sifi transition house

SiFi T ransition House SpringField – Providing a Sanctifying Influence in the city of Springfield and making a Future Investment in the lives of women  who are precious and valuable in His sight

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SiFi Transition HouseSpringField – Providing aSanctifying Influence in the city of 

Springfield and making a FutureInvestment in the lives of women who are precious and valuable inHis sight

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Sanctifying Influence

• SiFi is based on the conviction that disciples of Christ are called to make disciples (Mt. 28:19-20)▫ This commitment goes beyond just “conversion


▫ This commitment involves living life together andpouring our lives into one another—especially those who are young in the faith or have not yetaccepted Christ

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• SiFi is based on the conviction that Christians areneeded to be a light in the dark places and to reversethe Sodom and Gomorrah tragedy ▫ Sodom Remixed – Sodom and Gomorrah were

destroyed because of their immorality, their unjusttreatment of the poor and marginalized in their midst,

and because there were not enough righteous peopleliving in the city.▫ In other words, they did not have a sanctifying

influence through which God would stem and reversethe tide of evil that was consuming them.

▫ Our passion for Springfield is purposely, strategically and intentionally to place those who have been“declared righteous” based on the finished work of Christ into the city of Springfield.

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Future Investment

• The SiFi transition home is a home established for women who need a new beginning and want to

reorient their lives to be purposeful and meaningfuland to be a positive influence on those around them

• The transition home is run by Christian women“living life together” (approximately 6-8 women)

•  An invitation will be extended to women on thestreets or coming out of the Clark County Jail to joinus and “live life” with us for approximately 6 months

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Logistics of Future Investment

• The following components are included▫  Worship and time in the Word and prayer


▫ Regular meals together

▫ Mentoring from “older women” from local

churches Life skills training and modeling

▫ Job trainingSewing/alterations, gardening, canning, marketing,

cosmetology, renting/selling prom dresses, etc.

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Funding• Donations from local churches and individuals will be

utilized for the following

▫ Paying down the mortgage on the home Eliminating mortgage payments will free up rent money toinvest in the women and updates/maintenance of the home

▫ Updates for the homeNew layer on the roof 

New windows are needed to be more cost-effectiveUpdates on the furnace would also bring down utility costs

▫ Scholarships for the womenEducation and job training scholarshipResources/equipment needed for training

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Networking• SiFi desires to connect with other Christ-centered

ministries in Springfield that are reaching out to women, e.g.:▫ CitiLookout - Free counseling available

Required for each member▫ Bridges of HopeSimilar vision but for single women with children

▫ Circles/Think Tank ▫ Project Woman

 Also focuses on job training and equipping women▫ Changing Lives Now Provides housing for women in extreme need of 

rehabilitation (substance abuse)

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