sla revolutionary war declaration, program outlined (feb. 13, 1974)

8/4/2019 SLA Revolutionary War Declaration, Program Outlined (Feb. 13, 1974) 1/1 Wed., Feb. 13,1974 S.L.A. Revolutionary War Declaration, Program Outlined StMBIONESE LIBERATION ARMY KU1ICHAGLIA ULibe Otl*r«if>*e «« 77r/j w the complete document regarding th e declaration of war and th e goals of th e S.L.A. whose publication w as mandated in a letter received yesterday by Radio KPFA. THE SYMBIONESE FEDER- ATION & THE SYMBIONESE LIBERATION ARMY DEL- CARATION OF REVOLU- TIONARY WAR & THE SYM- BIONESE PROGRAM AUGUST 21, 1973 The Symbionese Federation and The Symbionese Libera- tion Army is a united and federated grouping of mem- bers of different races an d people and socialist political parties of the oppressed peo- ple of The Fascist United States of America, w ho have under black and minority leadership formed an d joined Th e Symbionese Federated Republic and have agreed to struggle together in behalf of all their people and races and politicalpatties interest in the gaining of FREEDOM and SELF DETERMINATION and INDEPENDANCE for all their people and races. The Symbionese Federation is NOT A GOVERNMENT, bu t rather it is a united an d feder- ated formation of members of different races and people and political parties w ho have agreed to struggle in a UNIT- ED FRONT for the independ- ance and self determination of each of their races and people and The Liquidation of the Common Enemy. And who by this federated formation represent their fu - ture an d independant pre-gov- ernments and nations of their people and races. The Sym- bionese Federation is NOT A PARTY, bu t rather it is a Federation, for its members are 'made up of members of al l political parties an d orga- nizations and races of all the most oppressed people of this fascist nation, thereby form- ing unity and the full repre- sentation of the interests of all the people. Th e Symbionese Liberation Army is an army of the peo- ple, and is made up of mem- bers of all the people. The S.L.A. political power or political person over it that dictates w ho will fight and die if needed for the freedom of ou r people an d children, bu t does not risk their life or fight too for our freedom, but rath- er the S.L.A. is both political an d military in that in the S.L.A. the army officer, whether female or male is also the political officer an d they both are the daughters an d sons of the people and they both fight as well as speak for the freedom of our people and children. Th e Symbionese Federation and The Symbionese Libera- tion Army is made up of the aged, youth and women and men of all' races and people. The name Symbionese is tak- en from the word symbiosis an d we define its meaning as a body of dissimilar bodies and organisms living in deep an d loving harmony an d part- nership in the best interest of all within the body. We of the Symbionese Federa- tion and The S.L.A. define ourselves by this name be- cause it states that we are no longer willing to allow the enemy of all our people and children to murder, oppress an d exploit us nor define us by color and thereby maintain division among us, but rather have joined together under black and minority leadership in behalf of all our different races and people to build a better and new world for our children and people's future. We are a United Front and Federated Coalition of mem- bers from the Asian, Black, Brown, Indian, White, Wom- en, Grey and Gay Liberation Movements. Who have all come to see and understand that only if we unite and build our new world and future, will there really be a future for our children an d people. We of the People an d not the ruling capitalist class, will build a new world an d system. Where there is really freedom and a true meaning to justice and equali- ty for all women and men of all races and people, and an end to the murder an d oppres- sion, exploitation of all peo- ple. We of the Symbionese Federa- tion and The S.L.A. are the children of all oppressed peo- ple, who have decided to rede- fine ourselves as a Sym- bionese Race and People. Yet, recognizing the rich cultures of each and enforcing our rights to existence of our many cultures within a united federation of independant and sovereign nations, each of them flourishing and protect- ed by Us own laws and codes of self determination. We are of many colors, but yet of one mind, for we all in history's time on this earth have become part of each other in suffering and in mind, and have agreed that th e murder, oppression and exploitation of our children an d people must end now, for we all have seen the murder, oppression an d exploitation of ou r people for too long under the hand of the same enemy and class of people and under the same system. Knowing this, the Symbionese Federation and The S.L.A. know that our often murder- ou s alienation from each other aids and is one of the funda- mental strengths behind th e ruling capitalist class's ability to murder and oppress us all. But no t allowing them to de- fine us by color, and also recognizing that by refusing ourselves to also internalize this false division definition, knowing that in mind and body we are facing the same enemy an d that we are all comrades of one people, the murdered and oppressed, we are now able to become a united people under the Sym- bionese Federation and make true the words of our codes of unity that TO DIE A RACE, AND BE BORN A NATION. IS TO BECOME FREE. Therefore, we of the Sym- bionese Federation and The S.L.A. DO NOT under the rights of human beings sub- m it to the murder, oppression an d exploitation of our chil- dren and people and do under the rights granted to the peo- ple under The Declaration of Independence of The United States, do now by the rights of our children and people and by Force of Arms and with every drop of our blood, De- clare Revolutionary War against The Fascist Capitalist Class, and all their agents of murder, oppression and ex- ploitation. We support by Force of Arms .the just strug- gles of all oppressed people fo r self determination and in- dependance within the United States and The World. And hereby offer to all liberation movements, revolutionary workers groups, and peoples organizations our total aid an d support for the struggle fo r freedom an d justice for all people and races. We call upon all revolutionary black and other oppressed people within th e Fascist United States to come together an d join The Symbionese Federa- tion an d fight in the forces of The Symbionese Liberation Army. TH E GOALS OF THE SYM- BIONESE LIBERATION ARMY 1. To unite all oppressed people into a fighting force and to destroy the system of the capitalist state and all its value sys- tems. To create in its place a system and sover- eign nations that are in the total interest of all its races and people, based on th e true affirmation of life, love, trust, an d hones- ty , freedom an d equality that is truly for all. 2. To assure the rights of all people to self determina- tion and the rights to build their own nation and gov- ernment, with representa- tives that have shown through their actions to be in the interest of their people. To give the right to all people to select an d elect their ow n representa- tives and governments by direct vote. 3. To build a people's feder- - ated council, w ho will be a male and female of each People's Council or Sover- eign Nation of The Sym- bionese Federation of Na- tions, w ho shall be the representatives of their nations in the forming of trade packs and unified defense against any exter- nal enemy that may attack any of the free nations of the federation and to form other aids to each others' neeos. 4. To aid and defend the cultural rights of all the soverign nations of The Symbionese Federation, and to aid each nation in the building of educational and other institutions to meet and serve this need for its people. 5. To place the control of all th e institutions an d indus- tries, of each nation into the hands of its people. To aid sovereign nations of the federation to build na- tions where work contrib- utes concretely to the full interest and needs of its workers and the commun- al interest of its communi- ties and its people and the mutual interest of all within the federation of nations. 6. To aid and defend the rights of all oppressed people to build nations which do not institute op- pression and exploitation, bu t rather does institute the environment of free- dom and defends that freedom on all levels and fo r all of the people, and by any means necessary. 7. To give back to all people their human and constitu- tional rights, liberty, . equality an d justice an d the right to bear arms in the defense of these rights. 8. To create a system where our aged are cared for with respect, love, and kindness and aided and encouraged to become as sets in their own ways to their nations and to their communal community. That the life that moves around them is not a frightening and murdu- rous one and where life is not a fear, bu t rather on e of love an d feeling and of unity. 9. To create a system an d laws that will neither force people into no r force them to stay into personal relationships that they do no t wish to be in, and to destroy all chains institut- ed by legal an d social laws of the capitalist state which acts as a reinforc- in g system to maintain this form of imprison- ment. 1 0. To create institutions that will aid, reinforce and ed- ucate the growth of our comrade women and aid them in making a new- true and better role to live in life and in the defining of themselves as a new and free people. 11. To create new forms of life an d relationships that bring true meanings of love to people's relation- ships, and to form com- munes on the community level and bring the chil- dren of the community into being the responsibili- ty of the community, to place our children in the • union of real comradship and in the care and loving interest of the revolution- ary community. 12. To destroy the prison sys- tem, which the capitalist state ha s used to imprison the oppressed and exploit- ed, and thereby destroy the love, unity, an d hopes of millions of lives and families. And to create in its place a system of com- radeship an d that of group unity and education on a communal and revolution- ary level" withi n the com- munity, to bring home ou r daughters and sons, an d "" sisters and brothers, fath- ers and mothers and wel- come them home w ith love an d a new revolutionary comradeship of unity. 13. To take control of all state land and that of the capi- talist class and to give back the land to the peo- ple. To form laws and codes that safeguard that no person can own the land, or sell th e land, bu t rather the nations' people ow n the land and use it for their needs and interest to live. No one can own or sell the air, th e sky, th e water, th e trees, th e birds, the sun, for all of this world belongs to the peo- ple of this earth. 14 . To take control of all buildings an d apartment buildings of the capitalist class an d fascist govern- ment and to totally de- stroy the rent system of exploitation. 15. To build a federation of nations, w ho shall formu- late programs and unions of actions and interests that will destroy the capi- talist anti-human institu- tions and who will be able to do this by meeting all the basic needs of all of the people and their na- tions. For they will be all able to do this because each nation will have full control of all of its indus- tries and institutions and does not run them for profit, but in the full inter- est of all the people of its nation. 16 . To destroy all forms and institutions of Racism, Sexism, Ageism, Capital- ism, Fascism, Individual- ism, Possessiveness, Com- petitiveness and all other such institutions that have made and sustained capi- talism and the capitalist class system that has op- pressed and exploited all of the people of our histo- ry . By this means and the mutual aid and unity of each nation within The Symbionese Feder- ation, will each nation be able to provide to each person an d couple and family free of cost th e five basic needs of life, which ar e food, health care, housing, education an d cloth- ing, and in this w ay allowing people to be able to find and form ne w values and new systems of relationships an d interests based on a new meaning to life an d love IF THE QUEST FOR FREE- DOM IS DEATH THEN BY THE DEATH OF THE ENEMY WILL BLACK AND OTHER OP- PRESSED PEOPLE FIND AND REGAIN THEIR FREEDOM TO THOSE WHO WOULD . BEAR THE HOPES AND FUTURE OR OUR PEO- PLE, LET THE VOICE OF THEIR GUNS EX - PRESS TH E WORDS OF FREEDOM. Patricia Hearst's Message The following is a tran- script of Patricia Hearst's message on the tape record- ing mailed to radio station KPFA in Berkeley: Mom, Da d I'm okay. I had a few scrapes an d stuff, bu t they washed them up and they are getting okay and I caught a cold, bu t they ar e giving me pills for it and so I'm not being starved or beaten, or unnecessarily frightened. I've heard some press re - ports and so I know that Steve and all the neighbors ar e okay that no one was really hurt, and I also know that the SLA members here are very upset about press distortions of what's been happening — that they have nothing to do with the August 7 th movement, that they have not been shooting down heli- copters or shooting down in- nocent people in the streets. I'm kept blindfolded usually so that I can't identify any- one. My hands are often tied, bu t generally they're not, an d I'm not gagged or anything an d I'm comfortable and I think you can tell that I am no t really terrified or any- thing — that I'm OK. I was very upset to hear about the police rushing in on that house in Oakland and I'm just really glad that I wasn't there, and I would appreciate KUUMBA Crutivo, ' UJAMAA CaO£>*i-«tiWe ' UMOJA UUntdM Unity •• t« t* W<jrk t ty N !A f»lth ft* S.L.A. Emblem Explained This is the Symbionese Liberation Army's explanation of the seven-headed cobra emblem first publicized several weeks ago. The leaflet reproduced ab ov e is written in Engish, Spanish, Chinese and East African Swahili. Theseven-headed cobra symbol, said to be 170,000 years old, is printed in red on a circle of yellow on the face of the original leaflet. The explanation, part of a letter receved yesterday by R adio KPFA, is as follows: UMOJA-IA UNIDAD-UNITY—To strivefor and maintain unity in our household, our nation and in The Symbionese Federation. KUKICHAGULIA-LA LIBRE DETERM NAGON-SELF DETERMINATION—To define ourseves, name ourseves, speak for ourselves and govern ourselves. UJIMA-TRABAJO COLECTIVO Y RESPONSIBIL1DAD-COLLECTIVE WORK AN D RESPONSIBILITY—To build and maintain our nation and the federation together by making our brothers' and sisters' and the Federation's problems our problems and solving them together. UJAMAA-PRODUCCION COOPERATIVA-COOPERATIVE PRODUCTION-To build and maintain our own economy from our skills, and labor andresources and to insure ourselves and other nations that we all profit equally from our labor. NIA- PROPOSITO-PURPOSE—To make as our collective vocation the deveopment and liberation of our nation, and all oppressed people, in order to restore our people and all oppressed people to their traditional greatness and humanity. KUUMBA-CREAT IVO-CREA TIVITY-To do all we can, as best we can, n order to free our nation and defend the federation and constantly make it and the earth that we all share more beautiful and beneficial. IMANI-Fe-FAITH—To beieve in our unity, our leaders, our teachers, our people, and in the righteousness and victory of our struggleand thestruggle-of all oppressed and exploited people. it if everyone would just calm down and not try to find me an d not be making identifica- tions, because they're not only endangering me but they're endangering them- selves. I'm with a combat unit that's armed with auto- matic weapons an d there's also a medical team here. . . . And here is no way that I will be released until they let me go. So it wouldn't do any good for somebody to come in here and try to get me out by force. These people aren't just a bunch of nuts they've been really honest with me. They're perfectly willing to die for what they're doing and I want to get out of here, but the only way I am going to is if we do it their way, and I just hope that you'll do what they say, dad, an d just do it quickly. I've been stopping an d starting this tape myself so that I can collect my thoughts. Thats why there are so many stops in it. I'm not being forced to say any of this. I think it's really impor- tant that you take their re- quest very seriously about not arresting, an y other SLA members an d about following their good faith request to the letter. I just want to get out of here and see everyone again and be back with Steve. The SLA is very interes ted in seeing how you are taking this. Dad, and they want to make sure that you are really serious an d listening to what they're saying. And th e y think that you've been taking this whole thing a lot more seriously than the police and the FBI and other federal people have bee taking it. And, it seems to be getting to the point where they're not worried about you so much as they're worrying about other people, or at least I am. It's really up to you to make sure that these people don't eopar- dize my life by charging in an d doing stupid things. And I hope that you'll make sure that they don't do anything else like that Oakland house business. The SLA people really have been honest with me and .. I really ... I mean I feel pretty sure that I' m going get out of here if everything goes the way they want it to. And I think that you should feel that way, too, and try not to worry so much. I mean I know it's hard, but ... I heard that Mom was really upset and that everybody w as at home — and I mean I hope that this puts you a little b it at ease an d that yo u know that I really,I really am all right. I just hope I can get back to Continned Page 7, Col. 7 Symbionese Liberation Army General's Words Reported Here is the text of a statement from a person identifying himself as "Cinque," a spokesman for the Symbionese Liberation Army, as transcribed from a tape recording broadcast by KPFA Radio, which received the tape Tuesday: Greetings to the people ana fellow comrades brothers and sisters. My name is Cinque. To my comrades I am known as Cin. I am a black man and a representative of black peo- ple. I hold the rank of General Field Marshal in the United Federated forces of the Sym- bionese Liberation Army. Today I have received an and to aid other oppressed people around the world with their struggle against fascist imperialism and the robbery of their freedom an d home- land. Since this is the purpose and goal of the SLA it is therefore clear to us, as it will oe to all the oppressed'people, mai. cur interest is to serve and defend the people and not ourselves. Since the people shall always come first in our hearts and souls. The SLA has arrested th e subject for the crimes that her mother and father have by their actions committed against we the American peo- ple and oppressed people of the world. In understanding this charge we must first, un- derstand who the Hearst's ar e w ar council. The Court of the People, to the effect that I a m ordered to convey the follow- ing message on behalf of the SLA and a taped word of rornfort and verification that Patricia Campbell Hearst is alive an d safe. The Symbioese Liberation Army is a federated union of many types of political ele- ments an d many different lib- eration struggles and of many different races. Our unified purpose is to liberate th e op- pressed peoples of this nation Aim AM U tuCy St-TYC aim TCprC- sent. Randolph A. Hearst is the corporate chairman of a fascist leaning empire of the ultra-right Hearst Corp. which is one of the largest propagan- da institutions of this present military dictatorship of the militarily armed corporate state that we now live under •i n this nation. The primary goal of this empire is to serve an d form the necessary propaganda as smokescreen to shield the American people from seeing the realities of the corporate dictatorship which Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford repre- sent. This network of propaganda and confusion has succeeded in hiding the truth from th e people. That truth being that this nation ha s suffered its first military corporate coup an d that the Constitution which some of us still believe in has been overthrown. The fascist Hearst corpora- tion is composed of mostly a national newspaper syndicate which includes the San Fran- cisco Examiner and Chroni- cle, and others which jump from California to as far away as New York and Philadel- phia. Secondly, a magazine mo - nopoly composed of over 13 publications which include for example House Beautiful, Harpers Bazaar, Town an d Country and Cosmopolitan. Thirdly, a TV and radio station empire across the na- tion with production of propa- ganda films fo r both national an d international use. Fourth, ownership of vast areas of real estate in the U. S. and Mexico, including for- ests, grasslands and cattle farms. All of this is directly connected to Washington an d the corporate dictatorship of Richard Nixon an d Gerald Fcrd. That is to say that th e Hearst empire is one of the. empires of the ruling class in direct competition with the interest of the people. There- fore they are enemies of the people. Mrs. Randolnh A. Hearst is a member of the University of California Board of Regents and is responsible along with others appointed bv Gov. Ron- ald Reagan for the loaning of funds and the investment of ou r California ta x monies in corporations w hich have inter- ests and do gain profits from the robbery, oppression and genocide carried out by fas- cist and racist governments around the world an d within the U.S. itself. The Regents, with the sup- port of Mrs. Hearst, have time and time again been (asked) by we the people to not invest our money in such fascist corporations as Gener- al Motors, Westinghouse, Bell, Standard Oil, Bank of America and others. (Those companies) have and do serve an d gain profits from the oppression, robbery and murder that is committed against black people of South Africa where there ar e 70,000 black children a year who die from malnutrition; against white people in Ireland, where U.S.-trained British soldiers shoot down in the street Irish fathers and mothers as U.S.manufactured tear ga s suffocates Irish children, as their older sisters and broth- ers rot in British concentra- tion camps; against the free- dom of the Philippine people where U.S. and Marcos pup- pet soldiers use U.S.-manufac- lured napalm to attempt to (instill) a spirit of fear in the hearts and souls of the poor an d starving. The Board of Regents, on e of California's largest foreign investors, supports through its investments, the murder of thousands of black men, wom- en and children of Mozam- bique, Angola an d Rhodesia murder designed to destroy the spirit that all humanity longs for. With all of these crimes placed before the Board of Regents and Mrs. Hearst, with all the pleas from th e people to stop supporting these corporations and the murder of thousands of men, women an d children, th e board and Mrs. Hearst did not raise one voice in protest and refuse to be a party to these crimes against these people an d those committed against the American people. Through these acts an d oth- ers the Court of the People holds the Hearst family ac « countable for their crimes and holds that they are enemies of the people. We of the Sym- bionese Liberation Army hold that the Hearst Corporation an d the Hearst family and the Board of Regents as well as the corporate state which they support and aid are enemies of the people. And, as such, that the peo- ple have the legal and human right and duty to attack said enemy according to the (inau- dible) of war of the oppressed people against any enemy or murderer or oppressor to re- gain their freedom and liberty an d give life to their children an d people. . . It is therefore the directive of this court that before an y formal negotiation for the re - lease of the subject prisoner be initiated, that an action of good faith be shown on the part of the Hearst family to allow the court and the op- pressed people of this world an d this nation to ascertain as to the real interest and coop- erative attitude of the Hearst family and in so doing show some form of repentance for the murder an d suffering they have aided an d profited from. This good faith gesture is to be in the form of a token gesture to the oppressed peo- ple (inaudible) corporate state in robbing an d removing their rights to freedom and liberty. This gesture is to be in th e form of food to the needy, and the unempleyed an d (inaudible) list of follow- ing instructions are to be fol- lowed to the letter.In closing an d speaking personally fo r myself and as a father of two children, I wish to say to Mr. Hearst an d Mrs. Hearst, that'I as well as the forces under my command through the au - thority of the Court of The People, are not savage killers, an d madmen and we do hold a high moral value to life! We value life very deeply an d with all the spirit that we as human beings ca n bring forth in ou r hearts, and I am speak- in g as a father, I am quite willing to lose both of my children, if by that action I could save thousands of white, black, yellow and red children from a life of suffering exploi- tation and murder. And I am therefore quite willing to carry out the execu- tion of your daughter to save the life of starving men, wom- en and children of every race an d I am also along with the (inaudible) of men and wom- en of many races who love the people quite willing to give our lives to free the people at any cost. And if as you and others, sir, might easily believe that we will lose, let it be known that even in death we will w in fo r the very ashes of this fascist nation will mark ou r very graves. (A t this point Miss Hearst's message began. It was inter- rupted by a male voice ad- dressing Randolph A. Hearst. The cover page of the SLA letter containing the group's demands referred to a tape "recorded by myself and Pat Hearst.". The follwing is a transcript of the conclusion of th e tape.) "Mr. Hearst, as your daughter said, she's being held under international codes of war regarding prisoners of w ar and that is she is not going to be harmed in any manner unless an y attempt is made to release her by force. "She is being properly treated, properly fed and she has an exercise area, fresh air, and so forth, and she's net being harmed in any fash- ion. And this is also related to ou r captured soldiers that are being held at San Quentin and we hope that they will receive the same treatment according to the international codes of war. "We understand from the national reports and so forth that the police authorities and others are attem pting to placr the responsibility upon us con- cerning th e life of your daugh- ter and to distort and mislead th e realities of the facts of the matter. "However, we wish to ex - Page 7,.Cd. 8

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Page 1: SLA Revolutionary War Declaration, Program Outlined (Feb. 13, 1974)

8/4/2019 SLA Revolutionary War Declaration, Program Outlined (Feb. 13, 1974) 1/1

Wed., Feb. 1 3 , 1 9 7 4

S.L.A. Revolutionary War

Declaration, Program Outlined

S t M B I O N E S E L I B E R A T I O N A R M YK U 1 I C H A G L I A

U Libe Otl*r«if>*e««

77r / j w t he comple tedocument regarding th edeclarat ion o f war andth e goal s o f th e S.L.A.whose publ i cat ion w asmandated in a let terre c e i v ed ye s t e rd a y b yRa d i o KP F A.



Th e Sy m b io n es e Fed er a t io nand The Symbionese Libera-t ion Army is a united andfederated grouping of m e m -be rs of d i f f e r e n t races an dpeople and socialist politicalpar ties of the oppressed peo-ple of The Fascist UnitedStates of America, w ho h a v eu n d er b la c k a n d m in o r i tyleadership formed an d j o i n e dTh e Sy m b io n es e F eder a tedRepublic and have agreed tostruggle together in behalf ofall their people and r aces andpoli t ical patt ies interest in thegaining of FREEDOM andSELF DETERMINATION andINDEPENDANCE for all their

people and races.The Symbionese Federation isNOT A GOVERNMENT, bu tra t h e r it is a united an d feder-ated formation of m e m b e r s ofdifferent races and people andpo l i t ica l pa r t i e s w ho h a v eagreed to struggle in a UNIT-ED FRONT for the independ-ance and self determination ofeach of their races and peopleand The Liquidation of theCommon Enemy.And w h o b y this federatedformation represent thei r fu -t ure an d independant pre-gov-er nm ents and nations of theirpeople and races. The Sym-bionese Federation is NOT APARTY, bu t r a ther it is aFederat ion, for its m e m b e r sare 'made up of m e m b e r s ofal l political parties an d orga-nizations and races of all themos t oppressed people of thisfascis t nation, thereby f o rm-ing unity and the full repre-sentation of the interests of all

the people.Th e S ym bionese Liberat ionArmy is an army of the peo-ple, and is made up o f m em -bers of all the people. TheS.L.A. political poweror political person over it thatdictates w ho will f ight and dieif needed for the freedom ofou r people an d children, bu tdoes not r isk their life or f ighttoo for our freedom, bu t r a th-er the S.L.A. is both politicalan d mili tary in tha t in theS.L.A. t h e a rmy officer ,whether female or ma l e i salso the political officer an dthey both are the da ugh t e rsan d sons of the people andthey both f ight as well asspeak for the freedom of ourpeople and children.Th e Symbionese Federat ionand The Symbionese Libera-tion Army is made up of thea ge d, youth and women andm en o f all ' races and people.Th e name Symbionese is tak-en from the word symbiosisan d w e def ine its meaning asa body of dissimilar bodiesan d organisms living in deepan d loving harmony an d par t-nership in the best interest ofall within the body.We of the Symbionese Federa-tion and The S.L.A. defineourselves by this n a m e be-c a us e i t states t h a t we a re nolonger willing to allow theenemy of all our people and

children to murder , oppressan d exploit us nor define usby color and thereby maintaindivision among us, but ratherhave joined together u n d erblack and minor ity leadershipin behalf of al l our dif ferentraces and people to build abetter and ne w w o r ld for ourchildren and people' s f u t u r e .

W e are a United Front andFederated Coalition of m e m -bers f rom the Asian, Black,Brown, Indian, White, Wom-en, Grey and Gay LiberationMovements.W h o have all come to see andunderstand that only i f weun i t e an d build our new worldan d f u t u re , will there reallybe a future for our childrenan d people. We of the Peoplean d not the ruling capitalistclass, will build a new worldan d system. Where there isr ea l ly f r eed o m a n d a t r u eme ani ng to justice and equali-ty for al l w o m e n and men ofall races and people, and anen d to the m u r d e r an d oppres-s ion, exploitation of al l peo-ple.W e of the Symbionese Federa-tion and The S.L.A. are thechildren of all oppressed peo-ple, who have decided to rede-f i n e our selves as a Sym-bionese Race and People. Yet,

recognizing the r ich culturesof each and enforcing ourr ights to ex is tence of ourm a n y cultures within a unitedfederation o f in d ep en d a n t a n ds o v e r e ig n n a t io n s , ea c h ofthem flour ishing and protect-ed by Us own laws and codesof self determination.W e a r e o f m a n y colors, butyet of one mind, for we all inhistory's t ime on this ear thhave become pa r t of eacho th e r in s u f f e r in g a n d inmind, and have agreed thatth e m u r d e r , oppression andexploitation of our childrenan d people m u s t end n o w , forw e all have seen th e m u r d e r ,oppression an d exploitation ofou r people for too long underthe hand of the same enemyand class of people and underth e s a m e system.K nowi ng this, the SymbioneseFederation and The S.L.A.know that our often m ur der -ou s alienation from each otheraids

and is one of thefunda-

m enta l strengths behind th eruling capitalist class's abilityto m ur der and oppress us all.But no t allowing them to de -fine us by color, and alsorecognizing that by refusingourselves to also internalizethis false division definition,knowing t h a t in mind andbody we a r e facing the sam eenemy an d that we a r e a l lcomrades of one people, themurdered and oppressed, weare now able to become aunited people under the Sym-bionese Federation and m a k etrue the words of our codes ofunity that TO DIE A RACE,A N D BE BORN A NATION.IS TO BECOME FREE.Therefore, we of the Sym-bionese Federation and TheS.L.A. DO NOT under ther ights o f h u m a n beings sub-m it to the murder , oppressionan d exploitation of our chil-dren and people and do underthe r ights g r an ted to the peo-ple u n d er The Declaration ofIndependence of The U n i tedStates, do now by the r ights ofour children and people andby Force of Arms and withevery drop of our blood, De-c l a r e R e v o l u t i o n a r y W a ragainst Th e Fascis t CapitalistClass, and all their agents ofmurder , oppression and ex-p lo i ta t io n . W e suppor t byForce of Arms .the just strug-

gles of all oppressed peoplefo r self determination and in-dependance within the UnitedStates and Th e World. Andhereby o f f e r to all liberationm o v e m e n t s , r e v o l u t i o n a r yworkers groups, and peopleso r g a n iz a t io n s o u r to ta l a idan d support for the strugglefo r freedom an d justice for al l

people and races. We callu p o n all revolutionary blackand other oppressed peoplew i t h i n th e Fa s c i s t U n i tedStates to come together an djoin The Symbionese Federa-t i o n an d f i g h t in the forces ofThe Symbionese LiberationArmy.TH E GOAL S OF THE SYM-BIONESE L I B E R A T I O N

ARMY1. To uni te all oppressed

p eo p le in to a f i g h t i n gforce and t o destroy thesystem of the capitaliststate and all its value sys-t e m s . To c r ea te in itsplace a system and sover-eign nations that are inthe total interest of all itsraces and people, based onth e t r u e af f i rmat i on o flife, love, trust, an d hones-ty , freedom an d equalitythat is tru ly for all .

2. To assure the rights of allpeople to self determina-

t ion and the r ights to buildtheir own nation and gov-ernment, with representa-t iv es th a t h a v e s h o w nt h rough their actions to bein the interest of th e i rpeople. To give the rightto all people to select an delect their ow n representa-tives and governments bydirect vote.

• 3. To build a people's feder-- ated council , w ho will be a

male and female of eachPeople's Council or Sover-eign Nation of The Sym-bionese Federation of Na-tions, w ho shall be ther e p r e s e n t a t i v e s of theirnations in the f o r m in g oftrade packs and unifieddefense against any exter-nal enemy that may attackany of the free nations ofthe federation and to formother aids to each others 'neeos.

4. To aid and defend the

cul tural rights of all thesoverign nations of TheSymbi one s e Fe de ra t i on,and to aid each nation inthe building of educationaland o ther institutions tom eet and serve this needfor its people.

5. To place the control of allth e institutions an d indus-tries, of each nation intothe hands of its people. Toaid sovereign na tions ofthe federation to build na-tions w h er e w o r k contrib-utes concretely to the f u l linterest and needs of itsworkers and the commun-al interest of its communi-ties and its people and them u tu a l in te r es t o f a l lwithin the federation ofnations.

6. To aid and defend ther i gh t s of all oppressedpeople to build nationswhich do not institu te op-pression an d exploitation,

bu t ra ther does institu tethe environment of free-d o m a n d de f e nds th a tfreedom on all levels andfo r all of the people, andby any means necessary.

7. To g ive back to all peopletheir human an d constitu-t i o n a l r i g h t s , l i b e r t y ,

. equality an d justice an dthe r ight to bear a r m s inthe defense of theserights.

8. To create a system whereour aged are cared forw i t h respect, love, andkindness and aided andencouraged to become assets in their ow n w a y s totheir nations and to theirc o m m u n a l c o m m u n i t y .That the l i f e th a t m o v esa r o u n d th em i s no t a

f r i g h t e n i n g a n d m u r d u -rous one and w h e r e l i f e isnot a f ea r , bu t r a th e r on eof love an d feeling a n d o fun i t y .

9. To cr ea te a system an dl a w s th a t w i l l n e i th e rf o r c e people into no r f o r c ethem to stay into personalrelationships that they dono t wish to be in, and todestroy all chains institu t-ed by legal an d social lawso f th e c a p i ta l i s t s t a tew h i c h acts as a re inforc-in g system to m a i n t a i nth i s f o r m of i m p r i s o n -m e n t .

1 0. To create institu t ions thatwill aid, reinforce and e d-ucate the g r o w th of ourcomrade women and aidth em in m a kin g a n e w -true and better ro le to l ivein l i f e and in the def iningof themselves as a newand f ree people.

11. To create new f o r m s of

l i f e an d relationships thatbr ing true meanings oflove to people's relation-ships, and to form com-m u n es on the c o m m u n i t ylevel and br ing the chil-d r en o f th e c o m m u n i tyinto being the responsibili-ty of the c o m m u n i ty , toplace o u r children i n t h e •union of real com r adshipand in the c a re and lovinginterest of the revolution-ary c o m m u n i ty .

12. To destroy the prison sys-tem, which the capitaliststate ha s used to imprisonthe oppressed and exploit-ed, and thereby destroythe love, unity , an d hopesof millions of lives andfamilies. And to c re a t e inits p lace a system of com-radeship an d that of g r o u punity and education on acommunal and revolution-ary level" withi n the com-munity , to b r ing home ou r

daughters and sons, an d"" sisters and brothers , fath-er s and m other s and wel-come them home w ith lovean d a new revolutionarycomradeship of unity .

13. To take control of all sta teland and that of the capi-talist class and to giveback the land to the peo-ple. To form laws andcodes that safeguard thatno person can own theland, or sell th e land, bu tra ther the na t ions ' peopleow n the land and use it fortheir needs and interest tolive. No one can own orsell th e air , th e sky, th ewater , th e t rees , th e birds,the sun, for all of thiswor l d belongs to the peo-ple of this earth.

14 . To take control of a llbu i l d i ngs an d a p a r tm en tbuildings of the capitalistclass an d fascist govern-ment and to to tally de-stroy the rent system ofexploitation.

15. To build a f ed e r a t io n ofnations, w ho shall f o rmu-late programs an d unionso f actions and intereststhat will destroy the capi-talist anti-human institu-tions and who will be ableto do this by meeting allthe basic needs of all ofthe people and their na-tions. For they will be all

able to do this becauseeach nation will have f u l lcontrol of all of its indus-t ries and institu tions anddoes not run them forprof it , but in the f u l l in ter-est of all the people of itsnation.

16 . To destroy all forms andin s t i tu t io n s of Ra c is m ,

Sexism, Ageism, Capital-ism, Fascism, Individual-ism, Possessiveness, Co m -petitiveness and all o thersuch institu tions that havemade and sustained capi-talism and the capitalistclass system that has op-pressed and exploited allof the people of our histo-ry .

B y this means and the m u tu a laid and u n i ty of each nationw i t h i n The Symbionese Feder-ation, will each nation be ableto provide to each person an dcouple and f a m i l y free of costth e f i v e basic needs o f l ife,w h i c h ar e f o o d , health care,housing, education an d cloth-i n g , and in this w ay allowingpeople to be able to f i n d andf o r m ne w values and newsystems of relationships an din te r es t s b a s ed o n a n ewme ani ng t o l i fe an d love










Th e fol low ing is a t r an-scr ipt of Patric ia Hearst 'smessage on the tape record-ing mailed to radio stationKP F A in Berkeley:

M o m , Da d I'm okay. I hada few scrapes an d s t u f f , bu tthey washed them up andthey are getting okay and Icaught a cold, bu t they ar egiving me pills for it and soI'm not being starved orb ea ten , or unnecessar ilyf rightened.

I've heard some press re -ports and so I know thatSteve and all the neighborsar e okay — that no one wasreally hur t, and I also k n o wthat the SLA members hereare very upset about pressdistor tions of what' s beenhappening — that they havenothing to do w ith the August7 th movement, that they haven o t been shooting down heli-copters or shooting down in-nocent people in the streets .I'm kept blindfolded usually

so that I can ' t identify any-o n e . My hands are o f t e n tied,bu t generally they ' re not, an dI 'm not gagged or anythingan d I 'm comfortable and Ith ink you can tell that I amno t really ter r if ied or any-thing — that I 'm OK . I wasvery upset to hear about thepolice rushing in on thathouse in Oakland and I'mjust really glad that I w a s n ' tthere, and I w o u l d appreciate

K U U M B ACrutivo , '


CaO£>*i-«t iWe'



•• t« t*W < j r k t ty

N !A

f » l t h


S.L.A. Emblem ExplainedThis is the Symbionese Liberation Army's explanation of the se ve n-he ad e d cobra

emblem first publicized several w e e ks ago. The leaflet reproduced above is

written in Engish, Spanish, Chinese and East African Swahili. These ve n-he ad e d

cobra symbol, said to be 170,000 years old, is printed in red on a circle of

yellow on the face of the original leaflet. The explanation, part of a letter

receved yesterday by Radio KPFA, is as follows:

UMOJA-IA UNIDAD-UNITY—To strive for and maintain unity in our household,

our nation and in The Symbionese Federation.


ourseves, name ourseves, speak for ourselves and govern ourselves.


RESPONSIBIL ITY—To buildand maintain our nation and the federation together

by making our brothers' and sisters' and the Fe d e r a t ion ' s problems our

problems and solving them together.


and maintain our own economy from our skills, and labor and resources and to

insure ourselves and other nations that we all profit equally from our labor.

NIA- PROPOSITO-PURPOSE—To make as our collective vocation the

deveopment and liberation of our nation, and all oppressed people, in order

to restore our people and all oppressed people to their traditional greatnessand humanity.

KUUMBA-CREATIVO-CREATIVITY-To do all we can,as best we can, n order

to free our nation and defend the federation and constantly make it and the

earth that we all share more beautiful and beneficial.

IMANI-Fe-FAITH—To beieve in our unity, our leaders, our teachers, our

people, and in the righteousness and victory of our struggleand the struggle-of

all oppressed and exploited people.

it if everyone would just calmd o w n and not t ry to f i n d m ean d not be making identif ica-t ions , because they ' re noton l y e n d a n g e r i n g m e b u tth ey ' r e en d a n g er in g th em -selves. I'm w ith a c o m b a tunit that 's armed with auto-matic weapons an d ther e ' salso a medical team her e .

. . . And here is no waythat I will be released untilthey let me go. So it wouldn ' tdo any good for somebody tocome in here and try to get

me out by force. These peoplearen ' t just a b u n c h of nuts —they 've been really honestwith me. They' re perfectlywill ing to die for w h a t th ey ' r edoing and I w a n t to get out ofhere, but the only w a y I a mgoing to is if we do it theirw a y , and I just hope thatyou ' ll do what they say, dad,an d just do it quickly.

I 've been stopping an dstar ting this tape myself so

th a t I can collect m ythoughts. Thats why there areso many stops in it . I 'm notbeing forced to say any ofthis. I think it ' s really impor-tant that you take their re-quest very ser iously about nota r r es t in g , an y o th e r SLAmembers an d a b o u t f o l l o w i n gtheir good fai th request to theletter . I just want to get outof here and see everyoneagain and be back with Steve.The SLA is very interes ted inseeing how you are ta k in g

this. Dad, and they want tom a ke su r e that you are reallyser ious an d l is tening to w h a tth ey ' r e s a y in g . An d th eythink that you 've been takingthis whole thing a lot m o r eser iously than the police andthe FBI and other federalpeople have bee taking it .

A n d , it seems to be gettingto the point where they ' re notworr ied about you so much asthey ' re worrying about other

people, or at least I am. I t ' sreal ly up to you to m a ke s u r et h a t these people don ' t eopar-dize m y l i f e b y c h a r g in g inan d d o i n g s tu p id th in g s . And Ih o p e t h a t you'l l m a ke s u r ethat t h e y d o n ' t do a n y t h i n gelse l i k e t h a t O a k l a n d h o u s eb u s in es s . The SLA p eo p lereally have been honest w i t hm e and .. I really . .. Ime an I f e e l pretty sure thatI' m going g e t o u t o f h er e ifeverything goes the way t h e yw a n t it to.

A n d I t h i n k t h a t y o u s h o u l df e e l th a t w a y , to o , a n d t r y n o tt o w o r r y so m u c h . I m ea n Ik n o w it's h a r d , b u t . . . Iheard t h a t M om was reallyupset and th a t ev e r y b o d y w asat h o m e — a n d I m ea n I hopethat th i s p u t s you a l ittle b itat ease an d th a t yo u k n o w th a tI r ea l ly , I really a m a l l r ig h t .I just hope I can get back to

Continned Page 7 , Col. 7

Symbionese Liberation Army General's Words ReportedHere is the text of a

statement from a personidentifying himself as"Cinque," a spokesman forthe Symbionese LiberationArmy, as t r a n s c r i b e d from a

t a p e r e c o r d i n g b r o a d c a s t b y

K P F A Radio, w h i c h r e c e i v e dthe t a p e T u e s d a y:

Greetings to the people anafellow comrades brothers andsisters. My name is Cinque.To my comrades I am knownas Cin. I am a black m a n a n da representative of b la c k peo-ple. I hold the rank of GeneralField Marshal in the UnitedFederated forces of the Sym-bionese Liberation Army.

Today I have received an

and to aid other oppressedpeople around the world withtheir struggle against fascistimperialism and the robberyof their freedom an d home-land.

Since this is the purposeand goal of the SLA it is

therefore clear to us, as it willoe to all the oppressed'people,m a i . cur i n t e re s t is to serveand defend the people and notourselves. Since the peopleshall a lways come first in ourhear ts and souls.

The SLA has arrested th esubject for the cr im es th a ther mother and father haveby their actions committedagainst w e th e American peo-ple and oppressed people ofthe world . In understandingthis charge w e must f irst, un-derstand who the Hearst 's ar e

w ar council. The Court of thePeople, to the e f f e c t that I a mordered to convey the f o l l o w -ing message on behalf of theSLA and a taped word ofrornfor t an d v er i f i c a t io n th a tPatricia Campbell Hearst isalive an d safe.

The Symbioese LiberationAr m y is a federated u n i o n of

m a n y types of political ele-m e n t s an d m a n y d i f f e r e n t l i b -eration struggles a n d o f m a n ydifferent races . Our u n i f i e dpurpose is to liberate th e op-pressed peoples of this nation

Aim AM U tuCy St-TYC aim TCprC-

sent. Rando lph A. Hearst isthe corporate c h a i r m a n o f afascist leaning empire of theultra-r ight Hearst Corp. whichis one of the largest propagan-da in s t i tu t io n s of this presentmi l i t a ry dictatorship of them i l i t a r i l y a r m ed c o r p o r a testate th a t w e n o w l iv e u n d er

•i n this nation.

The p r im a r y g o a l of thisempire is to serve an d f o r mthe necessary propaganda ass m o kes c r een to s h ie ld th eAmerican people f r o m seeingthe realities of th e corporate

d i c t a t o r s h i p w h ic h Ric h a r dN i x o n and Gerald Ford repre-sent.

This network of p r o p a g a n d aand confusion has succeededin hiding the truth f r o m th epeople. That truth being thatthis nation ha s suffered itsf irs t military corporate coupan d th a t th e Co n s t i tu t io nwhich som e of us stil l believein ha s been over thrown.

The fascist Hearst corpora-tion is composed of mostly anational newspaper syndicatewhich includes the San Fran-cisco Examiner and Chroni-cle, and others which jumpf r o m California to as far a w a yas New York and Philadel-ph i a .

Secondly, a magazine mo -nopoly composed of over 13publications which include forex a m p le H o u s e Bea u t i f u l ,Harpers Bazaar , T o w n an dCountry and Cosmopolitan.

Thirdly , a TV and r a d ios tat ion em p i r e across the n a -t i o n with production o f propa-ganda f i l m s fo r both n a t i o n a lan d in ternational use.

Fourth, ownership of v a s tareas of real estate in the U.S. and Mexico, including f o r -e s t s , g r a s s la n d s a n d c a t t l e

farms. All of this is directlyconnected to W a s h in g t o n an dthe corporate dictatorship ofR i c h a r d N i x o n an d G er a ldFcrd.

That is to say th a t th e

Hearst empire is one of t h e .empires of the ruling class indirect competition with theinterest of the people. There-fore they are enemies of thepeople.

M r s . Randolnh A. Hearst isa m em b er of the University ofCalifornia Board of Regentsand is responsible along withothers appointed bv Gov. Ron-ald Reagan for the l o a n in g off u n d s and the in v es tm en t ofou r C a l i f o r n i a ta x m o n ies incorporations w hich have inter-ests and do gain profits f r o mthe robbery, oppression an dgenocide c a r r ied out by f a s -cist and racist g o v er n m en tsa r o u n d the world an d w ith inthe U.S. itself.

The Regents, with the sup-port of Mrs. Hearst, havet i me and time again been(as k e d) by we t h e people ton o t i n v e s t o u r mone y in suchfascist corporations as Gener-a l M o t o r s , W e s t i n g h o u s e ,Bell, Standard Oil, Bank ofAmerica and o th e r s .

( Th o s e c o m p a n ies ) h a v eand do serve an d g a in p r o f i t sf r o m the oppression, robberya n d m u r d e r t h a t is c o m m i t t e dagains t black people o f S o u t hA f r i c a w h er e th e r e ar e 7 0 , 0 0 0

black children a year wh o d i ef r o m m a l n u t r i t i o n ; a g a i n s tw h i t e people in I re l and , w h e r eU.S.-trained British soldiersshoot d o w n in the street I r ishf a t h e r s a n d m o th e r s a s

U . S . m a n u f a c t u r e d t e a r ga ssuffocates Ir ish children, astheir older sis ters and broth-ers rot in British conce n t ra-tion camps; against the f r e e -dom of the Philippine peoplewhere U.S. and Marcos pup-pet soldiers use U.S.-manufac-lured napalm to attempt to(ins ti l l ) a spir it of fear in thehear ts and souls of the pooran d starving.

The Board of Regents, on eof California ' s la r ges t foreignin v es to r s , s u p p o r t s th r o u g hits investments, the m u r d er ofthousands of b la c k m en , wom-e n a n d children o f Mozam-bique, A n g o l a an d Rhodesia— murder designed to destroythe spir it that a ll humanitylongs for .

With all of these cr imesplaced before the Board ofReg en ts a n d M r s . H ea r s t ,w i t h al l the pleas f r o m th ep eo p le to s to p s u p p o r t in gth es e c o r p o r a t io n s a n d th em u r d e r of thousands of m en ,w o m e n an d c h i l d r e n , th eboard and Mrs. Hearst d id notraise on e voice in protest andr e f u s e to be a par ty to thesecr imes against these peoplean d those committed againstthe American people.

Through these acts an d oth-ers the Court of the Peopleholds the Hearst family ac «countable for their cr imes andholds that they are enemies ofthe people. We of the Sym-

bionese Liberation Army holdthat the Hearst Corporationan d the Hearst f a m i l y and theBoard of Regents as well asthe corporate state w h i c h theysupport and aid are enem iesof the people.

A n d , as such, that th e peo-ple have the legal and huma nright and duty to attack saidenemy according to t h e ( i nau-dible) of war of the oppressedpeople against an y en em y orm u r d e r e r or oppressor to re-gain their freedom and liber tyan d give l i f e to their childrenan d people. . .

It is therefore the directiveof this cour t that before an yf o rmal negotiation for the re -lease of the subject prisonerbe in itia ted, that an action ofgood f a i t h be s h o w n on thepar t of the Hearst f a m i l y toallow the cour t and the op-pressed people of this w o r ldan d this nation to ascer tain asto the real in terest and coop-erative attitude of the Hear s tf a m i l y and in so doing showsome form of repentance forthe m u r d er an d s u f f e r i n g theyhave aided an d profited f rom.

This good f a i t h gesture is tobe in the f o r m of a tokengesture to the oppressed peo-

p l e ( i n a u d i b l e ) c o r p o r a t estate in r o b b in g an d removingtheir r ights to freedom andliber ty . This gesture is to bein th e form of f o o d to theneedy, and the une mpl e ye d

an d ( inaudible) l is t of f o l l o w -ing instructions are to be fol-lowed to the letter.In closingan d speaking personally fo rmyself and as a father of twochildren, I wish to say to Mr.Hearst an d Mrs. Hear s t , tha t ' Ias well as the forces under

m y command through the au -thor ity of the Court of ThePeople, are no t savage killers ,an d m a d m en a n d w e d o h o ld ahigh moral value to l i f e ! Wevalue l i f e very deeply an dwi t h all the spir it that we ash u m a n beings ca n b r in g f o r t hin ou r hearts , and I am speak-in g a s a f a th e r , I a m q u i tewill ing to lose both of mychildren, if by that action Icould save thousands of w h i te ,black, yellow and red childrenf r o m a l ife of suffering exploi-ta tion and murder .

A n d I am therefore q u i t ewill ing to car r y out the execu-tion of your daughter to savethe life of starving m en , w o m -en and children of every ra c ean d I am also along with the( inaudible) of men and wom-en of many ra c e s who love thepeople quite willing to giveour lives to free the people atany cost.

A n d i f as you and others,

sir , might easily believe thatwe wil l lose, let it be knownthat even in death w e w i l l w info r the very ashes of th i sfascist nation w i l l m a r k ou rvery graves.

(A t this point Miss Hearst ' smessage began. I t was inter-rupted by a male voice ad-dressing R a n d o l p h A. Hears t .The cover page of the SLAletter containing the group'sde mands referred to a tape"recorded by myself and Pat

Hearst.". The f o l l w i n g is atranscr ipt o f t h e conclusion o fth e t a p e . )

"Mr. He a rs t , as y o u rd a u g h te r s a id , s h e ' s b e in gh e l d under in ternational codesof w a r regarding pr isoners o fw ar and that is she is notgoing to be h a r m ed in anym a n n e r unless an y a t tem p t ismade t o release her by f o r c e .

"She is b e in g p r o p e r lytreated, proper ly fed and shehas an exercise ar ea , f r e s hair , and so for th, and she'snet being harmed in any f a s h -i o n . And th i s is a l s o re lated toou r captured soldiers that arebeing held at San Q u e n t i n andw e hope that they w i l l receivethe same treatment accordingto the in ternational codes ofw a r .

"We understand f r o m then a t i o n a l repor ts a n d s o f o r t ht h a t t h e police a u t h o r i t i e s a n dothers a r e a t tem p t in g to p la c rthe r e s p o n s ib i l i ty u p o n us c o n -

ce rn i ng th e l i f e o f y o u r d a u g h -ter and to d is to r t and mis leadth e realities o f t h e f a c t s o f t h em a t te r .

"However, we wish to ex -

Page 7,.Cd. 8