sims 213: user interface design & development marti hearst thurs, feb 20, 2003

SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

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Page 1: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development

Marti HearstThurs, Feb 20, 2003

Page 2: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay


Low-fidelity prototypingInformal user interfacesSketching user interfaces electronically

Page 3: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Why Do We Prototype?

Get feedback on our design faster– saves money

Experiment with alternative designsFix problems before code is writtenKeep the design centered on the user

Page 4: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Fidelity in Prototyping

Fidelity refers to the level of detailHigh fidelity?

– prototypes look like the final productLow fidelity?

– artists renditions with many details missing

Page 5: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Low-fidelity Sketches

Page 6: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Low-fi Storyboards

Where do storyboards come from?– Film & animation

Give you a “script” of important events– leave out the details – concentrate on the important interactions

Page 7: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003
Page 8: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Sketches for theInk ChatSystem

Page 9: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Paper prototyping

Main idea:– Sketch out prototypes of the interface on paper– Potential users “walk through” task scenarios using the paper

interface– A designer “plays computer”– Change the design on-the-fly if helpful

Widely practiced in industry– Sounds silly at first, but is surpringly effective– Helps people work together on the design

Readings by Rettig, Cooper, Klee, Spool’s group– This discussion primarily follows Rettig’s article

Page 10: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Why Use Low-fi Prototypes?Traditional methods take too long– sketches -> prototype -> evaluate -> iterate

Can simulate the prototype– sketches -> evaluate -> iterate– sketches act as prototypes

• designer “plays computer”• other design team members observe & record

Kindergarten implementation skills– allows non-programmers to participate

Page 11: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

The Materials

Large, heavy, white paper (11 x 17)5x8 in. index cardsPost-it notesTape, stick glue, correction tapePens & markers (many colors & sizes)

Transparencies (including colored)Colorforms (toy stores)Scissors, X-acto knives, etc.

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Page 13: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Constructing the Model

Set a deadline– don’t think too long - build it!

Draw a window frame on large paperPut different screen regions on cards– anything that moves, changes, appears/disappears

Ready response for any user action– e.g., have those pull-down menus already made

Use photocopier to make many versions

Page 14: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Preparing for a Test

Select your participants– understand background of intended users– use a questionnaire to get the people you need– don’t use friends or family

Prepare scenarios that are– typical of the product during actual use– make prototype support these (small, yet broad)

Practice running the computer to avoid “bugs”

Page 15: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Conducting a Test

Three or Four testers (preferable)– greeter - puts users at ease & gets data– facilitator - only team member who speaks

• gives instructions & encourages thoughts, opinions– computer - knows application logic & controls it

• always simulates the response, w/o explanation– observer(s) - take notes & recommendations

Typical session is approximately 1 hour– preparation, the test, debriefing

Page 16: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Conducting a Test (cont.)

Greet– get forms filled, assure confidentiality, etc.

Test– facilitator hands written tasks to the user

• must be clear & detailed– facilitator keeps getting “output” from participant

• “What are you thinking right now?”, “Think aloud”– observe -> no “a-ha”, laugh, etc.

Page 17: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Conducting a Test (cont.)

Debrief– fill out post-evaluation questionnaire– ask questions about parts you saw problems on– gather impressions– give thanks

Page 18: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Evaluating Results

Sort & prioritize observations– what was important?– lots of problems in the same area?

Create a written report on findings– gives agenda for meeting on design changes

Make changes & iterate

Page 19: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Potential difficulties

Interfaces with large focus on content– Dynamic or static; both are ill-suited

• Use word processor for large sets of text– For search/database applications

• Have pre-planned searches (not very realistic)• Write up search results on the fly

– Maybe have a printer nearby that can produced typed results• Bottom line: can only prototype the main interaction this

way; search needs to be hooked up to really test the search mechanism

Page 20: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Potential difficulties

Interfaces that use animation / dynamic graphics– IUE’s answer: maybe it isn’t all that usable to have

flash– Broader answer:

• Only testing the main functionality, not the finer points• The interface should also work without the flash

– Use transparencies, etc, for important rollovers.

Page 21: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Advantages of Low-fi Prototyping

Takes only a few hours– no expensive equipment needed

Can test multiple alternatives Can change the design as you test – If users are trying to use the interface in a way you

didn’t design it – go with what they think! Adapt!

Allows designers to work together

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For more detail, see

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Sho, Shamma, von Krogh, Johnstad

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Sho, Shamma, von Krogh, Johnstad

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Sho, Shamma, von Krogh, Johnstad

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Costa, Chopra, Orr, Stetson

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Brandt, Falk, McMahon

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Brandt, Falk, McMahon

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Hernandez, Liang

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Page 31: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Designing a content pageUsing low-fi techniques

Combine low-fi paper prototyping and card sorting– Idea from Peter Merholtz

Start with a page with all the features you might wantCut it up into pieces Have people arrange the components– One set of users sorts into groups, as in card sorting for

categories– Another set of users lays out the information in a way that

would work well for them given certain tasks.

Page 32: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Drawbacks of Current Tools

Require specification of lots of detail– must give specific instance of a general idea

• e.g., exact widgets, fonts, alignments, colors– designers led to focus on unimportant details– evaluators focus on wrong issues

Take too much time to use– poor support for iterative design

• sketched interface took 5 times longer with traditional tool (no icons)

Page 33: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Paper SketchesAdvantages– support brainstorming– do not require specification of details– designers feel comfortable sketching

Drawbacks– do not evolve easily– lack support for “design memory”– force manual translation to electronic format– do not allow end-user interaction

Page 34: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

The SILK System


Page 35: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Designing Interfaces with SILK

1) Designer sketches ideas rapidly with electronic pad and pen– SILK recognizes widgets – easy editing with gestures

2) Designer or end-user tests interface– widgets behave – specify additional behavior visually

3) Automatically transforms to a “finished” UI

Page 36: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

Specifying Behaviors

Storyboards– series of rough sketches depicting changes in

response to end-user interactionExpresses many common behaviors

before after

Sequencing behavior between widgets

Page 37: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

SILK Storyboards

Copy sketches to storyboard windowDraw arrows from objects to screens

Switch to run mode to testSILK changes screens on mouse clicks

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Page 39: SIMS 213: User Interface Design & Development Marti Hearst Thurs, Feb 20, 2003

Slide adapted from James Landay

DENIM: Designing Web Sites by Sketching

Early-phase information & navigation designIntegrates multiple views– site map – storyboard – page


Supports informal interaction– sketching, pen-based interaction