social media for ministry, chester diocese, july 2016

SOCIAL MEDIA FOR MINISTRY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Dr Bex Lewis Director, Digital Fingerprint Senior Lecturer in Digital Marketing, Manchester Metropolitan University July 2016 for Chester Diocese

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Social Media

Social Media for ministry

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Dr Bex LewisDirector, Digital FingerprintSenior Lecturer in Digital Marketing, Manchester Metropolitan UniversityJuly 2016 for Chester Diocese


Todays SessionIntroductionsWhy social media?Getting past the fearWhere?TwitterFacebookYouTubeBloggingOtherStrategyWhereWhenWho

10am to 3.30pm

My own point of view is that we arent good at using social media in the diocese, that we see the risks but not the opportunities. That seems to be what is happening in Church House there are a few clergy who are doing very well with social media, but I think there needs to be far more encouragement and reassurance. Id be interested in exploring the use of social media for promoting connectivity and transforming our culture into one that is more networking.2

Hello, introduce self (latest version of Twitter). Can see quite a lot about me in just one screenshot?

*Written a book designed to help fight against moral panics weve survived every other technological development and we need to think what differences it makes to our lives but not be over-awed by it all Covers a lot of digital culture, designed to take the fear out of using it seen as the biggest sticking point for most so useful for all, but with particular focus on those aspects that affect kids*Tech savvy = note the selfie and what other points can you pick up from the bio? Location, hidden age, device, etc. *Can see that Im very active text and visual the kind of topic, get lots of interaction...

Wondering how many of you are (confident) social media users? FB, Twitter, or what? 3

Lets tweet each other

Social Media all about RELATIONSHIPS, so we are going to start by getting to know each other as if we are on Twitter in some ways we are looking at the kind of issues that will arise, including some exercises that you could do with others if you feel inspired at the end of today to encourage others online

5 mins what kind of things do people find in common in 60 seconds?4


Return to some basics think this is really important everything stands/falls on this5

Image Credit: Facebook Meme

What do many people think digital is about?

Is this your experience? Right, so were going to see what else we can do with this (remember that was built in an era of give it all away, freeness, etc. and in recent years has been taken over more commercially) 6


Commonality finding a starting point & getting to know each other essential building blocks of any evangelism, etc with a strong focus on LISTENING! Youre looking to provide information, engage in dialogue, listen to your audience build a community who will be interested in the other things that you do ..

Expect that these next few days will take some time to digest it can seem like a lot of information, but this is intended to challenge, enable strategy and move us forward. 7

"If you want to build a presence in the social media platform, then you need to be present." - @unmarketing

Mention incarnational; what VALUES do you want to stand for the same as youd think about what you stand for elsewhere 8

Im a passionate believer that we need to be incarnational in the digital spaces, whether those are specifically Christian spaces or not, but that we need to understand how to be resident in those spaces, rather than merely visiting to do a bit of reaching out. Lewis, May 2014

Its important to genuinely want to be in connection with people .. Not just there to evangelise the same as in pretty much any other social space 10


These are two of the most powerful men in Christian circles both actively engaging online. Justin Welby was originally ABCJustin, then wanted to become a person rather than a role, although still needs care with role .. Whatever position you are in.

Dont forget the SOCIAL in social media about engaging rather than broadcasting (FOR MOST) thought argument for e.g. just not possible

Justin has previously apologised in tweets for not being able to engage personally with everyone citing that he wouldnt get the rest of his work complete, but that he appreciates all those who contact him (makes sense going online doesnt mean have to throw away time wisdom). The Pope doesnt even make a pretence, as he simply follows himself in 8 different languages. 11

The digital environment is not a parallel or purely virtual world, but is part of the daily experience of many people, especially the young. Social networks are the result of human interaction, but for their part they also reshape the dynamics of communication, which builds relationships: a considered understanding of this environment is therefore a prerequisite for a significant presence there.Pope Benedict XVI (2013)


As the church has previously sought to understand overseas cultures, for the purposes of both discipleship and mission, so now it seeks to engage with digital culture a space where many spend a considerable amount of time daily. (previous) Pope Benedict XVI put it this way (2013): [quote]

The Apostle Paul (1 Corinthians 9:22-23) was mission-centric, respecting and adapting to the culture in which he found himself, rather than imposing himself upon it. 13

Even though in practice, face-to-face communication can, of course, be angry, negligent, resistant, deceitful and inflexible, somehow it remains the ideal against which mediated communication is judged as flawed.Prof Sonia Livingstone, Children and the Internet: Great Expectations and Challenging Realities.2009, p26

What do we think about this as a quote and also how much do we value written communication? discuss14

The Big QuestionsWhyWhereWhenWhat WhoTo achieve what?

How do the digital tools help achieve this?

Now, these may surprise you, as you may expect that I come in, tools first, and say lets do it all digitally, but as it has been for many years, and will be for many more we should start with the PROBLEM(S) that need solving, and then look at how the digital fits into the mix not necessarily going to tackle all these questions in order, but all important to be aware that we think of them all.. 15


Think about what you are trying to achieve if achieving is were having an experiment with social media, thats OK too otherwise what is it? How might digital/social help you achieve it? 16

Theres no place for faith in our public life DiscussIf you have faith, then you live that faith 24/7. Not something that can be switched off in differing contexts. @MurielSowden

In 2014, I gave a talk at Spring Harvest about whether there is a place for faith in the public square, to which I got a huge range of my exemplars that I used via social media asking what they thought about the statement Theres no place for faith in the public square thought this one summed it up well and think its significant that our public life and public square includes social media!

Image Credit: The Worship Cloud

Fish where the Fish Are18

Understand the CultureImage Credit: Bex Lewis, Morocco, 2014

Understand the Culture - What youd expect from working missionally 19

2 mins

[What do you think of this video, and the things featured on it?]

Digital Revolution affected all our lives whether choose to participate or not.. Huge huge huge numbers online, and the best way to ensure our positive engagement is to ensure our digitally literacy .20

Networks of Networks

In a world in which the church is not on many peoples radar connecting with their friends is the most likely place to find out about the church

Organisations made up of the people inside them this is not necessarily another job for the vicar, etc.. If I share something, my friends may see it far more than if just the organisation does so you are looking for things that people might want to share! (Push/Pull) 21

The Church Front Door?For many churchgoing is no longer the cultural norm. People dont actively ignore the church: they dont even think about it. Matthew 5:13-16 calls us to be salt and light in the world, and for thousands in the digital age, that world includes social networks such Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest. With literally billions in the digital spaces, the online social spaces presented by churches need to be appealing, welcoming, and not look like they are just an afterthought: they are now effectively the front door to your church for digital users, and you ignore those spaces at your peril. Image Credit:

An article, I wrote - the church is just not on many peoples radar .. On a Sunday the Cathedrals of the shopping mall and the football pitch draw people in and provide the social spaces that people used to get from the church so is there something else that Christians are seeking to offer (But also need care that not using that space just to promote what you doing if the church community gets onboard can see true community). 22

Online/offline activities and the use of a celebrity as well as the common people (Durham Cathedral)

We are not selling something to the world that will make more people like us, believe in our story, join our churches. We are trying to be something in the world that invites connection and compassion, encourages comfort and healing for those in need, and challenges those in power to use that power in the service of justice and love(Drescher, 2011, 127)

Building relationships takes time, but church has never been about bums on seats, so much as about encouraging those who attend to live full lives of discipleship. Many of those who enjoy the digital spaces are skeptical about being preached to. We live in a world of pull rather than push media (show me why I will be interested, rather than tell me I should be interested), but as Elizabeth Drescher says:

We are not selling something to the world that will make more people like us, believe in our story, join our churches. We are trying to be something in the world that invites connection and compassion, encourages comfort and healing for those in need, and challenges those in power to use that power in the service of justice and love (Drescher, 127).24

Carl MedearisRelax, enjoy your friends. Enjoy their company along with the company of Jesus. Point him out, freely, without fear or intimidation. Youre not responsible to sell him to them. Youre simply saying what youve seen. You're not the judge. Youre the witness.

Much of this on a personal level.. (where is the place for proclamation in this?)25


Image Source: RGBStock


A moral panic may be defined as an episode, often triggered by alarming media stories and reinforced by reactive laws and public policy, of exaggerated or misdirected public concern, anxiety, fear, or anger over a perceived threat to social order. Image Credit: Stockfresh

The author has worked within the Christian digital sector for four years, and has seen the question change from were so busy, why would we want to engage with that?, to we understand we need to do it, but dont understand how, leading to strong uptake for a Church of England course Social Media for the Scared. Anecdotal evidence supports Bayms (2013: 1) findings that when new forms of communication are introduced, people either feel that personal relationships are under threat as communication becomes increasingly shallow, or excitement is felt as opportunities for newer and stronger connections is felt. Either way, our social connections are changing in a digital age. Particular fears noted related to digital engagement taking up hours of time, placing content into a space that is both ephemeral and permanent - and which may come back to haunt users, privacy concerns, tipping the work-life balance over, a loss of control over broadcast communications, and for some, a fear of being open about their faith in an increasingly secular society. Workshop delegates are reminded that content shareable in other media could also have been recorded and shared. The Methodist Church has commissioned research from CODEC into the areas of privacy, anonymity, ethics and live digital engagement whilst in a physical meeting: all topics that affect the daily lives of its members. 28

Right back to SocratesThis discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners' souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselvesyou give your disciples not truth, but only the semblance of truth; they will be hearers of many things and will have learned nothing. (Phaedrus, Benjamin Jowett trans.)

Image Credit: Wikipedia

Socrates worried that writing would move away from memory (how much is hysterical hype? Does it matter makes the point we need here) 29

Lion Hudson (2014)

This book written to help fight against moral panics weve survived every other technological development and we need to think what differences it makes to our lives but not be over-awed by it all Covers a lot of digital culture, designed to take the fear out of using it seen as the biggest sticking point for most so useful for all, but with particular focus on those aspects that affect kids30

What (Biblical) values do we want to see in our (digital) world?Image Credit: iStockPhoto


So, before we look at Twitter What are your values? What do you stand for? If we think about e.g. one I think is core = authenticity how can you promote something that you dont agree/internalise its values why I have always rejected doing someone elses social media, but found ones that are my natural space.

EXERCISE with flip-chart want you to think about this briefly e.g. think about the fruits of the spirit (love, gentleness, peace, patience, faithfulness, self-control, joy, goodness, kindness).

Integrity (own comments I feel, etc.)Self-control (consider consequences of interpretation inc revisited later) Patience (expectations for response times)Authenticity (consistent to you)Trust (information can be out there, dont speak on others behalf unless permission)Non-manipulative (audience aware, do someone down, bad spin; If you love Jesus share this)Respect (encounter different opinions think through reactions); Good Manners; not entitled to respect respect others first.. Treat as you expect to be treatedFreedom of Speech think carefully; LibelSelf-awareness context; read differently can you hear tone of voiceDont press send in anger Kindness encourage online, messages of supportTransparency do we know the source of all this Aliases? Whos saying what? Accountability. Who are they?31

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

Social Media: More than the cherry on the cake!

Needs to be built into everything that you do, not a last minute afterthought

[If we are] means by which God communicates and reveals himself through his Spirit, then our blog posts, status updates, tweets, artistic images, and online comments should be products of a life transformed by Christ and indwelled by his Spirit. As restored image bearers, our online presence and activity should image the Triune God.Byers, A. Theomedia (2013, 196)

Gould (2013, 11) would agree that Social media has opened up yet another portal for seeing and being seen, for knowing and being known, for being in and belonging to community, offering opportunities for enhancing what already exists, rather than replacing it with something completely new. Byers, theological consultant for The BIGBible Project (2013: 196), notes that if we ourselves are the means by which God communicates and reveals himself through his Spirit, then our blog posts, status updates, tweets, artistic images, and online comments should be products of a life transformed by Christ and indwelled by his Spirit. As restored image bearers, our online presence and activity should image the Triune God.

At the core of this is the importance of a consistent message, embodying an unchanging God, as Byers (232) finishes nothing would be more irrelevant to the world than a relevant church that is competent with digital media but inept with the media of God. Vogt (2011: 15) agrees that each new technology offers new opportunities for mission (deeply tied to discipleship), but the basic message of Christianity remains the same.


Technology should not dictate our values or our methods. Rather, we must use technology out of our convictions and values.John Dyer, From the Garden to the City, 2011,p5

Digital technology is addressed more within a framework of affordances and constraints (following Gibson, 1977): what does each new development in technology make possible, what does it limit, and what choices are therefore available? So, theres all this shiny new stuff, but remember [QUOTE]


Look at some of the ways CofE is currently using it, typically generating a sense of both awareness of what each platform is/what it can be used for, and a willingness to experiment

OurCofE different person each week 8k seeing daily life of those in the churchBible study online on Facebook a chance to connect with someone wouldnt normally get to -100+Facebook Live new this year .. Just after #Brexit interfaith and allowed 34k people to shareChurch Live year long experiment using Periscope to livestream services from around the countryOn the anniversary of the Somme Centenary being aware of trends that can APPROPRIATELY tap into

Am I speaking a foreign language shall we go and look at some of the tools?35


Arrive here 35-40 minutes 36

Thought this was a helpful overview of the core tools that are in use this says for business but businesses are trying to connect with people, and the church is in the business of connecting with people so where are they? If business is investing probably helpful

An easier way to understand may be with this couldnt find an up to date one with the more traditional donuts...

Highlights the need to make wise decisions about the technology that they use recent research demonstrates that children are moving away from broadcast platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and even Instagram, to spaces such as Snapchat and Whatsapp. 37

Image Credit:

10 Essentials for Twitter

Lets look at one of the fastest growing tools out there

Lots of people have this response to Twitter, but its got a growing user base a couple of years ago had about 100 million active users, now nearly 300 million

(New connections via shared interest; Building your brand; Pre/During/Post Event Conversations; Breaking news; Asking questions; Share good resources; Sharing pithy statements/quotes; Being polemical) 38

1: 140 Characters

Tweets = 140 characters long Twitter tweaks this, to decide what to include, etc links will autoshorten, but in general good mantra to bear in mind... Along with the fact that humour works pretty well 39

Train Tweets

Ability to REPLY (see here) What like about this timeliness, friendliness, taking responsibility even though it was for a different company bit old now, but still one of best examples I have.. 40

2: Followers

Twitter brings you closer to the things you are passionate about - and for millions of people across the globe that is faith.

Easy to find people if know who they are the search up the top read their bio, and click follow = easy to unfollow afterwards... Especially once reach higher numbers expect to see numbers dropping up & down

Dont forget to piggyback 41

Celebrity culture be aware that power structures from offline (note online/offline) also work online e.g. youll trust something from the BBC more than from someones blog so need to build up credibility (and these names not changed hugely!) 42

3: Bio

You get 160 characters for this

If an organisation - who is going to do this? When aka how often (twice a month = lost)? What content is worth sharing each tweet doesnt need to be a mini War & Peace but also lets not have too many breakfast tweets means e.g. Tanya has had to lose wife/mum from bio..

Manage expectations Who, When, What

Want to look at some a/cs out there and hope get some inspiration too


Twitter Spokesperson: Twitter brings you closer to the things you are passionate about - and for millions of people across the globe that is faith.


The one you all know about right? What message do you think it gives with the images, who it follows, what it engages with? Is it conversational? I encourage all churches to have accounts so CofE has material to RT! Remember its where the press will go first also.. 45

Couple of creative uses46

4: RTs, MTs & HTsRTs, MTs and HTs

Explain send one small message and cascades out .. Message gets bigger with each RT I have 5k followers, someone with 30k RTs they are saying message is worth listening to .. And all their audience may see it too.

Moderated Retweet (esp to make it shorter), and Hat-Tip all about collaboration, acknowledging the source, etc


5: #Hashtags

How many to use, how to create a new one, how to advertise them in church, etc. prospective pitfalls.. Keep it short, consistent, advertise it before the service, let people know about it (dont try and take over an organic hashtag), make sure it makes sense and that its not already in use for something else Go live online to see some in action Join in if genuine doesnt have to be a new hashtag! 49

More humourous but makes such a nice change from dour impression of Christians have to jump in relatively quickly.. E.g. I know what you did last Synod, Lost in Transubstantiation, The Bourne Again Identity, Some parishes do ave em, etc. 50

6: Trending Topics01/07/16: 21:45

Show how to change to other areas, be aware of tailored trends, etc. again, see how Twitter is tweaking this now shows friends tweeting, etc. all to encourage engagement!


7: Favourites

See options to Reply, RT, Like, - ignore next 2 those are software I have - and lots of others on drop-down 52

8: Lists

Demo what a list does, how to add someone, how to create a new one (may still be limited to 20?)


9 : Verification

Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, Barack Obama = top 3 accounts followed by others (

Understanding a verified person .. Doesnt mean they not real if dont have one, but if they do, have been verified by Twitter 54

10: Its good for New connections via shared interestsBuilding your brandPre/During/Post Event ConversationsBreaking newsAsking questionsSharing good resourcesSharing pithy statements/quotesBeing polemical

Dont forget = its PUBLIC, PUBLIC!55

Tweeting in Church?

Good Thing?Bad Thing?Why might/might not people tweet in church?What might encourage more engagement?

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

Something to think about later in the day otherwise well lose hour of the day!

Why might they want to/not want to tweet about church? Recognise the assumptions that you might be making about them? What might encourage engagement thats more than a like 56


8 Essentials for Facebook

FB = core for friends = busy, still growing (maybe not of as much interest to some younger users as others are on there, but still a functional platform)

To do - Find friends; Post status updates; Leave public messages on the wall; Post & Tag people in photos; Comment on others photos; Send private messages; Join Groups, Like Pages; Link to other social media

1: Personal Profile

Basics of all FB strong on being a personal account and doesnt allow duplicate a/cs may get away with it but if they decide can shut both down 59

2: Write on Walls

Note that little icon will also show you what privacy already posted posts are can click on e.g. the globe, and reduce the privacy but be aware that anyone can take a screenshot (same as could have taken a photocopy) 60

3: Pages


Its not uncommon for a pastor to live in an entirely different neighborhood or community than the people in their church. So, if theres little opportunity for face-to-face interaction throughout the week, its only natural for pastor(al team) to find ways to immerse themselves in the online communities that their congregation is spending so much time in. Zuckerberg community

Does raise questions about dis-entangling too 63

Facebook functions in ministry?Encourage CommunityWhole (life) ChurchGroups (e.g. 20s30s)Give others insights into church life e.g. photo sharingOffer pastoral care*Youth: PMs, CC parents/another leader inAdvertise Events

Facebook Insights

How much can we find out about people how many people can we reach not the hugest of numbers, but think compared to average congregation is a bit of a game of numbers.. 65

4: Groups

Understand - Open, Closed, Secret 66

Tea & Toast serving a real need ended up gaining new members of the church online/offline mix67

5: Events

Dont assume this is an accurate idea of how many will actually turn up, etc 68

6: The Like Button

Use e.g.


How do you feel about these?

Talk about Bryonys dissertation 3 main types identified those who do Godslots job done, those who seek to be incarnational online, and those who work largely through social action 70

7: Sharing

Now, Ill have talked about the importance of enabling your congregations to share getting people to share your content make a huge difference people trust their friends e.g. the day I was writing this, had received this dress from Lindy Bop shared pic on their site and lots of my friends comment/raise awareness of that brand all v natural

Just after I wrote this, another friend commented that shed now bought 3 new dresses for 5 weddings to come didnt know whether to be exasperated or grateful! 71

8: Help!

Tweets = 140 characters long 72

8 Thoughts for YouTube

73 Search

See here HUGE numbers, and whats really important is that YouTube is the second busiest search engine after Google although competing with Facebook and other social platforms for information sharing! 74

YouTube: How To Read the Bible

YouTube = 2nd largest search engine often for how to. how might we change what comes up at the top of the search rankings bearing in mind just creating something wont appear so leverage the brand Wycliffe already has to help people use the products that you produce

75 Popular?

Lets have a look, from the headlines, what seemed to be the kind of things that people wanted to share A LOT of humour and politics in there celebs... 76

3:41!! Probably would have worked better at 30 seconds (only going to watch 30 seconds) to be fair not actively used any more!77

A piece that CODEC, who I used to work for, made last year = most successful one (probably partly because I talk about it at other events) - 2 mins78

1:47 what puts this kind of smile on a childs face and would you guess the brand before the end if you didnt already know?79

Dealing with a difficult topic Syria (1.5 mins)80 3: Everyday Tools

Can be simply done on a smartphone Not going to play Based on Mark 4 thoughts about fishers of people 1.5 mins (recorded straight from the iPad in 1 take) range of voices in the sermon, not just the preacher

No need for BBC production values 81

Go to: 4: Sign Up

5: Upload

Follow the step-by-step instructions (at bottom of this slide is a link to upload instructions but see link in the box). 83

Simple ideas for Video: Think of the STORIES you have to tell, and how you might tell them Events: Before/AfterSermons: Quick Overviews/ResponsesPeople & Their LivesWhat can you How To?Engage with others videos:Comment (no flaming)Blog about themAdd to favourites/playlist

Mo need for BBC production values 84

Interesting range of topics

We also saw that, contrary to popular wisdom about what goes viral, neither difficult subjects nor fact-filled presentations scare people off. Nearly 20% of the people who watched a deep dive into American health care policy thought it was worth passing along to their friends. A powerful historical video of a teacher giving her young students a firsthand lesson in bigotry was viewed more than 3 million times. And four of the posts in the top 100 were about the important (but thoroughly unsexy) topic of income inequality.85

6: Channel


7: Playlist

8: Comment

The mean-space of YouTube but can be used for encouragement 89

See some other good suggestions - the power of 6 seconds, again, viral? 90

Not forgetting the trendy tools of this year Periscope & GIFs

7 Thoughts re: Blogging

1: Blog CharacteristicsA reverse diary (most recent entry first) A publically accessible personal journalCommentary/news on a particular subjectText/Image/Links including mediaInteractive, especially commentsPotentially informal tone

2: Ideas for ContentSee what weve been up toThoughts & ReflectionsReviews (Books, films, websites) etc.Challenging ideas for debateInterviews (Text, Audio, Video)Best Of ContentHow-to Posts10 things you can Guest Posts

3: Get Inspired

What sites have inspired them some suggestions we can use if not others think about what makes the different sites work? Were going to spin through a few that might inspire you then what do you think?

Typical 7 of this, etc old trick from newspapers, although is somewhat of a resistance to it.. Secular inspiration what does the world love to read? 95

2016 bit more technical than 2015! Changing navigation, questions re scrolling pages, modular page build, flat design works for responsive, material design, ditching stock images, forms etc = full screen, rich animation, function over design, designing in the browser

2015: Including longer scrolling pages, more storytelling, less header background images, removing non-essential designs in favour of simplicity, maximum width sites, usage of real people (professionally taken) rather than stock photography, flyout menus, hidden main menus, large typography, performance and speed. 96

4: Think AboutWho are you blogging for?How often can you blog?What style of blog will you use?What content can you produce?What do you want Google to find?Who else can you bring on board?

https://wordpress.com 5: Wordpress

Note might find base of this useful basic instructions for using WordPress ignore all the options asking you for money dont need any of them98

6: Tumblr

7: Sermon vs Blog?

7 min vid not planning to show all! Worht a watch 100

3 thoughts on the Visual

The importance of the visual and tools such as Pinterest101

1: Pinterest

Rich term - 102 Instagram

Show the activity going on in church Steve Fogg has been shown to have some of the biggest interactivity be aware .. 103

3: Image Sources, e.g. FREE PAID (Christian) See: for more

Can add to legitimate image sources may use elsewhere 104


What do people have time/inclination for? People find it easy to write/read increasing numbers using these formats though dont forget about them carry audio recorder around.. 105

Built for Mobile

Recent tools.. Increasingly private 1-2-1 or 1-2-many Yik-Yak = anonymous, WhatsApp used by people of all ages, especially within groups, and Snapchat not just for sexting! 107

Some StrategyWhen, What, Who


We have limited time/resources, so cant be spending all our time online heres some tools to help 109

Youll need to play around, but youll find plenty of advice such as this online which gives a sense of when is most likely to work gives insights into peoples behaviours but some tools that will let you manage this?110

1 : Hootsuite

Timesaver but dont forget to check back in Can use it for multiple tools, though I mostly use for Twitter!111


Plan ahead months ahead! Part of overall strategy! 112

2: Buffer

Can do up to 10 for free old screenshot as I dont use it as much now, but used for Facebook, whilst was using Hootsuite for Twitter if was funded would probably pick one tool! 113

3: Google Alerts

Collecting stories without having to search need to be clear on the kind of material looking for114 IFTTT

Use an RSS feeder or this tool will let you look for particular keywords a bit more advanced maybe one to come back to in the future, or to check if the digitally savvy user knows about it 115


What should you share? 116

Think aboutKeywordsHumourVulnerabilityAuthenticityStories

Think about the keywords that youll focus on (makes those Google alerts clear but also visitors know what you are ABOUT think back to the values exercise) then think about humour, vulnerability, authenticity, etc.


Who sees this?GodParentsKidsNewspaperEnemy

Think before you post does this truly represent what you want the business to say, and if you are doing this personally, how might this reflect (well/negatively) on the business

How might this affect what you do online?


H.A.L.T.If you areHungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired, step away from the keyboard/keypad and deal with that issue first.


You may still post, but at least you will post with awareness that you may attract kickback, etc..

Think of the consequences - It seems obvious, but sometimes that anger isnt apparent until we see the hurt reaction from our unintended victims, and by that point the damage is done, with the evidence there for all to see. And no, deleting the tweets later doesnt help (hello Kanye West). At best you are going to end up looking a bit silly.119

Principles of Good EngagementBe interestingBe encouragingBe activeBe helpfulBe authentic

Image Credit: Stockfresh

and dont forget the cat. 120

Needs to be something people will want to share think back to those pictures, etc 121

Dont look to publish but engage in a CONVERSATION

Image source: Stockfresh

Not PUBLISHING, but looking for CONVERSATIONS/relationship building122

Human Beings at machines, not are machinesImage Source: Stockfresh

Importance of online/offline

Always remember that there is a human being at the other end of the keyboard - each uniquely created by God and as is noted by many communicators is not what youve said, but what others have heard not everyone receives the message that you send in the same way .. And one message definitely doesnt fit all were in the world of what is described as the long tail, where rather than being able to send out a mass message, we have to have more concern with individuals (which I always hope we as Christians do anyway, but. ) Google searches for niches (small keywords/multiple entry points, etc.) 123

Call to ActionDont make it too complicated to participateDefine an (easy) actionDefine the (simple) benefit(s)Give a (short) time frame

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

What would this look like on a church website e.g. the final dont would be asking for a commitment to church membership, or to Jesus, before allowing further entry but find out where people are/what connects with them, allow them to try things for free without feeling like they have to give it all in, encourage now/soon (though I dont like do this or it closes in 3 days kind of things.. I feel played let me know youve got a great deal, long-term isnt that what we have time limited by life-span but only God knows that

We do whole sessions on this with students, essentially what do you want people to DO/FEEL or whatever when they engage with something that youve shared125


Are you listening to them, producing something for them, or for yourself, e.g. Old Spice campaign designed because they realised men werent buying it, but women buying it for their men to smell nice so if youre trying to get people into church, who are you seeking to reach?


Who does social media?

Direct to: and @chsocm

If youre using it organisationally the person with the passion for it, the good communicator the driving instructor, rather than the mechanic the communicator rather than the computer geek. But easier if support from others are sharing story of the whole organisation (which for the church is the people in it)


Place Your Life Before GodSo heres what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary lifeyour sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around lifeand place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Dont become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. Youll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.Romans 12:1-2

BUT ALSO really want to enable everyone within the church in their everyday lives!128

Your audienceWho are you interested in reaching/listening to? What problems are you seeking to solve for them?

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

Problems are there any have an idea of where the digital might help? Then feed back in will we have a flipboard lets hold onto some of those, and start to think about what digital tools might help solve them

Note that mor

How might deal with any trolls?129


Does Sam exist in real-life? Probably not exactly like this. But thats not the point. The point is they have a target. They know who theyre going after. Do you? This was Rick Warrens plan of who he wanted to reach

Take time to create rough personas of those that you are trying to reach they have a name, an age, characteristics help you keep them in mind whilst you are preparing communication not what you say, what they hear


All devices: responsive design

Importance of understanding on the move make it easy for people to access your information across whatever devices 131

Agree a voice

If you are working for an organisation e.g. a church ensure that people can feel free to go ahead and represent you agreed your organisational values (e.g. fruits of the spirit online) things move too fast online to wait for some things, although on other occasions the church can demonstrate difference by demonstrating some thought but in particular, should have risk assessments for e.g. crises132 overthink. Running through committees, endless drafts and approval processes to get a response out there can cause far more damage than good. As long as you have taken the time to assess the situation and can take a rational, respectful tone in your response, even an awkward response is OK to start with, and buys you time to continue to respond to the problem. The principles applied to this are:Be credible. Be accurate, fair, thorough and transparent.Be consistent. Encourage constructive criticism and deliberation.Be cordial, honest and professional at all times. Be responsive. When you gain insight, share it where appropriate.Be integrated. Wherever possible, align online participation with other communications.Be a good representative of the Methodist Church. Remember that you are an ambassador for Christ, the Church and your part of it. Disclose your position asa member or officer of the Church, making it clear when speaking personally. Let Galatians 5:22-26 guide your behaviour.Be respectful: respect confidentiality. Respect the views of others even where you disagree.

Solid rules, been referencing them for years, as they are about behaviour, not about the technology (as well find most things are)134

Bath & Wells Diocese 9 Twitter RulesDon't rush inRemember tweets are transient yet permanentBe a good ambassador for the ChurchDon't hide behind anonymityBe aware of public/private life boundariesMaintain a professional distanceStay within the lawRespect confidentialityBe mindful of your own security

The first diocese to get some Twitter advice out, was picked up by the press 135

Image Source: RGBStockYour Situation:To achieve what? With what media?Whos going to do it?How often? What kind of content?What risks need to be managed?

What is your ONE takeaway action?

Saint Teresa of Avila (adapted by Meredith Gould, 2010) Christ Has No Online Presence but Yours Christ has no online presence but yours,No blog, no Facebook page but yours,Yours are the tweets through which love touches this world,Yours are the posts through which the Gospel is shared,Yours are the updates through which hope is revealed.Christ has no online presence but yours,No blog, no Facebook page but yours.

Finish with a prayer 138

@drbexl @digitalfprint
