sj consulting partners bi-monthly newsletter ......this is bi-monthly newsletter by sj consulting...

SJ CONSULTING PARTNERS BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Issue 1 SJ Consulting Partners Bi-Monthly Newsletter TEL: 832-844-0064/832-497-7595 E-MAIL: [email protected] NOV-DEC 2016 Health Care Fraud This issue will focus on Health Care Fraud, which remains a key priority by federal authorities. Twenty years ago, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) established a national Health Care Fraud and Abuse Control Program under the joint direction of the Attorney General and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), to coordinate federal, state and local law enforcement activities relating to health care fraud and abuse. Since then, the relentless focus on fraud detection, deterrence and enforcement continues to yield significant result. In a continuing effort to stem health care fraud, the Medicare Fraud Strike Force operations, part of the Health Care Fraud Prevention & Enforcement Action Team (HEAT), a joint initiative between the Department of Justice and HHS to focus their efforts to prevent and deter fraud and enforce current anti-fraud laws around the country.

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Page 1: SJ CONSULTING PARTNERS BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ......This is bi-monthly newsletter by SJ Consulting Partners publishes information, incisive analysis, and tips that may be of practical


SJ Consulting

Partners Bi-Monthly Newsletter


TEL:832-844-0064/832-497-7595E-MAIL:[email protected] NOV-DEC2016

HealthCareFraudThis issue will focus on Health Care Fraud, whichremainsakeyprioritybyfederalauthorities.Twentyyears ago, the Health Insurance Portability andAccountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) established anational Health Care Fraud and Abuse ControlProgram under the joint direction of the AttorneyGeneral and the Secretary of the Department ofHealth and Human Services (HHS), to coordinatefederal, state and local law enforcement activitiesrelatingtohealthcarefraudandabuse.

Since then, the relentless focus on fraud detection,deterrence and enforcement continues to yieldsignificant result. In a continuing effort to stemhealth care fraud, the Medicare Fraud Strike Forceoperations,partoftheHealthCareFraudPrevention&EnforcementActionTeam(HEAT),ajointinitiativebetweentheDepartmentofJusticeandHHStofocustheir efforts to prevent anddeter fraud andenforcecurrentanti-fraudlawsaroundthecountry.

Page 2: SJ CONSULTING PARTNERS BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ......This is bi-monthly newsletter by SJ Consulting Partners publishes information, incisive analysis, and tips that may be of practical


SinceitsinceptioninMarch2007,theMedicareFraudStrikeForcehaschargedover2,900defendantswhocollectivelyhavefalselybilledtheMedicareprogramforover$8.9billion;1,781pleadedguilty,243otherswere convicted in jury trials, and 1,477 weresentencedtoimprisonment.

Some of those charges garnered media attention.E.g. inJune2016, theDepart.of Justice reportedanunprecedented nationwide sweep by the MedicareFraudStrikeForce in36federaldistricts, resulting in

charges against 301 persons, including 61 doctors,nurses and other licensedmedical professionals, fortheir alleged participation in health care fraudschemesofapprox.$900millioninfalsebillings.


Prosecutors rely primarily on the federal lawsgoverningMedicarefraud,suchas:

• theFalseClaimsAct(FCA);• theAnti-KickbackStatute(AKS);• and the Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark



The FCA protects the Federal Government frombeing overcharged or sold substandard goods orservices.TheFCAimposescivilliabilityonanypersonwho knowingly submits, or causes the submissionof, a false or fraudulent claim to the FederalGovernment.The terms “knowing” and “knowingly”mean a person has actual knowledge of theinformation or acts in deliberate ignorance orreckless disregard of the truth or falsity of theinformation related to the claim. An example isknowinglysubmittingclaimstoMedicareformedical

servicesnotprovided.CivilpenaltiesforviolationsoftheFCAfromNov.2,2015mayincludefinesofupto3 times the amount of damages plus up to $21,563per falseclaimfiled. Criminalpenaltiesmay includefines,imprisonment,orboth.


TheAKSmakesitacrimetoknowinglyandwillfullyoffer, pay, solicit, or receive any remunerationdirectlyor indirectly to induceor reward referralsofitems or services reimbursable by a Federal healthcareprogram.Whereaprovideroffers,pays,solicits,or receives unlawful remuneration, the providerviolatestheAKS.

Remuneration includes anything of value, such ascash,freerent,expensivehotelstaysandmeals.

Anarrangementthatsatisfiescertainregulatorysafeharborsmay not violate the AKS. Civil penalties forviolating the AKS may include penalties of up to$50,000perkickbackplusthreetimestheamountof

Page 3: SJ CONSULTING PARTNERS BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ......This is bi-monthly newsletter by SJ Consulting Partners publishes information, incisive analysis, and tips that may be of practical


kickback. Criminal penalties for violating the AKSmayincludefines,imprisonment,orboth.


The Stark Law prohibits a physician frommaking areferralforcertaindesignatedhealthservicespayableby Medicare or Medicaid to an entity in which thephysician (or an immediate family member) has anownership/investment interest or with which he orshe has a compensation arrangement, unless anexceptionapplies.

Submitting a claim that a provider knew or shouldhaveknownwasfalseconstitutesaviolation.


• Billingforservicesthatwerenotrendered• Billingforservicesthatwerenotmedically

necessary• Billingforservicesperformedbyan


• BillingforservicesperformedbyanemployeeexcludedfromparticipationinFederalhealthcareprograms

• Billingforservicesofsuchlowqualitythattheyarevirtuallyworthless


To obtain a conviction for violating the health carefraud statute, the government must prove that thedefendant

• knowingly and willfully executed [attemptedtoexecute] a schemeor artifice todefraudahealthcarebenefitprogram;

• actedwithspecific intent todefraudahealthcarebenefitprogram;

• used false or fraudulent pretenses,representations and promises which werematerial;and

• the operation of the health care benefitprogramaffectedinterstatecommerce


Most of the cases in Texas involved conspiracy tocommit health care fraud, and conspiracy to violatethe anti-kickback statute, while some includedmaking false statements, identity theft, payment orreceiptofkickbacks,andmoneylaundering.


Health care fraud is punishable by imprisonment ofnotmorethan10yearsandafineofuptoaquarter-million dollars for an individual or a half-milliondollars for an organization. If the fraud results inserious bodily injury the penalty increases to notmore than twenty years. And if the fraud results indeath,thepenaltyincreasestolifeimprisonment.


With the aggressive prosecution of fraud claims, itbecomes critical to watch out for red flags, ensurethat your staff is fully training and your operationsare in compliance with the law. Compliance is notmerely a matter of maintaining your license tooperate;italsohasreputationalimplications.


SJ Consulting Partners has experiencedconsultants that can assist with your health carecomplianceneeds.

Contact us by e-mail [email protected] or by phone at832-844-0054or832-497-7595.

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Page 4: SJ CONSULTING PARTNERS BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER ......This is bi-monthly newsletter by SJ Consulting Partners publishes information, incisive analysis, and tips that may be of practical


AboutThisNewsletterThis is bi-monthly newsletter by SJ Consulting Partners publishes information, incisive analysis, and tips that may be of practical help to the general public. This issue is on healthcare fraud but future issues will address other areas of interest. Please note that the materials, analysis and opinion in this newsletter are for informational purposes only and do not create any relationship with SJ Consulting Partners. For confidential consultation, please contact our office at 832-844-0064 or by e-mail at [email protected]. You may subscribe to future issues of this newsletter through our website ( or by sending us an e-mail at [email protected]. Our mailing address is P.O. Box 840092, Houston, Texas 77284. We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.