soar chapter connection - united...

SOAR CHAPTER AUGUST 2012 PAGE 1 Connection By Barbara J. Easterling, President of the Alliance for Retired Americans I recently read an article profiling Mitt Romney’s top economic advisers. One thing they all have in common is they all support privatizing Social Security. With Mitt Romney having friends like these, workers and retirees have every reason to be worried. Social Security – which turned 77 this summer – would, under their plan, become a collection of private accounts tied to the roulette wheel of the stock market. With all the chaos and scandal on Wall Street, this would be a terrible gamble for workers and retirees – many of whom have already lost much of their savings and seen their home values drop because of unchecked greed and speculation in the financial industry. Privatizing Social Security is like the house guest that just won’t leave. President George W. Bush tried but was stopped in 2005. Even in the face of wild gyrations on Wall Street and scandals such as Bernie Madoff, AIG, and Lehman Brothers, right-wing think tanks continue to keep the flame alive. Social Security should not be one more pension fund for the Bain Capitals of the world to raid, nor should it be yet another hand-out to Wall Street gamblers. Instead, Social Security should remain what it has been for 77 years, a solid, reliable way that generations of workers have been able to retire with dignity, economic security, and peace of mind. You can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep. When I see who Mitt Romney listens to on Social Security, as well as his plans to cut benefits, raise the retirement age, and turn much of it over to Wall Street, I am very troubled. On July 11, SOAR joined Alliance members as Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn held a press conference ahead of the House GOP vote to take away protections for millions of Americans. The press conference featured the stories of Americans that have been personally impacted by the benefits of the Affordable Care Act. Charlie Averill, SOAR Secretary Treasurer

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ConnectionBy Barbara J. Easterling, President of the Alliance for Retired Americans

I recently read an article profiling Mitt Romney’s top economic advisers. One thing they all have in common is they all support privatizing Social Security. With Mitt Romney having friends like these, workers and retirees have every reason to be worried.

Social Security – which turned 77 this summer – would, under their plan, become a collection of private accounts tied to the roulette wheel of the stock market. With all the chaos and scandal on Wall Street, this would be a terrible gamble for workers and retirees – many of whom have already lost much of their

savings and seen their home values drop because of unchecked greed and speculation in the financial industry.

Privatizing Social Security is like the house guest that just won’t leave. President George W. Bush tried but was stopped in 2005. Even in the face of wild gyrations on Wall Street and scandals such as Bernie Madoff, AIG, and Lehman Brothers, right-wing think tanks continue to keep the flame alive.

Social Security should not be one more pension fund for the Bain Capitals of the world to raid, nor should it be yet another hand-out to Wall Street gamblers. Instead, Social Security should remain what it has been for 77 years, a solid, reliable way that generations of workers have been able to retire with dignity, economic security, and peace of mind.

You can tell a lot about someone by the company they keep. When I see who Mitt Romney listens to on Social Security, as well as his plans to cut benefits, raise the retirement age, and turn much of it over to Wall Street, I am very troubled.

On July 11, SOAR joined Alliance members as Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and Assistant Democratic Leader James E. Clyburn held a press conference ahead of the House GOP vote to take away protections for millions of Americans. The press conference featured the stories of Americans that have been personally impacted by the benefits of the Affordable Care Act.

Charlie Averill, SOAR Secretary Treasurer

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From The Director’s DeskIt’s Time to Wake Up!

We are constantly being bombarded with the rhetoric that Americans are fed up with big government. It sounds great, but when you dig deeper and ask folks for specifics, it is obvious that this view is more

theoretical than reality.

A poll recently released from Hofstra University, which surveyed suburban voters unveiled that the majority of Americans are adamantly opposed to cutting benefits or regulations when the talk turns to specifics.

* More than seven in ten suburban residents say that they favor cutting federal spending in general. But when you get specific, 87 percent oppose cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits. And 65 percent support increasing government spending on infrastructure and public works projects.

* A majority, 51 percent, says government regulation of business usually “does more harm than good.” But when you get specific, nearly two thirds of them say the environment should be protected by doing-- “whatever it takes.” Even when you add into the equation that regulation might cost jobs, a bare majority still say strict environmental laws and regulations are worth the cost.

I say enough is enough! It’s time to wake up and realize that the grandiose “campaign speak” that we have been listening to is meant to divide and conquer. It sounds good that big government is bad and spending must be reeled in. But in reality, what has been painted as bad and out of control are programs and services that we all need and depend on.

It is time for all of us to take a good hard look at what the candidates are saying and make an informed decision on who we elect. This election is too important to get caught up in party loyalty. It is about maintaining our quality of life!

Jim Centner, SOAR Director

Connie’s KornerAre You Listening?

I know we all have been inundated with television and radio commercials from both parties in an effort to persuade us to vote one way or the other this November.

But, have you been listening to the debate? I have, and the message seems pretty clear. One party believes in going back to the trickle down policies of the past, that favors enriching the few at the expense of the majority and the other wants to build an economy that works for all. We have tried the old trickle down economic plan before. The idea is to have less governmental controls over business and the wealthy to allow them to make more money. In return, those who have will turn around and share their wealth with those less fortunate.

In a benevolent society that may work. But history has taught us that in the dog-eat-dog world that exists in business and politics today, those less fortunate will be left behind while those who have prospered continue to live a life that you and I can only dream of.

Sisters and Brothers, the path we choose in November will determine the fate of the working middle class. We can decide to move forward together and build a better America or we can retreat to the failed policies of the past, to a world of have and have nots.

This fall we can make a difference. Use your vote wisely. Let’s continue down the path of recovery and not go back to the failed policies of the extreme right!

Connie Entrekin, SOAR President

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The Affordable Care Act is helping people in every walk of life—even before it’s fully implemented. Here are a few examples.

The Working Mom

A working mother now knows her children can’t be denied health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. In 2014, it will be illegal for anyone to be denied insurance because they have been sick before. The fact that she has been pregnant is no longer a reason to deny her coverage, and her friends can’t be turned away if they are cancer survivors. The Affordable Care Act also requires that important preventive services for her and her children—such as mammograms, new baby care and well-child visits—will be covered without co-pays. By catching health problems early, these prevention services saves pain and suffering as well as health care dollars.

The Retiree

The retiree will save thousands of dollars in prescription drug costs because Medicare’s coverage gap, known as the “donut hole,” is being phased out. Today, the retiree pays only 50 percent of the cost of medications in the donut hole. By 2020, the donut hole coverage gap will be closed completely, so the retiree won’t have to pay for brand name and generic drugs. The retiree will have more choices in finding a new primary care practitioner because Medicare has begun paying 10 percent bonus payments to these providers. The retiree won’t have co-pays for annual check-ups or many preventive treatments such as screenings, diagnostic tests and vaccinations by the primary care practitioner. The retiree can count on better hospital care because of new policies that tie hospital payments to proven performance. In addition, premiums will be limited for employer-provided coverage for early retirees.

The Young Adult

Once likely to be uninsured, a young adult now is entitled to stay on his or her parent’s health insurance plan up to the age of 26 unless he or she gets a job that offers insurance. Insurance companies now can’t refuse coverage to anyone up to age 19 because of a pre-existing condition. In 2014, young adults will have access to a greater number of affordable insurance choices. Large employers will have incentives to provide coverage to their employees. People working for small employers will have access to a new insurance marketplace (health care exchanges), will be eligible for government subsidies if they have low incomes and they will know insurance companies must cover essential services.

All Working People

Over the past 10 years, premiums for family coverage have increased 108 percent, taking a huge chunk out of paychecks. Now, however, insurers are being pressured to roll back excessive premium increases. The companies must justify high premium increases to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In addition, large insurers are required to spend 85 percent of the premium dollars they collect on health care (rather than pouring it into advertising and profits, for example). Insurers in the individual and small group markets must devote 80 percent of premium revenue to health care.

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SOAR Chapter Connection

Published by SOAR


Email [email protected]

Address editorial material to:

Connection Editor,6700 East S.R. 10Knox, IN 46534

The deadline to submit material is usually the 18th of the month.

The McNeil Report

“Old” is when.....Your sweetie says, “let’s go upstairs and make love” and you answer, “pick one; I can’t do both”

“Old” is when....Your friends compliment you on your new alligator shoesand you’re barefoot

SOAR Chapters to Hold Elections

In accordance with the SOAR Chapter By-Laws; Article 6; Section 2

– nominations shall be held at a membership meeting during the month of October 2012 and nominations and elections of officers will be held in November 2012. Each term of office shall be for a period of four (4) years commencing with the month of November 2012. No member shall hold more than one (1) office in a Chapter however; Chapter officers shall be eligible to serve on the SOAR Executive Board or as a District SOAR Coordinator.

Article 6; Section 3 – states “Members in good standing as of the date of nominations and election shall be eligible to hold Chapter office.”Any question, please call the SOAR office at (866) 208-4420.

District 13

On August 15, Jim Lefton, Assistant to the Director, Jack Golden, SOAR Board Member, Emmett Sheppard, Texas SOAR Coordinator and I met in Houston, TX to discuss SOAR activities and direction in District 13. The agenda focused on organizing and political action.

The group reviewed the recent successes in the formation of new chapters. Jack reported that another new chapter has been organized. The Charter will be presented next month. Along with discussing what worked and did not work in these organizing efforts, we reviewed the Geographic's of the District. Afterwards we developed an organizing plan that will coincide with the requirement for SOAR representatives to meet with local unions and SOAR chapters.

We also developed an initial plan of action to energize the retirees to not only vote but to fully understand the issues facing them. Toward this end, Emmett and Dan will begin drafting “handbill” type literature for distribution.

Dan Henry, District 13 SOAR Coordinator

Elaine SezI just returned from a ten day trip to Ireland. I went on a tour with thirty people and we had a limerick contest. The following was one of my limericks. I hope you enjoy it:-)

In the kitchen, Charlie hasn't a clue; And being hungry always makes him quite blue; So I got him ten cans of his favorite brand, Of Dinty Moore beef stew.

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District 10

From bitter experience retirees know better than to trust their rights to the courts. Their actions across Pennsylvania were prescient. On August 15, the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court upheld a new state law requiring a photo ID to vote. Most legal observers have termed the Pennsylvania voter ID law the most repressive in the country. The Pennsylvania American Civil Liberties Union has filed an appeal to the state's Supreme Court. Starting June 1 and working with the Pennsylvania Alliance for Retired Americans (PARA), SOAR members have spoken to hundreds of seniors in over 60 centers or bingos from Bethlehem to Pittsburgh. This was before the court upheld the “voter suppression” law.

Mike Dzwonczyk, PARA area coordinator and Bethlehem SOAR Chapter activist, traveled to North Hampton, Cherry Hill, Easton and dozens of other senior centers and bingos throughout south central Pennsylvania alerting retirees that their right to vote is under the gun and how to insure they have the correct ID to vote on November 6. SOAR members followed up visits with letters to the editor in the various small town newspapers. SOAR Chapter 20 -15 Recording Secretary, Bob Wilson, delivered the “Got ID?” message to 42 senior centers as of August 15. “I've got a full calendar for September,” Wilson said. Meanwhile, the USW is calling for the state supreme court to overturn the voter suppression law on appeal. Denise Edwards, SOAR Board Member

Closing the “donut hole” - Medicare prescription drugs are becoming more affordable

The health law includes benefits to make your Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D) more affordable. This year, if you reach the Part D coverage gap (also called the “donut hole”):

you’ll get a 50% discount on covered brand-name drugsyou’ll pay 86% of the plan’s cost for covered generic drugs

You’ll keep getting these benefits until you reach the end of the coverage gap. You’ll get even more savings on your brand-name and generic drugs during the coverage gap over the next few years until it’s closed in 2020. Find out more about the coverage gap and savings you’ll get until 2020 at

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District 6 - Emeritus Report

The Congress of Union Retirees of Canada (CURC) Executive had a meeting in June, with the official Opposition Party the New Democratic Party (NDP), to explain their position on pensions, pharma care and home care. There was also agreement that the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) needed to be expanded and that bankruptcy laws need to be changed so that pensions have preferred status. There was a general discussion on how families today are struggling to make ends meet and ways to help them. The CURC Executive strongly made the point that moving the age of eligibility to 67 for Old Age Security (OAC) and Government Income Security (GIS) would have a very negative impact on Canadians, especially on women. NDP Leader, Tom Mulclair stated that the NDP would continue to pressure the Government on

all of these important issues. The District 6 upcoming conference will be held at the new Union Hall & Conference Centre in Sudbury, Ontario, September 17-19. SOAR has been invited to set up a display booth at this conference.

Dan McNeil, SOAR Emeritus Member

Report from AAM

Last month we reported to you about our AAM campaign to support jobs in the US auto components industry and asked for your help to mobilize your members to take action and send postcards. We appreciate all of the support many SOAR groups across the country have given us in this effort. Since there are 1.6 million auto component jobs across the country, most of us can point to at least one in our own communities and see how important those jobs are to our local economies.

Three out of every four jobs in the auto industry are in component manufacturing: workers making windshields and radiator mounts and axles and tires and everything in between. Many of those jobs are good union jobs that we need to protect from unfairly traded components being produced in China and shipped to the U.S..

Joining us in this campaign will help send a message to our elected officials that we can’t sit idly by while these jobs are being off-shored. Let’s stand together! If you have not

joined the campaign yet, please contact me at [email protected] or call me at 260-633-1060 to get your toolkit. Thank you for helping to “Keep it Made in America” Rachel Bennett Steury, AAM Field Coordinator, Alliance for American Manufacturing

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District 7

A few weeks ago, the Indiana AFL-CIO held a “Summer Solidarity Rally” in Military Park in downtown Indianapolis; where labor, women’s groups and civil rights groups came together to express their solidarity in our journey to rebuild Indiana where the American Dream will be accessible to all.

Working men and women traveled from all over the state for a day of fun, food and music. U.S. Senate candidate Congressman Joe Donnelly, Governor candidate John Gregg and Lieutenant Governor candidate State Senator Vi Simpson, along with representatives from various unions and allied groups spoke at the rally, urging those present to reach out to friends, neighbors and co-workers and encourage them to vote in this fall's election.

Charlie Averill, SOAR Sec/Treas

District 12 - More on California Proposition 32

As we all know, if we allow Proposition 32 to be passed on November 6, there will be no voices speaking out against policies and issues which are anti-union. “No on 32” was a big part of the USW District Conference which was held in San Diego, August 13-17. Delegates were educated about what Prop. 32 really does, which is silence the voices of labor.

August 6 was the monthly meeting of SOAR Chapter 39-7 in Fontana. I spoke against Prop. 32 again. Each time I speak, I try to reinforce the message with a little more information.

August 16 was the monthly meeting of SOAR Chapter 12-8 in Carson. This time I wasn’t the only person speaking against Prop. 32 and this felt really good. The knowledge each one of us has about this evil proposition is a gift and this gift does nobody any good unless it is shared and shared again so all of us need to speak out against this terrible proposition.

Good things about SOAR Chapter 12-8, June 30, the Los Angeles Federation of Labor organized a huge rally against Walmart in Los Angeles. Thousands of labor people, including many members of SOAR participated. The photo above is Chapter 12-8 President Bill Harris leading the SOAR group at the rally.

Bob “Big Red” Rankin, SOAR Board Member

L-R: Ken Yatsko, Vic Storino, Dan Frost and Charlie Averill

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The Big Lie

The Republican presumed candidates for President Mitt Romney, and Vice President Paul Ryan, in order to defend their policy of destroying Medicare as we know it, are not being honest with the American people.

The Paul Ryan budget proposal to congress, which the Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to accept and the Democrats voted against, would replace Medicare with a voucher system. Mitt Romney expressed agreement with this approach and expressed support for it.

Not only will the Republican’s policy destroy Medicare, it estimated that it will cost seniors over $6,500 per year. They say this is a choice for seniors - take a voucher to buy your own insurance or stay in Medicare. Those under the age of 55 won’t get a choice only a voucher.

There are three major problems with this approach. One, is all efforts at cost control and quality medical care under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will be lost. Two, is the voucher amount provided to seniors will not keep pace with health care inflation thereby costing seniors the estimated over $6,500 per year. Third, as we all know, when the pool of participants is reduced, the funding to Medicare is reduced, causing the undermining and eventual destruction of Medicare. Both Romney and Ryan deny the effects of their policy and the destruction of Medicare as we know it.

The other lie is that President Obama took 716 billion dollars from Medicare. That statement is false. No one in Medicare is losing any benefits. The 716 billion dollars is due to saving over ten years in adjustments to providers, increased efficiencies and quality of care, and adjustments to insurance companies.

On the other hand, under the ACA Seniors will get improved prescription drug benefits, free recommended preventative services such as flu shots, cancer screenings and annual wellness visits and the soundness of Medicare will be extended ten years.

Bill Gibbons, PACE Representative

District 13Bring Jobs Home Press Conference - CWA Hall - July 12, 2012 - Corpus Christi, Texas

President Andy Rosas and his members are very active in all union and political activities. This chapter keeps their members involved and up to date on all important issues. This is one of our most active chapters in the District. Sub-Director Ben Lilienfeld is very active in supporting SOAR in the district.

Jack Golden, District 13 SOAR Board Member

Standing L-R: Joe Arezola, Tony Jimenez, Richard Rock, Robert Mendez, David Posada, Leo Guevara, George Rosas, Ben Lilienfeld (USW District 13 Rep), Mary Jackson, Terry Howard (USW Local 235A President) and John Warner (USW Local 13 - 1647 President).Kneeling L-R: Leo Estrada, Bobby Phillips (USW-Pasadena) and Andy Rosas (President of SOAR chapter 13-1).

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District 8

On July 19, 2012, a dedication ceremony was held to dedicate the Lt. Ronnie D Ferrell Bridge in Huntington, West Virginia. Ronnie passed away in December of 2009 and was the past President of SOAR 23-4 and a SOAR Coordinator. He retired from INCO and was an active member and officer of USW Local 40.

During his term as SOAR Chapter President, he was very active politically lobbying the State Legislature on labor and senior issues. He was also an officer with the State Labor Council where he was an honored member of the Labor Hall of Fame. Ronnie was most remembered however for his work and dedication in getting nine bridges in West Virginia named for fallen West Virginia soldiers and also a memorial that stands in front of the USW Local 40 hall honoring 14 union members who lost their lives while working at INCO.

Over 200 people attended the ceremony including representatives who read letters sent by U.S. Senators Rockefeller and Manchin, Congressman Rahall and Governor Tomblin. Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient Hershel “Woody” Williams was the keynote speaker. SOAR Chapter 23-4 started this project two years ago. Chapter members conducted the ceremony including our Vice President participating in the VFW Post 6878 Honor Guard 21 gun salute.

Bob Adkins, District 8 Coordinator

The Most Anti-Senior Ticket Ever!Ryan’s Plans Are Clear – and Retirees Would Suffer the Most

“Mitt Romney’s choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate locks in place the most anti-senior ticket ever. These two men have admitted – on the record - the threats that they pose to Medicare and Social Security. One of our worst fears is that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will actually keep their promises. “Paul Ryan’s budget plan would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher system, shifting thousands of dollars in health care costs to seniors. He would also make older workers, who have trouble finding health insurance in the private marketplace, wait until they reach age 67 to qualify for Medicare benefits. “Imagine combining this with Mitt Romney’s plan to require Americans in all sectors, including physically demanding jobs, to work until age 70 before they can be eligible for the Social Security benefits they have earned. The Romney-Ryan team would end guaranteed benefits for both Social Security and Medicare. What did seniors ever do to them?

“The Congressional Budget Office projects that under the Ryan budget, federal Medicare expenditures on behalf of an average new beneficiary would be $400 to $700 (6 to 11 percent) less in 2023, $1,200 to $2,200 (14 to 23 percent) less in 2030, and $5,900 to $8,000 (35 to 42 percent) less in 2050 than under current law.

“The Alliance for Retired Americans will do all it can in the next three months to educate seniors on the Romney-Ryan plans for seniors. In the end, we hope that Paul Ryan goes down in history as another losing VP pick who makes future school children ask, ‘What were they thinking?

Edward F. Coyle, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans:

Pictured left to right are; Jim Smith, 8-23-4 President, Gary Simpson 8-23-4 Vice President, Woody Williams Medal of Honor Recipient and Bob Adkins District 8 Coordinator

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Retiree Issue Barack Obama



Keep Medicare Preventive Services. Allow seniors to receive free, lifesaving cancer screenings and other preventive treatments. (CBS News, July 10, 2012:; The Hill, June 28, 2012:


Raise the Retirement Age. Require Americans in all sectors, including physically demanding jobs, to work until age 70 before they can be eligible for the Social Security benefits they have earned. (The Washington Post, Jan. 25, 2011; Politico, March 20, 2012:


Lower Prescription Drug Costs. Close the large doughnut hole in prescription drug coverage costing seniors billions. (CBS News, July 10, 2012; The Hill, June 28, 2012)


End  Medicare’s  Guaranteed  Benefit. Increase retirees’  out-of-pocket costs for preventive screenings and increase prescription drug costs. (CBS News, July 10, 2012; The Hill, June 28, 2012)


Strengthen the Medicare Trust Fund. Protect Medicare by ending overpayments to insurance companies and cracking down on waste, fraud and abuse. (CBS News, July 10, 2012; The Hill, June 28, 2012)