singhealth duke-nus joint prospectus

Partners in Academic Medicine

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Post on 28-Mar-2016




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SingHealth Duke-NUS Joint Prospectus


Partners in Academic Medicine

These are exciting times to be a healthcare professional in Singapore.

Care innovation, education and research come together in vibrant synergies as we pursue Academic Medicine to improve patients’ lives. We would like to invite you to join us on this journey.

SingHealth, and our academic partner Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, are at the forefront of healthcare transformation. We are the largest academic healthcare provider in Singapore – integrating an extensive array of clinical specialties with the university’s strong research and medical education capabilities.

When you join us, you can look forward to a wealth of opportunities in clinical learning and research in a rich environment with complex case-mix and a large Asian, multi-racial patient base.

In the following pages, you will catch a glimpse of our academic rigour and deep commitment to quality care. The world of medicine and healthcare is dynamic and evolving but one thing’s for sure – you will find your journey in improving patients’ lives fulfilling.

Join us in defining tomorrow’s Medicine.


Prof Ivy Ng

Prof Ranga Krishnan Dean Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School


Prof Ranga Krishnan

Prof Ivy Ng Group CEO SingHealth

The SingHealth Group

Singapore Health Services (SingHealth) is the largest healthcare group in Singapore, providing a complete spectrum of medical services spanning primary healthcare to tertiary, quaternary and long-term integrated care.

With a total of 42 clinical specialties, our network of acute care hospitals, national specialty centres and primary care polyclinics delivers multi-disciplinary and integrated medical care through a team of dedicated healthcare professionals who pursue excellence in patient care, education and research.

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School

Duke-NUS is Singapore’s first US-style graduate medical school. It draws from the rich medical training and research heritage of Duke University in North Carolina and the rigorous standards of the National University of Singapore (NUS) to offer an integrated approach to medical education, relevant in the 21st century.

Based on the renowned TeamLEAD pedagogy developed by our faculty, our education model combines academic learning, clinical experience and research. We groom doctors who are not only adept at clinical care but also seek to improve the practice of medicine through translational research.

Partners in Academic Medicine


The collective strengths of SingHealth’s clinical expertise with Duke-NUS’ research and medical education capabilities pave the way for Academic Medicine, which essentially marries clinical care, teaching and research for the advancement of patient care. By infusing the campus with the spirit of inquiry, we aim to spark innovation and breakthroughs in medicine.

Academic Medicine is not limited to clinicians but relevant to all healthcare professionals committed to a shared vision of improved care for patients.

When you join SingHealth, you become an integral part of this vibrant academic culture, contributing to the transformation of healthcare in Singapore as thought leaders in care innovation.








4 Mill ionONE CAMPUS


patient visits per year

Find out more about our care innovation, awards and achievements.


Academic Medicine marries clinical care with research and education for the advancement of patient care.

Here are some of the results of our academic rigour. 100Clinical Trials*




* In 2011

The Academic Clinical Program (ACP) is an integrated framework designed to support our vision towards Academic Medicine. ACPs are created for various clinical specialties, harnessing the expertise of each profession across every discipline and across all institutions in the cluster for greater synergy in clinical care, education and research.

Recognising that individual doctors have different strengths and interests, we offer four career tracks – Clinician Practitioner, Clinician Educator, Clinician Researcher and Clinician Administrator. Even as you select an area of focus, the dynamism of the academic culture is expected to lay the foundation for a more holistic career development, with opportunities and recognition given to academic pursuits in teaching and research.

The ACP promotes flexibility to enable you to grow in different career tracks at different stages of your life, providing greater career fulfilment.

Ultimately, the goal remains: improved patient care and outcomes.

Clinician Career Tracks


42Clinical Specialties


Clinician Practitioner

Clinician Educator

Clinician Researcher

Clinician Administrator

Career Tracks

Choice of

Photos: Duke-NUS

With 42 clinical specialties, we are able to provide advanced care that is both affordable and accessible, even as we set industry standards in the latest care techniques. In addition, we offer specialised care and medical services through our national specialty centres.

At SingHealth, we put patients at the heart of all we do.

This means delivering the best possible care in a holistic manner. Our team of doctors, nurses and allied health professionals work together to ensure that patients experience coordinated care that best meets their needs.

17,000Healthcare Professionals



• National Heart Centre Singapore (NHCS) NHCS houses the largest number of heart specialists in Singapore and is the regional referral centre for cardiovascular diseases.

• National Neuroscience Institute (NNI) NNI is Singapore’s leading specialist centre for diseases of the nervous system. It coordinates and provides neuroscience research and education.

• Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) SNEC provides specialised eye services in Singapore and has gained international recognition for its research and education in ophthalmology.

• SingHealth Polyclinics (SHP) SHP delivers seamless and integrated

family physician services, focusing on

both quality care and preventive healthcare.

• Bright Vision Hospital (BVH) BVH is a community hospital offering medium to long-term quality care for patients who are not yet ready to be discharged home. It provides rehabilitation services, palliative and sub-acute care as well as education and training in community care.

Members of the SingHealth Group

• Singapore General Hospital (SGH) SGH is Singapore’s flagship tertiary hospital with a 190-year legacy. Each year, SGH attends to more than 1 million patients.

• KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital (KKH) KKH is the only integrated women’s and children’s hospital in Singapore, offering specialised care to women, children and babies.

• National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS)NCCS is the region’s leader in cancer care and treatment, with dedicated facilities for the pursuit of cancer research and education.

• National Dental Centre Singapore (NDCS) NDCS aims to deliver quality specialist oral healthcare, supported by its advancements in dentistry research.


SingHealth’s institutions have an illustrious legacy in nurturing generations of healthcare professionals. The SGH campus is the cradle of medical education in Singapore, home to Duke-NUS and our professional education entities. The KKH campus remains at the forefront of specialty training in obstetrics & gynecology and paediatrics.

TeamLEAD at Duke-NUS Using the curriculum from Duke University School of Medicine, medical students at Duke-NUS experience a unique team-based learning pedagogy called TeamLEAD. TeamLEAD turns learning on its head, where readings and supplemental materials on a given topic are provided before class. In-class activity instead focuses on the understanding and application of concepts, driven by student enquiry and facilitated by faculty.

Such an approach spurs learning as students acquire techniques driven by the need to solve problems and improve based on constant feedback from peers and faculty. Educational technology, including social media platforms, is integrated into the learning process, facilitating interaction and enhancing collaboration. This results in more meaningful learning and better retention of concepts.


Dedicated Residency Faculty


SingHealth Academy

SGH-Postgraduate Medical Institute (PGMI)

SGH Institute for Medical Simulation and Education (IMSE)

SingHealth Alice Lee Institute of Advanced Nursing (Alice Lee IAN)

SGH-Postgraduate Allied Health Institute (PGAHI)

Continuing & Professional Entities

Academic Medicine Education Institute (AM•EI)

The desire to enhance the healthcare teaching environment and raise standards in healthcare education has led Duke-NUS and SingHealth to establish the Academic Medicine Education Institute (AM•EI).

AM•EI brings together educational expertise from Duke-NUS and SingHealth as a community of excellent educators. With strong focus on faculty development and medical education research, it develops leaders in education and clinician educators who are passionate about nurturing the next generation of healthcare professionals.

The ultimate goal of the AM•EI is to develop excellent educators who can contribute to improving healthcare education in a vibrant learning environment that promotes care innovation and improved outcomes. It represents the heart of excellence in teaching and learning within SingHealth and Duke-NUS.

For more information about AM•EI, please visit

SingHealth Residency When you choose a specialty for your Residency training, it lays the foundation for the rest of your medical career – so it’s a momentous decision! SingHealth Residency offers specialist training based on a structured framework of core competencies, guided by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education-International (ACGME-I).

SingHealth Residency has the most comprehensive ACGME-I accredited programmes in Singapore. Building on our strong teaching legacy and medical excellence, it aims to develop outstanding and well-rounded clinicians to advance patient care. You will enjoy the mentorship of renowned clinician educators, many of whom are leaders in their specialties.

More importantly, the structured assessments and rotations across our subspecialties, with robust and supervised clinical training, will provide you with unparalleled exposure from a wide patient case-mix. Inter-departmental and inter-divisional collaborations open up even more opportunities to hone your clinical skills.

Residents who are keen on research can enhance their residency training with an additional year of research as potential clinician researchers. Our vast patient volume gives you the flexibility to choose an area of focus and grow your passion.

Join us and live your love of Medicine as a specialist in the SingHealth family.


In line with our focus on Academic Medicine, SingHealth and Duke-NUS bring a wide spectrum of basic, translational, clinical and health services research to the world of biomedical science.

We offer a multitude of diverse research opportunities across medical specialties. A bench-to-bedside research culture enables you to nurture your scientific inquiry skills within a vibrant research community comprising more than 900 professionals.

Clinical research at SingHealth helps us bring new discoveries and cutting edge treatment to a patient pool numbering some four million visits a year.

Impactful Research We have participated in numerous highly specialised Phase 1 to global multicenter Phase 3 studies, some of which were used for product registration. Many of our clinical trials are carried out in collaboration with industry and academic partners.

We conduct more than 100 high quality clinical trials annually, which account for almost half of the total number of trials conducted in Singapore. In 2011, our researchers published close to 800 articles in peer-reviewed journals.

Duke-NUS Signature Research Programs Duke-NUS carries out five signature research programs that aim to impact on Singapore’s biomedical sciences scene. They are:

• Cancer and stem cell biology

• Cardiovascular and metabolic disorders

• Emerging infectious diseases

• Health services and systems research

• Neuroscience and behavioural disorders

Academic Medicine Research Institute (AMRI) The Academic Medicine Research Institute (AMRI) is an “academic nexus” that provides scientific support to nurture and enhance research careers of budding and established clinician investigators, clinician scientists and other scientists in the SingHealth/Duke-NUS Academic Healthcare Cluster.

The AMRI offers support during the development of a research proposal and during the post-award execution phase of an approved project. It also provides the scientific support needed for the career development of clinician scientists/investigators inclined towards research. Budding research talents are identified and a structured system allows senior clinical research staff to mentor less experienced ones.

For more information about AMRI, please visit


Principal Investigators

More than


Over 100 clinical trials in 2011

35% investigator- initiated trial

Over 750 peer-reviewed publications by SingHealth in 2011

Over 250 peer-reviewed publications by Duke-NUS researchers by 2011

More than 300 principal investigators leading research

projects supported by over

600 staff (SingHealth)

More than 100 regular ranked research faculty (Duke-NUS)

Academic Medicine Research Institute Enabling research careers through Education, Training and Career Development, Quantitative Sciences, Post-Award Guidance, Clinical & Behavioural Assessment and Lab Sciences Coordination

30 Clinician-Scientists (CS) at SingHealth and Duke-NUS

5 STaR 15 CS awards

6 faculty-appointed CS

4 cluster CS

Source: figures from SingHealth Office of Research. September 2012

The Academia Home to SingHealth’s research, education and training facilities. The new research infrastructure will complement Duke-NUS’ existing facilities. In addition to service and research labs, the building will also offer conference facilities for large-scale events, a sky garden, a library and cafes which provide spaces and the environment for networking and discussions.

New National Heart Centre Singapore The new 12-storey National Heart Centre Singapore building will follow the opening of The Academia later in the year, doubling the centre’s current clinic capacity.

The building will leverage technology to integrate clinical systems for improved processes and reduced waiting time for patients.

Sengkang Hospitals Looking forward, the Sengkang General Hospital and community hospital are expected to commence operations in 2018, bringing quality care to the heartlands.

The 1,400-bedded hospitals will offer a whole new way of delivering holistic, integrated, multidisciplinary and patient-centric care to the community in which they will serve.

These new healthcare infrastructure have been designed to provide seamless, integrated care across the healthcare spectrum – from primary to acute, intermediate to long-term care. The ultimate goal guiding our plans at SingHealth remains Patients first.

The SGH campus has been undergoing a massive makeover to reflect Academic Medicine. 2013 will see the unveiling of The Academia – a 13-storey twin tower building specially designed to facilitate connectivity among pathologists, clinician scientists, researchers, academics, educators and medical students.



Duke-NUS New National Heart Centre Singapore

Sengkang Hospitals

The Academia

of Medicine

KEY FIGURES SingHealth – Overall

FY 11 year ended

31 Mar 2012

SizeLicensed Beds (as at end Mar) 2,583Beds in Service 2,525Workload per annumBed Occupancy Rate 78.5%Inpatients 153,419Total Patient Days 725,687Average Length of Stay (days) 4.7Total Surgical Operations 167,183 Day Surgeries 106,239 Inpatient Surgeries 60,944Specialist Outpatient Clinic Attendances 1,788,073Accident & Emergency Attendances 323,642Dental Attendances 180,474Dental Procedures 228,911Polyclinic Attendances 1,721,327StaffingTotal 16,757 Doctors 2,012 Dentists 93 Nurses 6,767 Allied Health Professionals 2,649 Dental Surgery Assistants 82 Others 5,154



Photo: Duke-NUS

Members of the SingHealth Group

Partners in Academic Medicine

If you wish to be at the forefront of Academic Medicine, contact us today for career opportunities.

SingHealth: [email protected] SingHealth Residency: [email protected] Duke-NUS: [email protected]