site quality overview nokia siemens networks

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Site Quality Overview Nokia Siemens Networks


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Site Quality Overview

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1.Quality – General requirements

2.Project Site Quality Assurance

3.Project Checklists

4.Project Quality control

5.Quality Indexes

6.Site Quality Indexes Example

7.Site Assessment Process

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1. General Requirements

•Within the Project Team quality is understood to be:oEach member of the organization being responsible for his/her own work

oApplying the processes and instructions which define the activities of the project team supported by the NSN organization

oUnderstanding and adopting customer implementation practices to a reasonable extent given the scope of the customer project

o Improving internal efficiency by improving skills, methods and processes

•The quality related responsibilities within the project are split into two key areas:oProject Process Quality

oProject Product Quality

•Project process quality is the responsibility of the Project Manager assisted by line management.

•Project product quality is the responsibility of the entire project team.

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2. Project Site Quality Assurance

Self Assessment process purpose:

•Record competence evaluation (training)

Site Deficiency tracking process main purpose is to:

• Identify deficiency against the project checklist

• Identify the responsible party

•Site Deficiency tracking process has been divided into two parts: oEquipment Delivery InspectionoSite Handover activities to Nokia Inspections

Site Quality Assessment process purpose is to:

•Have a record for when and by whom the assessment took place

• Identify deficiencies found during assessment against the predefined project checklist

• Identify the responsible party

•To receive assessment index values: Site & Service quality index

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Site Deficiency Tracking

Recording of any deficiencies found at site before, during and/or after activities at site against the predefined Project Site Quality Checklist(s)

Main purpose is to:

o Identify deficiency against the project checklist

o Identify the responsible party

oTake care of deficiencies prior to assessments

Any deficiency recording that does not pertain to the Site Assessments should ALWAYS be recorded under the other types

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Site Quality Assessments

Gives projects the capability

•To record site assessment results:

oAssessment date and assessed site

oAssessor information

oDeficiencies found during assessment

•To obtain Assessment index values

oSite Quality Index for assessments

oService Quality Index for assessments

Main purpose is to:

oHave a record for when and by whom the assessment took place

o Identify deficiencies found during assessment against the predefined project checklist

o Identify the responsible party

oTo receive assessment index values: Site & Service quality index

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3. Project Checklists

•Project checklists are used as a tool to verify that quality requirements will be met at the time of acceptance.

•The main goal in using the checklists is that any indication(s) towards non-quality would be noticed as early as possible.

•During project lifecycle, checklists are used before, during and after the implementation work and also in assessments.

•The global quality checklist was defined by Site Engineering and is updated in-line with our offerings & processes.

•The global checklist is localized into project needs by selecting the relevant items to be checked.

•Depending on the Project Site Quality Process, it is possible to have more than one checklist – check-list naming should clearly identify each checklist’s intended purpose.

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Checklist types

The following types of checklists will be used within the Aircel Project:

•Self-Assessment (SA) – these checklists are used to record on-site assessments by the sub cons, the TI checklist to be used to audit the site. Authorized to Use: Sub-cons.

•Deficiency Tracking (DC) – used to record deficiencies that may occur during the course of work. Authorized to Use: Site Engineers, Quality Engineers, Sub-cons.

•Assessment (QA) – used to record site quality assessments. Authorized to Use: Project Quality Engineers

•Acceptance Punch lists (AP) – used to record customer punch list results. Authorized to Use: Site Engineer/ PM/ O&M Engineer.

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Checklist Severity Levels

The following list of severity levels are used to indicate deficiency type and priority:

Severity 1 = Functional defect major.

This is a major service-affecting defect which will have an operational impact on the efficient or safe use of the BTS (e.g. plugs in units are not all working).

Severity 2 = Functional defect minor.

This is a less severe service-affecting defect that does not necessarily prevent the use of the BTS, but does result in a loss of operational effectiveness (e.g. external alarms not working properly) .

Severity 3 = Non-functional defect major.

This is a non service-affecting defect that will not affect operational use of the BTS, but fails to meet Nokia/Customer specifications and must be remedied prior to acceptance of the equipment (e.g. incorrect routing of certain cabling) .

Severity 4 = Non-functional defect minor.

This is the least severe non service-affecting defect and will not need remedy, but is important for the subcontractor to take note to help ensure the defect is not repeated on future sites.

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Checklist Severity Levels

Done on AirLong Term Off

Air Instance

Short Term Off

Air Instance

Unplanned Off

Air InstanceResulting In:

YesYesYesYesQuality, Specs & Standards


NoNoInjuries Life ThreateningHealth & Safety

NoYesYesYesRegulatory Violation

NoNoNoYes (multiple users)

Visibility to Users

NoMaybe Yes Yes End-User Impact

NoNoYesYesOperational Impact

Severity 4Severity 3Severity 2Severity 1

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4. Project Quality Control

Quality Control may initiate:

•Corrective actions regarding quality

o Increase/decrease in trainings and/or assessments

oCorrective actions in project processes

o Identification, communication and solving of process “bottleneck”

•Updates in Quality Plan

Site Quality Reports

E-DocProject Reports

Quality Control


Business ObjectsReports

(Updated project quality plan)





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5. Quality Indexes

Each severity level correspond to following points, which have an effect on the quality indexes:

Site Quality Index (SQI): includes all assessment deficiencies found at an assessed site

Project Site Quality Index (P. SQI): average SQI for all assessed sites within the project (count of all assessment deficiencies within the project divided by the number of assessed sites).

Service Quality Index (SeQI): includes all assessment deficiencies found at an assessed site where the responsible party is listed as Partner/Subcontractor

Project Service Quality Index (P. SeQI): average SeQI for all assessed sites within the project (count of all assessment deficiencies where Partner / Subcontractor is listed as the responsible party within the project divided by the number of assessed sites).

Severity 1 = 8 points Severity 3 = 2 points Severity 2 = 4 points Severity 4 = 1 point

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6. Site Quality Index (SQI)

Site Quality Index (SQI): includes all assessment

deficiencies found at an assessed site

Site Quality Index Example (Site A)Severity Level 3

Severity Level 4

Severity Level 3

2 pts

2 pts

1 pts

2 severity 3 deficiencies = (2 items x 2 points each) = 4


1 severity 4 deficiency = (1 item x 1 point) = 1 pt


SQI for Site A is = 5 pts

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Severity Level 2

Site B:

Project Site Quality Index (P. SQI) Example

Project Site Quality Index (P. SQI): average SQI for all assessed sites within the project (sum of all assessment deficiencies within the project / the number of assessed sites).

Severity Level 3 Severity

Level 4Severity

Level 32 pts 2


1 pt+ + = 5 pts

4 pts = 4 pts

Site A:

Site C:

Severity Level 1 Severity

Level 18 pts 8

pts+ = 16


P. SQI is = 25 points / 3 assessed sites =


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Service Quality Index (SeQI) Example

Service Quality Index (SeQI): includes all assessment deficiencies found at an assessed site where the responsible party is listed as Partner/Subcontractor

Service Quality Index Example (Site A)Severity level



Level 4


Level 3




1 severity 4 deficiency = (1 item x 1 point) = 1 pt

SeQI for Site A is = 1 pt




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Level 1


Level 1NSN

Project Service Quality Index (P. SeQI) Example

Project Site Quality Index (P. SQI): average SeQI for all assessed sites within the project (count of all assessment deficiencies where Partner / Subcontractor is listed as the responsible party within the project / the number of assessed sites).


Level 3


Level 4Severity

Level 3 1 pt = 1 pt





= 8 pts

P. SeQI is = 9 points / 3 assessed sites = 3.0



Level 2





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The Process for the 100% self assessment by Partners is divided into two parts.

•Part A to be followed by the Partners.

•Part B to be followed by the NSN Quality.

Process starts after telecom implementation; before handover of site to NSN


Note: Mile stone 16

Documents :

1.Check List – TI

2.SQI Procedure.



8. 100 % Site Assessment Process

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Part A : To be followed by Service PartnersThe Process starts after the TI has been completed.


The Partner have to do the quality inspection of 100% of the sites as per the applicable checklist for the project. TI checklists attached.


The Hardcopy of the filled checklist have to be submitted along with site folder.


A consolidated excel sheet of all the quality inspection checklist should be mailed to NSN by 20TH Of every month.

The Excel sheet should contain :oName of team leader of Installation team.oName of Quality Inspector.oSeQI values of each site.oTimelines to rectify the deficiencies.Note: No site should be declared as job completed till SQI value is below 6.

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Part B : To be followed by NSN Quality Team

Step1.After getting the checklist and consolidated excel sheet from all the partners within agreed timeline. The NSN Quality should Inspect at least 10% of the above sites.

Step2. After selection NSN quality should visit sites for quality inspection. The previously submitted Quality report from subcon should be taken for reference and verified as per the actual site. The timelines given in the report should also be checked for compliance. Difference in SQI between audits done by sub con and NSN SE should be escalated to top management and will be treated as false reporting and appropriate disciplinary action shall be initiated by NSN.

Step3. NSN Quality should fill his own checklist.

Step4. NSN Quality should update the same in EPM under the quality Assessment heading.

This should be completed by the end of every period. These guidelines should be followed very religiously to give us a Complete and True picture of the SQI.

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