slide 1 - international informix users group

1 Kate Tomchik The Home Depot, USA International Informix Users Group Board Of Directors Friday, December 8, 2006 • 16:20 p.m. – 17:30 p.m. Platform: Unix Unix DBA Cross Training Informix and DB2

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Kate TomchikThe Home Depot, USA

International Informix Users Group Board Of Directors

Friday, December 8, 2006 • 16:20 p.m. – 17:30 p.m.Platform: Unix

Unix DBA Cross Training

Informix and DB2

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Unix DBA Cross TrainingInformix and DB2

Informix to DB2 and back again

If you know one of these, learn how to get around in the other.

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Why I became a DB2 DBA…

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What Informix instances are running?


srwxrwxrwx 1 root informix 0 Jul 28 2005 VP.in02.0101s

srwxrwxrwx 1 root informix 0 Jul 28 2005 VP.in02.0301s

srwxrwxrwx 1 root informix 0 Jul 28 2005 VP.in51.0101s

Each name after the VP. is a instance name. This lists two, in02 and in51. in02 has two TCP/IP socket names, so therefore is has two names listed in the directory.

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What Informix instances are running?

See main PID of each instance running:

ps -ef | grep oninit | grep " 1 " informix 1927 1 0 Jul 28 ? 243:26

oninitinformix 1492 1 0 Jul 28 ? 803:06


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What DB2 Instances are running?

> db2ilist #-- not always set upcalvin:/opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in11> db2ilistin32in33in11

> # This shows active instances:> ps -ef | grep db2sysc | grep -v grepcalvin: /home/lkt01> ps -ef | grep db2sysc | grep -v grep in11 876768 917730 0 Jul 27 - 0:09 db2sysc 0 in33 1056790 1392730 0 Jul 27 - 0:09 db2sysc 0 in32 1933360 2170886 0 Aug 12 - 0:01 db2sysc 0

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Typical Informix processes

>ps –fu informixinformix 10977 10976 0 Mar 7 ? 2:01 oninitinformix 10998 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:25 oninitinformix 10993 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:26 oninitinformix 10984 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:27 oninitinformix 11011 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:24 oninitinformix 11009 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:27 oninitinformix 11018 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:24 oninitinformix 10981 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:27 oninitinformix 11005 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:25 oninitinformix 11017 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:25 oninitinformix 10999 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:25 oninitinformix 10976 1 0 Mar 7 ? 1:56 oninit

informix 11019 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:24 oninitinformix 10990 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:27 oninitinformix 11004 10977 0 Mar 7 ? 0:26 oninit

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Typical DB2 processescalvin: /home/kate> ps -fu infi11 | grep db2 in11 647364 876768 0 Jul 27 - 0:36 db2gds 0 in11 786632 876768 0 Jul 27 - 0:04 db2ipccm 0 in11 811222 647364 0 Aug 13 - 0:04 db2dlock (DB014) 0 in11 876768 917730 0 Jul 27 - 0:09 db2sysc 0 in11 901346 876768 0 Jul 27 - 0:00 db2syslog 0 in11 934120 647364 0 Jul 27 - 0:00 db2srvlst 0 in11 983280 876768 0 Jul 27 - 0:00 db2tcpcm 0 in11 999672 876768 0 Jul 27 - 0:00 db2resync 0 in11 1016056 876768 0 Jul 27 - 0:00 db2spmrsy 0 in11 1040638 647364 0 Jul 27 - 0:00 db2spmlw 0 in11 1261798 647364 0 Aug 13 - 0:06 db2loggw (DB014) 0 in11 1327176 786632 0 Jul 27 - 2:42 db2agent (instance) 0 in11 1491052 647364 0 Jul 27 - 0:02 db2cart 0 in11 1556610 647364 0 Jul 27 - 1:19 db2agent (DB014) 0 in11 1564804 647364 0 Jul 27 - 0:03 db2agent (idle) 0 in11 1753190 647364 0 Aug 13 - 0:00 db2pfchr 0 in11 1884196 647364 0 Aug 13 - 0:00 db2event

DB2DETAILDEADLOCK) 0 in11 2015258 647364 0 Aug 13 - 0:00 db2pfchr 0 in11 2023660 647364 0 Aug 13 - 0:00 db2loggr (DB014) 0 in11 2433208 647364 0 Aug 13 - 0:00 db2pclnr 0

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Kate’s First rule of DBA support

When user calls with a problem verify the database is up.

If not up, restart it.

If it is up, try bouncing it anyway.

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Start the Informix Instance>su – informix; oninit -v # --- Informix

hobbes: /users/informix> oninit -vChecking group membership to determine server run

modesucceededReading configuration file '/opt/isv/informix/etc/in51'...succeededCreating /INFORMIXTMP/.infxdirs ... succeededCreating infos file "/opt/isv/informix/etc/.infos.in51" ...

"/opt/isv/informix/etc/.conf.in51" ... succeeded… (lots more good stuff)Checking location of physical log...succeededInitializing dataskip structure...succeededChecking for temporary tables to dropForking onmode_mon thread...succeededVerbose output complete: mode = 5

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Start the DB2 Instance

>su – {instance}; db2start #--- db2 {run as id of instance}

calvin: /opt/hd/db/db2/> su – in60 calvin: /opt/instance/in60> db2start08-16-2005 13:28:17 0 0 SQL1063N

DB2START processing was successful.SQL1063N DB2START processing was


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Start DB2 Instance (processes)

calvin: /opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in60> ps -fu in60 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD in60 1335306 7127088 0 13:28:16 - 0:00 db2ipccm 0 in60 1687694 7192802 0 13:18:55 pts/0 0:00 -ksh in60 1695826 4866232 0 13:28:17 - 0:00 db2srvlst 0 in60 2252828 7127088 0 13:28:17 - 0:00 db2spmrm 0 in60 3645576 4866232 0 13:28:17 - 0:00 db2resyn 0 in60 4530428 1687694 1 13:28:24 pts/0 0:00 ps -fu in60 in60 4603946 7127088 0 13:28:16 - 0:00 db2tcpcm 0 in60 4628634 7127088 0 13:28:16 - 0:00 db2tcpcm 0 in60 4866232 7127088 0 13:28:16 - 0:00 db2gds 0 in60 6955014 4866232 0 13:28:17 - 0:00 db2spmlw 0 in60 7127088 4997122 0 13:28:16 - 0:00 db2sysc 0

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Stop an Informix Instance

> onmode -k # --- in informixhobbes: /users/informix> onmode -k

This will take IBM Informix Dynamic Server OFF-LINE -Do you wish to continue (y/n)? y

There are 1 user threads that will be killed.Do you wish to continue (y/n)? Y

Hobbes: /users/informix> ps –fu informixinformix 11417 10291 1 10:48:57 pts/0 0:00 ps -fu informixinformix 10291 10289 1 10:43:45 pts/0 0:00 -ksh

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Stop a DB2 Instance>db2stop [force] # --- run as userid of

instance, force detaches users

calvin: /opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in60> db2stop force08-16-2005 13:22:17 0 0 SQL1064N DB2STOP

processing was successful.SQL1064N DB2STOP processing was successful.> ps -fu in60 UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMDin60 1687694 7192802 0 13:18:55 pts/0 0:00 -ksh in60 4538434 1687694 1 13:27:02 pts/0 0:00 ps –fu


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Db2_kill > db2_kill # db2 utility

calvin: /opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in60> db2_kill

calvin: ipclean: Removing DB2 engine and client's IPC resources for in60.

calvin: db2_kill [] completed ok

NOTE: It is a good practice to run db2_kill after every running of db2stop to clean up any shared memory segments prior to a db2 restart.

Be aware that db2_kill of any flavor should be a last resort for your method of stopping the instance (using it instead of db2stop), because if any process holds data - you may lose or corrupt the data.

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Hard Kill an Instance (dangerous)

Informix:> ps -ef | grep oninit # --- find #1

owned process> kill -9 {PID}DB2:> ps -ef | grep db2sysc {0} # --- 0

process for multiprocessor engine kill -9 {PID}# May need to kill each node’s parent

process when not a single node env

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Kate’s 2nd Rule of DBA Support

If one user is stopping 100 users from getting to their tables, that user must die.

(Of course, I only mean the offending process)

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Kill a user attachment in Informix

> onstat –u {Identify correct sessionid} > onmode –z {SSID}

hobbes:/users/informix> onstat –u | grep sally

address flags sessid user tty wait tout locks

e4ccdc78 Y--P--- 819941 sally ttyp3 e533a800 0 999,998

nreads nwrites999,998 1

hobbes:/users/informix> onmode –z 819941

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Kill a user attachment in DB2

db2 connect to {database}

db2 list applications show detail# identify bad process and get the Appl. Handle

& Coordinator PID/Thread.

db2 “force application (AH)”

NOTE: you really need the quotes and ()

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Kill a user attachment in DB2 Example

> db2 list applications show detail Auth Id Application Appl. Application Id Handle IN60 db2bp 471 *LOCAL.in60.060606150430

> db2 "force application (471)"DB20000I The FORCE APPLICATION command

completed successfully.DB21024I This command is asynchronous and

may not be effective immediately.

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Kate’s 3rd Rule : Check the Error logs – DB2

>{db2 path}sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.logcalvin:/opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in11/sqllib/db2dump>ls -l-rw-rw-rw- 1 in11 sysadm 4821 Jul 27 07:46 in11.nfy-rw-rw-rw- 1 in11 sysadm 46803 Jul 27 12:04 db2diag.log-rw-r----- 1 in11 sysadm 5242044 Jul 27 07:36


db2diag.log – main log of database activityin11.nfy - contains notifications based on NOTIFY leveldb2eventlog.000 - similar to /tmp/af files of IFX since they

are created during database errors, but these are not readable. Send to IBM when opening a PMR.

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inis32.nfy (v8 file) Typical Entries:ADM7514W Database manager has stopped.2005-11-02- Instance:in32 Node:000PID:573572(db2star2) TID:1 Appid:nonebase sys utilities startdbm Probe:911

ADM7513W Database manager has started.2005-11-02- Instance:in32 Node:000PID:2457760(db2agent (CQMASTR2) 0) TID:1

Appid:*LOCAL.in32.0800F2181219database monitor sqm.evmgr::log_ev_err Probe:2


ADM2004E The Event Monitor "DB2DETAILDEADLOCK" was not activated because there was not enough storage space in the database monitor heap. To remedy this problem, increase the MON_HEAP_SZ DBM configuration parameter and restart the instance.

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Db2diag.log – Typical Entries2005-08-02- Instance:in32 Node:000PID:2318574(db2agent (DB033) 0) TID:1 Appid:*LOCAL.in32.0003D2190114database utilities sqlubcka Probe:0 Database:DB033

Starting a full database backup.2005-08-02- Instance:in32 Node:000PID:2318574(db2agent (DB033) 0) TID:1 Appid:*LOCAL.in32.0003D2190114database utilities sqlubcka Probe:128 Database:DB033Estimated size of backup in bytes:0x0FFFFFFFFFFF5008 : 0x0000000008489000 .....H..

2005-08-02- Instance:in32 Node:000PID:2318574(db2agent (DB033) 0) TID:1 Appid:*LOCAL.in32.0003D2190114database utilities sqlubcka Probe:128 Database:DB033

Actual size of backup in bytes:0x0FFFFFFFFFFF5010 : 0x0000000008405000 .....@P.

2005-08-02- Instance:in32 Node:000PID:2318574(db2agent (DB033) 0) TID:1 Appid:*LOCAL.in32.0003D2190114database utilities sqlubcka Probe:130 Database:DB033

Backup Complete.

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Logfiles - Informix> onstat –c | grep MSGPATH# could be named anything. > view {MSGPATH}

hobbes: /usr/informix/bin> onstat -c | grep MSGPATH

MSGPATH /usr/informix/in07.log

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Example Log File - Informix

Sun Jun 11 07:20:02 2006

07:20:02 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.07:20:02 Checkpoint loguniq 205864, logpos 0x4018, timestamp:


07:20:02 Maximum server connections 207:20:03 Level 0 Archive started on r001, l001, d002, d003, d004, i001,

i003, i00407:30:10 Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds.07:30:10 Checkpoint loguniq 205864, logpos 0xc018, timestamp:


07:30:10 Maximum server connections 207:40:16 Fuzzy Checkpoint Completed: duration was 0 seconds, 1 buffers

not flushed,timestamp: 0x5bc1b084.07:40:16 Checkpoint loguniq 205864, logpos 0xe0d0, timestamp:


07:40:16 Maximum server connections 207:47:44 Archive on r001, l001, d002, d003, d004, i001, i003, i004


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Kate’s last support law: Call IBM when first two laws don’t find the issue

IBM support calls create PMRs {Problem ManagementRecords} These are now used for Informix as well.

You will want to have the following:1) Hardware type and operating system

version >uname –a # ex AIX 5.1 2) Complete version name and fixpak3) Configuration file output, environment

variables set, schema output4) Ability to send the log files via ftp to IBM.

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DB2 Version and Fixpak

> su - in11 # enter password> db2levelcalvin:/opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in11> db2levelDB21085I Instance “in11" uses "32" bits and DB2

code release SQL08013" with level identifier "02040106".

Informational tokens are "DB2 v8.1.1.24", "s030728", "U488481", and FixPak "3".

Product is installed at "/usr/opt/db2_08_01".

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Informix Version

> onstat –hobbes:/home/informix> onstat -

Informix Dynamic Server Version 9.40.FC1 -- On-Line -- Up 438 days 16:21:59 -- 10224988 Kbytes

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View the Configuration FilesInformix:>view $INFORMIXDIR/etc/onconfig# changes can be made here>view $INFORMIXDIR/etc/sqlhosts> onstat –c #start up configuration

DB2: Instance variables> db2 get dbm cfg | more#- you scroll through the file. Updates cannot be

made directly to the file, you use a utility> db2 update dbm cfg using {parameter}


DB2: Database variables> db2 get db cfg for {database} | more

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DB2 Environment Variables (some)

calvin:> db2set -all[i] DB2COMM=tcpip[i] DB2AUTOSTART=YES[g]



calvin:> env | grep DB2DB2INSTANCE=ad11

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Informix Environment Variables (some)


$INFORMIXDIR/etc/termcapDBTEMP /tmp

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Schema of the Database

DB2 Database Schema (remember alex):

>db2look –d {database} –a –l –e –x –o {output file}

Informix:>dbschema –d {database} –ss

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Get Databases for an

Instance Must run as the instance owner:> db2 "list db directory" System Database Directory Number of entries in the directory = 1

Database 1 entry:

Database alias = DB060 Database name = DB060 Local database directory =

/opt/hd/db/db2/dbdir/db060 Database release level = 9.00 Comment = Directory entry type = Indirect Catalog node number = 0

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Database Connection State

> db2 "get connection state"

Database Connection State

Connection state = Connectable and Unconnected

Connection mode = Local database alias = Database name =

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Connect to a DatabaseINFORMIX> dbaccess {database} {command.sql}Gives error if the instance is not running

DB2> db2 connect to db060 Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/6000 7.2.6 SQL authorization ID = IN60 Local database alias = DB060

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Statistics for a table – DB2

DB2 statistics is runstats (see IBM documentation Command Reference for full details)

> runstats on table {schema}.{table} with distribution and detailed indexes all shrlevel change”

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Statistics for table - Informix

Update statistics commands (see documentation for full command ) using SQL file to run against the database

>dbaccess {database} file.sqlFile.sql: Update statistics {low, medium, high} for

table {owner}.{table} [distributions only]

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Current path of Instance

Not similar to >echo $INFORMIXDIR Since DB2 instance path does not

show where the source code lies.

> db2pathcalvin:/opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in11>

db2path /opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in11/sqllib

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Some parameters in the DBM

Database Manager Configuration Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and

remote clients

Diagnostic error capture level (DIAGLEVEL) = 3Notify Level (NOTIFYLEVEL) = 2Diagnostic data directory path (DIAGPATH) =

/opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in32/sqllib/db2dumpDefault database path (DFTDBPATH) =

/opt/hd/db/db2/instance/in32Max number of existing agents (MAXAGENTS) = 400 TCP/IP Service name (SVCENAME) = in32 No. of int. communication buffers(4KB) (FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = 4096

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Backup a Database – DB2

Db2 “backup db {database} {online} {incremental} use {backup mgr}

Multipartition:Db2_all “<<+0<db2 backup db

{database} {online} {incremental} use {B/up mgr}

ExampleDb2 “ backup db db060 online use adsm”

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Backup a Database - Informix

To a tape drive:>ontape –s (at prompt, enter level of archive)

Using onbar (i.e. to TSM):>onbar –b –L 0

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Get list of past backups> db2 list history backup all for {database}

Op Obj Timestamp+Sequence Type Dev Earliest Log Current Log Backup ID

-- --- ------------------ ---- --- ------------ ------------ -------------- B D 20050927020010001 N A S0000509.LOG S0000510.LOG ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contains 7 tablespace(s): 00001 SYSCATSPACE 00002 INVDATA4K 00003 INVINDEX4K 00004 INVDATA8K 00005 INVINDEX8K 00006 INVDATA16K 00007 INVINDEX16K ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comment: DB2 BACKUP DB010 ONLINE Start Time: 20050927020010 End Time: 20050927020043 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00013 Location: adsm/libtsm.a

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Get list of last backup - Informix

>onstat –g arc

hobbes:/users/informix> onstat -g arcInformix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD3 -- On-Line

-- Up 3 days 09:05:32 -- 26024 Kbytesnum DBSpace Q Size Q Len Buffer partnum size scanner

Dbspaces - Archive Statusname number level date log log-positionr001 1 0 06/12/2006.01:00 2289 0x21018 d001 2 0 06/12/2006.01:00 2289 0x21018 l001 3 0 06/12/2006.01:00 2289 0x21018

# to see other backups, you need to look at a file such as ixbar

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Check quality of the backup – DB2

Checksum:Db2adutl verify full taken at

{datetime} db {database}

Example:Db2adutl verify full taken at

20040512171343 db db010

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Restore Database – DB2

Db2 “restore database {database} use {ex: tsm} taken at {date/time}

NOTE: This is the start time from the history output.

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Example Restore – DB2Get last good backup date/time:>db2 list history backup all for db010Check attached users:>db2 list applicationsForce users off:>db2 force applications allRun restore with nohup:>nohup db2 “restore database db010 use tsm

taken 20040512171343”Verify completed:

>db2 “connect to db010”

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Restore Informix database

>onbar –r [ dbspaces list]


>ontape -r

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Run SQL Against a Table – DB2

db2 connect to {database} db2 “select * from {table-name}”

Example:>db2 “select substr(tabname,1,18) as

table_name from syscat.tables where type=‘T’ order by 1”

# gets system tables

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External SQL File – DB2Create a file that contains each SQL command

separated by a “;”

calvin: /usr/app/bin> cat count.sql> select count(*) from syscat.tables where

type='T';> select count(*) from syscat.indexes;

Run an sql file:>db2 –tvf {sql file} –z {output file}

Example:>db2 –tvf count.sql –z count.out

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External SQL file - Informix>cat file.sqlselect count(*) from errorlog>dbaccess {database} {file.sql}

hobbes:/users/informix> dbaccess db005 file.sql

Database selected.



1 row(s) retrieved.

Database closed.

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Tables space info – DB2db2 “list tablespaces” Tablespaces for Current Database

Tablespace ID = 0 Name = SYSCATSPACE Type = System managed space Contents = Any data State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal

Tablespace ID = 1 Name = TEMPSPACE1 Type = System managed space Contents = Temporary data State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal

Tablespace ID = 2 Name = USERSPACE1 Type = System managed space Contents = Any data State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal

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Tablespace info – DB2User created tablespace:

Tablespace ID = 3 Name = PR001TAAQB Type = Database managed space Contents = Any data State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal

System managed space: automatic expansions up to the max size of the file system.

Database managed space: dba allocates additional space

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Tablespace Detailed info – DB2

> db2 “list tablespaces show detail” | more Tablespace ID = 3 Name = PR001TAAQB Type = Database managed space Contents = Any data State = 0x0000 Detailed explanation: Normal Total pages = 100000 Useable pages = 99968 Used pages = 99968 Free pages = 0 High water mark (pages) = 99968 Page size (bytes) = 4096 Extent size (pages) = 32 Prefetch size (pages) = 32 Number of containers = 1

##Includes used pages information and page size for additional allocations.

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Tablespace info - Informix>onstat –dhobbes: /home/kate> onstat -dInformix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UD3 -- On-Line -- Up 48 days 15:48:33 --

26024 Kbytes

Dbspacesaddress number flags fchunk nchunks flags owner named2215158 1 1 1 1 N informix rootd2215738 2 1 2 1 N informix datad22157f8 3 1 3 1 N informix logsd22158b8 4 2001 4 1 N T informix temp 4 active, 2047 maximum

Chunksaddress chk/dbs offset size free bpages flags pathnamed2215218 1 1 0 5000 2713 PO- /usr/informix/data/in05rootd2215420 2 2 5000 30000 29195 PO- /usr/informix/data/in05datad2215528 3 3 35000 25053 0 PO- /usr/informix/data/in05logsd2215630 4 4 92400 10000 9947 PO- /usr/informix/data/in05temp 4 active, 2047 maximum

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Add disk space – DB2

Expand the containers for a tablespace.

>alter tablespace {tbspacename} extend (all containers {expand amount});

#Every container is expanded the same amount and data is balanced across all containers. Expand amount is in pages. Can take many minutes.

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Add Disk Space - Informix

>onspaces –a {spacename} –p {pathname} –o {offset} –s {size in kb NOT pages}

>onspaces –a data –p /usr/informix/data/in05data –o 120106 –s 10000

#takes space 60053 to 65053 on the onstat –d command

# NOTE: this is using raw disk

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Get Stored Procedure SQL – DB2

Db2 “export to {filename} of del select text from syscat.procedures where procname=‘{ProcName}’”

Example>db2 “export to filename.sql of del select

text from syscat.procedures where procname=‘ADJUSTAMT”

# creates procedure code in filename.sql

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Stored Procedure SQL - Informix Dbschema –d db001 –f all

DBSCHEMA Schema Utility INFORMIX-SQL Version 7.31.UD3

Copyright (C) Informix Software, Inc., 1984-1998Software Serial Number AAC#J799807create procedure

"informix".sqlnkforkeypfk45(i_pkCatalog varchar(18), i_pkSchema

varchar(18), i_pkTableName varchar(18),…

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Instance Creation – DB2

You must have root access to create You must have user ids created for each

instance, where as in Informix you could always just use Informix

You may also create a fenced user id for the instance. This ID does not have system administration (sysadm) privileges

> db2icrt -u {instance fenced id} {instance}

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Instance Creation – Informix# must be informix to create> export ONCONFIG=in01> export INFORMIXSERVER=in01> export INFORMIXDIR=/opt/isv/informix> export PATH=$INFORMIXDIR/bin:$PATH> vi $INFORMIXDIR/etc/in01 (set up

configuration file)> oninit –i

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Some Important System Tables – DB2

Prefix with owner/schema “syscat”


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Important system tables - Informix


Many others, just to a select * from “informix”.systables to see them all.

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RTFM – Where to find the – has everything!! Content added

daily. Check out the links on the right side to IBM.

# direct link to online docs

DB2: # link to v8 Unix docs


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Performance Tuning

Clearly, there are numerous sessions at this conference with suggestions for performance tuning. But, if there was only one thing I could teach you, before the end of this discussion, to improve performance on a system you’ve never seen before, what would it be?

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Increase memory to database (i.e. add buffers).

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Informix Performance Tuning for Beginners


vi onconfig # increase BUFFERS by 10000 at a time# bounce informix instance for them to take affect

# Shared Memory Parameters

LOCKS 300000 # Maximum number of locksBUFFERS 220000 # Maximum number of

shared buffers

Bounce engine (or you can also add it dynamically)

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DB2 Performance Tuning for Beginners

ADD BUFFERS:Db2 “select bpname, npages, pagesize from

syscat.bufferpools”Db2 “alter bufferpool ibmdefaultbp size 10000”

Will happen dynamically if possible, otherwise will give you error that you need to bounce instance.

> db2 select bpname, npages, pagesize from syscat.bufferpools

BPNAME NPAGES PAGESIZE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------IBMDEFAULTBP 10000 4096

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Monitoring Environment

Informix – Check out all the onstat functions Onstat -- # double dash displays all


DB2 – for 8.2 use db2pd as the instance owner

> su – in11> db2pd -help

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Name one DB2 feature I would like to see in Informix…


To use (example):> db2 “connect to {database}”> db2 “autoconfigure using mem_percent 70

TPM 1000 num_remote_apps 1000 APPLY NONE”

Has many parameters and it gives you a report of how the database should be tuned.

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Name one Informix feature I would like to see in DB2…

This is personal preference, but I LOVE the fact that when you set up HDR in Informix (HADR in DB2) you can read from the backup server and do queries!

The failover box becomes a useful way of reducing the reporting load from the production server.

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To Advanced beyond Beginner Status

Recommendation: Take a class if you need to work in a new language (sorry, this hour didn’t count!)

Warning: The beginning DB2 class shows everything through a GUI interface.

Oh, and by the way - the mainframe Z/OS DB2 does not even have the same system table names as the Unix version.

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Why conferences are important..

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Kate Tomchik

The Home Depot, Lead DBAInternational Informix Users Group

Board of Directors

[email protected]

Session H08

Unix DBA Cross Training Informix & DB2