skateboarding in san diego by douglas and nicolas begin adventure

Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

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Post on 31-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

Skateboarding in San Diego

By Douglas and Nicolas

Begin Adventure

Page 2: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

One sunny day a young 5 year old boy named Robby Riper looked out his window and sees a skateboarder doing cool tricks. After that day Robby knew he wanted to be a skateboarder.

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Page 3: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

“Oh where is he ?” you said. “Do you work here,” you asked an employee. She replied ,”yes,” in a calm voice. “Um, have you seen a boy with a type of mahogany color hair, purple t-shirt, and is about my size.” “Oh yes, I saw him this morning, then without paying he ran out in a rush saying something about a skate arena.” “Okay that’s all , bye .” One more thing remind that boy to pay the money, please.” You run back to the stadium but you were to late, the competition started 20 minutes ago.

The end

Start Over

Page 4: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

Heart Broken you leave and go to the hotel, pack up, and get a plane ticket back to Oregon. On the ride home you remember to never skateboard in the sewers again.

The end

Start Over

Page 5: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

As you made your way back to your room Mario came in and wished you good luck. You replied I don’t need luck I have skill and talent. You and Mario kept talking about strategy. Your performance was fantastic you did two 360° flip and a 720° spin. In the end you won! The crowd went wild and your mom gave you a big hug.

The End

Start Over

Page 6: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

When you arrive at the arena you enter but it’s empty. You then rush to a TV. and you see that Douglas has won. After this you ride a bus to the hotel and pack your bags. Then you fly on a airplane thinking of what could have been.

The end

Start Over

Page 7: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

“Ah that was a good treat, time to get back to the stadium ,” says Mario Piper. He enters and talks to Ruby. “Where were you, you rascal ?”says Ruby ,” my boy has been looking for you all over San Diego!” “Oh no.”

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Page 8: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You decided not to go and after your stuff was loaded into your sweet [# 26 on the forth floor with a hot tub] a message came. Saying that Douglas was unable to attend the championships due to his private air plane that had to be fixed. You were less nervous. “Honey that sweet boy Mario called and said he’s coming , ” said Ruby. Turn to page 24

Page 9: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

After that you decide it’s time to go to the hotel for bed. You try to exit but people are blocking the doorway. You push aside the people and exit. You realize it’s hard walking to the hotel because you were playing dance dance revolution. While your walking flies fly around you because the soda you drank was sugary.

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Page 10: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You chose to eat at the hotel and you have breakfast. Then Douglas came and said “ You look tired want some juice?” You take the glass and walk away. On the ride to the arena you have some juice. When you arrive at the competition you feel dizzy and faint.

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Page 11: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You say “yeah I’ll go” and get into the van. There are a lot of people at the party but your rivals are nowhere to be seen. But you then see a wii and instantly start playing it. At the party there are lots of people you don’t know but there are lots of other cool things here so you look around.

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Page 12: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

Outside you hail a cab and tell him to go to the skating arena. Before the cabbie goes he says “ Your lucky cause I was about to stop.” Not knowing what he meant but you tell him to hurry up. The drive there was very hectic.

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Page 13: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You like playing the wii. Your rivals are Douglas and Nicolas. Both a millions of fans. You are competing in a skateboard contest ten days from now. The competition will be held in San Diego, CA. You get there by tour bus when a van shows up. The driver asks “ Were going to a party want to come?”

If you go turn to page 22

If you stay turn to page 9

Page 14: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

Mice then follow you because you wreak of cheese from the cheese pizza. Once you get to the hotel you check in feeling like you could sleep on the floor. Once you get to your room you see it’s 1:00 a.m. and the competition is at 6:00 a.m. So you go to bed.

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Page 15: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

If you chose yes…

“Oh, don’t forget your security guards so you can’t get lost,” says Ruby. “I will mom,” you reply. You looked first in the most irresistible place for Mario, See’s Candy. As suspected you found him there gobbling up boxes of chocolate. You tell him ,”out of all the time in the world you choose this time to eat candy.” He replies ,” yah.” “ Let’s go,” you said in a tired voice.

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Page 16: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

Your nickname is shredder because you shred the pavement with your skateboard. Your parents own a skateboard company. You have a gerbil named squeaky. You have a best friend named Mario Piper. Mario also thinks you’re a great skateboarder.

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Page 17: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

For the last few days you have been practicing so hard that you were practicing in your sleep! The next morning, when you walked out your sweet, fans and paparazzi came running after you. You got so tired of all the fans you called security, and everyone left.

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Page 18: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You try to call a bus but there out too. Then you realize you can skateboard to the tournament. You start skateboarding but you fall into the sewers. But then you realize that you can skate through the sewers And look for the stadium. You skate until you realize you should head up.

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Page 19: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

Next thing you know your in the hospital. The doctors tell you that the orange juice contained sleeping pills so you fell asleep. You ask the doctors to leave the hospital. They say that you can leave.

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Page 20: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

In the morning you are hungry but the competition is in two hours. Do you eat at the hotel or eat out?

If you eat at the hotel turn to page 21

If you eat out turn to page 28

Page 21: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You chose no, Mario gets lost in San Diego. One day later ,” I’m lost,” says Mario ,” hey look over there it’s a See’s Candy, yum. Today was the day of the championships. You ask mom , ” where is Mario now!” “ I don’t Know sweet-heart,” replies mom. “I’m going to look for him.” Ruby says ,” Get back before the championships.

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Page 22: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You chose to eat out on the way there. So you get in a cab and ask him to go to Denny’s. When you get in the cab the cabbie says “ Your lucky because I was about to stop.” Ignoring him you tell him to hurry up and go. After you eat you try to hail a cab but you realize it’s Veterans day!

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Page 23: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You think of different ways to find the stadium. While your thinking you see a helicopter giving tours of the city. You pay the pilot $20 dollars for a tour. While your flying you see the stadium and ask him to land but he says the tour is over.

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Page 24: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You see a soda fountain and decide to have a sip of it. Then you see a vending machine and go towards it. When you get there you see that all the buttons are toppings. You then realize it’s a pizza machine and order a cheese pizza. After that you see a dance dance revolution game and start dancing the night away.

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Page 25: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

You are driven to the stadium where the competition will take place. “ We are here sir,” says your driver. You check your rivals and make a plan to win! You check materials and fans. You greet everyone and sign autographs but almost got trampled by fans.

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Page 26: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

10 years later, You are Robby Riper a 15 year old teen. You are now a professional skateboarder who lives in Oregon. You have blue eyes, peachy tan skin, and dirty blond hair. Your mother is Ruby Riper.

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Page 27: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

After you land you rush to the stadium. Once you get there you see a janitor cleaning. You ask him “ Why are you cleaning?” But the janitor replies “ There was a competition here for skateboarding apparently.” The janitor tells you that at the competition a person named “ Nicolas” Won the tournament.

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Page 28: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

Three days have passed, you go to your kitchen for breakfast. You find your mom cooking eggs and ham for breakfast. You ask ,” Where is Mario?” Mom replies,” he went to the park.” ”You ask mom,” May I go and find him.”

If mom says yes turn to page 18

If mom says no turn to page 20

Page 29: Skateboarding in San Diego By Douglas and Nicolas Begin Adventure

“Mario, Mario, Mario !” says Robby,” Where are you?” You keep searching in the park in hope to find Mario. Until you have an idea, you remember Mario’s favorite place to go, See’s Candy. You run as fast as you can to the nearest See’s Candy or else you would be late for the championships. Meanwhile…

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