silv programming

SIL V ACO PROGRAMMING NMOS : Id/Vgs and Threshold Voltage Extraction # (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013 go athena # line x loc=0.0 spac=0.1 line x loc=0.2 spac=0.006 line x loc=0.4 spac=0.006 line x loc=0.6 spac=0.01 # line y loc=0.0 spac=0.002 line y loc=0.2 spac=0.005 line y loc=0.5 spac=0.05 line y loc=0. spac=0.15 # init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."l=2 #p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell # &i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3 # etch oxi&e thic'=0.02 # #$ell I"plant # i"plant *o!on &ose=e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s # &i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3 # #$ell i"plant not sho$n # # $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e &i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3 # &i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1 # &i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=1200 t.!ate=4.444 nit!o p!ess=1 # etch oxi&e all # #sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e &i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3 # etch oxi&e all # #gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e &i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+25 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3 # # /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete! ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.05

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Page 1: Silv Programming

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NMOS : Id/Vgs and Threshold Voltage Extraction

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go athena


line x loc=0.0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.2 spac=0.006line x loc=0.4 spac=0.006line x loc=0.6 spac=0.01#line y loc=0.0 spac=0.002line y loc=0.2 spac=0.005line y loc=0.5 spac=0.05line y loc=0. spac=0.15#init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."l=2

#p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02##$ell I"plant#i"plant *o!on &ose=e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s

#&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3#

#$ell i"plant not sho$n ## $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e&i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3#&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#&i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=1200 t.!ate=4.444 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e

&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+25 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3## /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.05

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##vt a&st i"planti"plant *o!on &ose=+.5e11 ene!gy=10 pea!son


&epo poly thic'=0.2 &ivi=10##%!o" no$ on the sitation is 2#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=3 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=1.0#i"plant phospho! &ose=3.0e13 ene!gy=20 pea!son#&epo oxi&e thic'=0.120 &ivisions=

#etch oxi&e &!y thic'=0.120#i"plant a!senic &ose=5.0e15 ene!gy=50 pea!son#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=1 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0#

# patte!n s& contact "etaletch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.2&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &ivi=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.1

# /xt!act &esign pa!a"ete!s

# ext!act %inal S ext!act na"e=-nx- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1

# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistanceext!act na"e=-n sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1

# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egionext!act na"e=-l&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon-

"at.occno=1 x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1

# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel.ext!act na"e=-chan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-

"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45

# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias.ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1

*ias=0.0 *ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45

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ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1


# ext!act the long chan 7t

ext!act na"e=-n1&vt- 1&vt ntype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+

st!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5 y=0.1elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0.1elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=1.1elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

st!ct!e ot%ile="!

# plot the st!ct!etonyplot "! set "os1ex0190.set

############# 7t :est ;et!ns 7t, <eta an& :heta ################go atlas

# set "ate!ial "o&els"o&els cvt s!h p!int

contact na"e=gate n.polyinte!%ace 8%=3e10

"etho& ne$tonsolve init

# <ias the &!ainsolve v&!ain=0.1

# ;a"p the gatelog ot%="os1ex0191.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.25 v%inal=3.0 na"e=gatesave ot%="!

# plot !esltstonyplot "os1ex0191.log set "os1ex01919log.set

# ext!act &evice pa!a"ete!sext!act na"e=-nvt-(xinte!cept("axslope(c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))))

a*s(ave(v.-&!ain-))2.0)ext!act na"e=-n*eta-slope("axslope(c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))))


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ext!act na"e=-ntheta- (("ax(a*s(v.-&!ain-)) >-n*eta-)"ax(a*s(i.-&!ain-)))

(1.0 ("ax(a*s(v.-gate-)) (>-nvt-)))


NMOS : S!"Threshold Slo#e Extraction

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go athena#line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.2 spac=0.006line x loc=0.4 spac=0.006line x loc=0.5 spac=0.01#line y loc=0.00 spac=0.002line y loc=0.2 spac=0.005line y loc=0.5 spac=0.05line y loc=0. spac=0.15#init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."l=3

#p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02##$ell I"plant

#i"plant *o!on &ose=e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s

#&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3##$ell i"plant not sho$n ## $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e&i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3#&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1

#&i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=1200 t.!ate=4.444 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all

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##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+25 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3##

##vt a&st i"planti"plant *o!on &ose=+.5e11 ene!gy=10 pea!son

#&epo poly thic'=0.2 &ivi=10##%!o" no$ on the sitation is 2#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35#

"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=3 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=1.0#i"plant phospho! &ose=3.0e13 ene!gy=20 pea!son#&epo oxi&e thic'=0.120 &ivisions=#etch oxi&e &!y thic'=0.120#i"plant a!senic &ose=5.0e15 ene!gy=50 pea!son#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=1 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0#

#etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.2&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &ivi=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.1

# /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!.....ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.4+# /xt!act anothe! &esign pa!a"ete!s...# ext!act %inal S ...

ext!act na"e=-nx- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1# ext!act the long chan 7t...ext!act na"e=-n1&vt- 1&vt ntype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias....ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1 *ias=0.0*ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 !egion.occno=1) ot%ile=-ext!act.&at-# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistance...

Page 6: Silv Programming

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ext!act na"e=-n sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egion...ext!act na"e=-l&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel....

ext!act na"e=-chan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45

st!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5 y=0.1elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0.1elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=0.+elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

st!ct!e ot%ile="!

# plot the st!ct!etonyplot "! set "os1ex0390.set

############# S*7t :est ;et!ns S*7t a!a"ete! ################go atlas

# set "ate!ial "o&els"o&els cvt s!h p!intcontact na"e=gate n.polyinte!%ace 8%=3e10

# get initial soltion

 solve init

"etho& ne$ton t!apsolve p!ev

# <ias the &!ain a *it...solve v&!ain=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ain

# ;a"p the gate to a volt...log ot%="os1ex0391.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v%inal=1.0 na"e=gate

# ext!act the &evice pa!a"ete! S*7t...ext!act init in%=-"os1ex0391.log-ext!act na"e=-ns*vt-1.0slope("axslope(c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),log10(a*s(i.-&!ain-)))))

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tonyplot "os1ex0391.log set "os1ex03919log.set


NMOS : $I%L Extraction

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go athena#line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.2 spac=0.006line x loc=0.4 spac=0.006line x loc=0.5 spac=0.01#

line y loc=0.00 spac=0.002line y loc=0.2 spac=0.005line y loc=0.5 spac=0.05line y loc=0. spac=0.15#init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."l=3

#p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02

##$ell I"plant#i"plant *o!on &ose=e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s

#&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3##$ell i"plant not sho$n ## $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e&i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3

#&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#&i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=1200 t.!ate=4.444 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3

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#etch oxi&e all##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+25 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#


##vt a&st i"planti"plant *o!on &ose=+.5e11 ene!gy=10 pea!son

#&epo poly thic'=0.2 &ivi=10##%!o" no$ on the sitation is 2#

etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=3 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=1.0#i"plant phospho! &ose=3.0e13 ene!gy=20 pea!son#&epo oxi&e thic'=0.120 &ivisions=#etch oxi&e &!y thic'=0.120#i"plant a!senic &ose=5.0e15 ene!gy=50 pea!son#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=1 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0#

#etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.2&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &ivi=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.1

# /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!.....ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.4+

# /xt!act anothe! &esign pa!a"ete!s...# ext!act %inal S ...ext!act na"e=-nx- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1# ext!act the long chan 7t...ext!act na"e=-n1&vt- 1&vt ntype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias....ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1 *ias=0.0*ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45

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ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 !egion.occno=1) ot%ile=-ext!act.&at-# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistance...ext!act na"e=-n sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egion...

ext!act na"e=-l&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel....ext!act na"e=-chan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45

st!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5 y=0.1elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0.1elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=0.+elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

st!ct!e ot%ile="!

# plot the st!ct!etonyplot "! set "os1ex0490.set

############# I< :est ;et!ns I< a!a"ete! ################go atlas

# set "ate!ial "o&els"o&els cvt s!h p!intcontact na"e=gate n.polyinte!%ace 8%=3e10

# get initial soltion

 solve init

"etho& ne$ton t!apsolve p!ev

# <ias the &!ain a *it...solve v&!ain=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ain# ;a"p the gatelog ot%="os1ex0491.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v&!ain=0.1 v%inal=1.5 na"e=gate co"pl=1.1e?cna"e=&!ain

Page 10: Silv Programming

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# ext!act &evice pa!a"ete!sext!act init in%=-"os1ex0491.log-ext!act na"e=-nvt1- x.val %!o" c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))$he!e y.val=0.1e6

# no$ open a &""y log %ile...log o%%

# o$ sta!t again an& !a"p the &!ain to 3 volts...solve init# <ias the &!ain to 3 volts......slo$ly at %i!st....solve v&!ain=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ainsolve v&!ain=0.25 vstep=0.25 v%inal=3 na"e=&!ain

# ;a"p the gate again $ith anothe! opene& log%ile...

log ot%="os1ex0492.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v&!ain=3 v%inal=1.5 na"e=gate co"pl=1.1e?cna"e=&!ain

# ext!act the next &evice pa!a"ete! $ith the &!ain no$ at 3 volts....ext!act init in%=-"os1ex0492.log-ext!act na"e=-nvt2- x.val %!o" c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))$he!e y.val=0.1e6

# @alclate a I< pa!a"ete! 77ext!act na"e=-n&i*l- (>-nvt1->-nvt2-)(3.00.1)

tonyplot ove!lay "os1ex0491.log "os1ex0492.log set"os1ex049log.set


NMOS : %od& E'ect Extraction

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013############### Aa""a :est %o! an BCS t!ansisto! ################

go athena

#line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.2 spac=0.006line x loc=0.4 spac=0.006line x loc=0.5 spac=0.01#

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line y loc=0.00 spac=0.002line y loc=0.2 spac=0.005line y loc=0.5 spac=0.05line y loc=0. spac=0.15#init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."l=1

#p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02##$ell I"plant#i"plant *o!on &ose=e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s


"etho& g!i&.ox=0.02&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3##$ell i"plant not sho$n ## $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e&i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3#&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#&i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=1200 t.!ate=4.444 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e"etho& g!i&.ox=0.0025&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+25 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3##

##vt a&st i"planti"plant *o!on &ose=+.5e11 ene!gy=10 pea!son

#&epo poly thic'=0.2 &ivi=10##%!o" no$ on the sitation is 2

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#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=3 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=1.0#

i"plant phospho! &ose=3.0e13 ene!gy=20 pea!son#&epo oxi&e thic'=0.120 &ivisions=#etch oxi&e &!y thic'=0.120#i"plant a!senic &ose=5.0e15 ene!gy=50 pea!son#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=1 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0#

#etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.2&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &ivi=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.1

# /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!.....ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.4+# /xt!act anothe! &esign pa!a"ete!s...# ext!act %inal S ...ext!act na"e=-nx- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1# ext!act the long chan 7t...ext!act na"e=-n1&vt- 1&vt ntype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias....ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1 *ias=0.0*ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 !egion.occno=1) ot%ile=-ext!act.&at-# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistance...ext!act na"e=-n sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egion...ext!act na"e=-l&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel....

ext!act na"e=-chan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45

st!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5 y=0.1elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0.1elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=0.+elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

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st!ct!e ot%ile="!

# plot the st!ct!etonyplot "! set "os1ex0590.set

############# <o&y /%%ect :est ;et!ns channel Aa""a################go atlas

# set "ate!ial "o&els"o&els cvt s!h p!int

# e%ine the $o!'snction an& the na"e=gate n.poly

inte!%ace 8%=3e10

# get initial soltionsolve init"etho& ne$tonsolve p!ev

# <ias the &!ain a *it...solve v&!ain=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ain# ;a"p the gatelog ot%="os1ex0591.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v&!ain=0.1 v%inal=2 na"e=gate

co"pl=1.0e? cna"e=&!ain

# ext!act &evice pa!a"ete!sext!act init in%=-"os1ex0591.log-ext!act na"e=-nvt1- x.val %!o" c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))$he!e y.val=0.1e6

# no$ open a &""y log %ile...

log o%%

# o$ sta!t again *t $ith a s*st!ate *ac'*ias o% a volt....solve init# <ias the s*st!ate to 1 volt.....solve v&!ain=0.05 vstep=0.05 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ainsolve v&!ain=0.1 vs*st!ate=0.25 vstep=0.25 v%inal=1 na"e=s*st!ate

# ;a"p the gate again $ith anothe! opene& log%ile...

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log ot%="os1ex0592.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v&!ain=0.1 vs*st!ate=1

v%inal=2 na"e=gate co"pl=1.0e? cna"e=&!ain

ext!act init in%=-"os1ex0592.log-

ext!act na"e=-nvt2- x.val %!o" c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))$he!e y.val=0.1e6

# @alclate the pa!a"ete! Aa""a .... $ith phi = 0.6 e7....ext!act na"e=-nga""a- (>-nvt2->-nvt1-)((s8!t(10.6))s8!t(0.6))

tonyplot ove!lay "os1ex0591.log "os1ex0592.log set "os1ex059log.set


NMOS : S!strate and Gate Crrent Extraction# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013

go athena

line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.2 spac=0.01line x loc=0.5 spac=0.01#line y loc=0.00 spac=0.01line y loc=0.2 spac=0.01line y loc=0.5 spac=0.05

line y loc=0. spac=0.15#init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."l=3

#p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02##$ell I"plant#

i"plant *o!on &ose=e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s#&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3##$ell i"plant not sho$n ## $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e&i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3#

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&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#&i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=1200 t.!ate=4.444 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all#

#sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+25 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3##

##vt a&st i"plant

i"plant *o!on &ose=+.5e11 ene!gy=10 pea!son#&epo poly thic'=0.2 &ivi=10##%!o" no$ on the sitation is 2#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=3 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=1.0#i"plant phospho! &ose=3.0e13 ene!gy=20 pea!son#&epo oxi&e thic'=0.120 &ivisions=#etch oxi&e &!y thic'=0.120#i"plant a!senic &ose=5.0e15 ene!gy=50 pea!son#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=1 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0#

#etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.2

&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &ivi=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.1

# /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!.....ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.4+# /xt!act anothe! &esign pa!a"ete!s...# ext!act %inal S ...ext!act na"e=-nx- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1# ext!act the long chan 7t...

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ext!act na"e=-n1&vt- 1&vt ntype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias....ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1 *ias=0.0*ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 !egion.occno=1) ot%ile=-ext!act.&at-

# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistance...ext!act na"e=-n sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egion...ext!act na"e=-l&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel....ext!act na"e=-chan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45

st!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5 y=0.1elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0.1elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=0.+elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

go &eve&it

# Set Beshing a!a"ete!s#*ase."esh height=0.1 $i&th=0.1#*on&.con& Eapply "ax.slope=2 "ax.!atio=300 !n&!aightening=1 align.points $hen=ato"atic#i"p.!e%ine i"p=-etoping- sensitivity=1i"p.!e%ine "in.spacing=0.02#const!."esh "ax.angle=+0 "ax.!atio=300 "ax.height=1

"ax.$i&th=1 "in.height=0.0001 "in.$i&th=0.0001## e!%o!" "esh ope!ations#Besh Bo&e=Besh<il&st!ct!e ot%="!

!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.34 y1=0.22 x2=0.65 y2=0.24!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.35 y1=0.22 x2=0.6? y2=0.23!e%ine "o&e=*oth x1=0.65 y1=0.26 x2=0.2 y2=0.34!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0 y1=0.40 x2=1.0 y2=0.5?!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0 y1=0.40 x2=1.0 y2=0.53!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.0 y1=0.34 x2=1.0 y2=0.3

st!ct!e ot%="!

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tonyplot "! set "os1ex0690.set

go atlas

"o&els cvt s!h p!int hcte.el hei nea!%lg

i"pact sel* length.!el l!el.el=0.02contact na"e=gate n.polyinte!%ace 8%=3e10

"ate!ial tan0=1e? tap0=1e?"ate!ial ta!el.el=0.2e12 ta"o*.el=0.2e12

solve init

"etho& ne$ton t!ap te"p.tol=1.e4

solve v&!ain=0.1 vstep=0.1 v%inal=3.3 na"e=&!ain

log ot%="os1ex06.log "aste!

"etho& ne$ton t!ap te"p.tol=1.e4solve vgate=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.4 na"e=gatesolve vgate=0.5 vstep=0.1 v%inal=5 na"e=gate

tonyplot "os1ex06.log set "os1ex069log.set

# /xt!act S*st!ate c!!ent pea' vale pa!a"ete!....ext!act init in%=-"os1ex06.log-ext!act na"e=-n"ax9is*9v&3.3-"ax(c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-s*st!ate-)))

# /xt!act gate voltage at the pea' s*st!ate c!!ent point....ext!act init in%=-"os1ex06.log-ext!act na"e=-n7gate9at9is*"ax9v&3.3- x.val %!o"c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-s*st!ate-)) $he!e y.val=>-n"ax9is*9v&3.3-

# /xt!act Aate c!!ent pea' vale pa!a"ete!....ext!act init in%=-"os1ex06.log-ext!act na"e=-n"ax9igate9v&3.3-


# /xt!act gate voltage at the pea' gate c!!ent point....ext!act init in%=-"os1ex06.log-ext!act na"e=-n7gate9at9is*"ax9v&3.3- x.val %!o"c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-gate-)) $he!e y.val=>-n"ax9igate9v&3.3-

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NMOS : %rea(do)n Voltage Extraction

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go athena

#line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.2 spac=0.01line x loc=0.5 spac=0.01#line y loc=0.00 spac=0.01line y loc=0.2 spac=0.01line y loc=0.5 spac=0.05line y loc=0. spac=0.15#init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."l=3

#p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02##$ell I"plant#i"plant *o!on &ose=e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s#

&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3##$ell i"plant not sho$n ## $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e&i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3#&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#&i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=1200 t.!ate=4.444 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all

##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+25 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#

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##vt a&st i"planti"plant *o!on &ose=+.5e11 ene!gy=10 pea!son#

&epo poly thic'=0.2 &ivi=10##%!o" no$ on the sitation is 2#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=3 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=1.0#i"plant phospho! &ose=3.0e13 ene!gy=20 pea!son#&epo oxi&e thic'=0.120 &ivisions=

#etch oxi&e &!y thic'=0.120#i"plant a!senic &ose=5.0e15 ene!gy=50 pea!son#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=1 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0#

#etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.2&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &ivi=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.1

# /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!.....ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.4+# /xt!act anothe! &esign pa!a"ete!s...# ext!act %inal S ...ext!act na"e=-nx- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1# ext!act the long chan 7t...ext!act na"e=-n1&vt- 1&vt ntype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias....ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1 *ias=0.0*ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct

"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 !egion.occno=1) ot%ile=-ext!act.&at-# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistance...ext!act na"e=-n sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egion...ext!act na"e=-l&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel....

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ext!act na"e=-chan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45

st!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5 y=0.1

elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0.1elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=0.+elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

go &eve&it

# Set Beshing a!a"ete!s#

*ase."esh height=1000000 $i&th=1000000#*on&.con& Eapply "ax.slope=2 "ax.!atio=300 !n&!aightening=1 align.points $hen=ato"atic#i"p.!e%ine i"p=-etoping- sensitivity=1i"p.!e%ine "in.spacing=0.02#const!."esh "ax.angle=+0 "ax.!atio=300 "ax.height=1

"ax.$i&th=1 "in.height=0.0001 "in.$i&th=0.0001## e!%o!" "esh ope!ations#Besh Bo&e=Besh<il&!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.34 y1=0.22 x2=0.65 y2=0.24!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.35 y1=0.22 x2=0.6? y2=0.23!e%ine "o&e=*oth x1=0.65 y1=0.26 x2=0.2 y2=0.34!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0 y1=0.40 x2=1.0 y2=0.5?!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0 y1=0.40 x2=1.0 y2=0.53!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.0 y1=0.34 x2=1.0 y2=0.3st!ct!e ot%="os1ex0?!

tonyplot "os1ex0?! set "os1ex0?90.set

go atlas

# Set $o!'%nction %o! poly gate an& inte!%ace cha!gecontact na"e=gate n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=3/10

# Set "o&els"o&els p!int cvt cons!h

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i"pact sel*

"etho& ne$ton t!ap cli"it=1e4

# open log %ile

log ot%="os1ex0?.log

solve v&!ain=0.025solve v&!ain=0.05solve v&!ain=0.1solve v&!ain=0.5

solve vstep=0.25 v%inal=12 na"e=&!ain co"pl=5e+ cna"e=&!ainsave ot%="os1ex0?!

# /xt!act the &esign pa!a"ete!, 7*&

ext!act na"e=-7*&- x.val %!o" c!ve(a*s(v.-&!ain-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))$he!e y.val=1e+

tonyplot "os1ex0?.log set "os1ex0?9log.settonyplot "os1ex0?! set "os1ex0?91.set


PMOS : Id/Vgs and Threshold Voltage Extraction

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go athena#

# Set p a "esh sita*le %o! a single BCSF/: &evice....line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.35 spac=0.02line x loc=0.6 spac=0.1#line y loc=0.00 spac=0.005line y loc=0.3 spac=0.015line y loc=0.5 spac=0.02line y loc=2 spac=0.2line y loc=5 spac=1## Sta!t o%% *y &e%ining silicon $ith 1e14 phos &oping...

# ec!ease the %olo$ing space."lt pa!a"ete! %o! a &ense!# "esh an& "o!e acc!acy...init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."lt=2##p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02

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##$ell I"planti"plant a"o!phos phos &ose=+e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s#&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3#

#$ell i"plant a"o!phos not sho$n ## $ell&!ive&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all#

#gate oxi&e g!o$n he!eset pa!tial9p!ess=1.0&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=00 nit!ogen hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=2 te"p=+00 &!yo2 p!ess=>pa!tial9p!ess&i%%s ti"e=13 te"p=+00 &!yo2 p!ess=>pa!tial9p!ess hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=+00 nit!ogen hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=00 t.%inal=00 nit hcl=3## /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!.....ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.005##vt a&st i"plant a"o!phosi"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=1.20e12 ene!gy=25 pea!son#&epo poly thic'=0.250 &iv=3#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35## ;elax the "esh *elo$ the 0.5" plane, %o! spee&....!elax y."in=0.5#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=5 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=0.## i"plant a"o!phos

i"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=2.0e14 ene!gy=50 pea!son## :his is a goo& $ay o% &e%ining the space!.....&e%ine a va!ia*le# %i!st $ith the GsetG co""an&....set space!=0.15&epo oxi&e thic'=>-space!- &ivisions=5etch oxi&e &!y thic'=>-space!-0.005## I"plant

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i"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=1.50e15 ene!gy=60 pea!son### Final anneal."etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=5 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0


# /xt!act othe! &esign pa!a"ete!s...# ext!act %inal S ...ext!act na"e=-px- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1# ext!act the long chan 7t...ext!act na"e=-p1&vt- 1&vt ptype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias....ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1 *ias=0.0

*ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 !egion.occno=1) ot%ile=-ext!act.&at-# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistance...ext!act na"e=-p sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egion...ext!act na"e=-pl&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel....ext!act na"e=-pchan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45# /tch contact cts an& place the al"ini" $he!e elect!o&es a!e!e8i!e&.....etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.15&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &iv=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.16

# "i!!o! the st!ct!!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

# a"e the elect!o&es...

elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=1.1elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

# otpt the st!ct!est!ct!e ot%ile="!

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# plot ittonyplot "! set "os1ex090.set

############# 7t :est ;et!ns 7t, <eta an& :heta################

go atlas

# set "ate!ial "o&els"o&els cvt s!h p!intcontact na"e=gate n.polyinte!%ace 8%=3e10

# get initial soltionsolve init

"etho& ne$ton t!ap

solve p!ev

# <ias the &!ain a *it...solve v&!ain=0.1 na"e=&!ain

# ;a"p the gatelog ot%="os1ex091.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.25 v%inal=3.0 v&!ain=0.1 na"e=gatesave ot%="!

# ext!act &evice pa!a"ete!s......ext!act init in%=-"os1ex091.log-ext!act na"e=-pvt-(xinte!cept("axslope(c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-)))) a*s(ave(v.-&!ain-))2.0)

ext!act init in%=-"os1ex091.log-ext!act na"e=-p*eta-((slope("axslope(c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-)))) (1.0a*s(ave(v.-&!ain-)))))

ext!act init in%=-"os1ex091.log-ext!act na"e=-ptheta- (("ax(a*s(v.-&!ain-)) >-p*eta-)"ax(a*s(i.-&!ain-))) (1.0 ("ax(a*s(v.-gate-))


# plot !esltstonyplot "os1ex091.log set "os1ex0919log.set


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PMOS : S!"Threshold Slo#e Extraction

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013# :his is a si"ple inpt &ec' !ep!esenting a !ocess %lo$ an& a &evice# text. Hll lines *egining $ith a G#G sign "ay *e t!eate& as &i!ective# co""ents.....

# Sta!t the Hthena !ocess si"lato! !nning...go athena## Set p a "esh sita*le %o! a single BCSF/: &evice....line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.35 spac=0.02line x loc=0.5 spac=0.1#line y loc=0.00 spac=0.005line y loc=0.3 spac=0.015line y loc=0.5 spac=0.02line y loc=2 spac=0.2line y loc=5 spac=1## Sta!t o%% *y &e%ining silicon $ith 1e14 phos &oping...# ec!ease the %olo$ing space."lt pa!a"ete! %o! a &ense!# "esh an& "o!e acc!acy...init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."lt=2##p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02

##$ell I"planti"plant a"o!phos phos &ose=+e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s#&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3##$ell i"plant a"o!phos not sho$n ## $ell&!ive&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all

##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!eset pa!tial9p!ess=1.0&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=00 nit!ogen hcl=3

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&i%%s ti"e=2 te"p=+00 &!yo2 p!ess=>pa!tial9p!ess&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+00 &!yo2 p!ess=>pa!tial9p!ess hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=+00 nit!ogen hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=00 t.%inal=00 nit hcl=3## /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!.....

ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.005##vt a&st i"plant a"o!phosi"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=1.20e12 ene!gy=25 pea!son#&epo poly thic'=0.250 &iv=3#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35## ;elax the "esh *elo$ the 0.5" plane, %o! spee&....!elax y."in=0.5#

"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=5 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=0.## i"plant a"o!phosi"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=2.0e14 ene!gy=50 pea!son## :his is a goo& $ay o% &e%ining the space!.....&e%ine a va!ia*le# %i!st $ith the GsetG co""an&....set space!=0.15&epo oxi&e thic'=>-space!- &ivisions=5etch oxi&e &!y thic'=>-space!-0.005## I"planti"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=1.50e15 ene!gy=60 pea!son### Final anneal."etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=5 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0#

# /xt!act othe! &esign pa!a"ete!s...

# ext!act %inal S ...ext!act na"e=-px- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1# ext!act the long chan 7t...ext!act na"e=-p1&vt- 1&vt ptype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias....ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1 *ias=0.0*ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 !egion.occno=1) ot%ile=-ext!act.&at-

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# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistance...ext!act na"e=-p sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egion...ext!act na"e=-pl&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1

# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel....ext!act na"e=-pchan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45# /tch contact cts an& place the al"ini" $he!e elect!o&es a!e!e8i!e&.....etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.15&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &iv=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.16

# "i!!o! the st!ct!!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

# a"e the elect!o&es...elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=0.+elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

# otpt the st!ct!est!ct!e ot%ile="!

# plot ittonyplot "! set "os1ex1090.set

############# S*7t :est ;et!ns S*7t a!a"ete! ################go atlas

# set "ate!ial "o&els"o&els cvt s!h p!intcontact na"e=gate n.poly

inte!%ace 8%=1e10

# get initial soltion

 solve init

"etho& ne$ton t!apsolve p!ev

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# <ias the &!ain a *it...solve v&!ain=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ain# ;a"p the gate to a volt...log ot%="os1ex1091.log "aste!

solve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v%inal=1.0 na"e=gate

# ext!act the &evice pa!a"ete! S*7t...ext!act init in%=-"os1ex1091.log-ext!act na"e=-ps*vt-1.0slope("axslope(c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),log10(a*s(i.-&!ain-)))))

tonyplot "os1ex1091.log set "os1ex10919log.set


PMOS : $I%L Extraction# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013# :his is a si"ple inpt &ec' !ep!esenting a !ocess %lo$ an& a &evice# text. Hll lines *egining $ith a G#G sign "ay *e t!eate& as &i!ective# co""ents.....

# Sta!t the Hthena !ocess si"lato! !nning...go athena## Set p a "esh sita*le %o! a single BCSF/: &evice....line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.35 spac=0.02

line x loc=0.5 spac=0.1#line y loc=0.00 spac=0.005line y loc=0.3 spac=0.015line y loc=0.5 spac=0.02line y loc=2 spac=0.2line y loc=5 spac=1## Sta!t o%% *y &e%ining silicon $ith 1e14 phos &oping...# ec!ease the %olo$ing space."lt pa!a"ete! %o! a &ense!# "esh an& "o!e acc!acy...init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space."lt=2

##p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02##$ell I"planti"plant a"o!phos phos &ose=1e13 ene!gy=100 pea!s

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#&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3##$ell i"plant a"o!phos not sho$n ## $ell&!ive

&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!eset pa!tial9p!ess=1.0&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=00 nit!ogen hcl=3

&i%%s ti"e=2 te"p=+00 &!yo2 p!ess=>pa!tial9p!ess&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+00 &!yo2 p!ess=>pa!tial9p!ess hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=+00 nit!ogen hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=00 t.%inal=00 nit hcl=3## /xt!act a &esign pa!a"ete!.....ext!act na"e=-gateox- thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 x.val=0.005##vt a&st i"plant a"o!phosi"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=1.10e12 ene!gy=25 pea!son#&epo poly thic'=0.250 &iv=3#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35## ;elax the "esh *elo$ the 0.5" plane, %o! spee&....!elax y."in=0.5#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=5 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=0.## i"plant a"o!phosi"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=5e13 ene!gy=40 pea!son## :his is a goo& $ay o% &e%ining the space!.....&e%ine a va!ia*le

# %i!st $ith the GsetG co""an&....set space!=0.15&epo oxi&e thic'=>-space!- &ivisions=5etch oxi&e &!y thic'=>-space!-0.005## I"planti"plant a"o!phos *%2 &ose=1.50e15 ene!gy=45 pea!son##

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# Final anneal."etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=5 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0#

# /xt!act othe! &esign pa!a"ete!s...# ext!act %inal S ...ext!act na"e=-px- x silicon "at.occno=1 x.val=0.1 nc.occno=1# ext!act the long chan 7t...ext!act na"e=-p1&vt- 1&vt ptype v*=0.0 8ss=1e10 x.val=0.4+# ext!act a c!ve o% con&ctance ve!ss *ias....ext!act sta!t "ate!ial=-olysilicon- "at.occno=1 *ias=0.0*ias.step=0.2 *ias.stop=2 x.val=0.45ext!act &one na"e=-sheet con& v *ias- c!ve(*ias,1&n.con&ct"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 !egion.occno=1) ot%ile=-ext!act.&at-

# ext!act the !egions sheet !esistance...ext!act na"e=-p sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.05 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the sheet !ho n&e! the space!, o% the !egion...ext!act na"e=-pl&& sheet !ho- sheet.!es "ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1x.val=0.3 !egion.occno=1# ext!act the s!%ace conc n&e! the channel....ext!act na"e=-pchan s!% conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.45# /tch contact cts an& place the al"ini" $he!e elect!o&es a!e!e8i!e&.....etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.15&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &iv=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.16

# "i!!o! the st!ct!!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

# a"e the elect!o&es...elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=0.+

elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

# otpt the st!ct!est!ct!e ot%ile="!

# plot ittonyplot "! set "os1ex1190.set

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######### channel I< :est ;et!ns 7t $ith 0.1 an& 3 volts 7&#################################### an& a I< a!a"ete!#############################

go atlas

# set "ate!ial "o&els"o&els cvt s!h p!intcontact na"e=gate n.polyinte!%ace 8%=3e10

# get initial soltion


solve init

"etho& ne$ton t!ap "axt!aps= aton! itli"it=30solve p!ev

# <ias the &!ain a *it...solve v&!ain=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ain# ;a"p the gatelog ot%="os1ex1191.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v&!ain=0.1 v%inal=1.5

na"e=gate co"pl=1.1e? cna"e=&!ain

# ext!act &evice pa!a"ete!sext!act init in%=-"os1ex1191.log-ext!act na"e=-pvt1- x.val %!o" c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))$he!e y.val=0.1e6

# no$ open a &""y log %ile...log o%%

# o$ sta!t again an& !a"p the &!ain to 3 volts...

solve init# <ias the &!ain to 3 volts......slo$ly at %i!st....solve v&!ain=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ainsolve v&!ain=0.25 vstep=0.25 v%inal=3 na"e=&!ain

# ;a"p the gate again $ith anothe! opene& log%ile...log ot%="os1ex1192.log "aste!solve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v&!ain=3 v%inal=1.5 na"e=gate

co"pl=1.1e? cna"e=&!ain

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# ext!act the next &evice pa!a"ete! $th the &!ain no$ at 3 volts....ext!act init in%=-"os1ex1192.log-ext!act na"e=-pvt2- x.val %!o" c!ve(a*s(v.-gate-),a*s(i.-&!ain-))$he!e y.val=0.1e6

# @alclate a I< pa!a"ete! 77ext!act na"e=-p&i*l- (>-pvt1->-pvt2-)(3.00.1)

tonyplot ove!lay "os1ex1191.log "os1ex1192.log set "os1ex119log.set


*ot Electron Relia!ilit&

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas## B/S /FII:IC

"eshx." loc=0.0 spacing=0.1x." loc=0.5 spacing=0.1x." loc=0.65 spacing=0.025x." loc=0.?5 spacing=0.025x." loc=0.+ spacing=0.005

x." loc=1.2 spacing=0.1x." loc=1.5 spacing=0.1

y." loc=0.02 spacing=0.005y." loc=0.0 spacing=0.001y." loc=0.1 spacing=0.025y." loc=0.2 spacing=0.05y." loc=0.4 spacing=0.05y." loc=1.0 spacing=0.2y." loc=2.0 spacing=0.5

# ;/AICS H //@:;C/S

!egion n"=1 y."in=0 silicon!egion n"=2 y."ax=0.0 oxi&eelect n"=1 na"e=gate x."in=0.5 length=0.5 y."in=0.02 y."ax=0.02elect n"=2 na"e=so!ce le%t length=0.2 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.0elect n"=3 na"e=&!ain !ight length=0.2 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.0elect n"=4 na"e=s*st!ate s*st!ate# /7I@/ CIA&oping ni%o!" p.type conc=2.e16&oping gass p.type conc=1.e1? cha!=0.1

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&oping gass n.type conc=1.e20 x.!ight=0.5 nc=0.2 !atio=0.6&oping gass n.type conc=1.e20 x.le%t=1.0 nc=0.2 !atio=0.6

save ot%ile="!

### ;/S:;/SS/ :/S:

go atlas# IBC;: :/ B/S"esh in%="! "aste!.in# BH:/;IH @C:H@: I:/;FH@/ H BC/Scontact n"=1 n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=5.e10"o&els te"p=300 p!int s!h age! cvt

# SCJ:ICSsolve initsave ot%="!tonyplot "! set "os2ex0291.set

"etho& ne$ton t!ap ca!!=1 elect!onsolve p!evsolve v&!ain=0.1log ot%="os2ex0292.logsolve vgate=0.5 vstep=0.25 na"e=gate v%inal=6.

### /7I@/ S:;/SSIAgo atlas# IBC;: /7I@/ S:;J@J;/"esh in%="! "aste!.in

# BH:/;IH @C:H@: I:/;FH@/ H BC/Scontact n"=1 n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=5.e10"o&els te"p=300 p!int s!h cvt hei hcte.el &ev&eg.e nea!%lgig.elin%=+.4e?#i"pact sel*&eg!a&ation %.nta="os2ex029&ev&eg.nta sig"ae=1.e15 sig"ah=1.e1?

 # SCJ:ICSsolve init"etho& ne$ton t!ap ca!!=1solvesolve vgate=1.5

solve v&!ain=0.1solve v&!ain=0.2solve v&!ain=0.5 vstep=0.5 na"e=&!ain v%inal=3solve v&!ain=3.3

"etho& ne$ton t!ap 8asistatic cli"it=1e5 ca!!=2 &t."ax=1000log ot%="os2ex0293.logotpt &ev&egsolve tstep=1e5 tstop=0.01

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save ot%="!solve tstep=1e3 tstop=0.1save ot%="!solve tstep=1e2 tstop=1save ot%="!solve tstep=1e2 tstop=1000

save ot%="!solve tstep=1e3 tstop=10000save ot%="!

### S:;/SS/ :/S: H: 0.01 sgo atlas# IBC;: B/S"esh in%="! "aste!.in

# BH:/;IH @C:H@: I:/;FH@/ H BC/Scontact n"=1 n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=5.e10

"o&els te"p=300 p!int s!h age! cvt

# SCJ:ICSloa& in%ile="! "aste!solve init"etho& ne$ton t!ap ca!!=1 elect!onsolvesolve v&!ain=0.1

log ot%="os2ex0290901s.logsolve vgate=0.5 vstep=0.25 na"e=gate v%inal=6.

### S:;/SS/ :/S: H: 0.1 sgo atlas# IBC;: B/S"esh in%="! "aste!.in

# BH:/;IH @C:H@: I:/;FH@/ H BC/Scontact n"=1 n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=5.e10"o&els te"p=300 p!int s!h age! cvt

# SCJ:ICSloa& in%ile="! "aste!solve init

"etho& ne$ton t!ap ca!!=1 elect!onsolvesolve v&!ain=0.1

log ot%="os2ex029091s.logsolve vgate=0.5 vstep=0.25 na"e=gate v%inal=6.

### S:;/SS/ :/S: H: 1 sgo atlas

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# IBC;: B/S"esh in%="! "aste!.in

# BH:/;IH @C:H@: I:/;FH@/ H BC/Scontact n"=1 n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=5.e10

"o&els te"p=300 p!int s!h age! cvt

# SCJ:ICSloa& in%ile="! "aste!solve init"etho& ne$ton t!ap ca!!=1 elect!onsolvesolve v&!ain=0.1

log ot%="os2ex0291s.logsolve vgate=0.5 vstep=0.25 na"e=gate v%inal=6.

### S:;/SS/ :/S: H: 1000 sgo atlas# IBC;: B/S"esh in%="! "aste!.in

# BH:/;IH @C:H@: I:/;FH@/ H BC/Scontact n"=1 n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=5.e10"o&els te"p=300 p!int s!h age! cvt

# SCJ:ICSloa& in%ile="! "aste!solve init"etho& ne$ton t!ap ca!!=1 elect!onsolvesolve v&!ain=0.1

log ot%="os2ex0291000s.logsolve vgate=0.5 vstep=0.25 na"e=gate v%inal=6.

### S:;/SS/ :/S: H: 10000 sgo atlas# IBC;: B/S"esh in%="! "aste!.in

# BH:/;IH @C:H@: I:/;FH@/ H BC/Scontact n"=1 n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=5.e10"o&els te"p=300 p!int s!h age! cvt

# SCJ:ICSloa& in%ile="! "aste!solve init"etho& ne$ton t!ap ca!!=1 elect!on

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solvesolve v&!ain=0.1

log ot%="os2ex02910000s.logsolve vgate=0.5 vstep=0.25 na"e=gate v%inal=6.

tonyplot ove!lay "os2ex02910000s.log "os2ex0291000s.log"os2ex0291s.log "os2ex029091s.log "os2ex0290901s.log "os2ex0292.logset "os2ex029log.set


%SIM+ SPICE Model Extraction ,Salicide #rocess-

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go athena

# Salici&e& BCSF/: Fll I7 @!ve Hpplication# ============================================

# e%ine a glo*al g!i& &ensity "ltiplie!...."a'e this vale# *igge! to spee& p the si"lation %o! &e"os etc....

set g!i&9&ensity=1

#line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.2 spac=0.05line x loc=0.32 spac=0.05line x loc=0.4 spac=0.05line x loc=0.5 spac=0.05

line x loc=0.6 spac=0.05line x loc=0. spac=0.1line x loc=1 spac=0.15#line y loc=0.00 spac=0.01line y loc=0.15 spac=0.005line y loc=0.1? spac=0.005line y loc=0.25 spac=0.05line y loc=2.5 spac=0.15line y loc=5.0 spac=0.5#init c.phos=1.0e14 space."lt=>g!i&9&ensity

##p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=+00 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.025##$ell I"plant#i"plant *o!on &ose=1.5e13 ene!gy=100 pea!s

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#&i%%s te"p=+25 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3##$ell i"plant not sho$n ## $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e

set $ell&!ive9te"p=1200&i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=120 te"p=>$ell&!ive9te"p nit!o&i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=>$ell&!ive9te"p t.!ate=4.444 nit!o## /xpe!i"entally ip o%% the oxi&e an& "eas!e the pea' conc.....ext!act na"e=-pea' conc- "ax.conc *o!on silicon "at.occno=1etch oxi&e all##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=+00 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3ext!act thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 na"e=-sacox-

#etch oxi&e all## gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e# "a'e s!e it has a cople o% g!i& points....# Set a pa!tial p!ess!e va!ia*le %o! se as a cali*!ationpa!a"ete!....# note, the g!i& &ensity has *een a&ste& &!ing g!o$th to i"p!oveacc!acy...set pp!ess=1set gate9te"p=?5"etho& g!i&.ox=0.005&i%%s ti"e=10 te"p=00 t.%inal=>gate9te"p nit p!ess=>pp!ess&i%%s ti"e=5 te"p=>gate9te"p nit!ogen p!ess=>pp!ess hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=2 te"p=>gate9te"p &!yo2 p!ess=>pp!ess hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=25 te"p=>gate9te"p nit!ogen p!ess=>pp!ess hcl=3&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=>gate9te"p t.%inal=00 &!yo2 p!ess=>pp!ess hcl=3# /xt!act the gateoxi&e %o! se late! in the Spice Bo&el ext!action...ext!act thic'ness oxi&e "at.occno=1 na"e=-tox-# ;eset the g!i& &!ing oxi&e g!o$th, *ac' to &e%alt..."etho& g!i&.ox=0.1##conve!t tox to "et!es %o! t"ostext!act na"e=-t"ost9tox- (>tox 1.0e10)#

#vt a&st i"planti"plant *o!on &ose=1.4e12 ene!gy=20 pea!son#&epo poly thic'=0.3 spaces=#exa"ple conve!ts to 2 %ollo$ing this stepetch poly le%t p1.x=0.5

# ;elax the "esh *elo$ the active &evice a!ea!elax y."in=0.3

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!elax y."in=0.4!elax y."in=0.5

#"etho& %ll.cpl co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=10 te"p=?5 &!y p!ess=1.0

#i"plant phospho! &ose=1.0e13 ene!gy=35 pea!##Space! Fo!"ation setp a va!ia*le as a space! thic'ness....set space!9$i&th=0.1?5&epo oxi&e thic'=>space!9$i&th &ivisions=etch oxi&e &!y thic'=>-space!9$i&th-0.025## S I"planti"plant a!senic &ose=5.0e15 ene!gy=45 pea!## ;:H &opant activation

&i%%se te"p=1000 ti"e=0.166? nit!ogenst!ct!e!#

# @!eate the salici&e a!eas&eposit titan thic'=0.1 &ivi=3&i%%se te"p=00 ti"e=0.5 nit!ogenetch titani" all

################################################################################################# /xt!act esign pa!a"ete!s############################################################################################################

# /xt!act so"e &esign pa!a"ete!s %o! se $ith Jt"ost "o&el ext!actionlate!....

# /xt!act a %i!st o!&e! app!oxi"ation %o! SJ< as the ave!age o% the# s!%ace an& pea' channel conc vales......#

ext!act na"e=-chan9pea'9conc- "ax.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.5#ext!act na"e=-chan9s!%9conc- s!%.conc i"p!ity=-et oping-"ate!ial=-Silicon- "at.occno=1 x.val=0.5ext!act na"e=-ns*- (>-chan9pea'9conc->-chan9s!%9conc-)2

# ;e%lect the st!ct!e....

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st!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

# /xt!act the poly & at this point.....ext!act na"e=-l&- thic' poly y.val=0ext!act na"e=-t"ost9l&- (>l& 1.0e4)

######################################################################################## S/: J //@:;C/ HB/S###########################################################################################################

# a"e the elet!o&es %o! the co!!ect o!&e! o% se.....# ote the gate has *een na"e& *e%o!e, as $e &o not $ant a voltage

# &!op !nning &o$n th!ogh the poly %!o" the ove!lying :iSix....elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&eelect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0.1elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=1.+elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.55

st!ct!e ot%ile="!tonyplot "! set "os2ex0690.set

####################################################################################### S/: J H:HS :/S: 7H;IH</S#########################################################################################################

# :hese va!ia*les a!e set to ena*le si"ple "o&i%ication o% the# BCS level 3 test.## setp H:HS !ns# gene!alset pola!ity=1set v&&=>pola!ity5.0

#i&vgset v&slin=>pola!ity0.1set v&slinhal%=>pola!ity0.05set vgstep=>pola!ity0.2set v*s"ax=1>v&&set v*shal%=>v*s"ax2

#i&v&# canGt change vgc!ves $o syntax change late!

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set v&step=>pola!ity0.2set vg"in=>pola!ity2.0set vgc!ves=3set vghal%=(>v&&>vg"in)(>vgc!ves1)set v*s=0.0

##################### S:H;: H:HS SIBJH:IC #######################

go atlas

"o&els cvt s!h p!int

contact na"e=gate n.polyinte!%ace 8%=3e10

solve init

save! "aste!

"etho& ne$ton aton! t!apsolve p!evsolve v&!ain=>v&slinhal%solve v&!ain=>v&slinsolve vs*st!ate=0 ot%=solve9t"p0solve vs*st!ate=>v*shal% ot%=solve9t"p1solve vs*st!ate=>v*s"ax ot%=solve9t"p2

 ################# @!eate the I&7g7* I7 "at!ix ######################loa& in%ile=solve9t"p0log ot%="os2ex069I&7g7*.logsolve na"e=gate vgate=0 v%inal=>v&& vstep=>vgstep

loa& in%ile=solve9t"p1

solve na"e=gate vgate=0 v%inal=>v&& vstep=>vgstep

loa& in%ile=solve9t"p2

solve na"e=gate vgate=0 v%inal=>v&& vstep=>vgstep

#########################################################################go atlas

"o&els cvt s!h p!int

contact na"e=gate n.poly

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inte!%ace 8%=3e10

solve init

"etho& ne$ton aton! t!apsolve p!evsolve vs*st!ate=>v*s#solve vgate=>vg"in ot%=solve9t"p0#solve vgate=>vghal% ot%=solve9t"p1#solve vgate=>v&& ot%=solve9t"p2

solve vgate=1 vstep=0.25 v%inal=1.5 na"e=gate ot%=solve9t"p0 one%ile

 solve vgate=1.?5 vstep=0.25 v%inal=3 na"e=gate ot%=solve9t"p1 one%ile


solve vgate=3.25 vstep=0.25 v%inal=4.5 na"e=gate ot%=solve9t"p2one%ile

##################### @!eate the I&7&7g I7 "at!ix#######################loa& in%ile=solve9t"p0log ot%="os2ex069I&7&7g.logsolve na"e=&!ain v&!ain=0 v%inal=>v&& vstep=>v&step

 loa& in%ile=solve9t"p1

solve na"e=&!ain v&!ain=0 v%inal=>v&& vstep=>v&step

 loa& in%ile=solve9t"p2

solve na"e=&!ain v&!ain=0 v%inal=>v&& vstep=>v&step

################# S:H;: J:BCS: SIBJH:IC ###################go t"ost

# :/ /: :KC S/: S:H:/B/:S H;/ CL /;/# FC; /BC J;CS/S I: SH7/S ;/;JIA ;C@/SS/7I@/# :/L H;/ /FI/ /H;I/;set t"ost9tox=1eset t"ost9l&=1e6

t"ost type = "os

# loa& the Jt"ost setp %ile, this %ile is the Jt"ost Setp %ilec!eate& *y an

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# inte!active Jt"ost session an& sto!e& in >SI7H@Cva!t"ost ....."o&el BCS9v$%9*si"39n

# set vale %o! gate oxi&e thic'ness&evice :C = >t"ost9tox

# &e%ine &evice speci%icationssetp ;S=0.04 ;=0.04 $i&th=1.0 length=>t"ost9l&1e6 pola!ity=

# loa& Htlas log %ilesinit in%="os2ex069I&7g7*.log "aste!init in%="os2ex069I&7&7g.log "aste! appen&

# select !e8i!e& cha!acte!istics %o! &evice&eselect I7A7< allselect I7A7< &evice 1&eselect I77A allselect I77A &evice 1

otpt I77A

# set p otpt log %ile %o! "eas!e& H:HS &ata in ni%o!" steps# !e8i!e& *y J:BCS:log ot%="os2ex069&ata.log "eas!e&

# set p opt log %ile %o! inte!active J:BCS: sagelog ot%="os2ex069t.log t"ost

# set p otpt log %ile %o! si"late& &ata c!eate& *y J:BCS:log ot%="os2ex069si".log si"late&

# pe!%o!" si"lationlocalopt I7A7<localopt I77A

# otpt Jt"ost pa!a"ete!s %o! ext!actionsave ot%="

################## /xt!act J:BCS: pa!a"ete!s ################

# loa& otpt pa!a"ete! %ile %!o" J:BCS:ext!act init in%ile=-"

# ext!act J:BCS: pa!a"ete!s !e8i!e& %o! 7KF

ext!act na"e=-7:0- pa!a"=-7:0-ext!act na"e=-M1- pa!a"=-M1-ext!act na"e=-M2- pa!a"=-M2-ext!act na"e=-M3- pa!a"=-M3-ext!act na"e=-K0- pa!a"=-K0-ext!act na"e=-- pa!a"=--ext!act na"e=-7:0- pa!a"=-7:0-

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ext!act na"e=-7:1- pa!a"=-7:1-ext!act na"e=-- pa!a"=--ext!act na"e=-K- pa!a"=-K-ext!act na"e=-JH- pa!a"=-JH-ext!act na"e=-J<- pa!a"=-J<-ext!act na"e=-J@- pa!a"=-J@-

ext!act na"e=-7SH:- pa!a"=-7SH:-ext!act na"e=-H0- pa!a"=-H0-ext!act na"e=-M/:H- pa!a"=-M/:H-ext!act na"e=-H1- pa!a"=-H1-ext!act na"e=-H2- pa!a"=-H2-ext!act na"e=-;SK- pa!a"=-;SK-ext!act na"e=-7CFF- pa!a"=-7CFF-ext!act na"e=-FH@:C;- pa!a"=-FH@:C;-ext!act na"e=-@S@- pa!a"=-@S@-ext!act na"e=-/:H0- pa!a"=-/:H0-ext!act na"e=-/:H<- pa!a"=-/:H<-ext!act na"e=-SJ<- pa!a"=-SJ<-

ext!act na"e=-@B- pa!a"=-@B-ext!act na"e=-I<@1- pa!a"=-I<@1-ext!act na"e=-I<@2- pa!a"=-I<@2-ext!act na"e=-;CJ:- pa!a"=-;CJ:-ext!act na"e=-S@</1- pa!a"=-S@</1-ext!act na"e=-S@</2- pa!a"=-S@</2-ext!act na"e=-:C- pa!a"=-:C-ext!act na"e=-N- pa!a"=-N-ext!act na"e=-/HM- pa!a"=-/HM-ext!act na"e=-SJ<- pa!a"=-SJ<-#ext!act na"e=-SJ<:BC- pa!a"=-SJ<:BC-#ext!act na"e=-SH:BC- pa!a"=-SH:BC-#ext!act na"e=-<JMBC- pa!a"=-<JMBC-ext!act na"e=-J0- pa!a"=-J0-

c!eate li*!a!y="*


NMOS Second %rea(do)n Si.lation

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go athena

line x loc=0 spac=0.1line x loc=0.15 spac=0.05line x loc=0.2 spac=0.05line x loc=0.35 spac=0.01line x loc=0.5 spac=0.02

line y loc=0 spac=0.01line y loc=0.22 spac=0.01

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line y loc=0. spac=0.1

init o!ientation=100 c.phos=1e14

"o"ents S:9:H</S#

#p$ell %o!"ation incl&ing "as'ing o%% o% the n$ell#&i%%s ti"e=30 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3#etch oxi&e thic'=0.02##$ell I"plant#i"plant *o!on &ose=e12 ene!gy=100 pea!s a"o!phos

&i%%s te"p=+50 ti"e=100 $eto2 hcl=3#

#$ell i"plant not sho$n ## $ell&!ive sta!ts he!e&i%%s ti"e=50 te"p=1000 t.!ate=4.000 &!yo2 p!ess=0.10 hcl=3#&i%%s ti"e=220 te"p=1200 nit!o p!ess=1#&i%%s ti"e=+0 te"p=1200 t.!ate=4.444 nit!o p!ess=1#etch oxi&e all##sac!i%icial -cleaning- oxi&e&i%%s ti"e=20 te"p=1000 &!yo2 p!ess=1 hcl=3#etch oxi&e all##gate oxi&e g!o$n he!e&i%%s ti"e=11 te"p=+25 &!yo2 p!ess=1.00 hcl=3

ext!act thic'ness na"e=-gateox- oxi&e "at.occno=1

#vt a&st i"planti"plant *o!on &ose=+.5e11 ene!gy=10 pea!son a"o!phos#&epo poly thic'=0.2 &ivi=10

##%!o" no$ on the sitation is 2#etch poly le%t p1.x=0.35#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=3 te"p=+00 $eto2 p!ess=1.0#i"plant phospho! &ose=3.0e13 ene!gy=20 pea!son a"o!phos

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#&epo oxi&e thic'=0.120 &ivisions=#etch oxi&e &!y thic'=0.120#i"plant a!senic &ose=5.0e15 ene!gy=50 pea!son a"o!phos

#"etho& %e!"i co"p!ess&i%%se ti"e=1 te"p=+00 nit!o p!ess=1.0

etch oxi&e le%t p1.x=0.2&eposit al"in thic'=0.03 &ivi=2etch al"in !ight p1.x=0.15st!ct!e "i!!o! !ight

elect!o&e na"e=gate x=0.5 y=0.1elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x=0.1elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x=0.+

elect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *ac'si&e

st!ct!e ot%ile="!

tonyplot "! set "os2ex090.set

go atlas

"esh in%ile="!

# Set $o!'%nction %o! poly gate an& inte!%ace cha!gecontact na"e=gate n.polysiliconinte!% 8%=3/10"ate!ial ta!el.el=0.2e12 ta"o*.el=0.4e12"ate!ial "ate!ial=al"in" tcon.poly   tc.a=0.03 tc.*=0.00156 tc.c=1.65e06   hc.a=1.+? hc.*=0.00036 hc.&=3.?e4# Set "o&els"o&els p!int cvt s!h *gn lat.te"p hcte.eli"pact sel* length.!el l!el.el=0.02

the!"contact n"=1 x."in=0 x."ax=1 y."in=0.?++ y."ax=0.02 alpha=3000

solve init

"etho& cli"it=1e4c!vet!ace en&.val=1.3e3 cont!.na"e=&!ain c!!.cont   "inc!=1e13 nextst.!atio=1.2 step.init=6.e2 "in&l=0.04

solve vgate=0.025solve vgate=0.1solve vgate=0.5 vstep=0.25 v%inal=1 na"e=gate

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# open log %ile

log ot%="os2ex0.log "aste!

solve c!vet!acesave ot%="!

tonyplot "os2ex0.log set "os2ex09log.set


E'ect o Pol& $e#letion on C"V cr0es

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas


x."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.01x."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.01

y."esh loc=0.04 spac=0.001y."esh loc=0.02 spac=0.001

!egion n"*e!=1 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03   "ate!ial=al"in"!egion n"*e!=2 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.03 y."ax=0.005   "ate!ial=poly!egion n"*e!=3 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.005 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=oxi&e!egion n"*e!=4 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.02


elect!o&e x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03 na"e=gateelect!o&e *otto" na"e=s*st!ate

&oping !egion=2 p.type concent!ation=1e1+ ni%o!"&oping !egion=4 p.type concent!ation=1e1? ni%o!"

solve initsolve vgate=1.5solve vgate=3

save ot%ile="!# tonyplot "! set "os2ex159<.set

log ot%ile="os2ex159@71+.logsolve vgate=2. vstep=0.2 v%inal=3.0 na"e=gate ac %!e8=1e6 p!eviostonyplot "os2ex159@71+.log set "[email protected]

go atlas

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x."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.01x."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.01

y."esh loc=0.04 spac=0.001y."esh loc=0.02 spac=0.001

!egion n"*e!=1 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03   "ate!ial=al"in"!egion n"*e!=2 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.03 y."ax=0.005   "ate!ial=poly!egion n"*e!=3 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.005 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=oxi&e!egion n"*e!=4 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.02   "ate!ial=silicon

elect!o&e x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03 na"e=gateelect!o&e *otto" na"e=s*st!ate

&oping !egion=2 p.type concent!ation=1e20 ni%o!"&oping !egion=4 p.type concent!ation=1e1? ni%o!"

solve initsolve vgate=1.5solve vgate=3

save ot%ile="!# tonyplot "! set "os2ex159<.set

log ot%ile="[email protected] vgate=2. vstep=0.2 v%inal=3.0 na"e=gate ac %!e8=1e6 p!evios

go atlas


x."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.01x."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.01

y."esh loc=0.04 spac=0.001

y."esh loc=0.02 spac=0.001

!egion n"*e!=1 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03   "ate!ial=al"in"!egion n"*e!=2 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.03 y."ax=0.005   "ate!ial=poly!egion n"*e!=3 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.005 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=oxi&e!egion n"*e!=4 x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.02

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elect!o&e x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.01 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03 na"e=gateelect!o&e *otto" na"e=s*st!ate

&oping !egion=2 p.type concent!ation=1e21 ni%o!"

&oping !egion=4 p.type concent!ation=1e1? ni%o!"

solve initsolve vgate=1.5solve vgate=3

save ot%ile="!# tonyplot "! set "os2ex159<.set

log ot%ile="[email protected] vgate=2. vstep=0.2 v%inal=3.0 na"e=gate ac %!e8=1e6 p!evios

tonyplot ove!lay "[email protected] "[email protected]"os2ex159@71+.log set "[email protected]


E'ect o Pol& $o#ing on Threshold Voltage

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas


x."esh loc=0.20 spac=0.025

x."esh loc=0.15 spac=0.025x."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.010x."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.010x."esh loc=0.15 spac=0.025x."esh loc=0.20 spac=0.025

y."esh loc=0.04 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.03 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.005 spac=0.0025y."esh loc=0.0 spac=0.0005y."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.002y."esh loc=0.10 spac=0.02

!egion n"*e!=1 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=oxi&e!egion n"*e!=2 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.10   "ate!ial=silicon!egion n"*e!=3 x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.03 y."ax=0.005   "ate!ial=poly!egion n"*e!=4 x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03   "ate!ial=al"in"

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!egion n"*e!=5 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.15 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=al"in"!egion n"*e!=5 x."in=0.15 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=al"in"

elect!o&e x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.15 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0 na"e=so!ce

elect!o&e x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03 na"e=gateelect!o&e x."in=0.15 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0 na"e=&!ainelect!o&e *otto" na"e=s*st!ate

&oping !egion=2 p.type concent!ation=1e1 ni%o!"&oping !egion=3 n.type concent!ation=1e1+ ni%o!"&oping x."in=0.2 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.01concent!ation=1e20   n.type ni%o!"&oping x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.2 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.01concent!ation=1e20   n.type ni%o!"

"o&els cvt s!h

solve initsolve v&!ain=0.005solve v&!ain=0.05solve vgate=0.05log ot%ile="os2ex1691+.logsolve vgate=0.4 vstep=0.05 v%inal=1.0 na"e=gateext!act na"e=-n7t- x.val %!o" c!ve(v.-gate-,i.-&!ain-) $he!ey.val=0.5e0.1

save ot%ile="!tonyplot "!

go atlas


x."esh loc=0.20 spac=0.025x."esh loc=0.15 spac=0.025x."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.010x."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.010x."esh loc=0.15 spac=0.025

x."esh loc=0.20 spac=0.025

y."esh loc=0.04 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.03 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.005 spac=0.0025y."esh loc=0.0 spac=0.0005y."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.002y."esh loc=0.10 spac=0.02

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!egion n"*e!=1 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=oxi&e!egion n"*e!=2 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.10   "ate!ial=silicon!egion n"*e!=3 x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.03 y."ax=0.005   "ate!ial=poly

!egion n"*e!=4 x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03   "ate!ial=al"in"!egion n"*e!=5 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.15 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=al"in"!egion n"*e!=5 x."in=0.15 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=al"in"

elect!o&e x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.15 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0 na"e=so!ceelect!o&e x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03 na"e=gateelect!o&e x."in=0.15 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0 na"e=&!ainelect!o&e *otto" na"e=s*st!ate

&oping !egion=2 p.type concent!ation=1e1 ni%o!"&oping !egion=3 n.type concent!ation=1e20 ni%o!"&oping x."in=0.2 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.01concent!ation=1e20   n.type ni%o!"&oping x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.2 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.01concent!ation=1e20   n.type ni%o!"

"o&els cvt s!h

solve initsolve v&!ain=0.005solve v&!ain=0.05solve vgate=0.05log ot%ile="os2ex16920.logsolve vgate=0.4 vstep=0.05 v%inal=1.0 na"e=gateext!act na"e=-n7t- x.val %!o" c!ve(v.-gate-,i.-&!ain-) $he!ey.val=0.5e0.1

go atlas


x."esh loc=0.20 spac=0.025x."esh loc=0.15 spac=0.025x."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.010x."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.010x."esh loc=0.15 spac=0.025x."esh loc=0.20 spac=0.025

y."esh loc=0.04 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.03 spac=0.005

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y."esh loc=0.005 spac=0.0025y."esh loc=0.0 spac=0.0005y."esh loc=0.01 spac=0.002y."esh loc=0.10 spac=0.02

!egion n"*e!=1 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0

  "ate!ial=oxi&e!egion n"*e!=2 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.10   "ate!ial=silicon!egion n"*e!=3 x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.03 y."ax=0.005   "ate!ial=poly!egion n"*e!=4 x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03   "ate!ial=al"in"!egion n"*e!=5 x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.15 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=al"in"!egion n"*e!=5 x."in=0.15 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0   "ate!ial=al"in"

elect!o&e x."in=0.20 x."ax=0.15 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0 na"e=so!ceelect!o&e x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.03 na"e=gateelect!o&e x."in=0.15 x."ax=0.20 y."in=0.04 y."ax=0.0 na"e=&!ainelect!o&e *otto" na"e=s*st!ate

&oping !egion=2 p.type concent!ation=1e1 ni%o!"&oping !egion=3 n.type concent!ation=1e21 ni%o!"&oping x."in=0.2 x."ax=0.05 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.01concent!ation=1e20   n.type ni%o!"&oping x."in=0.05 x."ax=0.2 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.01concent!ation=1e20   n.type ni%o!"

"o&els cvt s!h

solve initsolve v&!ain=0.005solve v&!ain=0.05solve vgate=0.05log ot%ile="os2ex16921.logsolve vgate=0.4 vstep=0.05 v%inal=1.0 na"e=gateext!act na"e=-n7t- x.val %!o" c!ve(v.-gate-,i.-&!ain-) $he!ey.val=0.5e0.1

tonyplot ove!lay "os2ex16921.log "os2ex16920.log "os2ex1691+.log


Partiall& $e#leted SOI " Vt and S!threshold Slo#e

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas:I:/ SCI &evice si"lation

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## 0.2" o% silicon on 0.4" oxi&e s*st!ate#"esh space."lt=1.0#x."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.50

x."esh loc=1.15 spac=0.02x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.1x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.02x."esh loc=3 spac=0.5#y."esh loc=0.01? spac=0.02y."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.1 spac=0.02y."esh loc=0.2 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.6 spac=0.25#!egion n"=1 y."ax=0 oxi&e

!egion n"=2 y."in=0 y."ax=0.2 silicon!egion n"=3 y."in=0.2 oxi&e## &e%ine the elect!o&es # #1AH:/ #2SCJ;@/ #3;HI #4SJ<S:;H:/(*elo$ oxi&e)#elect!o&e na"e=gate x."in=1 x."ax=2 y."in=0.01? y."ax=0.01?elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x."ax=0.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x."in=2.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e s*st!ate## &e%ine the &oping concent!ations #&oping ni%o!" conc=2e1? p.type !eg=2&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.!=1.0&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.l=2.0save!tonyplot! set soiex0190.set## set inte!%ace cha!ge sepa!ately on %!ont an& *ac' oxi&e inte!%acesinte!% 8%=3e10 y."ax=0.1inte!% 8%=1e11 y."in=0.1#

# set $o!'%nction o% gatecontact na"e=gate n.poly## select "o&els"o&els con"o* s!h age! *gn %l&"o* p!int#solve init## &o I7A cha!acte!istic

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#"etho& ne$ton t!apsolve p!evsolve vgate=0.2solve v&!ain=0.05solve v&!ain=0.1

## !a"p gate voltagelog ot%=soiex0191.log "aste!solve vgate=0.1 vstep=0.1 na"e=gate v%inal=1.5## plot !esltant I7A th!eshol& voltage c!vetonyplot soiex0191.log set soiex0191.set## plot !esltant I7A s*th!eshol& slope c!vetonyplot soiex0191.log set soiex0192.set##

ext!act na"e=-s*vt-   1.0slope("axslope(c!ve(v.-gate-,log10(a*s(i.-&!ain-)))))##ext!act na"e=-vt-(xinte!cept("axslope(c!ve(v.-gate-,a*s(i.-&!ain-))))   a*s(ave(v.-&!ain-))2.0)#8it

1ll& $e#leted SOI " Vt and S!threshold Slo#e

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas:I:/ SCI &evice si"lation## 0.1" o% silicon on 0.4" oxi&e s*st!ate#"esh space."lt=1.0#x."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.50x."esh loc=1.15 spac=0.02

x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.1x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.02x."esh loc=3 spac=0.5#y."esh loc=0.01? spac=0.02y."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.02y."esh loc=0.1 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.5 spac=0.25

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#!egion n"=1 y."ax=0 oxi&e!egion n"=2 y."in=0 y."ax=0.1 silicon!egion n"=3 y."in=0.1 oxi&e## &e%ine the elect!o&es

# #1AH:/ #2SCJ;@/ #3;HI #4SJ<S:;H:/(*elo$ oxi&e)#elect!o&e na"e=gate x."in=1 x."ax=2 y."in=0.01? y."ax=0.01?elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x."ax=0.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x."in=2.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e s*st!ate## &e%ine the &oping concent!ations #&oping ni%o!" conc=1e1? p.type !eg=2&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.!=1.0

&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.l=2.0save!tonyplot! set soiex0290.set## set inte!%ace cha!ge sepa!ately on %!ont an& *ac' oxi&e inte!%acesinte!% 8%=3e10 y."ax=0.05inte!% 8%=1e11 y."in=0.05## set $o!'%nction o% gatecontact na"e=gate n.poly## select "o&els"o&els con"o* s!h age! *gn %l&"o* p!int#solve init## &o I7A cha!acte!istic#"etho& ne$ton t!apsolve p!evsolve vgate=0.2solve v&!ain=0.05solve v&!ain=0.1#

# !a"p gate voltagelog ot%=soiex0291.log "aste!solve vgate=0.1 vstep=0.1 na"e=gate v%inal=1.5## plot !esltant I7A th!eshol& voltage c!vetonyplot soiex0291.log set soiex0291.set## plot !esltant I7A s*th!eshol& slope c!vetonyplot soiex0291.log set soiex0292.set

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##ext!act na"e=-s*vt-   1.0slope("axslope(c!ve(v.-gate-,log10(a*s(i.-&!ain-)))))##

ext!act na"e=-vt-(xinte!cept("axslope(c!ve(v.-gate-,a*s(i.-&!ain-))))   a*s(ave(v.-&!ain-))2.0)#8it

Partiall& 0s 1ll& $e#leted SOI " Lea(age Crrent Anal&sis

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas## e%ine &ec'*il& va!ia*lesset si"i&=0.2set si*ot=0.4set ox*ot=1.0#:I:/ SCI &evice si"lation## 0.4" o% silicon on 0.6" oxi&e s*st!ate#"esh space."lt=1.5#

x."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.250x."esh loc=1.15 spac=0.02x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.05x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.02x."esh loc=3 spac=0.25#y."esh loc=0.01? spac=0.25y."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.0025y."esh loc=>si"i& spac=0.02y."esh loc=>si*ot spac=0.005y."esh loc=>ox*ot spac=0.1#

!egion n"=1 y."ax=0 oxi&e!egion n"=2 y."in=0 y."ax=>si*ot silicon!egion n"=3 y."in=>si*ot oxi&e## &e%ine the elect!o&es # #1AH:/ #2SCJ;@/ #3;HI #4SJ<S:;H:/(*elo$ oxi&e)#elect!o&e na"e=gate x."in=1 x."ax=2 y."in=0.01? y."ax=0.01?elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x."ax=0.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0

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elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x."in=2.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e s*st!ate## &e%ine the &oping concent!ations #&oping ni%o!" conc=1.?5e1? p.type !eg=2

&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.!=1.0&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.l=2.0save!tonyplot! set soiex0390.set## set inte!%ace cha!ge sepa!ately on %!ont an& *ac' oxi&e inte!%acesinte!% 8%=3e10 y."ax=>si"i&inte!% 8%=1e11 y."in=>si"i&## set $o!'%nction o% gate

contact na"e=gate n.poly## select "o&els"o&els con"o* s!h *gn %l&"o* p!int hctei"pact sel*#solve init#"etho& ne$ton aton! t!ap "axt!ap=10## e!%o!" lea'age c!!ent analysislog ot%=soiex0391.logsolve p!evsolve v&!ain=0.05solve v&!ain=0.1 v%inal=3.3 vstep=0.1 na"e=&!ain#ext!act na"e=-i&s9lea'age- "ax(a*s(i.-&!ain-))## plot !esltant I7 lea'age c!!ent c!vetonyplot soiex0391.log set soiex0391.set#8it

 The 23in(2 E'ect in Partiall& $e#leted SOI MOS1ETs

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas:I:/ SCI &evice si"lation## 0.2" o% silicon on 0.4" oxi&e s*st!ate#"esh space."lt=1.0#x."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.50

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x."esh loc=1.15 spac=0.02x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.1x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.01x."esh loc=3 spac=0.5#y."esh loc=0.01? spac=0.02

y."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.15 spac=0.02y."esh loc=0.3 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.? spac=0.25#!egion n"=1 y."ax=0 oxi&e!egion n"=2 y."in=0 y."ax=0.3 silicon!egion n"=3 y."in=0.3 oxi&e## &e%ine the elect!o&es # #1AH:/ #2SCJ;@/ #3;HI #4SJ<S:;H:/(*elo$ oxi&e)#

elect!o&e na"e=gate x."in=1 x."ax=2 y."in=0.01? y."ax=0.01?elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x."ax=0.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x."in=2.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e s*st!ate## &e%ine the &oping concent!ations #&oping ni%o!" conc=1e1? p.type !eg=2&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.!=1.0&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.l=2.0save!tonyplot! set soiex0490.set## set inte!%ace cha!ge sepa!ately on %!ont an& *ac' oxi&e inte!%acesinte!% 8%=3e10 y."ax=0.1inte!% 8%=1e11 y."in=0.1## set $o!'%nction o% gatecontact na"e=gate n.poly## select "o&els"o&els cvt s!h *gn p!int#

i"pact sel*solve init## &o I7A cha!acte!istic#"etho& ne$ton t!ap "axt!ap=10solve p!evsolve v&!ain=0.05solve v&!ain=0.1

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## !a"p gate voltage to 1, 2 an& 37solve vgate=0.2 vstep=0.2 na"e=gate v%inal=1save!solve vgate=0.2 vstep=0.2 na"e=gate v%inal=2save!

solve vgate=0.2 vstep=0.2 na"e=gate v%inal=3save!## o$ &o I7S cha!acte!isticloa&! "aste!solve p!evlog ot%=soiex0491.logsolve v%inal=3.3 vstep=0.1 na"e=&!ainlog ot%=t"p#loa&! "aste!solve p!ev

log ot%=soiex0492.logsolve v%inal=3.3 vstep=0.1 na"e=&!ainlog ot%=t"p#loa&! "aste!solve p!evlog ot%=soiex0493.logsolve v%inal=3.3 vstep=0.1 na"e=&!ain#tonyplot ove!lay soiex0491.log soiex0492.log soiex0493.log setsoiex0491.set8it

%rea(do)n in SOI MOS1ETs " E'ect o Lattice *eating

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas:I:/ Jlt!a:hin SCI si"lation $ith /ne!gy <alance an& onisothe!"al/ne!gy <alance Bo&els

"esh space."lt=1.0#x."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.250x."esh loc=1.15 spac=0.02x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.05x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.02x."esh loc=3 spac=0.25#y."esh loc=0.012 spac=0.25y."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.0025

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y."esh loc=0.025 spac=0.02y."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.5 spac=0.1#!egion n"=1 y."ax=0 oxi&e!egion n"=2 y."in=0 y."ax=0.05 silicon

!egion n"=3 y."in=0.05 oxi&e## &e%ine the elect!o&es # #1AH:/ #2SCJ;@/ #3;HI #4SJ<S:;H:/(*elo$ oxi&e)#elect!o&e na"e=gate x."in=1 x."ax=2 y."in=0.012 y."ax=0.012elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x."ax=0.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x."in=2.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e s*st!ate## &e%ine the &oping concent!ations #

&oping ni%o!" conc=1.?5e1? p.type !eg=2&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.!=1.0&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.l=2.0#"ate!ial ta!el.el=0.2e12 ta"o*.el=0.2e12"o&els con"o* *gn %l&"o* hcte.el cons!h age! p!int#i"pact sel* length.!el l!el.el=0.02#contact n"*e!=2 n.polysilicon#solve initsave!tonyplot! set soiex0690.set#"etho& ne$ton "axt!ap=6 te"p.tol=1.e4 t!ap## I&7& calclations /< "o&elsolve vgate=1solve vgate=2solve vgate=4#log ot%=soiex069e*.log "aste!

#solve v&!ain=0.00625solve v&!ain=0.0125solve v&!ain=0.025solve v&!ain=0.05#"etho& ne$ton "axt!ap=6 te"p.tol=1.e4 t!ap#solve v&!ain=0.1 vstep=0.025 v%inal=2 elect!=3

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#solve v&!ain=2.2 vstep=0.2 elect!=3 v%inal=4.5save ot%=soiex069e*.st!#go atlas#

"esh space."lt=1.0#x."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.250x."esh loc=1.15 spac=0.02x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.05x."esh loc=1.5 spac=0.02x."esh loc=3 spac=0.25#y."esh loc=0.012 spac=0.25y."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.0025y."esh loc=0.025 spac=0.02y."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.005

y."esh loc=0.5 spac=0.1#!egion n"=1 y."ax=0 oxi&e!egion n"=2 y."in=0 y."ax=0.05 silicon!egion n"=3 y."in=0.05 oxi&e## &e%ine the elect!o&es # #1AH:/ #2SCJ;@/ #3;HI #4SJ<S:;H:/(*elo$ oxi&e)#elect!o&e na"e=gate x."in=1 x."ax=2 y."in=0.012 y."ax=0.012elect!o&e na"e=so!ce x."ax=0.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e na"e=&!ain x."in=2.5 y."in=0 y."ax=0elect!o&e s*st!ate## &e%ine the &oping concent!ations #&oping ni%o!" conc=1.?5e1? p.type !eg=2&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.!=1.0&oping gass n.type conc=1e20 cha!=0.2 lat.cha!=0.05 !eg=2x.l=2.0#the!"contact n"=1 x."in=0 x."ax=6.5 y."in=0.5 y."ax=0.5#"ate!ial ta!el.el=0.2e12 ta"o*.el=0.2e12

"o&els con"o* *gn %l&"o* hcte.el lat.te"p cons!h age! p!int#i"pact sel* length.!el l!el.el=0.02#contact n"*e!=2 n.polysilicon#solve init#"etho& ne$ton "axt!ap=6 te"p.tol=1.e4 t!ap

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## I&7& calclations /< "o&el#solve vgate=1solve vgate=2solve vgate=4

#log ot%=soiex069ne*.log "aste!#solve v&!ain=0.00625solve v&!ain=0.0125solve v&!ain=0.025solve v&!ain=0.05#"etho& ne$ton "axt!ap=6 te"p.tol=1.e4 t!ap#solve v&!ain=0.1 vstep=0.025 v%inal=2 elect!=3#

solve v&!ain=2.2 vstep=0.2 elect!=3 v%inal=4.5#save ot%=soiex069ne*.st!#tonyplot ove!lay soiex069e*.log soiex069ne*.log set soiex06.set#8it

E#itaxial GaAs MES1ET S"Para.eters

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas

:itle B</ /pitaxial AaHs B/SF/: S pa!a"ete!s calclation

# e%ine the "esh

"esh space."lt=1.0#x."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.3x."esh loc=2.3 spac=0.02x."esh loc=2.? spac=0.02x."esh loc=5 spac=0.3#y."esh loc=0.00 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.04 spac=0.03y."esh loc=0.12 spac=0.02y."esh loc=6 spac=1.0

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# ;egion speci%ication e%ine& as t$o !egions %o! &i%%e!entp!ope!ties

!egion n"=1 AaHs x."in=0 x."ax=5 y."in=0 y."ax=0.12!egion n"=2 AaHs x."in=0 x."ax=5 y."in=0.12 y."ax=6.12

# /lect!o&e speci%ication

elec n"=1 na"e=so!ce x."in=0.0 y."in=0.0 x."ax=1.0 y."ax=0.0elec n"=2 na"e=&!ain x."in=4.0 y."in=0.0 x."ax=5.0 y."ax=0.0elec n"=3 na"e=gate x."in=2.35 length=0.3

# oping speci%ication

&oping !egion=1 ni%o!" conc=1.0e1? n.type&oping !egion=2 ni%o!" conc=1.0e15 p.type

# Set "o&els, "ate!ial an& contact pa!a"ete!s

contact n"=3 $o!'=4.??"o&els !egion=1 p!int con"o* %l&"o* s!h opt!"o&els !egion=2 s!h opt!"ate!ial !egion=2

# Soltion se g""el ne$ton %o! initial then s$itch to %ll ne$ton

"etho& g""el ne$tonsolve vgate=0save ot%ile="!tonyplot "! set "es%etex0290.setsolve v&!ain=0.025 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.1 na"e=&!ain

 "etho& ne$tonsolve v&!ain=0.2 vstep=0.1 v%inal=0.6 na"e=&!ainsolve v&!ain=0. vstep=0.2 v%inal=3 na"e=&!ain

# S"all signal ac analysis $ith spa!a"ete! calclationlog ot%="es%etex029ac.log!a" inpo!t=gate otpo!t=&!ain $i&th=100solve ac.analysis &i!ect %!e8ency=1.e+ %step=2.e+ n%steps=20

tonyplot "es%etex029ac.log set "es%etex0291.settonyplot "es%etex029ac.log set "es%etex0292.set


InGaAs/InP *%T $C and *igh 1re4enc& Characteristics

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go &eve&it

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!egion !eg=1 "at=InAaHs points=-0,0 0.5,0 0.5,0.15 0,0.15 0,0-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=1 i"p=-@o"position F!action -

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.4? co"*.%nc=Bltiply

!ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=1 i"p=ono!s

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=1e1+ !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

!egion !eg=2 "at=In points=-0,0.15 0.5,0.15 0.5,0.25 0,0.25 0,0.15-


i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=2 i"p=ono!s x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=2e1 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

!egion !eg=3 "at=In points=-0,0.25 0.5,0.25 0.5,0.35 0,0.35 0,0.25-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=3 i"p=ono!s

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=4e1? !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

!egion !eg=4 "at=InAaHs points=-0,0.35 0.5,0.35 1,0.35 2,0.35 2,0.42 0,0.42 0,0.35-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=4 i"p=Hccepto!s

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=2e1+ !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=4 i"p=-@o"position F!action -

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.4? co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

!egion !eg=5 "at=InAaHs points=-0,0.42 2,0.42 2,1 0,1 0,0.42-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=5 i"p=-@o"position F!action -

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x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.4? co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=5 i"p=ono!s

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=1e16 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

!egion !eg=6 "at=InAaHs points=-0,1 2,1 2.35,1 3,1 3,1.3 0,1.3 0,1-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=6 i"p=-@o"position F!action -

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.4? co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant

!ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=6 i"p=ono!s

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=6e1 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

!egion !eg=? "at=In points=-0,1.3 3,1.3 3,1.5 0,1.5 0,1.3-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=? i"p=ono!s

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=10000000000000 !e%.vale=1000000000000

co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

!egion !eg= na"e=e"itte! "at=@ontact elec.i&=1 $o!'.%nc=0 points=-0,0 0,0.05 0.5,0.05 0.5,0 0,0-

!egion !eg=+ na"e=*ase "at=@ontact elec.i&=2 $o!'.%nc=0 points=-1,0.35 1,0.3 2,0.3 2,0.35 1,0.35-

!egion !eg=10 na"e=collecto! "at=@ontact elec.i&=3 $o!'.%nc=0

points=-2.35,1 2.35,0.+5 3,0.+5 3,1 2.35,1-

# Set Beshing a!a"ete!s#*ase."esh height=0.1 $i&th=0.125#

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*on&.con& "ax.slope=2 "ax.!atio=300 !n&!aightening=1   align.points $hen=ato"atic#const!."esh "ax.angle=+0 "ax.!atio=200 "ax.height=1

  "ax.$i&th=1 "in.height=0.0001 "in.$i&th=0.0001

#const!."esh x1=0 x2=0.5 y1=0.05 y2=0.325 "ax.height=0.04const!."esh x1=0 x2=0.5 y1=0.325 y2=0.35 "ax.height=0.02const!."esh x1=0 x2=2.0 y1=0.35 y2=0.5 "ax.height=0.02const!."esh x1=0 x2=2.0 y1=0.5 y2=0.? "ax.height=0.04const!."esh x1=0 x2=2.0 y1=0.+5 y2=1.0 "ax.height=0.04const!."esh x1=0 x2=3.0 y1=1.0 y2=1.05 "ax.height=0.04## e!%o!" "esh ope!ations#"esh#

st!ct!e ot%=h*!tonyplot h*! set h*tex0690.set

go atlas#title InAaHsIn <: si"lation## Bate!ial an& "o&el speci%ication#"ate!ial "ate!ial=InAaHs align=0.36"ate!ial "ate!ial=In align=0.36## @ap1 InAaHs !egion"ate!ial !egion=1 tan0=5.0e10 tap0=1.0e+ vsatn=2.5e? "n0=4000"p0=200## @ap2 In !egion"ate!ial !egion=2 tan0=5.0e+ tap0=5.0e+ vsatn=2.0e? "n0=2000"p0=100## /"itte! In !egion"ate!ial !egion=3 tan0=1.0e tap0=2.0e vsatn=2.0e? "n0=3000"p0=160## <ase InAaHs !egion ptype

"ate!ial !egion=4 tan0=3.0e10 tap0=3.0e10 vsatn=2.5e? "n0=5000"p0=240## @ollecto! InAaHs !egion"ate!ial !egion=5 tan0=1.0e? tap0=1.0e? vsatn=2.5e? "n0=10000"p0=400## S*collecto! InAaHs !egion

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"ate!ial !egion=6 tan0=1.0e+ tap0=1.0e+ vsatn=2.5e? "n0=4000"p0=200#"o&el "ate!ial=In s!h opt! %l&"o* evsat"o&=1 ec!itn=6.e3%e!"i&i!ac p!int"o&el "ate!ial=InAaHs s!h opt! %l&"o* evsat"o&=1 ec!itn=3.e3

%e!"i&i!ac p!int## Initial soltionotpt con.*an& val.*an&solve init## @alclate A""el plot an& H@ pa!a"ete!s ve!ss 7*e (7ce) at 1 BOsolve p!ev

## 1 e"itte! 2 *ase 3 collecto!log ot%=h*tex0691.log

solve v2=0.01 v3=0.01 ac %!e8=10 &i!ectsolve v2=0.025 v3=0.025 vstep=0.025 elect!=23 nstep=2 ac %!e8=1e6&i!ectsolve v2=0.1 v3=0.1 vstep=0.1 elect!=23 nstep=5 ac %!e8=1e6&i!ectsolve v2=0.65 v3=0.65 vstep=0.05 elect!=23 nstep=6 ac %!e8=1e6&i!ect

save ot%=h*!

solve v2=0.+?5 v3=0.+?5 vstep=0.025 elect!=23 nstep=3 ac %!e8=1e6## F!e8ency &o"ain H@ analysis p to 100 AO#

log ot%=h*tex0693.log!a" gains inpo!t=*ase otpo!t=collecto!$i&th=50

loa& in%=h*! "aste!.in

solve p!evios ac %!e8=1 &i!ectsolve ac %!e8=10 %step=10 "lt.% n%step= &i!ectsolve ac %!e8=2e+ &i!ect

solve ac %!e8=5e+ &i!ectsolve ac %!e8=1e10 &i!ectsolve ac %!e8=2e10 %step=2e10 n%step=5 &i!ect## /xt!action o% pa!a"ete!s#

ext!act init in%=-h*tex0691.log-#

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# Baxi"" cto%% %!e8encyext!act na"e=-Ft9"ax- "ax(g.-collecto!--*ase-(6.2c.-*ase--*ase-))## <ase *ias at "axi"" cto%% %!e8encyext!act na"e=-7*ePFt9"ax- x.val %!o" c!ve (v.-*ase-,g.-collecto!--*ase-(6.2c.-*ase--*ase- )) $he!e y.val=>-Ft9"ax-

## Inpt (*ase) capacitance at "axi"" cto%% %!e8encyext!act na"e=-@**PFt9"ax)- y.val %!o" c!ve (v.-*ase-,a*s(c.-*ase--*ase- )) $he!e x.val=>-7*ePFt9"ax-## :!anscon&ctance at "axi"" cto%% %!e8encyext!act na"e=-A"PFt9"ax)- y.val %!o" c!ve (v.-*ase-,a*s(g.-collecto!--*ase- )) $he!e x.val=>-7*ePFt9"ax-### A""el plot

tonyplot h*tex0691.log set h*tex06919log.set

## H@ c!!ent gain ve!ss %!e8encytonyplot h*tex0693.log set h*tex06949log.set## S12 Q S21 pola! coo!&inatestonyplot h*tex0693.log set h*tex06949s12.set## S11Q S22 S"ith cha!ttonyplot h*tex0693.log set h*tex06949s11.set#8it


InP/InGaAs/InP $o!le *%T )ith 0ar&ing do#ing #ro5le

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013# Hn exa"ple o% a &o*le het!ost!ct!e *ipola! t!ansito!.# :he &evice is *ilt sing Htlas an& inco!po!ates &oping# p!o%iles sepeci%ie& *y exte!nal HS@II %iles.

go atlas


x."esh loc=0.0 spac=0.05x."esh loc=0.3 spac=0.05x."esh loc=0.6 spac=0.05x."esh loc=1.0 spac=0.05

y."esh loc=0.0 spac=0.02y."esh loc=0.04 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.05 spac=0.01

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y."esh loc=0.052 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.06 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.145 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.15 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.151 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.1 spac=0.01

y."esh loc=0.1+ spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.2 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.21 spac=0.002y."esh loc=0.21++ spac=0.0001y."esh loc=0.22 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.2201 spac=0.0001y."esh loc=0.23 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.26 spac=0.01y."esh loc=0.2+ spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.2+++ spac=0.0001y."esh loc=0.3 spac=0.05y."esh loc=0.301 spac=0.001

y."esh loc=0.31 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.32 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.34 spac=0.05y."esh loc=0.? spac=0.03y."esh loc=0.?2 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.?21 spac=0.005y."esh loc=0.?25 spac=0.01y."esh loc=1.0 spac=0.0?

!egion n"=1 "ate!ial=oxi&e!egion n"=2 "ate!ial=InAaHs x."in=0.0 x."ax=0.3 y."in=0.0 y.""p=0.4?!egion n"=3 "ate!ial=In x."in=0.0 x."ax=0.3 y."in=0.15 y."ax=0.22!egion n"=4 "ate!ial=InAaHs x."in=0.0 x."ax=0.6 y."in=0.22 y.""p=0.4?!egion n"=5 "ate!ial=In x."in=0.0 x."ax=1.0 y."in=0.3 y."ax=1.0

elect!o&e n"=1 na"e=e"itte! x."in=0.0 x."ax=0.3 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.0elect!o&e n"=2 na"e=*ase x."in=0.45 x."ax=0.6 y."in=0.22 y."ax=0.22elect!o&e n"=3 na"e=collecto! *otto"

# ########################

# e!e t$o HS@II %iles a!e calle& to speci%y the &oping p!ope!ties.# h*tex09n $ill p!ovi&e n type &oping an& h*tex09p $ill p!ovi&e# p type &oping. /ach %ile can *e vie$e& *y selecting the %ile# na"e i.e. h*tex09p an& then plling &o$n the tool "en in tonyplot# an& selecting :ext/&ito! $hilst the %ile na"e is still highlighte&.# <y pe!%o!"ing a ve!tical ctline th!ogh the st!ct!e*!# the &oping p!o%iles can *e easily vie$e&.

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&oping x."in=0.0 x."ax=1.0 y."in=0.0 y."ax=1.0 n.type asciiin%ile=h*tex09n.&at&oping x."in=0.0 x."ax=1.0 y."in=0.0 y."ax=1.0 p.type asciiin%ile=h*tex09p.&at

"o*ility "ate!ial=In %.con"n=h*tex09In9s'!.li*

%.con"p=h*tex09In9s'!.li*"o*ility "ate!ial=InAaHs %.con"n=h*tex09InAaHs9s'!.li*%.con"p=h*tex09InAaHs9s'!.li*

"o&el %e!"i p!int c*ic35

"etho& cli"it=1e4otpt *an&.pa!a" con.*an& val.*an& e."o* h."o* %lo$lines .s!h.age!

solve initsolve p!evios

save ot%=h*!

tonyplot h*! set h*tex09&oping.set


# <.# v3 "eans a voltage on elect!o&e 3 $hich is the collecto!.# v2 "eans a voltage on elect!o&e 2 $hich is the *ase.

solve v3=0.0001solve v3=0.001solve v3=0.01solve v3=0.1solve v3=2

solve v2=0.0001solve v2=0.001solve v2=0.01solve v2=0.1solve vstep=0.05 v%inal=0.4 elect!o&e=2

log ot%=h*tex09I7.log


solve vstep=0.05 v%inal=1.5 elect!o&e=2

save ot%ile=h*!tonyplot h*!tonyplot h*tex09I7.log set h*tex09g""el.settonyplot h*tex09I7.log set h*tex09I79&cc!!entgain.set

ext!act init in%ile=-h*tex09I7.log-

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ext!act na"e=-Ic- y.val %!o" c!ve(v.-*ase-,i.-collecto!-) $he!ex.val=1.5ext!act na"e=-I*- y.val %!o" c!ve(v.-*ase-,i.-*ase-) $he!e x.val=1.5ext!act na"e=-*eta"ax- >Ic>I*


# F!e8ency analysis

go atlas

"esh in%ile=h*!

"o*ility "ate!ial=In %.con"n=h*tex09In9s'!.li*%.con"p=h*tex09In9s'!.li*"o*ility "ate!ial=InAaHs %.con"n=h*tex09InAaHs9s'!.li*%.con"p=h*tex09InAaHs9s'!.li*

"o&el %e!"i p!int c*ic35

"etho& cli"it=1e4otpt *an&.pa!a" con.*an& val.*an&

loa& in%ile=h*! "aste!solve p!evios

solve v3=0.0001 ac %!e8=1e6solve v3=0.001 ac %!e8=1e6solve v3=0.01 ac %!e8=1e6solve v3=0.1 ac %!e8=1e6solve v3=0.5 ac %!e8=1e6solve v3=0.?5 ac %!e8=1e6solve v3=1.0 ac %!e8=1e6

solve v2=0.0001 ac %!e8=1e6solve v2=0.001 ac %!e8=1e6solve v2=0.01 ac %!e8=1e6solve v2=0.1 ac %!e8=1e6solve v2=0.5 ac %!e8=1e6solve v2=0.?5 ac %!e8=1e6solve v2=1.0 ac %!e8=1e6

log ot%=h*tex09%!e8.log gains inpo!t=*ase otpo!t=collecto! $i&th=50

solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=1 %step=10 n%step=? "lt.%!e8

solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=2e?solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=4e?solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=6e?solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=1esolve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=2esolve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=4e

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solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=1e+solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=2.5e+solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=3.5e+solve v2=1.0 v3=1.0 vstep=0.025 elect!o&e=23 ac %!e8=2.2e10

tonyplot h*tex09%!e8.log set h*tex09%!e89acc!!entgain.set

tonyplot h*tex09%!e8.log set h*tex09%!e89nilate!alpo$e!gain.set


P*EMT *igh 1re4enc& Anal&sis

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go &eve&itev/&it ve!sion=-2.1- li*!a!y=-1.15-

$o!'.a!ea le%t=0 top=0.01 !ight=4.5 *otto"=0.5

# SI7H@C i*!a!y 71.15

!egion !eg=1 "at=AaHs colo!=0x%%*2 patte!n=0x+ points=-0,0 1,0 1.1,0 1.5,0.05 0,0.05 0,0-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=1 i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=2e1 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion=1 &e%alt

!egion !eg=2 "at=AaHs colo!=0x%%*2 patte!n=0x+ points=-2.+,0 3.5,0 4.5,0 4.5,0.05 2.5,0.05 2.+,0-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=2 i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=2e1 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion=2 &e%alt

!egion !eg=3 "at=HlAaHs colo!=0x%%%%+6 patte!n=0x+ points=-4.5,0.05 4.5,0.0 0,0.0 0,0.05 1.5,0.05 1.?5,0.05

2.25,0.05 2.5,0.05 4.5,0.05-#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=3 i"p=-@o"position F!action -colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.22 !e%.vale=0 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant

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!ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=3 i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=5e15 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant

!ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant#const!."esh !egion=3 &e%alt

!egion !eg=4 na"e=&elta "at=HlAaHs colo!=0x%%%%+6 patte!n=0x+ points=-4.5,0.0 4.5,0.01 0,0.01 0,0.0 4.5,0.0-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=4 i"p=-@o"position F!action -colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.22 !e%.vale=0 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant

!ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=4 i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=e1 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion=4 &e%alt

!egion !eg=5 na"e=space! "at=HlAaHs colo!=0x%%%%+6 patte!n=0x+ points=-0,0.01 4.5,0.01 4.5,0.04 0,0.04 0,0.01-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=5 i"p=-@o"position F!action -colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.22 !e%.vale=0 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=5 i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=5e15 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion=5 &e%alt

!egion !eg=6 "at=InAaHs colo!=0x%%cc patte!n=0xa points=-0,0.04 4.5,0.04 4.5,0.0+ 0,0.0+ 0,0.04-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=6 i"p=-@o"position F!action -colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0

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pea'.vale=0.? !e%.vale=0 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=6 i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0

pea'.vale=5e15 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion=6 &e%alt

!egion !eg=? "at=HlAaHs colo!=0x%%%%+6 patte!n=0x+ points=-0,0.0+ 4.5,0.0+ 4.5,0.101 0,0.101 0,0.0+-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=? i"p=Hccepto!s colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=150000000000000 !e%.vale=1000000000000

co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=? i"p=-@o"position F!action -colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.22 !e%.vale=0 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion=? &e%alt

!egion !eg= "at=HlAaHs colo!=0x%%%%+6 patte!n=0x+ points=-0,0.101 4.5,0.101 4.5,0.102 0,0.102 0,0.101-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&= i"p=-@o"position F!action -colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.22 !e%.vale=0 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&= i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0

pea'.vale=2e1 !e%.vale=1000000000000 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion= &e%alt

!egion !eg=+ "at=HlAaHs colo!=0x%%%%+6 patte!n=0x+ points=-0,0.102 4.5,0.102 4.5,0.14 0,0.14 0,0.102-


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i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=+ i"p=Hccepto!s colo!=0x+06000 x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=100000000000000 !e%.vale=1000000000000

co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#i"p!ity i&=2 !egion.i&=+ i"p=-@o"position F!action -colo!=0x+06000

x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=0.22 !e%.vale=0 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion=+ &e%alt

!egion !eg=10 na"e=AaHs "at=HlAaHs colo!=0x%%*2 patte!n=0x+ points=-0,0.14 4.5,0.14 4.5,0.5 0,0.5 0,0.14-

#i"p!ity i&=1 !egion.i&=10 i"p=Hccepto!s colo!=0x+06000 x1=0 x2=0 y1=0 y2=0 pea'.vale=100000000000000 !e%.vale=1000000000000

co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=@onstant !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=@onstant

#const!."esh !egion=10 &e%alt

!egion !eg=11 na"e=so!ce "at=Aol& elec.i&=1 $o!'.%nc=0 colo!=0xe5%%patte!n=0x*

points=-0,0 0,0.01 1,0.01 1,0 0,0-#const!."esh !egion=11 &e%alt

!egion !eg=12 na"e=&!ain "at=Aol& elec.i&=2 $o!'.%nc=0 colo!=0xe5%%patte!n=0x*

points=-3.5,0 3.5,0.01 4.5,0.01 4.5,0 3.5,0-#const!."esh !egion=12 &e%alt

!egion !eg=13 na"e=gate "at=Aol& elec.i&=3 $o!'.%nc=0 colo!=0xe5%%patte!n=0x*

points=-1.?5,0.05 1.?5,0 2.25,0 2.25,0.05 1.?5,0.05-

#const!."esh !egion=13 &e%alt

i"p!ity i&=1 i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000 x1=0 x2=1 y1=0 y2=0.0 pea'.vale=5e21 !e%.vale=1e20 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=-Aassian (ist)-!a".y=0.04 !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=-/!!o! Fnction-!a".x=0.02

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i"p!ity i&=2 i"p=ono!s colo!=0x+06000 x1=3.5 x2=4.5 y1=0 y2=0.0 pea'.vale=5e21 !e%.vale=1e20 co"*.%nc=Bltiply !ollo%%.y=*oth conc.%nc.y=-Aassian (ist)-!a".y=0.04 !ollo%%.x=*oth conc.%nc.x=-/!!o! Fnction-!a".x=0.02

# Set Beshing a!a"ete!s#*ase."esh height=0.1 $i&th=0.25#*on&.con& Eapply "ax.slope=2 "ax.!atio=300 !n&!aightening=1 align.points $hen=ato"atic#i"p.!e%ine "in.spacing=0.02#const!."esh "ax.angle=+0 "ax.!atio=3000 "ax.height=1

"ax.$i&th=1 "in.height=0.0001 "in.$i&th=0.0001#

const!."esh type=Se"icon&cto! &e%alt#const!."esh type=Inslato! &e%alt#const!."esh type=Betal &e%alt#const!."esh type=Cthe! &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=1 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=2 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=3 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=4 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=5 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=6 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=? &e%alt#const!."esh !egion= &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=+ &e%alt

#const!."esh !egion=10 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=11 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=12 &e%alt#const!."esh !egion=13 &e%alt#

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# e!%o!" "esh ope!ations#Besh Bo&e=Besh<il&!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.06 y1=0.0123 x2=1.4 y2=0.03!e%ine "o&e=y x1=2.4+2 y1=0.0106 x2=4.402 y2=0.044!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.106 y1=0.00+ x2=1.511 y2=0.0414

!e%ine "o&e=y x1=2.515 y1=0.0046 x2=4.35? y2=0.0405!e%ine "o&e=x x1=1.5?1 y1=0.056 x2=2.41? y2=0.334!e%ine "o&e=x x1=0.04 y1=0.0063 x2=0.+1 y2=0.34??!e%ine "o&e=x x1=3.602 y1=0.0055 x2=4.41 y2=0.333!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.03 y1=0.0414 x2=1.563 y2=0.045?!e%ine "o&e=y x1=2.454 y1=0.03+? x2=4.44 y2=0.044!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.0?6 y1=0.0551 x2=4.455 y2=0.2?!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.031 y1=0.0524 x2=4.425 y2=0.0?4!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.06 y1=0.0516 x2=4.44 y2=0.0?61!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.023 y1=0.0?6 x2=4.463 y2=0.0??!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.04 y1=0.106 x2=4.4? y2=0.12+!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.061 y1=0.1044 x2=4.4? y2=0.1344

!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.046 y1=0.1036 x2=4.433 y2=0.1053!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.061 y1=0.062 x2=4.433 y2=0.0+66!e%ine "o&e=y x1=0.03 y1=0.056 x2=4.433 y2=0.0+61!e%ine "o&e=x x1=1.556 y1=0.04++ x2=2.462 y2=0.2322

i"p.!e%ine "in.spacing=0.02

const!."esh "ax.angle=+0 "ax.!atio=3000 "ax.height=1 "ax.$i&th=1 "in.height=0.0001 "in.$i&th=0.0001

#const!."esh type=Se"icon&cto! &e%alt#const!."esh type=Inslato! &e%alt#const!."esh type=Betal &e%alt#const!."esh type=Cthe! &e%alt

*ase."esh height=0.1 $i&th=0.25

*on&.con& Eapply "ax.slope=2 "ax.!atio=300 !n&!aightening=1 align.oints $hen=ato"atic

st!ct!e ot%=he"!

go atlas

title AaHsHlAaHsInAaHs se&o"o!phic /B: si"lation

# oa& the st!ct!e gene!ate& in /7/I:...

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# Khile !nning in the &ec'*il& a%te! /7/I: inpt &ec' thest!ct!e is# t!ans%e!e& ato"atically no "esh state"ent is nee&e&, co""ent itot

"esh in%ile=he"! "aste!.in

# e%ine the $o!'%nction %o! the gate contact

contact na"e=gate $o!'%nction=4.55

# e%ine "ate!ial pa!a"ete!s on "ate!ial*y"ate!ial *asis

"ate!ial "ate!ial=AaHs align=0.6"ate!ial "ate!ial=HlAaHs align=0.6"ate!ial "ate!ial=InAaHs align=0.6 "n0=12000 "p0=2000 vsat=2.e?

  tan0=1.e tap0=1.e

# e%ine physical "o&els on "ate!ial*y "ate!ial *asis

"o&els "ate!ial=AaHs cons!h con"o* %l&"o* p!int"o&els "ate!ial=HlAaHs cons!h con"o* %l&"o* p!int"o&els "ate!ial=InAaHs s!h %l&"o* p!int

# Incl&e *an&s potential, an& c!!ent %lo$lines into otpt

otpt con.*an& val.*an& %lo$lines

# Initial soltion

solve initsave ot%=he"!tonyplot he"!

# Hpply a set o% *iases at the gate an& &!ain

solve vgate = 0solve v&!ain = 0.1solve v&!ain=0.25 v%inal=2.0 vstep=0.25 na"e=&!ain

# F!e8ency &o"ain H@ si"lation.

log ot%=he"tex069ac.log "aste! gains!a"s inpo!t=gateotpo!t=&!ain $i&th=50

solve ac %!e8=10 %step=10 "lt.% n%step=?solve ac %!e8=1e+solve ac %!e8=2e+ %step=2e+ n%step=3

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solve ac %!e8=1e10 %step=5e+ n%step=

# isplaying the !eslts

# lot Spa!a"ete!s S12 Q S21 in pola! coo!&inatestonyplot he"tex069ac.log set he"tex0692.set

# lot Spa!a"ete!s S11 Q S22 in the %o!" o% the S"ith @ha!t

tonyplot he"tex069ac.log set he"tex0693.set


Polari6ation Charge Anal&sis GAN1ET

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013## :his s"all sc!ipt allo$s s to loop on the &evice thic'ness to# ext!act the channel cha!ge concent!ation ve!ss &evice thic'ness#go inte!nal


s$eep pa!a"ete!=th type=list &ata=-0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025-

save type=s&* ot%=gan%etex01.&at

tonyplot gan%etex01.&at set gan%etex01.set

CV Anal&sis O Thin Gate Oxide PMOS Ca#acitor

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas


x." l=0 spac=1x." l=1 spac=1

y." l=0.0035 spac=0.001y." l=0 spac=0.0001y." l=0.1 spac=0.02y." l=0.5 spac=0.2

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!egion n"=1 silicon y."in=0!egion n"=2 oxi&e y."ax=0

elect!o&e na"e=gate topelect!o&e s*st!ate

&oping ni%o!" conc=1e1? n.type

save ot%=8ant"!

go atlas

"esh in%=8ant"!contact na"e=gate n.poly

"o&els cvt s!h p!intotpt con.*an& val.*an& t.8ant"

"etho& ca!!=2 "axt!ap=10solve ot%ile=8ant"ex019te"! "aste!log ot%=8ant"ex0191.logsolve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v%inal=5 na"e=gate ac %!e8=1e6 &i!ectsave ot%=8ant"!log o%%

loa& in%ile=8ant"ex019te"! "aste!solvelog ot%=8ant"ex0192.logsolve vgate=0 vstep=0.2 v%inal=2 na"e=gate ac %!e8=1e6 &i!ectsave ot%=8ant"!

go atlas

"esh in%=8ant"!contact na"e=gate n.poly

"o&els cvt s!h p!int 8ant"otpt con.*an& val.*an& t.8ant"

"etho& ca!!=2 "axt!ap=10solve ot%ile=8ant"ex019te"! "aste!log ot%=8ant"ex0193.logsolve vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v%inal=5 na"e=gate ac %!e8=1e6 &i!ect

save ot%=8ant"!log o%%

loa& in%ile=8ant"ex019te"! "aste!solvelog ot%=8ant"ex0194.logsolve p!ev vgate=0 vstep=0.1 v%inal=2 na"e=gate ac %!e8=1e6 &i!ectsave ot%=8ant"!

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tonyplot ove!lay 8ant"ex0191.log 8ant"ex0192.log8ant"ex0193.log 8ant"ex0194.log set 8ant"ex0191.settonyplot ove!lay 8ant"! 8ant"! set8ant"ex0192.set

ext!act init in%=-8ant"ex0191.log-

ext!act na"e=-tox9cl- (3.+.5e101.0e4)"ax(c.-gate--s*st!ate-)

ext!act init in%=-8ant"ex0193.log-ext!act na"e=-tox98"- (3.+.5e101.0e4)"ax(c.-gate--s*st!ate-)


Channel 7anti6ation in a P*EMT

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas"esh space."lt=1.0x." l=0.0 s=0.05x." l=0.1 s=0.05x." l=0.3 s=0.02x." l=0. s=0.02x." l=1.0 s=0.05x." l=1.1 s=0.05

y." l=0.0 s=0.025y." l=0.01 s=0.004y." l=0.11 s=0.0025y." l=0.124 s=0.00025y." l=0.125 s=0.00025y." l=0.130 s=0.001

y." l=0.143 s=0.0025y." l=0.600 s=0.025

!egion n"=1 "ate!ial=AaHs y."ax=0.01!egion n"=1 "ate!ial=AaHs y."ax=0.11!egion n"=2 "ate!ial=HlAaHs y."in=0.11 y."ax=0.124"p=0.20!egion n"=3 "ate!ial=HlAaHs y."in=0.124 y."ax=0.125"p=0.20!egion n"=4 "ate!ial=HlAaHs y."in=0.125 y."ax=0.130"p=0.20!egion n"=5 "ate!ial=InAaHs y."in=0.130 y."ax=0.145"p=0.5!egion n"=6 "ate!ial=AaHs y."in=0.145 y."ax=0.600!egion n"=? "ate!ial=ai! y."ax=0.1 x."in=0.1 x."ax=0.+

elec n"=1 na"e=so!ce y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.0 x."in=0.0 x."ax=0.1elec n"=2 na"e=&!ain y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.0 x."in=1.0 x."ax=1.1elec n"=3 na"e=gate y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.1 x."in=0.3 x."ax=0.0

&oping ni%o!" n.type conc=1e14&oping ni%o!" n.type !egion=4 conc=3e1+&oping ni%o!" n.type !egion=1 conc=2.0e1

contact na"e=gate $o!'%=5.3

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"ate!ial align=0.6"o&el %l&"o* con"o* s!h p!int 8ant"

otpt con.*an& val.*an& *an&.pa!a" t.8ant""etho& "axt!ap= ca!!=1 cli"it=1e4solve 8%acto!=0.0

solve 8%acto!=0.1solve 8%acto!=0.2solve 8%acto!=0.3solve 8%acto!=0.4solve 8%acto!=0.6solve 8%acto!=0.solve 8%acto!=1.0

log ot%=8ant"ex0391.logsolvesave ot%=8ant"! "aste!

tonyplot 8ant"! set 8ant"ex0391.set

solve v&!ain=0.01solve v&!ain=0.05solve v&!ain=0.1 vstep=0.1 v%inal=3.0 na"e=&!ain

tonyplot 8ant"ex0391.log set 8ant"ex0392.set


Co.#arison o trans#ort .odels or a $o!le gate MOS1ET inclding 4ant.


# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013############################################################################### o*le gate Bos%et, co"pa!ison *et$een !i%ti%%sion an& /ne!gy<alance## "o&els. @alclation $ith <oh" Dant" potential an& %iel&&epen&ent## "o*ilities. /ne!gy <alance case %i!st.#############################################################################

go atlas"eshx." l=0.0 s=0.001x." l=0.03 s=0.001

y." l=0.0015 s=0.0001y." l=0.0 s=0.00005y." l=0.0015 s=0.0001y." l=0.0030 s=0.00005

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y." l=0.0045 s=0.0001

!egion n"=1 y."in=0 y."ax=0.0030 silicon!egion n"=2 y."ax=0 sio2!egion n"=3 y."in=0.0030 sio2

elect!o&e n"=1 na"e=gate top x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.02elect!o&e n"=2 na"e= &!ain x."ax=0 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.003elect!o&e n"=3 na"e=so!ce x."in=0.03 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.003elect!o&e n"=4 na"e=gate2 *otto" x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.02

&oping !egion=1 p.type ni%o!" conc=1.0/1&oping !egion=1 x."ax=0.01 n.type ni%o!" conc=1.0/20&oping !egion=1 x."in=0.02 n.type ni%o!" conc=1.0/20contact na"e=gate al"in"contact na"e=gate2 al"in" co""on=gate

"ate!ial !egion=2 eg300=.05 a%%inity=1.0 nc300=2.e1+ nv300=1.04e1+

"ate!ial !egion=3 eg300=.05 a%%inity=1.0 nc300=2.e1+ nv300=1.04e1+

"o&els *8p.n *8p.nga""a=1.2 *8p.nalpha=0.5 s!h %e!"i ni.%e!"i %l&"o*hcte.el evsat"o&=0

"etho& cli"it=1.0e4 *loc' cli".e*=1.0/? "ein!

otpt *an&.pa! con.*an& val.*an& t.8ant"

solve init

solve vgate=0.5 noc!!ent

solve na"e=&!ain v&!ain=0 vstep=0.005 v%inal=0.05

log ot%=8ant"ex0?9e*.logsolve na"e=gate vgate=0.5 vstep=0.02 v%inal=0.5log o%%save ot%=8ant"ex0?9e*.st!

####################################### !i%t i%%sion @alclation #######################################go atlas

"eshx." l=0.0 s=0.001x." l=0.03 s=0.001

y." l=0.0015 s=0.0001y." l=0.0 s=0.00005y." l=0.0015 s=0.0001y." l=0.0030 s=0.00005y." l=0.0045 s=0.0001

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!egion n"=1 y."in=0 y."ax=0.0030 silicon!egion n"=2 y."ax=0 sio2!egion n"=3 y."in=0.0030 sio2

elect!o&e n"=1 na"e=gate top x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.02

elect!o&e n"=2 na"e= &!ain x."ax=0 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.003elect!o&e n"=3 na"e=so!ce x."in=0.03 y."in=0.0 y."ax=0.003elect!o&e n"=4 na"e=gate2 *otto" x."in=0.01 x."ax=0.02

&oping !egion=1 p.type ni%o!" conc=1.0/1&oping !egion=1 x."ax=0.01 n.type ni%o!" conc=1.0/20&oping !egion=1 x."in=0.02 n.type ni%o!" conc=1.0/20contact na"e=gate al"in"contact na"e=gate2 al"in" co""on=gate

"ate!ial !egion=2 eg300=.05 a%%inity=1.0 nc300=2.e1+ nv300=1.04e1+"ate!ial !egion=3 eg300=.05 a%%inity=1.0 nc300=2.e1+ nv300=1.04e1+

"o&els *8p.n *8p.nga""a=1.2 *8p.nalpha=0.5 cvt s!h %e!"i ni.%e!"i

"etho& *loc' cli"it=1.0e4otpt *an&.pa! con.*an& val.*an& t.8ant"

solve init

solve vgate=0.5 noc!!ent

solve na"e=&!ain v&!ain=0 vstep=0.005 v%inal=0.05

log ot%=8ant"ex0?9&&.logsolve na"e=gate vgate=0.5 vstep=0.025 v%inal=0.5log o%%

save ot%=8ant"ex0?9&&.st!

tonyplot ove!lay 8ant"ex0?9&&.log 8ant"ex0?9e*.log set8ant"ex0?.settonyplot ove!lay 8ant"ex0?9&&.st! 8ant"ex0?9e*.st! set8ant"ex0?a.set


%and"to"!and tnneling at lo) te.#eratre

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go inte!nal

loa& in%=8ant"ex1?

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s$eep pa!a"ete!=&oping type=list &ata=-5e1,e1,1e1+,2e1+,5e1+,e1+-

save type=s&* ot%ile=8ant"ex1?.&at

tonyplot ove!lay 8ant"ex1?9e1+.log 8ant"ex1?95e1+.log

8ant"ex1?92e1+.log 8ant"ex1?91e1+.log 8ant"ex1?9e1.log8ant"ex1?95e1.log set 8ant"ex1?90.set

tonyplot 8ant"ex1?.&at set 8ant"ex1?91.set

tonyplot 8ant"ex1?.&at set 8ant"ex1?92.set


Non"local inelastic tra# assisted tnnelling in a MOS"C

# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2013go atlas"esh $i&th=1.0e4x." loc=0.0 spac=0.5x." loc=1.0 spac=0.5

y." loc=0.005 spac=0.0005y." loc=0.0 spac=0.0005y." loc=0.01 spac=0.001y." loc=0.1 spac=0.01y." loc=1.0 spac=0.1

!egion n"*e!=1 y."in=0.0 silicon!egion n"*e!=2 y."ax=0.0 y."in=0.005 oxi&e

elect!o&e na"e=gate topelect!o&e na"e=s*st!ate *otto"

&oping !egion=1 ni%o!" n.type conc=5.0e1?

# Set p t!aps %o! :!ap Hssiste& :nnelling sing &oping# state"ent $ith tat.t!ap pa!a"ete!.

&oping !egion=2 ni%o!" tat.t!ap conc=1.0e1+ accepto! sign=1.0e13sigp=1.0e13 e.level=3.0

contact na"e=gate n.poly

"ate!ial "ate!ial=oxi&e "c=0.5 "v=0.5 a%%inity=1.0?

"ate!ial "ate!ial=silicon nc300=2.?3e1+ nv300=1.02e1+

"o&els s!h %e!"i ni.%e!"i!ivs

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solve initsolve p!ev

otpt con.*an& val.*an& t!aps.%t

save ot%=8ant"!

log ot%=8ant"ex2090.log .tn

solve na"e=gate vstep=0.05 v%inal=2.0

log o%%

save ot%=8ant"!

"etho& &t."ax=1.0e2

log ot%=8ant"ex2091.log .tn .&isp

solve na"e=gate vgate=0.0 !a"pti"e=1.0e10 tstep=1.0e11 tstop=1.0e2

log o%%

save ot%=8ant"!

tonyplot 8ant"ex2090.log set 8ant"ex2090.set

tonyplot 8ant"ex2091.log set 8ant"ex2091.set

tonyplot ove!lay 8ant"! 8ant"!8ant"! set 8ant"ex2092.set