sights of iceland

Sights of Iceland By Jeanette Kulick Moyan Brenn; Iceland; Flickr | Hot to Trot; Fire & Ice; Janet Rodgers

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Page 1: Sights of iceland

Sights of Iceland

By Jeanette Kulick

Moyan Brenn; Iceland; Flickr | Hot to Trot; Fire & Ice; Janet Rodgers

Page 2: Sights of iceland

A church of impressive height measuring at 244 feet, Hallgrímskirkja parish church is an architectural masterpiece based on another Icelandic natural wonder known as the Black Falls.


Daniel Williams; Hallgrímskirkja; Flickr | Foxteh; Hallgrímskirkja; Flickr | Svartifoss; Pietro Izzo; Flickr

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Located in Grindavík, the Blue Lagoon is a geothermal spa that is an average of 98 - 102 F. Minerals like silica and sulphur give the water its color and can help people suffering from skin diseases.

Blue Lagoon

Andrew Rhodes; Untitled; AndrewRhodesPhoto | Jonathan Percy; We All Want…; Flickr | Anonymous; WhenOnEarth

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A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Þingvellir National Park is a historical site where the Icelandic parliament (The Alþingi) was first formed in 930 AD, making Iceland’s parliament the oldest running parliament in the world.


Adam Groffman Untitled; TravelsOfAdam | Moyan Brenn; Gullfoss; Flickr | Anonymous; VisitIceland

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An infamously active stratovolcano, Hekla became known as the “Gate to Hell” in the Middle Ages. It has produced the largest amount of lava in the world in the last millenium and is set to erupt again this year.


Gaetan Semet; Hekla; Xeberon | Alexandre Deschaumes; Silver and Gold; 500px | Anonymous; NextTripTourism

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Located in Vatnajökull National Park, the ice caves are temporary structures formed under a glacial lake. New ones are formed every winter, the only time it’s safe to enter the caves.

Skaftafell Ice Cave

Return of Ice Age; Anonymous; Flickr | Anonymous; TravelForSomeday | Brauche; Untitled; Brauchele

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It’s a beautiful natural phenomenon that only occurs in the far north. Though it can happen in many locations other than Iceland, the landscape makes it seem even more beautiful. It occurs only from late fall to early spring.

Aurora Borealis

Moyan Brenn; Iceland; Flickr | Stephane Vasser; Untitled; Flavorwire | Anonymous; ExtremeIceland

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A glacier that is also another volcano, it may be even more active than Hekla, erupting in 2010 and disrupting almost the entirety of air traffic in and out of Europe for a week. It is also apparently a GIANT DEATH VOLCANO.


Anonymous; HuffingtonPost | Anonymous; HelpTheWordsEscape | Peter Vancoillie; Untitled; Flickr

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Admiring native animals is very useful for helping to ignore the giant death volcano. Not as useful if you fail to keep them away from the giant death volcano.

Cute animals

KRediske; Untitled; LivingRuthless | Anonymous; Lists10 | Orvaratli; The Icelandic Horse; EarthShots

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THE ENDGo to Iceland.(Just stay away from the giant death volcano.)

Anonymous; 123rf