    plants, they indicated and preferred a higher limit for

    sandy soils. The air volume recorded at pF 2 showsthat the effectivity and thus diffusion rate at field

    capacity might be problematic. Note that entrapped

    air content was predicted here under the condition

    of E 0, and ranged from 5.7 to 8.8%, close to thereference 6%.

    3.7. Critical limits for CI and aeration

    The actual water status in the field is the result of

    rainfall, evaporation and drainage, with the movement

    and redistribution of water in the soil governed by the

    pF curve applicable at that moment. Once the moist-

    ure content and porosity are known, the actual air

    content can be determined so that the O2 diffusion rate

    can be calculated with help of Eqs. (4) and (5). Next

    the condition of aeration can be evaluated with

    reference to both critical limits LCAL and UCAL

    in Fig. 7.

    As far as mechanical resistance is concerned,

    Eq. (3) provides the true and actual CI value resulting

    from the given water retention. Both plant growth

    limiting factors (CI and aeration) are included in

    Fig. 8ac, for sand, loam and clay, respectively, at an

    intermediate initial pressure level of 408 kPa at

    increasing moisture contents at compression, result-

    ing in various densities. It seems that 408 kPa is toolow for the upper critical mechanical level to be


    Soil compaction below the wet workability limit

    was well described by Eq. (1). Beyond the workability

    limit W, as shown in Table 2 and Fig. 8, Eq. (1) is not

    valid. The decrease of porosity here was restricted by

    entrapped air, causing soil structure to deteriorate and

    water content to increase at constant pF (see Figs. 1

    and 6).

    3.7.1. Loam and clayIn general, mechanical resistance increases with

    drier soil and higher density (Fig. 5). At constant

    compression and increasing water content below the

    wet workability limit, the CI is mainly governed by

    density. But beyond the workability limit, it is mainly

    governed by increasing water contents at constant pF.

    This leads to a minimum pF required for constant CI

    for cohesive soils, such as loam and clay, see Fig. 8b

    and c. Mechanical limits are maximum values, so

    these iso-lines should not be exceeded.

    Table 4

    Coefficients a and b and goodness offit, r2, for sand, loam and clay. Air contents for oxygen diffusion rate Dsa, at 0 and at LCAL and UCAL,

    respectively. Air contents at pF 2.0

    Soil type Coefficients (Eq. (5)) Air content (%, v/v) for Dsa at Air content (%, v/v)at pF 2.0

    a b r2 0 LCAL UCAL

    Sand 0.1142 1.294 0.907 8.8 9.4 15.8 14.5Loam 0.0728 1.272 0.974 5.7 6.6 13.9 11.5Clay 0.1130 1.531 0.987 7.4 8.0 14.1 9.5

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    The aeration limits for loam and clay are repre-

    sented as minimum values. Poorer aeration conditions

    due to denser soil or soil with poor geometry is caused

    by wetter initial compression conditions after 408 kPapressure. Under these conditions, higher pFvalues are

    required to keep aeration above the critical level

    UCAL. Drier initial compression conditions bring

    about a looser soil with better aeration, which permits

    a lower pF value.

    As shown in Fig. 8b and c, for loam and clay,

    varying the pFvalue had an opposite effect on meeting

    both mechanical and aeration limits. As a result of this,

    an intermediate pF range may be valued as safe and

    appropriate in land use. It should be noted here that the

    appropriate pF values in the field are difficult to

    control, being highly dependent on weather conditions

    and drainage. Comparing loam and clay at 408 kPa,Fig. 8b and c, it is obvious that clay reacts strongest to

    changes in initial moisture content and pF.

    3.7.2. Sand

    Because sand is a frictional soil, the mechanical and

    aeration limits were hardly influenced by initial moist-

    ure content at compression (Fig. 8a). However, in the

    higher moisture range (>18%), the UCAL required an

    increased pFvalue >2, while LCML had already been

    Fig. 8. Effect of pF in situ and water content at compression with 4 bar on LCAL and UCAL and LCML, for sand (a), loam (b) and clay (c).

    Within the area, indicated as safe, both mechanical and aeration limits are met and plant growth is unimpaired. W indicates the soil

    workability limit.

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    reached at a pFvalue less than 2.5. Fig. 8a shows that

    sand behaviour is almost unaffected over a wide range

    of initial moisture contents below the wet workability

    limit, but the safe zone as far as land use is concerned

    is found within a relatively small pFrange above field


    3.7.3. Effect of pressure level

    Apart from the 4 bar series, corresponding testswere also prepared for the other pressures tested of

    1, 2 and 8 bar (not shown). Increasing the pressure on

    sand moves the parallel aeration limits upwards and

    the LCML line downwards. It was also found that

    increasing the pressure for the cohesive soils (loam

    and clay) caused the iso-limit lines to shift to the left

    for both critical factors. Moreover, the aeration lines

    rose slightly and the mechanical limits fell slightly.

    4. The applicability of the study findings

    4.1. Mechanical properties: workability and

    load-bearing capacity

    The procedures and criteria presented here can

    improve the understanding of soil workability and

    help optimize crop growth and vehicle performance.

    They offer a way of overcoming the problem of

    interpretation of the outcomes of single field trials

    and case studies as they are relevant only for the given

    machinery and soil conditions. The empirical infor-

    mation from such field studies can now be placed in

    well-defined context by pressuremoistureair volume

    diagrams, as expressed in Eq. (1), indicating the

    potential compacting effect at different levels of

    moisture and pressure. With help of these curves it

    would be possible, for example, to predict the soil

    behaviour under different tyre pressures or at different

    intensities of drainage and soil moisture contents.These diagrams also show the wet workability limit

    as a reference value against which the actual field

    conditions can be judged in terms of workability. With

    the help of such information, one can balance the

    risks of soil structure deterioration against the costs

    of delaying tillage.

    Contact pressure brings about an increased load-

    bearing capacity indicated by increased CI values.

    After rebound (Eq. (2)) CI values can be calculated

    according to Eq. (3) and predicted. This enables

    comparisons to be made with the critical mechanicallimits relevant to plants, 0.5 MPa.

    4.2. Physical properties

    The soil properties affecting crop growth and crop

    response should also include water and air supply

    within the soil matrix. It was for this reason that we

    established pF curves resulting from various initial

    conditions of pressure and moisture. This enabled us

    Fig. 8. (Continued).

    U.D. Perdok et al. / Soil & Tillage Research 65 (2002) 6175 73

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    to adopt and define critical aeration limits, based

    on minimum diffusion rates, i.e. 1:5 108 and3:0 107 m2 s1. Accordingly, Fig. 8 shows the

    soil-specific and comprehensive diagrams with thecritical mechanical and aeration limits that must

    be met. Applying the above knowledge will help to

    optimize the quality of soil structure related input

    parameters and coefficients in models for machine

    use, soil water status and crop production, including

    soil conservation aspects (Hoogmoed, 1999).

    4.3. Restrictions

    In temperate, humid regions, improved field condi-

    tions can be achieved in practice with the help of better

    drainage and with patience while waiting for evapora-

    tion. In drier regions of the world soil might be too dry

    and, therefore, too hard for tools and plant roots. This

    will be accompanied by a high level of moisture stress,

    impeding transpiration and plant production. Such

    situations will call for a different approach.

    Another restriction of this study is the concentration

    on the soil compaction process, thus excluding the soil

    loosening process.

    However, when complying to these restrictions the

    laboratory results should be applicable to the arable

    layer in the field. It should be kept in mind that afterall, an arable layer under conventional tillage practices

    is probably just as artificial in structure formation

    than soil prepared in the laboratory.

    5. Conclusions

    The main objective of this study was to supply

    developers and users of soil management models with

    soil structure related input parameters, being variable

    in time. Results of the tests showed that the immediatecompressibility of various types of loose soil was well

    predictable. The phenomenon of soil rebound after

    pressure release could rather well be estimated. Cone

    penetration resistance CI as an indicator of mechanical

    strength of the pre-compacted soil was also well


    The compaction process at the same time, modified

    the character of the pFcurve which could be expressed

    as a pedo-transfer function. Graphical presentation

    clearly showed its dependence on bulk density and

    pore geometry, though the relationships could not be

    placed in analytical functions.

    Oxygen diffusion rate, as a quality indicator for

    plant growth and crop response, was also influencedby geometry and porosity of the pore system, as

    expressed by the effectivity factor E. This factor

    was found to be linearly related to air-filled porosity

    over a wide range (625%) of air content for many pF


    Finally, comprehensive diagrams could be pro-

    duced showing the mechanical and aeration limits

    for crop growth to be met for sand, loam and clay.

    This study only addressed limitations in land use

    caused by high soil moisture contents, associated with

    low air contents. It represents the common Dutch

    situation with a surplus of rainfall during the growing



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