slideshare enterprise pro overview

SLIDESHARE PRO Enterprise Edition

Post on 21-Oct-2014




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An overview of the capabilities available to Enterprise Pro users. Go pro today at


SLIDESHARE PROEnterprise Edition

Enterprise Features

Analytics Buzz Tracking

Branded Channel

Lead Capture HD Video


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Enterprise Pro Analytics

• How many users viewed your SlideShare content?

• Where are visitors to your content coming from geographically?

• How many peopleembed/downloadyour presentation?


Enterprise Pro Analytics


• Get every tweet linking to your content (not possible in Twitter search)

Buzz Tracking

Buzz Tracking

No Ads on your Content

Remove Ads

Branded Channel

A microsite on SlideShare with your branding

Branded Channel

• Channel header

• Background image

• Choose colors & themeso Pre-set themes availableo Fully customizable color scheme

Branded Channel

Manage Your Business Content

• Organize content into customizable groupings

• Organize around tags such as “Marketing”o New content with these tags will be automatically

added into the right collection

• Rearrange or remove default boxes for presentations, videos, etc

Branded Channel

Custom Content Boxes

• Create custom content boxes (additional cost)o RSS feeds from your company blogo Custom buttons to

Follow me on Twitter

Fan us on Facebook

Connect on LinkedIn

o Display your Twitter stream or Facebook feedo Create a custom call to action

Unlimited Videos

Do you have professional videos that you want to show on LinkedIn? Or want to put them alongside your presentations and documents? With an Enterprise Pro account, you can upload unlimited videos to SlideShare.

HD Video

Capture Leads

• Capture unlimited leads via a lead form on your presentations & documents with Enterprise Pro

• Lead form before, during or after your content

Lead Capture

Control Features

• Only Enterprise Pro accounts can control:

• Comments/Wall settings

• Transcript settings

• Removing “related content”

• Built for regulation or competition-sensitive organizations


Ready to go Pro?

[email protected]

+1 415 777 5703