smbizforward mag december

Small Biz Forward Exploring the Entrepreneurial World of Today Exploring the Entrepreneurial World of Today Exploring the Entrepreneurial World of Today Exploring the Entrepreneurial World of Today Small Biz Forward Small Biz Forward Small Biz Forward Small Biz Forward THE PLACE WHERE BUSI THE PLACE WHERE BUSI THE PLACE WHERE BUSI THE PLACE WHERE BUSINESSES COME TO NESSES COME TO NESSES COME TO NESSES COME TO CONNECT, COLLABORATE CONNECT, COLLABORATE CONNECT, COLLABORATE CONNECT, COLLABORATE AND SUCCEED AND SUCCEED AND SUCCEED AND SUCCEED Vol. 20. N0. 12 December

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Tips and Techniques to help busy entrepreneurs more successfully grow their business


Page 1: Smbizforward mag december

Small Biz Forward

Exploring the Entrepreneurial World of TodayExploring the Entrepreneurial World of TodayExploring the Entrepreneurial World of TodayExploring the Entrepreneurial World of Today

Small Biz ForwardSmall Biz ForwardSmall Biz ForwardSmall Biz Forward



Vol. 20. N0. 12 December

Page 2: Smbizforward mag december

2 Small Biz Forward

Ed Becher, (Ret.) US Marine and

Former Chief Instructor, US Dept. of

State, Uniformed Branch, Diploma#c

Security Service. Owner, The

Bodyguard Academy, Sturgis,

Michigan. He can be reached at: h-p://

Nancy Becher, Passionate

about suppor#ng “mom and pop”

businesses, Nancy is the Chief

Everything Officer of Business

Success Unlimited, an educa#onal

training program and success

mentor for entrepreneurs and small business owners. She is

the author of many short ar#cles and published pieces in

various magazines and online. An entrepreneur since age

12, she is known for her knowledge of running small

businesses and caring about the people she works with.

h-p:// is where she’s found!

Adam Fleming, President of Epic Life

Studios since 2008, Adam Fleming is a

Cer#fied Leadership Coach and Coach

Trainer. Adam has coached business

owners in many aspects of growth, with

a focus on personal calling and balance;

and business focus on marke#ng, spe­

cifically inten#onal growth by referral.

Adam has been a BNI member since 2011 and currently

serves his chapter of that organiza#on as Educa#onal

Coordinator, teaching members to network effec#vely.

Barbara Nicastro is a problem

solver, strategist and business execu­

#ve highly experienced in analysis of

complex document or factual situa­

#ons. Uses a pragma#c business ap­

proach to prevent or resolve issues.

Extensive leadership, public speaking,

nego#a#on, media and mo#va#onal training experi­

ence. You can reach Barb at


Contributing Writers

Cindy Cohen is a registered nurse with 35

years of experience from the bedside to CEO

of a hospital. Cohen is recognized as an ac­

complished author, wellness expert, and cor­

porate wellness leader. You can find Cindy,,

Jason Barr, founder of Valen#ne

Web Services. We don't just build web­

sites; we deliver fully­op#mized cam­

paigns centered around your important

business objec#ves to put the Web to

work for you! Located in South Bend, IN. He’s there for

all your website needs. Contact him at: h-p://

Page 3: Smbizforward mag december

3 Small Biz Forward

Sherry Lynn Simoes works with

Small and Home-Based Entrepreneurs to

build a thriving business through the right

marke�ng methods as well as website

design, blog training & design and social

media training and management. She

runs two networking groups (Women of Today and Business

Builders Interna�onal) and provides free training to members

each month on a different aspect of marke�ng their business.

Sherry Lynn can be found at: h,p://


Gail Turluck is the President of

Connec�ve Marke�ng of Richland,

Michigan. Connec�ve Marke�ng offers

communica�ons services including

wri�ng, e-newsle,ers, newsle,ers, web

site content, edi�ng, proofreading, and

more. She can be reached at


Kelly Rock is the Director

of Opera�ons for Four Flags

Chamber of Commerce in

Niles, MI. If there’s anything

you want to know about Niles,

or about the business commu-

nity in the city or surrounding areas, Kelly is the one

to call. 269-683-33720, or [email protected]

Jerry Sarno is a Strategic

Partner with Schooley Mitchell

Telecom consultants, North

America’s largest independent

telecom consul�ng company.

Jerry. [email protected]


Charlie Ba�zyCharlie Ba�zyCharlie Ba�zyCharlie Ba�zyCharlie Ba�zyCharlie Ba�zyCharlie Ba�zyCharlie Ba�zy Multi-Company Licensed Insurance Agent

Specializing in insurance for individuals, small businesses

and the unique opportuni�es of American Veterans

8175 Creekside Dr Suite 200

Portage, Michigan 49024 Toll Free: (800) 578-1609

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4 Small Biz Forward

The holidays are here…YIKES. There’s too much to do and just

not enough hours in the day. We have work, ge%ng ready for

family and friends (not to men(on Santa Claus), and all the

rounds of par(es that go on this (me of year. How can we do it

all? The answer is, we can’t. That is, and s(ll enjoy ourselves

while ge%ng business done in (me and with good quality. So,

my sugges(on is to get a nice cup of coffee, tea or hot chocolate,

sit down with pen and paper, and write down everything (and I

do mean EVERYTHING) that you want to do this month. Time

management is a BIG part of what needs to be done here. Look

at your list and then start crossing off things that can wait or

aren’t as important; checking things that are MUSTS; and

ques(on marks by things that can be fit in if (me allows.

When you have your (meline down on paper, you can start to

breathe a bit more easily, saying “I think I can do this!” and the

panic starts to subside. I know it does for me, at least. It is okay

to “just say no” to some things, and yes to others. People

understand, and really don’t expect everyone they invite to their

par(es to show up. It’s just that they feel that they have to invite

everyone, but we all understand that it’s not always possible to

do everything.

The lesson here is that it’s important to take (me to enjoy

yourself along the way so that when the new year rolls around,

you’re ready to start off with a BANG!

Happy holidays to everyone, and please enjoy yourselves and

stay safe!

Nancy and everyone at Business Success Unlimited/Celebrate

Business Publishing.

Office to Office — Editor’s


December 2013

Celebrating the success of

entrepreneurs everywhere.


Nancy Becher

Advertising and feature inquiries send to:Advertising and feature inquiries send to:Advertising and feature inquiries send to:Advertising and feature inquiries send to:

[email protected]

Subscriptions can be directed to:Subscriptions can be directed to:Subscriptions can be directed to:Subscriptions can be directed to:

[email protected]

701 N. Prairie Street

Sturgis, MI 49091


[email protected]

© 2013



Small Biz Forward is published by

Celebrate Business Publishing

Small Biz Forward receives unsolicited materials (including le�ers to the

editor, press releases, promo�onal items and images) from �me to �me.

Small Biz Forward magazine, its affiliates and assignees may use, reproduce,

publish, republish, distribute, store and archive such submissions in whole

or in part in any form or medium whatsoever, without compensa�on of any

sort. This statement does not apply to materials/pitches submi�ed by free-

lancers in accordance with known industry prac�ces. Statements and

opinions expressed in feature ar�cles are those of the corresponding

business owner.

While every care has been taken in the compila�on of this informa�on and

every a�empt made to present up-to-date and accurate informa�on, we

cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur. Celebrate Business

Publishing will not be held responsible for any claim, loss, damage or

inconvenience caused as a result of any informa�on within these pages or

any informa�on accessed through their web site.

Printing by The Graphics Group, Inc.

Elkhart, IN


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5 Small Biz Forward

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6 Small Biz Forward

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7 Small Biz Forward

The holidays are officially here, and that means lots

of things for us small business owners. It means LOTS

of sales (hopefully), time spent at Christmas parties and

if you celebrate Christmas, spending time shopping and

getting prepared for the big day. It means getting

frazzled and spending money. It also means that perhaps

our business will slow down after Black Friday.

Others are also busy and may not be thinking about

what you have to sell, because they’re trying to find the

one perfect gift for their 6 year old. It’s sending out

cards, and buying a Christmas tree. It’s getting gift wrap

paper and bows, along with wreaths for the front door

and winter greens and lights for the front of the house. I

can go on with lots more. How about you? All those

extra commitments and expectations. For most small

businesses, the holiday season is a big deal that can add

a tremendous amount of pressure. Personal obligations

added on top, and it is enough to make any of us go


I’m feeling the pressure at the back of my neck and

my head is starting to hurt. Panic is setting in. I’m NOT

going to be able to do it. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Probably one of the biggest fears right now is that

business will slow down and you won’t be bringing in

the cashflow that is normal during this time – especially

since you’ll probably be spending more than normal

right now, as well. Here are a couple of thoughts that

might help alleviate some of that worry at least. Take

this time to work on your tasks for next year so that

money will flow throughout the year. Now is a great

time to work on the business of working ON your

business. It’s good to think about your goals for next

year, and see where you want to be throughout the year,

both in terms of income and time. You should create

several SMART goals so that you have (in writing) a

roadmap for where you’re headed, and the tasks to do

along the way to get you there.

It’s a good time to also work on your finances, i.e.,

taxes, price structures and more. By getting your ducks

in a row now, you don’t have to take time when you’re

busy again to get all these items together. Do you have

your mileage records up-to-date? What about all those

business expenses that have accrued throughout the


Give yourself permission to have some down

time…get a good book (or two) to read. One for fun and

one for business development. It never hurts to have an

open mind about the newest techniques and strategies

for business growth. Catch up on the back issues of

Small Biz Forward: its pages are full of great

information to quick start your success.

As I mentioned in the Editor’s Notes on page 4, take

stock of everything that’s going on now, and make a list

of what should go on your YES side and what should be

put into the NO column. When you release yourself

from all the pressure of having to be in 10 places at

once, you will immediately begin to feel better and more


So, to recap – plan and prioritize, say no to things

that aren’t that important, get going on ideas for

business growth in 2014 and take time to relax and

enjoy this season. It only comes once a year!

Enjoy Your Holiday

Plan and prioritize, say no to things that aren’t that important, get going on ideas for

business growth in 2014 and take time to relax and enjoy this season. It only comes once a


Take Time to Relax, by Nancy Becher

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8 Small Biz Forward

Schedule of EventsSchedule of EventsSchedule of EventsSchedule of Events

K Enterprises – Your Business Needs Fans Business Mentoring, B2B Events

P.O. Box 6056 Facebook Training, Consulta-ons & Design

South Bend, IN 46660

Karen – 574-344-8895

B2B Get Together Holiday Bash B2B Get Together Holiday Bash B2B Get Together Holiday Bash B2B Get Together Holiday Bash –––– ItItItIt’’’’s A Networking Partys A Networking Partys A Networking Partys A Networking Party

Thursday, December 5, 6:15Thursday, December 5, 6:15Thursday, December 5, 6:15Thursday, December 5, 6:15----8:00pm (Open Networking starts at 5:30)8:00pm (Open Networking starts at 5:30)8:00pm (Open Networking starts at 5:30)8:00pm (Open Networking starts at 5:30)

(Loca-on: Sprenger Health Care Center, Elm Road Campus, 60257 Bodnar Blvd., Mishawaka, IN)(Loca-on: Sprenger Health Care Center, Elm Road Campus, 60257 Bodnar Blvd., Mishawaka, IN)(Loca-on: Sprenger Health Care Center, Elm Road Campus, 60257 Bodnar Blvd., Mishawaka, IN)(Loca-on: Sprenger Health Care Center, Elm Road Campus, 60257 Bodnar Blvd., Mishawaka, IN)

This B2B Get Together is a Holiday Networking Party with an awesome twist and we think the very best way to net-

work successfully. It’s a sponsored event with complimentary wine, non-alcoholic beverages, yummy appetizers and

will be held at the beautiful Sprenger Healthcare Center, Mishawaka. Open Networking at the bar, 5:30-6:15 and then

Business Introductions and “Live Networking De-constructed” starts at 6:15pm. All businesses are introduced. Bring

your business cards, brochures, samples. Just $10 to participate (complimentary wine and appetizers). RSVP please on

Facebook, Event tab). Sponsorship Opportunities, call 574.344.8895.

B2B Get Together/B2B Get Together/B2B Get Together/B2B Get Together/””””Live Networking DeLive Networking DeLive Networking DeLive Networking De----constructedconstructedconstructedconstructed””””

Friday, January 10, 2014 Friday, January 10, 2014 Friday, January 10, 2014 Friday, January 10, 2014 –––– 9:309:309:309:30----11:30am11:30am11:30am11:30am

(Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN)(Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN)(Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN)(Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN)

Time to give your business a boost, refresh your own focus for success and join in the fun of a unique networking ex-

perience. Lots of fun and a great way to connect with other businesses. Open Networking time 9:00-9:30 and then

Business Introductions and “live Networking De-constructed” starts at 9:30. All businesses are introduced. Bring your

business cards, brochures, samples. Just $5 to participate.

Michiana Michiana Michiana Michiana ““““Shop & GreetShop & GreetShop & GreetShop & Greet””””

Thursday, March 20, 2014 Thursday, March 20, 2014 Thursday, March 20, 2014 Thursday, March 20, 2014 –––– 4:004:004:004:00----9:00pm9:00pm9:00pm9:00pm

(Saint Mary(Saint Mary(Saint Mary(Saint Mary’’’’s Campus s Campus s Campus s Campus –––– Gillespie Center, South Bend, IN)Gillespie Center, South Bend, IN)Gillespie Center, South Bend, IN)Gillespie Center, South Bend, IN)

Best Expo of the year! One of a kind event with our unique “Everyone Shops Experience”! Networking at its best and

auction fun with local charities too. Sponsors, 40 Vendors, “A Minute Wins It’ Challenges, Great Prizes & Surprises.

Live Auction Fun! Great Networking! Fun for you and your

friends and good for your business too! Come shop with us!

$15 at the Door (and you get $10 back in Michiana Bucks to

spend at the event). More info, call Karen 574.344.8895.

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9 Small Biz Forward

Note from Rebecca Maalouf, professional makeup artist and

small business owner:

Why Updates Matter: Every fall, we pull the same looks out of our closet. We apply our (one time) favorite lipstick, and we

face our days... firmly stuck in a rut. When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort

zone to consider something new? Take that baby step forward today. Call me. I'll show you how to find

the best look while respecting your personal style.

Call 574-243-1730

Ask for a "Best Look" lesson with Rebecca.

$40. 45 minutes.

Bring in or mention this note, and it's fully redeemable in product - so you have nothing to lose.

Camellia Cosmetics * 7220 Heritage Square Drive * Granger IN

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10 Small Biz Forward

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11 Small Biz Forward

Ready or not, 2014 is almost here. A new year offers

up a fresh start, and we usually take advantage by

devising plans for the months ahead, making resolutions

to eat better, get more exercise, learn a new language or

spend more time with the kids.

Hopefully you have already spent time

contemplating your resolutions for 2014. Setting goals

for the new year is not something to be taken lightly but

too often we don’t spend enough time thinking about it.

To increase the chances of reaching your goals, we’ve

broken down a few simple steps to pave the path to

success, whether it is at home or the office.

One is enough.One is enough.One is enough.One is enough. Taking on too much can have the

opposite effect by overwhelming your brain with too

many objectives, resulting in a feeling of hopelessness.

Spend some time brainstorming and then narrow your

focus to the most important goal. Quality definitely

outweighs quantity in this situation.

Be realistic.Be realistic.Be realistic.Be realistic. Goal setting is a process and ensuring

your objectives are realistic is important. An ambiguous

goal is more difficult to reach than one that is concrete,

so take the time to get specific and iron out a practical

implementation plan. Examine if you have time to work

toward your target – if it doesn’t seem attainable, re-

examine your objective.

Make it a habit.Make it a habit.Make it a habit.Make it a habit. Many people focus on kicking bad

habits every January. Instead think about your

resolutions as a way to introduce good habits into your

life. If you`ve pledged to increase your productivity this

year, consider habits you can adopt to make it happen.

Don`t do it alone.Don`t do it alone.Don`t do it alone.Don`t do it alone. Bringing others into the fold will

help hold you accountable and keep you committed to

your long-term vision. Your friends, family and co-

workers all have an important role to play and may even

be able to assist you in reaching your goal more quickly

and calling you out if you drop the ball.

Revisit your resolutions.Revisit your resolutions.Revisit your resolutions.Revisit your resolutions. There are very few things in

our lives that are truly static and your New Year’s

resolution isn’t one of them. If you are finding yourself

slipping back into your old ways, or not making much

progress in your intended direction, don’t be afraid to go

back to the drawing board.

What happens in the end if you miss your mark? For

some people, failing to reach a goal can be emotionally

devastating. Others can turn that failure into something

much more positive. Research shows those who maintain

a sense of humour and don’t take themselves too

seriously rebound best and accepting things outside your

control can help you move on to bigger and brighter


So sit down, sharpen your pencil and think about the

one big move you would like to make this year while

you’ve still got 12 months to make it happen.

by Jerry Sarno, Schooley Mitchell Telecom Consultants

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12 Small Biz Forward

How to Use Story to

Energize Your

Marketing. By Jason Barr, Valentine Web Design

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13 Small Biz Forward

This isn’t why you started your own business.

Sure, sales are ok and you’re getting by. Your

customers are happy for the most part. You’ve even got

a few great testimonials that remind you of why you

started doing this, but it’s a long way from what you

envisioned back when you first began.

Back then, you lost sleep over the idea that grew

into your company. You were so excited about helping

your customers, you couldn’t wait to get started! You

dreamed of making people happy, but the reality is

much more mundane.

What happened? And more importantly, what can

be done to capture that old enthusiasm and

communicate it to your customers?

You ArenYou ArenYou ArenYou Aren’’’’t Telling Your Story Effectivelyt Telling Your Story Effectivelyt Telling Your Story Effectivelyt Telling Your Story Effectively

Your original idea is still good, and you’ve done

your homework as far as homing in on your target

market, forming a strong value proposition, and

incorporating customer feedback into your operations.

You’re a wiz on the operations end. What’s missing is

telling the story about your business, the very thing that

had you up all night with anticipation. You remember,

right? Those dreams of grateful customers thanking

you? Each one of those visions is a powerful resource.

Storytelling isn’t just something for kids to do at

campouts; it’s a powerful method of engagement.

Narrative is deeply ingrained in the human psyche, and

we enthusiastically respond to good ones.

Why We Often Do Business BackwardsWhy We Often Do Business BackwardsWhy We Often Do Business BackwardsWhy We Often Do Business Backwards

Business owners love data. We love it because it

tells us what we’re doing right and wrong, and often

helps us do better. Data is very, very important. But it

can also become a fixation that leads us to crowd out

the more emotionally satisfying aspects of marketing.

Data doesn’t drive customers to identify with your

brand, and numbers don’t make them buy. When you

concentrate on these kinds of information and don’t

first engage with a strong brand narrative, you miss a

vital way to build your bottom line.

How to Tell a Story That Will Power Up Your BrandHow to Tell a Story That Will Power Up Your BrandHow to Tell a Story That Will Power Up Your BrandHow to Tell a Story That Will Power Up Your Brand

Fortunately, you’ve already come a long way

toward storytelling your brand if you’ve done due

diligence to things like your ideal customer profile and

elevator pitch. In a sense, your elevator pitch is actually

a story in miniature, and your customer profile

describes the hero of your narrative.

That’s right, your customer is the hero of your

brand’s story, not you. Surprised? Don’t be. After all,

your customers are the ones who make it possible for

you to do what you do. The customer is the hero,

because in a good story the hero always emerges

transformed. You are the agent of transformationagent of transformationagent of transformationagent of transformation.

A strong narrative answers three questions: who,

why, and how. “Who” is your ideal customer profile.

You should know your target market intimately. You

should know their fears, hopes, dreams, motivations,

and problems. “Why” is the problem they have that

your product or service will solve. But it’s not just

about fixing what’s wrong for them; it’s about creating

meaningful resolution to the drama of their situation

that brings about a need need need need for what you do. “How”

presents the action they need to take so you can create a

satisfying climax to the drama. Who leads to why, and

resolution is found in how.

Arthur draws the sword from the stone and

becomes king. Luke Skywalker embraces the Force and

saves the galaxy. A customer encounters your company

and finds a way to move past her dilemma, stronger and


By casting your target customer as the hero and

establishing your brand as the solution to his pressing

need, you begin crafting a potent marketing story that

will draw in new prospects, increase their satisfaction,

and give new life to your business.

Jason Barr is a Digital Media Consultant, creating powerful

inbound marketing solutions to help nonprofits and social

enterprises increase reach, revenue, and effectiveness in

carrying out their mission. Contact him at

[email protected] to find out how you can get $3000

in web consulting and design absolutely free absolutely free absolutely free absolutely free and boost your

organization’s ability to carry out your mission.


Page 14: Smbizforward mag december

14 Small Biz Forward

Calendar of Calendar of Calendar of Calendar of


If you’re interested in placing

your events here, just send an

email to:


What’s happening This Month?


Peer Advisory Board — Do you have a dream for your small business? Want to see it grow and become bigger? December 9

we meet at the Niles Four Flags Chamber of Commerce at 8:30

am to discuss ways to quickly and effectively grow our businesses

to the next level.

Online Peer Advisory Board — if you can’t make it to Niles, but want to be part of a group to work on business growth

issues, you can join us starting on December 4 and 18 at 9:00am

for our online version. (Check with Nancy @ 269-651-3555) for

more info and to register.

GRAPE — Grand Rapids Area Professionals for Excellence will also be facilitating a Peer Advisory Board Mastermind

meeting. December 17 , 10-12; ITT Tech, Wyoming, MI

Entrepreneurial Forum — It’s so very important to have a roadmap to where we want to grow our business, but it can be

one of the most difficult things we try to do. Let us help you get

those goals and plans set so that 2014 will be the BEST year for

your business ever. December 18, 12-2, ITT Tech, Wyoming, MI

Explore Exciting Career Opportunities — with the Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety as they hold

their introductory bodyguard class on Dec. 13-15 at their Center

in Sturgis, MI. Call Ed at 269-651-3355 for more details.

Christmas — Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays!

Page 15: Smbizforward mag december

15 Small Biz Forward

Calendar of


If you’re interested in placing

your events here, just send an

email to:


What’s happening This



Peer Advisory Board — Do you have a dream for your small business? Want to see it grow and become bigger?

January 13 and 27 we meet at the Niles Four Flags Chamber of

Commerce at 8:30 am to discuss ways to quickly and effectively

grow our businesses to the next level.

Online Peer Advisory Board — if you can’t make it to Niles, but want to be part of a group to work on business

growth issues, you can join us starting on January 8 and 22 at

9:00am for our online version. (Check with Nancy @ 269-651-

3555) for more info and to register.

B2B Get Together/”Live Networking De-


Friday, January 10, 2014 – 9:30-11:30am

(Trine University, 4101 Edison Lakes Parkway, Mishawaka, IN)

Time to give your business a boost, refresh your own focus for

success and join in the fun of a unique networking experience.

Lots of fun and a great way to connect with other businesses.

Open Networking time 9:00-9:30 and then Business

Introductions and “live Networking De-constructed” starts at

9:30. All businesses are introduced. Bring your business cards,

brochures, samples. Just $5 to participate.

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16 Small Biz Forward

Creating an Ad Campaign By Sherry Lynn Simoes, Women of Today

Creating an Ad Campaign is an art. The 2 most

important points you should remember are:

1 – Always include a CALL TO ACTION

2 – Tie EVERYTHING you do together!


The first step when creating an Ad Campaign is to think

of the purpose.

What do you want people to do when they see your

ad? Do you want them to visit your website? Do you want

them to call you, email you or to purchase something?


Who are you trying to reach with this campaign?

Sometimes you will have more than one target market.

Try to focus on one of them for a campaign. You do not

want to try and reach everyone as you will not be able to

come up with the ad copy that will speak to them.

Is your target market your existing customers or new



Once you know the purpose you want to come up

with a creative way to get them to do this. This is called

your Call to Action. You really need to think deep and

outside the box about this. Simply saying Call today is

not a strong call to action. Call today to receive a

Complimentary, No Obligation Information Package is


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17 Small Biz Forward





I see many campaigns that are missing a crucial

component such as a phone number, email or website. In

almost all campaigns you want people to be able to reach

you in a method that is convenient for them.

Components depending on your target market and

purpose could include:

•A contact method

•Phone number



•Physical Address

•Important details

•Disclaimer if it is a contest or promotion

Bullet Points

Remember not to pack your ad with so much

information that people will not read it. Keep it short and

sweet and to the point. Do not include a novel or no one

is going to read it!


The step is to figure out what marketing methods are

going to reach your target market.

Think of it this way: Where does your target market

hang out? Do they shop online? Do they read the

newspaper or certain magazines? Do they use the old

fashion phone book or look listings up online? Do they

like physical mail?

Whatever you do remember that people need to see

something more than once most times before they act.

Never run one ad in a publication. It is better to run a

smaller ad more times than one time!


Do not leave something open ended. When do you

want you campaign to run from and to?

Keep in mind when your marketing methods “Hit the

Street”. When do the publications actually get delivered?

You need to make sure you give people more than a day

to act – but not too long or they will not have the urgency

to act.


Everything you do during your campaign time must

be tied together! Get your promotion out there in as many

ways as you can! Running an ad in a newspaper alone is

not enough!

•Blog about it and point them to the campaign

•Include it in your newsletter – remember to include

a link if it is online

•Talk about it on Facebook

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18 Small Biz Forward

ItItItIt’’’’s working for me, Its working for me, Its working for me, Its working for me, It’’’’ll work for you ll work for you ll work for you ll work for you


Kim Green @ hKp://

•Make sure any ads you run include it

•Put an ad on your own website or put on your main

page during the campaign time

•Tweet It



•Talk about it at networking meetings – include it in

your 30 Second Intro

•Post articles online

•Do Cross Promotions

•Ask People to Share It – you may want to have an

incentive for them to do so

Email it personally to your most important contacts

one at a time is a strong method as it is an email “just for



Each marketing method you use should be included

in this plan. Remember not to do these things just once.

Create a plan for each method.

An ad campaign can get you a flood of business IF


Remember… ask for help from an expert or get a

second opinion from someone you know and trust.

Always have someone proofread and give you their

feedback. Would they act if they saw it?

Have fun and Be Creative!

Sherry Lynn

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19 Small Biz Forward

YBNF Tip: Value Your Favorites

Value Your Facebook Favorites.Value Your Facebook Favorites.Value Your Facebook Favorites.Value Your Facebook Favorites. Did you know that when another business page Did you know that when another business page Did you know that when another business page Did you know that when another business page ““““likeslikeslikeslikes” ” ” ” your your your your

page, your page appears as a favorite on their page?page, your page appears as a favorite on their page?page, your page appears as a favorite on their page?page, your page appears as a favorite on their page? Do you know who has made your page a Do you know who has made your page a Do you know who has made your page a Do you know who has made your page a

favorite and how to nurture that relationship?favorite and how to nurture that relationship?favorite and how to nurture that relationship?favorite and how to nurture that relationship? You can connect with the You can connect with the You can connect with the You can connect with the businesses that have

made your page a favorite by logging into your business page, going to your "LIKEs" and

clicking on the "see all" drop down. You will be able to choose individual people who like your

page (your fans) or businesses that like your page (your favorites). Be sure to "LIKE their

business page when logged into your own business page so you can make them a favorite on

your page too!

Brenda Johns, [email protected]  

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20 Small Biz Forward 

Chatting with the Experts By Nancy Becher

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21 Small Biz Forward 

Even now, after 35 years in business, I love to read

about what others are doing, how they are making suc-

cesses for themselves and how I can both help them, and

they can show me new ways to grow my business, too.

When we know we’re not in this by ourselves, but have

others around us that have perhaps seen similar stories,

and circumstances, it gives me hope for the future and I

don’t feel so all alone. So, this month, let me introduce

you to a lady that I have the utmost respect for. She

seems to seamlessly manage a family, a marriage, being

a teacher, and a business woman. We can all learn some-

thing from her! So, without further ado, let me introduce

you to Kathleen Williamson, and her business Simply


Hi! I am Kathy Williamson and I, like most of you,

wear many hats: wife, homeschooling mother of 7 chil-

dren, Sunday school teacher, private tutor, caterer, and



I love to teach others something NEW and EXCIT-

ING, with a PRACTICAL side to it, too! As certified

writing instructor and tutor, I developed a passion for

words, always learning just how to use just the right

words to get the best influence. SUCCESSFUL people

are always LEARNING and when they find something

that works, they never keep it to themselves; they

SHARE it! They care about those closest to them, in-

cluding those beyond the circles of their friends and fam-

ily members, wanting others to enjoy the benefits of their

discoveries. Interested in what I found? Read on . . .

. . . .

While catering at a vendor event for a friend, busi-

ness was slow and while browsing the other vendor

booths, I immediately noticed Simply Said, a CUSTOM

VINYL DESIGN and CREATION business! That day,

SIMPLY SAID with KATHY was born!


because it combines ALL OF THE ABOVE into one

business opportunity. It allows me to impact my family,

my community, my world and our children’s future!

Bringing BUSINESS OPPORTUNITES to others, shar-

ing the power of the written word through beautiful cus-

tom designs, in homes, offices, restaurants,

campgrounds, churches, schools, libraries, beauty salons,

and more, YOU, TOO, can impact anyone, anywhere, in

a profound, professional way! NOW, I TEACH others


out to everyone they meet! While our children watch me

take on my own business venture, they learn right along

with me about the real BUSINESS world. They learn

how they, too, could one day start their own BUSINESS.

Learn how to assist clients as they CREATE their very

own CUSTOM designs to say exactly what they want or

need, whether it be just for decorating or on a serious

note, for advertising, motivating, inspiring, reminding,

encouraging, celebrating, or remembering a loved one.

You soon LEARN how to LISTEN to the world to be

ready to IMPACT others with these designs. Want to

join with me and impact your world with beautiful, pro-

fessional custom creations? Are you passionate about

others? Are you willing to work hard? There’s more!

Contact me at (574) 850-4424 or


My educational background includes a BA in Gen-

eral Business Administration from Michigan State Uni-

versity and before our first child was born, I began to

attend Western Michigan University, trying to complete

a second bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. I

LOVED the challenges of the engineering program and I

was quite successful with the calculus and physics

coursework! I developed a confidence that no matter

what I had in mind to do, I could find a way to be suc-

cessful with it. Therefore, it’s full steam ahead for my

business with SIMPLY SAID with KATHY, and if you

would like to join with me in this FUN, EXCITING

business opportunity, I would love to TEACH YOU

HOW you too, could have YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

It’s that SIMPLE!

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22 Small Biz Forward 

'Tis the season! We've got the glitter of twinkling

lights outdoors and in, our offices and workplaces are

specially decorated with tinsel, garland, ornaments and

more, and we're gathering for special events at a rate

like no other time of the year.

Take the time this year to enjoy the shininess!

Attend celebratory events with a big smile on your face.

Get a little more gussied up than usual—be a part of and

reflect the shine. Seek out the host and help them

celebrate their improvements from the past year. Be

sure to reflect the pieces of good news you learn with

others and make each event even more bright.

When you host your event, be prepared with your

own examples of shininess so your guests may reflect

your year's successes. Make shininess part of your

theme; silvery decorations, candles, mirrors, napkins,

and more will add to the ambiance. The shinier the

setting, the more you will find reflections from

your event shining back on you through all of

the coming new year.

Make sure to provide for plenty of time for

your family to shine. As family members

gather, discover what is shining in their lives

and reflect that to others. Be sure to share your

shining moments with family members so they

may build your brightness and cause it to

abound. The busy holiday season will bring

your family together to celebrate tradition;

make it unforgettable this year by making it just

extra shiny.

Remember to spread a little shine around as

well. Whether a small, shiny gift or a number

of bright, shiny coins, think of and remember those

service people that are special beacons to your success.

It will brighten their day, their load, impress upon them

your years' shininess, and keep them attentive to your


As you bask in the shine through the end of the

year, use the experiences to become completely

refreshed and ready to tackle 2014 to make it your best

year yet!


Gail M. Turluck is the President of Connec-ve Marke-ng of Richland, 

Michigan.  Connec-ve Marke-ng offers communica-ons services including 

wri-ng, e-newsleKers, newsleKers, web site content, edi-ng, proofreading; 

Send Out Cards; the Body by Vi 90 Day Fitness Challenge; and more.  She 

may be contacted at [email protected] or by visi-ng  



Enjoy the Shininess By Gail M. Turluck, Connec-ve Marke-ng 

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23 Small Biz Forward

Buy Local By Kelly Rock, Director of Operations

Getting wrapped up in the rush of holiday shopping

season is easy. We make our lists, look for the best

deals, consciously try not to buy for ourselves and think

of others and how they influence our ultimate decisions

and purchases. The state of the economy continually in

flux; where we spend our bucks. The market visible, as

it sinks its heels in the shoes of those brave shoppers.

Coupons, % off discounts, gift incentives, parking and

such. Some think it’s too much. Others login to shop

and surf, avoiding the heavy turf. One could call a light-

er load. But are we burdening the community we call


After the Black Friday’s and Small Business Satur-

days, the hunter lives on. The deals, ads, and promos

will continue. People will take their holidays, and pay

their tributes. Fact stands. When we choose to support

our neighbors in business, we thrive. We make owners

and leaders of one another.

We can make a collective effort to make more own-

ers and leaders of our neighbors by shopping local.

Chambers of commerce exists to raise awareness of our

moms and pops, gift shops, open houses, and round ta-

bles. Chambers highlight achievements and elevate the

concerns of our citizens.

Chambers focus on building networks, collaborat-

ing, and creating events that draw people to learn from

each other. Each person we meet; a mentor, mirror and

teacher; regardless of social status or title. Chambers

promote growth opportunities for business, and commu-

nity attraction. More people mean more entrepreneurs,

more skilled workers, more jobs, and ultimately, a better

place to live and thrive.

For more information on chambers or to join our

chamber association in the support of Niles Michigan

commerce, please visit

Building a Better Community for Business in the

Greater Four Flags Area of Niles Michigan

Kelly Rock

[email protected]

Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce

(269) 683-3720



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24 Small Biz Forward

To start with I want to wish each of you and your

families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New

Year. This time of year brings back many memories,

both good and bad. It also brings with it renewed faith

and a desire to look ahead and set some goals for the

upcoming year. There are some from this year which

did not come to pass, but I will leave them in place.

A number of years ago I was tasked with providing

security to a high wealth female as she went ‘Black

Friday’ shopping. Those that know me know I am not a

big fan of shopping at all, and most of my Christmas

shopping is done on Christmas Eve or shortly before


During this protective detail, I was extremely

observant of other shoppers and their interactions with

each other and store employees. I do know that was a

very interesting assignment, and many interesting

observations were made.

With the holidays fast approaching we

need to still keep our security awareness high

as the bad guys never take a holiday, actually

they enjoy when we take them. Many of us

will be out shopping for gifts to give to

family, friends and both co-workers and

employees. While you are out, think about

some stocking stuffers with security in mind:

things like high lumen flashlights, door

wedges with an alarm built in for the traveler,

training programs for awareness and safety.

Security and Security and Security and Security and

the the the the

EntrepreneurEntrepreneurEntrepreneurEntrepreneur By Ed Becher, PPS, Center for

Protection, Security and

Personal Safety

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25 Small Biz Forward

Here are some tips to follow as well:

When parking, use street level parking; it’s safer than

that of a parking garage. If you must park in a garage,

choose the center levels avoiding the top and bottom

levels as these are least traveled.

Pay attention to where you are parking, especially

after dark. Choose a well lit, highly visible area and park

as close to an exit as possible. Remember you may be

parking in the daylight, but getting back to your car after


If possible, back in to your parking space—this

makes it easier and faster to get out if you need to.

When you are approaching your vehicle, have your

keys out and ready to unlock the door. By having them

out you gain entry into your car more quickly.

Make extra trips to your car to put away bags; do not

carry them out all at once. You want to have a free hand

available at all time in case of emergency. Put your bags

in the trunk where they will be out of sight.

Walk with confidence, keep your head up and

continually be looking around. Have your cell phone

close at hand in case you should need to contact 911.

We all have malls and shopping centers we frequent.

Get to know the layout of them and have an emergency

plan in place. If you have parked a distance away from

the doors, or if you feel threatened, see if mall security

can escort you out to your car.

In parking lots, avoid the stairwells, as they can be

safe havens for criminals to linger.

If you are grabbed, draw attention to yourself! Yell

“FIRE” instead of “Help” as more people are apt to pay


The holidays are stressful enough with family

visiting, and the question of “Did I forget someone on

my shopping list”. Let’s not make it any more stressful

but taking our personal security and safety lightly.

Ed Becher is the owner of Center for Protec(on, Security and

Personal Safety (The Bodyguard Academy) which is a provider

of training and resources to keep you, your staff and clients

safe. He can be contacted at ed@centerforprotec( or

by phone at (269)651-3355.

Cindy Cohen, RN

Wellness Consultant

C2 Your Health LLC


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26 Small Biz Forward

Good Health is Good for You and Smart for Your Business By Cindy Cohen, C2 Your Health, LLC

“Of all the rules for taking care of your health, the most valuable may be the one you seldom hear:

Remember who’s in charge. The important day-to-day decisions about your own health and

vitality are made by one person – you.”

Dr. C. Evere% Koop MD

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27 Small Biz Forward

The success of your business relies on your

performance at work and at home. Whether you work for

yourself, own a small business or work in a fortune 500

company you have to deal with the unpredictable

challenges you’re faced with every day; your life has

become stressed, messy and out of control. Just take a

minute to think about what your work days might look


Your work days begin with jumping out of

bed to an alarm clock; gulp down a jolt of

caffeine; then fight your way through the

traffic to get to work on time. During your

rushed day there are complicated decisions

to make, pressure to get a lot of things done in a short

period of time without enough help. At the end of every

work day you hurry off to your car facing the rat race back

to home filled with evenings of quick dinners, working

from your virtual office, late night “bad” news, tossing

and turning; sleepless nights just to start right back over

again the next day! No wonder you feel sick and tired!

You are not the only one, your co-workers, peers and

family members are sick too. It seems nearly every other

day there’s a new national epidemic. The latest?

Childhood obesity, diabetes, obesity, insufficient

sleep...what next? Nearly 1/3 of Americans now have

Metabolic Syndrome. What’s that you ask? If you

would’ve asked me 30 years ago about Metabolic

Syndrome I couldn’t have answered, because there was no

such condition. You may not know you have it. Those of

you with a big belly (abdominal obesity), exploding body

weight (body mass index), high blood pressure, your

cholesterol is too high (low HDL cholesterol) and have

high blood sugar (pre-diabetic) it’s you. What happened?

A lot of poor food choices, no exercise, not enough sleep

and too much stress that’s what! This means 1/3 of you

are already sick and the rest of us are looking forward to

the possibility of developing diabetes, heart disease, and/

or stroke. Just because you don’t have any of these

symptoms you’re in the clear. Not a chance. For example

heart disease doesn’t start with chest pain; it starts with

that first French fry!

Bad health is bad for businessBad health is bad for businessBad health is bad for businessBad health is bad for business

The price of everything is going up and we as a

population are getting sicker; a costly combination. With

all these challenges it’s critical to include the wellness of

your employees as a top priority for your business.

Encouraging your employees to make healthy choices and

take responsibility to improve their health is not enough


The time has come for companies and organizations to

be the leader, show their employees / members the way

and give them the tools to become healthy it’s the only

way to survive this tough economy. You lead by setting

the pace, being the example and providing a supportive

work environment to get healthy in.

Bad health affects every size business

and it’ll cost you big time. If you’re an

entrepreneur you are your business. Even

one day of missed work can cost you big.

How many days of work can you miss due to

illness before you close up shop? The “baby boomers” are

the largest segment of the working population. You and

the people you work with are all getting older and sicker.

With the rising costs of medical care, prescription

medications, and insurance this is seriously cutting into

the profit margins of your company to such an extent

many companies are reducing their staff to reduce these

costs. Companies are literally going out of business

because of their medical expenses.

Bad health is bad for youBad health is bad for youBad health is bad for youBad health is bad for you

Poor health is frustrating, tiring and emotionally

draining on you and on your family relationships.

Sickness will cost you with a lower paycheck, not able to

get things done on time, and missing too much work.

You’ll be spending money on doctor visits, medications,

diagnostic testing, procedures and emergency room visits.

If your health is not a priority your sickness will be.

When you’re sick, trying to get better can become a full-

time expensive and exhausting job. Think about whom

you know who has heart disease, cancer or diabetes. It’s

all consuming. Isn’t it?

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28 Small Biz Forward

Good health is good for you and good for your Good health is good for you and good for your Good health is good for you and good for your Good health is good for you and good for your


Sometimes we forget every company is made up of

individuals. By providing support, information, and

education, the health and wellness of each individual is

improved over the long run resulting in a permanent

lifestyle change. Each person is unique in their desire to

become healthy, the way they embrace change and when

the time is right for them. Healthy and well is what we

become, not what happens to us.

Being healthy feels good, fuels you with

energy, helps you focus, and makes you

happy. You wake up refreshed, ready to

go and prepared for what the day has in

store for you. As a result of good health

you get to grow your business, keep your job, possibly

make more money, feel great about what you do and

where you work! When you’re financially fit, enjoy a

healthy, active body and have a healthy attitude what can’t

you do? You’re on top of the world!

Every employer, organization and association of every Every employer, organization and association of every Every employer, organization and association of every Every employer, organization and association of every

size are impactedsize are impactedsize are impactedsize are impacted

Every size employer, organization and association; big

and small is impacted by the number of sick and healthy

people connected to their workplace. In an economy

where resources are tight, it’s important to know that

creating a healthy life is a top priority and not as hard,

complicated or expensive as you may be thinking. All you

need is a caring expert to guide you, point you in the right

direction, and is willing to listen to the uniqueness of your

work environment. Becoming healthy and well doesn’t

have to be a big fancy program with all the bells and

whistles. Becoming healthy for you and your company

does require commitment and a plan to guarantee the

health of your organization. The road to better health is

paved with information, education, a consistent message,

and a supportive works place all working towards creating

a culture of wellness.

Anyone who owns a business or works in oneAnyone who owns a business or works in oneAnyone who owns a business or works in oneAnyone who owns a business or works in one

Your day is filled to the brim trying to balance your

home and work life. There’s hardly any time to think

about your health or wellness, much less do anything

about improving it. Every day you are bombarded by

mixed messages of what’s healthy, the latest cure or magic

pill. Today it’s more confusing than ever to know what’s

really healthy and even more important, what strategies

actually work. I’m often asked, “Is this good or bad for

me?” Instead of thinking what is good or bad for me, think

about how the choices you make are a continuum

wellness; healthy, healthier and healthiest.

The healthier choices you make, the healthier your

life. That’s what you want right? A healthy life.

Finding your way can be confusing. It’s important find

a health and wellness consultant or health coach to help

you get informed, educated and

guide you down that rocky road to

better health without costing you a

ton of money. A wellness

consultant helps you find the right

pieces of the wellness puzzle to put together that is just

right for your group.

You, those you live and work with deserve good

health. After all good health is good for your business,

you, your family and our communities.

Your partner in health,

Cindy Cohen is a registered nurse with 35 years of experience from the bedside to CEO of a hospital. Cohen is recognized as an accomplished author, wellness expert, and corporate wellness leader. As a health coach and wellness consultant, Cohen is the guiding force behind the C2 Your Health team in helping others find their way to improved personal and business wellness. C2 Your Health LLC, through the corporate wellness division Health-E 4 Life Worksite Wellness, assisted industry leaders with certification and was awarded the 2009 - 11 Indiana Small Business Wellness Tax Credit. C2 Your Health LLC also promotes the annual Expo for Women bring wellness to the community. Cohen has written a number of books, the latest 2012 Prevention Benefits Healthy Employee Costs Less (, and 2013 What’s on Your Plate a Simple Guide to Healthy Cooking (

Cohen speaks on a local and national level about personal health, corporate wellness, and business leadership. Her expertise helped build an award winning franchise as a Qualified National Marketing Director for the Juice Plus+ Corporation winning the Top 10 in the category for developing new business. Other awards include the 2000 Temple Beth El Woman of the Year, the 2009 nomination for WSBT & Enrichment Strategies "Success Story of the Year", the 2010 -11 Annual Social Media Summit nomination for the Up and Coming Business Award, and the 2012 Wellness Council of America Faculty Status. You can find Cindy @,,

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29 Small Biz Forward

Beginning of year resolutions are often recipes for

disaster for many reasons. That first glow of holiday

celebrations prompts a person to reach for the stars and

to assume that all is possible. The result is often

disappointment and a sense of falling behind rather than

progressing towards ones goals. When you’re deciding

how to define 2014, take a deep breath in a quiet room

and mull over the following.

What DO you really want? Will that short term goal

take you away from other, more important ones? Is no

goal at all always a bad thing? Sometimes, it’s best to

maintain the status quo for a bit rather than feel forced to


Is what you want really achievable? What are your

business needs and can they be achieved in a reasonable


What will that change you want to implement

REALLY cost you . . .or your company? Are you, your

family, your employees and their families willing or able

to achieve that goal you want to set and still have a

balanced, rewarding life? Too often, executives and

owners forget the impact their decisions have on others

in their life circle.

How dependent are your new goals upon outside

forces? Many companies are just now beginning to

recover from disaster that was 2008. The lesson learned

from that experience should be that nothing is certain

and unexpected domestic or international forces may

impact your industry or future in ways you cannot

predict. While not a call to do nothing, it does behoove

us all to not commit so deeply that a serious change in

circumstances will cripple the company.

How do you want to live your life? That old saw of

no tombstone ever saying “I should have spent more

time at work” is true. With age comes wisdom, but also

a sense of how quickly time passes and how choices that

seemed crucial ten years ago are now, in hindsight,

hardly worth thinking about. Once again, it’s the desire

to provide balance and joy in your life and the lives that

you and your business touch that should be your ultimate

resolution for the new year.

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30 Small Biz Forward

I start this holiday season with a great sense of thanks to all who have touched my life this past year. My business

and personal goals for 2014 are simple: to do more good than harm, to treat my clients as I wish to be treated, to keep

a balance between work, community giving and fun, to live healthy, and one other long-shot goal: to (hopefully) find

out that I’m going to be a grandmom!!! Happy Holidays to all and to all a good year!

Relax, Release and

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51099 Bittersweet Rd.

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Reflexology/Reiki Charlene BooksCharlene BooksCharlene BooksCharlene Books

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31 Small Biz Forward

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32 Small Biz Forward

Contrary to popular belief, the Holiday season be-

tween Thanksgiving and Christmas is the number two

season of the year for sales of Gift Cards. What's number

one? Birthdays. What this means for your retail business

is that a gift card program is a great idea all year long. A

gift card that's loadable to your specifications and works

in conjunction with your credit card terminal makes your

small business look very professional. It doesn't get lost,

because everyone's wallet is specifically designed to ac-

commodate it, and whenever they open their wallet,

whether shopping or showing their license to a police of-

ficer, you have an opportunity for some more brand name

recognition and top of mind awareness.

If you aren't taking credit cards at all, though, you

may really be missing out on sales. It's hard to say how

much. One client of mine began accepting cards at his

VERY small retail shop, expecting to run about $500 in

monthly volume. His first full month, he processed over

$1700. It's established that people spend more when they

use plastic. During the holidays you're much more likely

to complete a sale when you offer credit, because people

push their cash flow to the limits (i.e., January.)

"I'm B2B, my clients pay by check after I bill them."

Really? How long does it take them to get around to it? It

costs $8-$15 to send a paper bill. If you do that three

months straight, when your net 30 turns into 90, and

you've already spent at least $24 begging someone to pay

you. You're not in the business of being a bank. Unless

you're a bank. The amount people throw away in billing,

loss of cash flow, loss of interest on their own account is

staggering, and they do it just because they're worried

about giving up 2%.

Commodity? Sure, getting processing could just be a

numbers game, but play that numbers game often enough,

and you'll run into someone who will promise you the

moon. Have you ever seen someone try to deliver the

moon? That's a lot of cheese. You're better off getting to-

Make the Sale: Credit Cards, Debit Cards... Gift Cards!

by Adam Fleming, Certi�ed Leadership Coach and Trainer

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33 Small Biz Forward

gether with a trustworthy, local rep, and make sure they

are going to go over your package with you annually to

make sure they're taking care of business properly for you.

You should do the same thing with your insurance agent.

Treat an insurance agent like a commodity seller, and

you'll run into the same problem -- someone who gives

you the lowest rates, and the service to match. Hmmm. I

might need to call a new insurance guy. (Don't all call me

at once.)

Does your business need an UPLIFT for the coming year? Are you staring at blank,

empty walls? Your MISSION STATEMENT needs to be right where everyone will see

it daily! Excite your workforce with encouragement, gratitude, and beautiful daily

reminders! I can assist you with professional CUSTOM designs that enhance your

office spaces. Call Kathy Williamson today at (574) 850-4424 or order online at

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35 Small Biz Forward

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36 Small Biz Forward

All fairy tales and love stories begin with the words “Once

upon a me….”, and sorry this one does not. As a security

professional we have our own fairy tales and love stories but

most begin with “You ain’ gonna believe this…” (I know bad


As we look bad at 2013 form a security standpoint we see

many incidents of significance that affected business. April,

2013 saw the Boston Marathon bombings shutdown parts of

Boston for up to 2 days, causing the businesses financial hard­

ships along with numerous injuries and deaths. Mothers Day,

May 12, 2013, saw a shoo ng during a parade honoring

Mothers in New Orleans. Then in September we had the trag­

ic shoo ng at the Washington Navy Yard. From January 1

through November 11, 2013 there were 316 reported inci­

dents na onwide of shoo ngs in which 4 or more people

were shot. Each of these events affects small business in

different ways. If a shoo ng were to occur close to your busi­

ness loca on, do you have a con ngency plan in place? If you

are required to shelter in place for an extended period of

me, do you have the ability to provide for staff and any cli­


Con ngency planning for the worst things that can happen at

and to our businesses should not be taken lightly. Sit down

with a sheet of paper and write down incidents that could

affect your businesses, things such as:


The? (Shopli?ing, burglary, robbery)

Stalker and harassers

Extended power outages

Cyber crimes

Then develop plans on how you and your staff will respond to

the problems you have addressed. Develop these plans in the

order of which incident you feel will have the most impact on

your business. List how you want each incident handled and

do not be afraid to ask others about their plans along with

doing internet searches. Remember to not only address how

you want the incident handles; (i.e. for a fire call 911); but

how you want it handled a?er the incident has been stabi­

lized. Address things like clean up, product disposal, client

no fica on if product has been destroyed or will be delayed,

and anything else you can think of. The federal government

has business con nuity plan templates available on line at

hDp://­con nuity­planning­suite.

Ed Becher is the owner of Center for Protec on, Security and

Personal Safety (The Bodyguard Academy) which is a provider

of training and resources to keep you, your staff and clients

safe. He can be contacted at [email protected]

or by phone at (269)651­3355.

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37 Small Biz Forward

All fairy tales and love stories begin with the words

“Once upon a time….”; sorry this one doesn’t. As a

security professional we have our own fairy tales and

love stories but most begin with “You ain’t gonna

believe this…” (I know bad English.)

As we look back at 2013 from a security standpoint

we see many incidents of significance that affected

business. April, 2013 saw the Boston Marathon

bombings shutdown parts of Boston for up to 2 days,

causing the businesses financial hardships along with

numerous injuries and deaths. Mothers Day, May 12,

2013, saw a shooting during a parade honoring Mothers

in New Orleans. Then in September we had the tragic

shooting at the Washington Navy Yard. From January 1

through November 11, 2013 there were 316 reported

incidents nationwide of shootings in which 4 or more

people were shot. Each of these events affects small

business in different ways. If a shooting were to occur

close to your business location, do you have a

contingency plan in place? If you are required to shelter

in place for an extended period of time, do you have the

ability to provide for staff and any clients?

Contingency planning for the worst things that can

happen at and to our businesses should not be taken

lightly. Sit down with a sheet of paper and write down

incidents that could affect your businesses, things such



Theft (Shoplifting, burglary, robbery)

Stalker and harassers

Extended power outages

Cyber crimes

Then develop plans on how you and your staff will

respond to the problems you have addressed. Develop

these plans in the order of which incident you feel will

have the most impact on your business. List how you

want each incident handled and do not be afraid to ask

others about their plans along with doing internet

searches. Remember to not only address how you want

the incident handled (i.e. for a fire call 911); but how you

want it handled after the incident has been stabilized.

Address things like clean up, product disposal, client

notification if product has been destroyed or will be

delayed, and anything else you can think of. The federal

government has business continuity plan templates

available on line at


Ed Becher is the owner of Center for Protection, Security

and Personal Safety (The Bodyguard Academy) which is a

provider of training and resources to keep you, your staff and

clients safe. He can be contacted at

[email protected] or by phone at (269) 651-3355.

“Once Upon a Time” vs.

“You Ain’t Gonna Believe

This” By Ed Becher, PPS, Center for Protection, Security and Personal Safety

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38 Small Biz Forward



2nd Story Marketing2nd Story Marketing2nd Story Marketing2nd Story Marketing

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particular focus on sailing and sailboat racing

organizations and events. Be confident you can drop your

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Connective Marketing /)/)/)/) 1245 West Gull Lake Drive

(\(\(\(\ Richland, Michigan 49083

269.203.7130 T | 786.358.3605 F | www.connec+vemarke

Page 39: Smbizforward mag december

39 Small Biz Forward

Epic Life StudiosEpic Life StudiosEpic Life StudiosEpic Life Studios

Adam Fleming is a leadership coach as well as an Account

Exutive for the credit card processing company,


Email: [email protected]

[email protected]


Heartwood Renaissance AcademyHeartwood Renaissance AcademyHeartwood Renaissance AcademyHeartwood Renaissance Academy

A private school dedicated to helping students succeed. We

teach students to SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS. The staff

and teachers help DESIGN, BUILD, and TEST each child's

skills, confidence, and self-esteem to fly with courage into

their adult futures with the ability to overcome obstacles

and accept challenges.

Renaissance-Academy | (269) 273-0160

Kerri’s Avenue SalonKerri’s Avenue SalonKerri’s Avenue SalonKerri’s Avenue Salon

High End Hair at Affordable Prices. We use top quality

products, attend education classes on a regular basis, and

work with all textures of hair. Free consultations are

always available, just call. Check us out at our new

location! Kerri's Avenue Salon Too 420 West Cleveland

Rd. Granger IN 46350 | (574) 243-3901

MI Security Training/Bodyguard AcademyMI Security Training/Bodyguard AcademyMI Security Training/Bodyguard AcademyMI Security Training/Bodyguard Academy

Providing quality training for those working in the

private security industry. | (269) 651-3355

Niles Four Flags Area Chamber of CommerceNiles Four Flags Area Chamber of CommerceNiles Four Flags Area Chamber of CommerceNiles Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce

The Four Flags Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to serving the

needs of Businesses and the Community. For further information on

joining the Chamber please call (269)683-3720, or

[email protected].

Premier Women’s NetworkPremier Women’s NetworkPremier Women’s NetworkPremier Women’s Network

To Uplift, Encourage, and Inspire all Women in Business

and Career Seekers to Achieve their Highest Capabilities

through Networking and Education

info | (260) 747-5202

River Country JournalRiver Country JournalRiver Country JournalRiver Country Journal

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river country. |

(269) 279-8000

Schooley MitchellSchooley MitchellSchooley MitchellSchooley Mitchell

Jerry Sarno and Schooley Mitchell will save your business

or organization; 1) Time; we do the work so you

concentrate on your core business. 2) Money; we save $$$

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Your Business Needs FansYour Business Needs FansYour Business Needs FansYour Business Needs Fans

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Page 40: Smbizforward mag december

40 Small Biz Forward

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