soc195 democratic citizenship

By Meghan Bang

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Post on 21-May-2015




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Page 1: Soc195 Democratic Citizenship

By Meghan Bang

Page 2: Soc195 Democratic Citizenship
Page 3: Soc195 Democratic Citizenship

de·moc·ra·cy  /diˈmäkrəsē/

NounA system of government by the whole

population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

A state governed in such a way.I would sum it up is being ruled by the people,

where they have a lot of say. I believe it is a very challenging form of government that has not proven that it works.

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Since we have the freedom of speech, we have the ability to create change when it is wanted or needed.

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We have media all over the place in the United States in many different forms. The media has a way of swaying people to take a side and picking people to speak for us rather than speaking up ourselves.

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A right and privilege that we as American citizens have is to vote! We pick who gets to represent us which is something not everyone takes advantage of.

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Some children don’t get the same opportunities as others do and I believe that kids take this freedom and privilege for granted

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Serving your country is not just military service. It is supporting farmers, volunteering, getting an education and more.

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Free Market Authoritarianism

Aggressive Military Action

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Socratic Questioning

JusticeTragicomic Hope