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  • EEmmEunFlakSE 37


    TLrs frnnß \r,apoi ß rell [f(r\i hr n:r 0 ll!.rd \1rr It Ir iid h Grl. hs!.

    r, orlsD! Llurog rh. Ir.{ Nuld \Tar. \[.ißDs !I itrs.iLl!.

    lhes. !uß r!,e nourtl{] oi i sh.etuarler! nr§.d u^ sli!. alI li.r!:r']ftr i rlri rrn! r.I \ft s\r!q1i t! Lro a s.rLre nrFg ptirrorn lrrth time these !ui r\..r .\üdrel, nohil.rnl (ouli.rillLl [,l] r) Iir.

    The rr . ra5 t9l6.rre.rd rernt. l.]{! \e,e mrnlfa(ur.d brr,!i ia.L!,ies. ninrl\ Ii.rpD: !I t,5en niIth.Dncrall Bus -s rlr\ rcr. dcrqo e,lCe!.trLe 3 8 l


    lra\.lLrig roiiiioD,nr srde rrns oi rLe , nri.n,.r \crc lo,rdsd,.t,. r!tr..t Lra[es "nrq,o r.i br hr on nr iri .r.a»d d!.tsrere rlNr{l behind thr ß|erl\ lir)m 1933.iiaD\ FLaI l1]! rere rdr,!,rd,\e,- ridnr rnrl,e SooJers^hd!nger 201 ard 50 oIt[!se rf,rnrrihr mod rd !! il,ar o.. nai .oülJ la"ih. sun lor b li ii'r i.d dclt or.n,oql, dLi!lerure rrs i( ur iuql

    Ftu^ 1910 !n$rrJ5 LorI rlP fldl 1l !tu1rhl 36 oi rhr Sord.rarh.Dßrr Trrl.r

    201 rn.. Intd nil, :hlr d! t s !r rhr (r.,rproklrirr \rrei frrinq grliJ rrs{s r m,.{Llll! cI {l! r'lrI il6 \rr! l,ned ,\ rh N r,nrri\eJ üi,l!r m.u,e Sooderiila!nst,202 rnrnh \r.s n d §rar rrii \rli.rls. Tte!8m! rehrd. ur.d n{ b,i| t rr 13 i.d Irlatirrj \a5 rrre :i (fz 7 rr!1o.,r,u rt br Kriu:s\lalle'. T),! irtlL [r,{D rrle !I hd I lril!.hnh Lid seari'rg I!. dr gui .re\ aoJ

    I rriihr \exlio io il,. flak lrii \a5 rI!r.r.r 37 r\hrL iri: spc.ifniLlr pbdü.cd lortle !itl irüft tue.rid i!r f,ilri §ith i^e\r dah

    (,!,ont;b.ri,astrisser :r7. suralle orL I0r lLish dos e

    lj.rh il| fLk 1S d Fli\ 36 ],i!L a Liig. ii J5l!0l, a,d i lr,rrrtriil rars.l'f r6 200 \'rds lL.f(d,inre6rhe!,lonrr

    i3 ll' ,r 5iiole .heL\Tht reishl ,J the oturt.!1. .ri: 20 ll\. Hl0 21 ll\ .\I, inJ rnole llfzzl. \.]o.1.\di 2690 n 0{ i.turd rnl HL anl 21j20 lr.

    li rrrn,L . ..d.r ,» ilre saald rii.r201 ihr l hr i3 inl 36 r\Hshel i nD: lLh',r tne r L. 15 zil nNni, rr. n i r

    The , rdL r!s lr r.!o.n»:i{rg1,ld,q.tatu,.li,!.ar!.[er. iusr :{n.r. ard n]!ann\D,r ü r,orl! nunLtrs. rlu: ,re d{irhme (mmirlrr i^i rlre r'arbr' \1hrnI r Dg agrr{ -irrnll 1r's{: r,r! im,.u,l(n1i.1,!,5 l!rdhe G! .r,*. aid dcfledon5drrrs .p:pedL!pll. ard ,,e nß. : t.r L..r.. a. rnmdriiror rumho. l'1re s.nrrr anmuit,or itrm6rr r\'s li .h!rse .I lnnri ti)n!r{1, i l\as ihr id!hocit ,r.ofilr1!n

    Tl!,. r{r thre. i!1][Js ol l,r. lrt.l.l,- rrdn or p.ldnror rl,r,ulr N .lft irans

    for AA r;!. iir(t !.in4rirrDsl rhe nshi\ n ' rhr a , htrL ,ule i^Jnrl,,ed L,e r (ooj!^d,oo \nl, a , aige LDd!r.

    FlaL 165 made the, JJrr m rll finor]{Lsitr! Lii rol! ar Ilalir,a dtrüg ih. !adle olsilluir. Jür 1911. Fi.iiq hom «tr.eal!dNsn ins !|i .ils.. iher deqtu\.d 1?3,!r rr 213 nts[rns ;], lsh un[5. The l]er,iitr\ .dln{l ur Brilr!h Lil n! -er 2i)'ir3 ro!ad: n.ed a{ Hxlliri

    ll,r Flak l3 itrd Irhr 36 nt!]el. r(T.thr srear!n oüil,e,5 J

    all rh! aJ \eL'rs ol sun: Ho§.r.r. tl,o€r.,e se\eül i,.pü a doir lr.s.l.s! \.lLItri\, tr.r L.r ßc ar \ir :ir,rt !n rrirhtr Nrinirril r!{.nrHl uqlu(r.n,i\eft e..,,tkn seen in d.1j,»

    \lßt nNrri^l or a I sds dtr §.f (i, fläl1l de!elop!d dal un,d!. h! ltl,.rnrralllrorss rs a rue irLllipurr'sr inirrDl r.i rrrir r*ron li orelrre rhe inlreüLIL:dJrrnuge,r{ t}e t a[ 13 aDd 3ti m t[!r, rafl .!1. tl,e greal l.,al,t oI ih. mo!trrß 6\ yrluill\ (:irg ihe trrrLßn noutri

    irrr,ßrm.Dr ol rh. .ir.l,rr i,!]els ri 'qlr

    90Jesrees n, rnlrr rhe !lh,!dr..

    TLe l,d,t rrs Lensrllod Nd (rtnsrl



    'e ä-


    la n acl on ät S d Rezeg n Lrbya

  • 88mmEunFlak36 37

    srJ. rfir rhe nfizh \.L.rr\ !,rr{.nl rlRrk li n.- ni: ai.ur

    2i htrit. p-", r i . Tir gln liuld h. ii,!J1,q, rlre n rilua ,F,r! ,,,ri rhe,,!,,{rm

    ii,r ihe rrir \l,rr nlS! l.,difrtrs{ 202 tra5 raidi.J ',iti 11,5r.ip.f Tl. .,,ri: ias Ud.r il, rlnr

    n,r rrlak jd i ,

    .r.ig"\.,f 1i \!rh.\t:nd rdrraigi

    r,!t rlr Rh!rmerall le!gi.rl,e FLiL.ll rri r{1. I n "as d.rJ.,lh k.r),h KrrD, nodf iri,f( l. 's! , iiir F.r ,fr|fr .run - rle rl. lre l,fthe 16 i 1,t rrlrnr , ! tr rle ,!re,rafil on rir r1,i:-üi f,. tL ,ln,! r]t,e!i!rL,LL1. n,, d +üßirl srrri oirhL! .alLb,r i.ncxt.l l'.il ,lt. rrre (q,0{ui l:,i r if,,71. l.f/lt rJ !,r: ooui},1 r, Irr'r rr rf,N r.rsr,,trJ,r 5rsL!\1.!rlr!,gk. ,D, Lr r, rn^e,,I r). Su,Ll!,a!],:s,r.,r0r Th. re{!i ,.a5 1,,".r nfu r]r lhr11 lu,. Ll rlu-r. Lr.ii h,.1, ogll dl,rr !nIh. jur fulLlr frh,Jr,r t,n! r r ( lli I. LPJ n!,. llrl,a\! r!5 r r !, r,g i. 1l.r rr:!.:. ris lrplr,aur 3ir &g,sr: .i1,.r r,l. rl rl,r L,,,g,nl'liril s,rdrs.1il. nrld flrn,.m it ln,.,,r ne Fik 13 \Ns ?l rr ; i n,I!. lrg

    !nlr tl'j{r 5r .1 tr15:l.iii Irn frr r.,o l \\',1 .\lC!(.llf tl\'lrrs x.2sn irs.i l 1!

    'r l E llre \l\ ras 2.1!0

    n15 \1trir l'('Ef. r rdLl, LürrrNr. l nini uI d,rrN, al f.ijoL] \rri; l hi: ,n rrri.Dli.ri !rr!.. ii] r llrlll

    Dlr 1! rrre !,eto,. !l rhr ri, !1uär!ir 11,5 rLm" dfil th.,,\ ,i de Pri!i.t. i\l! .irri.e n r\h{h .! ii arli,,rl i,rLj»(c t:r 13 r; h" 1!.rrrli r. il| intr

    Tir rra, !s- trrr. rh.r,re u.{l !i

    'rre larr är,r .i llf rLrr 1r

    ll.drl 1a l!.n,.r ,d il,. trnd.lrs. rl..L!rer' rI nr nrr usti i ll rlre li ,F ni !mni J hr.,,., \r'c,rhr !I ri,L. reapoi rd-

    ih.. i^J n,-l rhe .rn! r.irftrr! :. llelir {l i,,l ld. 13 i1 !xnr iI rl.l,r.r.l!,rrr I !l af n, Ln'l!. )i!r..0n, !di4.r1,.,5,Irir c,n,l.d n!\itlo. hNrre r!r. lle lhrdm!re rrs n,, r lrr\rc{r notur,ß hrrrrL

    rhr er4l !l rhr.illjn{ ri\N.ricJ. Tlir ils 1l,r ru, nür li.D,.r rl!rminrft,lil.ll.,rl T *,. rjhli !'.irirr:er rir t,r Jiqi ,.ir,n

    r)rtrr i-.,gr., ,:.nLdnr irtrzi. !aL!


    Fak a Rl.ntr and Flak 36 Leitl. Nois the drrEren.e ol


  • O ass€mbly or zlndäpp Motorcyc e

    l-.:..Yr.,,1, 1 Assemb y or Front Fork







    *You w rrequrad a par or tweezers.a rie and a sharp hobby knile ro buld

    tas thls krt s.omposed ol many liiepat5. lake good care whsn removrng

    *A Pays use C ue very spar ngry To0much gu. wl sp.! your f. shed node

    lyres 01 Bamn Gun

    FLAK 36 used

    FLAK 37 : used

    Beio'a sta n ng

    ol parts supp ed

    diller.shown li the d aerams by nd.atloiol the .orespord,ng numbers. 36aid 37 Take eood.are to assemb e

    lor ih. iypa you

    FLAK 3636 : Ih s number shows parts ro beused 1or FLAK 36 Ant lafk Gun

    FLAK 3737 Th s number pa s io beused ror FLAK 37 Ant.a rralt Gun

    cd.ur 1o b. pa nGd

    5 lnsta atlon ol cylinder



    860 :

    Q o."".o r o, r,"o.oo ro,o-r..847

    83mm CUn 's composed or many detaled

    fne parts Assembe Zundäpp Motor.y.le inst.and

    'han yo!, gei hands

    o1 ass.mblne lne pa,ts

    Nee.,€cs.c..urmal.l] n0?

    ies reßlü ramya tor p.rf-l reals :


    6 48




    3 assehb y or Mä]. Frame845 832

    853 D. -,

  • @ o*..,, , o,"o"-Right and lelt outriggers maybe lolded.Do not .em€nt hov.ble rarrs.Reler to the diaC..m and tempor.rilyassnbl. pärts in blocks without applying cehenl. N€xt, see and checkparts lit log€th€r well.nd cement them

    @ ,n",,r.r'". t o*.,o*.*r.Front and rear ou&iggers may nor b6folded, blt äre ro tuve joining pa s,or ä carr€r thesc part§ incotre.t position .fter checking theshape of the parls in rhe diasram.

    825 Joh' this F rirh a hsr€d

    O comereti.E or Gun Base crmceoutriggers to Gun

    or Gun b3se ls com-posed ol m.ny lif,e p.rts. lt ls easierio assemble thes€ parrs il you do rhisin ord.r down*ard to upward

    €) ass.mbry or ol.,isetrs B9


    B l7

    B l7




    @ ,.",",,.r,- ", outrisser Parts

    Completing of Gun Base



    B14 B2!



  • TAMTYAo o"...",,., ",. "... "",,.R€1er ro the diagram änd assemblevarious oä.rs belo.ehandTake eood care ro ass.mbe the cor.rect parts ,or one oi the two typ6s,FLAK 36 or 37.which you are to hake

    @ o*".0', , cun Base Parrs



    FLAK 37A3l

    Parts A-19 and A 43 are each oI dilferent lsngrh. when gun rs ser ar hiehanere, use onger pari a l9 on theoiher hand, nhena.ele.lse sho er part A-46 ihes6parts ar€ lntercha.geable a.cord'ng royour imaCnatve "conbar scenes' andthei do not cement elther öl them

    A l0


    @ o*".r, , n- "--,C.ft.i halves ol gln barel logerher aiter cemant has diad,scrape oll slrplus cemeni on gun


    Assembly oi Top Ca laee

    lnsrär värous pads onto righrelt side pLäres Cemeni onryside pate to man boi .fterrecuperaror ho der a.d bat!ery



    FLÄK 37




    FLAK 36a35

    A 4l

    Constrlction ol Main Aox

    ^72 A72

    t tnum coron cmrocurThe larosi rn caß, b.ats, lanks and shtps.Molörzed. Gdioconrb ed and museumqualrtyhode saGa rshownhrur cororinTamiya's rat6§i cararoqu€. Ar your n€aE3l

    .nobby seely hoße.

    O assemh y o, cu" Bdrel




    A58 A50


    444 --g>**^FLAK 36



    FLAK 37



    FLAK36ITEM 35017

  • O assembry or cui c€deWhen rxing p,rt A_22. checkw€l which end is lron! and r€ar.C€mnt lr i. corect pos lo. .lterchecking the shap€ ol thl6 pa4 in

    S=-tr2s*ffi.,Tamporari y assembl€ p.rr A 34without csmenirng ai rhls släge.This parl should be cemenred aisbce 13 diagrsm rogerher w rh partA-37. lns6rt egs ol part A-t5 ntoholes ol anel€ setter by op€ningvery carolully the rwo regs slightlyoutward wlth lingers. Do not openthese legs too strongty .s they are

    @ o*",0,r, o*".*o ",,,-Fix äutohätic ramher alter ch€cklngcärelully wher. to cement.Heat-lix pads A-la as shoM inthe Be sure lhat iheseremain moveäble äfi€r hesting.

    @ "..r",-. " '., "*.'*.Fix leli side plat6 to main box,and ,ixRecuper.tor to Top C.ri3g6. Alltheseparts ar€ novrbl6. Do not cem.n!

    lnsot protrusion oI recup.rator hold€rihrough hole of one end ol rieht andl6lt .€cupsr!16rs, .nd th€^ llx lhisp.rt as il ir is screwed ln. Do not ce-

    @ o."".0,, o, u," "-0," o +

    412a55 453

    O assembry or ReNetrator

    Assembly of A!tomaric Ramner

    @ "..r,*,., , ,.0 ".. "r"


  • l2 rnsLänaion or Rehr s,ded Par!slnstal TeLescop c sight A-56,and ar ihe same iime. fix the Ginn3rrigLre The gunners chäir is iold6d

    have eunner ir rnnc pos tion. he

    Assemblg three RoLnd cönrain"rs

    t§, Lnsrararion of Lefr sdedP,ßPa A-71 is rehoved wrr le actu.lrir ng is done lnsert this pärt lrorthe underside oI your mdelDo not cemenr cun Sheld (a,761 aErhis should be easiy remov.ble

    @ "",,,.,,...,.,"the diagrah shows

    rhat rhe gun s ready ro fire aeainst bnks or aircraii lr yo! are iolse your cohptered modet in a d o-räm sett ng, .ui ott tower ha I olpart B 5 and put t into rghr pos tion ol OLt.lgeer as shown n lhe

    TAMTYAlnställation o{ Right Sided

    lnstallrti.n öf L.ft Sided Prrts









    9 E^*

    ITEM 35017

  • @ o*".0,, , ".e*.When the gun s blllt in trave-line postion the sam€ lro.t and.ear bogies were usedbooklet ässemblyg'ven lor only one bogie ol the two.

    bogies must be

    Frst y, assemble steenng sectionbur be sure thar .emenr is propenyd.ied belore proceedins ruither

    @ t.,,o, - ,.,"*." o,.Belore instarinc parrs c-2a, c-29,päy carerul ateniion to denrrywhich part s right and telr, upper

    lnstalhrion ol UpFr Parts ol

    Upper parls ol bogl6s .re compösedollneP8rts. Assemble these Frts inco eci ord.r ol the dlasram

    @ r"r"-. " o,**Fii nur to conn6.t bogle and boitomcaniaCe

    'nto heragona ho e ol part.

    dried berore proce.ding Iu her.

    @ o..",0,, o, "".'."c9c1


    _ ,_-Ä;/r',/)-.

    c33 c5

    c37 C42@:x"L"J;ii:"""*"'"".''

    c3l c27 C 36

    @ rnsi,rrauon or cyrnder

    c t4


  • @ *"".""u**P*"cohm!.calion reel The skotch n

    cemented. but.ord suspendedas :l it has been

    alter assembrne reer,wind v,fyt .ordneatly around reel Alte. vnyr cordwas wou.ded PUt end or cord throlghone of reer hoes and nx pari c 19 ro

    wdan hoe or.örd end pu[ine Penct


    rnsralarön ot Gu. Base onlo

    Flt gun base onio bocßs wirh 3 mm

    beow phoro shows how boeies are lri.d to gun bäse rrom whi.h gun ba eta.d cun shrerd are t€mporar ty rehoved


    @ rnsta r.tion ol ueeer Parts



    c l3

  • lr,.l co,pr.t.".r s0 .. G,.30 mm gun is abe to tue even whenritied on bogi6s. ln this cä.3,rightandhft ounegers must be sei open

    l?l o*..0, " .,"*.R€1er to the skerch welljand assemblovarlo!s soldi€r firur.s Corectlv D.intsoldi.r Iigur€ in either one you prelerof rhe German Air Forc€ o. NatiorutDelense A/my as shosn below.

    fi) r,...urv o rig,,.. ::l il:"li'fi',ff1i".- E-3











    B-tF-4 D6





    ltAINTtNGicoour of German Fra Weaponslfrim 1935 !r |ebruarr 19,!3 rhc nn Lr tLCermätr Irre !r.i!o^ tirl r, u!. "r, uDiro.rgrey rilL iLe e\lerritr i{ (lr! n-rliilrtr olrcllo§ a^,r hro$i tuJ lL! ,onh,n ioi iI grllinirgreer !Li.L \ereused ii Ätrrr of nür:edry slre lrr soh.r a^J ed h 19.12, iltr rtrir,rl,;dütrs I!. !.e ii Afrni r..e repL!.erl bIb.orr. oD trrr E.«cro tr!or rhere th. cür.aisf,Nshr rhe Russnns,\i'n..rhde sreltshtrLrk iras :praleLt orer llre bast. rdou. TL!r!inr.r \hile irrs oI r!de.paidr rLpe rhn h.outdl,e r,rnr off,!nLD {ainiis rhr bin. rolo!.on 13ih Fel!!!r r9.13.ilt .ilourere rerricnt rn6 Ja.I re s hr i.d.r ol r]tItLofnir5 \\e Dr!:i{cl! 5.\, (helelore. thrrhs tasi! d!u. iI Glriäa ihe §eipns al..rrrrr rrdn. r61L fehrurr! §is dark \!lt,NOrho..!re!s s.ri rIe!ellsr ,!ere rhos. rurr.dr\rr rr:t rrr'. .ottur.anouf i.e n rhns \nli nre La l! ed. ohlcJ!al r.drou. r!dl L) rhe rmer.ii trr..s . reJbr0$n ldark hn\i ßiiL a r!Ll 1i^r !01t dNrr,!11{r n»nat rolou The thrr. «,1 r. riilbe h.el! p.iDrJ in lirs. rouaL spotr q Lne;or !!rar r!;icd Tüe o !!r .irriired ürI rhr

    Ii iDr.i Lg]] irrr!1,l trr. ,,!i!n :)f.ti lnt 11 i,f.iirt r,r!n5r,r ic0r Ji(u:s nlor .J ir rhr o! i f,r)(!i ntr n r, ik. i.Ieise igd!n af .\LlßJF.!r-": I'r([ r r i rrda. §suql on ri,]rlirr ri u r91r r,! lrrdiseoi5is. r,L4, d0, nl!, : r \rfir,s in i.a!oD. thr r\rr. ,.h\!,eJr,!n tril. ,r ii,l n,,: nrtr rLs Jr! \li ,iLhr i.!G ir.ip.c,L.r J.t atr th,:s. nn4u

    TIL' .in,lllrer rrroli I nn ,iptl i. !i r i;..ud r. !.nr |hls. tr.. )

    k:D! i,J fd Lrrrkc n, .i r rL. .!r.s Tli" r,i!lr.i ,3 n riii.ulLlse ! f!1! r,) ,r r.!n!ntrl Lrti.r: i,.rt.d 5r! lr,t r frr,. ar,r.-..\. r!. c\.rr e .im,rfh!! 131,1 h.i\. lrol

    är rht r,drrr |dil ri !oe rtrrrnl oi li.rl,.r fIi ,urufLrs! nLshl ti,t r,rci .tr,r

    sqie dlrer lDrh ril Ll

    11 n,mr rrnrs.Crx. i,.,Ll. 1r th mui it(.r !a!!$\rnr! t,rd i r,! !.,^,,uJlNs.

    errelr rrrlr rol.rr pafr Ds rlrs rinouft;r!lir s d:-r ![r m,r]nsiii Lur.,llri rarl ,, r,i di:,ztrs ür! rlr {ilenr!,norrs ,lrx!n5rLrr5 frii, rirDr.s E5ps.,aLl,

    'lre r:rrnil

    rr,fr! liJ rrdl, !r!inrei rrE. h.rJr or11 5 arrrrd tur iitr h \.

    lr:.hs .i nrr re{!,ns hLtr ili. 1o rrrrr rserrlrrrr r,r; lliiil Tr,e rr.!J..inr|i1.rrrts {L]] n,q urrrr nr,rr . j,r,eilpntn' , sr

    .rLP firh nrm ., r nra rt!iLrsar r| rrt t-ro:Ni fr:..5 J!rrr ni:ti

    Ll.rJ! .dnlui ise riLrn( ,1 rd\ ! !, or dlf! dn tr. r!k"r| !r lririiLl|. ,rß!1 1o!trmg thr rhr. rrrl lrec nLrgs ,» aris; TlL,,n.rlql f.i, ,Ir.n r,l!rr.J : io !, heNlr trr.§.Npn,s lil! ßs nn slns rlü ri!,! drr :r!mo!tuu

  • AlrrrlylI,lGDE.CALS

    Tl. )iari{il D.l.r!!,\ru. itrd Hrt.r! tirrr,ui.d rrirL t r .m,rrim [arrs]i Llt.,l

    Ii .as! !l rhe \ roriL l).l.i!! .\.or's irmoueJuirr. r hrhlio^ tris ,rnoiei ot 2 sqlaJr»sr s urtlli !nrr t! hid 1 ,rilLr.r suisor rhe iil{r 6d^i. rlre Itaer s t.ile l,uanl ris«nposlJ !I 3 nridro!: aDJ hit 12 ür[ai

    rlr!i rfe \rrL!tril DeieDs.trn! h iokr riE r: du. n, the rclsor rL

    i rlrr Hr iirs LLi! tn .dr i[!i !f \.ipi)sTle nifdirJ nrmroo ln rrsrl.r L,ld rl U rdLd ! halr 3d mn anLlle:r guis 11. rrregu !ruin liring 2 rrFmeitr ürI laJ t2 Bin»ar,ler\ sm! h .!npeD,rr f,r ns rr.ßuld! rrIir ,. el ,r, ifrs 33mm ßu 3r» semr 'lra.tsinr il r:: ui{l rr,,.tr ]\is .spe.,aiLL rr)

    dr.d 1,, l(raE.Ihff. I :qldJr» h!.1 5 hr.ts

    ,Mar( ng or aamm Gun

    rlr l,.r ii iiall [rl]Edrr qu k deD.ii.d o^edrh LrFr!. 5in. hri.rr5 drd rh5 !fil sor.oihr! Dor rhrs ;e.n.d ro be rr ro lI er\!,drrs dioi.e 1m!nq lrr! (ieroii

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