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  • 8/14/2019 Simple Style



    19 innovative totraditional designs withsimple knitting techniques


  • 8/14/2019 Simple Style


  • 8/14/2019 Simple Style


    Cecily Glowik designed this sweater with a low, broad neckline that fits beautifully

    whether you wear the sweater with the buttons in front or back. The body is worked in the

    round to the armholes, the sleeves are added, then the yoke is worked in a single piece

    to the wide neck opening. The yoke is shaped with decreases that are cleverly disguised

    in ribs that taper from larger repeats at the base to smaller repeats at the neck. Wide ribs

    at the hem extend partway up the sides to give a hint of waist shaping. Stitches for the

    button and buttonhole bands are picked up and knitted along the front opening. Knitted

    in 100% cashmere, this sweater is pure luxury.

    LOWER BODYWith larger needle, CO 148 (164, 188, 220) sts. Do not join. Set-up rib: (WS) P4 (4, 0, 0),

    *k4, p4; rep from * to last 0 (0, 4, 4) sts, k0 (0, 4, 4). Work in patt as established (knit the

    knits and purl the purls) until piece measures 2" (5 cm) from CO, ending with a WS row. Next

    row: (RS) K24 (32, 36, 44), [p4, k4] 3 times, k16 (16, 24, 32), [p4, k4] 3 times, k16 (16, 24,

    32), [p4, k4] 3 times, k20 (28, 32, 40). Work in patt as established until piece measures 4"

    (10 cm) from CO, ending with a WS row. Next row: (RS) K32 (40, 44, 52), p4, k36 (36, 44,

    52), p4, k36 (36, 44, 52), p4, knit to end. Work in patt as established until piece measures 6"

    (15 cm) from CO, ending with a WS row. Change to St st and work even until piece measures

    13 (13, 12, 11)" (33 [33, 30.5, 28] cm) from CO, ending with a WS row.Divide for Fronts and Back(RS) K32 (36, 40, 48) for right front, BO next 8 (8, 12, 12) sts for right armhole, k68 (76, 84,

    100) for back, BO next 8 (8, 12, 12) sts for left armhole, k32 (36, 40, 48) for left front. Place

    sts on holders or waste yarn and set aside.

    S LEEVESWith larger needle, CO 38 (38, 42, 42) sts. Do not join. Set-up rib: (RS) K1 (1, 3, 3), p0 (0,

    4, 4), *k4, p4; rep from * to last 5 (5, 3, 3) st(s), k5 (5, 3, 3). Work in patt as established

    until piece measures 2" (5 cm) from CO, ending with a WS row. Change to St st. Inc row: (RS)

    K2, LLI (see Glossary, page 000), knit to last 2 sts, RLI (see Glossary, page 000), k22 sts

    incd. Inc 1 st each end of needle in this manner every 8 (8, 8, 6) rows 10 (12, 12, 14) more


    F I N I S H E D S I Z E

    About 33 (36, 41, 49)" (84 [92.5, 106,

    124.5] cm) bust circumference, buttoned.

    Sweater shown measures 33" (84 cm).

    YA R N

    Worsted weight (#4 Medium).

    Shown here: Classic Elite Stormy (100%cashmere; 110 yd [101 m]/50 g): #10369

    rust, 7 (8, 8, 9) skeins.

    N E E D L E S

    Body and sleevessize U.S. 8 (5 mm): 32"

    (80 cm) circular (cir). Edgingsize U.S. 7

    (4.5 mm): 24" (60 cm) cir. Adjust needle

    size if necessary to obtain the correct


    N O T I O N S

    Stitch holders or waste yarn; tapestry

    needle; sixteen " (1.3 cm) buttons.

    G A U G E

    18 stitches and 26 rows = 4" (10 cm) in

    stockinette stitch on larger needle.





  • 8/14/2019 Simple Style


  • 8/14/2019 Simple Style


    F I N I S H E D S I Z E

    About 37 (40, 43, 46, 49, 53, 56)"

    (94 [101.5, 109, 118, 125.5, 134.5, 142]

    cm) bust circumference, fastened. Sweater

    shown measures 40" (101.5 cm).

    YA R N

    Worsted weight (#4 Medium).

    Shown here:Brown Sheep Lambs Pride

    Worsted (85% wool, 15% mohair; 190 yd

    [174 m]/113 g): M184 pistachio, 6 (7, 8, 9,

    9, 10, 11) skeins.

    N E E D L E S

    Size U.S. 6 (4 mm): 32" (80 cm) circular

    (cir) and set of 4 or 5 double-pointed (dpn).

    Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the

    correct gauge.

    N O T I O N S

    Markers (m); cable needle (cn); tapestry

    needle; four " (2 cm) hook-and-eye

    closures (available at fabric stores).

    G A U G E

    20 stitches and 30 rows = 4 (10 cm)

    in stockinette stitch.

    Vronik Avery chose a circular construction for this striking asymmetric cardigan. The

    body is knitted in a single piece from the hem to the armholes, the sleeves (worked up-

    ward from the cuffs) are added, then the yoke is worked to the top of the foldover collar.

    Decorative mirrored decreases border a couple of reverse stockinette stitches to produce

    an unusual textural pattern along the four raglan lines that resembles cables. A wide knit-

    two-purl-two rib along the hem, cuffs, and front opening provides just the right amount of

    visual interest to an otherwise plain sweater. Rather than fuss with buttons and buttonhole

    placement, Vronik chose to fasten the cardigan with large hook-and-eye closures.

    ST I TCH GUIDERight-Leaning Double DecreaseSlip 2 sts onto cn and hold cn parallel to and behind left needle. *Insert right needle into first st

    on left needle and first st on cn, knit these 2 sts tog; rep from * once2 sts decd.

    Left-Leaning Double DecreaseSlip 2 sts onto cn and hold cn parallel to and in front of lef t needle. *Insert right needle into first

    st on cn and first st on lef t needle, knit these 2 sts tog; rep from * once2 sts decd.

    LOWER BODYWith cir needle, CO 174 (190, 206, 222, 238, 254, 270) sts. Do not join. Set-up rib: (RS)

    *K2, p2; rep from * to last 2 sts, k2. Cont in rib as established (knit the knits and purl the purls)

    until piece measures 3 (3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3) (7.5 [7.5, 8.5, 8.5, 9, 9, 9.5] cm) from

    CO. Work even in St st (knit RS rows; purl WS rows) even until piece measures 13 (14, 14,

    14, 14, 15, 15)" (35 [35.5, 36, 37, 37.5, 38, 38.5] cm) from CO, ending with a WS







  • 8/14/2019 Simple Style




    K I M O N O C L A S S I C | V I C K I S Q U A R E S H O R T - R O W S K I R T | K A T C O Y L E

    S T A Y- P U T W R A P | M A G S K A N D I S

    T A I L O R E D V E S T | R U T H I E N U S S B A U M

    K A L E I D O S C O P E Y O K E | K A T I E H I M M E L B E R G

  • 8/14/2019 Simple Style


    T W I S T E D - V P U L L O V E R | A L I C E H A L B E I S E N

    W E E K E N D FA I R I S L E | A N N E . S M I T H

    B I G C A B L E V E S T | T H E R E S E C H Y N O W E T H K A Z U M I P U L L O V E R | J O L E N E T R E A C E

    G U E R N S E Y S K I R T | K A T C O Y L E O R G A N I C C O T T O N H E N L E Y | M I C K I H A I R

  • 8/14/2019 Simple Style


    Take a break from knitting fussy garments and complicated techniques. Instead, knit

    beautiful designs with interesting details and clean silhouettes with Simple Style,a col-

    lection of 19 contemporary garments that celebrate stunning results, simply. Following in

    the footsteps of Scarf Style, Wrap Style, Lace Style, Folk Style, and Bag Style, Simple

    Stylefeatures appealing projects accompanied by luscious lifestyle photographs, easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions, and thorough materials lists.

    I N S I D E R E A D E R S W I L L F I N D :

    ;Nineteen signature projects ranging from pullovers, cardigans, vests, skirts, and

    wraps from top knitwear designers, including Pam Allen, Vronik Avery, Mags

    Kandis, Deborah Newton, and Vicki Square.

    ;Simple yet clever techniques for knitting beautiful designs: innovative edgings,

    artful placement of color and texture bands, novel construction techniques that

    minimize seams or maximize personal fit, and much more!

    ;A Design Notebook that covers ways to maximize style while simplifying knit-

    ting and finishing techniques.

    New knitters wanting to try knitting for the first time, intermediate knitters looking

    for interesting project ideas, and experienced knitters wanting a foundation for

    simplifying designs will delight in Simple Style.

    ANN BUDDis a book editor and the former senior editor of Interweave Knitsmagazine.

    She is the author of The Knitters Handy Book of Patterns series and Getting Started

    Knitting Socks, plus co-author of many of the Styleseries books (all from Interweave).

    Paperbound, 8 x 9, 136 pages100 photographs, 25 illustrations, 30 charts

    ISBN 978-1-59668-090-6


    March 2009

    C R A FT S / K N I T T I N G

    K N I T B E A U T I F U L D E S I G N S W I T H s impl ic i ty