sohail final project

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  • 8/20/2019 Sohail Final Project









    ROLL NO. 248






    2010 2011



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  • 8/20/2019 Sohail Final Project




    The successful completion of any research pro ect re!uires "ui#ance an#help from a num$er of people% & 'as fortunate to ha(e all the support%

    I feel greatly honored in availing this opportunity of expressing my deepgratitude to “Dr. E.M KHAN” prin ipal of A!EDA INAMDA" #ENI$"%$&&E'E $( A")# #%IEN%E AND %$MME"%E *+NE for providingme this opportunity and guiding me ,ith a ademi s and pro-e t ,or .

    I feel greatly delighted to express my deepest sense of gratitude to my learnedand esteem tea her Mrs. /afiya /ahid for her valua0le assistan e1 eeninterest and onstant motivation at ea h step and for spending her pre ioustime1 ,ithout her help1 it ,ould have not 0een possi0le for me to ompletethe pro-e t

    &ast 0ut not the least1 I express my sin ere than s to all those people1 no,nand un no,n1 ,ho have ontri0uted in ma ing this pro-e t a su ess.

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    I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the following documented

    Project Report titled “L !" # R $%!R%I"& ! "'( )*$I"'$$

    R&!"I$!I "+ is a bona de wor- prepared by me. %his is anorgani/ed and authentic wor- carried by me for the partial

    ful llment of the )achelor of )usiness !dministration. %he

    ndings in this project report are based on the data collected by

    me from di0erent sources.

    !ll the deeds put in the ful llment of the tas- are genuine and

    original to best of my -nowledge.


    Place :- SOHAIL SALIM


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    TO,&C ,G%+O%

    2. IN)"$D+%)I$N )$ )HE #)+D344444444444444444444444444444444 5

    6. $"'ANI#A)I$N *"$(I&E44444444444444444444444444444444444444444 7

    8. "E9IE/ $( &I)E"A)+)E44444444444444444444444444444444444444444 26

    :. %A#E #)+D34444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 6

    5. "E#EA"%H ME)H$D$&$'34444444444444444444444444444444444444 :6

    ;. "E%$MMENDA)I$N# AND %$N%&+#I$N#444444444444444444 :<

  • 8/20/2019 Sohail Final Project


    CH),TER - .



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    2. )o no, and understand the loan pro edure at )he &o seva #aha ari !an

    &td.6. )o study the riteria for availing the loan.

    8. )o study the various interest rates provided 0y the 0an .

    :. )o no, the pro edures follo,ed 0y the 0an s in ma ing a pro-e t reportand riterions for san tioning of the loan.

    5. )o study the san tion amount of the loan.

    ;. )o get experien e of the a tual loan a =uiring pro ess in the 0an ing ,orld

    . )o get an opportunity to intera t ,ith the various exe utives and offi ialsat )he &o seva #aha ari !an &td..

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    %hi i is a s,eet produ t prepared 0y mixing various types of nuts and otheringredients either ,ith -aggery or sugar. )hese ingredients are mixed ,ith

    thi syrup made of -aggery or sugar. )he mixture is ooled and then smaller pie es are made and pa ed. )here are many ingredients ,hi h are used li egroundnut or ashe,nut ernels1 sesame seeds1 pie es of dried o onut1 dry4fruits and so on. %hi i is popular all over the ountry amongst all age groups

    0ut s hool going hildren and rural areas are the main targets.)his produ t an 0e manufa tured any,here on the ountry1 0ut this note

    onsiders the North4Eastern #tates as a preferred lo ation1 in vie, of gro,ingmar et.

    %hi ies an 0e made from many dry ingredients as explained a0ove. It is adry and s,eet preparation. It an 0e made 0y using ostly ingredients li e dryfruits 0ut mar et for su h ostly hi ies is limited and demand is onlyduring ,inter season. !ut hi ies made from groundnut ernels1 dry

    o onut and sesame seeds have vast mar et round the year. )his note deals,ith su h lo, ost high volume produ ts.

    )he s ope of my pro-e t is manufa turing hi ies in *+NE due to the good

    mar et onditions1 long sustaina0ility ,ith lo, rate of ompetition and easyavaila0ility of la0our.

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    *&M&T)T&O+S OF THE STU/0

    As I have found1 loan a =uiring pro edure is a very vast area of study1to go in depth and gain expertise in this se tor ,ith the no,ledge ofdifferent loan s hemes and various interest rates and the fulfillment ofvarious onditions is a vast area of study1 ,hi h re=uires more time and

    efforts ,hi h is not possi0le in the given time frame 0ut this is all my 0estefforts during the said period.

    #ome of the limitations are as follo,s?4

    2. Due to the stri t onfidential poli y of the1 the a ounts department provided only s reened information.

    6. A ura y of the data annot 0e guaranteed.8. Due to the 0usy s hedule of the manager of the 0an the information is

    very limited.

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    CH),TER - 3ORG)+&S)T&O+S,ROF&*E

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    *O4SE2) S)H)4)R& B)+4 *&M&TE/

    )he &o seva #aha ari !an &td.1 ,as esta0lished ,ith its share holders. )heregistered offi e of the organi@ation is Near *une illa *arishad1 Narpatgiri%ho, "D1 "asta *eth1 *une 4 :22B22 .


    Esta0lished in 27B;1 )he &o seva #aha ari !an &td. is one of the oldest 0an in *une. )he !an has ompleted its servi e su essfully. )he !an isa professionally managed C(inan ial InstitutionC1 a 0en hmar of redi0ilityand innovation.

    !an has nurtured its traditional values in 0usiness pra ti es and in

    serving the small ustomers. At the same time1 it has adopted ne,te hnologies and advan ed 0an ing tools to add value to its servi es. )he&o seva #aha ari !an &td. has arved a ni he in the 0an ing se tor due toits ri h heritage1 integrity1 adheren e to prudent 0an ing pra ti es1 te hnologyadvan ement1 ustomi@ed produ ts and servi es and most of all due to itsexperien ed1 =ualified and professional 0oard of Dire tors.


    )his 0an has no other 0ran hes.


    #an-ay *itte4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 %E$

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    "amesh *a,ar444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Maanager

    #andip #ona,ane444444444444444444444444444444444444 Assistant Manager


    The objectives of The Lokseva Sahakari Bank Ltd. are

    • )o give loans to ,ard of the &o seva #aha ari !an &td. mem0ers at

    on essional rates for pursuing higher edu ation a0road.

    • )o give medi al help to mem0ers up to spe ified limits.

    • )o feli itate the a,ards of mem0ers ,ho ex el in #td. F II


    • )o promote edu ational spirit and to maintain1 support1 propagate

    intelle tual =ualities edu ational fa ilities1 et .

    • )o arrange edu ational seminars1 onferen es1 et .

    • )o grant relief in the event of natural alamities su h as earth=ua es1

    floods1 famine1

    )he (oundation also provides omputer loan fa ility

    • #pe ial arrangement as Exe utor F )rustee for preparation F exe ution

    of /ill espe ially for the #enior %iti@ens.

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    FUTURE ,*)+S

    2. Internet !an ing

    6. +tility )erminal

    8. $pening 8 A)Ms in *une ity.

    CH),TER - 6RE2&E5 OF


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    Chikki is a sw eet product prepared b y m ixing va rious types of nuts andother i ngredients ei ther w ith jaggery or su gar. These i ngredients aremixed with thick syrup made of jaggery or sugar. The m ixture is cooledand t hen smaller pieces are m ade an d packed. There ar e m anyingredients which are u sed l ike grou ndnut or cashewnut kernels,

    sesam e seed s, pieces of dried coconut, dry-fruits a nd so on . Chikki ispopular a ll over t he cou ntry a mongst all age g roups bu t school goingchildren and rural areas a re t he m ain targets.This product can be m anufactured a nywhere on t he country, but thisnote con siders the N orth-Eastern States as a p referred l ocation, in viewof growing m arket.


    Chikkies can be m ade from many dry ingredients as e xplained a bove. It

    is a d ry an d sweet preparation. It can be m ade by using cos tlyingredients l ike d ry fruits b ut market for su ch costly chikkies i s l imitedand d emand is only du ring winter season. But chikkies made fromgroundnut kernels, dry co conut and sesame s eeds h ave vas t marketround the year . This n ote d eals w ith such low cost high volumeproducts.

    Varieties of C i!!ies are as follo"s:-

    1. &round"ut 9hi--i.

    2. 9rushed &round"ut 9hi--i.

    . 9oconut 9hi--i.

    . &ud:;ani 9hi--i.1 | P a g e

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    3. $pecial:

  • 8/20/2019 Sohail Final Project



    Keeping i n mind the si ze of the m arket, it is s uggested to h averated cap acity of 5 t onnes per month or 50 tonnes per year w ithone s hift working a nd 300 working days every yea r. Increasing of

    capacity would not require h uge cap ital investment or t ime a ndhence m oderate capacity is suggested. Following eq uipments shallbe r equired.

    #r.No. Des ription No. "ate Amount

    2 $il4fired (urna es : 25BBB ;B1BBB

    6 #tainless #teel +tensils 2B :BBB :B1BBB

    8 &arge %apa ity *ans 5 :BBB 6B1BBB

    : *latform )ype /eighing # ales 2 25BBB 251BBB

    5 Ele troni /eighing # ales 2 5BBB 51BBB

    ; Drying )rays 65 6BBB 5B1BBB

    < Mis . E=uipments 44 44444 2B1BBB

    )$)A& 61BB1BBB

    Miscellaneous Assets

    A provision of Rs.assets l ike furniture a nd xtures, exhaust fans, electrical, storagefacilities, etc.

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    The a ll important requirement will be f urnace oi l. It is a lsopossible t o u se ei ther d iesel or w ood. Power r equirement will be 7. 5HP whereas w ater requirement per day w ill be 2 00-300 liters.

    Total expenditure on utilities a t 100% capacity level will be u p-to9500 a m onth.

    DepreciationThe method adopted is Fixed Line Method an d rates assumed ar e10% on machinery and furniture.

    Some of the m achinery suppliers are as un der:1. Sujata Enterprises, Laxmi Road, Pune 40 0 030

    2. Apurva Engg Works, Borivali, Mumbai 400 098

    3. Guru Nanak Engg. & Foundry Works, 166, Focal Point, Mehta

    Road, Amritsar- 143039---Tel No. 2583542-2587943, Fax: 2587944

    4. Sadanand Approtech Pvt. Ltd, B-34, Mini Nagar, Dahisar(E),Mumbai- 400068---Tel No. 28114536-28104143

    5. Sahyog Steel Fabrication, 28, Bhojrajpara, Gondal- 360311.---Tel No. 224075

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    2. Stainless S teel Utensils

    3. Large Capacity Pans

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    4. Platform Type Weighing Scale

    5.Electronic Weighing Scale

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    6.Drying Trays

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    Raw MaterialThe m ajor raw material will be groundnut kernels, sesame se eds,dry c oconut and jaggery. Groundnut chikki is very popular an dhence 6 0% of the t otal production will be of groundnut chikkies.

    Very small quantity opacking materials, small sized wrappers, card-board boxes orplastic jars and second-hand corrugated carton will be requ ired.


    Sr% +o% /esi"nation +o% Rate )mount

    . Entrepreneur 2 2BBBB 2BBBB3 # illed &a0our 2 >BBB >BBB

    6 +ns illed &a0our 8 85BB 2B5BB

    Total 37899

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    The p rocess is very si mple. Groundnut kernels are r oasted to

    remove t he ou ter r ed skin and they a re s plit in the sp littingmachine. In case of sesame see ds or dry c oconut they a re r oastedand small pieces o f coconut are m ade m anually. Simultaneously,

    jaggery is boiltered to rem ove u nwanted particles. This h ot syrup is m ixed withgroundnut splits or r oasted sesame seed s or p ieces of roastedcoconut and then this m ixture i s p oured in trays f or dry ing. Afterabout couple of hours, small square s ized pieces are c ut andindividual piece i s pa cked in plastic wrappers. The P rocess FlowChart is a s f ollows:

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    Roasting of groundnuts, sesame seeds and

    pieces of coconuts

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    Preparation of syrup of jaggery

    Mixing of ingredients in syrup of



    Demand and Supply:

    Chikkies are not much popular i n urban areas an d are eaten in a verysmall quantity t hat too d uring w inter s eason. But they a re very p opularin semi-urban and rural areas es pecially a mongst school going ch ildren.Low priced chikkies p acked individually i n plastic s heets h ave l argemarket. Apart from sale t hrough retailers l ocated near t he sc hools, bus

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    Cooling and cutting


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    stands, weekly markets , cinema halls, taxi stands, rural fairs et c. arethe p laces where t hey a re s old briskly.Thus, the m arket is scattered.

    Marketing Strategy:

    Generally, the m arket is c atered t o by the l ocal manufacturers an dthere ar e very few dominant brands. Lonavala on M umbai-Punehighway i s famous for chikkies with more t han 100 manufacturers.But on the w hole, the m arket is c ontrolled by the u norganizedsector a nd reta ilers p lay a critical role.

    Selling Expenses A provision of 17%

    care of selling commission for ret ailers a nd transportation costs.

    InterestInterest on Term Loan is calculated @ 12% per annum assumingcomplete r epayment in 3 years i ncluding a moratorium period of 1


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    CH),TER : ;

    /)T) )+)*0S&S)+/


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    Projected Balance sheet

    Liabilities 1 st Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year

    Own Fund 1,07,300 1,07,300 1,07,300

    Bank Loan 1,69,357 89,757Net Prot 1,99,082 4,57,690 7,60,325

    Total 4,75,739 6,54,747 8,67,625

    Asset 1Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year

    Fixed A sset

    Machinery 1,80,000 1,60,000 1,40,000

    Furniture 27,000 24,000 21,000

    Current Asset

    Cash in hand 2,68,739 4,70,747 7,06,625

    TOTAL 4,75,739 6,54,747 8,67,625

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    Working Capital for 1 m onth

    Wages and Salaries

    Sr. No. Designation No. Rate


    1 Entrepreneur 1 10,000 10,0002 Skilled Labour 1 8,000 8,000

    3 Unskilled Labour 3 3,500 10,500

    Total 28,500

    Raw Material

    Sr.No. Description Unit(gms) Rate(per gm) Amount

    1 Groundnut 50 Rs. 0.60 Rs.3.00

    2 Jaggery 10 Rs.0.30 Rs.0.30

    3 Sugar 34 Rs.0.30 Rs.1.02

    4 Liquid glucose 5.5 Rs.0.30 Rs.0.16

    5 Flavour 0.5 Rs.0.1 Rs.0.50 Total Rs.4.98


    26 | P a g e

    Sr.No Description Unit Amount

    1 Power LS1,000

    2 Fuel for burner LS7,000

    3 Water LS 1,500

    TOTAL 9,500

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    Others Expenses

    Description Amount

    Postage and stationery 1,000

    Transport Expenses 5,000

    Insurance 500

    Repair and maintenance 1,500

    Advertisement 2,000

    Packaging 10,000

    Sundry Expenses 1,000

    Telephone Expenses 500

    Rent 3,500

    TOTAL 25,000

    Total Working Capital for 1 month

    Gross Prot Ratio

    27 | P a g e

    Sr.No Description Amount

    1 Wages and salaries 28,5002 Raw materials 49,8003 Utilities 9,5004 Others Expenses 25,000



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    Particular 1 st Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year

    Sales 16,80,000 20,16,000 23,52,000

    Gross Prot 5,06,400 6,07,680 6,90,720

    Gross Prot Ratio 3.31 3.31 3.40

    $!L'$ &R $$ PR #I%8






    @'!R 1 @'!R 2 @'!R

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    Net Prot Ratio:

    Particular 1 st Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year

    Sales 16,80,000 20,16,000 23,52,000

    Net Prot 1,99,082 258,608 3,02,635

    Net Prot Ratio 8.43 7.79 7.77

    @'!R 1 @'!R 2 @'!R








    "'% PR #I%$!L'$

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    Fixed A sset To Current Ratio:

    Particular 1 st Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year

    Fixed Asset 2,07,000 1,84,000 1,61,000

    Current Asset 2,68,739 4,70,747 7,06,625

    Ratio 77.02 39.08 22.78

    @'!R 1 @'!R 2 @'!R 8









    #IA'; !$$'%9*RR'"% !$$'%

    2 | P a g e

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    Debt to E quity Ratio:

    Particular 1 st Year 2 nd Year 3 rd Year

    Debt 1,69,357 89,757

    Equity 1,07,300 1,07,300 1,07,300

    Ratio 1.57 0.83

    @'!R 1 @'!R 2 @'!R








    1 8888




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    Fixed C apital

    Sr..No. Description Amount

    Furniture 30,000

    Total 30,000


    Sr.No. Description No. Rate Amount

    1 Oil-red Furnaces 4 15,000 60,000

    2 Stainless Steel Utensils 10 4,000 40,000

    3 Large Capacity Pans 5 4,000 20,0004 Platform Type Weighing

    Scales1 15,000 15,000

    5 Electronic Weighing Scales 1 5,000 5,000

    6 Drying Trays 25 2,000 50,000

    7 Misc. Equipments -- ----- 10,000



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    Trading a ccount for 1 st Year

    Dr. Cr.

    Particular Amount Particulars AmountsTo Purchase(RawMaterial)

    5,97,600 By Sales 16,80,000

    To Utilit 1,14,000To wages And Salaries 3,42,000To Packaging 1,20,000To Gross Prot 5,06,400

    16,80,000 16,80,000

    Particulars Amount Particulars AmountTo Postage &Stationery 12,000 By Gross Prot 5,06,400

    To Transportation Exp. 60,000To Insurance 6,000To Repair &Maintenance


    To Advertisement 24,000To Sundry Expenses 6,000To Rent 42,000

    To Telephone charges 6,000To Depreciation 23,000To Interest 24,997To Net Prot before Tax 2,84,403Total 5,06,400 5,06,400

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    Prot and Loss ac count for 1 st year

    Net prot before Tax 2,84,403

    Payment of Tax@30%(-) 85,321Net ProtCash Prot


    Trading a ccount for 2 nd Year

    Dr. Cr.

    Particulars Amount Particulars AmountsTo Purchase(RawMaterial)

    7,17,120 By Sales 20,16,000

    To Utilities 1,36,800To wages And Salaries 4,10,400To Packaging 1,44,000

    To Gross Prot 6,07,68020,16,000 20,16,000

    Prot and Loss ac count for 2 nd year

    Particulars Amount Particulars AmountTo Postage &Stationery 14,400 By Gross Prot 6,07,680To Transportation 72,000To Insurance 6,000To Repair &Maintenance


    To advertisement 28,8004 | P a g e

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    To Sundry Expenses 7,200To Rent 42,000To Telephone Exp. 7,200To Depreciation 23,000To Interest 16,040

    To Net Prot 3,69,4406,07,680 6,07,680

    Net prot before Tax 3,69,440

    Payment of Tax@30%(-) 1,10,832

    Net ProtCash Prot


    Trading a ccount for 3 rd Year

    Dr. Cr.

    Particulars Amount Particulars AmountsTo Purchase(RawMaterial)

    8,36,640 By Sales 2,35,2000

    To Utilities 1,64,160To wages And Salaries 4,92,480To Packaging 1,68,000To Gross Prot 6,90,720

    2,35,2000 2,35,2000Prot and Loss ac count for 3 rd year

    Particulars Amount Particulars AmountTo Postage &Stationery 17,280 By Gross Prot 6,90,720To Transportation 86,400

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    chargesTo Insurance 6,000To Repair &Maintenance


    To advertisement 34,560

    To Sundry Expenses 8,640To Rent 42,000To Telephone Exp. 8,640To Depreciation 23,000To Interest 5,944To Net Prot 4,32,336

    6,90,720 6,90,720

    Net prot before Tax 4,32,336

    Payment of Tax@30%(-) 1,29,701

    Net ProtCash Prot


    Repayment Schedule of Bank Loan

    Loan Amount: Rs. 240000 Interest Rate: 12%

    For 1 Year

    Month O/s at theBeginning

    Interest Principal Instalment O/s at theEnd

    1 240000 2400 5570 7970 234430

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    2 234430 2344 5626 7970 228804

    3 228804 2288 5682 7970 223122

    4 223122 2231 5739 7970 217383

    5 217383 2174 5796 7970 211587

    6 211587 2116 5854 7970 205733

    7 205733 2057 5913 7970 199820

    8 199820 1998 5972 7970 193848

    9 193848 1938 6032 7970 187816

    10 187816 1878 6092 7970 181724

    11 181724 1817 6153 7970 175571

    12 175571 1756 6214 7970 169357

    24997 70643 95640

    Repayment Schedule of Bank Loan

    Loan Amount: Rs. 240000 Interest Rate: 12%

    For 2 nd Year

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    Month O/s at theBeginning

    Interest Principal Installment O/s at theEnd

    1 169357 1694 6276 7970 163081

    2 163081 1631 6339 7970 156742

    3 156742 1567 6403 7970 150339

    4 150339 1503 6467 7970 143872

    5 143872 1439 6531 7970 137341

    6 137341 1373 6597 7970 130744

    7 130744 1307 6663 7970 124081

    8 124081 1241 6729 7970 117352

    9 117352 1174 6796 7970 110556

    10 110556 1106 6864 7970 103692

    11 103692 1037 6933 7970 96759

    12 96759 968 7002 7970 89757

    10640 79600 95640

    Repayment Schedule of Bank Loan

    Loan Amount: Rs. 240000 Interest Rate: 12%

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    For 3rd Year

    Month O/s at theBeginning

    Interest Principal Installment O/s at theEnd

    1 89757 898 7072 7970 82685

    2 82685 827 7143 7970 75542

    3 75542 755 7215 7970 68327

    4 68327 683 7287 7970 61040

    5 61040 610 7360 7970 53680

    6 53680 537 7433 7970 46247

    7 46247 462 7508 7970 38739

    8 38739 387 7583 7970 31156

    9 31156 312 7658 7970 23498

    10 23498 235 7735 7970 15763

    11 15763 158 7812 7970 7951

    12 7951 80 7951 7970

    5944 89757 95701

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    Project Cost

    Sr.No. Description Amount

    1 Pre- operative Expenses


    2 Fixed Capital 2,30,000

    3 Working Capital For 1 Month 1,12,300 Total


    Means of Finance:

    Sr.No.Description % Amount1 Own Fund 30% 1,07,3002 Term Loan From Bank 70% 2,40,000

    Total 3,47,300

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    Mea#s of $i#a#ce

    wn #und %erm Loan


    Particulars 1 st year 2 nd Year 3 rd YearInow

    Sales 16,80,000 20,16,000 23,52,000Own Fund 1,07,300 ---- ----Bank Loan 2,40,000 ---- ---- Total 20,27,300 20,16,000 23,52,000

    OutowOperating Exp. 13,47,600 16,07,520 18,90,720

    Payment of tax 85,321 1,10,832 1,29,701Repayment of Loan 95,640 95,640 95,701Purchase of Fixed Asset 2,30,000 ---- ---- Total 17,58,561 18,13,992 21,16,122Opening Balance 2,68,739 2,68,739 4,70,747

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    CASH 2,02,008 2,35,878Cash in hand 2,68,739 4,70,747 7,06,625

    Depreciation Schedule for 3 Year

    Oil-red Furnaces

    Year Opening Bal. Rate Depreciation Closing Bal.

    1 60,000 10% 6,000 52,0002 52,000 10% 6,000 46,000

    3 46,000 10% 6,000 40,000

    Stainless S teel Utensils

    Year Opening Bal. Rate Depreciation Closing Bal.

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    1 40,000 10% 4,000 36,0002 36,000 10% 4,000 32,0003 32,000 10% 4,000 28,000

    Large Capacity Pans

    Year Opening Bal. Rate Depreciation Closing Bal.1 20,000 10% 2,000 18,0002 18,000 10% 2,000 16,0003 16,000 10% 2,000 14,000

    Platform Type Weighing Scales

    Year Opening Bal. Rate Depreciation Closing Bal.1 15,000 10% 1,500 13,5002 13,500 10% 1,500 12,0003 12,000 10% 1,500 10,500

    Electronic Weighing S cales

    Year Opening Bal. Rate Depreciation Closing Bal.1 5,000 10% 500 4,5002 4,500 10% 500 4,0003 4,000 10% 500 3,500

    Drying Trays

    Year Opening Bal. Rate Depreciation Closing Bal.

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    1 50,000 10% 5,000 45,0002 45,000 10% 5,000 40,0003 40,000 10% 5,000 35,000

    Misc. Equipments

    Year Opening Bal. Rate Depreciation Closing Bal.1 10,000 10% 1,000 9,0002 9,000 10% 1,000 8,0003 8,000 10% 1,000 7,000


    Year Opening Bal. Rate Depreciation Closing Bal.1 30,000 10% 3,000 27,0002 27,000 10% 3,000 24,0003 24,000 10% 3,000 21,000

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    "esear h is a systemati stru ture of investigation underta en in orderto dis over ne, fa ts. It provides a stru ture for de ision ma ing. "esear h isan insepara0le part of human no,ledge. It is a pro ess that ta es the

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    assistan e of the s ientifi methods in solving pro0lems. "esear h is a ,ay of thin ing. It larifies the thought pro ess. "esear h is underta en in naturaland so ial s ien es it al,ays expe ts a pie e of ,or that advan es human

    no,ledge. )odayGs resear h has 0e ome an important a tivity in overallso ial life. Methodology means ,ay of doing something. "esear hmethodology provides a frame,or to ondu t a resear h. /e an say thatresear h methodology is a s ien e of resear h. Methodology provides a ,ayand guiding prin iples for resear h. Hen e1 study of resear h methodology

    0e ame very important in todayGs a ademi areer.



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    2 *rimary Data?

    *rimary data are o0tained 0y a study spe ifi allydesigned to fulfill the data needs of the pro0lem at hand. #u h data areoriginal in hara ter and are governed in large num0er of surveys

    ondu ted mostly 0y government and also 0y some individuals1

    institutions and resear h 0odies. (or example1 data o0tained in a population ensus 0y the offi e of registrar general and ensus

    ommissioner1 ministry of home affairs1 are primary data.

    6 #e ondary Data?

    Data ,hi h is not originally olle ted 0ut rather o0tained from pu0lished and unpu0lished sour es are no,n as se ondarydata. (or example1 for the offi e of the general registrar and ensus

    ommissioner1 the ensus data is primary ,hereas for all others1 ,ho usesu h data1 they are se ondary. )he se ondary data onstitute the hief material on the 0asis of ,hi h statisti al ,or is arried out in manyinvestigations.


    2 *rimary sour e sho,s data in regular detail.6 It fre=uently defines terms and nits used.8 )he se ondary sour e may ontain mista es due to errors in

    trans ription made ,hen the figures ,ere opied from the primarysour e.

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    )/2)+T)GES OF SECO+/)R0 /)T)=

    2 If se ondary data are availa0le1 they are mu h =ui er to o0tain than primary data.

    6 It may availa0le on some su0-e ts ,here it ,ould 0e impossi0le toolle t primary data.

    /&S)/2)+T)GES OF SECO+/)R0 /)T)=

    2 )here is pro0lem in finding data ,hi h are suffi iently a urate.6 It is diffi ult to find the data ,hi h exa tly fit to that of present pro-e t.

    METHO/S OF /)T) CO**ECT&O+

    )he methods and the te hni=ues that an 0e uses to generate the primary as

    ,ell as the se ondary data are as follo,s?

    2 9isiting )he &o seva #aha ari !an &td.6 !y going through the ompany ,e0site on the internet.8 )ele4 onversation and referen es.: !y going through the pamphlets1 maga@ines and ne,spapers.5 !y ,ords of mouth.; !y going through the 0ro hures and manuals provided 0y the 0an .


    .% *roof of identity. %opy of sales tax vat #ervi e tax Ex ise registrationre eipt or registration under shop and esta0lishment a t or pan It return of the on ern or ,ater Ele tri ity muni ipal tax 0ill in the name of on ernJ

    3%*roof of individual identity. %opy of passport 9oters identity ard *hoto pan ard Driving li ense Mapin ardJ

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    6%*roof of residen e address. %opy of passport 9oters identity ard Drivingli ense "ation ard &ife insuran e poli y Ele tri ity 0ill )elephone 0illJ

    ;% *an num0er form ;B of the on ern.

    8%(inan ial do uments. %opy of *F& a and !alan e sheet for last t,oyears1 Audited 0y a %.A and opies of it returns for the last t,o yearsJ

    ?% !an statement for last ; months.

    @%*artnership deed. "e=uired only in ase of partnership firmJ

    7%*roof of pla e of 0usiness.

    A%),o passport si@e photographs.

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    CH),TER : ?


    CO+C*US&O+After the study ,e ame to the on lusion that loan san tion re=uired too

    many legal formalities to 0e ompleted and many legal do uments to 0e su0mittedto the 0an 0ut sin e the onfe tionary industry is the rising industry ,e an getthe loan san tioned easily.

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    (rom this o0servation ,e an say that hi i 0usiness an 0e in profit ,hi h,ill ena0le us to pay 0a the loan installment on time.

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    CH),TER : @



    2. *ro-e ts1 preparation1 appraisal1 0udgeting and implementation 0y*rasanna %handra.

    6. (inan ial Management 0y I.M.*andey.8. "esear h Methodology 0y %.K.Kothari.:. "esear h Methodology 0y Dr. Mahesh Kul arni5. !ro hures and pamphlet provided 0y )he &o seva #aha ari !an &td.

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    2. ,,,.-ustdial. om6. ,,,.yellopages. om8. ,,,.google. om

    :. ,,,.,i ipedia.org5. ,,,.as me. om;. ,,,.yahooans,ers. om