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When will smartphones become smart? October 6, 2017 10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 1

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When will smartphones become smart?

October 6, 2017

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 1

TED Arai Todai Robot

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 2

… when will your smartphone be smart enough topass a university entrance exam?

“AI will change the world?Who will change AI?”

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 3

“These amazing technologies must be able to help people like myself…”

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 4


• What is the timeline for solving AI and IA?

• Who are the leaders driving AI progress?

• What will the biggest benefits from AI be?

• What are the biggest risks associated with AI, and are they real?

• What technologies may have a bigger impact than AI?

• What are the implications for stakeholders: individuals, businesses and other organizations, industries, cities, states, and nations?

• How should we prepare to get the benefits and avoid the risks?

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 5

Costs go down…

• Cost of Digital Workers• Moore’s Law can be thought of

as lowering costs by a factor of…• Thousand times lower

in 20 years• Millions times lower

in 40 years• Billion times lower

in 60 years

• Terascale (2017) = $3K• Terascale (2020) = ~$1K

• Narrow Worker (Petascale)• Recognition (Fast)• Petascale (2040) = ~$1K

• Broad Worker (Exascale)• Reasoning (Slow)• Exascale (2060) = ~$1K

610/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group







+/- 10 years


Person AverageAnnual Salary(Living Income)

Super ComputerCost

Mainframe Cost

Smartphone Cost






10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 7


Leaderboards FrameworkAI Progress on Open Leaderboards - Benchmark Roadmap

Perceive World Develop Cognition Build Relationships Fill Roles

Pattern recognition


Memory Reasoning Socialinteractions

Fluent conversation

Assistant & Collaborator

Coach & Mediator

Speech Actions Declarative Deduction Scripts Speech Acts Tasks Institutions

Chime Thumos SQuAD SAT ROC Story ConvAI

Images Context Episodic Induction Plans Intentions Summarization Values

ImageNet VQA DSTC RALI General-AI

Translation Narration Dynamic Abductive Goals Cultures Debate Negotiation

WMT DeepVideo Alexa Prize ICCMA AT

Learning from Labeled Training Data and Searching (Optimization)

Learning by Watching and Reading (Education)

Learning by Doing and being Responsible (Exploration)

2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 8

AI Trends

10/6/2017© IBM Cognitive Opentech Group (COG)


Dota 2

“Deep Learning” for“AI Pattern Recognition”depends on massiveamounts of “labeled data”and computing poweravailable since ~2012;

Labeled data is simplyinput and output pairs,such as a sound and word,or image and word, orEnglish sentence and Frenchsentence, or road sceneand car control settings –labeled data means havingboth input and output datain massive quantities.

For example, 100K imagesof skin, half with skincancer and half without tolearn to recognize presenceof skin cancer.

AI Leaders

• Who is winning?• Regions China vs USA vs EU vs ROW

• Companies Microsoft vs Google vs IBM

• Leaderboards• SQuAD – Question Answering

• EFF Measuring AI Progress

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 11

AI to IA Timeline: Hard unsolved AI problems

• 2012-2019 AI Pattern Recognition andLearning from Massive Labeled Data• Speech, image, translation, driverless, games• Chatbots as digital assistants

• 2020 Video Understanding

• 2021 Episodic Memory

• 2022 Learning from Watching

• 2023 Commonsense Reasoning **

• 2024 Learning from Doing

• 2025 Fluent Conversation

• 2026 Learning from Reading

• 2027-2035 Cognitive Collaborator andMediator; Intelligence Augmentation (IA)

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 12

AI Benefits

• Access to expertise• “Insanely great” labor productivity for trusted service providers

• Digital workers for healthcare, education, finance, etc.

• Better choices• ”Insanely great” collaborations with others on what matters most

• AI for IA = Augmented Intelligence and higher value co-creation interactions

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 13

AI Risks

• Job Loss• Shorter term bigger risk

= de-skilling

• Super-intelligence• Shorter term bigger risk

= bad actors

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 14

Other Technologies: Bigger impact?

• Augmented Reality (AR)/Virtual Reality (VR) • Game worlds


• Blockchain/Security Systems• Trust and security


• Advanced Materials/Energy Systems• Manufacturing as cheap,

local recycling service (utility fog, artificial leaf, etc.)

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 15


• Individuals

• Businesses and other Organizations

• Industries

• Regions: Cities, States, Nations

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 16

Prepare• Open AI code + data + models

+ stacks + community• Ethical conduct

• Learn 3 R’s of IBM’s Cognitive Opentech Group (COG)• Read arXiv• Redo with Github• Report with Jupyter notebooks

on DSX and/orleaderboards

• Improve your skills of rapidly rebuilding from scratch• Build your open code eminence

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 17

1972 usedPunch cards

2016 usedIBM Watson

Open APIs to win…

Cupertino Teens

• IBM Watson on Bluemix

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 18

AI for NLP entity identification


• 2015• “How to build a cognitive system for Q&A task.”• 9 months to 40% question answering accuracy• 1-2 years for 90% accuracy, which questions to reject

• 2025• “How to use a cognitive system to be a better professional X.”• Tools to build a student level Q&A from textbook in 1 week

• 2035• “How to use your cognitive mediator to build a startup.”• Tools to build faculty level Q&A for textbook in one day• Cognitive mediator knows a person better than they know


• 2055• “How to manage your workforce of digital workers.”• Most people have 100 digital workers.

10/6/2017 19


• 2017 Popular• “AI vs People”

• 2025 Commonplace• “People using AI to

become better at their profession.”

• “Teenagers solve challenge to improve their community.”

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 20

10/6/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 21

10/6/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 22

Future of Skills

Future-Ready T-Shapes

10/6/2017© IBM UPWard 2016


In Summary

10/6/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development24

“A service scienceperspective considersthe evolving ecology of service system entities, their value co-creation andcapability co-elevationinteractions, and their capabilities, constraints,rights, and responsibilities.”

Cognitive SystemsEntities

Service SystemsEntities With


Add Rights &Responsibilities

IBM-MIT $240M over 10 year AI mission

10/6/2017 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 25

10/6/2017© IBM 2015, IBM Upward University Programs Worldwide

accelerating regional development 26