social scrapbook card party for miss eleanor bill is bride …

I * i X Thursday, November 11, 1954 THE INDEPENDENT PRESS, BLOOMFIELD. N. J. ^ iPoge Mfteen SOCIAL SCRAPBOOK BY HELEN HAA(; m»«tftrl< r«»l*«»l« U»i»« *••»•«• **»••»*« ?•••• ••• Bar if<«M, to lk» Cratrr »*ei»«n •» ! • " " »»• »•»»»•< *• '•» »**»» M«W1 Mrr********* Mrs. WUiUa M«*« •( M L»»i«fi.« «»#••€. S I i w M l I 1I1H »lt» astta! It—» »«••! iSeir f » r »•« *»*»•*•» «•••••«».» Card Party For Brookdale H&S GUncing around at th« Aux- Uiary luncheon at Kessler Insti- tute in West Orange last Friday 1 taw many a familiar Bloomfre4d lace. Among these were Mrs. Ed- ward Uniss, Mrs. William Ander- son, Miss Marie Rie.-vr, Mrs. Ray- mond Clark. Mrs. Bertram En- gelke, Mr*. John Gnall, Mrs. Theodore Hock, Mrs. Mabel Hil- ton, and Mrs. Arnold Mix. * Birthday girl Patricia Hopkins, daughter of the R. L. Hopkins of 9 Parkway east, was a most ex- cited girl last Saturday when *h« played host* <•***.» "-."rnsm ot h-r triends at a birthday y*rty. Guests at Pat's party were Diane James, Barbara Haag, Susan Antico, Barbara Kolsein, Cynthia Seymore, Phyhss Park. Haroldine Miller, Barbara Jean Ferranti and Betty Bhehmer. • • Peg and Harold Humpage of 79 Carteret street had as their guests last weekend Peg's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smoley and their children of Waterbury, Conn. Dr Thomas J. McLarney, Peg's father, who has been visiting with the Hum- pages for the past two months, returned to Connecticut with the Smoleys. — , , • * Father and Son Night, whicn was held at the Orange YMCA last Friday night, was attended by George Pfiel and sons Alan and George of 8 Lenox terrace and Henry Todaro and son Mi- chael of 36 Cleveland terrace. • • Mr*. Harry Kaye of 87 Hazel- wood road will be hostess next Monday afternoon at a dessert meeting of Group G of the Bloom- field. Women's Club. • . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stromield of 180 Franklin street left last weak for a two week trip to California, Las Vegas, and St. Louis. While the Stromfelds are away their son and his wife, the Harold Stromfeida, will remain in their home. Arriving Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGrath of 34 Oak street were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyer* of Skane- atales, N. Y. The Meyers will visit with the McGrath* for two weeks • • Weekenders in Ocean Grove will be Mr. and Mrs. Albert G Welle of M Clinton street. They will be guests of Mrs. Daniel Sherwood of thst city. * • • Mr*. Fredrick Yost of 50 James street was guest of honor st a birthday party last, week at her home. Guests Included her hus- band, Frederick Yost, daughter Marion, son Jack and his wife Audrey -of East Orange, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Savage, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Crecca and daugh- ter Jean, Mrs. Lillian Fuller, Mrs Lillian Peters and Mr. and Mrs ''tncent Savage. The Rotary Anns met Monday for luncheon and cards st Pals Cabin in West Orange. Mrs. G. E Uniss of 43 Woodland road, presi- dent of the organisation was in charge of the meeting. Plans for the group's Christmas party to be held at Pal's in December were discussed. Plans for Brookdale Home and School Association's annual card party to be held la the school auditorium on Thursday, Decem- ber 2, at 1:00 p.m. were made at a meeting called by Mrs. A. Modrow, chairman, in her home on Davidson road. Committee members present were Mrs. F. Bufanio, m charge of special prises, Mrs. E. Danielson, tickets; Mrs. H. Haxo, refreshments; Mrs. D. Papa, serving; Mrs. W. Richardson, table prises, Mrs. G Van Blarcom, door pi Ires; And Mrs. E. Lender, publicity. Tickets for the card party, ajt which dessert will be tejrved, can be obtained from classroom mothers. Members of the executive committee of Brookdsle Home and School Association met last Thursday evening st the home of Mrs. R. M. Grevtn. Miss Eleanor Bill Is Bride Saturday Of Donald Calvin m Open House For, Berkeley FTA 70th Birthday Dr. Cherles Eisler of Msple- wood celebrsted his 70th birthdsy Mondsy at Mayfair Farms. Two hundred and fifty attended the affair in honor of Dr Eisler, who is the founder of Dikovics Hall at Bloomfield College and Seminary. Present from Bloomfield were Rev. Dr. Fred Schweitser, presi- dent of the college, Rev. Dr. Frank Kovach, dean of the college, and Mrs. Kovach, and Dr. Mrs. Eroil A. Plavecvky. REHEARSAL CLUB TO PRESENT PROGRAM The members of the Rehearsal Club will meet at the home of Mrs. James Clark, 1 Spruce street, Packanack Lake on No- vember 17. The clsssical program to be presented by the club mem- bers will consist of piano solos by Mrs. Cherles Bates and Mrs. Kent Dsy Cos*, a vocal duet by riiiabeth Kroese, soprano, and Sylvia Merrill, coloratura, vocal solos by Colleen Grider, so- prano, and Elisabeth McGilvray, contralto, and sn unaccompanied violin solo by Helen Miller. Junior Woman's Club To Honor 15 New Members EVENING GROUP PARTY TONIGHT Old-fashioned, informal hospi- tsHty will be the keynote of the evening tonight when the mem- ber* of the Evening Membership department of the Woman's Club of Bloomfield. their families and friends gather for a pre-Thsnks- giving celebration. There will be square dancing, waltzing, polkas, and real old fashioned merriment withaprcopriate refreshments. Tne evening's festivities have been arranged by the program chairman* Mrs. Harriet Donnelly, assisted by Mrs. Carl Wollner, Miss Charlotte Stout, department chairman, and Mr*. T. C. Hock, hospitality chairman. Returns To Germany Miss Elfrieda Landes. sister of Mrs. Thomas R. G. Evans of West Passaic avenue, sailed for Ger- many Tuesday on the New Am- sterdam. Miss Landes has been visiting, Rev. and Mrs. Evans for the psst six months. Fifteen new members of the Junior Woman's Club of Bloom- field will be honored at the Club's annual membership tea on Sun- day afternoon at the Club House, from 3 to 5. The president, Mis* Jean Ferg- uson, will welcome new end old members and guests. Mrs. Harry Kaye. Senior advisor will give the Invocation and Mrs. William DeVott, vice president, will read the Junior Collect The new member* who will take part in the candle) ight service are Mrs. Robert E. Morris, Mrs. L. Hebenstreit, Mrs. George Reilly, Mrs. GHfi Casey. Mrs. Walter Pa- scsyk, Mrs. Clark E. Bremseth, Mrs. Roy R Gerslde, Mrs. Peter Dom. Dr. Rosemary G. McC'oak- ey, Mrs. Joseph Kopfiva. Mrs. Stephen W. Fredericks; the Mis- ses Ana Nucci, Gertrude Back. Dolores R. Fernicola, and Doris E. Hotgetang. Eaeh new member will be pre- sented with a corsage by her spon- sor, and will be welcomed into the club by the president and by Mrs. Donald Savage, membership chairman, after which all mem- bers will recite the Junior Pledge. led by Miss Ferguson. Following the induction cere- mony, the president will introduce the guests: Mrs. Edwin Florance, Seventh District advisor; Mr*. William C. Demmert, Senior pres- ident; Miss Charlotte Stout, Eve- ning Department chairman; Mrs. Harry Rave. Senior s^vi* Mrs. of the club will speak to the mem- bers about Federation activities. Mrs. Kenneth W. Blake, hospi- tality chairman, and her commit- tee will serve refreshments. BROOKDALE HlLlTES Rv BSTEIXE E. MARS AM) 1 uLLiT?tth >Mtai •*••»• .»••* ***•» ••-»» ••* ,rl "»*» ••• initial* «MS ••«••«» "• MB taetr «M4SI *mtnm»<* ' *"~ •• —— * II? »*4 frW»a» •»• On " *•••* •• *•'•*••" •* It* -Open House" at Berkeley Z:',7.\ t ^~\Z>",7 ~m~.^ sties . School was held on Tuesday eve- " "™••••»••«••»••" , l •• l ™^"•™ , ... ^_ M it is a moat wel- „Tng A short business meetin, Mr. .ad Mrs. H . c y W. Jiarri, | Manchester N H ta . meet wel was held in the schc^l auditorium I°' G.rrsbrant avenue, t a p * * Ota** v i f * 0 t , « —-g--»,^» Si. The meeting was conduct- * i , h M * " * Mn NelK>B ^trup^assisUng with P"P-" Uon » for ** ed by David McCalmont, first will spend the Armistice Day arrival of Si« Stork. M vice-president. A flag ceremony j weekend with a stop-off at Bound was led by Girl Scouts from Berk- ] B "x>k and then on to Atlantic tlcv school. The color guard City where they will attend the comprised Roseann Pico, Joy Ann All-State Chorus and Orchestra Bille, Gale Ashworth, and Vir- performance at Convention Hall, family, Mr. and Mrs. John Grady of M Craig place are looking forward to a visit from their daughter and Mr. and Mr*. Donald ginia Wallace, and the pianist was Rosalie Camarata. Mrs. Walter Soltanoff of 40 Col- Byrne and their new granddaugh- ter, Barbara Lorraine, four month* Mrs. leey Altai Jr. discusaed lin. avenue, chairman of the »W ^J^f;^^Dec^mber the Visual Aid. Committee and United Nation. Children.' «m«r- X^ Ther «£ I .nr ,v « « ^ ^ J their work, which consUU *f erf-Ueocy Tund. exlend. H«cial!^ *J>' *J« *°™* y J\ n T £lr hlbits borrows from the Newark thank* to G.irl Scout Troop I and, ™- **™ //.»£• m » m r »'f '"^ Mu»eum for use by the tes ^ \ all i he worker, and contributor, j ?£/%* SfUSTJt ^\l in the classroom* certain subjects. Three ing exhibits were on display. Mrs. I • • • M. Spaeth, president, report-1 5t even irwm. son of Mr. M d j 1 " f the teacher, all the worker, and contributors ober end I. back rom nis nonev- to emtpasize for collections received during ™*"> wlth ' hl * brid *. ^ £?£ •hre. wCggt- Hallowe'en f T-'c«c t 1 Treat night .I «•* s ^ n ' t w ° r ^" , n , 7 , h e ^ i display. Mrs. • • • ,onos and now reside at 578 San- H ed on the serious side of the Mrs. Martin A. Irwin of 74 Yale -• MRS. DONALD R. CALVIN Miss Eleanor Elizabeth Bill,,trim of velvet, and hats to match, daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. Arthur M** 1 Bill carried a cascade bou- H. J. Bill of 7J High street. Glen « uet , °' b "»"«' *«* ^fw chry- m*i , . „ . _j santhemums, and the bridesmaids Ridge, was married Saturday a t U ^ e d cascade bouquets of yel- 5:30 p. m. at Westminster Pre*-j low chrysanthemums, byterian Church, Bloomfield, to Robert Wright of Wa^hlng^on, Donald Ryder Calvin ton of Mr. D. C, was best, man for Mr Cal- and Mrs. Lester C. Calvin of 30 vin, and ushers were Robert A convention of the N. J. Congress of Parents and Teachers which she attended in Atlantic City and MM, K. Hass, secretary, reported on the light side. Miss Gloria Adams won the banner for having the most par- ents in attendance from her morn- ing kindergarten class. The parents then visited the class- rooms to see their children's work on display and discuss the work with the teachers. Three more teachers met with the mothers of their classes for afternoon tea. These were Mis. Create on November 3, Mus Peterson on November 4, and Mrs. Donnelly on November 5. Over half of the mothers from each class were able to attend. jFairweu; School °of his Vandm^heV.iPflfgflfS /Vlgm , Horandt of CHffside j © •'Building Ideals in Children street, was guest of bono- a i.mily dinner party Sunday celebration the home Mrs. C .C, Park. Friday evening, the Irwin*' entertained guests Mr. and Mr«.| W. Antsl from North Caldwell i *"»*£ ^imSil naiemV and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lofberg of ° K , th * # I^"^*! 6 /"^Iw night at Fairview School, which has been arranged by Miss lsa- belle Red fern, Fairview reading consultant, in cooperation with the Home and School Association. Teaneck at dinner • • The Brookdale Mothers' Club will hold their next monthly meet- :——p——. t Residints Invited To Exhibit ROMS At Saturday Moating A Rose Shbw for "The Last Rose of Summer** will be held at the meeting of the North Jersey Rose Society, Saturday at the Glen Ridge Congregational Church, 133 Rsdjaweod avenue, 2 30 p. m. Dr. Cynthia Westeett, president, will conduct the meet- ing Members "of the Society and lover* of roses every where are invited to exhibit named varieties of roast grown fn their gardens. The public is also Invited to ex- hibit arrangements of reset grown in the garden of the exhibitor. Those who plan to exhibit are requested to be at the meeting by 1:30 p. m. Arrangements of gar- material, rose, predomin- ating, will be welcomed la charge of the Reee Shew will be D* of Tenafly. Ravine avenue, Celdwell. The Rev. Andrew Newcomer per- formed the ceremony. Escorted by her father, ^tha bride wore a princess style gown of ivory satin, with a chantilly lace bodice and a tulle neckline edged In pearls and long lace sleeves. The satm skirt termin- ated in a train. Her fingertip net v*%w*s fastened to a headpiece of pearls. She carried a bouquet of white rotas wRh a white or- chid center. Miss Marjorie Ann Bill, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss J. Elisabeth Ritchie of Bloomfield and Mrs. Robert Stout of Oak- land. They wore gown* of a bal- lerina length, princess style, of aqua crystalette with matching Bill of Glen Ridge, brother of the bride. Robert Jacobson of Belle- ville, Thomas Wood of Orange and Robert Mas*a of West Cald- well. A reception at the Moresque followed the ceremony. Mrs. Cal- vin, a graduate of Montclair Stat* Teacher's College, isbdh the fa- culty of Uecoln School, Cald- well. Mr Calvin attended Davis and Elkms College and Stetson University. He served In the sir force two years and it treasurer of the West Essex First Aid Squsd. He it aaWiated in bu*i« ness .w;th the Kennel Products Co.. Caldwell. The couple flew to Florida for a wedding trip and on their re- turn will live orK^HiUside ave- nue, Caldwell. ^-v MEDICAL AUXILIARY SETS DANCE DATE Mrs. Lucien Delia Fera. 53 Ferncliff road, is in charge of in- vitations for the Chrysanthemum Ball of the Women's Auxiliary te the Essex County. Medical So- ciety, to be held at the Military Park Hotel in Newark on Sat- urday, November ZO. The dinner dance will be preceded by a cocktail hour from 7:30 to 1:30 p.m. This is the Auxiliary's annual fund raising affair to benefit ing at the home of Mrs. John Marsh of Alwood. Every Thanks- giving some needy family receives a Thanksgiving basket from this club of ten member* whose sole purpose is to do charity work and help others, and at this meeting The meeting, scheduled for t p.m., will consist of audience- group discussions pinpointed by three guest speakers, all of Bloomfield. They are: Dr. Eloise Cason, director of child guidance; Dr. Vesta Par- It will be decided whkh family i a | wn-i chajrman of the senior high to receive the^basket this year. j , choor , English department, and Off t« N « v«rk *--- « « . . MiM Anne R ** V « R . children's Off to New York Ttteeday eve- UQ rf , t t h e p^ bH Lib rary. rung for a d*Ughtful evening laj ParenlJ wU1 receive nelpful me big city and the performance j tion8 for fuidin<r chMrtn at - "Anniversary Waits are the following ladies, all members of in the selection of books which the ssme bridge club: Mesdame. "£,, '"courage* the moral and Ethel Brennan.Ele.nor Be.le, Is- tS^LHSZ f^TTnul abel Moore. Kay Vs« Nortr.nd. ^ e ^ n ^'^ l6Mg \J?™* Helen Mount. Ann Pearson, . n d ldi « uss,on, , wlU **£H> the pr 5! Kitty Koch an< * con * comic books, as well * . . , at the influence of television Mrs. Hay den Heaton of Fern- upon *2f5?'i #K ' cliff road entertained her canastal } n d . d 1 ,tion # , to 1 , l the k 7 'T^s?' other Bloomfield specialists vms are assisting Miss Redfearn are: Jsck Smith, assistant psycholo- gist; Miss Dorothy Oswald, visit- ing teacher and social worker; Mist Marion Taylor, Senior High School librarian; Frank G. Jen- nings, Junior High School read* ing specialist; Mrs. Dorothy Fitz- Square Dance Plans Made By WatsessingH&S Qroup M^asatsBiBBtiMeaM.SBBaBjeaMP Twenty seven members of the]Grade* artf responsible for this executive committee ef the Wat- project and are working hard to testing Home and School Asaocia- make it a huge success this yesr. tkm met tt me home of Mr. snd The public is invited and tic- Mrs. William B. Day on Wednes- ket. may be obtained from Mr. day, October 1 Reports were and Mn. Walter Davis, club st their lest get-together two weeks ago. Playing cards snd en- their Nurses" Scholarship Fund Joying a social evening were mem- and other philanthropic projects, hers Mrs. Howard Healy, Mrs, Each year two or more scholar-1 Tom Morgan. Mrt. Harold Tyne, ships are. awarded to worthy Mrs. Tom Cavanaugh, Mrs. Frank young women of T^aex County Tripucka, Mrs. Tom Cottello, snd to further their education in the Mrt. Robert «*biebol. nursing profession. « • • AnothM jy^y mUe p^y ^j. | Gerald, Junior High School h- BROOKDAl F CI Ilk TCi eb " nt mit month is Csil Hitter, hrarian: and Miss Rose Dickinson, Jmd AasV* A, rilSaa- *•"**«• of Mr. snd Mrs. Martiii «** «rsde teacher at Fair V1 ew. HEAR MISS ALLESON HlUer fa 10 Hyde road who turned Mrs George Johnson, proeram kix » n Saturday and had a party Over 300 Present At chairman of me Brookdale Worn- ° n h* 0 ^ to w I*h Gai '' a very hap- h m i Club, has invited Mis* Mar ion Alleson, stylist and represent made by the respective chairmen on the projects completed and * l *-- l>re y ram .., wl " ' 1IM iD Mrt. Joseph Alter reported on "fSfTi'su n w! /«* rden » i parent response to "Know Your visited in 1334 will be shown in president of the Junior*, now an honorary, member. Miss Phoebe Morehead, Feder- ation Secretary and past president color by Mr. Shapiro of El.abeth. The chairmen of all committees will give reports of activities during 1334. The public It cordially invited EXTRA SUPPORT FOR fflWSt WHO NEED IT! Woman's Club Tolls Department Doings For Week To Come On Friday, Group E of the Woman's Club of Bloomfield will held a dessert bridge at the Club It Claredon place, at 12:30. Herbert J. Williams te chair. of this affair All members ef the Woman's Club \J\ZT SHOI I EXTRA 8UPPORT | are Invited to attend The Garden Department «f the Woman's Club will meet at the Club House en Thursday after- noon. November it. Mrs^W. O. Leslie is chairman. <* Preceding the regular Novem- ber business meeting on Friday, November 13, Group F of the Woman's Club will hold s lunch- eon for the Club membett at 13:30 p.m. Following the luncheon the legislative department will pre- sent a speaker from the League for Women Votert. Mrt, D. Aheam it chairman. Mr*. M. C. Shramm, chairman of the Welfare Department, has requested all members to bring School" night. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Meurer, chairmen for the square dance to be held on Friday, November 13, at Brookdale School, report that many interesting gsmei will be featured during the evening with suitable prizes to be twtrd- ed the winners. The hat game, crawling under the hurdle, pats the tray, and the always popular cake walk will delight the dancers that evening. Th* winer of the door prise will receive a Thanks- giving basket which should pro- rid* a fine hoUday diner Maurer feels mat this will be a friendly and sociable evening for everyone Name tags are be- ing prepared to dancers in each "squtre" will h i c w i easily ac- quainted. Fred Riecke and his Me "ttatn- eers will furnish music tnd Mr Riecke wiU call the dances Scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. The parents of Mist M. Big- gsrts and Mr. LJ. Ossi's Fifth ART LEAGUE OFFERS NEW SCHOLARSHIP Glen wood avenue. Other discussions ef the ing included the Rummage Sale scheduled for December I, add •Know Your Town" and a card party planned by the association for January. Re fresh menu were served by Mrs. Dey following the business meeting The next meeting of th* executive committee it to be held In Jtnuary. * BALDWINS HOSTS TO DOUBLE ts The Double 8't had a costume party Saturday night at the home r* the Ken Baldwins of Cleveland terrace. Etch guest received a gift of something from the Bald- win home, st they are moving within the month to Brookdale. Those present from Bloomfield were Mr. and Mrs. Ruesel Muter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKeon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hardt and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Defter. Other guests were Mr. and Mrt. Warren Wentzel of Livingston, Mr and Mrt. Tom Hurst of Montclair, and Mr. and Mrt. Ralph Morrison of Cranford. t atlv* of Congoleum Nairn, Inc., to address th* group at their business meeting on November 17 The program will feature home styling and Mrs. v James McNeely *wMl be refreshment chairman, assisted by Mesdame* H. Baird and H. V. Washburn. The meeting will be called to order at 1:30 p. m., at the Hilltop Barn, by Mrt. J. H. Pariseaii. president. Plant for the annual Christmas party will be announced. Guests and members will be welcomed by Mrs. F. R. Church. ^m. IMUU IU ww vain a very nap- . -^ p# birthday were her little broth- \mOtnor-UaUgnter :*^* , !£^ ,,, i££! N *** * Corteret Kennedy, Julie G re vin, Linda No- —7 ble. Cheryl Daland. cousin* BilUe' . M u ore J. ha " , 300 * t ^'A , ! and Susan Miller from Short Hills ^°l her : D8U 1 f ht " J^^J 1 * 1 * 1 52 snd Carol Covert from CaldwelL ^! dty t */ *5 ??•?..!!!? . . , %««"«. School Association at th* school. Mr inH Mr. P...1 w ~—' '• T"* highlight of the evening wat ™J Strf^t w . Si th * •PP*"»"c* or me Bloomheld m o a t J ^ a r l y f r o m East Orsnge, H igh &:hool Girls Drill Team are now comfortably settled in» under th( . 9U ^^ iBion D f Mist m«r new home at 40 Leo terrace r^jth Russell. This uks the first where they are happily anticipat ing an addition to their family in a few weeks. The Grandmon's time that me Drill Team per- formed H* .etSilre drill indoors "md me .audience was impressed hr-* STRIDE RITEI are built | with fetturw many doe- tort recommend to aid ptoUm foot. Extra hat? »| provided with anatomic wtdftd heel*, gpteud left tnd right counters tnd ttett thank* Thtte tddi- * f inrttl support fetturtt aim to help in caeaa of pronttion. Atk your doctorftboutSTRIDE Rrra with "£ila gupport" fetturtt. PAUL'S SHOE SHOPS 580 Blhomfield Ave. Bloomfield 153 Wathingrton Ave. Belleville DOCTOR* Ft«iCMrTiOW« F1UXD The reception held Wednesday evening, November 3. in the gal- lory of the Bloomfield Public canned goods to" the Murines* l Ubrify ,n «w»»tetltii with the meeting to that food baskets may be made up for the poor Evening Bridge The Scout Mother* of Troop 4 will hold their annual evening bridge on Wednesday, November 17 at ft p.m. in the parish hall of Brookdale Community Church. Mrt. G, H. Beecher. I Collins avenue ha* charge of the ticket*. There will be daor prises and ta- ble prise* and refreshment* are to be served. current American Art Week ex hibition was well attended. Over 30 paintings by local artists were entered and prizes were awarded During the evening It was an- nounced that th* Bloomfield Art League, as another contribution to .American Art Week, would offer I scholarship for the Thursday evening class ThU scholarship hi to be given to a member of the senior class of the high school tor outstanding ability in art, who is to he selected by the high 'school faculty. Luncheons And Suppers Planned By Hadassah Ntw AAUW Members SSX^XSOBSSSSSSB AVOID THE CHRISTMAS CROWDS Give A Treasured GUI. Yoor Portrait, Your Family or Children. Taken m the Convenience of Your Home. tpRCIAL PRICM DURING fJHRIlTMAi ftjr.AtON Per Informttlon tnd Appointment! Ctll ED 8-88.13 GEORGE C. PACKARD, iWipker I WILLIAMS STREKT BIOOMFIRin. N. J. _ ! ^ Mrs David Ho veil, membership chairman. Bloomfield Branch of the American Association of Uni- versity Women announced re- cently me names of three new members They are Mr*. Beryl Mcpherson, 810 Davey street Bloomfield, a graduate of MeGUI University; Mr*. L. Deane Paar- tntn, ftS Branchbrook place, Newark- graduate,of the Univer- sity of Iowa and Mist Gllda bel Guerolo, 4t7 Joralemon street Belleville, a graduate of N. 1. State Teacher* College at Mont- clair. For information about branch membership contact Mrs. Hovel! St BD 1-7470 or Mr*. Andrew T. power, pretldent. at BD ft-»2ll. MOY-BING CMINBSB-AMBtUCAN •RATAURANT Of American Dinner* ** On November 17 •tad lft,all over •un- pen will be served in the inter- est of the Hadassah Medical Or- ganization. Mrs. Harry Sarnoff, chairman of HMO hat announced these dstes for the first fund raising affair specifically marked for this function of Radassah work. In the 43 years of Hadassah* exittence, the need for medical help in Palestine has grown st the count rv itself has grown. And since the creation of the State of Israel, it continues to play a lead- ing role in Israel's health serv- ices. In order to meet the ever growing needs of the stale, Ha- tatbah has expanded its services and hat at the ssme time main- tained its traditional high stand- ards In all major branches; cura- tive medicine, nbmmunity health service* and development of re- search and training. During the past three year. alone, Hadassah hat managed through modernization and ex- pansion of ite hospitals to in- crease the number of hospital bed*, the number of practising doctors, nurses and general staff. The Department ef fimlb Health, hased on the new Obrrl- munity Hetlth Censer program, inaugurated at Bet Matmil as the pilot plant and at two sub-certters | t Raster and Hartuv. represent* I most forwsrr! looking Hadassah venture in a new type of comer*- hentlve community health service. Thit Community Health Canter program is' bated on the treat- ment of the family at a unit. All health factor* medical, eco- nomic, social, psychological — af- fecting thtagvelfare of the Indivi- dual and the family, are taken In- to consideration. 0 Hadassah continues to train medical personnel to serve throughout the country — in the Army, <n the Mtabarof, in hosoit- tls, clinics and health center*. The Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School in only five years of existence, now has an enroli- hav* a daughter, Paulette. Her bv their precision performance. mother, klr*. A. J. VeTretje from; After the program refresh- I ments were served by Mrt. Cot- mo Greco, Mr*. Berney Stone, Virs. Robert Franks. Mrs. Vincent *M*ger*ld, Mrs. William Bar- neY. Mrs. Helen Golden and Mrs. PhMo Josephs. Soda and cookie* were ontrlbuted by the class fa- thers tnd napkins and straws by Edward Carney. Mrs. Josephs, chairman of the ways end meant committee, was in charge of the affair. The second executive board meting of the Carteret Home and School Association was held at meet of over 400 students and 134 graduates already tnteming m hospitals throughout Israel. The Nwrses Training School, in the course ofttsSS years, ha* gradu- ated 874 nurses; the Occupat#fmal Therapy Program, started in 1047, hhe home of Mrs. Louis Bonne hat turned out a corps of trained therapoatt. Occupational ther- apy It now an integral part of medical care in lirael. Thte too. is s result of Hadassah < pioneer- ing. Hadastsh's Fellowship Pro- gram has tent II men and wom- en to Europe and America for postgraduate work in all fielda. field* In the face of the obvious nr*d for the eontinuance of this good work, the luncheons and supper rest is a moat worthwhile dona- tion. Participating in the affair a. hostesses will be the Mesdame. Eve Barber, Miriam Beecher. Ei- leen Bonk, Ous Rraker, Frances Bressman. Jeanne Coan, EtW Freed. Sara Katz, Baa Miller, Al- ma Sarnoff, Gertrude Slavln. Adele Sirrrkin. Mildred Soltanoff. Butry Scott, Rosalind Toonkel. Rum Miller and Martha Walters fond, president. Plans for the square dance and card party to be held on December 11 discusaed. Here From California Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schleif of 110 Orange street have been hosts for the past ten days to Mr. and Mr*. Henry Seltzer of Lot An- geles, Calif. Mrs. Seltzer it the former Lorctts Schleif of Bloom- field. The Seltzers hsve been busy visiting all their relatives and renewing old acquaintance* after a absence of 17 veers. WORKSHOP TEA The third annual reunion, tea of the Rutgers Worskshop in Hu- man Relations will be held at the Madison Hotel. Atlantic City, November 12 at S:S0 p. m -TWO MORNING SERVICES Now at WESTMINSTER CHURCH 9:30 and 11:00 November X4th •ntfAJiTgtD CHRISTIAN GAMBLERS" *WT, Mr. Newcomer, preachinjr tt hoth service! Iftwember list tnd 28th Rev. Mr. Retd will pretch tt both eervicet CHURCH SCHOOL PROGRAM for all *g«*« t^0 Creche and Nursery »re open for each tervtet Franklin at Fremont St., Bloomfield, N. J. •PB .,_ -4" y ] . t -1 a I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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Page 1: SOCIAL SCRAPBOOK Card Party For Miss Eleanor Bill Is Bride … 23/Bloomfield NJ Independient Press... · I * i X Thursday, November 11, 1954 • THE INDEPENDENT

I * i

X Thursday, November 11, 1954 • THE INDEPENDENT PRESS, BLOOMFIELD. N. J.

^ iPoge Mfteen


m»«tftrl< r«»l*«»l« U»i»« * • •» •« • * * » • • » * « • ? • • • • • • • Bar i f<«M, to lk» Cratrr »*ei»«n •» ! • " " »»• »•»»»•< *• ' • » »**»» M«W1 Mrr********* Mrs. WUiUa M«*« • ( M L»»i«fi.« «»#••€. S I i w M l I 1 I1H »lt» astta! I t—» » « • • ! iSeir f » r »•« *»*»•*•» « • • • • • « » . »

Card Party For Brookdale H&S

GUncing around at th« Aux-Uiary luncheon at Kessler Insti­tute in West Orange last Friday 1 taw many a familiar Bloomfre4d lace. Among these were Mrs. Ed­ward Uniss, Mrs. William Ander­son, Miss Marie Rie.-vr, Mrs. Ray­mond Clark. Mrs. Bertram En-gelke, Mr*. John Gnall, Mrs. Theodore Hock, Mrs. Mabel Hil­ton, and Mrs. Arnold Mix.


Birthday girl Patricia Hopkins, daughter of the R. L. Hopkins of 9 Parkway east, was a most ex­cited girl last Saturday when *h« played host* <•***.» "-."rnsm ot h-r triends at a birthday y*rty. Guests at Pat's party were Diane James, Barbara Haag, Susan Antico, Barbara Kolsein, Cynthia Seymore, Phyhss Park. Haroldine Miller, Barbara Jean Ferranti and Betty Bhehmer.

• • • Peg and Harold Humpage of

79 Carteret street had as their guests last weekend Peg's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smoley and their children of Waterbury, Conn. Dr Thomas J. McLarney, Peg's father, who has been visiting with the Hum-pages for the past two months, returned to Connecticut with the Smoleys. — , ,

• • * Father and Son Night, whicn

was held at the Orange YMCA last Friday night, was attended by George Pfiel and sons Alan and George of 8 Lenox terrace and Henry Todaro and son Mi­chael of 36 Cleveland terrace.

• • • Mr*. Harry Kaye of 87 Hazel-

wood road will be hostess next Monday afternoon at a dessert meeting of Group G of the Bloom­field. Women's Club.

• • . Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stromield

of 180 Franklin street left last weak for a two week trip to California, Las Vegas, and St. Louis. While the Stromfelds are away their son and his wife, the Harold Stromfeida, will remain in their home.

Arriving Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McGrath of 34 Oak street were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meyer* of Skane-atales, N. Y. The Meyers will visit with the McGrath* for two weeks

• • • Weekenders in Ocean Grove

will be Mr. and Mrs. Albert G Welle of M Clinton street. They will be guests of Mrs. Daniel Sherwood of thst city. *

• • • Mr*. Fredrick Yost of 50 James

street was guest of honor st a birthday party last, week at her home. Guests Included her hus­band, Frederick Yost, daughter Marion, son Jack and his wife Audrey -of East Orange, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Savage, Mr. and

Mrs. Joseph Crecca and daugh­ter Jean, Mrs. Lillian Fuller, Mrs Lillian Peters and Mr. and Mrs ''tncent Savage.

The Rotary Anns met Monday for luncheon and cards st Pals Cabin in West Orange. Mrs. G. E Uniss of 43 Woodland road, presi­dent of the organisation was in charge of the meeting. Plans for the group's Christmas party to be held at Pal's in December were discussed.

Plans for Brookdale Home and School Association's annual card party to be held la the school auditorium on Thursday, Decem­ber 2, at 1:00 p.m. were made at a meeting called by Mrs. A. Modrow, chairman, in her home o n Davidson road. Committee members present were Mrs. F. Bufanio, m charge of special prises, Mrs. E. Danielson, tickets; Mrs. H. Haxo, refreshments; Mrs. D. Papa, serving; Mrs. W. Richardson, table prises, Mrs. G Van Blarcom, door pi Ires; And Mrs. E. Lender, publicity.

Tickets for the card party, ajt which dessert will be tejrved, can be obtained from classroom mothers.

Members of the executive committee of Brookdsle Home and School Association met last Thursday evening st the home of Mrs. R. M. Grevtn.

Miss Eleanor Bill Is Bride Saturday Of Donald Calvin


Open House For, Berkeley FT A

70th Birthday Dr. Cherles Eisler of Msple-

wood celebrsted his 70th birthdsy Mondsy at Mayfair Farms. Two hundred and fifty attended the affair in honor of Dr Eisler, who is the founder of Dikovics Hall at Bloomfield College and Seminary. Present from Bloomfield were Rev. Dr. Fred Schweitser, presi­dent of the college, Rev. Dr. Frank Kovach, dean of the college, and Mrs. Kovach, and Dr. Mrs. Eroil A. Plavecvky.


The members of the Rehearsal Club will meet at the home of Mrs. James Clark, 1 Spruce street, Packanack Lake on No­vember 17. The clsssical program to be presented by the club mem­bers will consist of piano solos by Mrs. Cherles Bates and Mrs. Kent Dsy Cos*, a vocal duet by riiiabeth Kroese, soprano, and Sylvia Merrill, coloratura, vocal solos by Colleen Grider, so­prano, and Elisabeth McGilvray, contralto, and sn unaccompanied violin solo by Helen Miller.

Junior Woman's Club To Honor 15 New Members

• •


Old-fashioned, informal hospi-tsHty will be the keynote of the evening tonight when the mem­ber* of the Evening Membership department of the Woman's Club of Bloomfield. their families and friends gather for a pre-Thsnks-giving celebration. There will be square dancing, waltzing, polkas, and real old fashioned merriment withaprcopriate refreshments.

Tne evening's festivities have been arranged by the program chairman* Mrs. Harriet Donnelly, assisted by Mrs. Carl Wollner, Miss Charlotte Stout, department chairman, and Mr*. T. C. Hock, hospitality chairman.

Returns To Germany Miss Elfrieda Landes. sister of

Mrs. Thomas R. G. Evans of West Passaic avenue, sailed for Ger­many Tuesday on the New Am­sterdam. Miss Landes has been visiting, Rev. and Mrs. Evans for the psst six months.

Fifteen new members of the Junior Woman's Club of Bloom­field will be honored at the Club's annual membership tea on Sun­day afternoon at the Club House, from 3 to 5.

The president, Mis* Jean Ferg­uson, will welcome new end old members and guests. Mrs. Harry Kaye. Senior advisor will give the Invocation and Mrs. William DeVott, vice president, will read the Junior Collect

The new member* who will take part in the candle) ight service are Mrs. Robert E. Morris, Mrs. L. Hebenstreit, Mrs. George Reilly, Mrs. GHfi Casey. Mrs. Walter Pa-scsyk, Mrs. Clark E. Bremseth, Mrs. Roy R Gerslde, Mrs. Peter Dom. Dr. Rosemary G. McC'oak-ey, Mrs. Joseph Kopfiva. Mrs. Stephen W. Fredericks; the Mis­ses Ana Nucci, Gertrude Back. Dolores R. Fernicola, and Doris E. Hotgetang.

Eaeh new member will be pre­sented with a corsage by her spon­sor, and will be welcomed into the club by the president and by Mrs. Donald Savage, membership chairman, after which all mem­bers will recite the Junior Pledge. led by Miss Ferguson.

Following the induction cere­mony, the president will introduce the guests: Mrs. Edwin Florance, Seventh District advisor; Mr*. William C. Demmert, Senior pres­ident; Miss Charlotte Stout, Eve­ning Department chairman; Mrs. Harry Rave. Senior s^vi* Mrs.

of the club will speak to the mem­bers about Federation activities.

Mrs. Kenneth W. Blake, hospi­tality chairman, and her commit­tee will serve refreshments.

BROOKDALE H l L l T E S Rv BSTEIXE E. MARS AM) 1 uLLiT?tth >Mtai •*••»• .»••* ***•» ••-»» ••* ,rl"»*» ••• i n i t i a l * «MS ••«••«» " •

MB taetr «M4SI *mtnm»<*

• ' * " ~ •• — — *

II? »*4 frW»a» • » • On " * • • • * •• * • ' • * • • " •* I t *

-Open House" at Berkeley Z:',7.\t^~\Z>",7 ~m~.^ sties . School was held on Tuesday eve- " "™••••»••«••»••",•l••l™^"•™, ... ̂ _ M it is a moat wel-„Tng A short business meetin, Mr. .ad Mrs. H .cy W. Jiarri, | Manchester N H ta . meet wel was held in the schc^l auditorium I°' G.rrsbrant avenue, t a p * * Ota** v i f*0 t , « — - g - - » , ^ » S i . The meeting was conduct- * i , h M* " * Mn N e l K > B ^trup^assisUng with P"P-" U o n » f o r ** ed by David McCalmont, first will spend the Armistice Day arrival of Si« Stork.


vice-president. A flag ceremony j weekend with a stop-off at Bound was led by Girl Scouts from Berk- ] B"x>k and then on to Atlantic tlcv school. The color guard City where they will attend the comprised Roseann Pico, Joy Ann All-State Chorus and Orchestra Bille, Gale Ashworth, and Vir- performance at Convention Hall, family,

Mr. and Mrs. John Grady of M Craig place are looking forward to a visit from their daughter and

Mr. and Mr*. Donald

ginia Wallace, and the pianist was Rosalie Camarata. Mrs. Walter Soltanoff of 40 Col-

Byrne and their new granddaugh­ter, Barbara Lorraine, four month*

Mrs. leey Altai Jr. discusaed lin. avenue, chairman of the »W ^ J ^ f ; ^ ^ D e c ^ m b e r the Visual Aid. Committee and United Nation. Children.' «m«r- X ^ Ther «£ I .nr ,v« « ^ ^ J their work, which consUU *f erf-Ueocy Tund. exlend. H « c i a l ! ^ *J>' ' « *J« *°™*yJ\n

T£lr hlbits borrows from the Newark thank* to G.irl Scout Troop I and, ™- **™ / / . » £ • m»m

r »'f ' " ^ Mu»eum for use by the tes ^ \ all i he worker, and contributor, j ?£/%* SfUSTJt ^ \ l in the classroom* certain subjects. Three ing exhibits were on display. Mrs. I • • •

M. Spaeth, president, report-1 5 teven irwm. son of Mr. M d j 1 "

f the teacher, all the worker, and contributors ober end I. back rom nis nonev-to emtpasize for collections received during ™*"> w l t h ' h l* br id*. ^ £?£

•hre. wCggt- Hallowe'enf T-'c«c t 1 Treat night .I « • * s ^ n ' t w ° r ^ " , n , 7, h e ^

i display. Mrs. • • • ,onos and now reside at 578 San-H ed on the serious side of the Mrs. Martin A. Irwin of 74 Yale -•


Miss Eleanor Elizabeth Bill,,trim of velvet, and hats to match, daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. Arthur M**1 Bill carried a cascade bou-H. J. Bill of 7J High street. Glen «u e t , ° ' b"»"«' *«* ^ f w chry-m*i , . „ . _j santhemums, and the bridesmaids Ridge, was married Saturday a t U ^ e d cascade bouquets of yel-5:30 p. m. at Westminster Pre*-j low chrysanthemums, byterian Church, Bloomfield, to Robert Wright of Wa^hlng^on, Donald Ryder Calvin ton of Mr. D. C, was best, man for Mr Cal-and Mrs. Lester C. Calvin of 30 vin, and ushers were Robert A

convention of the N. J. Congress of Parents and Teachers which she attended in Atlantic City and MM, K. Hass, secretary, reported on the light side.

Miss Gloria Adams won the banner for having the most par­ents in attendance from her morn­ing kindergarten class. The parents then visited the class­rooms to see their children's work on display and discuss the work with the teachers.

Three more teachers met with the mothers of their classes for afternoon tea. These were Mis. Create on November 3, Mus Peterson on November 4, and Mrs. Donnelly on November 5. Over half of the mothers from each class were able to attend.

jFairweu; School °of his V a n d m ^ h e V . i P f l f g f l f S / V l g m , Horandt of CHffside j ©

•'Building Ideals in Children

street, was guest of bono- a i.mily dinner party Sunday celebration the home Mrs. C .C, Park. Friday evening, the Irwin*' entertained guests Mr. and Mr«.| W. Antsl from North Caldwell i *"»*£ ^ i m S i l ^ « naiemV and Mr. and Mrs. E. Lofberg of ° K,th*# I ^ " ^ * ! 6 / " ^ I w

night at Fairview School, which has been arranged by Miss lsa-belle Red fern, Fairview reading consultant, in cooperation with the Home and School Association.

Teaneck at dinner • • •

The Brookdale Mothers' Club will hold their next monthly meet-

:——p——. t

Residints Invited To Exhibit ROMS At Saturday Moating

A Rose Shbw for "The Last Rose of Summer** will be held at the meeting of the North Jersey Rose Society, Saturday at the Glen Ridge Congregational Church, 133 Rsdjaweod avenue, 2 30 p. m. Dr. Cynthia Westeett, president, will conduct the meet­ing

Members "of the Society and lover* of roses every where are invited to exhibit named varieties of roast grown fn their gardens. The public is also Invited to ex­hibit arrangements of reset grown in the garden of the exhibitor. Those who plan to exhibit are requested to be at the meeting by 1:30 p. m. Arrangements of gar-

material, rose, predomin­ating, will be welcomed la charge of the Reee Shew will be D*

of Tenafly.

Ravine avenue, Celdwell. The Rev. Andrew Newcomer per­formed the ceremony.

Escorted by her father, ^tha bride wore a princess style gown of ivory satin, with a chantilly lace bodice and a tulle neckline edged In pearls and long lace sleeves. The satm skirt termin­ated in a train. Her fingertip net v*%w*s fastened to a headpiece of pearls. She carried a bouquet of white rotas wRh a white or­chid center.

Miss Marjorie Ann Bill, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss J. Elisabeth Ritchie of Bloomfield and Mrs. Robert Stout of Oak­land. They wore gown* of a bal­lerina length, princess style, of aqua crystalette with matching

Bill of Glen Ridge, brother of the bride. Robert Jacobson of Belle­ville, Thomas Wood of Orange and Robert Mas*a of West Cald­well.

A reception at the Moresque followed the ceremony. Mrs. Cal­vin, a graduate of Montclair Stat* Teacher's College, isbdh the fa­culty of Uecoln School, Cald­well. Mr Calvin attended Davis and Elkms College and Stetson University. He served In the sir force two years and it treasurer of the West Essex First Aid Squsd. He it aaWiated in bu*i« ness .w;th the Kennel Products Co.. Caldwell.

The couple flew to Florida for a wedding trip and on their re­turn will live orK^HiUside ave­nue, Caldwell. ^-v


Mrs. Lucien Delia Fera. 53 Ferncliff road, is in charge of in­vitations for the Chrysanthemum Ball of the Women's Auxiliary te the Essex County. Medical So­ciety, to be held at the Military Park Hotel in Newark on Sat­urday, November ZO. The dinner dance will be preceded by a cocktail hour from 7:30 to 1:30 p.m.

This is the Auxiliary's annual fund raising affair to benefit

ing at the home of Mrs. John Marsh of Alwood. Every Thanks-giving some needy family receives a Thanksgiving basket from this club of ten member* whose sole purpose is to do charity work and help others, and at this meeting

The meeting, scheduled for t p.m., will consist of audience-group discussions pinpointed by three guest speakers, all of Bloomfield. They are:

Dr. Eloise Cason, director of child guidance; Dr. Vesta Par-

It will be decided whkh family i a | w n - i c h a j r m a n o f the senior high to receive the^basket this year. j , c h o o r , E n g l i s h department, and

Off t« N « v«rk *--- «« . . M i M A n n e R**V«R. children's Off to New York Ttteeday eve- UQ rf , t t h e p^b H Library.

rung for a d*Ughtful evening laj P a r e n l J w U 1 r e c e i v e n e l p f u l me big city and the performance j t i o n 8 f o r f u i d i n < r chMrtn at - "Anniversary Waits are the following ladies, all members of

in the selection of books which the ssme bridge club: Mesdame. " £ , , '"courage* the moral and Ethel Brennan.Ele.nor Be.le, Is- tS^LHSZ f ^ T T n u l abel Moore. Kay Vs« Nortr.nd. ^ e^n^'^l6Mg\J?™* Helen Mount. Ann Pearson, . n d l d i « u s s , o n , , w l U * * £ H > t h e p r 5 ! Kitty Koch an<* con* comic books, as well

* . . , at the influence of television Mrs. Hay den Heaton of Fern- u p o n *2f5?'i #K '

cliff road entertained her canastal } n •d.d1


1, lthe k 7 ' T ^ s ? '

other Bloomfield specialists vms are assisting Miss Redfearn are: Jsck Smith, assistant psycholo­gist; Miss Dorothy Oswald, visit­ing teacher and social worker; Mist Marion Taylor, Senior High School librarian; Frank G. Jen­nings, Junior High School read* ing specialist; Mrs. Dorothy Fitz-

Square Dance Plans Made By WatsessingH&S Qroup


Twenty seven members of the]Grade* artf responsible for this executive committee ef the Wat- project and are working hard to testing Home and School Asaocia- make it a huge success this yesr. tkm met tt me home of Mr. snd The public is invited and tic-Mrs. William B. Day on Wednes- ket. may be obtained from Mr. day, October 1 Reports were and Mn. Walter Davis,

club st their lest get-together two weeks ago. Playing cards snd en-

their Nurses" Scholarship Fund Joying a social evening were mem-and other philanthropic projects, hers Mrs. Howard Healy, Mrs, Each year two or more scholar-1 Tom Morgan. Mrt. Harold Tyne, ships are. awarded to worthy Mrs. Tom Cavanaugh, Mrs. Frank young women of T^aex County Tripucka, Mrs. Tom Cottello, snd to further their education in the Mrt. Robert «*biebol. nursing profession. « • •

A n o t h M jy^y m U e p ^ y ^ j . | Gerald, Junior High School h-BROOKDAl F CI Ilk TCi e b " n t mit month is Csil Hitter, hrarian: and Miss Rose Dickinson, Jmd AasV* A , r i l S a a - *•"**«• of Mr. snd Mrs. Martiii « * * «rsde teacher at FairV1ew. HEAR MISS ALLESON HlUer fa 10 Hyde road who turned

Mrs George Johnson, proeram kix »n Saturday and had a party Over 300 Present At chairman of me Brookdale Worn- ° n h*0^ t o wI*h G a i ' ' a very hap-

h m i Club, has invited Mis* Mar ion Alleson, stylist and represent

made by the respective chairmen on the projects completed and

* l*-- l > r ey r a m . . ,w l" ™ ' 1 I M iD Mrt. Joseph Alter reported on " f S f T i ' s u n w! /«*rden» i parent response to "Know Your visited in 1334 will be shown in

president of the Junior*, now an honorary, member.

Miss Phoebe Morehead, Feder­ation Secretary and past president

color by Mr. Shapiro of El.abeth. The chairmen of all committees will give reports of activities during 1334.

The public It cordially invited


FOR fflWSt


Woman's Club Tolls Department Doings For Week To Come

On Friday, Group E of the Woman's Club of Bloomfield will held a dessert bridge at the Club

It Claredon place, at 12:30. Herbert J. Williams te chair. of this affair All members

ef the Woman's Club


are Invited to attend The Garden Department «f the

Woman's Club will meet at the Club House en Thursday after­noon. November it. Mrs^W. O. Leslie is chairman. <*

Preceding the regular Novem­ber business meeting on Friday, November 13, Group F of the Woman's Club will hold s lunch­eon for the Club membett at 13:30 p.m.

Following the luncheon the legislative department will pre­sent a speaker from the League for Women Votert. Mrt, D. Aheam it chairman.

Mr*. M. C. Shramm, chairman of the Welfare Department, has requested all members to bring

School" night. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Meurer,

chairmen for the square dance to be held on Friday, November 13, at Brookdale School, report that many interesting gsmei will be featured during the evening with suitable prizes to be twtrd-ed the winners. The hat game, crawling under the hurdle, pats the tray, and the always popular cake walk will delight the dancers that evening. Th* winer of the door prise will receive a Thanks­giving basket which should pro-rid* a fine hoUday diner

Maurer feels mat this will be a friendly and sociable evening for everyone Name tags are be­ing prepared to dancers in each "squtre" will h i c w i easily ac­quainted.

Fred Riecke and his Me "ttatn-eers will furnish music tnd Mr Riecke wiU call the dances Scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m.

The parents of Mist M. Big-gsrts and Mr. LJ. Ossi's Fifth


Glen wood avenue. Other discussions ef the

ing included the Rummage Sale scheduled for December I, add •Know Your Town" and a card party planned by the association for January.

Re fresh menu were served by Mrs. Dey following the business meeting The next meeting of th* executive committee it to be held In Jtnuary.

• *


The Double 8't had a costume party Saturday night at the home r* the Ken Baldwins of Cleveland terrace. Etch guest received a gift of something from the Bald­win home, st they are moving within the month to Brookdale.

Those present from Bloomfield were Mr. and Mrs. Ruesel Muter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McKeon, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hardt and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Defter. Other guests were Mr. and Mrt. Warren Wentzel of Livingston, Mr and Mrt. Tom Hurst of Montclair, and Mr. and Mrt. Ralph Morrison of Cranford. t

atlv* of Congoleum Nairn, Inc., to address th* group at their business meeting on November 17 The program will feature home styling and

Mrs. v James McNeely *wMl be refreshment chairman, assisted by Mesdame* H. Baird and H. V. Washburn. The meeting will be called to order at 1:30 p. m., at the Hilltop Barn, by Mrt. J. H. Pariseaii. president. Plant for the annual Christmas party will be announced. Guests and members will be welcomed by Mrs. F. R. Church.

^m. IMUU IU w w vain a very nap- . -^ p# birthday were her little b r o t h - \ m O t n o r - U a U g n t e r : * ^ * , ! £ ^ , , , i £ £ ! N * * * * Corteret Kennedy, Julie G re vin, Linda No- — 7 ble. Cheryl Daland. cousin* BilUe' . M

uo r e J.h a" , 300*t^'A , !

and Susan Miller from Short Hills ^° l h e r : D 8 U1 f h t " J ^ ^ J 1 * 1 * 1 5 2

snd Carol Covert from CaldwelL ^ ! d t yt * / * 5 ? ? • ? . . ! ! ! ? . . , % « « " « . School Association at th* school.

Mr inH Mr. P...1 w ~—' '• T"* highlight of the evening wat ™J Strf^t w . Si t h * •PP*"»"c* or me Bloomheld m o a t J ^ a r l y f r o m East Orsnge, High &:hool Girls Drill Team are now comfortably settled in» u n d e r th ( . 9U^^iBion Df Mist m«r new home at 40 Leo terrace r^jth Russell. This uks the first where they are happily anticipat ing an addition to their family in a few weeks. The Grandmon's

time that me Drill Team per­formed H* .etSilre drill indoors "md me .audience was impressed

hr- *

STRIDE RITEI are built | with fetturw many doe-tort recommend to aid ptoUm foot. Extra hat? » | provided with anatomic wtdftd heel*, gpteud left tnd right counters tnd ttett thank* Thtte tddi-

* f inrttl support fetturtt aim to help in caeaa of pronttion. Atk your doctor ftbout STRIDE Rrra with

" £ i l a gupport" fetturtt.

PAUL'S SHOE SHOPS 580 Blhomfield Ave. Bloomfield 153 Wathingrton Ave. Belleville


The reception held Wednesday evening, November 3. in the gal-lory of the Bloomfield Public

canned goods to" the Murines* l U b r i f y , n «w»»tetltii with the meeting to that food baskets may be made up for the poor

Evening Bridge The Scout Mother* of Troop 4

will hold their annual evening bridge on Wednesday, November 17 at ft p.m. in the parish hall of Brookdale Community Church.

Mrt. G, H. Beecher. I Collins avenue ha* charge of the ticket*. There will be daor prises and ta­ble prise* and refreshment* are to be served.

current American Art Week ex hibition was well attended. Over 30 paintings by local artists were entered and prizes were awarded

During the evening It was an­nounced that th* Bloomfield Art League, as another contribution to .American Art Week, would offer I scholarship for the Thursday evening class ThU scholarship hi to be given to a member of the senior class of the high school tor outstanding ability in art, who is to he selected by the high

'school faculty.

Luncheons And Suppers Planned By Hadassah

Ntw AAUW Members


AVOID THE CHRISTMAS CROWDS Give A Treasured GUI. Yoor Portrait, Your Family or Children. Taken m the Convenience of Your Home.


Per Informttlon tnd Appointment! Ctll ED 8-88.13


_ ! ^

Mrs David Ho veil, membership chairman. Bloomfield Branch of the American Association of Uni­versity Women announced re­cently me names of three new members They are Mr*. Beryl Mcpherson, 810 Davey street Bloomfield, a graduate of MeGUI University; Mr*. L. Deane Paar-tntn, ftS Branchbrook place, Newark- graduate,of the Univer­sity of Iowa and Mist Gllda bel Guerolo, 4t7 Joralemon street Belleville, a graduate of N. 1. State Teacher* College at Mont­clair.

For information about branch membership contact Mrs. Hovel! St BD 1-7470 or Mr*. Andrew T. power, pretldent. at BD ft-»2ll.



Of American Dinner*


On November 17 •tad l ft, all over •un­

pen will be served in the inter­est of the Hadassah Medical Or­ganization. Mrs. Harry Sarnoff, chairman of HMO hat announced these dstes for the first fund raising affair specifically marked for this function of Radassah work.

In the 43 years of Hadassah* exittence, the need for medical help in Palestine has grown st the count rv itself has grown. And since the creation of the State of Israel, it continues to play a lead­ing role in Israel's health serv­ices. In order to meet the ever growing needs of the stale, Ha-tatbah has expanded its services and hat at the ssme time main­tained its traditional high stand­ards In all major branches; cura­tive medicine, nbmmunity health service* and development of re­search and training.

During the past three year. alone, Hadassah hat managed through modernization and ex­pansion of ite hospitals to in­crease the number of hospital bed*, the number of practising doctors, nurses and general staff.

The Department ef f imlb Health, hased on the new Obrrl-munity Hetlth Censer program, inaugurated at Bet Matmil as the pilot plant and at two sub-certters | t Raster and Hartuv. represent* I most forwsrr! looking Hadassah venture in a new type of comer*-hentlve community health service. Thit Community Health Canter program is' bated on the treat­ment of the family at a unit. All health factor* — medical, eco­nomic, social, psychological — af­fecting thtagvelfare of the Indivi­dual and the family, are taken In­to consideration. 0

Hadassah continues to train medical personnel to serve throughout the country — in the Army, <n the Mtabarof, in hosoit-tls, clinics and health center*. The Hebrew University - Hadassah Medical School in only five years of existence, now has an enroli-

hav* a daughter, Paulette. Her bv their precision performance. mother, klr*. A. J. VeTretje from; After the program refresh-

I ments were served by Mrt. Cot-mo Greco, Mr*. Berney Stone, Virs. Robert Franks. Mrs. Vincent *M*ger*ld, Mrs. William Bar-neY. Mrs. Helen Golden and Mrs. PhMo Josephs. Soda and cookie* were ontrlbuted by the class fa­thers tnd napkins and straws by Edward Carney. Mrs. Josephs, chairman of the ways end meant committee, was in charge of the affair.

The second executive board meting of the Carteret Home and School Association was held at

meet of over 400 students and 134 graduates already tnteming m hospitals throughout Israel. The Nwrses Training School, in the course of tts SS years, ha* gradu­ated 874 nurses; the Occupat#fmal Therapy Program, started in 1047, hhe home of Mrs. Louis Bonne hat turned out a corps of trained therapoatt. Occupational ther­apy It now an integral part of medical care in lirael. Thte too. is s result of Hadassah < pioneer­ing. Hadastsh's Fellowship Pro­gram has tent II men and wom­en to Europe and America for postgraduate work in all fielda. field*

In the face of the obvious nr*d for the eontinuance of this good work, the luncheons and supper rest is a moat worthwhile dona­tion. Participating in the affair a. hostesses will be the Mesdame. Eve Barber, Miriam Beecher. Ei­leen Bonk, Ous Rraker, Frances Bressman. Jeanne Coan, EtW Freed. Sara Katz, Baa Miller, Al­ma Sarnoff, Gertrude Slavln. Adele Sirrrkin. Mildred Soltanoff. Butry Scott, Rosalind Toonkel. Rum Miller and Martha Walters

fond, president. Plans for the square dance and card party to be held on December 11 discusaed.

Here From California Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schleif of

110 Orange street have been hosts for the past ten days to Mr. and Mr*. Henry Seltzer of Lot An­geles, Calif. Mrs. Seltzer it the former Lorctts Schleif of Bloom­field. The Seltzers hsve been busy visiting all their relatives and renewing old acquaintance* after a absence of 17 veers.

WORKSHOP TEA The third annual reunion, tea of

the Rutgers Worskshop in Hu­man Relations will be held at the Madison Hotel. Atlantic City, November 12 at S:S0 p. m



November X4th


*WT, Mr. Newcomer, preachinjr tt hoth service!

Iftwember l i s t tnd 28th

Rev. Mr. Retd will pretch tt both eervicet

CHURCH SCHOOL PROGRAM for all *g«*« t^0 Creche and Nursery »re open for each tervtet

Franklin at Fremont St., Bloomfield, N. J.


. ,_ -4"




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