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Socket-based Distributed Systems Fabienne Boyer, [email protected] Adaptation du cours d’Olivier Gruber, LIG

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Page 1: Socket-based Distributed Systems - LIG · Fabienne Boyer, Basics of Distributed Programming 11 TCP Sockets

Socket-based Distributed Systems

Fabienne Boyer, [email protected]

Adaptation du cours d’Olivier Gruber, LIG

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l  Introduction to sockets

l  Point-to-point communication with TCP sockets

l  Point-to-point communication with UDP sockets

l  Group communication with sockets

l  Client-server programming with sockets

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Internet Protocol (IP)

l  IP (Internet Protocol)‏ l  The Internet protocol is not the Web l  Corresponds to the network layer of the OSI model l  Addressing, routing and transport of data packets

l  IP addresses are names l  4 bytes (IPv4), naming a host machine (e.g.‏ l  IP addresses are location dependent

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l  Host name to IP Address resolution l  Using a network naming service l  DNS (Domain Name System)

l  Discussing DNS l  A fairly complex world-wide distributed system l  Allows name aliases (multiple names for an address) l  And the reverse (multiple adresses for a name) l  Organized as hierarchical zones across the world

l  A zone is managed by a DNS server l  Replicated servers for high availability

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IP addressing in Java

l  InetAddress class l  Represents an IP address

l  Either a 32- or 128-bit unsigned number used by IP l  No public constructor

l  static InetAddress getLocalHost() §  Returns the local host

l  static InetAddress getByName(String hostname); §  Lookup a host machine by name

l  Some API elements l  String getHostAddress()

§  Returns the IP address in textual presentation. §  E.g.,

l  String getHostName() §  Gets the host name for this IP address. §  E.g.

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Ports l  Ports are end points

l  For communication channels over IP l  An IP address and a port names an end point

l  Communication Channel l  Between two ports, allocated to two processes

l  Port numbers are managed by the operating system l  Many important services have a standardized port l  Example: port 513 for rlogin, 25 for telnet l  Ports between 1 and 1023 are well-known l  Ports between 1024 and 49151 are registered

l  Port numbers are allocated on-demand to processes l  Only one process may be allocated a port

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Ports in Java

l  SocketAddress l  Abstract class for a socket address l  Independent of any specific addressing protocol

l  InetSocketAddress l  Represents a socket address over IP l  Essentially an IP address and a port

l  For example and port 80 l  A hostname can be used instead of an IP address

l  It will be looked up using InetAddress.getByName(String)‏



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l  A distributed programming model based on messages

l  Two protocols over IP l  TCP

l  Stream oriented l  Lossless l  Ordered l  Connection-oriented

l  UDP l  Packet based l  Packets may be lost or reordered l  Efficient

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l  Typical applications l  TCP

l  Do not accept loss or reordering l  Examples:

•  Transferring files (ftp for instance)‏ •  Downloading web pages

l  UDP l  Require high bandwidth, can accept loss or reordering l  Examples:

•  Transmission of video/sound in real time •  Out of sequence or incomplete frames are just dropped

•  Other more complex communication protocols •  Such as totally-ordered multicast using Lamport's logical clocks

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l  Introduction to sockets

l  Point-to-point communication with TCP sockets

l  Point-to-point communication with UDP sockets

l  Group communication

l  Client-server programming based on sockets

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TCP Sockets – Steps Involved

l  Server side l  Creation of the server process

l  Allocate a port l  The port is granted by the operating system l  Associate the port with a socket

l  Server waits for incoming connections

Server Machine

"server socket "


"server port"

"server process"

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TCP Sockets – Steps Involved

l  Client side l  Creation of the client process l  Request a connection to the remote port

§  A port is allocated §  A socket is associated with the port §  The connection is requested to the server

Client Machine

"client socket "


"client proces "

Server Machine

"server socket "


"server port"

"server process"

"client port"

connection request

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TCP Sockets – Steps Involved

l  Server side l  Accept the connection from the client

§  A port is allocated §  A socket is associated with the port §  The connection is established between the client and the server

Client Machine

"client socket "


"client proces " "client port"

connection request

Server Machine

server socket


server port

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TCP Sockets – Steps Involved

Client 1

client socket



server socket


server port client port

connection request

Client 2


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Java classes related to TCP sockets

l  The package provides l  ServerSocket class l  Socket class

l  ServerSocket class l  Represent a socket on a server l  Accept incoming TCP connections

l  Socket class l  Represent the end points l  Both on server and client sides

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Example of Java sockets/TCP import*;

int port = 1234;

// Create a server socket associated with port 1234

ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(port);

// End-less loop

while (true) { // Server waits for a connection Socket client = server.accept(); // A client connected System.out.println("Client " + client.getInetAddress() + “connected."); // Server receives bytes from client ...


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int port = 1234;

// Create a server socket associated with port 1234

ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(port);

// End-less loop

while (true) { // Server waits for a connection Socket client = server.accept(); // A client connected System.out.println("Client " + client.getInetAddress() + " connected."); // Server receives bytes from client ...


Example of Java sockets/TCP


String serverHost = “";

int serverPort = 1234;

// Client connects to server

Socket server;

server = new Socket(serverHost,serverPort);

// Client connected

System.out.println("Connected to " +server.getInetAddress());

// Client sends bytes to server


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l  Definition l  Streams are an abstraction for arbitrary data streams l  Input streams used to receive (i.e. read) bytes l  Output streams used to send (i.e. write) bytes

l  Examples l  Streams from/to a socket l  Streams from/to a file l  Streams from/to the console

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Streams in Java

l  The package contains the following classes related to streams

l  InputStream / OutputStream abstract classes that represent streams of bytes

l  DataInputStream / DataOutputStream To manipulate streams of Java primary types

l  ObjectInputStream / ObjectOutputStream To manipulate streams of Java objects

l  FileInputStream / FileOutputStream To read data from a file or write data to a file

l  FilterInputStream / FilterOutputStream

To transform data along the way

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Java Sockets and Streams

import*;!!..."// End-less loop!while (true) {!! !// Server waits for a connection!!Socket client = server.accept();!""

// A client connected!"System.out.println("Client " + client.getInetAddress() + " connected.");!!// Get the server’s output stream!!OutputStream os = client.getOutputStream();!

!!// Build data and transform it to bytes!!Date date = new Date();!!byte[] b = date.toString().getBytes();!

!!// Send the date to the client (write in output stream)!!os.write(b);!


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import*;"!..."// End-less loop!while (true) {"

"System.out.println("Waiting for client…");""// Server waits for a connection!"Socket client = server.accept();"""

// Get the server’s output stream!"OutputStream os = client.getOutputStream();"

""// Build data and transform it to bytes!"Date date = new Date();""byte[] b = date.toString().getBytes();"

""// Write in output stream!"os.write(b);"


Java Sockets and Streams

import*;!!...!// Client connects to server!Socket server = new Socket(serverHost, serverPort);!!// Get the client’s input stream!InputStream is = server.getInputStream();!!// Read data from input stream!byte[] b = new byte[100];!int num =;!!// Transform data from ^bytes to String!String date = new String(b);!System.out.println("Server said: " + date);!

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Java Sockets and Streams // Get the server's output stream OutputStream os = client.getOutputStream(); Date date = new Date(); byte[] b = date.toString().getBytes(); os.write(b); // Get the client’s input stream InputStream is = server.getInputStream(); byte[] b = new byte[100]; int num =; String date = new String(b);


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Java Sockets and Streams

// Get the server's output stream OutputStream os = client.getOutputStream(); Date date = new Date(); byte[] b = date.toString().getBytes(); os.write(b);

// Get the client’s input stream InputStream is = server.getInputStream(); byte[] b = new byte[100]; int num =; String date = new String(b);

l  Maybe, Maybe Not l  Assumes:

l  Nothing is left in the input stream before reading

l  Just not always true l  Some previous read might have

left something... l  Beware of IP data packets…

Socket stream

IP packets

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Java Sockets and Streams

// Get the server's output stream OutputStream os = client.getOutputStream(); Date date = new Date(); byte[] b = date.toString().getBytes(); os.write(b); // Get the client’s input stream InputStream is = server.getInputStream(); byte[] b = new byte[100]; int num =; String date = new String(b);


l  Maybe, Maybe Not l  Assumes:

l  The entire string has been received when reading

l  Just not always true l  When sending variable length

data structures, send the length l  How can we do that?

§  Length is an integer §  We can send bytes

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Java Sockets and Streams

// Get the server's output stream OutputStream os; DataOutputStream dos; os = client.getOutputStream(); dos = new DataOutputStream(os); Date date = new Date(); byte[] b = date.toString().getBytes(); dos.writeInt(b.length); dos.write(b); // Get the client’s input stream InputStream is; DataInputStream dis; is = server.getInputStream(); dis = new DataInputStream(is); int length = dis.readInt(); byte[] b = new byte[length]; int num =,0,length); String date = new String(b);

l  DataOutputStream l  Provides type-aware operations l  Endianness proof ! l  But introduces an overhead


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Java Sockets and Streams

// Get the server's output stream OutputStream os; DataOutputStream dos; os = client.getOutputStream(); dos = new DataOutputStream(os); Date date = new Date(); byte[] b = date.toString().getBytes(); dos.writeInt(b.length); dos.write(b); // Get the client’s input stream InputStream is; DataInputStream dis; is = server.getInputStream(); dis = new DataInputStream(is); int length = dis.readInt(); byte[] b = new byte[length]; int num =,0,length);

l  DataOutputStream l  Provides type-aware operations l  Endianness proof ! l  But introduces an overhead


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Java Sockets and Streams

// Get the server's output stream OutputStream os; DataOutputStream dos; os = client.getOutputStream(); dos = new DataOutputStream(os); Date date = new Date(); String str = date.toString(); dos.writeUTF(str);

// Get the client’s input stream InputStream is; DataInputStream dis; is = server.getInputStream(); dis = new DataInputStream(is); String date = dis.readUTF();

l  String Encoding... l  Depends on your string encoding...

l  Better to use UTF-8 l  DataOutputStream.writeUTF(b)‏

l  How about now? l  Yes, but keep in mind that any

variable length data structure needs to be prefixed with its length... Correct?

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Java Sockets and Streams

import*; ... while (true) { // Server waits for a connection Socket client = server.accept();

// A client connected System.out.println("Client " + client.getInetAddress() + " connected.");

// Get the server’s output stream OutputStream os = client.getOutputStream();

// Get the associated object output stream ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os);

// Write object in output stream Date date = new Date(); oos.writeObject(date); // Close output stream oos.close();


We could also use Java Object streams...

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import*; ... // End-less loop while (true) {

System.out.println("Waiting for client…"); // Server waits for a connection Socket client = server.accept(); // A client connected System.out.println("Client " + client.getInetAddress() + " connected."); // Get the server’s output stream OutputStream os = client.getOutputStream(); // Get the associated object output //stream ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(os); // Write object in output stream Date date = new Date(); oos.writeObject(date); // Close output stream oos.close();


Java Object Streams

import*; ... // Client connects to server Socket server = new Socket(serverHost, serverPort); // Client connected System.out.println("Connected to " + server.getInetAddress()); // Get the client’s input stream InputStream is = server.getInputStream(); // Get the associated object input stream ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(is); // Read object from input stream Date date = (Date) ois.readObject(); System.out.println("Server said: " + date); // Close input stream ois.close();

Looking at both server and client sides...

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Java Object Streams

l  Based on the Java Serialization framework l  Any class may implement the Serializable interface l  If it does, instances of that class can be serialized l  Serialization is a deep copy

l  Recursive serialization along object references l  Sharing is respected

l  Warning l  Deep copy does not stop by itself

§  If any object encountered is not serializable, an exception is thrown §  Most JRE classes are serializable

l  Possible control point §  References in classes may be declared transient (easy)‏ §  Redefine how instances of a class are serialized (harder)‏

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l  Introduction to sockets

l  Addressing

l  Point-to-point communication with TCP sockets

l  Point-to-point communication with UDP sockets

l  Group communication

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Java sockets over UDP

l  Networking in the unconnected mode l  UDP protocol provides a mode of network communication

whereby applications send packets of data, called datagrams, to one another.

l  A datagram is an independent self-contained message sent over the network whose arrival, arrival time, and order are not guaranteed.

l  Some applications that communicate over the network do not

require reliable, point-to-point channel provided by TCP

l  Applications might benefit from a mode of communication that delivers independent packages of information whose arrival and order of arrival are not guaranteed

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Java classes related to UDP

l l  Represents a data packet

l  Essentially a byte buffer l  Maximum buffer length is known by calling DatagramSocket.

getReceiveBufferSize() ‏

l  Includes an InetAddress and port number

l l  Used for sending and receiving datagram packets l  Communication happens over UDP

l  Send a DatagramPacket by calling send on a DatagramSocket l  Receive a DatagramPacket by calling receive on a DatagramSocket

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Example of Java sockets/UDP import*; int port = 1234; // Create a datagram socket associated with the server port DatagramSocket serverSock = new DatagramSocket(port); // End-less loop while (true) {

System.out.println("Waiting for client packet…");

byte[] buf = new byte[256 ;[‏ // Create a datagram packet DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length); // Wait for a packet serverSock.receive(packet);

// Get client IP address and port number InetAddress clientAddr = packet.getAddress();

int clientPort = packet.getPort(); // Build a response initialize buf ... // Build a datagram packet for response packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, clientAddr, clientPort); // Send a response serverSock.send(packet);


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import*; int port = 1234; // Create a datagram socket associated // with the server port DatagramSocket serverSock = new DatagramSocket(port); // End-less loop while (true) {

System.out.println("Waiting for client packet…"); byte[] buf = new byte[256]; // Create a datagram packet DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length); // Wait for a packet serverSock.receive(packet);

// Get client IP address and port number InetAddress clientAddr = packet.getAddress(); int clientPort =

packet.getPort(); // Build a response initialize buf ... // Build a datagram packet for response packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, clientAddr, clientPort); // Send a response serverSock.send(packet);


Example of Java sockets/UDP import*; int serverPort = 1234; String serverHost = ...; // Create a datagram socket DatagramSocket clientSock = new DatagramSocket(); byte[] buf = new byte[256]; // Get server’s IP address InetAddress serverAddr=InetAddress.getByName(serverHost); // Build a request initialize buf ... // Create a datagram packet destined for the server DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, serverAddr, serverPort); // Send datagram packet to server clientSock.send(packet); // Build a datagram packet for response packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length); // Receive response clientSock.receive(packet); String received = new String(packet.getData(), 0, packet.getLength()); System.out.println("Response: " + received);

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l  Introduction to sockets

l  Addressing

l  Point-to-point communication with TCP sockets

l  Point-to-point communication with UDP sockets

l  Group communication

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Java Multicast

l  Based on UDP sockets l  Datagram packets (same as before) l  MulticastSocket extends DatagramSocket

l  Relies on IP-level multicast l  Multicast IP adresses l  Class D addresses are reserved for multicast l  In the range to l  A multicast group

l  A multicast address and port

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Java Multicast

l  Multicasting to a group l  Need to create a datagram packet l  Destination is the group InetAddress and port l  Normal UDP send

l  Joigning a multicast group l  Create the multicast socket with the group port l  Need to join the multicast group, use the multicast address l  Receive messages multicasted to the group

l  Leaving a multicast group l  Explicit departure

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Java multicast - receiving import*; // Multicast group int groupPort = 5000; InetAddress groupAddr = InetAddress.getName(“”); // Create the socket MulticastSocket sock = new MulticastSocket(groupPort); sock.joinGroup(groupAddr); // Create a datagram packet and do a receive byte buf[] = new byte[1234]; DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length); // Wait for a packet sock.receive(packet); // When done, leave the multicast group and close the socket

sock.leaveGroup(groupAddr); sock.close(); }

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Java multicast - sending import*; // Multicast group int groupPort = 5000; InetAddress groupAddr = InetAddress.getName(“”); // Create the socket // but we don’t bind it and we don’t join the multicast group MulticastSocket sock = new MulticastSocket(); byte buf[] = new byte[10]; For (int i=0; i<buf.lenght; i++) buf[i] = (byte)i; // Create a datagram packet and do a receive DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length,

groupAddr, groupPort); // Send the packet Byte ttl = 1; sock.send(packet, ttl); // When doneclose the socket sock.close(); }

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Java Multicast l  Caveats

l  IP multicast is supported by many routers l  But most Internet providers forbid IP multicast l  Over the public Internet, multicast is simply not available

l  Usable on local LAN l  Normal UDP send

l  Middleware multicast l  Multicast can be built above IP or UDP or TCP/IP

l  Using point to point messages l  Middleware provides

l  Group management and memberships l  From simple groups to publish-subscribe topics

l  Other multicast properties l  Totally ordered multicast, reliable multicast

l  Leaving a multicast group l  Explicit departure

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Client-Server based on sockets

request processing

request selection

request queue

client requests server



"client socket "


"client port"


"server port" ”server socket "

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Server Design l  Request processing model

Sequential / Parallel / Replicated May cache request results

request processing

request selection

request queue

client requests

server responses


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Sequential processing

while (true) {


extract(message, service_id, params);

results = do_service(service_id, params);

send(client_id, results);


request processing

request selection

request queue

client requests server



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Design choices for a parallel server l  Advantages

l  Light-weight resources l  Memory sharing

l  Drawbacks l  Limited isolation

l  Advantages l  Strong isolation l  Real parallelism (also with kernel threads)

l  Drawbacks l  Heavy resources



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Multi-threaded server

request selection

request queue

main thread client




request processing

worker thread

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Multi-threaded server UDP-based

while (true) {


extract(message, service_id, params);

thr = create_thread(client_id, service_id, params);


request selection

request queue

main thread

Program executed by thread thr:

results = do_service( service_id, params);

send(client_id, results);


client requests


worker thread request



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Multi-threaded server – TCP-based

while (true) {

Socket s;

s = accept(client_id,message);

thr = create_thread(s);


request selection

request queue

main thread

Program executed by thread thr:

Socket s;


extract(message, service_id, params);

results = do_service( service_id, params);

send(client_id, results);



client requests


worker thread request



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Multi-threaded server (thread-pool)

request selection

request queue

main thread

worker thread request


worker thread request


client requests


worker thread request




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Multi-threaded server (pool) – UDP-based

while (true) {


extract(message, service_id, params);

work_to_do.put(client_id, service_id,params);


Pool of threads:

while (true) {

work_to_do.get( client_id, service_id, params);

results = do_service( service_id, params);

send(client_id, results);


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Multi-threaded server (pool) – TCP-based

while (true) {

Socket s;

s = accept(client_id,message);



Pool of threads:

Socket s;

while (true) {

s = work_to_do.get();


extract(message, service_id, params);

results = do_service( service_id, params);

send(client_id, results);



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Multi-threaded clients

l  Some clients are single-threaded programs but rarely

l  Let’s discuss a simple GUI-based client

l  Graphical User Interface l  Most widget toolkits are single-threaded l  Imposes that clients are multi-threaded l  Otherwise, blocking on a socket freezes the GUI

l  Examples l  Eclipse Rich Platform, Google Android

l  Use background threads to carry out potentially blocking invocations such as socket read / write

l  Post events on the GUI thread

l  User vs Kernel threads

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Multi-threaded servers with Java

l  Integrated into the language l  Creation / Execution l  Synchronization mechanisms

l  One process, the JVM

l  User vs Kernel threads

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Thread (Reminder)

l  Two ways l  Extends Thread l  Implements Runnable

This example is taken from Java Thread tutorial

public class HelloThread extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println("Hello from a thread!"); } public static void main(String args[]) { (new HelloThread()).start(); } }

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Thread (Reminder)

l  Another way is to use the Runnable interface

l  Be careful, directly calling the run method does not create a thread

public class HelloRunnable implements Runnable { public void run() { System.out.println("Hello from a thread!"); } public static void main(String args[]) { (new Thread(new HelloRunnable())).start(); } }

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Multi-process servers

l  Parallelize the processing of requests on a pool of processes l  Static vs dynamic pool l  Request dispatching through a load-balancer

l  Load-balancer needs to communicate with the slaves servers l  Use socket or higher level communication layer l  Need to detect and manage failures

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This lecture is built from: l  Sun Microsystems. Java Tutorial on Networking. l  Sun Microsystems. Java Tutorial on Concurrency.

l  M. Boger. Java in Distributed Systems: Concurrency, Distribution and Persistence. Wiley, 2001.