sigma-point kalman filters for integrated navigation

Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation Rudolph van der Merwe and Eric A. Wan Adaptive Systems Lab, OGI School of Science & Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University BIOGRAPHY Rudolph van der Merwe is a Senior Research Associate in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, OGI School of Science & Engineering at OHSU. He holds a BS degree (1995) and a MS degree (1998) in Electrical Engi- neering from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. In 2004 he received a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Com- puter Engineering from the OGI School of Science & Engi- neering at OHSU. His broad range of research interests in- clude probabilistic inference & machine learning as well as neural, adaptive, and machine learning approaches to signal processing, pattern recognition, robotics and autonomous control. Eric A. Wan is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, OGI School of Sci- ence and Engineering at OHSU. He received his BS (1987), MS (1988), and Ph.D. (1994) in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. His research is in algorithms and architectures for adaptive signal processing and ma- chine learning. He has ongoing projects in autonomous un- manned aerial vehicles, estimation and probabilistic infer- ence, integrated navigation systems, time series prediction and modeling, and speech enhancement. He holds several patents in adaptive signal processing and has authored over 50 technical papers in the field. ABSTRACT Core to integrated navigation systems is the concept of fus- ing noisy observations from GPS, Inertial Measurement Units (IMU), and other available sensors. The current in- dustry standard and most widely used algorithm for this purpose is the extended Kalman filter (EKF) [6]. The EKF combines the sensor measurements with predictions com- ing from a model of vehicle motion (either dynamic or kinematic), in order to generate an estimate of the current navigational state (position, velocity, and attitude). This paper points out the inherent shortcomings in using the EKF and presents, as an alternative, a family of improved derivativeless nonlinear Kalman filters called sigma-point Kalman filters (SPKF). We demonstrate the improved state estimation performance of the SPKF by applying it to the problem of loosely coupled GPS/INS integration. A novel method to account for latency in the GPS updates is also developed for the SPKF (such latency compensation is typ- ically inaccurate or not practical with the EKF). A UAV (rotor-craft) test platform is used to demonstrate the results. Performance metrics indicate an approximate 30% error re- duction in both attitude and position estimates relative to the baseline EKF implementation. INTRODUCTION In a typical integrated GPS/INS system, an EKF combines rate-gyro and accelerometer data (from an IMU) with a kinematic or dynamic model of a vehicle movement. Other sensors such as barometric altimeter or magnetic compass may also be integrated. GPS position and velocity mea- surements are then used to correct INS errors using the same EKF. The navigational state of the vehicle to be esti- mated include position, attitude, velocities, as well as INS sensor biases. In addition (for loosely coupled implementa- tions), the GPS receiver may employ its own EKF to solve position and velocity estimates (and timing) from satellite pseudorange, phase, and Doppler data. Alternatively, in a tightly coupled approach, a single EKF may be used to combine raw satellite signals with the IMU and other sen- sor measurements to make an optimal estimation of the ve- hicles navigational state. A central and vital operation performed in all Kalman filters is the propagation of a Gaussian random variable (GRV) through the system dynamics. In the EKF, the sys- tem state distribution and all relevant noise densities are approximated by GRVs, which are then propagated ana- lytically through a first-order linearization of the nonlinear

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Page 1: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

Sigma-Point Kalman Filtersfor Integrated Navigation

Rudolph van der Merwe and Eric A. Wan

Adaptive Systems Lab, OGI School of Science & Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University


Rudolph van der Merwe is a Senior Research Associate inthe Department of Computer Science & Engineering, OGISchool of Science & Engineering at OHSU. He holds a BSdegree (1995) and a MS degree (1998) in Electrical Engi-neering from the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.In 2004 he received a Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Com-puter Engineering from the OGI School of Science & Engi-neering at OHSU. His broad range of research interests in-clude probabilistic inference & machine learning as well asneural, adaptive, and machine learning approaches to signalprocessing, pattern recognition, robotics and autonomouscontrol.

Eric A. Wan is an Associate Professor in the Departmentof Computer Science and Engineering, OGI School of Sci-ence and Engineering at OHSU. He received his BS (1987),MS (1988), and Ph.D. (1994) in Electrical Engineeringfrom Stanford University. His research is in algorithmsand architectures for adaptive signal processing and ma-chine learning. He has ongoing projects in autonomous un-manned aerial vehicles, estimation and probabilistic infer-ence, integrated navigation systems, time series predictionand modeling, and speech enhancement. He holds severalpatents in adaptive signal processing and has authored over50 technical papers in the field.


Core to integrated navigation systems is the concept of fus-ing noisy observations from GPS, Inertial MeasurementUnits (IMU), and other available sensors. The current in-dustry standard and most widely used algorithm for thispurpose is the extended Kalman filter (EKF) [6]. The EKFcombines the sensor measurements with predictions com-ing from a model of vehicle motion (either dynamic orkinematic), in order to generate an estimate of the currentnavigational state (position, velocity, and attitude). This

paper points out the inherent shortcomings in using theEKF and presents, as an alternative, a family of improvedderivativeless nonlinear Kalman filters called sigma-pointKalman filters (SPKF). We demonstrate the improved stateestimation performance of the SPKF by applying it to theproblem of loosely coupled GPS/INS integration. A novelmethod to account for latency in the GPS updates is alsodeveloped for the SPKF (such latency compensation is typ-ically inaccurate or not practical with the EKF). A UAV(rotor-craft) test platform is used to demonstrate the results.Performance metrics indicate an approximate 30% error re-duction in both attitude and position estimates relative tothe baseline EKF implementation.


In a typical integrated GPS/INS system, an EKF combinesrate-gyro and accelerometer data (from an IMU) with akinematic or dynamic model of a vehicle movement. Othersensors such as barometric altimeter or magnetic compassmay also be integrated. GPS position and velocity mea-surements are then used to correct INS errors using thesame EKF. The navigational state of the vehicle to be esti-mated include position, attitude, velocities, as well as INSsensor biases. In addition (for loosely coupled implementa-tions), the GPS receiver may employ its own EKF to solveposition and velocity estimates (and timing) from satellitepseudorange, phase, and Doppler data. Alternatively, ina tightly coupled approach, a single EKF may be used tocombine raw satellite signals with the IMU and other sen-sor measurements to make an optimal estimation of the ve-hicles navigational state.

A central and vital operation performed in all Kalmanfilters is the propagation of a Gaussian random variable(GRV) through the system dynamics. In the EKF, the sys-tem state distribution and all relevant noise densities areapproximated by GRVs, which are then propagated ana-lytically through a first-order linearization of the nonlinear

Page 2: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

system. This can introduce large errors in the true poste-rior mean and covariance of the transformed GRV, whichmay lead to sub-optimal performance and sometimes di-vergence of the filter. The SPKF addresses this problemby using a deterministic sampling approach. The state dis-tribution is again approximated by a GRV, but is now rep-resented using a minimal set of carefully chosen weightedsample points. These sample points completely capture thetrue mean and covariance of the GRV, and when propagatedthrough the true nonlinear system, captures the posteriormean and covariance accurately to the 3rd order (Taylorseries expansion) for any nonlinearity. The EKF, in con-trast, only achieves first-order accuracy. Remarkably, thecomputational complexity of the SPKF is the same orderas that of the EKF. Furthermore, implementation of theSPKF is often substantially easier and requires no analyticderivation or Jacobians as in the EKF. SPKF methods haveproven to be far superior to standard EKF based estima-tion approaches in a wide range of applications in the areasof nonlinear state estimation, parameter estimation (systemidentification) as well as dual estimation (machine learn-ing) [20, 10, 25]. In this paper, we apply the SPKF frame-work to the problem of nonlinear estimation and sensor fu-sion for the GPS/INS integration.

In the first part of the paper we review the general state-estimation framework employed by all Kalman filters, af-ter which we highlight the basic assumptions and flawswith using the EKF. We then introduce and review the fun-damental development of the SPKF family of algorithms.This presentation is based on the general sigma-point ap-proach for the calculation of the posterior statistics of a ran-dom variables that undergoes a nonlinear transformation.The actual algorithmic specification of different SPKF vari-ants such as the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) [9], centraldifference Kalman filter (CDKF) [14], and numerically ef-ficient and stable square-root implementations [22, 23] aredeferred to the appendices at the end of this paper.

In the second part of the paper, we then focus on the ap-plication of the SPKF to the integrated navigation problem.We specifically detail the development of a loosely coupledimplementation for integrating GPS measurements with anIMU and altimeter within the context of autonomous UAVguidance, navigation and control. We report experimentalresults generated using both a high-fidelity UAV simula-tion system (for ground truth comparison) as well as onreal flight data using a fully instrumented XCell-90 RC he-licopter platform.


The general Kalman framework involves estimation of thestate of a discrete-time nonlinear dynamic system,

xk+1 = f (xk,vk) (1)

yk = h (xk,nk) (2)

where xk represent the unobserved state of the system andyk is the only observed signal. The process noise vk drivesthe dynamic system, and the observation noise is given bynk. Note that we are not assuming additivity of the noisesources. The system dynamic model f(·) and h(·) are as-sumed known. In state-estimation, the EKF is the stan-dard method of choice to achieve a recursive (approximate)maximum-likelihood estimation of the state xk. Given thenoisy observation yk, the recursive estimation for xk canbe expressed in the following form [12]:

xk = x−k + Kk

(yk − y−



Pxk= P−

xk− KkPyk

KTk (4)

where x−k is the optimal prediction of the state at time k

conditioned on all of the observed information up to andincluding time k − 1, and y−

k is the optimal prediction ofthe observation at time k. P−

xkis the covariance of x−

k ,and Pyk

is the covariance of yk = yk − y−k , termed the

innovation. The optimal terms in this recursion are givenby

x−k = E [f (xk−1,vk−1)] (5)

y−k = E



k ,nk


Kk = PxkykP−1


= E[(xk − x−

k )(yk − y−k )T

] ×E

[(yk − y−

k )(yk − y−k )T


where the optimal prediction x−k corresponds to the expec-

tation of a nonlinear function of the random variables xk−1

and vk−1 (see Eq. (5)). Similar interpretation holds forthe optimal prediction of the observation y−

k in Eq. (6).The optimal gain term Kk is expressed as a function ofposterior covariance matrices in Eq. (7). Note these termsalso require taking expectations of a nonlinear function ofthe prior state estimate RVs. This recursion provides theoptimal minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) linear es-timator of xk assuming all relevant random variables inthe system can be efficiently and consistently modeled bymaintaining their first and second order moments, i.e., theycan be accurately modeled as Gaussian random variables(GRVs). We need not assume linearity of the system modelf(·) and h(·).The Kalman filter calculates the optimal quantities in Eqs.(5), (6) and (7) exactly in the linear case, and can be viewedas an efficient method for analytically propagating a GRVthrough linear system dynamics. For nonlinear models,however, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) approximatesthe optimal terms as:

x−k ≈ f (xk−1, v) (9)

y−k ≈ h


k , n)


Kk ≈ Plinxkyk





Page 3: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

Figure 1 Weighted sigma-points for a 2 dimensional Gaus-sian random variable (RV). These sigma-points lie along themajor eigen-axes of the RV’s covariance matrix and com-plete captures the first and second order statistics of the RV.The height of each sigma-point indicates its relative weight.

where predictions are approximated as simply the func-tion of the prior mean value for estimates (no expectationtaken). The noise means are denoted by v and n, and areusually assumed to equal to zero. Furthermore, the co-variances Plin

xkykand Plin

ykare determined by linearizing the

system model, Eqs. (1) and (2), around the current estimateof the state and then determining (approximating) the pos-terior covariance matrices analytically for the linear sys-tem (see [12] for exact equations). This is equivalent toapplying the linear Kalman filter covariance update equa-tions to the first-order linearization of the nonlinear system.As such, the EKF can be viewed as providing “first-order”approximations to the optimal terms in Eq. (3). As men-tioned earlier, these approximations used in the EKF canresult in large errors in the estimates and even divergenceof the filter.


The sigma-point Kalman filter address the approximationissues of the EKF. This is achieved through a fundamen-tally different approach for calculating the posterior 1st and2nd order statistics of a random variable that undergoes anonlinear transformation. The state distribution is againrepresented by a GRV, but is now specified using a mini-mal set of deterministically chosen weighted sample points(See Fig. 1). These samples, called sigma-points, com-pletely capture the true mean and covariance of the priorrandom variable, and when propagated through the truenonlinear system, captures the posterior mean and covari-ance accurately to the 2nd order (Taylor series expansion)for any nonlinearity (3rd order accuracy is achieved if theprior random variable has a symmetric distribution, suchas the exponential family of pdfs.) The basic sigma-pointapproach (SPA) can be described as follows [9, 21]:

The Sigma-point Approach (SPA)

1. A set of weighted samples (sigma-points) are deter-ministically calculated using the mean and square-root decomposition of the covariance matrix of the

prior random variable. As a minimal requirement thesigma-point set must completely capture the first andsecond order moments of the prior random variable.Higher order moments can be captured, if so desired,at the cost of using more sigma-points.

2. The sigma-points are propagated through the truenonlinear function using functional evaluations alone,i.e., no analytical derivatives are used, in order to gen-erate a posterior sigma-point set.

3. The posterior statistics are calculated (approximated)using tractable functions of the the propagated sigma-points and weights. Typically these take on the formof simple weighted sample mean and covariance cal-culations of the posterior sigma-points.

To be more specific: Consider propagating a random vari-able x ∈ R

L through an arbitrary nonlinear function y =g(x). Assume x has mean x and covariance Px. To calcu-late the statistics of y, we form a set of 2L+1 sigma-pointsX i; i=0,...,2L where X i ∈ R

L. The sigma-points are cal-culated using the following general selection scheme:

X 0 = xX i = x + ζ




X i = x − ζ(√





where ζ is a scalar scaling factor that determines the spread

of the sigma-points around x and(√


iindicates the ith

column of the matrix square-root of the covariance matrixP. Once the sigma-points are calculated from the priorstatistics as shown above, they are propagated through thenonlinear function,

Yi = g (X i) i=0,...,2L (13)

and the mean and covariance of y are approximated usinga weighted sample mean and covariance of the posteriorsigma-points,

y ≈2L∑i=0

wmi Yi (14)

Py ≈2L∑i=0



j (15)

Pxy ≈2L∑i=0


wcijX iYT

j , (16)

where wmi and wc

ij are scalar weights. Note, all weightsneed not be positive valued. In fact, depending on the spe-cific sigma-point approach at hand, certain weights on thecross-terms are set equal to zero, i.e., wij = 0 for certaini, j; i = j. The specific values of the weights (w) and thescaling factors (ζ) depend on the type of sigma-point ap-proach used: These include the unscented transformation

Page 4: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

Actual (sampling) Linearized (EKF)

sigma points

true mean

SP mean

and covarianceweighted sample mean


SP covariance


true covariance

transformedsigma points


Figure 2 2D example of sigma-point approach.

[9] and the Stirling-interpolation based central differencetransformation [14] to name but two.

Note that the sigma-point approach differs substantiallyfrom general stochastic sampling techniques such asMonte-Carlo integration which require orders of magnitudemore sample points in an attempt to propagate an accu-rate (possibly non-Gaussian) distribution of the state. Thedeceptively simple sigma-point approach results in poste-rior approximations that are accurate to the third order forGaussian inputs for all nonlinearities. For non-Gaussianinputs, approximations are accurate to at least the second-order, with the accuracy of third and higher order momentsdetermined by the specific choice of weights and scalingfactors [21]. Furthermore, no analytical Jacobians of thesystem equations need to be calculated as is the case forthe EKF. This makes the sigma-point approach very attrac-tive for use in “black box” systems where analytical expres-sions of the system dynamics are either not available or notin a form which allows for easy linearization.

A simple comparative example of the sigma-point ap-proach is shown in Figure 2 for a 2-dimensional system:the left plot shows the true mean and covariance propa-gation using Monte Carlo sampling; the center plots showthe results using a linearization approach as would be donein the EKF; the right hand plots show the performance ofthe sigma-point approach (note, only 5 sigma-points areneeded for the 2D case). The superior performance of thesigma-point approach is clearly evident.

Implementing the SPKF Algorithm

The sigma-point Kalman filter is a straightforward exten-sion of the sigma-point approach to the recursive esti-mation in Eqs. (3)-(8), where the state RV is redefinedas the concatenation of the original state and noise vari-ables: xa

k = [ xTk vT

k nTk ]T . The sigma-point se-

lection scheme (Equation 12) is applied to this new aug-

mented state RV to calculate the corresponding sigma-pointset,

X ak,i; i=0,...,2L

where X a

k,i ∈ RLx+Lv+Ln . The

pseudo-code for the SPKF is given below:

• Initialization:

x0 = E[x0] , Px0 = E[(x0 − x0)(x0 − x0)T ]

xa0 = E [xa

0 ] =[

xT0 vT

0 nT0


Pa0 = E


0 − xa0)(xa

0 − xa0)T



⎡⎣ Px0 0 0

0 Rv 00 0 Rn


• For k = 1, . . . ,∞ :

1. Set t = k − 12. Calculate sigma-points:

X at =


t xat + ζ


t xat − ζ



]3. Time-update equations:

X xk|t = f (X x

t , X vt ,ut)

x−k =


wmi X x







(X xi,k|t

) (X xj,k|t


4. Measurement-update equations:

Yk|t = h(X x

k|t, X nt


k =2L∑i=0

wmi Y i,k|t

Pyk =2L∑i=0



(Y i,k|t) (Y i,k|t


Pxkyk =2L∑i=0



(X xi,k|t

) (Y i,k|t)T

Kk = PxkykP−1yk

xk = x−k + Kk

(yk − y−


)Pxk = P−

xk− KkPykKT


• Parameters: xa =[

xT vT nT]T

, X a =[(X x)T (X v)T (X n)T

]T, ζ is scaling parameter

that determines the spread of the sigma-points around theprior mean, L is the dimension of the augmented state, Rv

is the process-noise covariance, Rn is the observation-noisecovariance, and wm

i and wcij are the scalar weights.

The specific type of resulting SPKF is determined by thechoice of sigma-point selection scheme (weights & scal-ing factors) as well as the specific method by which thepropagated sigma-points are combined in order to calcu-late the posterior covariance matrices. In Appendix A we

Page 5: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

summarize two specific SPKF approaches, the square-rootunscented Kalman filter (SRUKF) [23] and the square-root central difference Kalman filter (SRCDKF) [14]. Thesquare-root implementations propagate (and update) di-rectly the square-root of the state covariance matrix, thusavoiding the need to perform a direct matrix square-rootoperation at each time step. This provides increased com-putational efficiency as well as robust numerical stability.Other variations include efficient implementations whenthe noise is assumed additive (allowing fewer sigma-pointsto be used), or for special state-transition structures (as withpure parameter estimation) [7, 21]. Note that the overallcomputational complexity of the SPKF is the same as thatof the EKF.


We now describe the application of the SPKF to the prob-lem of loosely coupled GPS/INS integration for guidance,navigation and control (GNC) of an unmanned aerial ve-hicle (UAV). Our UAV research platform (software sim-ulator, hardware-in-the-loop simulator & flight vehicle) isbased on a fully instrumented XCell-90 R/C helicopter (seeFigure 3), originally designed by MIT’s Laboratory for In-formation and Decision Systems [3]. The avionics pack-age includes an Inertial Sciences ISIS MEMS based IMU,an Ashtech G12 10Hz GPS, a barometric altimeter anda DSP Design TP400 PC104 based flight computer run-ning QNX-4. Our nonlinear control system (which requiresstate-estimates) is based on an efficient state-dependentRicatti-equation (SDRE) framework that has proven to besignificantly superior and more robust than standard LQRmethods[2, 1].

The existing GPS/INS navigation filter was based on anMIT designed high-performance hand-tuned EKF imple-mentation [4]. Our proposed estimator simply replacedthe EKF in MIT’s system with a SPKF based estimator(SRCDKF). All our experimental results in later sectionswill use the original EKF based navigation filter as a base-line reference. As a further extension, we also imple-mented a SPKF based sensor latency compensation tech-nique. We compared our SPKF based system performanceto the baseline system with specific focus on: 1) Improvedsix-degrees-of-freedom (6DOF) state estimation accuracy,2) SPKF based compensation for GPS latency, 3) Evalua-tion of improved closed-loop control envelope.

We will next discuss the UAV specific system process andobservation (measurement) models used inside our SPKFbased system.

Process Model

Even though we used a high-fidelity (70 parameters, 43states) nonlinear dynamic model of UAV movement [2] for

Figure 3 Instrumented X-Cell-90 helicopter in flight.

our UAV simulators and control system design, due to itshigh computational complexity it is not ideally suited foruse within the navigation filter loop. For this reason weopted for the standard IMU driven kinematic process modelformulation that comprises an INS mechanization compo-nent [16, 17] and a IMU sensor error model component.Because low cost MEMS based IMUs such as the one usedin our avionics system have large bias and scale factor er-rors we included these components into our state vector tobe estimated. The estimated values of these error compo-nents are then used to correct the raw IMU acceleration andgyro-rate measurements before they are used inside the INSmechanization equations of the process model. The 16 di-mensional state vector of our system is given by,

x =[

pT vT eT aTb ωT



where p = [ x y z ]T and v = [ vx vy vz ]T arethe position and velocity vectors of the vehicle in the navi-gation frame, e = [ e0 e1 e2 e3 ]T is the unity normvehicle attitude quaternion, ab = [ axb

aybazb ]T

is the vector of IMU acceleration biases, and ωb =[ pb qb rb ]T is the IMU gyro rate bias vector. Notethat we could have include a separate scale factor in addi-tion to the bias term in the state vector. However, in ourexperiments, we found it sufficient to model the combinedeffect of the bias and scale error terms as a single time-varying bias term.

The continuous time kinematic navigation equations (INSmechanization equations and error model) operating on thisstate vector and driven by the error corrected IMU measure-

Page 6: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

ments are given below:

p = v (18)

v = Cnb (a − arimu

) +[

0 0 1]T

g (19)

e = −12Ωωe (20)

ab = wabk(21)

ωb = wωbk(22)

Cnb is the direction cosine matrix (DCM) transforming vec-

tors from the body frame to the navigation frame. TheDCM is a nonlinear function of the current attitude quater-nion and is given by

Cnb =




= 2

⎡⎣ 0.5 − e2

2 − e23 e1e2 − e0e3 e1e3 + e0e2

e1e2 + e0e3 0.5 − e21 − e2

3 e2e3 − e0e1

e1e3 − e0e2 e2e3 + e0e1 0.5 − e21 − e2


⎤⎦ .

(23)The term g is the gravitational acceleration component anda and ω are the bias and noise corrected IMU accelerome-ter and gyro rate measurements, i.e.,

a = a − ab − na (24)

ω = ω − ωb − Cbnωc − nω . (25)

In the above equations a and ω are the raw measurementscoming from the IMU, na and nω are the IMU accelerationand gyro-rate measurement noise terms, and ωc is the rota-tional rate of the earth as measured in the navigation frame(Coriolis effect). In general, ωc is a function of the locationof the navigational frame relative to the earth frame andhence is time-varying as the navigation frame moves rela-tive to the earth frame. However, for our purposes (aggres-sive autonomous UAV flight within a very small airspacevolume) we assumed the navigation frame does not changerelative to the earth frame resulting in a constant ωc fora given origin location (lat/long) of our navigation frame.Ωω is a 4×4 skew-symmetric matrix [19] composed of theerror corrected IMU gyro-rate measurements, i.e.,

Ωω =


0 ωp ωq ωr

−ωp 0 −ωr ωq

−ωq ωr 0 −ωp

−ωr −ωq ωp 0

⎤⎥⎥⎦ . (26)

In Eq. (19), arimuis the IMU-lever-arm coupling com-

ponent due to the IMU not being located at the center ofgravity of the vehicle. This component can be ignored ifthe navigation filter computes the state estimate at the IMUlocation. This IMU centric navigation solution can thensimply be transformed to the center of gravity location af-ter the fact as needed by the vehicle control system.

The final components of the process model, Eqs. (21) and(22) models the time-varying nature of the IMU sensor biaserror terms. Usually, sensor error in an INS are modelled

as a zero-mean, stationary, first-order Gauss-Markov pro-cess [13]. Since the biases and scale factors of low costMEMS based IMU sensors exhibit non-zero mean and non-stationary behaviour, the errors are modelled as a randomwalk, in order to improve the tracking of these time-varyingerrors by the navigation filter. This does however requirethat the effect of these errors be observable through thespecific choice of measurement model.

The position and velocity discrete-time updates are calcu-lated by the following simple first-order Euler update

pk+1 = pk + pk · dt (27)

vk+1 = vk + vk · dt , (28)

where pk and vk are calculated using Eqs. (18) and (19)and dt is the integration time-step of the system (in our sys-tem this was dictated by the IMU rate, i.e., dt = 10ms).The quaternion propagation equation can be discretizedwith an analytical calculation of the exponent of the skew-symmetric matrix given by Stevens [19]. The discrete-timeupdate can be written as

ek+1 = exp(−1

2Ω · dt

)ek . (29)

If we further denote

∆φ = ωp · dt (30)

∆θ = ωq · dt (31)

∆ψ = ωr · dt , (32)

as effective rotations around the (body frame) roll, pitchand yaw axes undergone by the vehicle during the time pe-riod dt, assuming that the angular rates ωp, ωq and ωr re-mained constant during that interval, we can introduce the4 × 4 skew-symmetric matrix

Φ∆ = Ω · dt



0 ∆φ ∆θ ∆ψ−∆φ 0 −∆ψ ∆θ−∆θ ∆ψ 0 −∆φ−∆ψ −∆θ ∆φ 0

⎤⎥⎥⎦ . (33)

Using the definition of the matrix exponent and the skewsymmetric property of Φ∆, we can write down the follow-ing closed-form solution:



)= I cos(s) − 1



, (34)


s =12

∥∥[∆φ ∆θ ∆ψ



√(∆φ)2 + (∆θ)2 + (∆ψ)2 . (35)

See [21] for a proof of this closed-form solution. Eqs.(29) and (34) ensure (at least theoretically) that the updated

Page 7: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

quaternion ek+1 has a unit norm. However, a small La-grange multiplier term can be added to the first componentof Equation 34 to further maintain numerical stability andthe unity norm of the resulting quaternion. The resultingfinal solution for the time-update of the quaternion vectoris given by

ek+1 =[I (cos(s) + η · dt · λ) − 1



]ek .


where λ = 1 − ‖ek‖2 is the deviation of the square of thequaternion norm from unity due to numerical integrationerrors, and η is the factor that determines the convergencespeed of the numerical error. These factors serve the role ofthe above mentioned Lagrange multiplier that ensures thatthe norm of the quaternion remains close to unity [15]. Theconstraint on the speed of convergence for stability of thenumerical solution is η · dt < 1 [4].

Finally, the discrete time random-walk process for the IMUsensor error terms are given by

abk+1 = abk+ dt · wabk


ωbk+1 = ωbk+ dt · wωbk

, (38)

where wabkand wωbk

are zero-mean Gaussian randomvariables.

Note that these navigation equations are considered a directformulation, as opposed to the alternative indirect (error)formulation. This choice was made for consistency withthe MIT EKF implementation. The trade-offs between di-rect versus indirect formulations with the SPKF are cur-rently being investigated.

Observation Models

Our system made use of 2 independent avionic sensors toaid the INS: a 10Hz, 50ms latency GPS (Ashtech G12) anda barometric altimeter that measures absolute altitude as afunction of ambient air pressure. The observation modelsused in our system for these sensors (see below) are highlynonlinear, making the use of the SPKF framework againpreferable to an EKF solution.

GPS: Since our GPS antenna is not located at the samelocation in the body frame as the IMU, it not only observesthe bodies position and velocity in the navigation frame,but also the body’s attitude relative to the navigation framedue to the “lever-arm effect”. More specifically, the GPSobservation model is given by:

pGPSk = pk−N + Cn

b rgps + npk(39)

vGPSk = vk−N + Cn

b ωk−N × rgps + nvk, (40)

where pk−N and vk−N are the time-delayed (by N sam-ples due to sensor latency) 3D navigation-frame positionand velocity vectors of the vehicle, rgps is the location of

the GPS antenna in the body frame (relative to the IMU lo-cation), ωk−N are the true rotational rates of the vehicle attime k − N , and npk

and nvkare stochastic measurement

noise terms. Here the noise terms are modeled as beingtime-dependent. This is due to the fact that the accuracy ofobservations vary over time according to the current PDOPvalue of the loosely coupled GPS solution. Since the DCM,Cn

b , in Eqs. (39) and (40) are a function of the attitudequaternion, the GPS measurements provides informationnot only of the vehicles position and velocity, but also ofits attitude. This removes the need for an absolute attitudesensor such as a magnetic compass or tilt-sensor. However,this will also result in the non-observability of the IMU sen-sor errors during prolonged periods of GPS outages, whichin turn can lead to significant INS drift.

The time delay (N samples) in the GPS model equations isdue to the internal GPS processing latency inherent to allloosely coupled GPS solutions. This implies that the latestGPS measurement relates to the state of the vehicle as itwas a number of samples in the past. If the specific latencyof the GPS is small, it can (and often is) ignored. However,if the latency is significant, care must be taken when fusingthis lagged information with the current estimate of the ve-hicle’s state in the measurement update step of the Kalmanfilter.

Barometric altimeter: Ambient air pressure provides anaccurate source of sea-level altitude information. Importantsources of error are sensor quantization and measurementnoise. We used a high-end altimeter with 10−3psi (0.6 me-ters) resolution. The measurement noise was assumed tobe zero-mean, white and Gaussian. The observation modelthat incorporates these effects are:

zaltk = − 1


[ρq0 (ρ0 exp (ϕ · zk) + nza

) /ρq0



where ρ0 is the nominal air pressure at sea-level, ϕ isthe pressure decay rate with altitude constant (1.16603 ×10−4psi/m), zk is the current navigation-frame z-axis po-sition of the vehicle, ρq

0 is the air pressure quantization res-olution of the altimeter (10−3psi), zalt

k is the altimeter out-put and · is the integer flooring function. This model isnot only a nonlinear function of the state, but the measure-ment noise also effects the output altitude measurement ina non-additive fashion. Again, for such a model the use ofthe SPKF not only allows for a much simpler implemen-tation than the EKF (no analytical derivatives need to becalculated), but will also results in more accurate estima-tion results.

SPKF Based Sensor Latency Compensation

As mentioned in the previous section, when fusing latencydelayed measurements with the current best prediction ofthe vehicle’s state, care must be taken to incorporate thisinformation in a mathematically correct fashion. Previous

Page 8: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

approaches to deal with this problem either store all of thestate estimates and observations during the latency periodand then re-run the complete filter when the latency laggedobservation finally arrives, or apply accumulated correc-tion terms to the state estimate based on a time-convolvedlinearized approximation of the system [11]. The first ap-proach, although accurate incurs an exceedingly high com-putational penalty, precluding its use in real-time systems.The second approach on the other hand can be highly in-accurate if the system process and measurement equationsare significantly nonlinear.

For our SPKF based navigation filter, we derived a newapproach to deal with the latency issue based on accu-rately maintaining the relevant cross-covariance matricesacross time. These terms are needed to formulate a modi-fied Kalman gain matrix, which is used to fuse the currentprediction of the state with an observation related to a prior(lagged) state of the system. The system process model isfirst augmented such that a copy of the prior system stateis maintained across time. The observation model is alsoadapted to relate the current GPS observation to this lagged(but-maintained) state. The correct gain terms are then au-tomatically calculated inside the SPKF filter. The SPKFallows for such a simple solution due to the fact that it doesnot need to linearize the system equations when calculatingthe relevant posterior statistics. For a more detailed expo-sition of this method, see Appendix B and [21, 24].


This section presents a number of experimental resultscomparing our proposed SPKF based GPS/INS systemwith an similar system built around an EKF implementa-tion. The first set of experiments were all performed in sim-ulation using the high-fidelity MIT-Draper-XCell-90 modelbased UAV simulator platform [4]. All relevant avionicsensors (IMU, GPS, altimeter, etc.) as well as all actuatorswere accurately modeled, including effects such as GPS la-tency and IMU sensor bias errors and drift. The purposeof the simulation based experiments were both to comparethe performance of our new proposed SPKF approaches tothat of the existing EKF approach in a controlled (repeat-able) environment where the ground truth state informationis available. This allows for objective comparison of esti-mation accuracy.

The second set of experiments were performed on realflight data using telemetry recordings of actual autonomousflights performed by the UAV. Although ground truth in-formation is not available for these experiments to judgeabsolute accurate, it still allows for direct qualitative com-parison between the EKF and SPKF based systems. Spe-cific performance issues related to real world events suchas GPS outages were investigated.

Figure 4 Simulated UAV trajectory used for state estima-tion experiments.

Simulation experiments

The first simulated experiment performed was used to pro-vide quantitative comparisons between the EKF, SPKF, andlatency compensated SPKF. The helicopter was flown (insimulation) along a complex trajectory that increased in“aggressiveness” over time. Figure 4 shows a 3D repre-sentation of this flight-plan trajectory with the helicopter’strue attitude superimposed at certain intervals. The sim-ulated flight included complex acrobatic maneuvers suchas rapid-rise-and-hover, figure-eights, split-s, etc. For thisexperiment we did not “close the loop” for the flight con-trol system. In other words, the control system used thetrue known states of vehicle for the online calculation ofthe control law. The SPKF or EKF estimated state wasnot fed back to the control system. This was done to en-sure that the helicopter flew exactly the same flight profilewhen comparing the performance of the different estima-tors. Again, the repeatability and access to the ground truthis what makes the high-fidelity simulation environment soattractive for these initial investigations.

Table 1 compares the average root-mean-square (RMS) es-timation errors for the three different state estimators. Wealso show (in brackets) the relative error reduction percent-age for each of the two SPKF estimators compared to theEKF. The normal SPKF is able to reduce the 3D positionand velocity estimation errors by about 10% and the rolland pitch angle estimation errors by about 20%.

The biggest improvement over the EKF, 55%, is in the esti-mation of the yaw (heading) angle. The GPS latency com-pensated SPKF goes even further with a 33% reduction inposition, velocity, roll angle and pitch angle errors. Theyaw angle error reduction is again the highest at 65%. Werepeated this experiment numerous times with different ini-tializations and realizations of measurement noise as wellas flying different flight trajectories and all of the resultsconsistently confirmed the same relative performance be-tween the different estimators as presented in this experi-ment. Clearly, even though the normal SPKF already out-

Page 9: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

Table 1 UAV state estimation results : EKF vs. SPKF (with and without GPS latency compensation). The table reports average(over complete flight trajectory) root-mean-square (RMS) estimation errors for the EKF, SPKF (without GPS latency compen-sation) and SPKF (with GPS latency compensation) for the simulated flight shown in Figure 4. The estimation error reductionpercentages are shown for all filters (relative to EKF).

Algorithm Average RMS Errorposition velocity Euler angles (degrees)

(m) (m/s) roll pitch yaw

EKF 2.1 0.57 0.25 0.32 2.29SPKF (without latency compensation) 1.9 (10%) 0.52 (9%) 0.20 (20%) 0.26 (19%) 1.03 (55%)SPKF (with latency compensation) 1.4 (32%) 0.38 (34%) 0.17 (32%) 0.21 (34%) 0.80 (65%)

0 50 100 150 2000





53D position error


0 50 100 150 2000




23D velocity error







3D Position Error

3D Velocity Error


0 50 100 150 2000




Absolute Pitch Angle Error



0 50 100 150 2000





Absolute Roll Angle Error



0 50 100 150 2000




Absolute Yaw Angle Errors










Figure 5 State estimation results - SPKF vs EKF (RMS er-ror): [top] 3D position (32% error reduction). [2nd from top]3D velocity (34% error reduction). [middle] pitch (34% er-ror reduction). [2nd from bottom] roll (32% error reduction).[bottom] yaw (65% error reduction).

performs the EKF (as expected), correctly accounting forGPS latency is well worth the extra effort.

In order to clearly illustrate the difference in estimation per-formance between the EKF and the (latency compensated)SPKF we present the results of another run of the samesimulation experiment, this time only showing the EKF andlatency-compensated SPKF implementation plots. The po-sition and velocity estimation errors are shown in the toptwo plots of Figure 5 and the Euler angle estimation errorsare shown in the bottom three plots. As before the SPKFclearly outperforms the EKF with the largest improvementagain evident in the yaw (heading) angle estimation error.Figure 5 indicates how the EKF has a very large error inthe yaw estimate for the first 80 seconds of the flight. Thisis due to a significant initial error in the underlying IMUbias error estimates. Even though the EKF and SPKF fil-ters were initialized with exactly the same initial state esti-mates, the SPKF was able to converge to the true biases inthe IMU measurements much quicker and then track themmore accurately. This result has been corroborated inde-pendently in [18] (experiments focused on in-flight IMUalignment). This contributes (among other things) to moreaccurate Euler angle estimates. Although the average yawestimate error improvement for the SPKF over the wholetrajectory is 65%, this value does not accurately reflect theexpected steady-state (after bias convergence) performanceof the SPKF. Discounting this period, the average error im-provement after bias convergence (t > 80s) is 43%. Thesteady-state error improvement of the SPKF over the EKFis thus 32%, 34% and 43% respectively for the roll, pitchand yaw angle estimates.

Another interesting performance characteristic to note fromthe Euler angle estimates in Figure 5 are the frequent highpeaks in the EKF’s estimation error plots. These coincidewith the onsets of aggressive maneuvers (banking, turns,rapid climbs, etc.) that pushes the vehicle into regimes ofincreased nonlinear response. The linearization errors ofthe EKF will therefore be more severe at these times result-ing in poor estimation performance and increase estimationerror. In contrast the SPKF is able to deal with these in-creased nonlinearities quite satisfactorily.

Page 10: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

In the second set of simulated experiments we “closed theloop” in the GNC system by feeding the estimated statesback to the SDRE control system. In other words, the ve-hicle control commands will now be a function of the esti-mates generated by either the EKF or SPKF estimator andnot of the “true” vehicle states. This mimics (in simula-tion) the true interdependency between the estimation andcontrol system as would occur in the real flight hardwareduring a fully autonomous flight. The helicopter is com-manded to perform an aggressive high speed nose-in turn.This maneuver requires the helicopter to fly along an imag-inary circular trajectory while constantly pointing its nosetowards the exact center of the circle. Accurate position,velocity and especially yaw angle estimates are needed tofollow the desired flight plan with the desired attitude. Fig-ure 6 shows the results of this experiment for both the EKFand SPKF. The desired flight trajectory is indicated by thered curve, the true realized trajectory in blue and the es-timated trajectory in green. The true attitude of the he-licopter is indicated by periodic renderings of the vehicleitself along the flight path. Clearly for the SPKF case theestimated trajectory is not only close to the true trajectory(small estimation error), but the true trajectory is close tothe desired trajectory which indicated good control perfor-mance. The EKF plots clearly shows worse performanceaccording to both these criteria. Also evident from the plotsis the much improved yaw angle tracking performance ofthe SPKF system compared to the EKF system. The heli-copter renderings for the EKF indicate that the nose is notconsistently pointing at the true center of the desired cir-cle. The SPKF system, on the other hand, does much betterin estimating and realizing the correct yaw attitude for thismaneuver. EKF.

Real flight data experiments

Figure 7 shows the estimation results of the SPKF com-pared to the EKF based system on real flight telemetry. TheUAV was flown under pilot guidance to a specified altitudeat which point the system was switched over to fully au-tonomous flight. The autonomous flight plan was as fol-lows: First the UAV held steady in hover for a number ofseconds, after which it flew a square trajectory at a constantaltitude of about 55-60 meters. Since no ground truth sig-nal is available for absolute error comparison, we need toevaluate the results on more subjective terms. For this pur-pose, a top-down (2D) projection of the estimation resultsis quite insightful (see Figure 8).

Notice the significant number of GPS outages that occurredduring the pilot guided ascent to the hovering altitude (s-shaped curve). Clearly the SPKF appears to more accu-rately track the (assumed) true underlying trajectory dur-ing this outage period. The EKF generated position esti-mate exhibits an erratic jump just before the GPS measure-ments becomes available again (see Figure 8 at coordinates



Figure 6 Closed-loop control performance comparison.
















y (m) : East

3D Position

x (m) : North

z (m

) : A




Figure 7 Estimated 3D position of test flight. The UAVlifted off and flew a complex sweeping S-maneuver until itreached its hover altitude at about 50m. At this point it hov-ered for a number of seconds after which it attempted to flya horizontal square-profile. After the square was completedit hovered again for a number of seconds and then landed.

Page 11: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

-60 -40 -20 0 20 400






y (m) : East

x (m

) : N



Figure 8 Estimated 2D position of test flight (top view)

40,−60). Figure 9 shows the effect of this on the sepa-rate north, east and down components of the estimated 3Dposition. This error is due to the inherent nature of theINS solution (derived from integrating the bias compen-sated IMU gyro and accelerometer data) to drift during pe-riods of GPS outage. Since the SPKF performs a more ac-curate time-update during these periods than the EKF, andpossibly also more accurately tracks the underlying IMUbiases, the resulting SPKF estimates appear more robust toGPS outages in general. We are still investigating theseclaims further.


In this paper we presented a method for integrated naviga-tion based on the sigma-point Kalman filter. The SPKFprovides superior performance over the current industrystandard, EKF, by better accounting for nonlinearities andaccommodating asynchronous and lagged sensor measure-ments. The computational complexity of the SPKF isequivalent to the EKF. While performance comparisonswere based on a specific UAV rotor craft platform, the gen-eral implementation of the navigation filter and SPKF ap-proach makes it applicable to general integrated navigationsystems, with performance gains expected independent ofthe vehicle or specific sensors used.

We continue to investigate trade-offs between direct andindirect navigation equations, alternative quaternion repre-sentations, ability to track scale and bias, as well as ro-bustness to GPS outages. Additional extensions include atightly-coupled integration approach and additional sensoraugmentations. We are also investigating the utility of re-placing the higher-end IMU in our INS system with a low-

260 265 270 275







260 265 270 275-80










260 265 270










Figure 9 Estimated position (North, East and Down) duringtest flight (EKF vs. SPKF).

cost IMU (<$1000). Such IMUs typically have worse errorperformance (higher bias, scale-factor & drift), which canhopefully be compensated through the enhanced estimationperformance of the SPKF based system.


This work was supported in part by the following grants:NSF ECS-0083106 & ONR-FNC N0014-02-C-0248. Theauthors would like to thank Geoff Harvey and Dr. Alexan-der Bogdanov for assistance with the UAV platform anddata collection.

Page 12: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation


This section provides the algorithmic pseudo-code for twodifferent numerical robust and efficient square-root SPKFimplementations [22, 23] . The first is based on the un-scented transformation (a SPA scheme proposed by Julier& Uhlman[9]) and is called the square-root unscentedKalman filters (SR-UKF). The second SPKF is based onthe central-difference transformation (a SPA scheme pro-posed separately by Norgaard et al. [14] and Ito et al.[8])and is called the square-root central difference Kalman fil-ters (SR-CDKF).

Square-Root UKF (SRUKF)

• Initialization:

x0 = E [x0] , Sx0 =√

E[(x0 − x0)(x0 − x0)T ]

xa0 = E [xa] =

[x0 v n


Sa0 =

√E [(xa

0 − xa0)(xa

0 − xa0)T ]


⎡⎣ Sx0 0 0

0 Sv 00 0 Sn


• For k = 1, . . . ,∞ :

1. Set t = k − 1

2. Calculate sigma-points:

X at =


t xat + γSa


t − γSaxt

]3. Time-update equations:

X xk|t = f (X a

t , X vt ,ut)

x−k =


wmi X x



= qr[√


(X x1:2L,k|t − x−



xk= cholupdate


xk, X x

0,k|t − x−k , w


Yk|t = h

(X xi,k|t, X n



k =


wmi Y i,k|t

4. Measurement-update equations:

Syk = qr[√


(Y1:2L,k|t − y−k

)]Syk = cholupdate

Syk , Y0,k|t − y−

k , w(c)0

Pxkyk =2L∑i=0


(X xi,k|t − x−


) (Y i,k|t − y−k


Kk =(Pxkyk/ST



xk = x−k + Kk

(yk − y−


)U = KkSyk

Sxk = cholupdateS−


• Weights & parameters: γ =√

L + λ, wm0 = λ/(L + λ),

wc0 = wm

0 + (1 − α2 + β), wci = wm

i = 1/[2(L + λ)] fori = 1, . . . , 2L. λ = α2(L + κ) − L is a compound scalingparameter, L is the dimension of the augmented state-vector,0 < α ≤ 1 is the primary scaling factor determining the ex-tent of the spread of the sigma-points around the prior mean.Typical range for α is 1e − 3 < α ≤ 1. β is a secondaryscaling factor used to emphasize the weighting on the zerothsigma-point for the posterior covariance calculation. β canbe used to minimize certain higher-order error terms basedon known moments of the prior RV. For Gaussian priors,β = 2 is optimal. κ is a tertiary scaling factor and is usuallyset equal to 0. In general, the optimal values of these scalingparameters will be problem specific. For more detail on howto choose them, see [10].

• General notes: The augmented state vector and sigma-pointvector is given byxa =

[xT vT nT

]T, X a =[

(X x)T (X v)T (X n)T]. Sv =

√Rv and Sn =√

Rn where Rv and Rn are the process-noise andobservation-noise covariance matrices.

• Linear-algebra operators (See [5, 21] for more detail):√·:

matrix square-root using lower triangular Cholesky decom-position. qr(A): lower-triangular part of R matrix result-ing from economy QR decomposition of data-matrix A.cholupdate R,U,±ν: N consecutive rank-1 Choleskyup(down)dates of the lower-triangular Cholesky factor Rby the N columns of

√νU. / : Efficient least-squares

pseudo inverse implemented using triangular QR decompo-sition with pivoting.

Square-Root CDKF (SRCDKF)

• Initialization:

x0 = E [x0] , Sx0 =√

E[(x0 − x0)(x0 − x0)T ]

• For k = 1, . . . ,∞ :

1. Set t = k − 1

2. Calculate sigma points for time-update:

xavt =

[xt v

], Sav

t =

[Sxt 00 Sv

]X av

t =[

xavt xav

t + hSavt xav

t − hSavt

]3. Time-update equations:

X xk|t = f (X x

t , X vt ,ut)

x−k =


wmi X x



= qr[√


(X x1:L,k|t − X x




(X x1:L,k|t + X x

L+1:2L,k|t − 2X x0,k|t


Page 13: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

4. Calculate sigma-points for measurement update:

xank|t =


k n]

, Sank|t =



0 Sn


X ank|t =


k|t xank|t + hSan

k|t xank|t − hSan


5. Measurement-update equations:

Yk|t = h(X x

k|t, X nk|t


k =2L∑i=0

wmi Y i,k|t

Syk = qr[√


(Y1:L,k|t − YL+1:2L,k|t)



(Y1:L,k|t − YL+1:2L,k|t − 2Y0,k|t)]

Pxkyk =√

wc11 S−


[Y1:L,k|t − YL+1:2L,k|t]T

Kk =(Pxkyk/ST



xk = x−k + Kk

(yk − y−


)U = KkSyk

Sxk = cholupdateS−


• Weights: wm

0 = (h2 − L)/h2, wmi = 1/(2h2), wc1

i =1/(4h2) and wc2

i = (h2 − 1)/(4h4) for i=1,...,2L whereh ≥ 1 is the scalar central difference interval size whichis optimally set equal to the square-root of the kurtosis ofthe prior random variable [14]. For Gaussian prior RVs, theoptimal value is h =

√3. The scaling factor h in the CDKF

plays the same role of α in the UKF, i.e., it determines thespread of the sigma-points around the prior mean. L is thedimension of the augmented state vector.

• Other parameters: Sv =√

Rv and Sn =√

Rn where Rv

and Rn are the process-noise and observation-noise covari-ance matrices.

• General note: Here we again augment the system state withthe process noise and observation noise vectors (vk and nk)as we did for the UKF. For the CDKF, however, we split thisaugmentation between the time-update and measurement-update, i.e., for the time-update the augmented state vectorand augmented covariance matrix is given by

xavk =


k vTk

]T, Pav

k =

[Pxk 00 Rv


and by

xank =


k nTk

]T, Pan

k =

[Pxk 00 Rn


for the measurement-update. Accordingly the sigma-pointvectors are given by: X av =

[(X x)T (X v)T


X an =[

(X x)T (X n)T]T

. Note: (·)2 is shorthandfor the vector outer product, i.e., a2 .

= aaT .


In order to accurately fuse a N -sample lagged innovationvector yk−N = yk−N − y−

k−N with the current predictionof the system state x−

k , the Kalman update formulation ofEq. (3) is re-written as

xk = x−k + Kk,N yk−N . (42)

In Eq. (42) the Kalman gain is again expressed in terms ofthe correct covariance terms, i.e.,

Kk,N = Pxkyk−NP−1

yk−N, (43)

where Pxkyk−Nand Pyk−N

are calculated by propagatingsigma-points drawn from Pxkxk−N

and Pxk−N(and cor-

responding lagged mean xk−N ) through the observationfunction h(·) and applying the standard SPKF covariancecalculation formulation of Eqs. (16) and (15). The optimallagged observation prediction is given by

y−k−N = E



k−N ,nk−N


which is also calculated using the standard sigma-pointpropagation technique of Eq. (14) after sigma-points weredrawn from xk−N ,Pxk−N


The key insight here is that we need to accurately maintainthe lagged state estimate xk−N as well as the correct laggedcovariance and cross-covariance estimates Pxkxk−N


within the SPKF as the system evolves from timek − N to the current time k. Note that Pxkxk−N

corre-sponds to the cross-covariance-over-time between the sys-tem state at time k − N and the current time k, i.e.,Pxkxk−N

= E[(

xk − x−k

) (xk−N − x−


)T]. This can

be achieved within the SPKF framework by augmentingthe state vector at time k − N with the lagged state xlag =xk−N , i.e.,

x(a)k−N =




and then redefining the process models as

x(a)k−N+1 = f


k−N ,vk−N


[f (xk−N ,vk−N )







and the observation model (which is only valid at time k)by

y∗k = h


k ,nlag

)= h (xlag,nlag) (47)

= h (xk−N ,nk−N ) .

Page 14: Sigma-Point Kalman Filters for Integrated Navigation

Note that y∗k = yk−N , i.e., an observation of the system

state at time k − N which is received at time k. Usingthis redefined state and process model from time k − Nto k within the normal SPKF framework will result in thefollowing prediction of the state mean and covariance attime k, just before the lagged measurement is fused:

x(a)−k =























Sigma-points are now drawn from this prior distribution ofthe augmented state and propagated through the redefinedobservation model (Eq. (47)) in order to calculate


(a)k yk−N



PTxk−N yk−N


and Pyk−Nusing the standard SPKF framework of Eqs.

(16) and (15). These terms can then be used to compute thecorrect Kalman gain

Kk,N = Px

(a)k yk−N





Pxk−N yk−NP−1



needed to fuse the lagged measurement when it is receivedat time k.


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