societe nationale industrielle aerospatiale et al. v. … · abroad in civil or commercial matters...

SOCIETE NATIONALE INDUSTRIELLE AEROSPATIALE ET AL. v. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF IOWA No. 85-1695 SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 482 U.S. 522; 107 S. Ct. 2542; 96 L. Ed. 2d 461; 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2615; 55 U.S.L.W. 4842; 7 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (Callaghan) 1105 January 14, 1987, Argued June 15, 1987, Decided PRIOR HISTORY: CERTIORARI TO THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE EIGHTH CIRCUIT. DISPOSITION: 782 F.2d 120, vacated and remanded. LAWYERS' EDITION HEADNOTES: DISCOVERY §22 TREATIES §20 Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad -- exclusive means of discovery -- Headnote:[1A][1B][1C][1D][1E][1F][1G][1H ] The Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. 7444)--to which the United States and other nations have acceded--does not provide the exclusive discovery procedures a Federal District Court must use when civil litigants seek evidence abroad, because (1) both the discovery rules in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Hague Convention are laws of the United States whose interaction must be analyzed; (2) an exclusivity requirement is contrary to the language and negotiating history of the Hague Convention; (3) exclusivity would effectively subject every American court hearing a case involving a national of a contracting nation to the internal laws of that nation, even though interrogatories and document requests are the staples of international commercial litigation, no less than of other suits; and (4) exclusivity would create three unacceptable asymmetries: (a) in any lawsuit between a national of the United States and a national of another contracting nation, the foreign party could obtain discovery under the Federal Rules, while the domestic party would be required to resort first to the procedures of the Hague Convention--counter to the fundamental maxim of discovery that mutual knowledge of all relevant facts gathered by both parties is essential to proper litigation, (b) a company which is a citizen of another contracting nation would be enabled to compete with a domestic company on uneven terms, since the foreign company would be subject to less extensive discovery procedures in the event that both companies were sued in an American court--in conflict with the principle of equal opportunity that governs the market such a foreign company elected to enter, and (c) since the rule would apply to cases in which a foreign party was a national of a contracting state, but not to cases in which a foreign party was a national of any other foreign state, the rule would confer an unwarranted advantage on some domestic litigants over others similarly situated. (Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, and O'Connor, JJ., dissented in part from this holding.) LAWS §3 DISCOVERY §22 TREATIES §20 Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad -- first resort -- comity -- French penal law -- Headnote:[2A][2B][2C][2D][2E][2F][2G] In a civil action in a Federal District Court, litigants who seek to conduct discovery abroad are not required in Page 1

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Page 1: SOCIETE NATIONALE INDUSTRIELLE AEROSPATIALE ET AL. v. … · Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. 7444)--to which the United States and other nations have


No. 85-1695


482 U.S. 522; 107 S. Ct. 2542; 96 L. Ed. 2d 461; 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2615; 55 U.S.L.W.4842; 7 Fed. R. Serv. 3d (Callaghan) 1105

January 14, 1987, ArguedJune 15, 1987, Decided


DISPOSITION: 782 F.2d 120, vacated and remanded.




Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad --exclusive means of discovery --

Headnote:[1A][1B][1C][1D][1E][1F][1G][1H ]

The Hague Convention on the Taking of EvidenceAbroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (23 UST 2555,TIAS No. 7444)--to which the United States and othernations have acceded--does not provide the exclusivediscovery procedures a Federal District Court must usewhen civil litigants seek evidence abroad, because (1)both the discovery rules in the Federal Rules of CivilProcedure and the Hague Convention are laws of theUnited States whose interaction must be analyzed; (2) anexclusivity requirement is contrary to the language andnegotiating history of the Hague Convention; (3)exclusivity would effectively subject every Americancourt hearing a case involving a national of a contractingnation to the internal laws of that nation, even thoughinterrogatories and document requests are the staples ofinternational commercial litigation, no less than of othersuits; and (4) exclusivity would create three unacceptableasymmetries: (a) in any lawsuit between a national of the

United States and a national of another contractingnation, the foreign party could obtain discovery under theFederal Rules, while the domestic party would berequired to resort first to the procedures of the HagueConvention--counter to the fundamental maxim ofdiscovery that mutual knowledge of all relevant factsgathered by both parties is essential to proper litigation,(b) a company which is a citizen of another contractingnation would be enabled to compete with a domesticcompany on uneven terms, since the foreign companywould be subject to less extensive discovery proceduresin the event that both companies were sued in anAmerican court--in conflict with the principle of equalopportunity that governs the market such a foreigncompany elected to enter, and (c) since the rule wouldapply to cases in which a foreign party was a national of acontracting state, but not to cases in which a foreign partywas a national of any other foreign state, the rule wouldconfer an unwarranted advantage on some domesticlitigants over others similarly situated. (Blackmun,Brennan, Marshall, and O'Connor, JJ., dissented in partfrom this holding.)




Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad --first resort -- comity -- French penal law --


In a civil action in a Federal District Court, litigantswho seek to conduct discovery abroad are not required in

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all cases to resort first to the procedures of the HagueConvention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. 7544)--towhich the United States, France, and other nations haveacceded%before using the normal discovery methods ofthe Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, because (1) both theFederal Rules and the Hague Convention are laws of theUnited States whose interaction must be analyzed; (2) amandatory first-resort rule is inconsistent with thelanguage and negotiating history of the HagueConvention; (3) foreign tribunals will recognize that thefinal decision on the evidence to be used in litigationconducted by American courts must be made by thosecourts; (4) a mandatory first-resort rule would beinconsistent with the overriding interest in the just,speedy, and inexpensive termination of litigation,pursuant to Rule 1 of the Federal Rules; (5) such amandatory first-resort rule is not necessary to accordrespect to the sovereignty of nations in which evidence islocated, for the concept of international comity requiresin this context a more particularized analysis of therespective interests of the foreign nation and therequesting nation; and (6) with respect to discovery inFrance, the existence of a French penal law, or "blockingstatute"--which allegedly prohibits French litigants fromresponding to discovery requests that do not comply withthe Convention--does not alter this conclusion.(Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, and O'Connor, JJ.,dissented in part from this holding.)



Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad --availability -- civil action -- District Court --


The Hague Convention on the Taking of EvidenceAbroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (23 UST 2555,TIAS No. 7544)--to which the United States and othernations have acceded--applies to a civil action in FederalDistrict Court, as one optional procedure when discoveryis sought from a litigant who is subject to the jurisdictionof the District Court--even though the discovery methodsof the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are alsoavailable--because the optional Convention proceduresare available whenever they will facilitate the gatheringof evidence by the means authorized in the Convention,

where the text of the Convention (1) draws no distinctionbetween the evidence obtained from third parties and thatobtained from the litigants themselves, and (2) does notpurport to draw any sharp line between evidence that is"abroad" and evidence that is in the control of a partysubject to the jurisdiction of the requesting court.




Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad --optional use -- comity -- French penal law --


In a civil action in a Federal District Court, under theprinciple of international comity, the Hague Conventionon the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. 7544)--towhich the United States and other nations haveacceded--is an undertaking among sovereigns to provideoptional procedures to facilitate discovery to which theDistrict Court should resort when it deems that course ofaction appropriate, after considering the situations of theparties before it as well as the interests of the concernedforeign nation; in such a case, the District Court ought toscrutinize the particular facts, sovereign interests, andlikelihood that resort to the Convention procedures willprove effective; in this context, the relevant factors of theconcept of international comity are (1) the importance tothe litigation of the documents or other informationrequested, (2) the degree of specificity of the request, (3)whether the information originated in the United States,(4) the availability of alternative means of securing theinformation, and (5) the extent to which noncompliancewith the request would undermine important interests ofthe United States, or compliance with the request wouldundermine important interests of the nation where theinformation is located; although a French penal law, or"blocking statute"--which allegedly prohibits Frenchlitigants from responding to discovery requests that donot comply with the Hague Convention--does not deprivea District Court of the power to order a party subject to itsjurisdiction to produce evidence when the act ofproduction may violate the statute, such a blockingstatute is relevant to the District Court's particularizedcomity analysis to the extent that its terms and its

Page 2482 U.S. 522, *; 107 S. Ct. 2542, **;

96 L. Ed. 2d 461, ***; 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2615

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enforcement identify the nature of the sovereign interestsin nondisclosure of specific kinds of material.(Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, and O'Connor, JJ.,dissented in part from this holding.)


interlocutory discovery order --


Immediate appellate review of an interlocutorydiscovery order is not ordinarily available.



contractual nature -- context -- practical construction--


General rules of construction apply in interpreting aninternational treaty, which is in the nature of a contractbetween nations; interpretation begins with the text of thetreaty and the context in which the written words areused; the treaty's history, the negotiations, and thepractical construction adopted by the parties may also berelevant.



Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad --exclusive or first resort -- language and history --

Headnote:[7A][7B][7C][7D][7E][7F][7G][7H ][7I]

The language and negotiating history of the HagueConvention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. 7544)--towhich the United States and other nations haveacceded--are inconsistent with the contentions that, withrespect to a civil action in a Federal District Court, theConvention provides either the exclusive means ofdiscovery of evidence abroad, or procedures which in allcases must be resorted to first before using the normaldiscovery methods of the Federal Rules of Civil

Procedure--where (1) the Preamble of the Conventiondoes not speak in such mandatory terms; (2) the text ofthe Convention does not (a) modify the law of anycontracting nation, (b) require any contracting nation touse the Convention procedures--either in requestingevidence or in responding to requests for evidence--or (c)compel a contracting nation to change its ownevidence-gathering procedures; (3) at the time theConvention was drafted, Rule 28(b) of the Federal Rulesauthorized the taking of evidence on notice either (a) inaccordance with the laws of the foreign country or (b) inpursuance of the law of the United States; (4) Articles 1,15, 16, and 17 of the Convention all use permissive ratherthan mandatory language; (5) the Executive Branch andthe Securities and Exchange Commission interpret theConvention as not intending to prescribe exclusivity; (6)if the Convention had been intended to replacecompletely the broad discovery powers that common-lawcourts in the United States had previously exercised overforeign litigants subject to their jurisdiction, it wouldhave been most anomalous for the common-lawcontracting parties to agree to Article 23 of theConvention, which enables a contracting party to revokeits consent to the Convention's procedures for pretrialdiscovery; (7) the explanation for the absence in theConvention of an exclusivity provision is that thecontracting nations did not agree that its procedures wereto be exclusive, but instead delineated the extent of theiragreement, without prejudice to their existing rights andpractices; (8) the language that the parties agreed uponand ratified is a surer indication of their intentions thanthe hypothesis that, unless other signatory nations hadexpected the Convention to provide the normal channelsof discovery, they would have had no incentive to agreewith its terms; (9) Article 27 of the Convention states thatit does not prevent a contracting nation from using moreliberal methods of rendering evidence than thoseauthorized by the Convention; (10) even if Article 27 isread to apply only to a contracting nation which receivesa discovery request, the Convention's failure to authorizemore liberal procedures for obtaining evidence wouldcarry no pre-emptive meaning; and (11) while it isconceivable that the United States could enter into atreaty giving other signatories control of litigation inAmerican courts, such a treaty would state its intentionclearly, and precisely identify crucial terms, but theConvention contains no such plain statement ofpre-emptive intent. (Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, andO'Connor, JJ., dissented in part from this holding.)

Page 3482 U.S. 522, *; 107 S. Ct. 2542, **;

96 L. Ed. 2d 461, ***; 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2615

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mandatory use -- Evidence Convention -- ServiceConvention --


For the purpose of determining whether the HagueConvention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters ("Evidence Convention") (23 UST2555, TIAS No. 7544)--to which the United States andother nations have acceded--provides the exclusive orfirst resort in a civil action in Federal District Court forthe discovery of evidence abroad, the omission by thedrafters (the Hague Conference on Private InternationalLaw) of mandatory language in the Preamble to theEvidence Convention is particularly significant in light ofthe same body's use of mandatory language in thePreamble to the Hague Convention on the ServiceAbroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civilor Commercial Matters ("Service Convention") (20 UST361, TIAS No. 6638)--to which the United States has alsoacceded--where (1) the Service Convention was draftedbefore the Evidence Convention, (2) the language of theService Convention provided a model exclusivityprovision that the drafters of the Evidence Conventioncould easily have followed had they been so inclined; and(3) given this background, the drafters' election to usepermissive language in the Evidence Convention insteadis strong evidence of their intent.


construction by federal agencies --


The meaning attributed to treaty provisions by theFederal Government agencies charged with theirnegotiation and enforcement is entitled to great weight.


LAW §69


motives -- separation of powers -- comity --


When the United States Supreme Court isinterpreting a treaty to which the United States hasacceded, both comity and concern for the separation ofpowers counsel the utmost restraint in attributing motivesto sovereign states which have bargained as equals.



marketing -- judicial burdens --


Two French corporations who made a voluntarydecision to market their products in the United States (1)are entitled to compete on equal terms with othercompanies operating in this market, but (2) are subject tothe same legal constraints, including the burdensassociated with judicial procedures, as their Americancompetitors, where a Federal District Court has personaljurisdiction over the two corporations as defendants in acivil action.


international comity --


The principle of international comity refers to thespirit of co-operation in which a domestic tribunalapproaches the resolution of cases touching the laws andinterests of other sovereign states.




Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad --French penal law -- comity --


The existence of a French penal law (the "blocking

Page 4482 U.S. 522, *; 107 S. Ct. 2542, **;

96 L. Ed. 2d 461, ***; 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2615

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statute") which, with respect to a civil action filed inFederal District Court, allegedly prohibits two corporatedefendants who are owned by the Republic of Francefrom responding to discovery requests which do notcomply with the Hague Convention on the Taking ofEvidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (23UST 2555, TIAS No. 7544)--to which the United States,France, and other nations have acceded--(1) does notdeprive an American court of the power to order a partysubject to its jurisdiction to produce evidence eventhough the act of production may violate the statute, (2)cannot require the grafting onto the Hague Convention ofa rule that litigants in such an action resort to theConvention first before using the discovery rules of theFederal Rules of Civil Procedure, and (3) cannototherwise provide the nationals of such a country withpreferred status in United States courts, particularly whenthe nationals are corporations that are wholly owned bythe blocking statute's enacting nation; extraterritorialassertions of jurisdiction are not one-sided, and the lessonof international comity is that neither a discovery ordernor a blocking statute can have the same omnipresenteffect that it would have in a world of only one sovereign.(Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, an O'Connor, JJ.,dissented in part from this holding.)



Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad --interrogatories -- admissions -- documents -- corporations--


When a Federal District Court is determiningwhether a litigant seeking discovery abroad should resortto the Hague Convention on the Taking of EvidenceAbroad in Civil or Commercial Matters (23 UST 2555,TIAS No. 7544)--to which the United States, France, andother nations have acceded--before using the normaldiscovery methods of the Federal Rules of CivilProcedure, the exact line between reasonableness andunreasonableness in each case must be drawn by the trialcourt based on its knowledge of the case and of theclaims and interests of the parties and the governmentswhose statutes and policies they invoke; in such a case,some discovery procedures are more "intrusive" thanothers: for example, an interrogatory (pursuant to Rule 33

) asking two French corporations to identify the pilotswho flew flight tests in a type of aircraft the corporationssold, or a request (pursuant to Rule 36) to admit that thecorporations authorized certain advertising in a particularmagazine, is less intrusive than a request (pursuant toRule 34) to produce all of the "design specifications, linedrawings and engineering plans and all engineeringchange orders and plans and all drawings concerning theleading edge slats" for the type of aircraft. (Blackmun,Brennan, Marshall, and O'Connor, JJ., dissented in partfrom this holding.)


seeking evidence abroad -- judicial supervision --


Judicial supervision of discovery should always seek(1) to minimize its costs and inconvenience, and (2) toprevent improper uses of discovery requests; when it isnecessary in a civil action to seek evidence abroad, aFederal District Court must supervise pretrial proceedingsparticularly closely (1) to prevent discovery abuses, and(2) to protect foreign litigants from the danger thatunnecessary, or unduly burdensome, discovery may placethe foreign litigants in a disadvantageous position; whilethere are no specific rules to guide this delicate task ofadjudication, a Federal District Court should take specialcare to demonstrate due respect for (1) any specialproblem confronted by a foreign litigant on account of itsnationality or the location of its operations, and (2) anysovereign interest expressed by a foreign state.(Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, and O'Connor, JJ.,dissented in part from this holding.)



Hague Convention on Taking of Evidence Abroad --translations and descriptions --


A Federal District Court in a civil action mayrequire, in appropriate situations, that the party fromwhom discovery is sought bear the burden of providingtranslations and detailed descriptions of relevantdocuments that are needed to assure prompt and complete

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96 L. Ed. 2d 461, ***; 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2615

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protection pursuant to the terms of the Hague Conventionon the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. 7544)--towhich the United States and other nations haveacceded--because, although a discovery request under theConvention must be specific, and either must be in thelanguage of the executing authority or must beaccompanied by a translation into that language, (1) theparty seeking discovery may find it difficult orimpossible to determine in advance (a) what evidence iswithin control of the party urging resort to theConvention, and (b) which parts of that evidence mayqualify for international judicial assistance under theConvention, and (2) this information is presumablywithin the control of the party from whom discovery issought.

APPEAL §1692.3

remand -- incorrect view of law --


The United States Supreme Court will vacate ajudgment of a Federal Court of Appeals and remand thecase for further proceedings, where (1) a United StatesMagistrate, who was hearing a Federal District Courtcivil case, denied a motion for a protective order by twoFrench corporations who claimed that, under thecircumstances, the exclusive procedures for discoveryfrom the corporations were detailed by the HagueConvention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters (23 UST 2555, TIAS No. 7544), towhich the United States, France, and other nations hadacceded; (2) the Court of Appeals subsequently denied apetition for mandamus by the two corporations againstthe Magistrate; and (3) the Supreme Court (a) finds thatthe Magistrate and Court of Appeals correctly refused togrant the broad protective order which the corporationsrequested, (b) rules that the Court of Appeals erred,however, in stating that the Convention did not apply tothe pending discovery demands in the case at hand, and(c) instead concludes that, under the principle ofinternational comity, the Hague Convention provides anoptional procedure to be used in appropriate cases.


The United States, France, and 15 other countrieshave acceded to the Hague Evidence Convention, which

prescribes procedures by which a judicial authority in onecontracting state may request evidence located in another.Plaintiffs brought suits (later consolidated) in FederalDistrict Court for personal injuries resulting from thecrash of an aircraft built and sold by petitioners, twocorporations owned by France. Petitioners answered thecomplaints without questioning the court's jurisdiction,and engaged in initial discovery without objection.However, when plaintiffs served subsequent discoveryrequests under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure,petitioners filed a motion for a protective order, allegingthat the Convention dictated the exclusive procedures thatmust be followed since petitioners are French and thediscovery sought could only be had in France. AMagistrate denied the motion, and the Court of Appealsdenied petitioners' mandamus petition, holding, inter alia,that when a district court has jurisdiction over a foreignlitigant, the Convention does not apply even though theinformation sought may be physically located within theterritory of a foreign signatory to the Convention.


1. The Convention does not provide exclusive ormandatory procedures for obtaining documents andinformation located in a foreign signatory's territory. TheConvention's plain language, as well as the history of itsproposal and ratification by the United States,unambiguously supports the conclusion that it wasintended to establish optional procedures for obtainingevidence abroad. Its preamble speaks in nonmandatoryterms, specifying its purpose to "facilitate" discovery andto "improve mutual judicial co-operation." Similarly, itstext uses permissive language, and does not expresslymodify the law of contracting states or require them touse the specified procedures or change their ownprocedures. The Convention does not deprive the DistrictCourt of its jurisdiction to order, under the Federal Rules,a foreign national party to produce evidence physicallylocated within a signatory nation. Pp. 529-540.

2. The Court of Appeals erred in concluding that theConvention "does not apply" to discovery sought from aforeign litigant that is subject to an American court'sjurisdiction. Although they are not mandatory, theConvention's procedures are available whenever they willfacilitate the gathering of evidence, and "apply" in thesense that they are one method of seeking evidence that acourt may elect to employ. Pp. 540-541.

3. International comity does not require in all

Page 6482 U.S. 522, *; 107 S. Ct. 2542, **;

96 L. Ed. 2d 461, ***; 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2615

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instances that American litigants first resort toConvention procedures before initiating discovery underthe Federal Rules. In many situations, Conventionprocedures would be unduly time-consuming andexpensive, and less likely to produce needed evidencethan direct use of the Federal Rules. The concept ofcomity requires in this context a more particularizedanalysis of the respective interests of the foreign andrequesting nations that a blanket "first resort" rule wouldgenerate. Thus, the determination whether to resort to theConvention requires prior scrutiny in each case of theparticular facts, sovereign interests, and likelihood thatsuch resort will prove effective. Pp. 541-546.

COUNSEL: John W. Ford argued the cause forpetitioners. With him on the briefs were Stephen C.Johnson, Lawrence N. Minch, and William L. Robinson.

Jeffrey P. Minear argued the cause for the United Stateset al. as amici curiae. With him on the brief wereSolicitor General Fried, Assistant Attorney GeneralWillard, Deputy Solicitor General Lauber, DeputyAssistant Attorney General Spears, David Epstein,Abraham D. Sofaer, and Daniel L. Goelzer.

Richard H. Doyle IV argued the cause for respondent.With him on the brief were Verne Lawyer, Roland D.Peddicord, and Thomas C. Farr. *

* Briefs of amici curiae urging reversal werefiled for the Government of the United Kingdomof Great Britain and Northern Ireland by DouglasE. Rosenthal, Willard K. Tom, and Bruno A.Ristau; for the Republic of France by George J.Grumbach, Jr.; for the Federal Republic ofGermany by Peter Heidenberger; for theGovernment of Switzerland by Robert E.Herzstein; for Anschuetz & Co., GmbH, et al. byJames S. Campbell, David Westin, Carol F. Lee,Neal D. Hobson, Andrew N. Vollmer, andGerhard Nagorny; and for the Motor VehicleManufacturers Association of the United States,Inc., et al. by Michael Hoenig, Herbert Rubin,William H. Crabtree, and Edward P. Good.

Paul A. Nalty, Derek A. Walker, and KennethJ. Servay filed a brief for Compania Gijonesa deNavigacion, S. A., as amicus curiae urgingaffirmance.

Richard L. Mattiaccio and David A. Botwinik

filed a brief for the Italy-America Chamber ofCommerce, Inc., as amicus curiae.

JUDGES: Stevens, J., delivered the opinion of the Court,in which Rehnquist, C. J., and White, Powell, and Scalia,JJ., joined. Blackmun, J., filed an opinion concurring inpart and dissenting in part, in which Brennan, Marshall,and O'Connor, JJ., joined, post, p. 547.



[*524] [***471] [**2545] JUSTICE STEVENSdelivered the opinion of the Court.

[***LEdHR1A] [***LEdHR2A][***LEdHR3A] [***LEdHR4A] The United States,the Republic of France, and 15 other Nations haveacceded to the Hague Convention on the Taking ofEvidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters, openedfor signature, Mar. 18, 1970, 23 U. S. T. 2555, T. I. A. S.No. [***472] 7444. 1 This Convention -- sometimesreferred to as the "Hague Convention" or the "EvidenceConvention" -- prescribes certain procedures by which ajudicial authority in one contracting state may requestevidence located [**2546] in another contracting state.The question presented in this case concerns the extent towhich a federal district court must employ the proceduresset forth in the Convention when litigants seek answers tointerrogatories, the production of documents, andadmissions from a French adversary over whom the courthas personal jurisdiction.

1 The Hague Convention entered into forcebetween the United States and France on October6, 1974. The Convention is also in force inBarbados, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark,Finland, the Federal Republic of Germany, Israel,Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway,Portugal, Singapore, Sweden, and the UnitedKingdom. Office of the Legal Adviser, UnitedStates Dept. of State, Treaties in Force 261-262(1986).


The two petitioners are corporations owned by theRepublic of France. 2 They are engaged in the business of

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96 L. Ed. 2d 461, ***; 1987 U.S. LEXIS 2615

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designing, [*525] manufacturing, and marketingaircraft. One of their planes, the "Rallye," was allegedlyadvertised in American aviation publications as "theWorld's safest and most economical STOL plane." 3 OnAugust 19, 1980, a Rallye crashed in Iowa, injuring thepilot and a passenger. Dennis Jones, John George, andRosa George brought separate suits based upon thisaccident in the United States District Court for theSouthern District of Iowa, alleging that petitioners hadmanufactured and sold a defective plane and that theywere guilty of negligence and breach of warranty.Petitioners answered the complaints, apparently withoutquestioning the jurisdiction of the District Court. Withthe parties' consent, the cases were consolidated andreferred to a Magistrate. See 28 U. S. C. § 636(c)(1).

2 Petitioner Societe Nationale IndustrielleAerospatiale is wholly owned by the Governmentof France. Petitioner Societe de Constructiond'Avions de Tourisme is a wholly ownedsubsidiary of Societe Nationale IndustrielleAerospatiale.3 App. 22, 24. The term "STOL," an acronymfor "short takeoff and landing," "refers to afixed-wing aircraft that either takes off or landswith only a short horizontal run of the aircraft."Douglas v. United States, 206 Ct. Cl. 96, 99, 510F.2d 364, 365, cert. denied, 423 U.S. 825 (1975).

Initial discovery was conducted by both sidespursuant to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure withoutobjection. 4 When plaintiffs 5 served a second request forthe production of documents pursuant to Rule 34, a set ofinterrogatories pursuant to Rule 33, and requests foradmission pursuant to Rule 36, however, petitioners fileda motion for a protective order. App. 27-37. The motionalleged that because petitioners are "French corporations,and the discovery [***473] sought [*526] can only befound in a foreign state, namely France," the HagueConvention dictated the exclusive procedures that mustbe followed for pretrial discovery. App. 2. In addition,the motion stated that under French penal law, thepetitioners could not respond to discovery requests thatdid not comply with the Convention. Ibid. 6

4 Plaintiffs made certain requests for theproduction of documents pursuant to Rule 34(b)and for admissions pursuant to Rule 36. App.19-23. Apparently the petitioners responded tothose requests without objection, at least insofar

as they called for material or information that waslocated in the United States. App. to Pet. for Cert.12a. In turn, petitioners deposed witnesses andparties pursuant to Rule 26, and servedinterrogatories pursuant to Rule 33 and a requestfor the production of documents pursuant to Rule34. App. 13. Plaintiffs complied with thoserequests.5 Although the District Court is the nominalrespondent in this mandamus proceeding,plaintiffs are the real respondent parties ininterest.6 Article 1A of the French "blocking statute,"French Penal Code Law No. 80-538, provides:

"Subject to treaties or internationalagreements and applicable laws and regulations, itis prohibited for any party to request, seek ordisclose, in writing, orally or otherwise,economic, commercial, industrial, financial ortechnical documents or information leading to theconstitution of evidence with a view to foreignjudicial or administrative proceedings or inconnection therewith.

"Art. 1er bis. -- Sous reserve des traites ouaccords internationaux et des lois et reglements envigueur, il est interdit a toute personne dedemander, de rechercher ou de communiquer, parecrit, oralement ou sous toute autre forme, desdocuments ou renseignements d'ordreeconomique, commercial, industriel, financier outechnique tendant a la constitution de preuves envue de procedures judiciaires ou administrativesetrangeres ou dans le cadre de celles-ci."

Article 2 provides:

"The parties mentioned in [Article 1A] shallforthwith inform the competent minister if theyreceive any request concerning such disclosures.

"Art. 2. Les personnes visees aux articles 1eret 1er bis sont tenues d'informer sans delai leministre competent lorsqu'elles se trouvent saisiesde toute demande concernant de tellescommunications." App. to Pet. for Cert. 47a-50a.

[**2547] The Magistrate denied the motion insofaras it related to answering interrogatories, producingdocuments, and making admissions. 7 After reviewing the

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relevant cases, the Magistrate explained:

"To permit the Hague Evidence Convention tooverride the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure wouldfrustrate the courts' interests, which particularly arise inproducts liability [*527] cases, in protecting UnitedStates citizens from harmful products and incompensating them for injuries arising from use of suchproducts." App. to Pet. for Cert. 25a.

The Magistrate made two responses to petitioners'argument that they could not comply with the discoveryrequests without violating French penal law. Noting thatthe law was originally "'inspired to impede enforcementof United States antitrust laws,'" 8 and that it did notappear to have been strictly enforced in France, he firstquestioned whether it would be construed to apply to thepretrial discovery requests at issue. 9 Id., at 22a-24a.Second, he balanced the interests in the "protection ofUnited States citizens from harmful foreign products andcompensation for injuries caused by such products"against France's interest in protecting its citizens "fromintrusive foreign [***474] discovery procedures." TheMagistrate concluded that the former interests werestronger, particularly because compliance with therequested discovery will "not have to take place inFrance" and will not be greatly intrusive or abusive. Id.,at 23a-25a.

7 Id., at 25a. The Magistrate stated, however,that if oral depositions were to be taken in France,he would require compliance with the HagueEvidence Convention. Ibid.8 His quotation was from Toms, The FrenchResponse to Extraterritorial Application of UnitedStates Antitrust Laws, 15 Int'l Law. 585, 586(1981).9 He relied on a passage in the Toms articlestating that "the legislative history [of the Law]shows only that the Law was adopted to protectFrench interests from abusive foreign discoveryprocedures and excessive assertions ofextraterritorial jurisdiction. Nowhere is there anindication that the Law was to impede litigationpreparations by French companies, either for theirown defense or to institute lawsuits abroad toprotect their interests, and arguably suchapplications were unintended." App. to Pet. forCert. 22a-23a (citing Toms, supra, at 598).

[***LEdHR5] [5]Petitioners sought a writ ofmandamus from the Court of Appeals for the EighthCircuit under Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 21(a).Although immediate appellate review of an interlocutorydiscovery order is not ordinarily available, see Kerr v.United States District Court, 426 U.S. 394, 402-403[*528] (1976), the Court of Appeals considered that thenovelty and the importance of the question presented, andthe likelihood of its recurrence, made consideration of themerits of the petition appropriate. 782 F.2d 120 (1986).Itthen held that "when the district court has jurisdictionover a foreign litigant the Hague Convention does notapply to the production of evidence in that litigant'spossession, even though the documents and informationsought may physically be located within the territory of aforeign signatory to the Convention." Id., at 124. TheCourt of Appeals disagreed with petitioners' argumentthat this construction would render the entire HagueConvention "meaningless," noting that it would still servethe purpose of providing an improved procedure forobtaining evidence from nonparties. Id., at 125. Thecourt also rejected petitioners' contention thatconsiderations of international comity required plaintiffsto resort to Hague Convention procedures as an initialmatter ("first use"), and correspondingly to invoke thefederal discovery rules only if the treaty proceduresturned out to be futile. The Court of Appeals believedthat the potential overruling of foreign tribunals' denial ofdiscovery would [**2548] do more to defeat than topromote international comity. Id., at 125-126. Finally, theCourt of Appeals concluded that objections based on theFrench penal statute should be considered in two stages:first, whether the discovery order was proper even thoughcompliance may require petitioners to violate French law;and second, what sanctions, if any, should be imposed ifpetitioners are unable to comply. The Court of Appealsheld that the Magistrate properly answered the firstquestion and that it was premature to address the second.10 The court [*529] therefore denied the petition formandamus. We granted certiorari. 476 U.S. 1168(1986).

10 "The record before this court does notindicate whether the Petitioners have notified theappropriate French Minister of the requesteddiscovery in accordance with Article 2 of theFrench Blocking Statute, or whether thePetitioners have attempted to secure a waiver ofprosecution from the French government.

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Because the Petitioners are corporations owned bythe Republic of France, they stand in a mostadvantageous position to receive such a waiver.However, these issues will only be relevantshould the Petitioners fail to comply with themagistrate's discovery order, and we need notpresently address them." 782 F.2d, at 127.


[***LEdHR1A] In the District Court and the Court ofAppeals, petitioners contended that the Hague EvidenceConvention "provides the exclusive and mandatoryprocedures for obtaining documents and informationlocated within the territory of a foreign [***475]signatory." 782 F.2d, at 124.11 We are satisfied that theCourt of Appeals correctly rejected this extreme position.We believe it is foreclosed by the plain language of theConvention. Before discussing the text of theConvention, however, we briefly review its history.

11 The Republic of France likewise takes thefollowing position in this case:


The Hague Conference on Private International Law,an association of sovereign states, has been conductingperiodic sessions since 1893. S. Exec. Doc. A, 92dCong., 2d Sess., p. v (1972) (S. Exec. Doc. A). TheUnited States participated in those sessions as an observerin 1956 and 1960, and as a member beginning in 1964pursuant to congressional authorization. 12 In that yearCongress amended the Judicial Code to grant foreignlitigants, without any requirement of reciprocity, specialassistance in obtaining evidence in the [*530] UnitedStates. 13 In 1965 the Hague Conference adopted aConvention on the Service Abroad of Judicial andExtrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters(Service Convention), 20 U. S. T. 361, T. I. A. S. No.6638, to which the Senate gave its advice and consent in1967. The favorable response to the Service Convention,coupled with the longstanding interest of Americanlawyers in improving procedures for obtaining evidence

abroad, motivated the United States to take the initiativein proposing that an evidence convention be adopted.Statement of Carl F. Salans, Deputy Legal Adviser,Department of State, Convention on Taking of Evidence[**2549] Abroad, S. Exec. Rep. No. 92-25, p. 3 (1972).The Conference organized a special commission toprepare the draft convention, and the draft was approvedwithout a dissenting vote on October 26, 1968. S. Exec.Doc. A, p. v. It was signed on behalf of the United Statesin 1970 and ratified by a unanimous vote of the Senate in1972. 14 The Convention's purpose was to establish asystem for obtaining evidence located abroad that wouldbe "tolerable" to the state executing the request andwould produce evidence "utilizable" in the requestingstate. Amram, Explanatory Report on the Convention onthe Taking of Evidence [*531] Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters, in S. Exec. Doc. A, p. 11.

12 See S. Exec. Doc. A, p. v; Pub. L. 88-244, 77Stat. 775 (1963).13 As the Rapporteur for the session of theHague Conference which produced the HagueEvidence Convention stated: "In 1964 Rule 28(b)of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and 28 U.S. C. §§ 1781 and 1782 were amended to offer toforeign countries and litigants, without arequirement of reciprocity, wide judicialassistance on a unilateral basis for the obtaining ofevidence in the United States. The amendmentsnamed the Department of State as a conduit forthe receipt and transmission of letters of request.They authorized the use in the federal courts ofevidence taken abroad in civil law countries, evenif its form did not comply with the conventionalformalities of our normal rules of evidence. Nocountry in the world has a more open andenlightened policy." Amram, The ProposedConvention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad,55 A. B. A. J. 651 (1969).14 118 Cong. Rec. 20623 (1972).

In his letter of transmittal recommending ratificationof the Convention, [***476] the President noted that itwas "supported by such national legal organizations asthe American Bar Association, the Judicial Conference ofthe United States, the National Conference ofCommissions on Uniform State Laws, and by a numberof State, local, and specialized bar associations." S. Exec.Doc. A, p. III. There is no evidence of any opposition tothe Convention in any of those organizations. The

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Convention was fairly summarized in the Secretary ofState's letter of submittal to the President:

"The willingness of the Conference to proceedpromptly with work on the evidence convention isperhaps attributable in large measure to the difficultiesencountered by courts and lawyers in obtaining evidenceabroad from countries with markedly different legalsystems. Some countries have insisted on the exclusiveuse of the complicated, dilatory and expensive system ofletters rogatory or letters of request. Other countries haverefused adequate judicial assistance because of theabsence of a treaty or convention regulating the matter.The substantial increase in litigation with foreign aspectsarising, in part, from the unparalleled expansion ofinternational trade and travel in recent decades hadintensified the need for an effective internationalagreement to set up a model system to bridge differencesbetween the common law and civil law approaches to thetaking of evidence abroad.

"Civil law countries tend to concentrate oncommissions rogatoires, while common law countriestake testimony on notice, by stipulation and throughcommissions to consuls or commissioners. Letters ofrequest for judicial assistance from courts abroad insecuring needed evidence have been the exception, ratherthan the rule. The civil law technique results normally ina resume of [*532] the evidence, prepared by theexecuting judge and signed by the witness, while thecommon law technique results normally in a verbatimtranscript of the witness's testimony certified by thereporter.

"Failure by either the requesting state or the state ofexecution fully to take into account the differences ofapproach to the taking of evidence abroad under the twosystems and the absence of agreed standards applicable toletters of request have frequently caused difficulties forcourts and litigants. To minimize such difficulties in thefuture, the enclosed convention, which consists of apreamble and forty-two articles, is designed to:

"1. Make the employment of letters of request aprincipal means of obtaining evidence abroad;

"2. Improve the means of securing evidence abroadby increasing the powers of consuls and by introducing inthe civil law world, on a limited basis, the concept of thecommissioner;

"3. Provide means for securing evidence in the formneeded by the court where the action is pending; and

"4. Preserve all more favorable and less restrictivepractices arising from internal law, internal rules ofprocedure and bilateral or multilateral conventions.

[***477] " [**2550] What the convention does isto provide a set of minimum standards with whichcontracting states agree to comply. Further, througharticles 27, 28 and 32, it provides a flexible frameworkwithin which any future liberalizing changes in policyand tradition in any country with respect to internationaljudicial cooperation may be translated into effectivechange in international procedures. At the same time itrecognizes and preserves procedures of every countrywhich now or hereafter may provide internationalcooperation in the taking of evidence on more liberal andless restrictive bases, whether this is effected bysupplementary agreements or by municipal law andpractice." Id., p. VI.

[*533] III

[***LEdHR1A] [***LEdHR2A][***LEdHR3A] [***LEdHR4A] In arguing theirentitlement to a protective order, petitioners correctlyassert that both the discovery rules set forth in the FederalRules of Civil Procedure and the Hague Convention arethe law of the United States. Brief for Petitioners 31.This observation, however, does not dispose of thequestion before us; we must analyze the interactionbetween these two bodies of federal law. Initially, wenote that at least four different interpretations of therelationship between the federal discovery rules and theHague Convention are possible. Two of theseinterpretations assume that the Hague Convention by itsterms dictates the extent to which it supplants normaldiscovery rules. First, the Hague Convention might beread as requiring its use to the exclusion of any otherdiscovery procedures whenever evidence located abroadis sought for use in an American court. Second, theHague Convention might be interpreted to require first,but not exclusive, use of its procedures. Two otherinterpretations assume that international comity, ratherthan the obligations created by the treaty, should guidejudicial resort to the Hague Convention. Third, then, theConvention might be viewed as establishing asupplemental set of discovery procedures, strictlyoptional under treaty law, to which concerns of comitynevertheless require first resort by American courts in all

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cases. Fourth, the treaty may be viewed as anundertaking among sovereigns to facilitate discovery towhich an American court should resort when it deemsthat course of action appropriate, after considering thesituations of the parties before it as well as the interests ofthe concerned foreign state.

[***LEdHR6] [6]In interpreting an international treaty,we are mindful that it is "in the nature of a contractbetween nations," Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. FranklinMint Corp., 466 U.S. 243, 253 (1984), to which "generalrules of construction apply." Id., at 262.See Ware v.Hylton, 3 Dall. 199, 240-241 (1796) [*534] (opinion ofChase, J.). We therefore begin "with the text of the treatyand the context in which the written words are used." AirFrance v. Saks, 470 U.S. 392, 397 (1985). The treaty'shistory, "'the negotiations, and the practical constructionadopted by the parties'" may also be relevant. Id., at 396(quoting Choctaw Nation of Indians v. United States, 318U.S. 423, [***478] 431-432 (1943)).

[***LEdHR1A] [***LEdHR2A] [***LEdHR7A][***LEdHR8A] We reject the first two of the possibleinterpretations as inconsistent with the language andnegotiating history of the Hague Convention. Thepreamble of the Convention specifies its purpose "tofacilitate the transmission and execution of Letters ofRequest" and to "improve mutual judicial cooperation incivil or commercial matters." 23 U. S. T., at 2557, T. I. A.S. No. 7444. The preamble does not speak in mandatoryterms which would purport to describe the procedures forall permissible transnational discovery and exclude allother existing practices. 15 The text of the [**2551]Evidence Convention itself does not modify the law ofany contracting state, require any contracting state to usethe Convention procedures, either in requesting evidenceor in responding to such requests, or compel anycontracting state to change its own evidence-gatheringprocedures. 16


15 The Hague Conference on PrivateInternational Law's omission of mandatorylanguage in the preamble is particularlysignificant in light of the same body's use ofmandatory language in the preamble to the HagueService Convention, 20 U. S. T. 361, T. I. A. S.No. 6638. Article 1 of the Service Conventionprovides: "The present Convention shall apply in

all cases, in civil or commercial matters, wherethere is occasion to transmit a judicial orextrajudicial document for service abroad." Id., at362, T. I. A. S. No. 6638. As noted, supra, at530, the Service Convention was drafted beforethe Evidence Convention, and its languageprovided a model exclusivity provision that thedrafters of the Evidence Convention could easilyhave followed had they been so inclined. Giventhis background, the drafters' election to usepermissive language instead is strong evidence oftheir intent.


16 At the time the Convention was drafted,Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 28(b) clearlyauthorized the taking of evidence on notice eitherin accordance with the laws of the foreign countryor in pursuance of the law of the United States.

[*535] [***LEdHR7A] [***LEdHR9A] TheConvention contains three chapters. Chapter I, entitled"Letters of Requests," and chapter II, entitled "Taking ofEvidence by Diplomatic Officers, Consular Agents andCommissioners," both use permissive rather thanmandatory language. Thus, Article 1 provides that ajudicial authority in one contracting state "may" forwarda letter of request to the competent authority in anothercontracting state for the purpose of obtaining evidence. 17Similarly, Articles 15, 16, and 17 provide that diplomaticofficers, consular agents, and commissioners "may . . .without compulsion," take evidence under certainconditions. 18 The absence of any command that acontracting state must use Convention [***479]procedures when they are not needed is conspicuous. 19

17 The first paragraph of Article 1 reads asfollows:

"In civil or commercial matters a judicialauthority of a Contracting State may, inaccordance with the provisions of the law of thatState, request the competent authority of anotherContracting State, by means of a Letter ofRequest, to obtain evidence, or to perform someother judicial act." 23 U. S. T., at 2557, T. I. A. S.7444.18 Thus, Article 17 provides:

"In a civil or commercial matter, a person

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duly appointed as a commissioner for the purposemay, without compulsion, take evidence in theterritory of a Contracting State in aid ofproceedings commenced in the courts of anotherContracting State if --

"(a) a competent authority designated by theState where the evidence is to be taken has givenits permission either generally or in the particularcase; and

"(b) he complies with the conditions whichthe competent authority has specified in thepermission.

"A Contracting State may declare thatevidence may be taken under this Article withoutits prior permission." Id., at 2565, T. I. A. S. 7444.

[***LEdHR7A] [***LEdHR9A]

19 Our conclusion is confirmed by the positionof the Executive Branch and the Securities andExchange Commission, which interpret the"language, history, and purposes" of the HagueConvention as indicating "that it was not intendedto prescribe the exclusive means by whichAmerican plaintiffs might obtain foreignevidence." Brief for United States as AmicusCuriae 9 (citation omitted). "The meaningattributed to treaty provisions by the Governmentagencies charged with their negotiation andenforcement is entitled to great weight."Sumitomo Shoji America, Inc. v. Avagliano, 457U.S. 176, 184-185 (1982); see also O'Connor v.United States, 479 U.S. 27, 33 (1986). As amember of the United States delegation to theHague Conference concluded:

"[The Convention] makes no major changesin United States procedure and requires no majorchanges in United States legislation or rules. Onthe other front, it will give the United Statescourts and litigants abroad enormous aid byproviding an international agreement for thetaking of testimony, the absence of which hascreated barriers to our courts and litigants."Amram, Explanatory Report on the Conventionon the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil orCommercial Matters, S. Exec. Doc. A, at pp. 1, 3.

[*536] [***LEdHR7A] [***LEdHR10A] Two of theArticles in chapter III, entitled "General Clauses,"buttress our conclusion that the Convention was intendedas a permissive supplement, not a pre-emptivereplacement, for other means [**2552] of obtainingevidence located abroad. 20 Article 23 expresslyauthorizes a contracting state to declare that it will notexecute any letter of request in aid of pretrial discovery ofdocuments in a common-law country. 21 Surely, if theConvention had been intended to replace completely thebroad discovery powers that the common-law courts inthe United States previously exercised over foreignlitigants subject to their jurisdiction, it would have beenmost anomalous for the common-law contracting partiesto agree to [*537] Article 23, which enables acontracting party to revoke its consent to the treaty'sprocedures for pretrial discovery. 22 In the absence ofexplicit textual support, we are unable to accept thehypothesis that the common-law contracting statesabjured recourse to all pre-existing discovery proceduresat the same time that they accepted the possibility that acontracting party could unilaterally abrogate even theConvention's procedures. 23 Moreover, Article [***480]27 plainly states that [*538] the Convention does notprevent a contracting state from using more liberalmethods of rendering evidence than those authorized bythe Convention. 24 Thus, the text of the [**2553]Evidence Convention, as well as the history of itsproposal and ratification by the United States,unambiguously supports the conclusion that it wasintended to establish optional procedures that wouldfacilitate the taking of evidence abroad. See Amram, TheProposed Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad,55 A. B. A. J. 651, 655 (1969); President's Letter ofTransmittal, Sen. Exec. Doc. A, p. III.

20 In addition to the Eighth Circuit, other Courtsof Appeals and the West Virginia Supreme Courthave held that the Convention cannot be viewedas the exclusive means of securing discoverytransnationally. See Societe NationaleIndustrielle Aerospatiale v. United States DistrictCourt, 788 F.2d 1408, 1410 (CA9 1986); In reMesserschmitt Bolkow Blohm GmbH, 757 F.2d729, 731 (CA5 1985), cert. vacated, 476 U.S. 1168(1986); In re Anschuetz & Co., GmbH, 754 F.2d602, 606-615, and n. 7 (CA5 1985), cert. pending,No. 85-98; Gebr. Eickhoff Maschinenfabrik und

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Eisengieberei mb H v. Starcher, W. Va. , ,328 S. E. 2d 492, 497-501 (1985).21 Article 23 provides:

"A Contracting State may at the time ofsignature, ratification or accession, declare that itwill not execute Letters of Request issued for thepurpose of obtaining pre-trial discovery ofdocuments as known in Common Law countries."23 U. S. T., at 2568, T. I. A. S. 7444.22 Thirteen of the seventeen signatory stateshave made declarations under Article 23 of theConvention that restrict pretrial discovery ofdocuments. See 7 Martindale-Hubbell LawDirectory (pt. VII) 15-19 (1986).

[***LEdHR7A] [***LEdHR7A][***LEdHR10A]

23 "The great object of an internationalagreement is to define the common groundbetween sovereign nations. Given the gulfs oflanguage, culture, and values that separatenations, it is essential in international agreementsfor the parties to make explicit their commonground on the most rudimentary of matters."Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Franklin MintCorp., 466 U.S. 243, 262 (1984) (STEVENS, J.,dissenting). The utter absence in the HagueConvention of an exclusivity provision has anobvious explanation: The contracting states didnot agree that its procedures were to be exclusive.The words of the treaty delineate the extent oftheir agreement; without prejudice to theirexisting rights and practices, they boundthemselves to comply with any request forjudicial assistance that did comply with thetreaty's procedures. See Carter, ObtainingForeign Discovery and Evidence for Use inLitigation in the United States: Existing Rules andProcedures, 13 Int'l Law. 5, 11, n. 14 (1979)(common-law nations and civil-law jurisdictionshave separate traditions of bilateral judicialcooperation; the Evidence Convention "attemptsto bridge" the two traditions.) The separateopinion reasons that the Convention proceduresare not optional because unless other signatorystates "had expected the Convention to providethe normal channels for discovery, [they] wouldhave had no incentive to agree to its terms." Post,

at 550. We find the treaty language that theparties have agreed upon and ratified a surerindication of their intentions than the separateopinion's hypothesis about the expectations of theparties. Both comity and concern for theseparation of powers counsel the utmost restraintin attributing motives to sovereign states whichhave bargained as equals. Indeed, JUSTICEBLACKMUN notes that "the Conventionrepresents a political determination -- one that,consistent with the principle of separation ofpowers, courts should not attempt to secondguess." Post, at 552. Moreover, it is important toremember that the evidence-gathering proceduresimplemented by the Convention would stillprovide benefits to the signatory states even if theUnited States were not a party.


24 Article 27 provides:

"The provisions of the present Conventionshall not prevent a Contracting State from --

"(a) declaring that Letters of Request may betransmitted to its judicial authorities throughchannels other than those provided for in Article2;

"(b) permitting, by internal law or practice,any act provided for in this Convention to beperformed upon less restrictive conditions;

"(c) permitting, by internal law or practice,methods of taking evidence other than thoseprovided for in this Convention." 23 U. S. T., at2569, T. I. A. S. 7444.

Thus, for example, the United Kingdompermits foreign litigants, by a letter of request, to"apply directly to the appropriate courts in theUnited Kingdom for judicial assistance" or to seekinformation directly from parties in the UnitedKingdom "if, as in this case, the court of originexercises jurisdiction consistent with acceptednorms of international law." Brief for theGovernment of the United Kingdom and NorthernIreland as Amicus Curiae 6 (footnote omitted).On its face, the term "Contracting State"comprehends both the requesting state and the

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receiving state. Even if Article 27 is read to applyonly to receiving states, see, e. g., Gebr. EickhoffMaschinenfabrik und Eisengieberei mb H v.Starcher, W. Va., at , 328 S. E. 2d, at499-500, n. 11 (rejecting argument that Article 27authorizes more liberal discovery procedures byrequesting as well as executing states), the treaty'sinternal failure to authorize more liberalprocedures for obtaining evidence would carry nopre-emptive meaning. We are unpersuaded thatArticle 27 supports a "negative inference" thatwould curtail the pre-existing authority of a stateto obtain evidence in accord with its normalprocedures.

[*539] [***LEdHR1A] [***LEdHR7A][***LEdHR11A] An interpretation of the HagueConvention as the exclusive means for obtainingevidence located abroad would effectively subject everyAmerican court hearing a case involving a national of acontracting state to the internal laws of that state.Interrogatories and document [***481] requests arestaples of international commercial litigation, no less thanof other suits, yet a rule of exclusivity would subordinatethe court's supervision of even the most routine of thesepretrial proceedings to the actions or, equally, to theinactions of foreign judicial authorities. As the Court ofAppeals for the Fifth Circuit observed in In re Anschuetz& Co., GmbH, 754 F.2d 602, 612 (1985), cert. pending,No. 85-98:

"It seems patently obvious that if the Conventionwere interpreted as preempting interrogatories anddocument requests, the Convention would really be muchmore than an agreement on taking evidence abroad.Instead, the Convention would amount to a majorregulation of the overall conduct of litigation betweennationals of different signatory states, raising a significantpossibility of very serious interference with thejurisdiction of United States courts.

. . . .

"While it is conceivable that the United States couldenter into a treaty giving other signatories control overlitigation instituted and pursued in American courts, atreaty intended to bring about such a curtailment of therights given to all litigants by the federal rules wouldsurely state its intention clearly and precisely identify

crucial terms."

The Hague Convention, however, contains no suchplain statement of a pre-emptive intent. We concludeaccordingly that the Hague Convention did not deprivethe District Court of the jurisdiction it otherwisepossessed to order a foreign [*540] national party beforeit to produce evidence physically located within asignatory nation. 25



[***LEdHR11A] [***LEdHR1A]

25 The opposite conclusion of exclusivity wouldcreate three unacceptable asymmetries. First,within any lawsuit between a national of theUnited States and a national of anothercontracting party, the foreign party could obtaindiscovery under the Federal Rules of CivilProcedure, while the domestic party would berequired to resort first to the procedures of theHague Convention. This imbalance would runcounter to the fundamental maxim of discoverythat "mutual knowledge of all the relevant factsgathered by both parties is essential to properlitigation." Hickman v. Taylor, 329 U.S. 495, 507(1947).

Second, a rule of exclusivity would enable acompany which is a citizen of another contractingstate to compete with a domestic company onuneven terms, since the foreign company wouldbe subject to less extensive discovery proceduresin the event that both companies were sued in anAmerican court. Petitioners made a voluntarydecision to market their products in the UnitedStates. They are entitled to compete on equalterms with other companies operating in thismarket. But since the District Courtunquestionably has personal jurisdiction overpetitioners, they are subject to the same legalconstraints, including the burdens associated withAmerican judicial procedures, as their Americancompetitors. A general rule according foreignnationals a preferred position in pretrialproceedings in our courts would conflict with theprinciple of equal opportunity that governs themarket they elected to enter.

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Third, since a rule of first use of the HagueConvention would apply to cases in which aforeign party is a national of a contracting state,but not to cases in which a foreign party is anational of any other foreign state, the rule wouldconfer an unwarranted advantage on somedomestic litigants over others similarly situated.

[**2554] IV

[***LEdHR3A] While the Hague Convention does notdivest the District Court of jurisdiction to order discoveryunder the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the optionalcharacter of the Convention procedures sheds light on[***482] one aspect of the Court of Appeals' opinionthat we consider erroneous. That court concluded that theConvention simply "does not apply" to discovery soughtfrom a foreign litigant that is subject to the jurisdiction ofan American court. 782 F.2d, at 124.Plaintiffs argue thatthis conclusion is supported by two considerations. First,the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provide [*541]ample means for obtaining discovery from parties whoare subject to the court's jurisdiction, while before theConvention was ratified it was often extremely difficult,if not impossible, to obtain evidence from nonpartywitnesses abroad. Plaintiffs contend that it is appropriateto construe the Convention as applying only in the area inwhich improvement was badly needed. Second, when alitigant is subject to the jurisdiction of the district court,arguably the evidence it is required to produce is not"abroad" within the meaning of the Convention, eventhough it is in fact located in a foreign country at the timeof the discovery request and even though it will have tobe gathered or otherwise prepared abroad. See In reAnschuetz & Co., GmbH, 754 F.2d, at 611; In reMesserschmitt Bolkow Blohm GmbH, 757 F.2d 729, 731(CA5 1985), cert. vacated, 476 U.S. 1168 (1986);Daimler-Benz Aktiengesellschaft v. United States DistrictCourt, 805 F.2d 340, 341-342 (CA10 1986).

[***LEdHR3A] [***LEdHR4A] Nevertheless, thetext of the Convention draws no distinction betweenevidence obtained from third parties and that obtainedfrom the litigants themselves; nor does it purport to drawany sharp line between evidence that is "abroad" andevidence that is within the control of a party subject tothe jurisdiction of the requesting court. Thus, it appearsclear to us that the optional Convention procedures areavailable whenever they will facilitate the gathering ofevidence by the means authorized in the Convention.

Although these procedures are not mandatory, the HagueConvention does "apply" to the production of evidence ina litigant's possession in the sense that it is one method ofseeking evidence that a court may elect to employ. SeeBriefs of Amici Curiae for the United States and the SEC9-10, the Federal Republic of Germany 5-6, the Republicof France 8-12, and the Government of the UnitedKingdom and Northern Ireland 8.


[***LEdHR2A] Petitioners contend that even if theHague Convention's procedures are not mandatory, thisCourt should adopt a rule [*542] requiring thatAmerican litigants first resort to those procedures beforeinitiating any discovery pursuant to the normal methodsof the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. See, e. g., LakerAirways, Ltd. v. Pan American World Airways, 103F.R.D. 42 (DC 1984);Philadelphia Gear Corp. v.American Pfauter Corp., 100 F.R.D. 58 (ED Pa. 1983).The Court of Appeals rejected this argument because itwas convinced that an American court's order ultimatelyrequiring discovery that a foreign court had refused underConvention procedures [**2555] would constitute "thegreatest insult" to the sovereignty of that tribunal. 782F.2d, at 125-126.We disagree with the Court of Appeals'view. It is well known that the scope of Americandiscovery is often significantly broader than is permittedin other jurisdictions, and we are satisfied [***483] thatforeign tribunals will recognize that the final decision onthe evidence to be used in litigation conducted inAmerican courts must be made by those courts. Wetherefore do not believe that an American court shouldrefuse to make use of Convention procedures because ofa concern that it may ultimately find it necessary to orderthe production of evidence that a foreign tribunalpermitted a party to withhold.

[***LEdHR2A] Nevertheless, we cannot acceptpetitioners' invitation to announce a new rule of law thatwould require first resort to Convention procedureswhenever discovery is sought from a foreign litigant.Assuming, without deciding, that we have the lawmakingpower to do so, we are convinced that such a general rulewould be unwise. In many situations the Letter ofRequest procedure authorized by the Convention wouldbe unduly time consuming and expensive, as well as lesscertain to produce needed evidence than direct use of theFederal Rules. 26 A rule of first resort in all cases would[*543] therefore be inconsistent with the overriding

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interest in the "just, speedy, and inexpensivedetermination" of litigation in our courts. See Fed. RuleCiv. Proc. 1.

26 We observe, however, that in other instancesa litigant's first use of the Hague Conventionprocedures can be expected to yield moreevidence abroad more promptly than use of thenormal procedures governing pretrial civildiscovery. In those instances, the calculations ofthe litigant will naturally lead to a first-usestrategy.

[***LEdHR2A] [***LEdHR4A][***LEdHR12A] [***LEdHR13A] Petitioners arguethat a rule of first resort is necessary to accord respect tothe sovereignty of states in which evidence is located. Itis true that the process of obtaining evidence in acivil-law jurisdiction is normally conducted by a judicialofficer rather than by private attorneys. Petitionerscontend that if performed on French soil, for example, byan unauthorized person, such evidence-gathering mightviolate the "judicial sovereignty" of the host nation.Because it is only through the Convention that civil-lawnations have given their consent to evidence-gatheringactivities within their borders, petitioners argue, we havea duty to employ those procedures whenever they areavailable. Brief for Petitioners 27-28. We find thatargument unpersuasive. If such a duty were to beinferred from the adoption of the Convention itself, webelieve it would have been described in the text of thatdocument. Moreover, the concept of international comity27 requires in this [***484] context a moreparticularized analysis of [*544] the respective interestsof the foreign nation and the requesting nation thanpetitioners' proposed [**2556] general rule wouldgenerate. 28 We therefore decline to hold as a blanketmatter that comity requires resort to Hague EvidenceConvention procedures without prior scrutiny in eachcase of the particular facts, sovereign interests, andlikelihood that resort to those procedures will proveeffective. 29


27 Comity refers to the spirit of cooperation inwhich a domestic tribunal approaches theresolution of cases touching the laws and interestsof other sovereign states. This Court referred tothe doctrine of comity among nations in Emory v.Grenough, 3 Dall. 369, 370, n. (1797) (dismissing

appeal from judgment for failure to pleaddiversity of citizenship, but setting forth an extractfrom a treatise by Ulrich Huber (1636-1694), aDutch jurist):

"'By the courtesy of nations, whatever lawsare carried into execution, within the limits of anygovernment, are considered as having the sameeffect every where, so far as they do not occasiona prejudice to the rights of the other governments,or their citizens.

. . . .

"'Nothing would be more inconvenient in thepromiscuous intercourse and practice of mankind,than that what was valid by the laws of one place,should be rendered of no effect elsewhere, by adiversity of law. . . .'" Ibid. (quoting 2 U. Huber,Praelectiones Juris Romani et hodiemi, bk. 1, tit.3, pp. 26-31 (C. Thomas, L. Menke, & G.Gebauer eds. 1725)).

See also Hilton v. Guyot, 159 U.S. 113,163-164 (1895):

"'Comity,' in the legal sense, is neither amatter of absolute obligation, on the one hand, norof mere courtesy and good will, upon the other.But it is the recognition which one nation allowswithin its territory to the legislative, executive orjudicial acts of another nation, having due regardboth to international duty and convenience, and tothe rights of its own citizens or of other personswho are under the protection of its laws."


28 The nature of the concerns that guide acomity analysis is suggested by the Restatementof Foreign Relations Law of the United States(Revised) § 437(1)(c) (Tent. Draft No. 7, 1986)(approved May 14, 1986) (Restatement). Whilewe recognize that § 437 of the Restatement maynot represent a consensus of international viewson the scope of the district court's power to orderforeign discovery in the face of objections byforeign states, these factors are relevant to anycomity analysis:

"(1) the importance to the . . . litigation of the

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documents or other information requested;

"(2) the degree of specificity of the request;

"(3) whether the information originated in theUnited States;

"(4) the availability of alternative means ofsecuring the information; and

"(5) the extent to which noncompliance withthe request would undermine important interestsof the United States, or compliance with therequest would undermine important interests ofthe state where the information is located." Ibid.

[***LEdHR2A] [***LEdHR4A][***LEdHR13A]

29 The French "blocking statute," n. 6, supra,does not alter our conclusion. It is well settledthat such statutes do not deprive an Americancourt of the power to order a party subject to itsjurisdiction to produce evidence even though theact of production may violate that statute. SeeSociete Internationale Pour ParticipationsIndustrielles et Commerciales, S. A. v. Rogers,357 U.S. 197, 204-206 (1958). Nor can theenactment of such a statute by a foreign nationrequire American courts to engraft a rule of firstresort onto the Hague Convention, or otherwise toprovide the nationals of such a country with apreferred status in our courts. It is clear thatAmerican courts are not required to adhereblindly to the directives of such a statute. Indeed,the language of the statute, if taken literally,would appear to represent an extraordinaryexercise of legislative jurisdiction by the Republicof France over a United States district judge,forbidding him or her to order any discovery froma party of French nationality, even simple requestsfor admissions or interrogatories that the partycould respond to on the basis of personalknowledge. It would be particularly incongruousto recognize such a preference for corporationsthat are wholly owned by the enacting nation.Extraterritorial assertions of jurisdiction are notone-sided. While the District Court's discoveryorders arguably have some impact in France, theFrench blocking statute asserts similar authorityover acts to take place in this country. The lesson

of comity is that neither the discovery order northe blocking statute can have the sameomnipresent effect that it would have in a worldof only one sovereign. The blocking statute thus isrelevant to the court's particularized comityanalysis only to the extent that its terms and itsenforcement identify the nature of the sovereigninterests in nondisclosure of specific kinds ofmaterial.

The American Law Institute has summarizedthis interplay of blocking statutes and discoveryorders: "When a state has jurisdiction to prescribeand its courts have jurisdiction to adjudicate,adjudication should (subject to generallyapplicable rules of evidence) take place on thebasis of the best information available. . . .[Blocking] statutes that frustrate this goal neednot be given the same deference by courts of theUnited States as substantive rules of law atvariance with the law of the United States." SeeRestatement § 437, Reporter's Note 5, pp. 41, 42."On the other hand, the degree of friction createdby discovery requests . . . and the differingperceptions of the acceptability of American-stylediscovery under national and international law,suggest some efforts to moderate the applicationabroad of U.S. procedural techniques, consistentwith the overall principle of reasonableness in theexercise of jurisdiction." Id., at 42.

[*545] [***LEdHR14] [14]Some discoveryprocedures [***485] are much more "intrusive" thanothers. In this case, for example, an interrogatory askingpetitioners to identify the pilots who flew flight tests inthe Rallye before it was certified for flight by the FederalAviation Administration, or a request to admit thatpetitioners authorized certain advertising in a particularmagazine, is certainly less intrusive than a request toproduce all of the "design specifications, line drawingsand engineering plans and all engineering change ordersand plans and all drawings concerning the leading edgeslats for the Rallye type aircraft manufactured by theDefendants." App. 29. Even if a court might bepersuaded that a particular document request was tooburdensome or too "intrusive" to be granted in full, withor without an appropriate protective order, it might wellrefuse to insist upon the use of [**2557] Convention

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procedures [*546] before requiring responses to simpleinterrogatories or requests for admissions. The exact linebetween reasonableness and unreasonableness in eachcase must be drawn by the trial court, based on itsknowledge of the case and of the claims and interests ofthe parties and the governments whose statutes andpolicies they invoke.

[***LEdHR15] [15] [***LEdHR16A] Americancourts, in supervising pretrial proceedings, shouldexercise special vigilance to protect foreign litigants fromthe danger that unnecessary, or unduly burdensome,discovery may place them in a disadvantageous position.Judicial supervision of discovery should always seek tominimize its costs and inconvenience and to preventimproper uses of discovery requests. When it isnecessary to seek evidence abroad, however, the districtcourt must supervise pretrial proceedings particularlyclosely to prevent discovery abuses. For example, theadditional cost of transportation of documents orwitnesses to or from foreign locations may increase thedanger that discovery may be sought for the improperpurpose of motivating settlement, rather than findingrelevant and probative evidence. Objections to "abusive"discovery that foreign litigants advance should thereforereceive the most careful consideration. In addition, wehave long recognized the demands of comity in suitsinvolving foreign states, either as parties or as sovereignswith a coordinate interest in the litigation. See Hilton v.Guyot, 159 U.S. 113 (1895). American courts shouldtherefore take care to demonstrate due respect for anyspecial problem confronted by the foreign litigant onaccount of its nationality or the location of its operations,and for any sovereign interest expressed by a foreignstate. We do not articulate specific rules to guide thisdelicate task of adjudication. 30


30 Under the Hague Convention, a letter ofrequest must specify "the evidence to be obtainedor other judicial act to be performed," Art. 3, andmust be in the language of the executing authorityor be accompanied by a translation into thatlanguage. Art. 4, 23 U. S. T., at 2558-2559, T. I.A. S. 7444. Although the discovery request mustbe specific, the party seeking discovery may findit difficult or impossible to determine in advancewhat evidence is within the control of the partyurging resort to the Convention and which parts of

that evidence may qualify for internationaljudicial assistance under the Convention. Thisinformation, however, is presumably within thecontrol of the producing party from whichdiscovery is sought. The district court maytherefore require, in appropriate situations, thatthis party bear the burden of providingtranslations and detailed descriptions of relevantdocuments that are needed to assure prompt andcomplete production pursuant to the terms of theConvention.

[*547] VI

[***486] [***LEdHR17A] In the case before us,the Magistrate and the Court of Appeals correctly refusedto grant the broad protective order that petitionersrequested. The Court of Appeals erred, however, instating that the Evidence Convention does not apply tothe pending discovery demands. This holding may beread as indicating that the Convention procedures are noteven an option that is open to the District Court. It mustbe recalled, however, that the Convention's specificationof duties in executing states creates corresponding rightsin requesting states; holding that the Convention does notapply in this situation would deprive domestic litigants ofaccess to evidence through treaty procedures to which thecontracting states have assented. Moreover, such a rulewould deny the foreign litigant a full and fair opportunityto demonstrate appropriate reasons for employingConvention procedures in the first instance, for someaspects of the discovery process.

[***LEdHR17A] Accordingly, the judgment of theCourt of Appeals is vacated, and the case is remanded forfurther proceedings consistent with this opinion.

It is so ordered.




JUSTICE BLACKMUN, with whom JUSTICEBRENNAN, JUSTICE MARSHALL, and JUSTICEO'CONNOR join, concurring in part and dissenting inpart.

Some might well regard the Court's decision in this

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case as an affront to the nations [**2558] that havejoined the United States in ratifying the HagueConvention on the Taking of Evidence [*548] Abroad inCivil or Commercial Matters, opened for signature, Mar.18, 1970, 23 U. S. T. 2555, T. I. A. S. No. 7444. TheCourt ignores the importance of the Convention byrelegating it to an "optional" status, withoutacknowledging the significant achievement inaccommodating divergent interests that the Conventionrepresents. Experience to date indicates that there is alarge risk that the case-by-case comity analysis now to bepermitted by the Court will be performed inadequatelyand that the somewhat unfamiliar procedures of theConvention will be invoked infrequently. I fear theCourt's decision means that courts will resortunnecessarily to issuing discovery orders under theFederal Rules of Civil Procedure in a raw exercise oftheir jurisdictional power to the detriment of the UnitedStates' national and international interests. The Court'sview of this country's international obligations isparticularly unfortunate in a world in which regularcommercial and legal channels loom ever more crucial.

I do agree with the Court's repudiation of thepositions at both extremes of the spectrum with regard tothe use of the Convention. Its rejection of the view thatthe Convention is not "applicable" at all to this case issurely correct: the Convention clearly applies to litigantsas well as to third parties, and to requests for evidencelocated abroad, [***487] no matter where that evidenceis actually "produced." The Court also correctly rejectsthe far opposite position that the Convention provides theexclusive means for discovery involving signatorycountries. I dissent, however, because I cannot endorsethe Court's case-by-case inquiry for determining whetherto use Convention procedures and its failure to providelower courts with any meaningful guidance for carryingout that inquiry. In my view, the Convention provideseffective discovery procedures that largely eliminate theconflicts between United States and foreign law onevidence gathering. I therefore would apply a generalpresumption that, in most cases, courts should resort firstto the Convention [*549] procedures. 1 Anindividualized analysis of the circumstances of aparticular case is appropriate only when it appears that itwould be futile to employ the Convention or when itsprocedures prove to be unhelpful.

1 Many courts that have examined the issue haveadopted a rule of first resort to the Convention.

See, e. g., Philadelphia Gear Corp. v. AmericanPfauter Corp. 100 F.R.D. 58, 61 (ED Pa. 1983)("avenue of first resort for plaintiff [is] the HagueConvention"); Gebr. Eickhoff Maschinenfabrikund Eisengieberei mb H v. Starcher, W. Va. ,, 328 S. E. 2d 492, 504-506 (1985) ("principle

of international comity dictates first resort to[Convention] procedures"); Vincent v. Ateliers dela Motobecane, S. A., 193 N. J. Super. 716, 723,475 A. 2d 686, 690 (App. Div. 1984) (litigantshould first attempt to comply with Convention);Th. Goldschmidt A. G. v. Smith, 676 S. W. 2d 443,445 (Tex. App. 1984) (Convention procedures notmandatory but are "avenue of first resort");Pierburg GmbH & Co. KG v. Superior Court, 137Cal. App. 3d 238, 247, 186 Cal. Rptr. 876,882-883 (1982) (plaintiffs must attempt to complywith the Convention); VolkswagenwerkAktiengesellschaft v. Superior Court, 123 Cal.App. 3d 840, 857-859, 176 Cal. Rptr. 874,885-886 (1981) ("Hague Convention establishesnot a fixed rule but rather a minimum measure ofinternational cooperation").


Even though the Convention does not expresslyrequire discovery of materials in foreign countries toproceed exclusively according to its procedures, it cannotbe viewed as merely advisory. The Convention wasdrafted at the request and with the enthusiasticparticipation of the United States, which sought tobroaden the techniques available for the taking ofevidence abroad. The differences between discoverypractices in the United States and those in other countriesare significant, and "no aspect of the extension of theAmerican legal system beyond the territorial frontier ofthe United States has given rise to so much friction as therequest for documents associated with investigation andlitigation in the United States." Restatement [**2559] ofForeign Relations Law of the United States (Revised) §437, Reporters' Note 1, p. 35 (Tent. Draft No. 7, Apr. 10,1986). Of particular [*550] import is the fact thatdiscovery conducted by the parties, as is common in theUnited States, is alien to the legal systems of civil-lawnations, which typically regard evidence gathering as ajudicial function.

The Convention furthers important United Statesinterests by providing channels for discovery abroad that

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would not be available otherwise. In general, itestablishes "methods to reconcile the differing legalphilosophies of the Civil Law, Common Law and othersystems with respect to the taking of evidence." Rapportde la Commission speciale, 4 Conference de La Haye dedroit international prive: Actes et [***488] documentsde la Onzieme session 55 (1970) (Actes et documents). Itserves the interests of both requesting and receivingcountries by advancing the following goals:

"The techniques for the taking of evidence must be'utilizable' in the eyes of the State where the lawsuit ispending and must also be 'tolerable' in the eyes of theState where the evidence is to be taken." Id., at 56.

The Convention also serves the long-term interests ofthe United States in helping to further and to maintain theclimate of cooperation and goodwill necessary to thefunctioning of the international legal and commercialsystems.

It is not at all satisfactory to view the Convention asnothing more than an optional supplement to the FederalRules of Civil Procedure, useful as a means to "facilitatediscovery" when a court "deems that course of actionappropriate." Ante, at 533. Unless they had expected theConvention to provide the normal channels for discovery,other parties to the Convention would have had noincentive to agree to its terms. The civil-law nationscommitted themselves to employ more effectiveprocedures for gathering evidence within their borders,even to the extent of requiring some common-lawpractices alien to their systems. At the time of theConvention's enactment, the liberal American policy,which allowed foreigners to collect evidence with ease inthe United States, see ante at 529-530, and n. 13, was inplace and, because [*551] it was not conditioned onreciprocity, there was little likelihood that the policywould change as a result of treaty negotiations. As aresult, the primary benefit the other signatory nationswould have expected in return for their concessions wasthat the United States would respect their territorialsovereignty by using the Convention procedures. 2

2 Article 27 of the Convention, see ante, at 538,n. 24, is not to the contrary. The only logicalinterpretation of this Article is that a statereceiving a discovery request may permit lessrestrictive procedures than those designated in theConvention. The majority finds plausible areading that authorizes both a requesting and a

receiving state to use methods outside theConvention. Ibid. If this were the case, Article27(c), which allows a state to permit methods oftaking evidence that are not provided in theConvention, would make the rest of theConvention wholly superfluous. If a requestingstate could dictate the methods for takingevidence in another state, there would be no needfor the detailed procedures provided by theConvention.

Moreover, the United States delegation'sexplanatory report on the Convention describesArticle 27 as "designed to preserve existinginternal law and practice in a Contracting Statewhich provides broader, more generous and lessrestrictive rules of international cooperation in thetaking of evidence for the benefit of foreign courtsand litigants." S. Exec. Doc. A, 92d Cong., 2dSess., 39 (1972). Article 27 authorizes the use ofalternative methods for gathering evidence "if theinternal law or practice of the State of executionso permits." Id., at 39-40 (emphasis added).


By viewing the Convention as merely optional andleaving the decision whether to apply it to the court ineach individual case, the majority ignores the policiesestablished by the political branches when theynegotiated and ratified the treaty. The result will be aduplicative analysis for which courts are not welldesigned. The discovery process usually concernsdiscrete [**2560] interests [***489] that a court is wellequipped to accommodate -- the interests of the partiesbefore the court coupled with the interest of the judicialsystem in resolving the conflict on the basis of the bestavailable information. When a lawsuit requires discoveryof materials located in a foreign nation, however, foreignlegal systems and foreign interests [*552] are implicatedas well. The presence of these interests creates a tensionbetween the broad discretion our courts normally exercisein managing pretrial discovery and the discretion usuallyallotted to the Executive in foreign matters.

It is the Executive that normally decides when acourse of action is important enough to risk affronting aforeign nation or placing a strain on foreign commerce.It is the Executive, as well, that is best equipped todetermine how to accommodate foreign interests alongwith our own. 3 Unlike the courts, "diplomatic and

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executive channels are, by definition, designed toexchange, negotiate, and reconcile the problems whichaccompany the realization of national interests within thesphere of international association." Laker Airways, Ltd.v. Sabena, Belgian World Airlines, 235 U. S. App. D. C.207, 253, 731 F.2d 909, 955 (1984). The Conventionembodies the result of the best efforts of the ExecutiveBranch, in negotiating the treaty, and the LegislativeBranch, in ratifying it, to balance competing nationalinterests. As such, the Convention represents a politicaldetermination -- one that, consistent with the principle ofseparation of powers, courts should not attempt tosecond-guess.

3 Our Government's interests themselves are farmore complicated than can be represented by thelimited parties before a court. The United Statesis increasingly concerned, for example, withprotecting sensitive technology for both economicand military reasons. It may not serve thecountry's long-term interest to establishprecedents that could allow foreign courts tocompel production of the records of Americancorporations.

Not only is the question of foreign discovery moreappropriately considered by the Executive and Congress,but in addition, courts are generally ill equipped toassume the role of balancing the interests of foreignnations with that of our own. Although transnationallitigation is increasing, relatively few judges areexperienced in the area and the procedures of foreignlegal systems are often poorly understood. Wilkey,Transnational Adjudication: A View from the Bench, 18Int'l Lawyer 541, 543 (1984); Ristau, Overview ofInternational [*553] Judicial Assistance, 18 Int'l Lawyer525, 531 (1984). As this Court recently stated, it has"little competence in determining precisely when foreignnations will be offended by particular acts." ContainerCorp. v. Franchise Tax Bd., 463 U.S. 159, 194 (1983). Apro-forum bias is likely to creep into the supposedlyneutral balancing process 4 and [***490] courts notsurprisingly [**2561] often will turn to the morefamiliar procedures established by their local rules. Inaddition, it simply is not reasonable to expect the FederalGovernment or the foreign state in which the discoverywill take place to participate in every individual case inorder to articulate the broader international and foreigninterests that are relevant [*554] to the decision whetherto use the Convention. Indeed, the opportunities for such

participation are limited. 5 Exacerbating theseshortcomings is the limited appellate review ofinterlocutory discovery decisions, 6 which prevents anyeffective case-by-case correction of erroneous discoverydecisions.

4 One of the ways that a pro-forum bias hasmanifested itself is in United States courts'preoccupation with their own power to issuediscovery orders. All too often courts haveregarded the Convention as some kind of threat totheir jurisdiction and have rejected use of thetreaty procedures. See, e. g., In re Anschuetz &Co., GmbH, 754 F.2d 602, 606, 612 (CA5 1985),cert. pending, No. 85-98. It is well establishedthat a court has the power to impose discoveryunder the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure whenit has personal jurisdiction over the foreign party.Societe Internationale Pour ParticipationsIndustrielles et Commerciales, S. A. v. Rogers,357 U.S. 197, 204-206 (1958). But once it isdetermined that the Convention does not providethe exclusive means for foreign discovery,jurisdictional power is not the issue. The relevantquestion, instead, becomes whether a court shouldforgo exercise of the full extent of its power toorder discovery. The Convention, which is validUnited States law, provides an answer to thatquestion by establishing a strong policy in favorof self-restraint for the purpose of furtheringUnited States interests and minimizinginternational disputes.

There is also a tendency on the part of courts,perhaps unrecognized, to view a dispute from alocal perspective. "Domestic courts do not sit asinternationally constituted tribunals. . . . Thecourts of most developed countries followinternational law only to the extent it is notoverridden by national law. Thus courtsinherently find it difficult neutrally to balancecompeting foreign interests. When there is anydoubt, national interests will tend to be favoredover foreign interests." Laker Airways, Ltd. v.Sabena, Belgian World Airlines, 235 U. S. App.D. C. 207, 249, 731 F.2d 909, 951 (1984)(footnotes omitted); see also In re UraniumAntitrust Litigation, 480 F.Supp. 1138, 1148 (NDIll. 1979).5 The Department of State in general does not

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transmit diplomatic notes from foreigngovernments to state or federal trial courts. Inaddition, it adheres to a policy that it does not takepositions regarding, or participate in, litigationbetween private parties, unless required to do soby applicable law. See Oxman, The ChoiceBetween Direct Discovery and Other Means ofObtaining Evidence Abroad: The Impact of theHague Evidence Convention, 37 U. Miami L. Rev.733, 748, n. 39 (1983).6 See Kerr v. United States District Court, 426U.S. 394, 402-405 (1976); see also Boreri v. FiatS. P. A., 763 F.2d 17, 20 (CA1 1985) (refusing toreview on interlocutory appeal District Courtorder involving extraterritorial discovery).


The principle of comity leads to more definite rulesthan the ad hoc approach endorsed by the majority. TheCourt asserts that the concept of comity requires anindividualized analysis of the interests present in eachparticular case before a court decides whether to applythe Convention. See ante, at 543-544. There is, however,nothing inherent in the comity principle that requirescase-by-case analysis. The Court frequently has reliedupon a comity analysis when it has adopted general rulesto cover recurring situations in areas such as choice offorum, 7 maritime law, 8 and sovereign [*555] [***491]immunity, 9 and the Court offers no reasons forabandoning that approach here.

7 See, e. g., Mitsubishi Motors Corp. v. SolerChrysler-Plymouth, Inc., 473 U.S. 614, 630(1985); Scherk v. Alberto-Culver Co., 417 U.S.506, 516-519 (1974); The Bremen v. ZapataOff-Shore Co., 407 U.S. 1, 12-14 (1972).8 See, e. g., Romero v. International TerminalOperating Co., 358 U.S. 354, 382-384 (1959);Lauritzen v. Larsen, 345 U.S. 571, 577-582(1953); Berizzi Bros. Co. v. The Pesaro, 271 U.S.562, 575 (1926); Wildenhus's Case, 120 U.S. 1,12 (1887); The Belgenland, 114 U.S. 355,363-364 (1885); The Scotia, 14 Wall. 170,187-188 (1872); Brown v. Duchesne, 19 How.183, 198 (1857); The Schooner Exchange v.McFaddon, 7 Cranch 116, 137 (1812).9 See, e. g., First National City Bank v. BancoPara el Comercio Exterior de Cuba, 462 U.S.611, 626-627 (1983) (presumption that for

purposes of sovereign immunity "governmentinstrumentalities established as juridical entitiesdistinct and independent from their sovereignshould normally be treated as such" on the basisof respect for "principles of comity betweennations").

Comity is not just a vague political concern favoringinternational cooperation when it is in our interest to doso. Rather it is a principle under which judicial decisionsreflect the systematic value of reciprocal tolerance andgoodwill. See Maier, Extraterritorial Jurisdiction at aCrossroads: An Intersection Between Public andInternational Law, 76 Am. J. Int'l L. 280, 281-285 (1982);J. Story, Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws §§ 35, 38(8th ed. 1883). 10 As in the choice-of-law analysis,[**2562] which from the very beginning has been linkedto international comity, the threshold question in a comityanalysis is whether there is in fact a true conflict betweendomestic and foreign law. When there is a conflict, acourt should seek a reasonable accommodation thatreconciles the central concerns of both sets of laws. Indoing so, it should perform a tripartite analysis thatconsiders the foreign interests, the interests of the UnitedStates, and the mutual interests of all nations in asmoothly functioning international legal regime. 11

10 Justice Story used the phrase "comity ofnations" to "express the true foundation andextent of the obligation of the laws of one nationwithin the territories of another." § 38. "The truefoundation on which the administration ofinternational law must rest is, that the rules whichare to govern are those which arise from mutualinterest and utility, from a sense of theinconveniences which would result from acontrary doctrine, and from a sort of moralnecessity to do justice, in order that justice may bedone to us in return." § 35.11 Choice-of-law decisions similarly reflect theneeds of the system as a whole as well as theconcerns of the forums with an interest in thecontroversy. "Probably the most importantfunction of choice-of-law rules is to make theinterstate and international systems work well.Choice-of-law rules, among other things, shouldseek to further harmonious relations betweenstates and to facilitate commercial intercoursebetween them. In formulating rules of choice oflaw, a state should have regard for the needs and

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policies of other states and of the community ofstates." Restatement (Second) of Conflict of Laws§ 6, Comment d, p. 13 (1971).

[*556] In most cases in which a discovery requestconcerns a nation that has ratified the Convention there isno need to resort to comity principles; the conflicts theyare designed to resolve already have been eliminated bythe agreements expressed in the treaty. The analysis setforth in the Restatement (Revised) of Foreign RelationsLaw of the United States, see ante, at 544, n. 28, isperfectly appropriate for courts to use when no treaty hasbeen negotiated to accommodate the different legalsystems. It would also be appropriate if the Conventionfailed to resolve the conflict in a particular case. TheCourt, however, adds an additional layer of so-calledcomity analysis by holding that courts should determineon a case-by-case basis whether resort to the Conventionis desirable. Although this analysis is unnecessary in theabsence of any conflicts, it should lead courts to the useof the Convention if they recognize that the Conventionalready has largely accommodated all three categories ofinterests relevant to a comity analysis -- foreign interests,domestic interests, [***492] and the interest in awell-functioning international order.


I am encouraged by the extent to which the Courtemphasizes the importance of foreign interests and by itsadmonition to lower courts to take special care to respectthose interests. See ante, at 546. Nonetheless, theCourt's view of the Convention rests on an incompleteanalysis of the sovereign interests of foreign states. TheCourt acknowledges that evidence is normally obtainedin civil-law countries by a judicial officer, ante, at 543,but it fails to recognize the significance of that practice.Under the classic view of territorial [*557] sovereignty,each state has a monopoly on the exercise ofgovernmental power within its borders and no state mayperform an act in the territory of a foreign state withoutconsent. 12 As explained in the Report of United StatesDelegation to Eleventh Session of the Hague Conferenceon Private International Law, the taking of evidence in acivil-law country may constitute the performance of apublic judicial act by an unauthorized foreign person:

" [**2563] In drafting the Convention, the doctrineof 'judicial sovereignty' had to be constantly borne inmind. Unlike the common-law practice, which placesupon the parties to the litigation the duty of privately

securing and presenting the evidence at the trial, the civillaw considers obtaining of evidence a matter primarilyfor the courts, with the parties in the subordinate positionof assisting the judicial authorities.

"The act of taking evidence in a common-lawcountry from a willing witness, without compulsion andwithout a breach of the peace, in aid of a foreignproceeding, is a purely private matter, in which the hostcountry has no interest and in which its judicialauthorities have normally no wish to participate. To thecontrary, the same act in a civil-law country may be apublic matter, and may constitute the performance of apublic judicial act by an unauthorized foreign person. Itmay violate the [*558] 'judicial sovereignty' of the hostcountry, unless its authorities participate or give theirconsent." 8 Int'l Legal Materials 785, 806 (1969). 13

12 Chief Justice Marshall articulated theAmerican formulation of this principle in TheSchooner Exchange v. McFaddon, 7 Cranch, at136:

"The jurisdiction of the nation within its ownterritory is necessarily exclusive and absolute. Itis susceptible of no limitation not imposed byitself. Any restriction upon it, deriving validityfrom an external source, would imply adiminution of its sovereignty to the extent of therestriction. . . .

"All exceptions, therefore, to the full andcomplete power of a nation within its ownterritories, must be traced up to the consent of thenation itself. They can flow from no otherlegitimate source."13 Many of the nations that participated indrafting the Convention regard nonjudicialevidence taking from even a willing witness as aviolation of sovereignty. A questionnairecirculated to participating governments prior tothe negotiations contained the question, "Is therein your State any legal provision or any officialpractice, based on concepts of sovereignty orpublic policy, preventing the taking of voluntarytestimony for use in a foreign court withoutpassing through the courts of your State?"Questionnaire on the Taking of Evidence Abroad,with Annexes, Actes et documents 9, 10. Of the20 replies, 8 Governments -- Egypt, France, WestGermany, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway,

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Switzerland, and Turkey -- stated that they didhave objections to unauthorized evidence taking.Reponses des Gouvernements au Questionnairesur la reception des depositions a l'etranger, Acteset documents 21-46; see also Oxman, 37 U.Miami L. Rev., at 764, n. 84.

Some [***493] countries also believe that the needto protect certain underlying substantive rights requiresjudicial control of the taking of evidence. In the FederalRepublic of Germany, for example, there is aconstitutional principle of proportionality, pursuant towhich a judge must protect personal privacy, commercialproperty, and business secrets. Interference with theserights is proper only if "necessary to protect otherpersons' rights in the course of civil litigation." SeeMeessen, The International Law on Taking EvidenceFrom, Not In, a Foreign State, The Anschutz andMesserschmitt opinions of the United States Court ofAppeals for the Fifth Circuit (Mar. 31, 1986), as set forthin App. to Brief for Anschuetz & Co. GmbH andMesserschmitt-Boelkow-Blohm GmbH as Amici Curiae27a-28a. 14

14 The Federal Republic of Germany, in itsdiplomatic protests to the United States, hasemphasized the constitutional basis of the rightsviolated by American discovery orders. See, e. g.,Diplomatic Note, dated Apr. 8, 1986, from theEmbassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.App. A to Brief for Federal Republic of Germanyas Amicus Curiae 20a.

[*559] The United States recently recognized theimportance of these sovereignty principles by taking thebroad position that the Convention "must be interpretedto preclude an evidence taking proceeding in the territoryof a foreign state party if the Convention does notauthorize it and the host country does not otherwisepermit it." Brief for United States as Amicus Curiae inVolkswagenwerk Aktiengesellschaft v. Falzon, O. T.1983, No. 82-1888, p. 6. Now, however, it appears totake a narrower view of what constitutes an "evidencetaking procedure," merely stating that "oral depositionson foreign soil . . . are improper without the consent ofthe foreign nation." Tr. of Oral Arg. 23. I am at a loss tounderstand why gathering documents or information in aforeign country, even if for ultimate production in theUnited States, is any less an imposition on sovereigntythan the taking of a deposition when gathering documents

also is regarded as a judicial function in a civil-lawnation.

Use of the Convention advances the sovereigninterests of foreign nations because they have givenconsent to Convention procedures [**2564] by ratifyingthem. This consent encompasses discovery techniquesthat would otherwise impinge on the sovereign interestsof many civil-law nations. In the absence of theConvention, the informal techniques provided by Articles15-22 of the Convention -- taking evidence by adiplomatic or consular officer of the requesting state andthe use of commissioners nominated by the court of thestate where the action is pending -- would raisesovereignty issues similar to those implicated by a directdiscovery order from a foreign court. "Judicial" activitiesare occurring on the soil of the sovereign by agents of aforeign state. 15 These voluntary discovery proceduresare a great boon to United States litigants [*560] and areused far more frequently in [***494] practice than iscompulsory discovery pursuant to letters of request. 16

15 See Edwards, Taking of Evidence Abroad inCivil or Commercial Matters, 18 Int'l & Comp. L.Q. 618, 647 (1969). A number of countries thatratified the Convention also expressed fears thatthe taking of evidence by consuls orcommissioners could lead to abuse. Ibid.16 According to the French Government, theoverwhelming majority of discovery requests byAmerican litigants are "satisfied willingly . . .before consular officials and, occasionally,commissioners, and without the need forinvolvement by a French court or use of itscoercive powers." Brief for Republic of France asAmicus Curiae 24. Once a United States court inwhich an action is pending issues an orderdesignating a diplomatic or consular official ofthe United States stationed in Paris to takeevidence, oral examination of American parties orwitnesses may proceed. If evidence is soughtfrom French nationals or other non-Americans, orif a commissioner has been named pursuant toArticle 17 of the Convention, the Civil Divisionof International Judicial Assistance of theMinistry of Justice must authorize the discovery.The United States Embassy will obtainauthorization at no charge or a party may makethe request directly to the Civil Division.Authorization is granted routinely and, when

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necessary, has been obtained within one to twodays. Brief, at 25.

Civil-law contracting parties have also agreed touse, and even to compel, procedures for gatheringevidence that are diametrically opposed to civil-lawpractices. The civil-law system is inquisitional ratherthan adversarial and the judge normally questions thewitness and prepares a written summary of the evidence.17 Even in common-law countries no system ofevidence-gathering resembles that of the United States. 18Under Article 9 of the Convention, however, a foreigncourt must grant a request to use a "special method orprocedure," which includes requests to compel attendanceof [*561] witnesses abroad, to administer oaths, toproduce verbatim transcripts, or to permit examination ofwitnesses by counsel for both parties. 19 These methodsfor obtaining evidence, which largely eliminate conflictsbetween the discovery procedures of the United Statesand the laws of foreign systems, have the consent of theratifying nations. The use of these methods thus furthersforeign interests [**2565] because discovery canproceed without violating the sovereignty of foreignnations.

17 For example, after the filing of the initialpleadings in a German court, the judge determineswhat evidence should be taken and who conductsthe taking of evidence at various hearings. See, e.g., Langbein, The German Advantage in CivilProcedure, 52 U. Chi. L. Rev. 823, 826-828(1985). All these proceedings are part of the"trial," which is not viewed as a separateproceeding distinct from the rest of the suit. Id.,at 826.18 "In most common law countries, evenEngland, one must often look hard to find theresemblances between pre-trial discovery thereand pre-trial discovery in the U.S. In England, forexample, although document discovery isavailable, depositions do not exist, interrogatorieshave strictly limited use, and discovery as to thirdparties is not generally allowed." S. Seidel,Extraterritorial Discovery in InternationalLitigation 24 (1984).19 In France, the Nouveau Code de ProcedureCivile, Arts. 736-748 (76th ed. Dalloz 1984),implements the Convention by permittingexamination and cross-examination of witnessesby the parties and their attorneys, Art. 740,

permitting a foreign judge to attend theproceedings, Art. 741, and authorizing thepreparation of a verbatim transcript of thequestions and answers at the expense of therequesting authority, Arts. 739, 748. Germanprocedures are described in Shemanski, ObtainingEvidence in the Federal Republic of Germany:The Impact of The Hague Evidence Conventionon German-American Judicial Cooperation, 17Int'l Lawyer 465, 473-474 (1983).


The primary interest of the United States in thiscontext is in providing effective procedures to enablelitigants to obtain evidence abroad. This was the verypurpose of the United States' participation in the treatynegotiations and, for the most part, the Conventionprovides those procedures.

[***495] The Court asserts that the letters ofrequest procedure authorized by the Convention in manysituations will be "unduly time-consuming andexpensive." Ante, at 542. The Court offers no support forthis statement and until the Convention is usedextensively enough for courts to develop experience withit, such statements can be nothing other than speculation.20 Conspicuously absent from the Court's assessment[*562] is any consideration of resort to the Convention'sless formal and less time-consuming alternatives --discovery conducted by consular officials or an appointedcommissioner. Moreover, unless the costs becomeprohibitive, saving time and money is not such a highpriority in discovery that some additional burden cannotbe tolerated in the interest of international goodwill.Certainly discovery controlled by litigants under theFederal Rules of Civil Procedure is not known for placinga high premium on either speed or cost-effectiveness.

20 The United States recounts the time andmoney expended by the SEC in attempting to usethe Convention's procedures to secure documentsand testimony from third-party witnesses residingin England, France, Italy, and Guernsey to enforcethe federal securities laws' insider-tradingprovisions. See Brief for United States andSecurities and Exchange Commission as AmiciCuriae 15-18. As the United States admits,however, the experience of a governmentalagency bringing an enforcement suit is "atypical"and has little relevance for the use of the

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Convention in disputes between private parties.In fact, according to the State Department, privateplaintiffs "have found resort to the Conventionmore successful." Id., at 18.

The SEC's attempts to use the Conventionhave raised questions of first impression, whoseresolution in foreign courts has led to delays inparticular litigation. For example, in In reTestimony of Constandi Nasser, Trib. Admin. deParis, 6eme section -- 2eme chambre, No.51546/6 (Dec. 17, 1985), the French Ministry ofJustice approved expeditiously the SEC's letter ofrequest for testimony of a nonparty witness. Thewitness then raised a collateral attack, arguing thatthe SEC's requests were administrative andtherefore outside the scope of the Convention,which is limited by its terms to "civil orcommercial matters." The Ministry of Justiceruled against the attack and, on review, the FrenchAdministrative Court ruled in favor of the FrenchGovernment and the SEC. By then, however, theSEC was in the process of settling the underlyinglitigation and did not seek further action on theletter of request. See Reply Brief for Petitioners17, and nn. 35, 36.

There is also apprehension that the Conventionprocedures will not prove fruitful. Experience with theConvention suggests otherwise -- contracting parties havehonored their obligation to execute letters of requestexpeditiously and to use compulsion if necessary. See, e.g., Report on the Work of the Special Commission on theOperation of the Convention of 18 March 1970 on theTaking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or CommercialMatters, 17 Int'l Legal Materials 1425, 1431, § 5 F(1978) ("refusal to execute turns out to be very infrequent[*563] in practice"). By and large, the concessions madeby parties to the Convention not only provide UnitedStates litigants with a means for obtaining evidence, butalso ensure that the evidence will be in a form admissiblein court.

There are, however, some situations in which there islegitimate concern that certain documents cannot bemade available under Convention procedures. Thirteennations have made official declarations pursuant toArticle 23 of the Convention, which permits a contractingstate to limit its obligation to produce documents inresponse to a letter of request. See [***496] ante, at

536, n. 21. These reservations may pose problems thatwould require a comity analysis in an individual case, butthey are not so all-encompassing as the majority implies-- they [**2566] certainly do not mean that a"contracting party could unilaterally abrogate . . . theConvention's procedures." Ante, at 537. First, thereservations can apply only to letters of request fordocuments. Thus, an Article 23 reservation affectsneither the most commonly used informal Conventionprocedures for taking of evidence by a consul or acommissioner nor formal requests for depositions orinterrogatories. Second, although Article 23 refersbroadly to "pre-trial discovery," the intended meaning ofthe term appears to have been much narrower than thenormal United States usage. 21 The contracting parties forthe most part have modified [*564] the declarationsmade pursuant to Article 23 to limit their reach. See 7Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory (pt. VII) 14-19(1986). 22 Indeed, the emerging view of this exception todiscovery is that it applies only to "requests that lacksufficient specificity or that have not been [***497]reviewed for [*565] relevancy by the requesting court." Oxman, The Choice Between Direct Discovery andOther Means of Obtaining Evidence Abroad: The Impactof the Hague Evidence Convention, 37 U. Miami L. Rev.,at 777. Thus, in practice, a reservation is not thesignificant obstacle to discovery under the Conventionthat the broad wording of Article 23 would suggest. 23

21 The use of the term "pre-trial" seems likely tohave been the product of a lack ofcommunication. According to the United Statesdelegates' report, at a meeting of the SpecialCommission on the Operation of the EvidenceConvention held in 1978, delegates from civil-lawcountries revealed a "gross misunderstanding" ofthe meaning of "pre-trial discovery," thinking thatit is something used before the institution of a suitto search for evidence that would lead tolitigation. Report of the United States Delegation,17 Int'l Legal Materials 1417, 1421 (1978). Thismisunderstanding is evidenced by the explanationof a French commentator that the "pre-trialdiscovery" exception was a reinforcement of therule in Article 1 of the Convention that a letter ofrequest "shall not be used to obtain evidencewhich is not intended for use in judicialproceedings, commenced or contemplated" andby his comment that the Article 23 exceptionreferred to the collection of evidence in advance

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of litigation. Gouguenheim, Convention surl'obtention des preuves a l'etranger en matierecivile et commerciale, 96 Journal du DroitInternational 315, 319 (1969).22 France has recently modified its declarationas follows:

"The declaration made by the Republic ofFrance pursuant to Article 23 relating to letters ofrequest whose purpose is 'pre-trial discovery ofdocuments' does not apply so long as therequested documents are limitatively enumeratedin the letter of request and have a direct and clearnexus with the subject matter of the litigation."

"La declaration faite par la Republiquefrancaise conformement a l'article 23 relatif auxcommissions rogatoires qui ont pour objet laprocedure de 'pre-trial discovery of documents' nes'applique pas lorsque les documents demandessont limitativement enumeres dans la commissionrogatoire et ont un lien direct et precis avec l'objetdu litige." Letter from J. B. Raimond, Minister ofForeign Affairs, France, to H. H. van den Broek,Minister of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands(Dec. 24, 1986).

The Danish declaration is more typical:

"The declaration made by the Kingdom ofDenmark in accordance with article 23 concerning'Letters of Request issued for the purpose ofobtaining pre-trial discovery of documents' shallapply to any Letter of Request which requires aperson:

"a) to state what documents relevant to theproceedings to which the Letter of Request relatesare, or have been, in his possession, other thanparticular documents specified in the Letter ofRequest;


"b) to produce any documents other thanparticular documents which are specified in theLetter of Request, and which are likely to be inhis possession." Declaration of July 23, 1980, 7Martindale-Hubbell Law Directory (pt. VII) 15(1986).

The Federal Republic of Germany, Italy,Luxembourg, and Portugal continue to haveunqualified Article 23 declarations, id., at 16-18,but the German Government has drafted newregulations that would "permit pretrial productionof specified and relevant documents in responseto letters of request." Brief for Anschuetz & Co.GmbH and Messerschmitt-Boelkow-BlohmGmbH as Amici Curiae 21.23 An Article 23 reservation and, in fact, theConvention in general require an American courtto give closer scrutiny to the evidence requestedthan is normal in United States discovery, but thisis not inconsistent with recent amendments to theFederal Rules of Civil Procedure that provide fora more active role on the part of the trial judge asa means of limiting discovery abuse. See Fed.Rule Civ. Proc. 26(b), (f), and (g) andaccompanying Advisory Committee Notes.

[**2567] In this particular case, the "French'blocking statute,'" see ante, at 526, n. 6, poses anadditional potential barrier to obtaining discovery fromFrance. But any conflict posed by this legislation iseasily resolved by resort to the Convention's procedures.The French statute's prohibitions are expressly "subjectto" international agreements and applicable laws and itdoes not affect the taking of evidence under theConvention. See Toms, The French Response to theExtraterritorial Application of United States AntitrustLaws, 15 Int'l Lawyer 585, 593-599 (1981); Heck,Federal Republic of Germany and the EEC, 18 Int'lLawyer 793, 800 (1984).

The second major United States interest is in fair andequal treatment of litigants. The Court cites severalfairness concerns in support of its conclusion that theConvention is not exclusive and apparently fears that abroad endorsement of the use of the Convention wouldlead to the same "unacceptable asymmetries." See ante, at540, n. 25. Courts can protect against the first twoconcerns noted by the majority -- that a foreign party to alawsuit would have a discovery advantage over adomestic litigant because it could obtain the advantagesof the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, and that aforeign company would have an economic [*566]competitive advantage because it would be subject to lessextensive discovery -- by exercising their discretionarypowers to control discovery in order to ensure fairness toboth parties. A court may "make any order which justice

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requires" to limit discovery, including an order permittingdiscovery only on specified terms and conditions, by aparticular discovery method, or with limitation in scopeto certain matters. Fed. Rule Civ. Proc. 26(c). If, forinstance, resort to the Convention procedures would putone party at a disadvantage, any possible unfairness couldbe prevented by postponing that party's obligation torespond to discovery requests until completion of theforeign discovery. Moreover, the Court's arguments focuson the nationality of the parties, while it is actually thelocus of the evidence that is relevant to use of theConvention: a foreign litigant trying to secure evidencefrom a foreign branch of an American litigant might alsobe required to resort to the Convention.

The Court's third fairness concern is illusory. It fearsthat a domestic litigant suing a national of a state that isnot a party to the Convention would have an advantageover a litigant suing a national of a contracting [***498]state. This statement completely ignores the verypurpose of the Convention. The negotiations wereproposed by the United States in order to facilitatediscovery, not to hamper litigants. Dissimilar treatmentof litigants similarly situated does occur, but in themanner opposite to that perceived by the Court. Thosewho sue nationals of noncontracting states aredisadvantaged by the unavailability of the Conventionprocedures. This is an unavoidable inequality inherent inthe benefits conferred by any treaty that is less thanuniversally ratified.

In most instances, use of the Convention will serveto advance United States interests, particularly whenthose interests are viewed in a context larger than theimmediate interest of the litigants' discovery. Theapproach I propose is not a rigid per se rule that wouldrequire first use of the Convention without regard tostrong indications that no evidence [*567] would beforthcoming. All too often, however, courts have simplyassumed that resort to the Convention would beunproductive and have embarked on speculation aboutforeign procedures and interpretations. See, e. g.,International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Inc. v.Lee, 105 F.R.D. 435, 449-450 (SDNY 1984); Graco, Inc.v. Kremlin, Inc., 101 F.R.D. 503, 509-512 (ND Ill. 1984).When resort to the Convention would be futile, a courthas no choice but to resort to a traditional comityanalysis. But even then, an attempt to use theConvention will often [**2568] be the best way todiscover if it will be successful, particularly in the present

state of general inexperience with the implementation ofits procedures by the various contracting states. Anattempt to use the Convention will open a dialogue withthe authorities in the foreign state and in that way aUnited States court can obtain an authoritative answer asto the limits on what it can achieve with a discoveryrequest in a particular contracting state.


The final component of a comity analysis is toconsider if there is a course that furthers, rather thanimpedes, the development of an ordered internationalsystem. A functioning system for solving disputes acrossborders serves many values, among them predictability,fairness, ease of commercial interactions, and "stabilitythrough satisfaction of mutual expectations." LakerAirways, Ltd. v. Sabena, Belgian World Airlines, 235 U.S. App. D. C., at 235, 731 F.2d, at 937. These interestsare common to all nations, including the United States.

Use of the Convention would help develop methodsfor transnational litigation by placing officials in aposition to communicate directly about conflicts thatarise during discovery, thus enabling them to promote areduction in those conflicts. In a broader framework,courts that use the Convention will avoid foreignperceptions of unfairness that result when United Statescourts show insensitivity to the interests [*568]safeguarded by foreign legal regimes. Because of theposition of the United States, economically, politically,and militarily, many countries may be reluctant to opposediscovery orders of United States courts. Foreignacquiescence to orders that ignore the Convention,however, is likely to carry a price tag of accumulatingresentment, with the predictable [***499] long-termpolitical cost that cooperation will be withheld in othermatters. Use of the Convention is a simple step to taketoward avoiding that unnecessary and undesirableconsequence.


I can only hope that courts faced with discoveryrequests for materials in foreign countries will avoid theparochial views that too often have characterized thedecisions to date. Many of the considerations that leadme to the conclusion that there should be a generalpresumption favoring use of the Convention should alsocarry force when courts analyze particular cases. Themajority fails to offer guidance in this endeavor, and thus

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it has missed its opportunity to provide predictable andeffective procedures for international litigants in UnitedStates courts. It now falls to the lower courts torecognize the needs of the international commercialsystem and the accommodation of those needs already

endorsed by the political branches and embodied in theConvention. To the extent indicated, I respectfullydissent.

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