siop sheltered instruction observation protocol professional development august 2011

SIOP Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Professional Development August 2011

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SIOPSheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

Professional Development

August 2011

In the Supreme Court decision, Lau v Nichols, 414 U.S. 563 it is stated:  “There is no equality of treatment merely by providing students with the same facilities, textbooks, teachers, and curriculum – for students who do not understand English are effectively foreclosed from any meaningful education.”

 “ Where inability to speak and understand the English language excludes national origin minority groups from effective participation in the educational programs offered by a school district, the district must take affirmative steps to rectify the language deficiency in order to open its instructional program to these students.”

Why is this important?The Supreme Court decision in the cases of Lau v

Nichols is the most significant legal statement on the educational rights of limited English speaking students in the United States. Receiving unanimous support, the Lau Decision has served as a cornerstone nationwide for the development of bilingual education and other special education services to allow the country’s linguistically different children an equal access to quality education.

This will be monitored by state and federal programs through site visits as well as data collection from assessments and evaluation tools.

Objectives of this PDContent objectives:Participants will identify and/or review basic concepts

of second language acquisition.Participants will gain an overview of the SIOP model

and recognize the benefits of using it in their teaching.

Language Objectives:Participants will discuss factors that affect second

language acquisition and use the Cummins’ model of academic language to classify various classroom tasks.

Participants will orally state what they believe to be the two most important components of the SIOP model in the context of their classroom and explain why.

Who Are the ELLs?ELLs (English Language Learners) are those students who

are not yet proficient in English and who require instructional support to be successful in their classes

LEP or Limited English Proficient students are a special subset of ELLs who have not yet achieved proficiency as measured by the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA)

FLEP or Formerly Limited English Proficient students are those who have achieved proficiency or advanced proficiency on the ELPA and will be monitored for two years

Godwin Heights Statistics:2010 Census:

How Are the ELLs Doing in Schools?The average NAEP (National Assessment of

Educational Progress) scores of ELL have improved more steadily than those of all other students between mid 1990 and 2005

ELLs in 4th grade increased their scores by 13%, compared to 5%, all students

8th grade ELLs increased their scores by 7%, while there was no increase for general population

The Gap The gap widens for ELLs in higher grades

Only 8% of U.S. teens are foreign born, yet they account for 25% of teen dropouts

8th grade ELLs’ scores are less than half those of English-speaking peers on tests of reading and mathematics

Students from households which speak a language other than English at home lag 20 points behind in high school completion rates

Source: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition Report--2008

The Challenge

Godwin results: MEAP, MME

Demographics comparisons

ACT ScoresDemographics Reading Math Science English All Areas

All Students 26% 19% 10% 36% 8%

African American 4% 13% 0% 13% 0%

Hispanic 23% 15% 4% 31% 0%

White 34% 20% 17% 46% 12%

2011 ACT Scores Percentage of Students who are College Ready

Benchmark Scores: English =18, Math = 22, , Reading =21, Science = 24

MME ScoresDemographics Reading Math Science Writing

All Students 49% 37% 48% 29%

African American 31% 14% 24% 14%

Hispanic 42% 27% 42% 12%

Caucasian 65% 55% 69% 47%

Percentage of Students receiving a level 1 and 2 (Proficient)

Common Core State Standards

The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and the Council of Chief State School Officers strongly believe that all students should be held to the same high expectations outlined in the Common Core State Standards. This includes students who are English language learners (ELLs). However, these students may require additional time, appropriate instructional support, and aligned assessments as they acquire both English language proficiency and content area knowledge.

Common Core State Standards (continued)

To help ELLs meet high academic standards in language arts it is essential that they have access to:

Teachers and personnel at the school and district levels who are well prepared and qualified to support ELLs while taking advantage of the many strengths and skills they bring to the classroom;

Literacy-rich school environments where students are immersed in a variety of language experiences;

Instruction that develops foundational skills in English and enables ELLs to participate fully in grade-level coursework;

Common Core State Standards (continued)

Coursework that prepares ELLs for postsecondary education or the workplace, yet is made comprehensible for students learning content in a second language (through specific

pedagogical techniques and additional resources);Opportunities for classroom discourse and interaction

that are well-designed to enable ELLs to develop communicative strengths in language arts;

Ongoing assessment and feedback to guide learning; andSpeakers of English who know the language well enough

to provide ELLs with models and support.

(Application of Common Core State Standards for English Language Learners)

Common Core State StandardsWhat Is Not Covered by the Standards

The Standards set grade-specific standards but do not define the intervention methods or materials necessary to support students who are well below or well above grade-level expectations.

It is also beyond the scope of the Standards to define the full range of supports appropriate for English language learners and for studentswith special needs. At the same time, all students must have theopportunity to learn and meet the same high standards if they are toaccess the knowledge and skills necessary in their post–high school


CCSS for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects

Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition

MotivationFirst language developmentLanguage distance and attitudeAccess to the languageAgePersonality and learning stylePeers and role modelsQuality of instructionCultural background

Factors Affecting Second Language Acquisition (continued)


Which factor(s) affecting second language acquisition is/are illustrated in this video clip?

Possible answers: Language distance, age, cultural background

Cummins’ Model of Academic Language

BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills)

CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency)


Cummins’ Model of Academic Language

Cognitively Undemanding

Cognitively Demanding

A. • Art, music, PE• Following simple directions• Face-to-face conversations

Context Embedded

C.• Telephone conversations• Note on refrigerator• Written directions

Context Reduced

B.• Demonstrations• A-V assisted lesson• Science experiments• Social studies projects

D.• Reading a textbook• Explanation of new

abstract concepts• Lecture with few

illustrations• Math concepts &


Cummins Quadrant Activity

Where in Cummins' quadrant?

Answer: Quadrant C: Cognitively undemanding, context reduced

Cummins Quadrant Activity

Collaboratively, place each task in the applicable quadrant.

Compare with the answer sheet.Discuss with your group.Questions?

Sheltered Instruction (SI)

In sheltered instruction, ELLs participate in specific content courses with grade-level objectives (e.g. sheltered life- science, sheltered U.S. history) that are delivered through modified instruction to make the content more comprehensible to the students.

In Krashen's words...

What Is SIOP?A research-based and validated instructional

model that has proven effective in addressing the academic needs of English learners throughout the United States.

A protocol developed by Jana Echevarria and Deborah Short in 1996

A lesson planning and delivery system for sheltered instruction

An observation instrument

SIOP Components

1.Preparation2.Building Background3.Comprehensible Input4.Strategies5.Interaction6.Practice/Application7.Lesson Delivery8.Review/Assessment

On-line resources:

SIOP ComponentsPreparation: Content objectives Language objectives Content concepts Supplementary materials Adaptation of content Meaningful activities

SIOP ComponentsBuilding Background:Concepts explicitly linked to students’

background experiencesLinks explicitly made between past learning and

new conceptsKey vocabulary emphasized

SIOP ComponentsComprehensible Input:Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency levelClear explanation of academic tasksA variety of techniques used to make the content

concepts clear

SIOP Components

Strategies:Ample opportunities provided for students

to use learning strategiesScaffolding techniquesA variety of questions or tasks that

promote higher-order thinking skills

SIOP Components

InteractionFrequent opportunities for interaction and

discussionGrouping configurations support language and

content objectives of the lessonSufficient wait time for student responsesAmple opportunities for students to clarify key

concepts in L1

SIOP Components

Practice/ApplicationHands-on materials and/or manipulatives Activities provided for students to apply content

and language knowledge in the classroomActivities integrate all language skills (i.e.,

reading, writing, listening, and speaking)

SIOP ComponentsLesson DeliveryContent objectives clearly supported by lesson

deliveryLanguage objectives clearly supported by lesson

deliveryStudents engaged approximately 90% to 100% of

the periodPacing of the lesson appropriate to students’

ability level

SIOP Components

Review/AssessmentComprehensive review of key vocabularyComprehensive review of key conceptsRegular feedback providedAssessment of student comprehension and

learning of all lesson objectives throughout the lesson

CommentsIn your group discuss the benefits of the SIOP model and identify the two most important components in the context of your classroom and explain why.

Objectives of this PDContent objectives: Participants will identify and/or review basic concepts

of second language acquisition. Participants will gain an overview of the SIOP model

and recognize the benefits of using it in their teaching.

Language Objectives: Participants will discuss factors that affect second

language acquisition and use the Cummins’ model of academic language to classify various classroom tasks.

Participants will orally state what they believe to be the two most important components of the SIOP model in the context of their classroom and explain why.

Resources“Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners:

The SIOP Model” by Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, Deborah Short. Pearson, 2008

“99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with the SIOP Model” by MaryEllen Vogt and Jana Echevarria. Pearson, 2008

Thank you!

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