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Software Transactional Memory (STM)

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Page 1: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Software Transactional Memory (STM)

Page 2: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Transaction Background

• Originated in the database world. • Very recently transferred to the internal memory world. • Definition:

A unit of work within a system to be treated in a coherent, correct and reliable way independent of other transactions.

• Basic purposes: – Provide reliability

• Correct recovery from failures • Ensure system consistency

– Provide isolation • No two threads / programs accessing the database should see "in-work"

state of another thread / program. • Composite actions on the system's data are performed atomically.

Page 3: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Two Approaches

• Pessimistic – Lock all data items involved in the transaction:

• May use read and write locks to distinguish role in the transaction. • Care on lock acquisition: Possibility of deadlock.

– Perform the transformation. – Save the results. – Release the locks.

• Optimistic – Assume collisions are rare. – Duplicate items altered in local store (somehow). – Track items read but not written (somehow). – At end of transaction, perform a commit operation.

• Success if no items used have changed since transaction start. • Abort if at least one item used has changed since transaction start.

Page 4: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

ACID Properties of Transactions

Atomic Either all of the operations in the transaction succeed or none of the operations persist.

Consistent If the data are consistent before the transaction begins, then they will be consistent after the transaction finishes.

Isolated The effects of a transaction that is in progress are hidden from all other transactions.

Durable When a transaction finishes, its results are persistent and will survive a system crash.

Source: MSDN (

Page 5: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently


• AKA: Indivisibility or irreducibility. • Prevents partial database / data structure update. • Example #1: Booking seats on a set of connecting flights.

– Successfully getting all but one flight is unacceptable. – Thus, the actions involved in getting the seats must be done as a unit.

• Example #2: Funds transfer – Withdrawal and deposit are a unit. – One but not the other is a windfall for one of the parties.

• Implementation: – Transaction code runs w/o locking. – Brief lock at the end to commit the result. – Or, if commit fails, rollback (undo) any temporary changes.

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• Predictable changes to system state. • Usually with respect to distributed, replicated data. • Contract between developer and system:

– IF developer follows the rules. – THEN memory will be consistent and memory operations predictable.

• Example: – A database row is replicated on two nodes. – A client writes a new version of the row on node #1. – After time period t, client B reads the row from node #2.

• Consistency model determines which row version B sees (preferably the updated one) and why.

• Example: the happens after relation in the JVM defines the consistency guarantees in the Java memory model.

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• Isolation levels: When do changes from a transaction become visible.

• Serializable (strongest guarantees) – W/ locks, any read or write locks are not released until the data are

updated. Strongest guarantee, problematic performance. – W/O locks, locking done only at the end for a short burst. Write

collisions are possible, leading to commit failures.

• Repeatable reads – Hold read & write locks throughout transaction.

• Read committed – Hold read locks until data initially accessed (may lead to different data

if re-read).

• Read uncommitted – May see changes from uncommitted concurrent transaction.

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• Permanent survival of committed transactions. • If seat is booked, it remains booked even in face of failure. • One approach:

– When decide commit shall proceed, write the transaction log to non-volatile storage.

– Then do the commit. – On failure, just play back the log.

Page 9: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

ACID Failure Examples

Assume two integers, X and Y that must always sum to 100. Atomicity failure

Subtract 10 from X but unable to access Y - if allowed through this violates atomicity (and the constraint).

Consistency failure Assume transaction tries to add 1.5 to X, or to only change Y. Atomicity is not violated, but the constraint defining validity is.

Isolation failure T1 transfers 10 from X to Y and T2 transfers 10 from Y to X, but the transactions are not isolated. The possible race condition between T1 and T2 is a potential cause of an isolation failure.

Durability failure Transaction tries to move 10 from X to Y. Subtract 10 from X, add 10 to Y, and report success. However, if the changes are in a memory buffer and power fails, the transaction is never completed.

Page 10: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Multi-version Concurrency Control

• Updates not performed by overwriting existing data. • Instead, old data marked obsolete, and a new version is added. • The data values themselves never change - only the identity of the

"current" value. • Provides "point in time" consistency:

– Versions identified by sequence number or time stamp. – Fewer, shorter locks as only identity pointers (refs) must be changed.

• For a transaction: – Record the version of all objects it writes (possibly reads). – Changes are made to a "secret" copy of these objects. – At end of transaction, abort if versions of any referenced objects have

changed. – Otherwise, atomically install the altered objects to define the next version.

• Note: This is the basic mechanism underlying Subversion.

Page 11: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

State - Values and Change*

• Imperative Programming – Manipulates world (memory) directly. – Foundation in the old world of sequential execution (1 thread). – Mutexes, locks, state propagation in multi-core - YUCCH!

• Functional Programming – More mathematical, "pure" view: Functions take arguments and

return values. – All values immutable, so concurrency is a non-issue.

• Enter the real world – Few programs are merely functions. – Need a notion of "state" - now it's this, now it's that. – States via immutable values and mutable identities.

*Adapted from Rick Hickey's Work: See

Page 12: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Software Transactional Memory

• STM - An approach to simplifying concurrency. • Early definition in Clojure (which actually emphasizes

functional behavior and immutability). • Clojure mutation philosophy:

– Identities: Stable logical entity associated with different values over time.

– Identities have a state at any point in time. – The state is an immutable value. – Even aggregates: I have a set of foods I like; if I change my preferences,

this is a different set (not a change to the existing set).

• Clojure identities: – Refs to values (ref = fixed identity, value = current state associated

with the identity). – Refs can change - but only under atomic guarantees.

Page 13: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

State - Values and Change*

• Identities – Stable logical entity associated with different values over time. – Examples:

• Boston Red Sox • U. S. citizens

• Identities have state - the associated value at a point in time. • Values do not change - they are immutable:

– 42 doesn't change. – July 4, 1776 doesn't change. – The set of persons on the Yankees in 1927 doesn't change.

• That is, aggregates are also immutable values • The identity Yankees refers to different immutable person sets as trades

occur, etc.

• Radically different from most OO approaches. *Adapted from Rick Hickey's Work: See

Page 14: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

The Clojure / AKKA Approach

• Clearly separate identities from their values over time. – Identities are not states; identities have states. – And states are true (mathematical values). – Identities "appear" to change by assuming different states over time. – Program observations of identity's state is a snapshot of an

unchanging value.

• Concurrency – Refs create identities associated with values. – Updating an identity must be done in an ACI transaction. – Changes proceed only if the initial snapshot is still valid at commit

time. – Immutability => efficient creation of new values from old ones. – Especially important with composite values. – See clojure concurrency

*Adapted from Rick Hickey's Work: See

Page 15: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Clojure Mutation

• Must be performed in a dosync • (def balance (ref 0))

– Identity is balance. – @balance is the value currently associated with identity balance.

• (ref-set balance 100) – Attempt to set balance to 100. – Fails - must ensure atomicity.

• (dosync (ref-set balance 100))

• (dosync (alter balance + 100) (alter balance - 50))

Page 16: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

dosync vs synchronized

• Similar at first glance, but quite different • STM encourages concurrency by letting threads compete

fairly with other threads via wrapping in transactions. • No explicit locking is done, no lock ordering, means deadlock

free concurrency. • Developer not responsible for designating blocks of code to

be locked (synchronized). • Concurrency driven by application behavior and data access.

Page 17: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Transactions in Akka

import akka.stm.*;

final Ref<Integer> ref = new Ref<Integer>(0);

public int counter() {

return new Atomic<Integer>() {

public Integer atomically() {

int inc = ref.get() + 1;


return inc;





// -> 1


// -> 2

Page 18: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Transactions in Akka

import akka.stm.*;

final Ref<Integer> ref = new Ref<Integer>(0);

public int counter() {

return new Atomic<Integer>() {

public Integer atomically() {

int inc = ref.get() + 1;


return inc;





// -> 1


// -> 2

Page 19: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Transactions in Akka

import akka.stm.*;

final Ref<Integer> ref = new Ref<Integer>(0);

public int counter() {

return new Atomic<Integer>() {

public Integer atomically() {

int inc = ref.get() + 1;


return inc;





// -> 1


// -> 2

Page 20: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Transactions in Akka

import akka.stm.*;

final Ref<Integer> ref = new Ref<Integer>(0);

public int counter() {

return new Atomic<Integer>() {

public Integer atomically() {

int inc = ref.get() + 1;

ref.set(inc) ;

return inc;





// -> 1


// -> 2

Page 21: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Transactions in Akka

import akka.stm.*;

final Ref<Integer> ref = new Ref<Integer>(0);

public int counter() {

return new Atomic<Integer>() {

public Integer atomically() {

int inc = ref.get() + 1;


return inc;


}.execute() ;



// -> 1


// -> 2

Page 22: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

Another Example - Energy Source

(Solved previously using explicit locking in PCJVM Chpt 5)

public class UseEnergySource


for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

tasks.add(new Callable<Object>() {

public Object call() {

for(int j = 0; j < 7; j++) energySource.useEnergy(1);

return null;



Page 23: Software Transactional Memory (STM)swen-342/slides/Transactions-STM.pdfSoftware Transactional Memory (STM) Transaction Background • Originated in the database world. • Very recently

useEnergy Transaction public class EnergySource { private final long MAXLEVEL = 100; final Ref<Long> level = new Ref<Long>(MAXLEVEL); final Ref<Long> usageCount = new Ref<Long>(0L); … public boolean useEnergy(final long units) { return new Atomic<Boolean>() { public Boolean atomically() { long currentLevel = level.get(); if(units > 0 && currentLevel >= units) { level.swap(currentLevel - units); usageCount.swap(usageCount.get() + 1); return true; } else { return false; } } }.execute(); }

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• Transactions may end up retried several times. – Must be idempotent. – "Unexpected" retries.

• Efficient immutable datastructures (via "smart sharing") – TransactionalMap – TransactionalVector