
Society Term society is usually taken for granted as whenever one is to refer group of people one use the term society whereas group of people only do not make society. Society is way more complex and detailed. Before catering the issues of society it is very important to define the term society, and for this matter we have to see that what in cooperation makes society a society and what a society should like. Society should cater the issues related to every individual either spiritual or instinctive and also society should play part in the uplift of the living standards of all the constituents (people) like it should educate, improve, polish and guide the intellect and wisdom of the individuals. It should provide needs like food, health, education, cloth etc. Society should protect and enhance the feelings and sentiments of the individuals and should satisfy the need of instincts. Society should be comforting enough as all the needs of people all fulfilled and satisfied well and people enjoy their life. There are three major constituents or component that jointly makes society group of people, system and sentiments/concepts. Group of People: Starting with the first head, which is the basic reason of the formation of society group of people. Society is not the need of single individual it is needed where ever there are two or more than two people living together as there will be the clash if interests between different individuals and issues will rise regarding providence of rights and to make certain that duties are done well. In society to cater this clash of interest RULES are introduced but with rule there come another issue which should be solved before hand and that is either rules should favor the interest of individual or rule should be in the favor of society. For ideal society rules should favor society first as forgo ones right for society. Systems: INSTITUTE OF ADMINSTRATIVE SCIENCES

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Post on 28-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Society


Term society is usually taken for granted as whenever one is to refer group of people one use the term society whereas group of people only do not make society. Society is way more complex and detailed. Before catering the issues of society it is very important to define the term society, and for this matter we have to see that what in cooperation makes society a society and what a society should like. Society should cater the issues related to every individual either spiritual or instinctive and also society should play part in the uplift of the living standards of all the constituents (people) like it should educate, improve, polish and guide the intellect and wisdom of the individuals. It should provide needs like food, health, education, cloth etc. Society should protect and enhance the feelings and sentiments of the individuals and should satisfy the need of instincts. Society should be comforting enough as all the needs of people all fulfilled and satisfied well and people enjoy their life. There are three major constituents or component that jointly makes society group of people, system and sentiments/concepts.

Group of People:

Starting with the first head, which is the basic reason of the formation of society group of people. Society is not the need of single individual it is needed where ever there are two or more than two people living together as there will be the clash if interests between different individuals and issues will rise regarding providence of rights and to make certain that duties are done well. In society to cater this clash of interest RULES are introduced but with rule there come another issue which should be solved before hand and that is either rules should favor the interest of individual or rule should be in the favor of society. For ideal society rules should favor society first as forgo ones right for society.


Now to set rules we have to see that in what sector and regions do we need rules and to what extent and what rules should cover is quite difficult if seen overall rather if the sections are divided the rule setting will be way easier. For this matter of fact the second head of society is systems. Systems should be made to cater the clash of interests on the strong level. Systems will focus on the collective issues and problems. Systems required for the good or satisfying society are economic system, education system, political system, agricultural system, road/ traffic structure, legal structure, justice system, health system and at last but foremost foreign policy system. In rule setting or law making it is very important and should be focused that who is


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making the law a supreme power or an ordinary human with a limited knowledge like us. Rules should have focused understanding of crimes and crimes related issues like issues related to property, life and izzat (respect/ dignity). And history of mankind has proved that laws made by human are full of flaws and need amendments all the time, nothing is universal in this case but in the case of supreme power as law maker the laws are universal, comprehensive and are all encompassing.

Sentiments/ Concepts:

Rules or systems should be such that they should protect the sentiments of the society or the individuals of the society. Systems and rules should trigger good, comforting and relaxing feelings or sentiments of peace and sense of protection. Rule and systems should not be annoying, disturbing or violence provoking. Concepts are the extensions or aftereffects of ideology, or in other words concepts are evolved from single ideology not from the amalgam of different ideologies. Concepts should be attached to our sentiments and should be need fulfilling like concept of free justice, concept of equity, providence of health and education, concepts of law making etc.


Society is not only group of people rather along with the group of people it includes agreed upon concepts attached to sentiments and systems should be evolved from these concepts.



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