simplify your online marketing


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Post on 25-May-2017




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Page 1: Simplify your online marketing
Page 2: Simplify your online marketing

Andrew is the Aussie bloke living in the US, Heather is the American gal living in Australia; together they travel the world sharing strategies on how to put your business on Autopilot. Doing business online is no longer about having a website. To get more clients and take care of the ones you have, you’ll need a map. They’ve got it. So sit back and relax, and welcome aboard. This flight is bound to AutoPilot Your Business.

Andrew McCauley: Today’s podcast we are talking about how to simplify all of your online efforts.

MC: Have you picked up our online survival guide yet? Get prepped for the future of online marketing, by going to

Andrew McCauley: Hey everybody! Welcome to podcast number 50! 5-0! Pop out the balloons, pop open the champagne, we have made number 50. Heather Porter you are here to share number 50 with me, hello!

Heather Porter: I am! Hello, hello everyone! Yay, 50, it’s amazing, isn’t it?

Andrew McCauley: They said you’d never make it. But we’ve been persistently carrying on with it and some of the results are showing I must say and we’ll talk a little bit about that later. But number 50, we thought we would talk about how simple it is! Well maybe not how simple but how to simplify what you are doing online because so many people are still getting overwhelmed, in fact it’s getting more worse, if that’s such a word. It’s getting worse these days, I see it all the time about people just glazing over, just so overwhelmed with what’s going on online and there’s so many new things coming out every week, there is a new tool here, there is a new tool there, it’s the next best thing and people are jumping on board because they are seeking these opportunities, and they are just getting fried, and people are like “how do I keep up? When is this going to stop?” And I don’t think it is.

So I thought today, why don’t we talk about how to simplify all of the stuff that is coming out, all of the stuff that is being sent your way, do how you cut through all that rubbish and really just concentrate on what you need to do to get your business up and running.

Heather Porter: And what works and it’s really much simpler than you think. And we are going to go through 3 steps, 3 things that you need to only focus on in order of importance today. So ultimately, at the end of this show, you’ll know what you need to do in your business. If you are just new to online marketing or if you’ve been doing it for a while, if you just stick with these things, then you’ll get some good results.

Andrew McCauley: Yes, absolutely now. As I said there is so many things popping up, there’s always something new around the corner, there is always the next best platform, the next best tool, and we’re always learning ourselves, by the way. So a little segment we like to call “What Did You Learn This Week?” �� What did you learn this week, Heather Porter?

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Heather Porter: Okay then! Here is the thing, it never ceases to amaze me where I speak to people and I always ask what social media accounts do you use? And actually Twitter is not used as much as I always think it’s going to be used, so speaking over the weekend last weekend, to a group of small business owners and I had them all go around the table and tell me which social media accounts they use and I think out of 15 only 2 used Twitter. So it got me thinking, okay, what else is out there to help business owners to use Twitter better?

And I’ve stumbled upon a tool called SocialBro dot com and basically it’s whole tagline is it makes Twitter for business and the one thing, again it’s kind of newer to me too so I’m looking into it and learning it, but the one thing I am already loving about it is that it allows you to target influencers on Twitter; which are essentially people with big followings that have a lot of action going on and it allows you to not only target them, find out who they are, but also start communicating with them by doing re-tweets or responses on Twitter including their Twitter handle in your tweets, and it will keep track of those conversations easily so you really just don’t have to waste time, you are only communicating with people with big followings that are legitimate, top people and also you are tracking conversations so you are not forgetting who you talked to in the past.

And by the way, there’s some other really cool things that does as well, but if you’ve ever doubted why you should be using Twitter in your business, just even go to the website SocialBro (“b-r-o”) dot com and watch the promo video, it will get you very excited about the potential.

Andrew McCauley: What does that cost? Is there a price for that service?

Heather Porter: That’s a very good question. I’ve only signed up for the free account I have not even gotten that far yet.

Andrew McCauley: So there’s a free account, so people can go and check it out.

Heather Porter: Yes a free trial. Absolutely, go and check it out for free and you’ll be quite intrigued and quite inspired about the potential of Twitter in your business. It’s pretty cool. Now Andrew, dare I ask what you’ve learned this week?

Andrew McCauley: I’ve learned, I’ll tell you what I learned. Something that hasn’t been around that long but I sort of started digging into it a little bit more. And that’s using Facebook voice messages for your business.

Heather Porter: How long has this been around?

Andrew McCauley: Well, you know, I can’t remember. I’ve only sort of come onto it the last couple of weeks so I don’t know if it’s been around much more than that. There was some fanfare about it a while ago about it coming to Facebook and then it hadn’t and then it did and didn’t. Anyway only in the last couple of weeks I’ve been having a look around at it and what is, it’s pretty cool, you can only use it from your phone, your mobile app or your messenger app, so if you are on a desktop you can’t use it. But what it does is �� and you can only use it if you are using your personal profile, so not your business page, but your personal profile. Now some people do

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connect with their customers through their personal profile and if that’s you then you can use it for this purpose. You use it for normal purposes as well but basically what it is, it lets you leave a 60-second audio message that you record from your Android or your iPhone, and it lets you send a message to anyone you like.

So you basically open up a new message when you are on your mobile phone and there’s a little record voice option there so you have to click on that and you record your voice. Now a couple of things that’s pretty cool that lets you do this and what you would use it for, one of them is, let’s say you have new followers coming along and if you’ve got a 5000 limit, you only are only allowed to have 5000 friends, but if somebody follows you, you can actually leave a voice message for them and say, “Hey thanks for following me, it’s really good to connect with you, so on and so on” and that way you are sort of building a relationship personally with people that are not expecting that to come from you.

So how cool it would be to get a voice message from someone that says, “Hey I know we can’t be friends because I am full, but thanks for following me anyway”.

Heather Porter: Does this pop up inside of your Facebook app, or is it kind of a….

Andrew McCauley: It’d be like a message, I believe it comes through on the message, it’s a message, a little play button comes up on the message, so it looks like a normal message but a play button will come up and you just hit Play and you can hear it.

Heather Porter: Does it cost anything?

Andrew McCauley: No, no, it doesn’t cost anything.

Heather Porter: That’s cool! That is cool, because for followers if you to turn that on, you can, like you’re saying, welcome them but also say, “Hey you should come over and hang out with me on my business page.” That’s actually cool.

Andrew McCauley: There’s other things, you can even have, let’s say you’ve got lots of questions about your service or your product and you feel like you are answering the same questions over and over again, you can actually record a message and if it’s the same answer you can actually record that, keep it, and then play it and send it out a number of times. So you’ve got a file of this little message.

Heather Porter: Very interesting!

Andrew McCauley: Yes! So there’s a couple of other ways that you can play around with it, but also, it’s pretty cool, it’s a little voice message, I might even send you a message on Facebook and see if you get it and you can tell me what you think about it.

Heather Porter: You should; I’m going to go and test it out too, it sounds kind of interesting.

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Andrew McCauley: I’ve been playing a lot with some voice stuff, I use another one called Voxer, I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of Voxer. It is like a walky-talky, I know a few of my friend use it all the time and you don’t have to talk to anybody but you can leave the message and they answer back with their little Voxer, and it’s a good way to have a conversation without being stuck on the phone if you like.

Heather Porter: That’s cool. Okay. Last one!

Andrew McCauley: Yes, so in this world of short communications, Vine videos that are 6-seconds long, who knows, this may be the way of the future.

Heather Porter: Yes it’s like the �� people are getting scared of calling and so they are doing text messaging; so this allows you to still do kind of do text messaging but with your voice.

Andrew McCauley: I don’t know in a few years’ time it will like, “Hey that thing is ringing what does that mean? What do you do with that?”

Heather Porter: Sad but true!

Andrew McCauley: Anyway. Let’s talk about simplification.

Heather Porter: Let’s do it, let’s do it! And I love this topic because there is so much out there and that’s our job to learn that stuff and then we can just share what you need to know.

Andrew McCauley: Yes we will be filters, the rubbish filters for you; we’ll sort it out so you don’t have to go and waste your time learning, that’s what we do.

Heather Porter: Exactly! So the very first thing that all of you should be starting with to really use online marketing the right way is having a website that you are in control of. This simply means that you know how to update it yourself, you are not scared of it, you can log into it, and you can put blog posts up. And you’ve heard us, if you’ve been listening to us for any amount of time, we always talk about WordPress because if you can type in Word, chances are, you can type in WordPress with a blog post. So what are some examples, Andrew, of when we say have control of your website, what are some of things you’ve discovered from other people or our clients when they are not in control? What sort of things start to happen for them?

Andrew McCauley: Well I guess information, current information firstly, where they either don’t know how to use their own website or they rely on some web developer just to change simple things like address or phone numbers, or operating hours of their business. And there’s nothing worse than going to a website that looks out-of-date, has the wrong times, the wrong dates, or even worse in this day and age, has a blog post that is a year or 2 old and that was their latest blog post.

Heather Porter: Yes exactly, and I’ve been finding people that say, “Oh I want to change my template or I just want to move this there, or do this but every time I have to do that I have to call, like you said, my web developer and it costs a 100 or 200 dollars every little minor change” so then therefore they feel trapped and then

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they don’t do changes and they have an out of date website. So the number 1 thing, if that’s you and you are sitting there thinking, “Yes, I am not in control of my website, it really frustrates me, I have to pay for every change”, we recommend very first and foremost that you change your site over to WordPress and the reason why we say that is because again it will be easy for you to update and if you are not on WordPress you can get somebody to actually copy the look and feel of your current website into a WordPress theme and you can quite easily do this by well Googling WordPress web developers or programmers or WordPress web designers but you can also go to one of the outsourcing sites like eLance dot com or oDesk.

Look, Andrew and I what we found is, if you are going to eLance first try and check in America, like look in the US or the UK or Australia for developers, and we are only saying that because it �� what is happening with WordPress and responsive design is that you really want somebody who is on top of it and that you can communicate to easily because if you are new to this, to have that cultural barrier from another country might be a problem for you.

Andrew McCauley: Yes, we’ve been in that situation for a lot of the last 3 years and just saying that there are some great people from all over the world, and in fact, we have some great workers all over the world, we just find that when we want something on our time zone, on our hours, and someone we can communicate quickly, we tend to go down that path. Now what about if they are already on WordPress but they don’t have that access to do that themselves, what do you suggest?

Heather Porter: Then what you need to do is to get that access, so what you are looking for is a WP Admin Login which are the backend of your WordPress website, whoever is hosting your website whether that is GoDaddy or some small company or whomever, get your WP Admin Logins and then go over to YouTube and just type in, “How to login into WordPress?, how to update WordPress?” and start to just be a little bit familiar around it, it’s really not that hard when you login and you go to posts, you can actually just add new post which is the blog posts or the updates or the articles on your website. So make sure you get control of it, make sure you know how to login to it, and make sure that you have ownership of it as well.

Andrew McCauley: Yes, actually YouTube is a good source. Check out videos to how to update your WordPress blog; it’s, as Heather says, very straightforward when you know which tabs to look at, it’s very straightforward and I would recommend doing that. Now, if they are going to go and start adding their own blog post and that sort of thing, how often would you suggest that they do that?

Heather Porter: Yes, that is really the next step of this. Once you have control of your website and you know how to do a blog post in there, then you want to be doing blog posts at least once a week if you can. And the reason why is that it’s just going to give good fresh content to your website, it’s going to attract Google, it’s going to attract visitors to your website as well, and once you have an up-to-date website you are now positioning yourself as a business that knows what is going on because you are on top of things. So just do those blog posts once a week. So that’s honestly the simplicity of the very first step is make sure that you have ownership of your website,

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make sure that you are not overwhelmed by it, and that you can log into it and update it yourself. And then be updating it once a week.

Andrew McCauley: Yes, awesome, okay. So get your website in control, number 1. What is the next step?

Heather Porter: The next step is, now you have your website in control, you actually want to be able to build an email list or build a following on your website from people that come to your website. So now you want to focus on building your funnel which is essentially people that opt-in on your website and the communications that follow as a result of them opting-in on your website. So, there’s a few things really that you only need to know about that. And the first thing is, you’ve got to come up with something free, something that is amazing, something that you can give away that entices somebody to opt-in or share their contact details with you in exchange for that item. So let’s see, let’s talk about some freebie concepts and how easy that can actually be for somebody.

Andrew McCauley: Yes, absolutely. Well you know what, one of the easiest things I find is, top 10s, or top 7 bullet point like a blue print, the top 7 ways to do this, or the top 10 mistakes that most people make when they are doing so forth. And people like that, they like something that is short, they like something that is quickly consumable, they don’t want to read Gone with the Wind, they don’t want an e-book that is 5000 pages long or something like that. They want something that’s “Okay, I’ve got it! I’ve got the information, that’s great”.

Let’s have a look at your computer right now, how many e-books do you have on your computer that you’ve never read before? You’ve probably got a couple of there that you think, “Well I opted-in for something”, you’ve given that person your details and you haven’t even read the content that they sent you. So, think about e-books and I personally I sort of stick away from e-books, unless it is a short report or something really, really quick, a quick read.

Heather Porter: Yes I want something short as well and that’s great news for you guys because if you’re freaked out by video at this point or think I don’t have enough time to write a lot of things, you can literally just put like your top 10 resources that you have used in your business or your industry, just put those on a 1-page PDF, top 10 resources, top 10 mistakes, whatever it is, it can be honestly be 1-pager and you don’t have to write a lot you can just list the resource or tools and the URLs to them, and if you are doing a good job compiling that information then people probably will be quite interested in that.

Andrew McCauley: Or go to the most frequently asked question of your business, what is the question that people ask and give them that answer, opt-in and you get the answer to the most asked question in my business, and it could be a 1 paragraph answer.

Heather Porter: So really, once you have that, the next step is then how do you actually give that to people? So you need 2 things, you need the opt-in form on your website which is just a form where people enter their details, now if you don’t have an email system yet, you can go to MailChimp dot com or there is Constant Contact,

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there is AWebber, there’s loads of them, but we like MailChimp as a starting point and these tools allow you to actually build a little form that you can put on your website and you can actually if you have WordPress you have control of your website you can literally copy and paste it into your website, the code, and there’s tutorials in MailChimp that teach you how to do that.

So that’s the first thing, you need your opt-in form, but also we recommend that you have what’s called a squeeze page or a landing page and the reason why you have one of those is essentially a bigger opt-in form with more information on it, but you have that so you can then use your social media, use a special URL in your social media to send people to, rather than the home page of your website which could very well confuse them. So if you tweeting “Go check out my free report” for example, you want to send them to this page rather than your homepage of you website. And there is a tool that we love and we use, and it’s called LeadPages dot net, LeadPages. So what does LeadPages do?

Andrew McCauley: LeadPages is an almost like a plug-and-play system that you can create awesome looking landing pages that convert really well. So by converting what I mean is that when people come to that page they like it so much, it looks good, it looks appealing, that they say “I’m happy to give my email address for this product or service that you are offering” �� whether it’s a report, or a blueprint, or an audio, or video �� LeadPages is one of those… it also lets you actually even install your digital media so if you are giving away a report and let’s say the report is a 1-page PDF, the report, it will even deliver that for you so you don’t even need to house that anywhere you can actually store it on the LeadPages site and as soon as people opt-in it would deliver that asset for you, it’s pretty cool.

Heather Porter: Very cool and all these resources we are talking to about have great tutorial videos in them and good help desks and everything. So they are built for a small business owner or a business owner that is overwhelmed by this stuff naturally, so they are easy to use.

Andrew McCauley: Do you want to see a lead page in action? Ayb guide dot com, ayb podcast dot com. Go and check those 2 out and you’ll see a lead page in action.

Heather Porter: That’s right and again that’s what we use because it is so simple to use and there is loads of other benefits with these but all you need to know is, once you are in control of your website then you want to focus on your lead funnel, on your freebie and making sure people can opt-in to that. And once you have that of course, the next step is you need to then follow up with these guys that have opted-in because if they just sign up and you never talk to them again they are not going to remember who you are. So, the next step is coming up with your emails known as auto responders that you are going to send up automatically or I should say send out automatically after they opt-in.

So what �� let’s see, what would some auto responders actually do? Well the very first one of course is saying, “Hey thanks for signing up, here is the link where you go and get your free thing”, the person will be redirected there maybe as part of your opt-in form process but you also want to send them a link so they can refer back in their email and find that good free resource that you’ve given them. But, what else? Let’s

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talk through some concepts or ideas of what one might actually put in their auto responders.

Andrew McCauley: Sure, you might want to talk about what else you do, now if they’ve gone on to your website and they’ve signed up for your free report on the top 5 questions that your customers ask, what other services or products that these people may not necessarily know that you do? So, you want to add value through these emails so it could be, “we also offer this service which will help you do this, this, and this” and give them a benefit. So you are letting people know about what other services you offer. But then what you also want to do is mix in a lot of value-added sort of information. So, the information would be give them some tips and tricks and tools that they can possibly use in relation to the report that they just downloaded.

Heather Porter: Yes, exactly, loads of value, great! Be yourself in these emails, write like you are writing to a friend, conversational, you don’t have to go out there and go “yeah I need to buy a copy writing course now, or I need to buy how to write a headliner or a subject to my email course” You don’t need to do that yet, that’s just using your own voice and talking to people and getting these emails out there is the best way to cut that overwhelm and simplify things.

Andrew McCauley: So, Heather, each email should be about what 1000 to 2000 words each?

Heather Porter: Oh yeah, more actually. No! A few sentences will do just fine! Even 5-10 sentences.

Andrew McCauley: Less is more. So don’t get freaked out about trying to write an episode of some book, it’s just a quick 4, 5, 10 sentences that captures the essence and then it gets people to do something, whether is look at your website, move to your website, but just give them some value.

Heather Porter: Yeah, send them to your Facebook page, send them to your most popular blog post, send them to another cheat sheet, another something-or-other that you put together and the cool thing about MailChimp or any of these email programs is that you basically set them up, put them into the system and then you say, “I want this email to go out at day 1, this one to go out 2 days later, this one 4 days later”, and rule of thumb, as soon as somebody comes into your email list is, sort of every couple of days initially for the first couple of weeks, just to warm them up and show them what you got and then hopefully convert them into being maybe a client or doing the next step with you.

Andrew McCauley: Awesome!

Heather Porter: So that’s, that one, they’re pretty easy, we’ve now covered the website, we talked about the funnel, now what next? So now you have your basis, your foundation laid out, ready to go, and hopefully you are writing on your website once a week and you have this little funnel kicking on behind the scenes, now you need to focus on traffic. So we are going to talk about briefly about that. How do you actually get people into your site, into your funnel?

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Andrew McCauley: Well, there is a couple of ways to do it , I guess the first one is, you can have organic traffic which is traffic that comes along who just happens to find you, they are searching the web they are surfing around and they come across content that you’ve written, they come across articles that you’ve posted, they come across videos that you may have put out on YouTube, they’ve come across stuff that you put on your website naturally and they call that organic traffic. Now content is one of the biggest buzzwords of 2013 and I think it is only going to get bigger in 2014. Tells us a little bit about why that’s going to be the case, H?

Heather Porter: Well one of the main things just with search engines is that they are looking for a conversational approach with what you are doing in your online marketing, so people are revisiting your website, they are commenting on your website, they are using their social media accounts to share your content across their �� to their followers �� And the only way to do this is to give them fresh information.

I mean people are not going to go share your contact page, or your about page or your services page, so to have individual bits of content that are ongoing, over time, it allows people to have that conversation with you, and spread your web so to speak out on the web, so you are allowing through all these different topics that you are going to be talking about, having different people with different interests find you. And look, content, what’s cool about is that you might be hearing, “Yeah I need to do and online TV show, I need to do podcasts �� just like what we are doing �� I need to do books and this and that”, not necessarily unless you love doing lots of content, but just stick with something and get good at it. So whether that is video, whether that is a podcast or maybe that’s just getting really, really good on one of your social media accounts and constantly putting up content there.

I guess the key thing to keep in mind here is that if content is overwhelming to you right now, it’s probably because you are thinking that you have to do everything.

Andrew McCauley: Yes, yes. Content can take a little bit more time to get traction too. So one of the things that we’ve learned is to be consistent with content, so even though you may have done a blog post for a couple of weeks every week and you haven’t got much results, keep sticking into it because consistency starts to pay off.

Heather Porter: Yes it absolutely does. And your blog post that you do every week by the way, you can embed your videos and that, I mean think about how you can cut and cross pollinate what you are doing across your social media and your website, but just key here is to come up with some sort of medium that you are happy to use and just keep, keep at it, keep doing it, use frequently asked questions and answer those questions as a great starting point because you already know that people want to know that information.

Andrew McCauley: Well that was organic free traffic, basically, what about paid traffic? What sort of options are there for paid traffic? And, why would you use paid traffic?

Heather Porter: So paid traffic just boost everything that you do quicker because of course when you do ads, it puts you immediately in front of an audience or a

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potential audience whereas with content and blog posts you are waiting for search engines to find it and deliver it and put it out there.

So ads like, there are lots different types of ads, so there’s ads that you put onto Google AdWords, there is banner ads that you can put across all the different ad networks, you have seen those of squared images or rectangle images that sit on different people’s websites, you’ve seen then on YouTube, you’ve seen them on The Wall Street Journal, even just individual bloggers that are quite well known, those are banner ads that you can get and put out there, you’ve got Facebook ads, Twitter ads. I think the thing to think about with ads because I know this can really overwhelm people, I always say in my opinion I think the easiest place to start is Facebook, what do you think?

Andrew McCauley: Yes I think Facebook, because it is so targeted, most people are happy with the platform that is on, they know how Facebook generally works, they know where the ads pop up, I think that’s probably the safest one to go with.

Heather Porter: Where would you say would be a good place for somebody to learn about the different types of Facebook ads and how they can go about doing that, do you think Facebook Help Desk or Support?

Andrew McCauley: Yes, they have a �� Go to Facebook help and type in Facebook ads, they’ve got a whole bunch of information that is updated all the time, I was looking at their Facebook ad image sizes this morning or yesterday, and they’ve updated it 5 hours before I looked at it. So they are always updating information on their site, so it’s a great place to start. Then you can do some YouTube searches too if you want to have and look at some methods on how to use those.

Heather Porter: So there you go, if you are looking back across everything we’ve talked about, all this information, anybody can do because we are talking about resources that have help desks and tutorials for you.

So if you start the website, make sure you get that under control, you can Google or go to YouTube and ask questions in there around how to do certain things on WordPress and get help moving to WordPress if that is something you want to do, and then just get started writing your blog posts, go from there and get your funnel going, as we were saying get that freebie up, and again MailChimp has great tutorials as well, and when in doubt about any of this go to YouTube and just type it in, type in your question and you’ll find it.

Then it’s time to turn on that traffic, so all you need to do is focus on some content that you are going to do outside of your site whether that is going to be a YouTube video, whether that is going to be a social media post on Facebook or Twitter what sort of things you can do outside of your site to start to expand your reach to other places and then go dive in to Facebook ads, go to Facebook support, go into their ad center and start to learn a few things about it, they have great tutorials in there, it’s not as scary as you think once you are in there if you’ve never done it before just start learning a little bit about it.

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Page 12: Simplify your online marketing

Andrew McCauley: The good thing about Facebook ads is that you can set yourself a budget, 10 dollars a day, and know that you get to spend that much money; you don’t want surprise bills at the end of your billing period where you are spending thousands of dollars. So the good thing about Facebook is that you can really control how much you are spending.

Heather Porter: And once you get all this stuff going, then and only then, can you then say, “Okay, now I am going to learn about copy writing, or now I am going to learn about split testing or some of the more advanced things”. If you don’t have this, your foundation in the first place then all this other stuff is just going to overwhelm you and confuse you and you don’t even have the right system to even build a list or even communicate with them in the first place. So why would you actually want to learn about all that stuff if its helping to improve something that is on a rocky foundation?

Andrew McCauley: Splendid! I think you’ve covered it. Get a website under control, build your funnel, turn on traffic, there you go, that’s all, it sounds like very easy stuff to do. Thank you.

Heather Porter: There you go – It will take somebody a month or 2 maybe to just focus on this, if you are going to say each week I am going to focus on 1 of these items, and then I get home from work or whatever it is and I go to the help center, I go watch the tutorials on MailChimp, just break it or chunk it apart like that and then you’ll fight that overwhelm.

Andrew McCauley: Yes, you will. Alright, good summary H, good summary.

Heather Porter: One thing too, Andrew, I want to share, which is really cool, is that we had in November, we had our biggest month ever as far as listeners go. Not only listeners and the number of listeners but countries, we are now in 68 countries.

Andrew McCauley: Woo-hoo! That is awesome, that is amazing!

Heather Porter: Thanks, you guys, what an amazing support from all of you listening, 68 countries is just mind blowing to me, I can’t even imagine. Wherever you are in the world, thank you for this ongoing support and listening to us and sharing and spreading the love.

Andrew McCauley: I want to put out a challenge. I shared with everyone the other week a tool called CommentCast where I can see which countries, with little flags of people that commented on. So far I want to see some countries, I want to see some other countries flags other than the US, Australia, and Sweden, Canada, and New Zealand. I want to see some other countries, so if you are listening to us from a country that we may not have mentioned I want you to leave us a review even if it is a 1, 2, 3-word review, go to iTunes, find us and then just say, hey you liked the show you thought it was good or whatever you want to say so then we can see your little flag pop up on our show and we will give you a shout out. So there is the challenge.

Heather Porter: I love it.

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Page 13: Simplify your online marketing

Andrew McCauley: Let’s see your name, get your name shout out to 68 countries, there you go.

Heather Porter: Love it; love it, Andrew and we are going to wrap up and guys we look forward to talking to you next week.

Andrew McCauley: Yes, looking forward to a good podcast next week, it is going to be exciting, it is a secret; I am not going to tell you what it is!

Heather Porter: That just means we don’t know what we are talking about yet.

Andrew McCauley: Don’t tell them that! Alright, take care, talk to you right there.

Heather Porter: Bye guys!

MC: Make sure to grab out free business automation guide now and get access to other special bonuses, head on over to ayb podcast dot com

All passengers and cabin crew should now be seated, please keep your seatbelt securely fastened. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the first officer speaking. On behalf of your captains Andrew McCauley and Heather Porter, we would like to thank you for taking the journey with us to AutoPilot Your Business. You are now closer to putting your own business on AutoPilot using the internet. Of course if you would like to rack up some frequent flyer points, visit our website or check us out on Facebook at These frequent flyer points are totally useless but the information is gold. Until we fly again, happy travels!

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