sici explorer: situation monitoring of cities in social media streaming data

SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data Third ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Databases and Social Networks (DBSOCIAL 2013), in conjunction with SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA. International Workshop on Mining Urban Data (MUD`14), in conjunction with EDBT 2014, Athens, Greece. Andreas Weiler , Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl Database and Information Systems Group University of Konstanz, Germany

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SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data. Andreas Weiler , Michael Grossniklaus , and Marc H. Scholl Database and Information Systems Group University of Konstanz, Germany. International Workshop on Mining Urban Data (MUD`14), - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data

Third ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Databases and Social Networks (DBSOCIAL 2013), in conjunction with SIGMOD 2013, New York, NY, USA.

International Workshop on Mining Urban Data (MUD`14), in conjunction with EDBT 2014, Athens, Greece.

Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl

Database and Information Systems GroupUniversity of Konstanz, Germany



Continuous tracking and exploration of the evolution of emotions and topics within and about cities

Identify interesting points in time for changing sentiment and new evolved topics

Differentiate between the situation within and about the area

SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data – Andreas Weiler


Boston 15th April’13

SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data – Andreas Weiler


Boston 15th April’13

SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data – Andreas Weiler


Boston 15th April’13

SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data – Andreas Weiler


Boston 15th April’13

SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data – Andreas Weiler


Washington 3rd October’13

SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data – Andreas Weiler


Thank You for listening. See you at my poster!

Andreas WeilerDBIS Group, University of [email protected]

SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data – Andreas Weiler