social media workshop rdj + pixelbar

Social Media Workshop 2012 by Gino Cremer, Pixelbar [email protected] Images + Illustrations: Copyright Shutterstock + Pixelbar

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Social Media Workshop 2012

by Gino Cremer, Pixelbar

[email protected]

Images + Illustrations: Copyright Shutterstock + Pixelbar

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Social media means...?Officially, social media is “an umbrella term that defines the vari-

ous activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and

the construction of words, pictures, videos and audio.”

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•Social media means COMMUNICATING with your audience in a modern way

•Social media means LISTENING to your audience

•Social media means USING Channels like Facebook or Twitter e.g. to COMMUNICATE

•Social media means increasing your audience and spreading information

•Social media means changing the point of view (customer relationship, marketing,...)

Social media means COMMUNICATING with your audience in a modern way

Social media means LISTENING to your audience

Social media means USING Channels like Facebook or Twitter e.g. to COMMUNICATE

Social media means increasing your audience and spreading information

Social media means changing the point of view (customer relationship, marketing,...)

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Who uses social media?

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•You do! (Think about Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, MySpace...):

•Ever wrote a review on amazon?

•Ever looked in bulletin-boards for help?

•Have you ever uploaded a video on YouTube?

•Perhaps you wrote a comment under a funny video?

•Companies do!•Ever saw a funny ad on TV with a Facebook-Page mentioned?

•Companies recruite new employees by surfing the web

•Companies that use social media are monitoring what is written in the web about them.

•Monitoring companies can react and get in touch with people writing about them.

•Companies are publishing free video-ads on video-channels, hoping that these clips are

spread around the web. This is called: viral marketing (spreading like a virus)

•Rather everyone does!•75% of the global internet population visits social networks

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Social media Channels

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Social Web


Podcast SocialNetworks




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Some interesting facts about companies using social media

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•In many studies the german company ETHORITY found out what people around the

world are talking about food, beverages and beauty brands!

By monitoring the german-speaking web they analyzed 30.000 comments in the web (e.g.

on facebook, bulletin-boards, Twitter,...). Let’s take a look:

•The most cited brand for beverages is: Coca-Cola

•The most cited beer is: Beck’s

•The most discussed product in social media channels is: Nivea

•The most popular brands are: Bebe, Clinique and l’Oreal


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Good-Practice-Example:DELL-OUTLET - How making money

with Twitter

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•The DellOutlet Account on Twitter counts more than 600.000 followers!

•Dell made more than $3 million in sales via links from one of its Twitter accounts


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Some numbers?

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•Every minute 13 hours of video-material is being uploaded to YouTube

•412,3 years: the length of time it would take to view every YouTube Video

•100 million: The number of YouTube Videos viewed per day

•13 million: The number of articles available on Wikipedia

•3,6 million: The number of photos archived on FLICKR

•3 million: Average number of Tweets per day on Twitter

•1382%: The monthly groth rate of Twitter users from January-February 2009

•5 billion: Number of minutes spend on Facebook each day

•1 billion: Amount of content (links, news, photos,etc.) shared on Facebook each week

•5 million: Number of active Barack Obama supports across 15 social networks

•14,2 million: Number of views Obama’s famous “Yes we can” Video got on YouTube


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Some stats?

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•The research company “Forrester” (in 2006) found out that a classical customer support

interaction via the contact center costs 12 $ versus 0,25 $ via self-service options

•Forrester reported also that customers report good experiences in forums more than

twice as often as they do via calls or mails (which are mainly used for complaints or help)

•Ebay found in 2006 that participants in online communities spend 54% more than non-

community users (they are more experienced)


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The most important reason why you should use social media today

in this workshop

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Because social media is democratizing communications!

Technology is shifting the power away from the editors, the publishers, the establishment, the media elite. Now

it’s the people who are in control”Rubert Murdoch, Global Media Entrepreneur

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Think about one last thing before starting:

Be careful with your private information on the web

and never write things you will regret in some years.

Humans forget. The Web won’t.