six enemies of the soul

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  • 7/22/2019 Six Enemies of the Soul


    Evening Talk, Shri Krishna Puja Seminar. Schwarzsee (Switzerland), 23 August 1986.

    So we have decided, we have decided to have the puja after our dinner because Shri Krishna was

    born in the night, about twelve oclock while I was born twelve oclock in the daytime, same with

    Shri Rama. And also Christ was born twelve oclock in the night.

    Ive told you that today Im going to tell you about Gita. That is the second part of Krishnas life.

    So different and varied that some people, intellectuals as usual, say that the Krishna who played as a

    child in Gokul was different from the Krishna who was the king of Dwarika.

    So when He became the king of Dwarika there was a war between Pandavas and Kauravas, one

    representing the good people, another representing the bad people. So they came to ask Him if He

    would join on their side. So He said, Ive got My army and I Myself, so whichever you choose you

    can have. So Kauravas said, Well have your army, but Pandavas said, Well have you. And

    that is how the war started and in the war His greatest disciple was one of the Pandavas called

    Arjuna. And Arjuna asked Him to fight for him. He said, I will not take any weapon in my hand

    but I will be your charioteer and drive your chariot.

    And when He was driving the chariot it so happened that Krishna saw Arjunas depression. And

    Arjuna said, What is this war? Why should I fight? Im fighting my own gurus, those who have

    taught me all the vidyas of the battleship, battle, and also the vidya of archery and Im fighting my

    own cousins. So Shri Krishna said that, Theyre already killed, they dont exist, theyre already

    dead people, because theyre not realized souls, Ive already killed them. So you have to just play

    this drama of killing them.

    So the foremost contradiction that people present about Gita is that those who read Gita should be

    vegetarian. Krishna told, Shri Krishna told Arjuna that, You kill them. Human beings, his own

    relations, his own cousins who were bad people. What about chickens and goats? But all those who

    start reading Gita in India give up all meat eating and take to vegetarianism, or they fast. So how

    contradictory these things are. So He never preached vegetarianism, at least in Gita. And He asked

    Arjuna to kill.

    In the modern times there is a war going on between the evil force and the good. You dont have to

    kill them; even if you give them bandhan theyre already dead, theyre not realized souls, theyll be

    all neutralized. But you have to kill them in the sense youve to kill your connections with them.

    Like I see many people who come to Sahaja Yoga, But my mother is not yet a Sahaja Yogini, so

    she troubles me, how can I do Sahaja Yoga? For anything else theyll fight the mother but not forthis. Kill your attachments and your relations. Thats what He said, if in case they are troubling

    you in your ascent. This is the message of Gita to begin with. But on the contrary Ive seen there are

    people in Sahaja Yoga who once they get married want to get out of Sahaja Yoga, take out their

    husbands or take out their wives or want to live away and want to be non-collective.

    So you have to kill. There are [Sanskrit word], there are six enemies human beings have but in the

    modern times they have multiplied, I think. The first one is the lust. Kill your lust. The lust that is

    today finishing the West more than the greed. So first is to kill your lust.

    Then kill your anger. There are certain people who have a built-in response that as soon as they see

    somebody they get into anger. If a white man sees a black man he gets into an anger, a black mansees a white man he gets into anger, surprising. I mean, God has made all kinds of things; the life

    would be boring if you all have the same parched skins, all of you looking the same. So he has

  • 7/22/2019 Six Enemies of the Soul


    made different types of beautiful people. But this anger can come from any source. This is what it is

    when you kill anger, actually you kill all your connections with the past, the responses, the

    conditionings you have had.

    Then the vanity that people have; I find it much more when I go to places where people call

    themselves bureaucrats or theyre in charge, like matrons telling people what to do, Do this, dothat, do that. This is the Krishnas finger, using Krishnas finger on others. The vanity, the vanity

    that you are perfect, you are perfect, Nothing wrong with me. You are the best people, English

    think theyre the best, Germans think theyre the best, Italians think theyre the best, or, say, the

    best of all are the Switzerland, Swiss people. This vanity, this forge, has to be cut up. What have

    you achieved by being a certain nation, let us see. What have you contributed, belonging to a certain

    country. Those who only belong to the Kingdom of God have achieved something. The rest of them

    are useless people, just finding some way to fight each other, to denounce others and vanity is just

    like a balloon. If somebody just puts a pin into it the whole balloon will collapse.

    Now the worst of all is jealousy, and that is among Indians, Indians are very big jealous pots.

    Specially the Indians who are again in the government and the politics but otherwise also there arejealousies. Theyll always complain about the other people and will be jealous. And also in the

    West people are quite jealous, I must say. Theyre jealous of things which is most surprising. One

    day I was going in the car and one gentleman was very furious for nothing. So the another one tells

    Me, Theyre jealous because youre sitting in a Mercedes car. I said, But its not Mine, thats

    My husbands,you see. What is there to be jealous because Im sitting in a Mercedes car. I mean,

    this is being a very stupid, nonsensical thing but still I cant believe you can be jealous of somebody

    because he has a Mercedes car, what does it matter? To Me, its a foreign idea absolutely, I cant

    understand. But there are stupid and stupid things like that. I can only understand one jealousy, that

    is between husband and wife, little bit.

    Then the fifth thing that He asked us to kill is the attachment, very importan t, This is my child, this

    is my This is Indian also, more Indian, This is my cousin, this is my brother, this is my fianc,

    this is my wife. Also in the West, the other way round is that they do not care for their children.

    They do not care for their mothers, they do not care for their fathers. They do not care for anyone

    whatsoever, but for themselves.

    That comes from the last one, is called as the greed. Now when you have greed, you dont care for

    anybody, you just want to have everything, from another person. You want to grab another person

    of everything. Whatever another person has, you want to have it. But when you dont want to have

    it everybody wants to give you it, thats My case. Im very afraid to say even that, This is nice,

    because immediately tomorrow Ill find it in My house.

    So this greed is the one which has done such a harm to the whole world. People have gone into

    great dominations on other countries, for what? For these diamonds and nonsensical things like

    that? They have ruined their own lives, the progenies of the progenies theyve ruined. All their

    cunning they have used to ruin so many nations just to put them one against another, creating

    problems, doing all kinds of intrique. Just for what? For greed which is absolutely like cancer,

    doesnt allow anybody else to exist. And then you start eating yourself out. Its a disease, I think,

    greed. And with that goes the miserliness; people become miserly. Then where does this greed end

    up. After all the money that accumulates or things that accumulate in your house, what happens to

    them? You want to use them. Whats the matter with this one? Try to be, not to be, Ive told,

    otherwise Ill ask you to go out, all right? Concentrate.

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    So what happens to the people who are greedy? They become miserly, they cant enjoy life, they

    cannot spend money because the greatest joy is in giving things to others, no doubt about it. And

    they cannot give any joy to anyone, they cannot create anything for the future progeny to see. So

    what happens to them? Their children when they come in they become wastrel, waste. They waste

    all of them, they lead a wasteful life, they get into wrong things, and ruin themselves. So their

    children who are born become miserly. So the vicious circle starts moving. He has said, Kill all ofthem, these are your six enemies.

    Now the contradiction, again people use, about Shri Krishna, in so many other ways that it is

    surprising that not only Christ, not only Mohamad Sahib, not only Lao Tze, not only Shri Rama but

    even Krishna was misused by His followers. Hes the one who is datast, the one, datast means

    who stands on the banks of the attention and sees everything, who watches everything, hes the one

    who is the witness. He described, Sakshi rupena samsthita, he becomes a sakshi, a witness. Thats

    what He has said, its a play, its a play. But in the name of Krishna you find all kinds of absurd

    things people do. They make dramas, they become Krishnas, they become , they make people,

    befool them, make money out of it or they sell books on the street. Like if you go to Southall youll

    find so many Westerners wearing funny dresses going round asking for alms from Indians andIndians say, Oh look at that, these beggars, see they have come to get some, let us give them some


    So the contradiction of Krishnas life is such a miserable thing, is such a absurd thing that it hurts

    Me to see how such a great incarnation who was misused in this world by human beings. If there

    was anything lacking in that incarnation, was this, that He did not give realization to people but He

    did talk about it. He said about it, talked of meditation; He did all that was needed at this stage. But

    what is the result? All His incarnation was misused.

    Throughout Gita if you read, youd be amazed how people have changed Gita and its writings also.

    Same in the Bible and same in the Koran. Things that they could never have said it, how could they

    have said it, youd be surprised, impossible, because they cannot contradict themselves. For

    example, Gita is written by Vyasa who was an illegitimate child of a fisherwoman. But in the Gita it

    is written that your caste is determined by your birth; how can it be? The one who is the son of,

    an illegitimate son of a fisherwoman, how can he tell like that? See the contradiction. Same in the

    Bible, same in the Koran, same in the Koran, in all these books, all these people have tried to play a

    very nasty role by changing it. But you can find it out. Luckily, whatever they may try, the truth

    comes out in this manner and you can prove it that whatever youre saying is wrong, cannot be. The

    one Vyasa who wrote was the son of a fisherwoman and how can he say that Brahmins are the

    highest, when hes not born as a Brahmin. And to say that your caste Brahminism comes from your

    birth From your rebirth! Only they removed little bit rebirth.

    This is how they interpreted Gita in various ways in such contradictory manners. His whole

    writings or sayings could not be changed, of course, they could not change it but wherever they

    wanted to put their own style, they did it. Because ultimately, it went into the hands of the Brahmins

    who were not really Brahmins, they were the people who were sudras because they were not even

    realized souls and behaving in such a dirty manner; they should not be called as Brahmins. But it

    went into the hands of so-called Brahmins and they misinterpreted it.

    Same thing with Bible. It went into the hands of horrid people. Mr. John said something which was

    sensible, all right, but what about the other fellow, Paul? He comes in and spoils everything. Then

    comes Augustine, he spoils everything, why? Because theyre devils. There is a evil force; thistheory that there is no evil force is a wrong theory, doesnt exist. There is a evil force and dont play

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    into the hands of evil force even this much. And that was clearly taught by Shri Krishna. But even

    then the contradictions can come in.

    Like if you are a Krishna bhakta then if you just start running on the street, Krishna! Krishna!

    Krishna! Krishna! like that, then you are celebrated, or like a madcap go on, Krishna! Krishna!

    Krishna! like that. Or else being worse than that is some people said were Krishnas.

    Like this horrible Rajneesh did. He said He used to make the women naked, so, Im making the

    women naked. I started wondering, When did Krishna make women naked? When He was a

    little boy less than five years of age, He used to climb up on the trees and the ladies used to take

    their bath in the river Yamuna. So He used to hide their clothes just to raise their Kundalini and see

    how it works. At the age of five years what does a child understand? This horrible fellow, was he

    five years of age when he was doing this nonsense? Using Shri Krishnas name like this?

    And when he used to break the pitchers of these gopis, what was He doing? He was doing

    Kundalini awakening, because the gopis were taking out the water from the river Yamuna which

    was vibrated by Radha and He used to break them on the back so that the water would fall on theirKundalini and they would get their realization, in this lifetime. Thats whats His purification. But

    first thing they will do is to separate Shri Krishna as a child and Shri Krishna as the one who talks

    to Arjuna, very nice. So there is no relevance and use Him the way you want. Its a very common

    thing that people start talking about Shri Krishna as if Hes in their pocket, or they are the writers of


    Like we have in the churches those bishops and things who drink a lot and then they take out their

    Bible and start reading upside down. All these class whether this belongs to this or to that, all of

    them are hypocrites of the worst type, just money spinning people. Even Indian temples which are

    not far-fetched are ruined. All the ganja and all that are sold in Indian temples. All these popes and

    all these people are doing something that is never expected. Imagine they make a kind of a wine

    called Benedictine in your Vatican. Can you imagine a nonsensical thing like that? Tomorrow

    theyll open a beer bar, I wont be surprised.

    So we come to a position to understand that all those people who talk of these great incarnations

    and profess a religion are all hypocrites. Theres no religion. Simple people who believe these

    hypocrites because theyre so simple, so innocent. These cunning, greedy devils who started these

    religions, exploited these simple people, used them for making temples, churches, mosques, they

    have no religion within them, how can they talk of God? Their life is so impure.

    So we have to start our own innate religion, our own spontaneous, natural religion which is thehuman religion, which is the Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. The one that will give you the inner ascent,

    not just talk, no hypocrisy; and all that which goes with religion to malign the names of these great

    incarnations has to be brought to the light for the people to see this nonsense that has been eating

    into our societies, eating into our families, eating into our children, has to go away. , whenever the

    religionnormally doesnt mean this nonsensical religionfalls down, that time, , to save the

    sadhus, the seekers. , and to destroy all these devils, I take My birth again and again. , Every

    yuga I take My birth. And this is what is an incarnation.

    You must be very fortunate people that now you can see the cunning of all these devils and can

    exist into that purity, into that benevolence, the hita, which was promised by Shri Krishna. He never

    told lies, what He told was the truth. He was truth. But those who tried to use Him had to takecourse to something which was falsehood, hypocrisy and cunning but that in no way could stop the

    truthful people from getting to reality.

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    May God bless you all.