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  • 7/29/2019 Sign 128


    SIGN 128 The SIGN discharge document

    June 2012


  • 7/29/2019 Sign 128


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  • 7/29/2019 Sign 128


    Scttish Intercllegiate Gidelines Netwrk

    The SIGN discharge dcent

    Jne 2012

  • 7/29/2019 Sign 128


    The SIGN discharge dcument

    Scttish Intercllegiate Gidelines Netwrk

    Ellitt Hse, 8 -10 Hillside Crescent

    Edinbrgh EH7 5EA

    First published June 2012

    ISBN 978 1 905813 89 6

    Citatin text

    Scttish Intercllegiate Guidelines Netwrk (SIGN).

    The SIGN discharge dcument. Edinburgh: SIGN; 2012.

    (SIGN publicatin n. 128). [June 2012].

    Aailable rm URL:

    SIGN cnsents t the phtcpying this guideline r the purpse

    implementatin in NHSSctland.

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    1 Intrdctin ............................................................................................................................................................1

    1.1 The need r a SIGN discharge dcument ...........................................................................................................................1

    1.2 Remit the SIGN discharge dcument ...............................................................................................................................1

    2 The discharge dcent ......................................................................................................................................3

    2.1 The cntent the discharge dcument .............................................................................................................................3

    2.2 Use the discharge dcument ..............................................................................................................................................3

    3 The SIGN discharge dcent teplate ...........................................................................................................5

    4 Ipleenting the SIGN discharge dcent ..................................................................................................10

    4.1 Intrductin....................................................................................................................................................................................10

    4.2 Implementatin strategy ...........................................................................................................................................................10

    5 Deelpent the SIGN discharge dcent ...............................................................................................11

    5.1 Intrductin....................................................................................................................................................................................11

    5.2 The SIGN discharge dcument deelpment grup.......................................................................................................11

    5.3 Cnsultatin and peer reiew ..................................................................................................................................................12

    Abbreiatins ..........................................................................................................................................................15



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    The SIGN discharge dcumentThe SIGN discharge dcument

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    1 Intrdctin


    The preparatin and sharing accurate and timely recrds care and treatment are central aspects gd

    clinical practice and the principles gd medical practice set ut by the General Medical Cuncil (GMC)1

    will therere apply in the prisin discharge dcuments.

    Patients wh are discharged rm hspital will be discharged back int the care the general practitiner

    (GP) with whm they are registered. Essential inrmatin abut the patients stay in hspital that allws the

    GP t cntinue the patients care and management llwing their discharge rm hspital is sent by the

    hspital t the patients GP in the rm a Discharge Dcument (DD). There are currently tw rms DD

    in use: the Immediate Discharge Dcument (IDD), which shuld be sent t the GP n the day discharge,

    and a discharge summary r letter, which cntains mre detailed inrmatin abut the patients stay in

    hspital and is sent ut, ideally, within a week the patients discharge date. The cntent, structure and

    prductin (particularly the timeliness) discharge dcuments hae lng been a cause r cncern and inrder t try t address these issues, a minimum dataset r the IDD was published by SIGN in 1996 (SIGN 5)2

    and reised and updated by SIGN in 2003 (SIGN 65).3

    Impring the quality and timeliness discharge dcuments may lead t imprements in patient saety

    by impring the prcess transitin rm hspital t GP care.


    This SIGN DD replaces SIGN 65 and relects a number deelpments including adances that hae been

    made with regard t the prductin, use and transmissin electrnic dcuments within NHSSctland,

    changes in terminlgy, and the imprtance medicines recnciliatin. SIGN 5 and SIGN 65 relected the

    act that many discharge dcuments were still prduced and/r printed n paper and transmitted by pst,

    hand r ax. This update relects the act that the prductin and cmmunicatin dcuments by electrnic

    means within bth primary and secndary care is becming mre cmmn.

    Despite these deelpments, the essential cmpnents a DD remain largely unchanged with the cntent,

    quality and accuracy the inrmatin cntained in the DD and timely transmissin t the GP being the

    key aspects.


    1.2.1 ovERALL oBJECTIvES

    The aim this dcument is t present a template r a single discharge dcument that can be used as bth

    the IDD (in its cre rmat) r eery patient n the day discharge, and as the inal discharge summary/

    letter (in its extended rmat) r mre cmplex cases.

    The SIGN DD is designed r patients wh are discharged rm hspital llwing an inpatient stay, ie, a

    stay in hspital ne night r mre. It culd als, hweer, rm the basis a DD r patients receiing

    treatment n a daycase basis.

    The SIGN IDD is nt designed t cer discharges rm psychiatric care because the special inrmatin

    needs relating t this grup patients, but it culd rm the basis a DD tailred t the needs this grup.

    The SIGN DD is eectiely a minimum dataset. As such the template shuld nt limit the inrmatin prided

    and, where necessary, additinal inrmatin relating t, r example, anticipatry care planning, shuld be

    prided either in the DD r separately, as apprpriate.

    | 1


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    The SIGN discharge dcument


    The SIGN DD is releance t all hspital medical and nursing sta, allied health pressinals, general

    practitiners, cmmunity nurses, pharmacists, and uthurs serices.

    The SIGN DD is nt intended t be the sle r main surce inrmatin r patients, their carers r relaties,

    althugh mst will receie a cpy at the time discharge rm hspital.

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    2 The discharge dcent


    SIGN 5 argued the imprtance a minimum dataset as a basis r electrnic data transer and speciied such

    a dataset; SIGN 652 reined the riginal dataset t encurage imprements in the standard discharge

    dcuments in this critical area practice. It was recgnised in SIGN 65 that a minimum dataset shuld be

    eidence based and include all thse items seen as essential.3

    The SIGN DD is based n a reiew SIGN 65 by a multidisciplinary grup (see section 5.2) using an amended

    ersin the SIGN guideline deelpment prcess (see sections 5.1 and 5.3). The cntent, althugh similar

    t SIGN 65, has been reised and updated; sme existing items hae been deleted r changed, new items

    hae been added and the guidance ntes hae been reiewed and extended.


    The SIGN DD is a single discharge dcument template, with cre and extended rmats, r use within


    The cre discharge dcent (CDD), which replaces the IDD, must be prduced r all patients n the day

    discharge. In cases where the patients stay in hspital is brie and uncmplicated and where there are n

    utstanding test results r inestigatins, the CDD will be the sle discharge dcument.

    Fr mre cmplex cases where mre detailed inrmatin abut the hspital stay r llwup arrangements

    is required, r where the results tests and inestigatins are awaited, an extended discharge dcent

    (EDD) will als hae t be cmpleted. In cases where an EDD is required, the CDD, which will be retained n the

    hspital inrmatin system, can be extended and augmented by the additin mre detailed inrmatin

    in speciied ields t prduce the EDD. When an EDD is prduced it is imprtant, r audit purpses, that the

    CDD is retained n the system unchanged.

    The EDD shuld be sent ut within seen days the date discharge t ensure that the GP has all the

    inrmatin required r the nging care and management the patient. In cases where imprtant

    inrmatin, such as test results, is nt aailable within seen days, dispatch the EDD can be delayed until

    the inrmatin is aailable but this delay shuld nt exceed 14 days.

    All releant members the multidisciplinary hspital team shuld be inled in the prductin the

    CDD and the EDD. The acility t autmatically transer inrmatin rm nursing, pharmacy, physitherapy,

    ccupatinal therapy and ther releant recrds wuld greatly acilitate this prcess.


    Accurate reprting all diagnses, peratins and prcedures releant t a patients admissin is an essential

    part bth the CDD and the EDD. This inrmatin is central t the uture care and management the

    patient and essential r accurate cding and recrd keeping within hspital and general practice recrds

    systems. Clear textual descriptins these items must therere be gien.

    In additin t textual descriptins, bth the CDD and the EDD ask r standard cdes t be prided r

    these items where pssible. Hweer, there is currently n natinal deinitin standard cdes acrss

    NHSSctland with hspitals tending t use the Internatinal Statistical Classiicatin Diseases and Health

    related Prblems, tenth reisin (ICD10) and the oice Ppulatin Censuses and Sureys Classiicatin

    Surgical operatins, urth reisin (oPCS4) and general practices tending t use Read cdes. Althugh the

    adptin a single cding system (eg the Systemised Nmenclature Medicine Clinical Terms (SNoMED

    CT) acrss NHSSctland wuld greatly acilitate the transer inrmatin between, r example, hspitalsand general practices, until such a system is agreed the deinitin what cnstitutes a standard cde will

    be a matter r lcal agreement. The extent t which standard cdes are included in the CDD and EDD will

    als depend n lcal systems and prcesses.

    | 3

    The discharge dcument

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    The SIGN discharge dcument


    The accurate recrding medicines is an essential cmpnent the CDD and EDD as it has a direct impact

    n patient care and management and is an imprtant actr in impring patient saety. In the cntext

    bth the CDD and EDD, medicines recnciliatin cmprises the accurate recrding and cmparisn all

    medicines a patient was taking n admissin t hspital with thse they are taking at the time dischargerm hspital, dcumenting all changes that hae taken place. Changes can include the prescriptin

    new medicines, changes t existing medicines (such as changes t dse r requency) and the stpping

    medicines that the patient was taking at the time admissin t hspital.

    T relect the imprtance including accurate inrmatin n all new, cntinuing and stpped medicines,

    the SIGN DD nw includes separate and extended sectins r recrding this inrmatin alng with mre

    detailed guidance ntes r cmpletin.

    Sharing the discharge dcument with the patients cmmunity pharmacist is cnsidered t be an imprtant

    step in impring medicines recnciliatin at discharge and enhancing patient saety relating t medicines.

    The decisin t share the DD with the cmmunity pharmacy must, hweer, be made in accrdance with

    lcal prtcls.


    In cases where the CDD is the sle discharge dcument it must be signed by the cnsultant r senir

    dctr wh is respnsible r crdinating the care the patient at the time discharge. I cnsultant r

    senir dctr sign is nt pssible at the time discharge, an unsigned cpy the CDD shuld be sent

    n the day discharge llwed by a signed cpy within seen days discharge.

    In cases where the CDD is t be llwed by an EDD, the CDD des nt hae t be signed by the cnsultant

    r senir dctr crdinating the care the patient, althugh it is gd practice t d s wheneer pssible.

    The EDD must always be signed by the cnsultant r senir dctr respnsible r crdinating the care

    the patient at the time discharge.

    The deinitin senir dctr will be a matter r lcal agreement.

    4 |

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    3 The SIGN discharge dcent teplate

    Ite ields Ntes

    Items shwn in bld are essential

    r the cre and extended

    discharge dcument.

    Items nt in bld are desirable r

    the extendeddischarge dcument.

    The core discharge dcument (CDD) cmprises all the

    items shwn in bld and must be cmpleted r all

    patients at the tie discharge. Fr uncmplicated

    cases, this will rm the sle discharge dcument.

    The extendeddischarge dcument (EDD) cmprises all

    the items shwn in bld plus all the items nt in bld and

    shuld be cmpleted r mre cmplex cases.

    1 Hspital Nae This will be autmatically ppulated rm the hspitals

    patient administratin system (PAS).


    Patient ID CHI nber title

    renae* alternatie rename srnae* address* pstcde* date birth*

    This item will be autmatically ppulated rm the PAS.

    CHI the Cmmunity Health Index number.

    * These elds will be ppulated autmatically when the CHI

    number is entered.

    Alternatie rename the name by which the patient is

    usually knwn (i diferent rm rename).

    3 GP ID y renae

    y srnae

    y GP practice (cde)

    y address

    y pstcde

    y ther GP name

    These elds will be autmatically ppulated when the CHI

    number is entered.

    other GP name the GP respnsible r the patients

    admissin, i diferent rm abe.

    4 Cnsltant ID y renae

    y srnae

    y specialty

    y cntact details

    The cnsultant respnsible r the patient at the time


    Cntact details must be gien. This can be, r example,

    telephne number, bleep number r email address, as

    agreed lcally.

    5 Ward/


    Text The number/name the ward r department issuing the

    discharge dcument.

    6 Cntact Telephne nber This is the cntact telephne number r the ward r

    department respnsible r the discharge.

    7 Date


    Date This is the date admissin t the hspital identied in

    item 1.

    8a Date


    Date I the patient was discharged alie, recrd the date

    discharge rm the hspital identied in item 1.

    I item 8a is cmpleted, 8b must be blank.

    8b Date death Date I the patient died during admissin t the hspital

    identied in item 1, recrd the date death.

    I item 8b is cmpleted, item 8a must be blank.

    9 Priary



    y priary diagnsis (text)

    y cnred/prisinal

    y cde

    Recrd the primary discharge diagnsis releant t this

    admissin. This is the main reasn why the patient was

    admitted t hspital n this ccasin.

    y Aid acrnyms, eg, STEMI, and abbreiatins, asthese may nt be understd by the recipients,

    including patients.

    y State whether the diagnsis is cnrmed r


    y Pride standard cde(s) wheneer pssible.

    | 5

    The SIGN discharge dcument template

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    The SIGN discharge dcument

    Item Fields Notes

    10 Secndary



    y secndary diagnsis/es

    y cnred r prisinal

    y cde(s)

    Recrd any secndary diagnsis/es releant t this

    admissin. Include any releant cmrbidities that

    culd hae cntributed t r be afected by the primary

    diagnsis (eg, hypertensin in a patient admitted rstrke).

    y Aid acrnyms, eg, PvD, and abbreiatins, as these

    may nt be understd by the recipients, including


    y State whether each diagnsis is cnrmed r


    y Pride standard cde(s) whereer pssible.

    11 Presenting


    Text descriptin This is the reasn why the patient was admitted t hspital,

    eg, breathlessness, chest pain, cllapse.

    12 mde


    Electie/eergency/transer This will be autmatically ppulated rm the PAS.

    13 Srce



    serice/t--hrs serice/ther

    hspital/NHS24/ther (please


    This describes wh made the decisin t reer the patient

    t (this) hspital.

    14 Signicant



    y text descriptin

    y dates peratins/


    y cde(s)

    All signicant peratins and/r prcedures (eg,

    chemtherapy) shuld be described.

    y Aid acrnyms, eg, CABG, and abbreiatins, as

    these may nt be understd by the recipients,

    including patients.

    y Gie dates peratins/prcedures were undertaken i

    releant r llwn care.

    y Pride standard cde(s) whereer pssible.

    15 Clinical prgress y text descriptin

    y inestigatins

    y cplicatins

    y cde(s)

    y ther releant inrmatin

    Pride a descriptin what happened t the patient

    during this admissin including, as a minimum:

    y releant inestigatins perrmed

    y a descriptin any cmplicatins (medical and/

    r surgical) experienced by the patient. I nne, this

    must be stated, eg, uncmplicated appendicectmy

    and recery

    y aderse reactins t medicines (i nt cered under

    item 19) r treatments.

    Standard cdes shuld be prided whereer pssible.

    Fr extended discharge dcuments, recrd any ther

    inrmatin that is releant t the admissin and which willassist llwn care.

    16 Reslts awaited Y/N

    I Yes speciy (text)

    Speciy the type results that are awaited, eg, pathlgy,

    inestigatins, imaging, and indicatins r tests/


    17 Inestigatins



    I Yes speciy (text)

    Describe all inestigatins that are pending at the time


    18 Allergies Y/N/undeterined

    I Yes speciy (text)

    Describe all knwn allergies and the rm they take. Fr


    Allergy penicillin; reactin rash.

    Allergy peanuts; reactin anaphylaxis.

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    Item Fields Notes

    19 Stpped

    edicines n


    y nae edicine (generic

    where pssible)

    y rlatin

    y strength preparatiny crrent dse

    y rte adinistratin

    y reqency

    y reasn r stpping (text)

    Recrd all medicines that the patient was taking at the time

    admissin but was nt taking at the time discharge.

    Describe the reasn why each medicine listed here wasstpped. This shuld include inrmatin n aderse


    In cases where the rmulatin, strength, dse, rute

    administratin r requency a medicine has changed

    between admissin and discharge, the medicine shuld be

    recrded under item 19 and the new prescriptin recrded

    under item 20.

    20 New edicines

    n discharge

    y nae edicine (generic

    where pssible)

    y rlatin

    y strength preparatin

    y crrent dsey rte adinistratin

    y reqency

    y dratin treatent (stp

    date r cntine)

    y nber days spply

    y aids t cpliance (text)

    y reasn r change t

    adissin edicines

    y indicatins r new medicines

    Recrd new medicines prescribed during this hspital stay

    that are still being taken at the tie discharge. D

    nt include medicines that were nly taken (ie, that were

    started and stpped) during the patients stay in hspital.

    A new medicine is dened as:

    y any medicine that the patient was nt taking at the

    time admissin

    y any medicine that the patient was taking at the time

    admissin but r which the rmulatin, strength,

    dse, requency, r rute administratin has been

    changed. In such cases a matched recrd must appear

    under item 19.

    Duratin treatment:

    y recrd the stp date r all medicines prescribed r a

    shrt term r dened curse treatment


    recrd cntinue i the patient is t cntinue taking themedicine ater discharge and n specic stp date has

    been agreed.

    Number days supply recrd the number days supply

    each medicine that was gien t the patient, carer r

    relatie at the time discharge. I nne, recrd nne.

    Aids t cmpliance pride a descriptin any aids t

    cmpliance (eg, easypen cntainers, medicatin charts,

    cmpliance deices, medicatin management serice ia

    carer) that hae been prided t r are being used by the

    patient t aid the taking medicines. I there are nne,

    state nne.

    Reasn r change t admissin medicatin i changes

    hae been made t the rmulatin, strength, dse,

    requency r rute administratin medicines that the

    patient was taking at the time admissin, recrd the

    reasns why these changes were made.

    Indicatins r new medicines r medicines that are new,

    ie, that were nt being taken by the patient at the time

    admissin, describe what the new medicine has been

    prescribed r as this may nt be clear t the GP r patient

    rm the name the medicine alne.

    | 7

    The SIGN discharge dcument template

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    The SIGN discharge dcument

    Item Fields Notes

    21 Cntining

    edicines n


    y nae edicine (generic

    where pssible)

    y rlatin

    y strength preparatiny crrent dse

    y rte adinistratin

    y reqency

    y dratin treatent (stp

    date r nging)

    y nber days spply

    y aids t cpliance (text)

    Recrd all medicines where the admissin and discharge

    prescriptin details are the same.

    I any aspect the prescriptin has changed, themedicine must be recrded in item 19 and then the new

    prescriptin recrded in item 20. This includes changes t

    thermulatin, strength, dse, rute administratin r


    Duratin treatment:

    y recrd the stp date r all medicines prescribed r a

    shrt term r dened curse treatment

    y recrd cntinue i the patient is t cntinue taking the

    medicine ater discharge and n specic stp date has

    been agreed.

    Number days supply recrd the number days supply each medicine that was gien t the patient, carer r

    relatie at the time discharge. I nne, recrd nne.

    Aids t cmpliance pride a descriptin any aids t

    cmpliance (eg, easypen cntainers, medicatin charts,

    cmpliance deices, medicatin management serice ia

    carer) that hae been prided t r are being used by the

    patient t aid the taking medicines. I there are nne,

    state nne.

    22 llw p


    y Y/N

    y I Yes, speciy (text)

    y Text descriptin

    Speciy the type llw up that is required, stating when

    and by whm. Gie dates i knwn. Include, r example:

    y early reiew by GP


    hspital reiew (state by whm, eg, rheumatlgy)y scial wrk

    y nursing (state r what)

    y allied health pressinal (speciy which and r what)

    y luntary rganisatins (eg, Macmillan, British Heart

    Fundatin, Parkinsns UK).

    In cmplex cases, a text descriptin detailing the nature

    the llwup arrangements shuld be prided alng with

    details supprt already prided r arranged.

    23 Cpy t




    I Yes speciy (text)

    Select Yes i a cpy the discharge dcument has been

    sent t the cmmunity pharmacy and gie the name the


    24 Cpy t patient Y/N Select Yes i a cpy the discharge dcument has been

    gien t the patient.

    25 Cpy t carer/



    I Yes speciy (text)

    Select Yes i a cpy the discharge dcument has been

    gien t the patients carer r relatie and state carer/

    relatie's relatinship t patient.

    8 |

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    Item Fields Notes

    26 Extended


    dcent t


    Y/N Select Yes i this dcument rms the cre discharge

    dcument nly and an extended discharge dcument is

    t llw. This will apply t mre cmplex cases where

    all releant inrmatin was nt aailable at the time discharge.

    Fr all ther cases, select N.

    27 other


    Text Recrd any ther inrmatin cnsidered imprtant and

    releant t this patient that is nt captured elsewhere in

    the DD. This might include, r example:

    y inrmatin n medicines n admissin nt knwn r

    incmplete prir t discharge

    y inrmatin n anticipatry care planning

    y inrmatin relating t the patients understanding

    their cnditin

    y details inrmatin that has been prided t the

    patient and/r their carer r relatie

    y inrmatin n the patients tness t wrk.

    Additinal inrmatin relating specically t llwup

    arrangements shuld appear in item 22.

    28 Cnsltant

    sign-f and


    y Y/N

    y Cmment

    The cnsultant respnsible r the patient at the time

    discharge (as named in item 4) must check and sign f the

    discharge dcument (see sectin 2.2.3).

    Select yes i this is:

    y the cre discharge dcument checked and signed by

    the cnsultant n the day discharge

    y a signed replacement r a preiusly unsigned cre

    discharge dcument

    y an extended discharge dcument.

    Select n nly i this is an unsigned cre discharge

    dcument. In all such cases either a signed cre discharge

    dcument r an extended discharge dcument must

    llw within seen days discharge.

    29 Signatre and

    nae and


    y signatre

    y legible text nae

    y jb title

    y cntact telephne nber

    T be cmpleted by the respnsible persn at the time

    discharge, eg, charge nurse, senir nurse r senir medical

    staf. They are signing n behal the persn named in

    item 4 wh is respnsible r the dcument.

    | 9

    The SIGN discharge dcument template

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    The SIGN discharge dcument

    4 Ipleenting the SIGN discharge dcent

    4.1 INTRoDuCTIoN

    The SIGN DD prides a standard template r discharge dcuments acrss NHSSctland incrprating all

    the key ields required in a CDD and an EDD alng with a descriptin hw the dierent items and ields

    shuld be cmpleted. I used cnsistently acrss NHSSctland the template shuld lead t imprements in

    the quality discharge dcuments by acilitating the inclusin all key items inrmatin. Imprements

    in the quality and timeliness discharge dcuments, hweer, will be dependent upn the existence

    lcal systems and prcesses r their prductin and transmissin and it is the respnsibility NHS bards

    t ensure that these are in place.

    It is recgnised that the deelpment and use systems r the capture, use and transmissin electrnic

    inrmatin releant t the discharge dcument aries acrss Sctland, within NHS bards and between

    hspitals and lcal GP practices, and r that reasn n speciic recmmendatins are made abut hw the

    SIGN DD shuld be generated, updated and used.

    The CDD and EDD relect the minimum inrmatin that shuld be captured r bth straightrward and mre

    cmplex discharges. It can, curse, be augmented as required t relect lcal pririties and circumstances.


    1. SIGN will wrk with the eHealth lead at Healthcare Imprement Sctland, the eHealth leads in

    NHSSctland and ther releant pressinals t supprt the implementatin the SIGN DD.

    2. A crdinated apprach t implementatin will be taken in cnjunctin with ther releant initiaties

    and grups within Healthcare Imprement Sctland including:

    Natinal Clinical Data Adisry Grup

    Scttish Patient Saety Prgramme in Primary Care.

    3. An initial targeted distributin will be undertaken and the DD will be reely aailable t dwnlad rm

    the SIGN website.

    4. Awarenessraising actiities will be undertaken wheneer pssible, ia releant meetings, cnerences

    and rganisatins, including, in the irst instance:

    distributin cpies the DD at the NHSSctland eent in June 2012

    inclusin a pster at the primary care satellite eent, held as part the NHSSctland eent.

    5. Audit tls r healthcare pressinals in training and thers wrking in NHSSctland will be deelped

    t supprt audit key aspects the DD such as:

    cnsultant sign

    prprtin CDDs sent ut n the day discharge and the prprtin EDDs sent ut within

    seen days discharge

    pharmacy audit medicatin errrs.

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    5 Deelpent the SIGN discharge dcent

    5.1 INTRoDuCTIoN

    SIGN is a cllabratie netwrk clinicians, ther healthcare pressinals and patient rganisatins and

    is part Healthcare Imprement Sctland. SIGN guidelines are deelped by multidisciplinary grups

    practising clinicians using a standard methdlgy based n a systematic reiew the eidence. Further

    details abut SIGN and the guideline deelpment methdlgy are cntained in SIGN 50: A Guideline

    Deelpers Handbk, aailable at

    The SIGN DD is nt a guideline as such but an update and replacement r the IDD that rmed sectin

    3 SIGN 65. The usual prcess r guideline deelpment set ut in SIGN 50 des nt therere apply. In

    particular, a systematic reiew the literature was nt undertaken because the cntent the discharge

    dcument (in terms tpics cered) remains largely unchanged (see section 1.1.1) and the cus much

    the recent literature is n the prcesses surrunding the prductin, use and transmissin discharge

    dcuments and cnsideratin these is nt within the remit this dcument. In cmmn with the usualprcess r guideline deelpment, hweer, the reiew was cnducted by a multidisciplinary grup

    cnened speciically r this purpse and a drat the DD was sent ut r expert peer reiew and made

    publically aailable r cmment n the SIGN website prir t being inalised (see section 5.3).


    Dr Keith Brwn Chair, SIGN


    Mrs Jackie Caldwell Information Consultant, Information Services Division, Edinbugh

    Mrs Michele Caldwell Director of Pharmacy, NHS Ayrshire and Arran, Ayr

    Ms Beatrice Cant Programme Manager, SIGN

    Dr Allan Camern Consultant Physician, Glasgow Royal Infirmary

    Mr Mike Chen Community Pharmacist, Meadowbank Health Centre, Polmont

    Dr Lynne Gallway General Practitioner, Kelburn Surgery, Paisley

    Dr Claire Grdn Consultant in Acute Medicine, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

    Dr Rachel Green GP Trainee, Edinburgh

    Mr Peter Lamb Consultant Surgeon, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

    Dr Jhn McKnight Consultant Physician, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

    Dr Libby Mrris General Practitioner, Hermitage Medical Practice, Edinburgh

    Mr Richard Murray Clinical Standards Facilitator (Mental Health), Royal Edinburgh Hospital

    Pressr Aziz Sheikh Professor of Primary Care Research and Development, University of


    Dr Gregr Smith Divisional Medical Director, NHS Lanarkshire, Bothwell

    The membership the guideline deelpment grup was cnirmed llwing cnsultatin with the member

    rganisatins SIGN. All members the guideline deelpment grup made declaratins interest and

    urther details these are aailable n request rm the SIGN Executie.

    Guideline deelpment expertise, supprt and acilitatin were prided by the SIGN Executie. All members

    the SIGN Executie make yearly declaratins interest and urther details these are aailable n request.

    Lisa Birch Distribution and Office Coordinator

    Stuart Neille Publications Designer, SIGN Executive

    Gaynr Rattray Senior Guideline Coordinator, SIGN Executive

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    Deelpment the SIGN discharge dcument

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    The SIGN discharge dcument


    SIGN wuld like t acknwledge the guideline deelpment grup respnsible r the deelpment SIGN

    65 The Immediate Discharge Dcument, n which this discharge dcument is based.



    The drat SIGN DD was aailable n the SIGN website r three weeks t allw all interested parties t cmment.


    This DD was als reiewed in drat rm by the llwing independent expert reerees, wh were asked t

    cmment primarily n the cmprehensieness the dcument. The deelpment grup addresses eery

    cmment made by an external reiewer, and must justiy any disagreement with the reiewers cmments.

    All expert reerees made declaratins interest and urther details these are aailable n request rm

    the SIGN Executie.SIGN is ery grateul t all these experts r their cntributin t the discharge dcument.

    Miss Wendy Ackryd Lead Clinical Pharmacist, Mental Health, Dumfries and Galloway Royal


    Mr Andrew de Beaux Consultant Surgeon, Edinburgh Royal Infirmary

    Mrs Marg Biggs Lay representative, Falkirk

    Ms Susan Bishp National Lead Primary Care, Community and Outpatients, Scottish


    Ms Kate Burtn Public Health Practitioner, NHS Lothian

    Dr Patrick Cadigan Registrar, Royal College of Physicians, LondonPressr Jhn Cia Specialty Adviser for Medical Microbiology, Scottish Medical and

    Scientific Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Mr Graeme Cnn Specialty Adviser for Urology, Scottish Medical and Scientific Advisory

    Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Dr Wendy Craig Clinical Research Fellow and Specialist Registrar in General Surgery,

    Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

    Dr Patricia Dnald Specialty Adviser for General Practice, Scottish Medical and Scientific

    Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Dr Graham Ellis Clinical Manager, St Johns Hospital, Livingston

    Mr Clin Fergussn Community Pharmacist, Colin Fergusson Pharmacy, GlasgowMs Jann Gardner Lead Pharmacist, Acute Services, Forth Valley Royal Hospital, Larbert

    Mr Duglas Gentleman Specialty Adviser for Rehabilitation Medicine, Scottish Medical and

    Scientific Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Ms Shelley Gray Director of Policy and Communications, Long Term Conditions Alliance


    Dr Anne Hendry National Clinical Lead for Quality, The Scottish Government

    Dr Richard Herrit Consultant Immunologist, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

    Dr Liz Junr Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Edinburgh Cancer Centre, Western

    General Hospital, Edinburgh

    Dr Aileen Keel Deputy Chief Medical Officer, The Scottish Government

    Dr Graham Kramer General Practitioner, Links Health Centre, Montrose

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    Dr Diane Kelly National Lead for GP CPD, Assistant Director Collective Learning, NHS

    Education for Scotland

    Dr Jhn Paul Leach Specialty Adviser for Neurology, Scottish Medical and Scientific Advisory

    Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Advisers

    Dr Alastair Leckie Specialty Adviser for Occupational Health, Scottish Medical andScientific Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Pressr Graham Leese Specialty Adviser for Diabetes/Endocrinology, Scottish Medical and

    Scientific Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Dr Katherine Leightn Specialty Adviser for Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Scottish Medical and

    Scientific Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Dr Christpher Lush Specialty Adviser for Haematology, Scottish Medical and Scientific

    Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Dr Carrie MacEwen Specialty Adviser for Opthalmology, Scottish Medical and Scientific

    Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Mr Andy Malyn Specialty Adviser for Plastic Surgery, Scottish Medical and ScientificAdvisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Dr Alisn McCallum Specialty Adviser for Public Health, Scottish Medical and Scientific

    Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Dr Pauline McCnille Consultant Psychiatrist and Associate Director of Medical Education,

    Royal Edinburgh Hospital

    Ms Annamarie McGregr Professional Support Pharmacist, The Royal Pharmaceutical Society,

    Scottish Office, Edinburgh

    Dr Mira McGuigan Specialty Adviser for Homeopathy, Scottish Medical and Scientific

    Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Dr R M Milne Chair, Scottish Clinical Information Management in Practice (SCIMP),Edinburgh

    Dr Mini Mishra Senior Medical Officer, The Scottish Government

    Dr Clie Prestn Specialty Adviser for Palliative Medicine, Scottish Medical and Scientific

    Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Advisers

    Pressr Bill Sctt Chief Pharmaceutical Officer, The Scottish Government

    Mr Patrick Statham Consultant Neurosurgeon, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

    Pressr Alisn Strath Chair in Community Pharmacy Practice, Robert Gordon University,


    Dr Jeremy Thmas Specialty Adviser for Diabetes/Endocrinology, Scottish Medical and

    Scientific Advisory Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Ms Catherine Tully Prescribing Support Pharmacist, East Renfrewhshire Community Health

    and Care Parternship

    Dr Stee Twaddle General Practitioner, Abronhill Medical Group, Cumbernauld

    Dr Barry vallance Specialty Adviser for Cardiology, Scottish Medical and Scientific Advisory

    Committee and SGHSCD Specialty Adviser

    Mr Bruce Wilkie Principal Pharmacist, Service Development, Queen Margaret Hospital,


    Pressr Daid Wilsn Professor of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Child Life and

    Health, University of Edinburgh

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    The SIGN discharge dcument


    As a inal quality cntrl check, the discharge dcument was reiewed by an editrial grup cmprising the

    releant specialty representaties n SIGN Cuncil t ensure that the specialist reiewers cmments were

    addressed adequately and that any risk bias in the deelpment prcess as a whle was minimised. The

    editrial grup r this discharge dcument was as llws. All members the SIGN Editrial grup makeyearly declaratins interest and urther details these are aailable n request rm the SIGN Executie.

    Dr Sara Twaddle Director, SIGN; Co-Editor

    Dr Rberta James SIGN Programme Lead; Co-Editor

    Pressr Jhn Kinsella Professor and Head of Academic Unit of Anaesthesia, Pain and Critical

    Care Medicine, University of Glasgow

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    CDD cre discharge dcument

    CHI Cmmunity Health Index number

    DD discharge dcument

    EDD extended discharge dcument

    GmC General Medical Cuncil

    GP general practitiner

    ICD-10 The Internatinal Statistical Classiicatin Diseases and Related Health Prblems, tenth


    IDD immediate discharge dcument

    oPCS-4 oice Ppulatin Censuses and Sureys classiicatin surgical peratins, urth reisin

    PAS patient administratin system

    SIGN Scttish Intercllegiate Guidelines Netwrk

    SNomED-CT The Systematised Nmenclature Medicine Clinical Terms

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    The SIGN discharge dcument


    1. General Medical Cuncil. Gd Medical Practice Guidance r dctrs. Lndn, 2009

    2. Scttish Intercllegiate Guidelines Netwrk (SIGN). Interace between the hspital and the cmmunity. TheImmediate Discharge Dcument. Edinburgh: SIGN, 1996 (SIGN publicatin number 5).

    3. Scttish Intercllegiate Guidelines Netwrk (SIGN). The Immediate Discharge Dcument. Edinburgh: SIGN, 2003(SIGN guideline number 65).

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    SBN 978 1 905813 89 6

    Edinburgh Office | Elliott House | 8-10 Hillside Crescent | Edinburgh | EH7 5EATelephone 0131 623 4300 Fax 0131 623 4299

    Glasgow Office | Delta House | 50 West Nile Street | Glasgow | G1 2NPTelephone 0141 225 6999 Fax 0141 248 3776

    The Healthcare Environment Inspectorate, the Scottish Health Council, the Scottish Health Technologies Group, the ScottishIntercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) and the Scottish Medicines Consortium are key components of our organisation.