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  • 8/13/2019 SL2 Lecture


    Jubilee Christian Center School of Leaders - 2

    Table of Contents

    School of Leaders 2Cell Group Ministry & Leadership

    1. The Vision ... 1

    2. Cells For Growth ... 3

    3. Personal Preparation To Run A Cell 4

    4. The Structure of a Cell . 7

    5. Methodology for a Cell 8

    6. Strategy for Success ... 10

    7. Motivation for Growth .. 12

    8. How to Resolve Problems in the Cell 14

    9. Choosing a Leadership Team .. 16

    10. Relationship Between Leader & Disciples . 18

  • 8/13/2019 SL2 Lecture


    Jubilee Christian Center School Of Leaders - 2


    Lesson 1The Vision!1. Objective

    The Lord works through His people by first starting with a vision of His plan and purposes. Without

    a vision we loose hope and purpose (Pro. 29:18). But with a vision we can win the lost, raise up a

    mighty church, take a city and see Jesus gospel spread through out the entire Bay Area. The purpose

    of this first lesson is to understand the concept of vision, its characteristics and its fundamental

    importance within our ministry.

    2. Goals

    ! To be able to understand how God imparts and motivates His people through a vision.

    ! To be able to explain the characteristics of the God-imparted vision.

    ! To be able to explain Jubilees vision for our city through the Government of 12.

    3. Biblical Foundation

    I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and

    you will be a blessing. (Gen 12:2).

    All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.(Gen 13:15. Also

    Gen 17:5-7).

    4. Definition

    To have a vision is to have a clear idea of what God wants you to be or do.

    ! Where does it come from? God has given the vision to the church. It is the leaders jobto transmit it to the local fellowship.

    ! Who should capture the vision? The first to capture the Vision should be the leader.The Vision is for every member of the church.

    ! How do we develop it? By making use of the infrastructure which already exists withinthe church: Cells, Encounters, School of Leaders, and Teams of 12.

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    Jubilee Christian Center School Of Leaders - 2

    5. The Vision of the 12

    ! Everyone is a potential leader.

    ! Everyone can disciple 12 others.


    Everyone is ministered to and ministers.

    ! Everyone wins souls and raises leaders.

    ! Cells open rapidly through homogenous groups.

    ! Your 12 are your assistants.

    6. The Model of the 12

    ! Based on the examples of the Lord Jesus on His discipleship of 12.

    ! Is about relationships: within the church as well as with unbelievers.

    ! Selects those that bear fruit so that more fruit can be grown and harvested.

    ! Strengthens the pastorate when all participate in the shepherding and caring.

    7. The Model of the 12 was implemented

    ! To administrate within a church more efficiently through cells.

    ! To restore the biblical principle of true discipleship.

    ! To reconcile leadership development and ongoing soul winning.

    ! Select those that bear fruit so that more fruit can be seen and grow.

    ! To develop everyone as a soul-winner.

    ! To develop the work of cells in a homogenous manner: men, women, youth, singles, andfamilies.

    8. The Ladder of Success

    ! Win begins when one receives Christ

    ! Consolidate as we follow up with a new believer and bring them into the church family

    ! Disciple as the new believer is grounded in their faith through the School of Leaders

    ! Send After attending the School of Leaders, one is sent to open a new cell.


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    Lesson 2

    Cells For Growth1. Objective

    To understand the importance of Cell Groups and the foundation they lay within Jubilee.

    2. Goals

    ! To understand the biblical foundation of cells.

    ! To be able to explain the Ladder of Success within the Vision.

    ! To be able to explain the part Life Groups play within the Vision of Jubilee.

    3. Biblical Foundation - Matthew 9:35-38

    4. Gods strategy for church growth

    The early church was founded in the homes of the first believers. It was Gods strategy for thechurch. In this way there was not only numerical growth, but also spiritual growth in the church (1

    Cor. 16:19).

    A. Is it an effective way of serving God in the Church. Everyone in the church has the opportunity

    to reach out to the lost and help edify and disciple them within the cell and church.

    B. It brings true growth. The Early Church grew both numerically and spiritually. In this growththe following four things were accomplished:

    ! Evangelism (WIN) - Acts 5:42, 20:20

    ! Consolidation (CONSOLIDATE) - Acts 9:32-35

    ! Edification (DISCIPLE) - Act 2:42

    ! Commissioning (SEND) - Acts 6:3

    C. It is the best way to provide for the needs of the people - Acts 2:44ff.

    D. It is Jesus' strategy - Christ always dedicated Himself to a group of people, His disciples, He

    evangelized them, consolidated them, built them up and commissioned them - Luke 6:13.

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    Lesson 3

    Personal PreparationTo Run A Cell

    1. Objective

    For the student to understand the necessity of preparation to become a cell leader and the areas in

    which this preparation should be carried out.

    2. Goals

    ! To be able to describe what it means to prepare oneself and its importance for a leader.

    ! To be able to explain the areas in which he/she should prepare himself/herself.

    3. Biblical Foundation

    Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of truth 2 Timothy 2:15

    And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men. Luke 2:52

    4. What it means to prepare oneself

    A. Spiritually

    ! Consecration: means to be separated, or dedicated.


    Communion with God. In the Old Testament the Hebrew word sodwas used which signifiesfriendship or intimate knowledge. In the New Testament the word koinonia is used whichmeans to have communion, fellowship.

    ! Servant attitude: Attitude is the external manifestation of what is in the mind.

    ! Participation in the events that edify you and minister into your life.


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    Jubilee Christian Center School Of Leaders - 2

    B. Intellectually

    ! Self-training: cultivate excellent reading habits. Be prepared to constantly be learningConsistent study and reading programs.

    ! Join courses for spiritual preparation (School of Leaders, Bible Institute).

    C. Emotionally

    ! For God to transform your own self-esteem and your self-image.

    ! To constantly examine your emotions to allow God to continue forming the character ofChrist in you.

    ! To put to one side your emotions until the Lord wishes to deal with them

    ! To eliminate and avoid bitterness and resentment.

    D. Physically

    ! To periodically check your physical state

    ! To undergo continuous medical check-ups.

    ! To take care what you eat.

    ! To maintain healthy exercise program.

    ! Take rest and recreation.

    E. Socially

    ! Maintain good personal relationships

    ! Cultivate friendships that are edifying as taught in the Word of God.

    5. Assignment

    From 1 to 5, rate your personal preparation to run a Cell


    1. Spiritual

    2. Intellectual

    3. Emotional

    4. Physical

    5. Social

    Pick one of the areas above that you need the most growth in and prepare a plan to help establish a

    discipline and build yourself up to be ready to lead a cell.


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    Lesson 4

    The Structure Of A Cell1. Objective

    To understand what is the effective way to start a Cell and the structure of the same.

    2. Goals

    ! To be able to give a definition of a cell.

    ! To explain the general structure of a cell.

    ! To explain the errors which should be avoided in a cell.

    3. Biblical Foundation

    And daily in the temple, and in every house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the

    Christ.Acts 5:42

    4. What is a cell?A. House or small meetings where evangelism, consolidation, edification and commissioning take


    B. The newcomer is the center of attention

    C. It is the bridge between the people and the church.

    5. General structure of a cell meeting

    A. Praise & Worship (10 minutes).

    B. Introduction (10 minutes).

    A good introduction will greatly increase interest in the meeting. So you should be very careful

    in the way you greet people and begin the cell meeting. It's a good idea to briefly go over the

    previous subject. It is necessary to break the ice and ensure that people enjoy participating in the


    C. Development of the Subject (30 minutes).


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    Teaching of the subject. Preaching the message of God to those present with boldness and


    D. Application (5 minutes).

    At this point take the people to something practical where they can apply the talk to theireveryday lives.

    E. Final Activities (5 minutes).

    Pray for the needs of people and disperse the meeting. You can also make a note of those that

    attended and introduce yourself directly to any newcomers, showing a personal interest in them.

    6. Mistakes to be avoided in a cell

    A. Allowing an unauthorized person to lead the meeting

    B. Ministering deliverance (unless absolutely necessary and done with discernment)

    C. The laying on of hands

    D. Allowing other people take over the word and the leader loses control of the meeting

    E. Continuing beyond the stipulated time (of one hour)

    F. Getting into arguments or discussions.

    G. Excluding the newcomer (from the praise, dance, chat)

    H. To keep on changing houses where the meeting is held.

    7. Assignment

    Begin making plans and preparations to start your cell group in the near future by:

    A. Implement the prayer for three.

    B. Assist in the consolidation of your present cell group.

    C. Decide who will start the new with you.

    D. Praying for a fruitful start

    E. Discuss and come into agreement with your leader.


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    Jubilee Christian Center School Of Leaders - 2

    Lesson 5

    Methodology For A Cell

    1. Objective

    For the student to acquire the ability to Win, Retain and Edify people in their cells.

    2. Goals

    ! To explain the effective way to evangelize in the Cell.

    ! To explain the effective way to keep those persons who have been evangelized.

    ! To explain the effective way to build up the people in the Cell.

    3. Biblical Foundation

    Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by

    which we must be saved." Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that

    they were uneducated and untrained men, they marvelled. And they realised that they had been withJesus. And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them, they could say nothing against

    it. But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among

    themselves, saying, "What shall we do to these men? For, indeed, that a notable miracle has been

    done through them is evident to all who dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it Acts 4:12-16

    4. How to win - Evangelism: John 4 has a good example of Evangelism Strategy.

    A. He broke the ice (v 7).

    B. Christ did not deviate from His message, despite the objections (vs. 9 & 10). Make a list of themost common objections.

    C. Go to the needs of the people in order to meet them through Christ (v 10)

    D. Create an expectant atmosphere (vs. 10-15)

    E. Speak about Christ (vs.25 & 26)

    F. Lead the person to accept Christ; it's a voluntary surrender.


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    5. How to retain - Consolidation:

    A. Call the members of the cell, even more so, the newcomer

    B. Visit them.

    C. Be concerned about the needs of your disciples. Pray for them.

    D. Motivate your people to attend the cell meetings and to go to church.

    6. How to edify - Discipleship:

    A. Teach about the fundamental issues (salvation, repentance, etc.)

    B. Give your disciples tools to help defend themselves in their Christian walk.

    C. Guide them in everything.

    D. Make time to listen to them.

    E. Love your disciples; become their friend.

    F. Give them your best.

    G. Encourage them to put into practice the things you've taught them.


    Write about someone that you have won to the Lord (how did you win him/her?), follow up with

    (how did you retain him/her?) and edified (how did you edify him/her?) according to what you have

    learned in the lesson.

    What are you going to do in your cells to put into practice the lessons youve been taught?


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    Jubilee Christian Center School Of Leaders - 2

    Lesson 6

    Strategies For Success1. Objective

    To learn the strategy for a successful cell

    2. Goals

    ! To explain the biblical basis of the strategies for success.

    ! To define a strategy for the cell leader to implement in the cell.

    3. Biblical Foundation

    ! Joshua 1:1-9 and Joshua 6:1-5

    4. What is a strategy?

    The student must investigate what a strategy consists of, what it is to have strategic thinking and how

    it relates within the work of the cell. This is linked to planning of work and necessary activities in

    order to achieve a goal.

    A. Seek God's strategy

    ! Have the desire for a strategy from God.

    ! Pray.

    ! Read the Word.

    ! Meditate very much on everything read.

    B. Closely look into all the sources of the strategy

    Be very well informed about the conditions in which the strategy is going to be implemented andthe resources that are available. Surround yourself with key people.

    This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that

    you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous,

    and then you will have good success Joshua 1:8


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    C. Communicate the strategy and get the people involved

    You must have very good communication skills so that the vision and the goals don't lose their

    original force. Motivation is important, together with knowledge of the work to be accomplished

    and of the expected results.

    (Joshua 1:10-18, Joshua 6:6-8)

    D. Plan its development

    Nothing should be left to chance, even the smallest detail should be considered, so that the

    achievement of the goal is not hindered.

    E. Begin: using the necessary resources for the strategy

    Have the courage to embark on this venture, confident in God's backing and being ready to learn

    from everything that happens when you implement it.

    (Joshua 6:12-20)


    According to what you have seen in the lesson, and following each step, write a strategy that youwould like to employ when you open your Cell. Take into consideration:

    A. Have you prayed and sought God for His thoughts and plans of the Holy Spirit?

    B. Where will the cell open up?

    C. Who will be in the first cell meeting?

    D. What means of reaching out will you use to invite new cell members?

    E. Have you taken into consideration the necessary spiritual warfare required to be fruitful?


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    Lesson 7

    Motivation For Growth1. Objective

    To understand the importance of motivation within the work of the ministry.

    2. Goals

    ! To define what motivation is.

    ! To describe the strategy used by Nehemiah to motivate people to reconstruct the walls.

    3. Biblical Foundation

    ! Then I said to them, "You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gatesare burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a

    reproach." Nehemiah 2:17

    ! Nehemiah 3:1-32

    4. Demonstrate the situation and the solution (v 17)

    You see the distress

    What is the state of the church in America and the Bay Area?

    5. Formation of the team: involving them in the situation (v 17)

    Come and let us build..

    Who is the leadership team that God wants to build in your life?

    6. Get to know and imagine the future benefits (v 17)

    " and let us no longer remain in disgrace"

    What will your Cell group and Group of 12 look like in the coming years?


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    7. Commence the work with courage Neh. 3:1-32

    (Review the organization and rebuilding of the wall)

    8. Share a rhema word from God (vs. 18).

    And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the kings words

    that he had spoken to me Neh. 2:18


    Write a one-page paper on the reasons why you have been de-motivated in the past and how you havemanaged to motivate yourself once again.


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    Jubilee Christian Center School Of Leaders - 2

    Lesson 8

    Resolving Problems In A Cell

    1. Objective

    To acquire the skill to resolve problems which will arise in the ministry.

    2. Goals! To explain how to resolve a problem.

    ! To explain in a practical manner how the leader would resolve a specific problem.

    3. Biblical Foundation

    ! James 1:5 & Joshua 7

    ! If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach,and it will be given to him. James 1:5

    4. General Guidelines For Resolving A Problem - Joshua 7

    A. Intercession: Seek God's guidance and let Him reveal His strategies

    B. Revelation : God reveals something specific which we should do regarding the problem,

    C. Obedience: Put into practice what God has shown us

    D. Result: The glory of God in the problem

    E. Consult the Leaders: They will provide guidance, they will assist in solving the problem.

    5. Example of problems often found

    A. The cell is not growing in number

    B. Visitors are not coming

    C. Visitors are not coming back


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    D. Teaching is to long

    E. Lack of commitment

    F. The cell doesnt start on time

    G. The teacher is not prepared

    H. Demonic manifestation

    I. Personal issues overtake the cell vision

    J. Personal in the member(s) lives.

    K. The Cell heads in a different direction from the vision; i.e. a prophetic conference, deliveranceministry.

    L. One members tries to control the cell and does all the talking.

    Other examples:

    M. _________________________________________

    N. _________________________________________

    O. _________________________________________

    6. Conclusion

    ! The key is for you to understand that there is no problem too big for God and that if you will lookfor His direction you will be able to resolve any conflict.

    ! It is important that you understand that a problem does not bring discouragement, on the contrary,it allows maturity and new strength to develop.

    7. Assignment

    Write a one-page paper on what your attitude is when confronted with a difficult problem in your life.Give an example.


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    Jubilee Christian Center School Of Leaders - 2

    Lesson 9

    Choosing A Leadership Team

    1. Objective

    To understand which the guidelines Jesus followed when He chose his team of twelve.

    2. Goals! To explain the importance of working as a team.

    ! To explain the guidelines for choosing a Leadership team.

    3. Biblical Foundation

    Now it came to pass in those days the He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night

    in prayer to God. And when it was day, he called His disciples to Him; and from them He chose

    twelve whom He also named apostles. Luke 6:12-13

    4. Guidelines for choosing the team

    A. Prayer- Jesus spent all night in prayer. God alone knows a person's heart.

    B. He chose a faithful men

    And as He walked by the Sea of Galilee, He saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea;for they were fishermen. Then Jesus said to them, "Come after Me, and I will make you become fishers of

    men." And immediately they left their nets and followed Him Mark 1:16-18

    C. He chose people with a desire to serve God

    The disciples always wanted to know more about the Master and, above all, their love for Godmade them follow Jesus. John 1:35 - 42

    D. He chose men who could be molded


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    They need to be people who will let God deal with them and through whom God can do

    marvelous things. We are clay in the hands of God and He can do great things if we allow Him to.

    Nathanael said to Him, "How do You know me?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Before Philip called

    you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you." Nathanael answered and said to Him, "Rabbi, You are

    the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!" Jesus answered and said to him, "Because I said to you, 'I

    saw you under the fig tree,' do you believe? You will see greater things than these." John 1:48-50

    E. He tested them

    This means that through the difficult situations one can get to know what is in the heart of the

    disciples. (It's nothing to do with putting anyone down).


    Begin praying for a leadership team and the character requirements for each of them. Pray to understandwhat molding and proving they need in order for their growth to be continued.


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    Jubilee Christian Center School Of Leaders - 2

    Lesson 10Relationship BetweenLeaders & Disciples

    1. Objective

    To understand the basic principles of maintaining good relationships within a Leadership Team.

    2. Goals

    ! To explain each of the principles of maintaining good relationships in a Leadership Team.

    3. Intercession for the team pay the price in prayer

    Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray

    for you; but I will teach you the good and the right way. 1 Samuel 12:23

    4. Meet their needs

    Then the apostles gathered to Jesus and told Him all things, both what they had done and what they had

    taught. 31 And He said to them, "Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while." For there weremany coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. 32 So they departed to a deserted place in the

    boat by themselves. Mark 6:30-32

    5. Enjoy a friendly relationship

    Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour had come that He should depart from

    this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. John 13:1

    6. Delegate

    If the Leader does not delegate responsibilities, they will be constantly bogged down in details of

    secondary importance that can bring them down and stop them from functioning in their primary



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    A. Why do some leaders fail to delegate?

    ! They believe the disciples won't be able to deal with the task

    ! They are afraid that the disciples will compete with them

    ! They are afraid to lose their acknowledgement

    ! They are afraid that their weaknesses will be exposed

    ! They believe that they will not have enough time to give work to someone and provide thenecessary preparation

    B. How to delegate?

    ! Choose the work that you are about to delegate and organize it so that you can transfer it

    ! Choose a suitable person for the job

    ! Prepare and motivate the person to whom you are going to pass on the work

    ! Hand over the task and ensure that the person knows exactly what to do

    ! Encourage independence

    ! Maintain supervision and control. Never let go of the reins.

    7. Be an example in everything

    They will be a reflection of you. Example is the best sermon.

    For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. John 13:15

    8. Ministry and doctrine

    Teach them to study God's Word establishing a discipline of daily study.

    Coming out, He went to the Mount of Olives, as He was accustomed, and His disciples also

    followed Him. When He came to the place, He said to them, "Pray that you may not enter into

    temptation." Luke 22:39-40

    AssignmentWrite down what you believe you relationship is with your current disciples you are leading.


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