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SOA-Enabled Cisco Unified Communications

2007년 6월김 경 배부장 (UC Sales)

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Hot topics in ICT industry

Voice 3.0

Unified Communications 정의

What is SOA (SOA + UC)

Communication-Enabled business application scenario


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New waves in ICT industry

Web 2.0 & Enterprise 2.0

Social Computing & Social Networking

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)

Unified Communications

SaaS (Software as a Service)

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Voice 3.0

Voice 1.0: 기존의 TDM 기반의일반 PBX

Voice 2.0: 1990년말 ~ IP Telephony

Voice 3.0: 2007년 ~ Unified Communications– Communication-Enabled Business applications– Voice + Web Service (application)– Collaboration (Social Networking)– SOA– Web2.0 & Enterprise 2.0

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Unified Communications의정의 (Merrill Lynch)

UC (Unified Communications)는기업의음성, 영상, 데이터등모든형태의 communication 제품및application을 IP Network위에서효율적이고능률적으로통합하는것을말한다

다시말해서, 기존의음성, 영상, 데이터간의장벽을제거해어떠한장비(핸드폰, email, fax, PDA, TV, 기타등등)을이용하여도누구나, 어디서나, 아무때나소통할수있도록해주는것임

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기존 Service 구조

핸드폰 PC IP Phone TV






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Unified Communications의구조-통합서비스및신속한새로운서비스

핸드폰 PC IP Phone TV

IP Network

Service 인프라




기업 ITApplication

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What is SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)= Webservice

SOA는 ‘서비스 지향 아키텍처(Service Oriented Architecture)’를 줄인 말이다.

SOA는 기업의 소프트웨어 인프라를 구축하는방법을 정의하는 것으로, 이를 기반으로 구축된정보시스템 환경에서는 서로 다른 이용자들이서로 다른 방식으로 의사 소통을 하면서도 통합관리되는 서비스들을 사용할 수 있다는 것이핵심이다.

SOA는 데이터와 애플리케이션을 표준 블록단위로 나눠 하나의 서비스로 구성한 뒤웹서비스 기술 등을 적용해 각 서비스를 조합또는 재사용할 수 있게 한다. 내부애플리케이션과 서비스를 통합하는 것은물론이고 협력사·하도급업체 등의 외부

SOA(Service Oriented Architecture)

• Architecture Paradigm

• Loosely Coupled

• Platform-independentInterfaces

• Re-usable Services

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SOA Service Bus

Service Bus or Service Orchestration

ServiceService Service




UC Applications(Voice, Video,Collaboration)

“ESB는 Application을 loosely coupled 비즈니스서비스로서연결및중재(Broker and Mediate) 해주는표준 Mechanism”

ESB는 서비스 접점을 중재해주는 Interaction 역할을 해줌이 bus는 서비스 요청 처리를 위하여 메시지 Exchange와 이벤트 근간의 Interaction을 지원

ESB (Enterprise Service Bus)는 SOA의 Communication을 담당

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Service Bus or Service Orchestration

Cisco UC + SOA (Webservice)- Communication-Enabled Business Process

GroupwareERP PortalSCM CRMMessaging


UC Applications(Voice, Video,Collaboration)

Cisco UC Middleware Platform (CUAE)

IP Phone, 일반전화기, Dual-Mode 무선전화기, FAX, Softphone

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Market Dynamics

Enterprise IT Trend towards Service Oriented Architectures (SOA)

– IT has become strategic in delivering business value & competitive advantage– SOA has emerged as most significant shift in how IT organization realize business value– IT benefits from SOA

• Business agility, increased asset reuse, reduced integration expense, reduced business risk

Enterprise telephony has not advanced with innovation– Monolithic, proprietary, hardware-based architectures– Separate communication island

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Voice Enhancing Applications with…

Click-to-call / Click-to-dial websitesCall routing using application logicSingle-click dialing in applications UIScreen-pop call notificationAuto filling of screens/formsShared application contextApplication integrated call history

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Supply Chain Scenario

• Manufacturing • Using ERP• IP Telephony





Quality ControlEngineer

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ERP systems automate much of the supply chainExceptions to the process require human intervention

– “Out-of-band”– Introduces potentially expensive delays– Potential source of errors

Decisions and knowledge outside of the normal computerized work processes

– Phone interactions not part of workflow history

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Voice services in an SOA– SOAP Web services

Add voice to business processes– Make human communications an integral part of business process– Automate and capture interactions

Add voice to applications– Screen-pop for incoming calls to applications– Automatically populate screen with relevant info– Single-click dialing from within application UI

Integrate voice and data– Tag calls with application data for correlation– Add phone communications history to audit-trail

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ERP System에서자동으로필요한부속품을공급자 (supplier)에게주문

공급자 (supplier)는필요한부속품의재고를가지고있지않음

공급자는고객 (Warehouse Manager)에게전화를한다


–고객은공급자의전화와함께screen pop

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Example2: 승인되지않은대체품



– Quality Control 기술자에게전화메시지로통보

QC 기술자는새대체부속품에대한규격검토및주문에대한승인절치

공급자 (supplier)의기술자와새로운대체부속품에대한기술검증관련 communication 필요(single click)

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Example3: Shipment doesn’t match order


–두개의다른부속품이있음–그중하나가 PO와다름


– Order history에주문변경이있음– Order history에관련사람들간의전화통화내역포함

–관련된사람들과 Single click 으로음성 conference

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Business benefits

Efficient resolution of issues • Contact by phone when exception occurs• Save time through automation

Application UI integration• Screen pop with incoming call• Auto fill application screens• Single-click dialing from application

Contact the right people• Find people by role, skill or authority• Contact right person at the right time• Automatic conference of relevant people

Audit train of phone interactions • Phone interactions not out-of-band• Integrated audit-trail with workflow history

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Cisco Unified Application EnvironmentCustomer Case Studies – Lehman / QuickDial

Business Process – Before

Business ProblemTakes too much time for expensive analysts to conduct routine client communications

Analyst looks at list ofcontacts and manually

dials next contact


Analyst speaks toclient and delivers


Analyst reads message to client’svoice mail system

Yes No

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Cisco Unified Application EnvironmentCustomer Case Studies – Lehman / QuickDial

Business Process – AfterBusiness ProblemTakes too much time for expensive analysts to conduct routine client communications


Analyst speaks toclient and delivers


Yes No

Web interface displaysnext contact while

application autodials

Application begins toleave message, dialsnext simultaneously

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Cisco Unified Application EnvironmentCustomer Case Studies – Lehman / QuickDial

Business ProblemTakes too much time for expensive analysts to conduct routine client communications

Business Value$300,000 per year in time and cost savings

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Voice 3.0 시대 (Unified Communications)–개방, 공유, 참여– No more voice centric service

Communication-Enabled business application에대한필요성증대

– Voice + Webservice (business applications)– SOA + UC

UC Application에관련된 Platform필요–수많은Web개발자에게 UC application개발이쉽고, 편하게–개방, 표준 interface지원–다양한 UC application등장